Northern Cape Nature Conservation Act, 2009

Act 9 of 2009

Northern Cape Nature Conservation Act, 2009

Northern Cape
South Africa

Northern Cape Nature Conservation Act, 2009

Act 9 of 2009

ACTTo provide for the sustainable utilisation of wild animals, aquatic biota and plants; to provide for the implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; to provide for offences and penalties for contravention of the Act; to provide for the appointment of nature conservators to implement the provisions of the Act; to provide for the issuing of permits and other authorisations; and to provide for matters connected therewith.BE IT ENACTED by the Northern Cape Provincial Legislature, as follows:-

Chapter 1
Interpretation and definitions

1. Interpretation

(1)In this Act, unless the context otherwise indicates -"adequately enclosed", in relation to land, means enclosed by -(a)a fence, wall or obstruction of any kind whatsoever forming an enclosure from which any wild animal of a species specified in a permit issued in terms of section 24 is unable to escape without breaking it;(b)a natural boundary through or over which any wild animal of a species so specified will not pass under normal circumstances; or(c)a combination of fences, walls, obstructions or boundaries referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) so that any wild animal of a species so specified cannot escape from such land and "sufficiently enclosed" has a similar meaning;"agricultural land" means land falling outside the boundaries of a township;"angle" means the catching of fish in an aquatic system by means of a line and hook, whether or not any rod, bait or lure is used, or by means of a set line, and includes any such attempt or assistance, but does not include the catching of fish in such waters by jigging or snatching it;"animal" includes the whole animal, as well as the ova or sperm thereof and any other propagule thereof or any part of the animal, whether dead or alive, and "fauna" has a corresponding meaning;"aquatic growth" means vegetation which grows or is able to grow in an aquatic system;"aquatic system" -(a)means an area associated with rivers, streams, vleis, sponges, wetlands, creeks, lakes, pans or any other natural or man-made water impoundment; and(b)includes such area whether wet or dry;(c)means all waters which do not permanently or at any time during the year form part of the sea and includes a tidal river;"artificial lure" means a device which by its simulation of life or by its appearance or colour is designed or likely to delude, entice or attract a fish into seizing such device;"breed", in relation to wild animals, means where individuals of a specific species are permanently kept in captivity for the sole purpose of producing offspring;"buy" includes barter or exchange;"cage" means a place (including a pool of water), structure or other thing that has been closed or fenced in in any manner for the purpose of keeping an animal in captivity, whether it is -(a)closed or fenced in over the top or not; or(b)moveable or immoveable;"captivity", in relation to an animal, means the keeping within an enclosure by means of any fence, wall or obstruction of any kind whatsoever in such a way that such animal is unable -(a)to maintain itself by natural means; or(b)to escape;"capture", in relation to an animal, means by any means whatsoever to capture, to catch or to take alive without killing the animal and includes an attempt or pursuit with the intent to capture, to catch or to take the animal alive;"carcass", in relation to an animal, means the whole or any part of the meat (whether dried, smoked, salted, cured or treated in any manner), the head, ear, tooth, horns, shell, scale, tusks, bones, feathers, tail, claw, paw, nail, hoof, skin, hide, hair, viscera or any part whatsoever of the carcass, and includes the egg;"cast net" means a net (also known as an umbrella-net or throw-net) with or without weights on the perimeter thereof which is cast on water so that it opens and sinks in the water;"catch", in relation to fish, includes any means or method of taking (whether alive or dead), injuring, immobilising or killing or attempting to take, injure, immobilise or kill, or to pursue or wilfully disturb or poison;"CITES" means the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, Washington, 1973;"common indigenous animal" means a species of indigenous wild animal listed in Schedule 3;"common indigenous fish" means a species of indigenous fish listed in Schedule 3;"common indigenous plant" means a species of indigenous plant listed in Schedule 3;"Constitution" means the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;"crab net" means a net (also known as a ring-net) made of wire or any other material of which the opening is attached to a frame, whether or not any bait or lure is placed in such net, but does not include a landing net;"cull" -(a)means an operation executed by a nature conservator or other person designated by the landowner to kill a specific number of specimens of a wild animal species within the area in order to manage that species in the area; or(b)in relation to a specimen of a wild animal species which has escaped from a protected area and has become a threat to life or property, means an operation executed by a nature conservator or other person designated by the Director to kill the animal as a matter of last resort;"cultivate" means the artificial reproduction of plants in any manner whatsoever;"daily bag limit" means the number of any species which may be hunted or caught by angling as determined by this Act;"damage-causing animal" means an animal declared to be a damage-causing animal listed in Schedule 4;"day" means the period commencing half an hour before sunrise and ending half an hour after sunset on the same day;"Department" means the Department responsible for nature conservation in the Province;"derivative", in relation to a wild animal, plant or other organism, means any part, tissue or extract of an animal, plant or other organism, whether fresh, preserved or processed;"dip-and-ship" means the chemical treatment, dipping or packing of any skin, horn or similar derivative of a wild animal for the purpose of exporting;"Director" means the head of the unit responsible for nature conservation within the Department;"domestic animal" means a pet or stock, but not a wild animal;"ecosystem" means a dynamic complex of animal, plant or micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit;"educational facility" means the use of any species for the purpose of creating conservation awareness;"Executive Council" means the Executive Council of the Province, contemplated in section 132 of the Constitution;"exotic", in relation to a species, means a species that has not historically occurred naturally in a free state in nature within the borders of the Republic and includes a species that has been introduced in the Republic as a result of human activity;"export", in relation to a wild animal or plant, means any form of shipment, parcel or package consigned from or taken out of the Province or an attempt to consign or take a wild animal or plant, carcass, part or derivative thereof from a position or place inside the borders of the Province to a position or place outside the borders of the Province in any manner whatsoever, including re-export;"extensive wildlife system" means a system that is large enough, and suitable for the management of self-sustaining wildlife populations in a natural environment which requires minimal human intervention in the form of -(a)the provision of water;(b)the supplementation of food, except in times of drought;(c)the control of parasites; or(d)the provision of health care;"feral animal" means a domestic animal or species of such animal which has gone wild and includes a vagrant animal of such species;"firearm" means a firearm as defined in section 1 of the Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act No. 60 of 2000) and includes an airgun and a muzzle-loader;"fish" means any aquatic fauna, whether indigenous or exotic and whether alive or dead, as well as the ova or sperm thereof, excluding amphibians, reptiles, insects, molluscs, crustaceans, mammals and birds;"full-time employee" means an employee who is employed full-time on a monthly basis and receives a salary or wage which is in accordance with the kind of work done by him or her;"fyke net" means a device made of rings or hoops over which a net, wire or any other material has been spread or which is made of wire only and which has one or more funnel-shaped openings and includes anything which, whether attached to such device or not, is used to guide fish to a funnel-shaped opening in such device;"game farm" means land in relation to which a game farm permit has been issued;"game farm permit" means a permit issued in terms of section 24;"gin-trap" means a leg-hold or foot-hold trap made up of two tightly closing jaws, a spring-and-trigger mechanism, without an off-set jaw or padded jaw that reduces the chance of injury to an animal and complies with any further specification issued by the Director;"hunt", in relation to a wild animal, means by any means, method or device whatsoever to cull, to hunt, to kill, to capture, to collect, to disturb, to follow, to pursue, to search for, to drive, to stampede, to shoot at, to discharge a missile at, to injure, to poison, to lay poison, to set a trap, to lie in wait for, to lure and to wilfully disturb and include any such attempt to assist, guide or escort another person to do any of the aforementioned;"hunting contractor" means a person who assists with, offers or presents to or organises the hunting of a wild animal;"hunting rights" means the right of a landowner to hunt or to allow the hunting of a wild animal in terms of the provisions of this Act, on land of which he or she is the owner;"import", in relation to a wild animal or plant, means any form of shipment, parcel or package consigned to or brought into the Province or any attempt to consign or bring a wild animal or plant, carcass, part or derivative thereof from any position or place outside the borders of the Province to any position or place inside the borders of the Province in any manner whatsoever, including re-import;"indigenous" means a species that occurs, or has historically occurred, naturally in a free state in nature within the borders of the Republic, but excludes a species that has been introduced in the Republic as a result of human activity;"indigenous fish" means a fish of which the natural distribution range is the aquatic systems within the boundaries of the Province;"introduce", in relation to a species, means the introduction by humans, whether deliberately or accidentally, of a species to a place outside the natural range or natural dispersal potential of that species;"invasive species" means a species listed as such in Schedule 6;"jig" means the catching of fish by the jerking of a hook in water with the intention of impaling fish;"keep", in relation to a wild animal, means to keep alive, to keep in captivity, to exercise control over or to supervise;"landing net" means a hand held net attached to a frame which is used for lifting a fish caught by angling out of the water;"landowner" means -(a)in relation to land -(i)the person registered as the owner thereof in a deeds registry;(ii)where the legal title thereto is vested in an association of persons, whether corporate or non-corporate, the person designated in writing as the owner thereof by such association;(iii)the bona fide purchaser thereof prior to the registration of the deed of transfer in his or her name, but after the contract of sale has been concluded, to the exclusion of the person contemplated in paragraph (i);(iv)in the case of land under the control or management of a municipality, the municipality concerned;(v)in the case of State land not under the control or management of a municipality, the National Minister or Member of the Executive Council of the Province, having control or management thereof or any officer designated for the purpose by such Minister or Member of the Executive Council;(vi)in the case of land not occupied by the owner as contemplated in subparagraph (i), the person who is in actual occupation of the land, who exercises general control over such land and who has been authorised in writing by the owner as contemplated in the said subparagraph to exercise the rights conferred on a landowner by this Act;(vii)where the owner as contemplated in subparagraph (i), (ii), (iii) or (vi) is dead or insolvent or has assigned his or her estate for the benefit of his or her creditors or has been placed under curatorship by order of court or is a company being wound up or under judicial management, the person in whom the administration of such land is vested as executor, responsible Member, trustee, assignee, curator, lawful heir, liquidator or judicial manager, as the case may be;(viii)that is tribal land, the tribal chief; and(b)in relation to waters on privately owned land, the owner as contemplated by paragraph (a) of the land on which the waters concerned are situated or which abuts on such waters;"licence" means a licence issued under this Act;"lure" means to entice a wild animal by offering something tempting by using any device, sound or smell that attracts its attention;"municipality" means a municipality established in terms of section 155(6) of the Constitution;"nature conservator" means a nature conservator appointed in terms of section 65;"net" means a drop-net, fyke net, cast net, crab net, landing net, staked net or trek net;"night" means the period commencing half an hour after sunset on any day and ending half an hour before sunrise on the following day;"noxious aquatic growth" means a species of aquatic growth listed as such in Schedule 6 and includes species as defined in the applicable Schedules of the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, 1983 (Act No. 43 of 1983);"permit" means a permit issued under this Act;"pet" means a pet listed as such in Schedule 5;"pick" includes to collect, to cut, to chop off, to take, to gather, to pluck, to uproot, to break, to damage or to destroy;"plant" includes the whole plant, flower, seed cone, fruit, bulb, tuber, stem, root or any other propagule thereof or any part of the plant, whether dead or dried, and "flora" has a corresponding meaning;"poison" means any poison, preparation or chemical substance used to catch, immobilise, sterilise, anaesthetize, kill or physically harm a wild animal or plant;"poison collar" means a collar with one or more sealed compartments filled with fluoroacetic acid (mono), the salts and derivatives of which in an aqueous solution contains no more than one per cent of the substance in question, for the control of damage-causing animals;"poison-firing apparatus" means a device that propels a projectile or chemical when triggered and is able to kill, injure or immobilise a wild animal;"possess", in relation to an animal or the carcass thereof or a plant, means to know of the presence of and to have physical control over any such animal or carcass thereof or any such plant, or to have the power and intention to exercise physical control over any such animal or carcass thereof or any such plant;"premises" includes land, any building, structure or dwelling, whether movable, temporary or otherwise, or any vehicle, conveyance, vessel or aircraft;"prescribed" means prescribed by regulation;"private use" means use other than trade;"professional hunter" means a person who assists, conducts a hunt, acts as a guide to, or offers or agrees to escort or accompany any person in order to enable such person to hunt a wild animal;"protected animal" means a species of wild animal listed as such in Schedule 2;"protected fish" means a fish listed in Schedule 2;"protected plant" means a species of plant listed as such in Schedule 2;"Province" means the Northern Cape Province as referred to in section 103 of the Constitution;"public road" means a public road as defined in section 1 of the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act No. 93 of 1996);"rehabilitate", in relation to a wild animal, means an individual of a specific species temporarily being kept in captivity for the sole purpose of rehabilitating (prepare, condition, train and restore) an orphaned, injured or ailing animal back to its original condition for release in its natural habitat;"relative", in relation to the owner of land, means the spouse, parent, step-parent, adoptive parent, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, child, stepchild, adopted child, brother, sister or grandchild of such owner;"responsible Member" means the Member of the Executive Council responsible for nature conservation in the Province;"sell" includes to hawk, to peddle, to barter or to exchange or to offer, to advertise, to expose, to exhibit, to display, or to have in possession for the purpose of sale, hawking, peddling, bartering or exchanging;"set gun" means a man-made device that automatically fires off any form of firearm by setting off a trigger mechanism not manipulated directly or indirectly by any person;"set line" means a line and hook with or without any bait or lure which, when used for catching fish, is fastened to anything or is not manipulated directly or indirectly by any person, but does not include a line and hook attached to a reel and rod lying loose on or fixed into the ground;"snare" means a noose of rope, string or wire or any other material which can be used for capturing any animal;"specially protected animal" means any animal listed as such in Schedule 1;"specially protected fish" means a fish listed in Schedule 1;"specially protected plant" means any plant listed as such in Schedule 1;"species" means a kind of animal, plant or other organism and includes any sub-species, cultivar, variety, strain or hybrid thereof;"specimen" means -(a)any living or dead animal, plant or other organism;(b)a seed, sperm, ovum, egg, gamete or propagule or part of an animal, plant or other organism capable of propagation or reproduction of or transferring genetic traits in any way;(c)any derivative of any animal, plant or other organism; or(d)any goods which -(i)contain a derivative of an animal, plant or other organism; or(ii)from an accompanying document, from the packaging or mark or label, or from any other indications, appear to be or to contain a derivative of an animal, plant or other organism;"staked net" means a net (also known as a set net, gill-net or drift-net), with or without weights or floats, which is set upright in water with the intention of causing fish to become caught or entangled therein, whether or not such net drifts or is attached to anything;"stock" means a horse, mule, ass, bull, cow, ox, heifer, calf, sheep, goat, pig, domesticated ostrich or poultry;"sustainable", in relation to the use of a biological resource, means the use of such resource in a way and at a rate that -(a)would not lead to its long-term decline;(b)would not disrupt the ecological integrity of the ecosystem in which it occurs; and(c)would ensure its continued use to meet the needs and aspirations of present and future generations of people;"taxidermist" means a person that prepares or mounts a skin, horn or other derivative of a wild animal;"this Act" includes a regulation or notice made or issued thereunder;"township" means a township as defined in section 1 of the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act, 1981 (Act No. 68 of 1981);"trade" means to buy or to sell, to receive, to give, to accept as a gift or to donate, or to acquire or dispose of in any way by any means or method whatsoever;"transport" means to convey, to move or otherwise to translocate by any means or method whatsoever;"trap" means a trap, spring trap, gin-trap, cage, net, pitfall, capture boma, holding pen or birdlime and any other device, means or method whatsoever which can be used or adapted for the capture of wild animals;"trap cage" means a cage with a trap door or doors and mechanism -(a)which is used to catch or capture animals; and(b)which complies with the provisions of any specification issued by the Director;"trek net" means a net (also known as a seine, bait seine, drag-net or bait trek net), with or without weights or floats, which is moved through water in an upright position with the intention of catching fish;"uproot", in relation to a plant, means to remove an entire plant from its natural substrate or natural growth medium, but does not include a cultivated plant;"vagrant dog" means a dog which trespasses on land and, while thus trespassing, is not under the supervision of its owner or a person authorised by such owner;"vermin hunter" is a person who offers his or her services to hunt damage-causing animals, whether or not for commercial gain;"vessel" includes a canoe, lighter, floating platform, decked boat, carrier vessel, vessel equipped with an inboard or outboard motor or any other water-borne craft or boat, whether self-propelled or not;"waters" includes a river, stream, creek, lake, vlei, pan, lagoon, dam, reservoir, furrow or pond, whether the water therein is fresh or saline, and includes the foreshore and bank thereof and any part of such waters;"waters on privately owned land" means a dam, reservoir, vlei or other inland waters completely surrounded by land owned by one owner;"weapon" includes an instrument which is capable of killing, injuring or immobilising a wild animal and includes a firearm, ammunition, snare, trap, trap cage, gin-trap, net, birdlime, spear, assegai, bow-and-arrow, axe, bush knife, knife, catapult or similar object and any poison or narcotic whatsoever;"wild animal" means a live vertebrate or invertebrate animal, whether indigenous or exotic, and the egg or spawn of such animal and includes any such animal which is kept or has been born and hatched in captivity, with the exclusion of a domestic animal;"wildlife capturer or translocator" means a person that captures or conveys a wild animal or a specimen of a terrestrial vertebrate species for commercial purposes on behalf of another person and includes trading, buying, selling or temporary possession of such specimen;"wildlife operator" means any of the persons referred to in section 27(1); and"zoological facility" means a facility where individuals not limited to any group of species is kept in captivity for either the survival of a rare or endangered species, breeding, rehabilitation or for structured professional educational programmes and registered research projects with the primary role of increasing public conservation awareness, affection and knowledge about wild animals.
(2)In this Act, words or expressions derived from words or expressions defined in subsection (1), have corresponding meanings, unless the context indicates that another meaning is intended.

2. Interpretation of certain words for the purposes of Chapter 2

For the purposes of Chapter 2, the term "animal" or "wild animal" does not include "fish".

Chapter 2
Sustainable utilisation of wild anamals

Part 1 – Restricted activities

3. Restricted activities involving specially protected animals

No person may, without a permit -
(g)breed; or
(h)trade in,
a specimen of a specially protected animal.

4. Restricted activities involving protected animals

Subject to the provisions of sections 5, 6, 7 and 8, no person may, without a permit -
(f)breed; or
(g)trade in,
a specimen of a protected animal.

Part 2 – Hunting

5. Hunting of protected animals

(1)No person may, without a permit, hunt a protected animal, but -
(a)a landowner may hunt a protected animal without a hunting licence during a hunting season on the land of which he or she is the owner;
(b)a relative or full-time employee of a landowner contemplated in paragraph (a) may-
(i)with the written permission contemplated in section 14; and
(ii)during a hunting season, hunt a protected animal on land of the landowner without a hunting licence;
(c)with the written permission contemplated in section 14, any other person who is the holder of a valid hunting licence for the Province may hunt a protected animal on the land of the landowner during a hunting season.
(2)During a hunting season or a period other than a hunting season and upon the written application of the landowner, a permit may be issued -
(a)to the landowner;
(b)to any other person indicated by the landowner in the application,
which authorises the holder of the permit to hunt the number, sex and species of a protected animal referred to in the permit on the land of the landowner.

6. Hunting seasons

(1)No person may hunt a protected animal, except during a hunting season declared in terms of subsection (2) and subject to the provisions of the notice declaring the hunting season.
(2)The responsible Member may, for the Province, by notice in the Provincial Gazette, declare hunting seasons for the hunting of wild animals.
(3)The notice contemplated in subsection (2) must provide for -
(a)the period in any year during which wild animals may be hunted;
(b)the categories of person that may hunt wild animals;
(c)the number, species and sex of wild animals that may be hunted; and
(d)the areas in which those wild animals may be hunted.
(4)The prohibition set out in subsection (1) does not apply to -
(a)a person hunting on land in respect of which a game farm permit has been issued;
(b)the holder of a permit to hunt the protected animal.

7. Hunting licences

(1)Except where otherwise provided in this Act, no person may hunt a protected animal if he or she does not hold a valid hunting licence for the Province.
(2)The prohibition set out in subsection (1) does not apply to -
(a)a person hunting on land in respect of which a game farm permit has been issued; or
(b)the holder of a permit to hunt the protected animal.

8. Hunting of wild animals in excess of daily bag limit

No person may, unless he or she is the holder of a permit, at any time hunt a greater number of any species of wild animal than the daily bag limit determined by the notice contemplated in section 6(2).

9. Prohibited hunting methods or instruments

(1)Without limiting the meaning of the word "hunt", no person may, unless he or she is the holder of a permit and subject to the conditions set out in the permit, hunt a wild animal -
(a)by means of fire;
(b)by means of poison;
(c)by means of a vehicle or aircraft;
(d)during the night;
(e)with the aid of an artificial light, floodlight or spotlight;
(f)by means of a trap or pitfall
(g)by means of a trap cage;
(h)by means of a gin-trap;
(i)by means of a wire or rope snare or similar device;
(j)by means of an airgun;
(k)by means of a firearm which discharges a rim-fire cartridge of a 5.56 mm (.22 inch) caliber or smaller caliber;
(l)by means of a firearm which discharges more than two shots without being manually reloaded;
(m)by means of a hand-gun or muzzleloader;
(n)by means of a firearm fitted with a silencer or similar noise-reduction device;
(o)by means of a set gun, poison-firing apparatus or any similar device;
(p)by means of darting or a device which injects an intoxicating or a narcotic agent or poison into such animal;
(q)which is kept in captivity, confined to a cage, in an enclosure or trapped against a fence where it does not have a fair chance of evading the hunter;
(r)which is under the influence of a tranquilising or narcotic immobilising or similar agent;
(s)by the use of a dog, except for the hunting, flushing, pointing or retrieving of birds, or for the purpose of searching or following the animal which has been wounded;
(t)in the case of a bird, in or upon any aquatic systems, by the use of a boat for the purpose of chasing or killing the bird;
(u)by means of setting a set trap, set gun, poison firing apparatus or snare within 10 meters from a common boundary;
(v)by luring or by means of a simulation or recording of the natural sound made by an animal or by means of bait or scent or any other induced luring method;
(w)in an area smaller than the set standard of 400 hectares;
(x)by any other device of which the use could result in injuring or killing an animal in a way which is not an acceptable humane hunting method;
(y)by means of any terrestrial animal or bird of prey;
(z)by means of a bow-and-arrow, crossbow, speargun or similar device discharging an arrow or dart;
(aa)by means of a blowpipe, catapult or similar device; or
(bb)by means of a spear, kierrie, stick or any similar device, but-
(i)in respect of a rodent, excluding a porcupine and springhare, the provisions of paragraphs (b), (d), (e), (f), (g), (m), (q) and (w) do not apply;
(ii)in respect of any wild animal hunted by a registered veterinary surgeon in the practice of his or her profession, the provisions of paragraph (p),(q) (r) and (w) do not apply;
(iii)in respect of a common indigenous animal that is a bird not listed in Schedule 1 or 2, the provisions of paragraphs (j) and (k) do not apply;
(iv)in respect of a damage-causing animal contemplated in section 28, the provisions of paragraphs (d), (e), (g), (p), (q), (r), and (v) do not apply; or
(v)in respect of a wild animal hunted by a person hunting with the written permission contemplated in section 14, the provisions of paragraphs (m) and (n) do not apply.
(2)The provisions of subsection (1)(s) do not exempt the owner of the dog or the person in control of a dog, from liability for damage caused by such dog in respect of non-targeted animals on someone else's land.
(3)The provisions of subsection (1)(c) do not preclude, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the use of a motor vehicle for the hunting of a wild animal by the owner of the land or any other person who is a holder of the written permission contemplated in section 14.
(4)The responsible Member may, if he or she is convinced that it is in the public interest, set aside, by notice in the Provincial Gazette, any of the prohibitions referred to in subsection (1) -
(a)for a species of wild animal;
(b)for a period; or
(c)in the area, mentioned in the notice.

10. Hunting with certain minimum-caliber firearms

(1)No person may, unless he or she is the holder of a permit -
(a)use a firearm having a barrel with a caliber of less than 6.85 mm (.270 of an inch) to hunt eland, kudu, blue wildebeest, black wildebeest, gemsbok, red hartebeest, roan antelope, sable antelope, Burchell's zebra, Cape mountain zebra, Hartmann's mountain zebra, nyala, or water buck; or
(b)use a firearm having a barrel with a caliber of less than 9.52 mm (.375 of an inch) to hunt buffalo, elephant, lion, leopard, rhinoceros, giraffe or hippopotamus.
(2)When any person has wounded or has presumably wounded an animal mentioned in subsection 1(b), without successfully killing or retrieving the animal, he or she shall report it within 24 hours at the police station or the office of the nature conservator nearest to the place where such animal was wounded or was presumably wounded.
(3)No person may hunt -
(a)an elephant;
(b)a rhinoceros;
(c)a hippopothamus;
(d)a crocodile;
(e)a lion;
(f)a leopard; or
(g)a hyena,
by means of a bow-and-arrow or similar device.

11. Hunting from a public road

No person may, without a permit, hunt any wild animal on or from a public road.

12. Hunting, receipt, possession, acquisition or handling of a wild animal

(1)No person may, on land of which he or she is not the owner, hunt a wild animal or pick up or remove the animal or the carcass of the animal from the land without the written permission contemplated in section 14.
(2)No person may pick up or remove a wild animal not hunted, captured or caught lawfully, unless he or she has obtained prior written permission of the owner of the land on which animal was found.
(3)No person may -
(a)receive a dead wild animal knowing that it was not hunted or acquired lawfully;
(b)possess a dead wild animal in respect of which there is a reasonable suspicion that it was not hunted or acquired lawfully and be unable to give a satisfactory account of such possession; or
(c)acquire or receive into his or her possession or handle a dead wild animal without having reasonable cause to believe, at the time of such acquisition, receipt or handling, that the wild animal was hunted or acquired lawfully.

13. Presence of landowners, observers and assistants

(1)A person hunting in the presence of the landowner on whose land the hunt takes place, may hunt without the written permission contemplated in section 14.
(2)The provisions of section 12 do not apply to a person not in possession of a weapon and who does not actively assist or participate with the hunting and -
(a)in the presence of the landowner, is an observer where a wild animal is legally being hunted by the landowner or any other person;
(b)in the absence of the landowner, is an observer, assistant or beater where a wild animal is legally being hunted by any other person with the written permission contemplated in section 14; or
(c)a nature conservator in the performance of his or her functions in terms of this Act or any other law.

14. Written permission by the landowner

(1)A landowner may hunt or give permission to any other person to hunt, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, any wild animal or feral animal on the land of the landowner and to remove the hunted animal or the carcass of the animal from the land.
(2)No permission granted in terms of subsection (1) is valid unless it is given beforehand, reduced to writing and reflects -
(a)the full name and residential address of the landowner;
(b)the full name and residential address of the person to whom it is granted;
(c)the number, sex and species of the wild animal;
(d)the date or period in respect of which it is granted;
(e)the farm name, farm number and magisterial district in respect of which it is granted;
(f)the signature and date on which the document was signed by the 1andowner;
(g)the signature and date on which the document was signed by the person to whom the written permission was granted; and
(h)the permit number, if applicable.
(3)The holder of a written permission contemplated in subsection (1), must carry the document on his or her person at all times, while hunting, removing or being in possession of such animal.
(4)A landowner may not allow the hunting of an animal on his or her land without the written permission contemplated in subsection (1).
(5)The written permission referred to in subsection (1) may be combined with the document referred to in section 15.

15. Document pertaining to donation, sale and removal

(1)No person may donate, sell, remove or allow to be removed a wild animal or the carcass of such animal to any other person unless, when he or she delivers the animal or carcass of the animal to the other person, he or she furnishes that person with a written document signed by him or her, reflecting -
(a)the full name and residential address of the owner;
(b)the full name and residential address of the person to whom it is granted;
(c)the number, sex and species of the wild animal;
(d)the date or period in respect of which it is granted;
(e)the farm name, farm number and magisterial district in respect of which it is granted;
(f)a statement by the owner that he or she has donated or sold the animal or carcass to such other person;
(g)the signature and date on which the document was signed by the owner;
(h)the signature and date on which the document was signed by the person to whom the document is granted; and
(i)the permit number, if applicable.
(2)In so far as this section relates to the selling or donation of a wild animal or the carcass of a wild animal originating from a hunt, the number of the hunting licence or permit, if applicable, the date of the hunt and the full particulars of the hunter as contemplated in section 14(2)(b), must also be reflected on the document.
(3)The document referred to in subsection (1) may be combined with the document referred to in section 14, only if it reflects the contents as set out in subsections (1) and (2).

16. Transfer of hunting and other rights

(1)The Director may authorize -
(a)a landowner who holds a game farm permit issued in terms of section 24; or
(b)any other landowner, in writing and subject to the conditions that he or she may determine, to transfer, temporarily or permanently, in part or in total -
(i)in the case of a landowner contemplated in paragraph (a), the rights set out in section 25; and
(ii)in the case of a landowner contemplated in paragraph (b), the rights vested in a landowner in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
(2)In the application of the provisions of this Act, any person to whom a right contemplated in subsection (1) has been transferred is deemed to be the landowner in question as from the date of such transfer and, in the case of a temporary transfer, for the duration of the period concerned, for the purpose of this Act.

Part 3 – General

17. Keeping of wild animals in captivity

(1)No person may, unless he or she is the holder of a permit -
(a)keep any wild animal in captivity; or
(b)restrain any wild animal by means of a rope, cord, chain or any similar device.
(2)The provisions of subsection (1) do not apply to a pet species.

18. Release of certain wild animals

(1)No person may, without a permit, import, transport or release from captivity any exotic wild animal in the Province.
(2)No person may release a damage-causing animal without the written permission of the landowner on whose property the animal is to be released.
(3)No person may, without a permit, release an indigenous wild animal that has been kept in captivity.
(4)For the purpose of interpretation of the words "written permission" in subsection (2), the provisions of section 14 apply, read with the changes required by the context.

19. Manipulation of boundary fences

No person may -
(a)erect, alter, remove or partly remove or cause to be erected, altered, removed or partly removed, a fence, whether on a common boundary or on such person's own property, in such a manner that a wild animal which as a result thereof gains access or may gain access to the property or a camp on the property, cannot escape or is likely not to be able to escape therefrom;
(b)heap up or cause to be heaped up soil or any other material on one side of a fence, whether on a common boundary or on such person's own property, or remove or cause to be removed soil or any other material on one side of a fence in a manner that such heaping up or such removal has the effect of reducing or increasing the height, as the case may be, of the fence on one side, to the effect that any wild animal which as a result thereof gains access or may gain access to the property or a camp on such property, can not escape or is likely not to be able to escape therefrom; or
(c)entice a wild animal to enter premises or facilitate easy access to such premises and then discourage or prevent the animal by means of any device or method to leave the premises.

20. Placing of poison

(1)Subject to the provisions of subsection (2), read with section 29, no person may place or cause or allow poison to be placed in a manner or in a place where it is likely to be assimilated or ingested by an animal.
(2)The provisions of subsection (1) do not preclude any person from placing poison for the purpose of exterminating insects or rodents, with due observance of the provisions of any law governing the use of the applicable poison.
(3)No person may use poison for a purpose or in a manner other than as specified on the original container thereof or on the original label on the original container thereof.

21. Entering land with weapons and conveyance of firearms

(1)No person may enter land or be on land where wild animals are found or are likely to be found, while he or she is in the possession of a weapon, unless such person has a lawful reason to do so or has beforehand obtained the written permission from the landowner of the land concerned.
(2)No person may convey a firearm on a public road traversing land on which wild animals are found or are likely to be found, but -
(a)the landowner or any person who is authorised in terms of this Act to hunt or capture a wild animal may convey a firearm on the land of the landowner;
(b)any person may on such road convey -
(i)a handgun with a barrel, excluding the chamber, not longer than 100 mm; or
(ii)any other firearm whereof the barrel, bolt, chamber, tube or magazine is not loaded and which is contained in a thoroughly closed gun bag, gun case or gun holster specifically designed and made to legally carry the firearm.
(3)For the purpose of subsection (2), "hand-gun" means a revolver or pistol intended for self-defence and designed or suited for carrying in a holster on the body of a person.

22. Prohibitions regarding carcasses of wild animals

(1)No person may, without a permit, be in possession of the carcass of a wild animal, unless -
(a)in the event of the animal having been hunted by such person on the land of any other person, he or she is in possession of the written permission contemplated in section 14;
(b)in the event of such person having acquired the carcass from any other person, he or she is in possession of a written document contemplated in section 14 or 15, as the case may be;
(c)such person can provide a valid receipt to such legal procurement; or
(d)in the event of such person having acquired the carcass by any other means, he or she is in possession of a written authorisation by the Director to be in possession of the animal or carcass.
(2)No carcass of a wild animal may be sold by any person other than -
(a)the owner of the land on which the wild animal concerned was hunted in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
(b)a person who has legally obtained such wild animal and has documentary proof as contemplated in section 14 or 15; or
(c)a person authorised by a permit issued under this Act, to sell such carcass.

23. Auctioning of certain wild animals

(1)No person may, without a permit, advertise, trade, buy, sell, keep or dispose of any wild animal by means of an auction.
(2)An auctioneer who conducts an auction contemplated in subsection (1), must, subject to the conditions set out in the permit -
(a)keep a register in the format determined by the Director, on all wild animals which -
(i)have been traded, advertised, bought, sold, kept, exchanged, bartered or disposed of by the auctioneer; and
(ii)have died at the auction;
(b)when he or she delivers to any other person a wild animal which has been auctioned, furnish such other person with a written document contemplated in section 15; and
(c)make such register available to the Director on request.
(3)No person may receive a wild animal in terms of this section, unless the auctioneer has provided him or her with the document contemplated in subsection 2(b).
(4)Any person who receives a wild animal in terms of this section, must carry the document contemplated in subsection (1), (2)(b) or (5), as the case may be, with him or her when he or she transports such wild animal and must retain such document in his or her possession for the period during which such wild animal is being transported or is in his or her possession.
(5)Any person who receives a wild animal in terms of this section, must obtain the necessary permit contemplated in section 26 from the appropriate provincial issuing authority before such person may transport, import or export such wild animal.

24. Game farm permit

(1)Any landowner on whose property wild animals are found, may apply in writing to the Director for a game farm permit in respect of the whole or any portion of such land.
(2)An application made in terms of subsection (1) must -
(a)include a full description of the land in respect of which application is made, including but not limited to proof of ownership, the farm name, farm number, magisterial district, the farm's boundaries and size and habitat certification by the applicant reflecting the current state of the vegetation thereon;
(b)state the species of wild animal to which the application relates, the estimated number of such species that are in an extensive wildlife system and the number of such species that are in captivity on the land referred to in paragraph (a);
(c)set out the grounds on which the land in question is considered to be adequately enclosed; and
(d)set out the activities applied for.
(3)For the purpose of deciding on the application, the Director may require the applicant to furnish him or her with any additional information he or she may consider necessary or relevant.
(4)If the Director -
(a)having regard to the size of the land in respect of which application has been made under subsection (1), the number of the species of wild animal normally found on the land to which such application relates and such other circumstances as he or she may consider relevant, is of the opinion that the animals in question are in effect being kept in captivity, or is kept within an area that does not constitute an extensive wildlife system, he or she must refuse the application;
(b)is satisfied that such land is adequately enclosed in relation to such species, he or she may grant the application and, subject to the conditions he or she may consider necessary or relevant, issue the permit.
(5)A game farm permit -
(a)is valid for the period specified therein; and
(b)may be withdrawn by the Director if the landowner fails to comply with or contravenes any of the conditions subject to which the permit was issued.
(6)Subject to section 16, a game farm permit issued in terms of this section lapses upon the transfer or lease of the land or any portion of such land in respect of which it was issued.
(7)Any valid certificate of adequate enclosure issued in terms of section 35 of the Nature and Environmental Conservation Ordinance, 1974 (Ordinance No. 19 of 1974), prior to the repeal of that Ordinance by section 73 of this Act, is deemed to be a game farm permit issued in terms of this section and any such certificate remains valid for the period stated therein.

25. Rights of holder of game farm permit and certain other persons

(1)Any landowner to whom a game farm permit has been issued, a relative of the landowner, a full-time employee of the landowner acting under the authority of the landowner and any other person acting with the written permission contemplated in section 14, may, subject to any condition specified in the game farm permit and on the land in respect of which the game farm permit was issued, hunt -
(a)any number of the species of wild animal authorised in such permit;
(b)during any time of the year;
(c)at any time during the day or night;
(d)by the use of an artificial light;
(e)by the use of any hunting method or instrument authorised by the permit.
(2)The holder of a game farm permit may, subject to the conditions set out in the permit -
(b)keep in captivity for no more than 30 days; and
(c)trade in,
any wild animal or the carcass of the animal of the species authorised in the permit.

26. Prohibitions regarding wild animals

(1)No person may, without a permit, import into, export from or transport in the Province any wild animal, but a consignment in transit through the Province does not require a permit, on the condition that -
(a)no wild animal is off-loaded in the Province; and
(b)the consignment is accompanied by the relevant permits from the province of origin and the province of destinations.
(2)A person to whom a permit has been issued in terms of this Act to keep or transport a live wild animal or to capture a wild animal, must comply with the standards of the South African Bureau of Standards in terms of the Standards Act, 1993 (Act No. 29 of 1993), relating to capture, keeping and transport of wild animals, while carrying out such a transport or capture.
(3)No person may keep or transport a wild animal in conditions -
(a)which are unhygienic; or
(b)in which the animal -
(i)may be injured or otherwise impaired; or
(ii)suffer unnecessarily.
(4)A nature conservator may -
(a)issue a written instruction to a person who captures, keeps or transports a wild animal in contravention of subsection (2) or (3), or a person who has physical control of the animal, to follow the steps to rectify the matter within the indicated time;
(b)issue instructions to a person contemplated in paragraph (a) concerning the manner in which the animal must be captured, kept, transported or otherwise treated;
(c)remove the animal from the custody of a person contemplated in paragraph (a) without compensation if it is considered necessary to prevent injury, impairment, suffering or death of the animal; or
(d)keep, treat or release in a suitable environment an animal removed from the custody of a person in terms of paragraph (c).

Chapter 3
Wildlife operations

27. Wildlife operators and facilities

(1)No person may, without a permit, act as -
(a)a professional hunter;
(b)a hunting contractor;
(c)a director of a professional hunting school;
(d)a taxidermist;
(e)a dip-and-ship agent;
(f)a wildlife capturer or translocator;
(g)a falconer;
(h)a vermin hunter;
(i)a culling operator;
(j)a training provider or instructor with regard to any of the above occupations.
(2)No person may, without a permit, establish or operate -
(a)a wildlife facility, including a breeding facility, educational facility, zoological facility, nursery, trading facility, rehabilitation facility, sanctuary, or similar institution or enterprise involving any wild plant or animal;
(b)a curio shop which sells products making use of any derivative of an indigenous species listed in Schedule 1 or 2;
(c)a business trading in traditional medicine making use of any derivative of an indigenous species listed in Schedule 1 or 2; or
(d)a pet shop which sells any living animal other than an animal listed in Schedule 5.
(3)The requirements to be complied with in a theoretical or practical examinations to be taken, if any, by a person contemplated in subsection (1) or (2), may-
(a)be prescribed; or
(b)from time to time, be determined by the Director.
(4)The Director may exempt a person from any of the provisions of subsection (1) or (2).
(5)The Director may appoint a person to act as examiner, moderator or assessor in any theoretical or practical examination contemplated in subsection (3).

Chapter 4
Damage-causing animals

28. Damage-causing animals

The responsible Member may, by notice in the Provincial Gazette, amend Schedule 4 from time to time after consultation with the Director if, in his or her opinion, such an animal or individual of a species is a damage-causing animal if it is detrimental to any other species of wild animal or any other animal or any property by reason of its prevalence in an area, its mode of living or other characteristic, or is likely to be dangerous to human life or is present in such numbers that agricultural yield is materially depleted.

29. Poisoning of damage-causing animals

(1)A damage-causing animal may be hunted by making use of a poison collar.
(2)A person who uses a poison collar must -
(a)inspect the site where the poison collar is used every day; and
(b)take reasonable steps to retrieve the carcass of a poisoned animal and bury or otherwise effectively destroy it.

30. Prohibited acts relating to damage-causing animals

(1)No person may, without a permit -
(a)breed, keep or possess a damage-causing animal;
(b)import, export or transport a live damage-causing animal;
(c)trade, buy, sell or acquire a damage-causing animal;
(d)use a poison-firing apparatus or similar apparatus to hunt;
(e)own a poison-firing apparatus or similar apparatus or any part thereof.
(2)No person may, without a permit, manufacture, sel1 or offer for sale any poison-firing apparatus or similar apparatus or any component or cartridge thereof.
(3)A person who sets a trap or trap cage to catch a damage-causing animal must inspect the site where the trap or trap cage was set every day after setting such trap.
(4)No person may hang or cause to hang a dead damage-causing animal over a boundary fence and leave it there or exhibit it in public.
(5)Subsection (1)(a), in so far as it prohibits the breeding, keeping or possession of a damage-causing animal, does not apply to a landowner if such animal occurs in its natural habitat without human interference.

31. Destruction of vagrant dogs and feral cats

A nature conservator, landowner or a person authorised by the landowner may destroy a vagrant dog (Canis familiaris) or feral cat (Felis domesticus) found on the land, if such animal is without direct supervision, is hunting, is suspected to be hunting a wild animal or is causing damage to livestock.

Chapter 5
Aquatic biota

32. Restricted activities involving specially protected fish

No person may, without a permit -
(a)angle and not immediately release;
(h)breed; or
(i)trade in,
a specimen of a specially protected fish.

33. Restricted activities involving protected fish

Subject to the provisions of sections 34, 35, 36 and 37, no person may, without a permit -
(a)angle and not immediately release;
(g)breed; or
(h)trade in,
a specimen of a protected fish.

34. Catching of protected fish

(1)No person may, without a permit, catch a protected fish, but -
(a)a landowner may catch a protected fish without a licence during an angling season in waters on the land of which he or she is the owner;
(b)a relative or full-time employee of a landowner contemplated in paragraph (a) may -
(i)with written permission; and
(ii)during an angling season, catch a protected fish without an angling licence in waters on land of the landowner;
(c)any other person who is the holder of a valid angling licence for the Province may catch a protected fish during an angling season in waters on the land of the landowner, with written permission.
(2)During an angling season or a period other than an angling season and upon the written application of the landowner, a permit may be issued -
(a)to the landowner;
(b)to any other person indicated by the landowner in the application,
which authorises the holder of the permit to catch the number and species of a protected fish referred to in the permit in waters on the land of the landowner.

35. Angling seasons

(1)No person may angle for a protected fish, except during an angling season declared in terms of subsection (2) and subject to the provisions of the notice declaring the angling season.
(2)The responsible Member may declare angling seasons for the angling of protected fish for the Province, by notice in the Provincial Gazette.
(3)The notice contemplated in subsection (2) must provide for -
(a)the period in any year during which protected fish may be caught;
(b)the categories of person that may angle for protected fish;
(c)the number and species of protected fish that may be caught; and
(d)the areas in which the protected fish may be caught.
(4)The prohibition set out in subsection (1) does not apply to a person angling in waters surrounded by land of a single landowner.

36. Angling licences

(1)Except where otherwise provided in this Act, no person may angle in an aquatic system if he or she does not hold a valid angling licence for the Province.
(2)The prohibition set out in subsection (1) does not apply to -
(a)a person angling in waters surrounded by land of a single landowner; or
(b)the holder of a permit.

37. Retaining of fish in excess of daily bag limit

No person may, without a permit -
(a)retain a greater number of any species of fish taken from an aquatic system than the daily bag limit determined in respect of such species by the notice contemplated in section 35; or
(b)retain any fish of a length less than the length determined by that notice in respect of the species of fish.

38. Prohibited ways of catching fish

No person may catch fish without a permit in an aquatic system -
(a)by jigging, snatching or spearing;
(b)by means of a cast net, crab net, staked net, trek net or fyke net;
(c)by means of any device used to guide fish to an opening in such a way that it is difficult for the fish to escape;
(d)by angling by means of -
(i)more than two lines;
(ii)more than two single hooks attached to any line;
(iii)a set line or a long line with more than two single hooks attached thereto; or
(iv)with more than two artificial lures attached to any line, in which case a double or treble hook counts as one hook;
(e)by means of a landing net, except landing a fish which was caught by angling as provided for in this Act;
(f)by means of explosives;
(g)by means of any device producing an electric shock; or
(h)by means of any prohibited hunting method relating to wild animals as provided in section 9.

39. Application of certain provisions

For the purpose of this Chapter, the provisions of sections 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 apply, read with the changes required by the context.

40. Written permission by the landowner

(1)No person may perform any activity as described in section 32, 33, 34, 35, 37 or 42 in an aquatic system on privately owned land without the written permission of such landowner.
(2)In respect of any waters on privately owned land, the provisions referred to in subsection (1) do not apply to the owner of such land.
(3)For the purpose of interpretation of the words "written permission" in subsection (1), the provisions of section 14 apply, read with the changes required by the context.

41. Releasing of fish or other animals in aquatic systems

No person may, without a permit, place in or in any manner introduce into or cause or allow to be placed or introduced into an aquatic system a live fish or other animal, but the provisions of this section do not apply to a live indigenous fish which is replaced into an aquatic system immediately after it has been caught in such system.

42. Entering land with fishing tackle

(1)No person may enter or be on land on which an aquatic system occurs, while in possession of fishing tackle, unless he or she -
(a)has a lawful reason;
(b)has made prior arrangements with the landowner; or
(c)has obtained written permission,
to enter or be on the land.
(2)For the purpose of subsection (1), "land" does not include a public road.
(3)The prohibition set out in subsection (1) does not apply to land to which the public usually has access and where the owner of the land has set aside an area where angling is permitted.

43. Prohibited acts pertaining to live fish

(1)No person may, without a permit import into, export from, transport in the Province or possess any live fish or spawn of any such fish.
(2)Subject to section 55(1), the provisions of subsection (1) do not apply to fish listed in Schedule 6.

44. Trade in certain species of fish

No person may, without a permit -
(a)sell or buy a fish which is a specially protected animal or the carcass or spawn of such fish;
(b)sell or buy any live carp, bluegill sunfish, trout, black bass, banded tilapia or any exotic invertebrate freshwater fauna;
(c)sell or buy any fish which has been caught in contravention of this Act or any other law.

45. Removal of bait caught in inland waters

No aquatic invertebrate animal, whether alive or not, which has been caught in an aquatic system and is intended to be used as fish bait, may, except under the authority of a permit -
(a)be sold to any other person; or
(b)be bought by any other person, except from a person authorised by an provision of this Act to sell it.

46. Obstruction of free passage of fish in aquatic systems

No person may place or cause or allow to be placed in an aquatic system an article or thing, other than a net of which the use in an aquatic system is authorised by any provision of this Act, which will or is likely to prevent the free passage of fish in such system.

47. Pollution of aquatic systems

(1)No person may deposit or cause or allow to be deposited -
(a)in an aquatic system; or
(b)in any place from where it is likely to percolate into or in any other manner enter an aquatic system,
anything, whether solid, liquid or gaseous, which is or is likely to be injurious to fish or fish food or which, if it was so deposited in large quantities or numbers, would be injurious to fish.
(2)No person may destroy or cause or allow to be destroyed aquatic habitat in an aquatic system, riparian vegetation or instream spawning habitat.

48. Noxious aquatic growths

No person may import into, export from, transport in the Province, possess, place in an aquatic system, cultivate, propagate, trade in or acquire any noxious aquatic growth.

Chapter 6
Sustainable utilisation of plants

49. Restricted activities involving specially protected plants

(1)No person may, without a permit -
(f)cultivate; or
(g)trade in,
a specimen of a specially protected plant.
(2)The provisions of subsection (1)(e), in so far as they prohibit the possession of a specially protected plant, do not apply to a landowner who is in possession of a specially protected plant which grows in its natural habitat and which was not planted by human interference.

50. Restricted activities involving protected plants

(1)Subject to the provisions of section 52, no person may, without a permit -
(e)cultivate; or
(f)trade in,
a specimen of a protected plant.
(2)The provisions of -
(a)subsection (1), in so far as they prohibit the picking, donation, receiving as a gift or conveyance of a protected plant, do not apply to the flower of a protected plant that, for the private use of the landowner, is -
(i)picked by the owner of the land on which the plant grows;
(ii)picked on that land by a family member of the owner; or
(iii)picked on that land by a person acting with the written permission of the owner;
(b)subsection (1), in so far as they prohibit the import into or export from the Province, purchase or conveyance of a protected plant by any person, do not apply to a protected plant if that person can produce written permission or other documentary proof indicating that such plant was lawfully -
(i)bought or received as a gift from a person in another province;
(ii)bought or received as a gift from a person within the Province; or
(iii)obtained from a registered nursery.

51. Picking, receipt, possession, acquisition or handling of indigenous plants

(1)No person may, without a permit, pick an indigenous plant -
(a)on a public road;
(b)on land next to a public road within a distance of 100 meters measured from the centre of the road; or
(c)within an area bordering a natural water course, whether wet or dry, up to and within a distance of 100 metres from the middle of a river on either side of the natural water course.
(2)No person may, without a permit, pick an indigenous plant in such manner that it constitutes large-scale harvesting or for commercial purposes.
(3)No person may collect firewood or pick, transport or remove an indigenous plant on land of which such person is not the owner without the owner's written permission.
(4)Subsection (1)(a) and (b) do not apply to the land owner or his or her relative picking an indigenous plant which is not a specially protected or protected plant.
(5)No person may -
(a)receive an indigenous plant knowing that it was not picked lawfully;
(b)possess an indigenous plant in respect of which there is a reasonable suspicion that it was not picked lawfully and be unable to give a satisfactory account of such possession; or
(c)acquire or receive into his or her possession or handle an indigenous plant without having reasonable cause for believing, at the time of such acquisition, receipt or handling of such plant, that it was picked lawfully.

52. Nursery permit

(1)A landowner may apply in writing to the Director for a nursery permit in respect of the whole or any portion of his or her land.
(2)An application made in terms of subsection (1) must -
(a)in the case of agricultural land, include a full description of the land in respect of which application is made, including but not limited to proof of ownership, the farm name, farm number, magisterial district, the farm's boundaries and size and habitat assessment reflecting the current state of the vegetation thereon;
(b)in the case of land situated within a township, include a full description of the property in respect of which the application is made, including but not limited to proof of ownership, the erf number, the size of the erf, the street name and number, the city or town, the suburb and magisterial district where the erf is situated;
(c)state the species of plant to which the application relates, the estimated number of such species that are to be found in its natural state on the land and the number of such species that are otherwise to be found on the land referred to in paragraph (a) or (b);
(d)set out the grounds on which the application is made; and
(e)set out the activities applied for.
(3)For the purpose of deciding on the application, the Director may require the applicant to furnish him or her with any additional information he or she may consider necessary or desirable.
(4)If the Director is satisfied that the application meets the required criteria, he or she may grant the application and, subject to the conditions he or she may consider necessary or desirable, issue the permit.
(5)A nursery permit -
(a)is valid for the period specified therein; and
(b)may be withdrawn by the Director if the landowner fails to comply with or contravenes any of the conditions subject to which the permit was issued.
(6)Subject to subsection (7), any nursery permit issued in terms of this section lapses upon the transfer or lease of the land or any portion of such land in respect of which it was issued.
(7)The provisions of section 16, read with the changes required by the context, apply with regard to a nursery permit.

53. Application of certain provisions

For the purpose of this Chapter, the provisions of sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 25(2) apply, read with the changes required by the context.

54. Written permission by the landowner

(1)No person may perform any activity as described in section 49 or 50 on land without the written permission of the landowner concerned.
(2)The provisions in respect of land referred to in subsection (1) do not apply to the owner of such land.
(3)For the purpose of interpretation of the words "written permission" in subsection (1), the provisions of section 14 apply, read with the changes required by the context.

Chapter 7
Invasive species

55. Invasive species

(1)No person may -
(a)import, export, transport, possess or trade in an invasive species, including any specimen, carcass or derivative of such species;
(b)cultivate a plant specimen of an invasive species; or
(c)breed or keep an animal specimen of an invasive species.
(2)The owner of land upon which an invasive species is found, must take the necessary steps to eradicate or destroy such species.

Chapter 8
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, (CITES)

56. Prohibited acts regarding CITES species

No person may, without a permit -
(a)import into the Province from another country; or
(b)export from the Province to another country,
any species of fauna or flora listed in Appendix I, II or III of CITES, including any specimen, carcass or derivative of such species.

Chapter 9
Nature conservators

57. Appointment of nature conservators

(1)The responsible Member may, subject to subsection (3), appoint any person on the establishment of the Department as a nature conservator.
(2)A nature conservator may exercise the powers and perform the functions assigned to his or her office by or under this Act.
(3)The Director may determine the qualifications and training programmes subject to which a nature conservator must be appointed.
(4)Each nature conservator appointed under subsection (1), must be furnished with a certificate signed on behalf of the Department and stating that he or she is appointed as a nature conservator.
(5)Whenever a nature conservator appointed in terms of subsection (1) performs a function under this Act in the presence of any person affected thereby, the nature conservator must, on demand by such person, produce to him or her the certificate referred to in subsection (4).

58. General powers and functions of nature conservators

(1)To comply with his or her mandate in terms of this Act, and in addition to the powers set out elsewhere in this Act, a nature conservator may exercise all the powers assigned to a police official who is not a commissioned officer, in terms of Chapters 2, 5, 7 and 8 of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977).
(2)The Director must, as soon as practicable after the coming into operation of this Act, apply to the Minister of Justice for all nature conservators or any other category of persons on the establishment of the Department to be declared peace officers in terms of section 334(1) of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977), for the purpose of exercising their powers in terms of subsection (1) or any other provision of this Act.
(3)A nature conservator may -
(a)demand the full name, identity number and address of any person who -
(i)has committed an offence in terms of this Act or whom he or she reasonably suspects of having committed such offence;
(ii)is reasonably deemed to be able to give evidence relating to an offence committed or reasonably suspected of having been committed in terms of this Act,
and if such person furnishes to the nature conservator a name and address which such officer reasonably suspects to be false, he or she may arrest such person without warrant and detain such person for a period not exceeding twelve hours or until such time as such name or address has been verified;
(b)instruct any person who, on land which is used for purposes of this Act, contravenes or fails to comply with a —
(i)provision of this Act; or
(ii)requirement or condition prescribed or determined in terms of this Act, to leave such land;
(c)destroy a dog not used in lawful hunting and which is pursuing or searching for a wild animal;
(d)in exercising a power or performing a function in terms of this Act, make use of an interpreter and, if necessary, of one or more other persons, and such an interpreter or other person is deemed to be a nature conservator while acting under control of the nature conservator;
(e)copy, or make extracts from any document, book or record, or any written or electronic information or other thing relevant for the purposes of an investigation or remove any such document, book, record, or written or electronic information or other thing in order to make copies or extracts;
(f)take photographs or make audio-visual recordings of anything or any person that is relevant for the purposes of an investigation; and
(g)take a sample from any animal or plant that is relevant for the purposes of an investigation.
(4)A nature conservator must -
(a)provide a receipt for any document, book, record or written or electronic information, or any specimen, article, substance or other thing, seized or removed in terms of this Act; and
(b)exercise his or her powers in a way that minimises damage to, loss or deterioration of any premises or thing.

59. Powers of nature conservators regarding inspections and compliance with this Act

(1)A nature conservator may -
(a)conduct inspections and monitor compliance with this Act;
(b)investigate an alleged contravention of this Act;
(c)question any person in respect of any matter connected with this Act, which may be relevant to an inspection; or
(d)question any person whom the nature conservator reasonably believes may have information relevant to an inspection.
(2)A nature conservator may be accompanied during an inspection by a member of the South African Police Service or any other person reasonably required to assist in conducting the inspection.
(3)A nature conservator may, if he or she has reason to believe that any provision of this Act or a condition subject to which a permit, licence or other document issued in terms of this Act has not been complied with, issue a non-compliance notice, in the form determined by the Director, to the holder of a permit, licence or other document issued in terms of this Act and must forward a copy of the notice to the Director.
(4)A non-compliance notice must set out the alleged non-compliance contemplated in subsection (3) and the steps to be taken and must provide for a reasonable period within which steps must be taken in order to comply with such provisions.
(5)A compliance certificate may be issued if the Director or nature conservator acting on behalf of the Director is satisfied that the steps have been taken to rectify the non-compliance contemplated in subsection (3) and set out in the non-compliance notice.
(6)If a person to whom a non-compliance notice has been issued in terms of subsection (3) fails to comply with the notice, a nature conservator, with the concurrence of the Director, may, at the expense of such person, take any reasonable step to rectify the non-compliance and may -
(a)pick, catch, capture or transport;
(b)eradicate, destroy or hunt,
a specimen of a species, if the specimen is the subject of the alleged non-compliance.
(7)The provisions of subsections (3), (4) and (5) must not be interpreted so as to prevent a nature conservator from instituting a criminal charge.

Chapter 10
Permits and other authorisations

60. Issuing of permits, licences, certificates, written authorisations or exemptions

The Director may —
(a)issue any permit, licence, certificate or any other written authorisation or exemption required by a provision of this Act and determine the form and contents thereof; and
(b)after due process -
(i)withdraw any such permit, licence, certificate or other written authorisation or exemption if the holder of the permit, licence, certificate or other written authorisation or exemption contravenes or fails to comply with a condition subject to which such document was issued;
(ii)amend such permit, licence, certificate or other written authorisation or exemption if changed circumstances so necessitate.

61. Application for permits and other documents

(1)Any person may, in writing, apply to the Director for a permit, licence, certificate or any other written authorisation or exemption required by this Act by lodging an application on the form determined by the Director after payment of the prescribed fee.
(2)After receiving an application in terms of subsection (1), the Director may request further information from the applicant before considering the application.
(3)The Director may, after considering an application -
(a)refuse the application in writing, stating the reasons for the refusal;
(b)issue the permit, licence, certificate or other written authorisation or exemption unconditionally; or
(c)issue the pennit, licence, certificate or other written authorisation, subject to the conditions the Director may consider necessary or relevant.
(4)A document issued in terms of subsection (3)(c) applies only to the extent that any condition subject to which it was issued, is complied with.
(5)Where an activity is required by this Act to be authorised by a permit, licence, certificate, written authorisation, exemption or other document, the person carrying out the activity must -
(a)obtain the consent of the landowner (if required by this Act); and
(b)carry the original document or a certified copy thereof and, where applicable, the consent referred to in paragraph (a) on his or her person when carrying out the activity for which the document was issued.

62. Cancellation of permits, certificates and forfeiture of certain articles

(1)The court convicting a person of an offence under this Act -
(a)may issue an order that a certificate, licence, permit, written authority or exemption issued to such person under this Act be cancelled if in its opinion the rights conferred by such certificate, licence, permit, written authority or exemption were abused by such person in the commission of such offence;
(b)may issue an order disqualifying such person from obtaining any specified certificate, licence, permit, written authority or exemption under this Act for a specified period not exceeding five years; and
(i)may declare any animal, vehicle, vessel, boat, craft, float, aircraft or other means of conveyance (hereafter referred to as "means of conveyance") and any weapon, instrument, receptacle or other thing (hereafter referred to as "article") which was used for the purpose of or in connection with the commission of the offence and was produced to the court, to be forfeited to the Province, but that no declaration may be made in terms of this subparagraph in respect of any means of conveyance or article referred to in this subparagraph if the court is satisfied that the convicted person at the time of the commission of the offence was not the owner thereof and that the owner thereof was unable to prevent the use thereof by the convicted person; and
(ii)must declare any wild animal or the carcass thereof or any plant in respect of which the offence was committed to be forfeited to the Province.
(2)The registrar or clerk of the court which has -
(a)issued an order under subsection (1)(a) or (b), must advise the Director of such order and of the sentence imposed on the convicted person; or
(b)made a declaration under subsection (1)(c), must advise the Director of such order and of the sentence imposed on the convicted person and must also forward the article or thing to which the declaration relates to the Director for disposal in terms of section 68.
(3)The provisions of section 35 of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977. (Act No. 51 of 1977), read with the changes required by the context, apply in respect of any forfeiture in terms of this section.

Chapter 11
Implementation of the Act

63. Regulations and Schedules

(1)The responsible Member may make regulations regarding -
(a)any matter that may or must be prescribed in terms of this Act;
(b)wildlife operators, game farms and nurseries;
(c)any fee payable in terms of this Act;
(d)damage-causing animals, invasive species or pet species;
(e)in general, any matter in respect of which it is necessary or expedient to make regulations in order to achieve the objects of this Act.
(2)Before making regulations in terms of subsection (1), the responsible Member must publish the draft regulations for public comment in the Provincial Gazette.
(3)A regulation made in terms of subsection (1)(c) may only be made with the concurrence of the Member of the Executive Council responsible for financial matters in the Province.
(4)Regulations made in terms of subsection (1) -
(a)may restrict or prohibit any act either absolutely or conditionally;
(b)apply -
(i)generally throughout the Province or only in a specified area or category of areas;
(ii)to all persons or only a specified category of persons; or
(iii)with respect to all wild animals or plants or only a specified species of wild animal or plant or category of wild animal or plant; or
(c)may differentiate between -
(i)different areas or categories of areas;
(ii)categories of persons; or
(iii)species of wild animal or plant or category of species of wild animal or plant.
(5)The responsible Member may, after consultation with the Director, amend any of the Schedules by notice in the Provincial Gazette.

64. Delegation

(1)Subject to subsection (3), the responsible Member may delegate in writing any of his or her powers, functions or duties in terms of this Act to an officer on the establishment of the Department.
(2)The Director may delegate in writing any of his of her powers, functions or duties in terms of this Act to any officer on the establishment of the Department.
(3)The responsible Member may not delegate the power to make regulations or to declare hunting or angling seasons.

65. Destruction of evidence

No person may remove from premises or destroy or dispose of a wild animal or plant or derivative thereof, or any book, register, document, vehicle, container, firearm, weapon, snare, trap, explosive, poison, noxious substance or any other thing to prevent the seizure thereof or the detection of any offence under this Act.

66. Offences

(1)Any person who -
(a)contravenes or fails to comply with a provision of this Act or a regulation made or instruction given or demand made thereunder;
(b)alters, fabricates or forges any document issued or required for the lawful performance of any act in terms of this Act;
(c)passes, uses, utters or has in his or her possession any altered, fabricated or forged document contemplated in paragraph (b);
(d)under a false name obtains any document contemplated in paragraph (b);
(e)while prohibited by an order of court from obtaining a document in terms of this Act, obtains or applies for such document;
(f)being the holder of a document issued under this Act authorising or directing him or her to perform any act or to perform any act in a specified manner, performs such act without having such document in his or her possession or not in the specified manner;
(g)fails to comply with a term or condition subject to which a document was issued to him or her under this Act;
(h)falsely holds himself or herself out to be a nature conservator or landowner;
(i)hinders, obstructs or interferes with a nature conservator in the exercise of his or her powers or the performance of his or her functions under this Act or without good cause refuses or fails to furnish on demand any such officer with his or her name and address or with any information or document required by such officer for the purposes of this Act or furnishes any such officer with a false name and address;
(j)while in possession of a firearm having a barrel exceeding 100 mm in length or any other device as contemplated in section 9 intended to be used or which could be used for the hunting of wild animals, trespasses on land on which there is or is likely to be any wild animal;
(k)is found in possession of a specially protected species or carcass or derivative thereof by a nature conservator or a police officer and is unable to give a satisfactory account of such possession;
(l)knowingly makes a false statement in an application made or in any other document furnished by him or her in terms of any provision of this Act; or
(m)permits or allows any other person to do anything which is an offence in terms of this Act,
is guilty of an offence.
(2)It is an offence to disclose information about any other person if that information was acquired while exercising or performing any power or duty in terms of this Act, except -
(a)if the information is disclosed in compliance with the provisions of any law;
(b)if the person is ordered to disclose the information by a court;
(c)if the information is disclosed to enable a person to perform a function in terms of this Act or a corresponding law or for the purposes of the administration of justice; or
(d)if the permission of the person concerned is obtained.

67. Penalties

(1)A person convicted of an offence in terms of this Act is liable to a fine, or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 10 years, or to both a fine and such imprisonment.
(2)A fine in terms of subsection (1) may not exceed -
(a)an amount prescribed in terms of the Adjustment of Fines Act, 1991 (Act No. 101 of 1991); or
(b)if a person is convicted of an offence involving a specimen of a specially protected or protected species or CITES species, an amount determined in terms of paragraph (a) or which is equal to three times the commercial value of the specimen in respect of which the offence was committed, whichever is the greater.
(3)Where reference is made in subsection (2) to the commercial value of a species for the purposes of determining an appropriate penalty for an offence under this Act and different commercial values for the specific item exist in the market at that specific point in time, whether nationally or internationally, the commercial value of such species must be determined by the calculation of the average of the various commercial values existing in the market at that specific point in time.

68. Disposal of licence fees, fines and proceeds of sale of articles declared forfeited

All fees paid in respect of permits, licences, certificates, written authorisations or exemptions issued, all fines imposed in respect of offences and the proceeds of the sale of anything declared to be forfeited to the Province under this Act must be paid into the Provincial Revenue Fund.

69. Liability for loss, damage or deterioration of items in custody

(1)Subject to subsection (2), anything seized or removed by a nature conservator in terms of this Act, must be kept in such a manner that it is secured against loss or damage or deterioration and must, if no prosecution for an offence under this Act is instituted in connection therewith, be returned to the person from whose possession it was taken, if such person may lawfully possess such thing.
(2)Pending the institution of criminal proceedings in terms of this Act or the resolution of such proceedings, any live specimen that has been seized in terms of this Act must be deposited with a suitable institution, rescue centre or facility which is able and willing to house and properly care for it, but in the event that a suitable facility cannot be found, the Director may provide as the circumstances may require.
(3)Neither the Department nor any other person is liable for damage or loss caused by -
(a)the exercise of a power or the performance of a function or duty under this Act; or
(b)the failure to exercise a power or perform a function or duty under this Act,
unless the exercise of or failure to exercise the power, or performance or failure to perform the function or duty was unlawful, negligent or in bad faith.

Chapter 12
General provisions

70. Retention of documents

The document or a certified copy of every document required by this Act must be retained by the person to whom it was furnished for a period of at least two years from the date on which it was so furnished or while he or she is in possession of the species or specimen to which it relates, whichever is the longer period.

71. Time of importation of animals and plants

Whenever a wild animal or plant is consigned to or brought into the Province, such wild animal or plant is deemed to have been imported into the Province -
(a)in the case of a wild animal or plant consigned to a place in the Province and brought thereto in an aircraft, at the time when such aircraft on the flight in question first came within the control area of the airport authority in the Province or at the time of landing of such aircraft at the place of actual discharge of the wild animal or plant in the Province;
(b)in the case of a wild animal or plant not consigned to a place in the Province, but brought thereto by an aircraft, at the time when such wild animal or plant were so landed;
(c)in the case of a wild animal or plant brought into the Province overland or over inland waters or over seawaters, at the time when such wild animal or plant entered the Province;
(d)in the case of a wild animal or plant brought into the Province by post or in any other manner, including introduction from the sea, at the time of importation in terms of paragraph (a), (b) or (c), according to the means of carriage of such wild animal or plant.

72. General powers of the Director

(1)Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Director may, if the circumstances so require, take any step or prohibit, control or restrict the activity of any person in relation to a specimen of any species.
(2)The Director may, at his or her discretion and subject to the conditions he or she may deem necessary or relevant, grant exemption in writing from any provision of this Act to -
(a)any person doing research on any animal, plant, fish or any other matter related to this Act; or
(b)a nature conservator for purposes of performing his or her functions in terms of this Act.

73. Repeal of laws and savings

(1)Subject to subsection (2) -
(a)the Problem Animal Control Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance No. 26 of 1957); and
(b)the Nature and Environmental Conservation Ordinance, 1974 (Ordinance No. 19 of 1974),
are hereby repealed.
(2)Anything done or any document issued in terms of a law repealed by subsection (1), and which may be done or issued in terms of a provision of this Act, must be considered as having been done or issued in terms of the latter provision.

74. Short title and commencement

This Act is called the Northern Cape Nature Conservation Act, 2009, and comes into operation on a date fixed by the Premier by proclamation in the Provincial Gazette.

Schedule 1

Specially protected species

Scientific nameCommon name (where known)
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Acinonyx jubatus (Von Schreber, 1775)Cheetah
Arctocephalus gazella (Peters, 1875)Antarctic fur seal
Canis adustus (Sundevall, 1847)Side-striped jackal
Civettictis civetta (Von Schreber, 1776)African civet
Crocuta crocuta (Erxleben, 1777)Spotted hyaena
Felis nigripes (Burchell, 1824)Black-footed cat
Felis silvestris (Von Schreber, 1777)African wild cat
Hydrurga leptonyx (de Blainville, 1820)Leopard seal
Ictonytx striatus (Perry, 1810)Striped polecat
Leptailurus serval (Von Schreber, 1776)Serval
Leptonychotes weddellii (Lesson, 1826)Weddell seal
Lobodon carcinophaga (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1842)Crabeater seal
Lutra maculicollis (Lichtenstein, 1835)Spotted-necked otter
Lycaon pictus (Ternmink, 1820)African wild dog
Mellivora capensis (Von Schreber, 1776)Honey badger
Mirounga leonina (Linnaeus, 1758)Southern elephant seal
Otocyon megalotis (Desmarest, 1822)Bat-eared fox
Panthera leo (Linnaeus, 1758)Lion
Panthera pardus (Linnaeus, 1758)Leopard
Paracynictis selousi (De Winton, 1896)Selous mongoose
Parahyaena brunnea (Thunberg, 1820)Brown hyaena
Poecilogale albinucha (Gray, 1864)African striped weasel / Snake mongoose
Proteles cristatus (Sparrman, 1783)Aardwolf
Rhynchogale melleri (Gray, 1865)Meller’s mongoose
Vulpes chama (A. Smith, 1833)Cape fox / Silver jackal
Order: Eulipotyphla (Insectivora)
Atelenx frontalis (A. Smith, 1831)Southern African hedgehog
Order: Lagomorpha
Bunolagus monticularis (Thomas, 1903)Riverine rabbit
Order: Perissodactyla
Ceratotherium simum (Burchell, 1817)Square-lipped rhinoceros / White rhinoceros
Diceros bicornis (Linnaeus, 1758)Hooked-lipped rhinoceros / Black rhinoceros
Equus zabra hartmannae (Matschie, 1898)Hartmann’s mountain zebra
Equus zebra zebra (Linnaeus, 1758)Cape mountain zebra
Order: Pholidota
Manis temminckii (Smuts, 1832)African scaly ant-eater / Pangolin
Order: Primates
Cercopithecus albogularis (Sykes, 1831)Sykes’ monkey / Samango monkey
Galago moholi (A. Smith, 1836)Lesser bushbaby / South African Galago
Otolemur crossicaudatus (E. Geoffroy, 1812)Greater Galago / Thick-tailed Galago
Order: Proboscidea
Laxodonta Africana (Blumenbach, 1797)African elephant / Savanna elephant
Order: Serina
Dugong dugon (P.L.S. Müller, 1776)Dugong
Order: Tubulidentata
Orycteropus afer (Pallas, 1766)Aardvark / Ant-bear
Order: Whippomorpha
Balaenoptera acutorostrata (Lacépède, 1804)Dwarf minke whale
Balaenoptera bonaecrensis (Burmeister, 1867)Antarctic minke whale
Balaenoptera borealis (Lesson, 1828)Sei whale
Balaenoptera edeni (Anderson, 1878)Bryde's whale
Balaenoptera musculus (Linnaeus, 1758)Blue whale
Balaenopiera physalus (Linnaeus, 1758)Fin whale
Berardius arnuxii (Duvemoy, 1851)Amoux's beaked whale
Caperea marginata (Gray, 1846)Pygmy right whale
Cephalorhynchus heavisidii (Gray, 1828)Heaviside's dolphin
Delphinus capensis (Gray, 1828)Long-beaked common dolphin
Delphinus delphis (Linnaeus, 1758)Short-beaked common dolphin
Eubalaena australis (Desmoulins, 1822)Southern right whale
Feresa attenuata (Gray, 1875)Pygmy killer whale
Globicephala macrorhynchus (Gray, 1846)Short-finned pilot whale
Globicephala melas (Traill, 1809)Long-finned pilot whale
Grampus griseus (G. Cuvier, 1812)Risso's dolphin
Hyperoodon planifrons (Flower, 1882)Southern bottlenose whale
Indopacetus pacificus (Longman, 1926)Longman’s beaked whale
Kogia breviceps (de Blatnville, 1838)Pygmy sperm whale
Kogia sima (Owen, 1866)Dwarf sperm whale
Lagenodelphis hosei (Fraser, 1956)Fraser's dolphin
Lagenorhynchus obscurus (Gray, 1828)Dusky dolphin
Lissodelphis peronii (Lacépède, 1804)Southern right whale dolphin
Megaptera novaeangliae (Borowski, 1781)Humpback whale
Mesoplodon densirostris (Blainville, 1817)Blamville’s beaked whale
Mesoplodon grayi (Von Haast, 1876)Gray's beaked whale
Mesoplodon hectori (Gray, 1871)Hector's beaked whale
Mesoplodon layardii (Gray, 1865)Strap-toothed beaked whale
Mesoplodon mirus (True, 1913)True's beaked whale
Orcinus orca (Linnaeus, 1758)Killer whale
Peponocephala electra (Gray, 1846)Melon-headed whale
Physeter catodon (Linnaeus, 1758)Sperm whale
Pseudorca crassidens (Owen, 1846)False killer whale
Sousa chinensis (Osbeck, 1765)Humpback dolphin
Stenella attenuata (Gray, 1846)Pantropical spotted dolphin
Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyer, 1833)Striped dolphin
Stenella longirostris (Gray, 1828)Spinner dolphin
Steno bredanensis (Lesson, 1828)Rough-toothed dolphin
Tursiops aduncus (Ehrenberg, 1833)Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphin
Tursiops truncatus (Monkey, 1821)Bottlenosed dolphin
Ziphius cavirostris (G. Cuvier, 1823)Cuvier's beaked whale
Class: Aves
Order: AnseriformesAll migratory exotic species of Anseriformes
Order: Buserotiformes
Buconus leadbeateriSouthern Ground Hornbill
Order: Charadriiformes
Charadrius pallidusChestnut-banded Plover
Glareola nordmanniBlack-winged Pratincole
Glanola pratincolaCollared Pratincole
Haematopus moquiniAfrican Black Oystercatcher
Rostratula benghalensisGreater Painted-snipe
Sterna balaenarumDamara Tern
Sterna caspiaCaspian Tern
Order: Ciconiiformes
Ciconia nigraBlack Stork
Ephippiorhynchus senegalensisSaddlebill Stork
Geronticus calvusSouthern Bald Ibis
Gorsachius leuconotusWhitebacked Night Heron
Leptoptilos crumeniferusMarabou Stork
Mycteria ibisYellowbilled Stork
Pelecanus anocrotalusGreat White Pelican
Pelecanus rufescensPink-backed Pelican
Phalacrocorax capensisCape Cormorant
Phalacrocorax coronatusCrowned Cormorant
Phalacrocorax neglectusBank Cormorant
Phoenicopterus minorLesser Flamingo
Phoenicopterus rubberGreater Flamingo
Order: Falconiformes
Accipiter badiusShikra
Accipiter melanoleucusBlack Sparrow-hawk
Accipiter minullusLittle Sparrow-hawk
Accipiter ovampensisOvambo Sparrow-hawk
Accipiter rufuentrisRufous-chested Sparrow-hawk
Accipiier tachiroAfrican Goshawk
Aegypius occipitalisWhite-headed Vulture
Aegypius tracheliotusLapped-faced Vulture
Aquila ayresiiAyres’s Hawk-Eagle
Aquila nipalensisSteppe Eagle
Aquila pennatusBooted Eagle
Aquila pomarinaLesser Spotted Eagle
Aquila rapaxTawny Eagle
Aquila spilogasterAfrican Hawk-Eagle
Aquila verreauxiiVerreaux’s Eagle
Aquila wahlbergiWahlberg's Eagle
Aviceda cuculoidesAfrican Cuckoo Hawk
Buteo augurAugur Buzzard
Buteo rufinusLong-legged Buzzard
Buteo rufofuscusJackal Buzzard
Buteo trizonatusForest Buzzard
Buteo vulpinusSteppe Buzzard
Circaetus cinereusBrown Snake-Eagle
Circaetus fasciolatusSouthern Banded Snake Eagle
Circaetus fasciolatusSouthern Banded Snake-Eagle
Circaetus pectoralisBlack-chested Snake-Eagle
Circus aeruginosusWestern Marsh-Harrier
Circus macrourusPallid Harrier
Circus maurusBlack Harner
Circus pygargusMontagu's Harrier
Circus ranivorusAfrican Marsh-Harrier
Elanas caeruleusBlack-shouldered Kite
Falco amurensisAmur Falcon
Falco biarmicusLanner Falcon
Falco chicqueraRed-necked Falcon
Falco concolorSooty Falcon
Falco cuvieriiAfrican Hobby
Falco dickinsoniDickinson's Kestrel
Falco eleonoraeEleonora's Falcon
Falco fasciinuchaTaita Falcon
Falco naumanniLesser Kestrel
Falco peregrinesPeregrine Falcon
Falco rupicoloidesGreater Kestrel
Falco rupicolusRock Kestrel
Falco subbuteoEurasian Hobby
Falco vespertinusRed-footed Falcon
Gypaetus barbatusBearded Vulture
Gypohierax angolensisPalmnut Vulture
Gyps africanusWhite-backed Vulture
Gyps coprotheresCape Vulture
Gyps rueppelliiRuppell's Vulture
Haliaeetus vociferAfrican Fish-Eagle
Kaupifalco monogrammicusLizard Buzzard
Lophaetus occipitalisLong-crested Eagle
Macheirhamphus alcinusBat Hawk
Melierax canorusSouthern Pale Chanting Goshawk
Melierax gabarGabar Goshawk
Melierax metabatesDark Chanting Goshawk
Milvus migransBlack Kite
Necrosyrtes monachusHooded Vulture
Neophron perecuopterusEgyptian Vulture
Pandion haliaetusOsprey
Pernis apivorusEuropean Honey-Buzzard
Polemaetus bellicosusMartial Eagle
Polihierax semitorquatusPygmy Falcon
Potyboroides typusAfrican Harrier-Hawk
Sagittarius serpentariusSecretary bird
Stepbanoaetus coronatusAfrican Crowned Eagle
Terathopius ecaudatusBateleur
Neotis denhamiDenham's Bustard
Neotis ludwigiiLudwig's Bustard
Order: Musophagiformes
Tauraco corythaixKnysna Turaco
Order: Passeriformes
Buphagus africanusYellow-billed Oxpecker
Buphagus erythrorhynchusRed-billed Oxpecker
Calendulauda barlowiBarlow's Lark
Calendulauda burraRed Lark
Hirundo artrocaeruleaBlue Swallow
Hypargos margaritatusPink-throated Twinspot
Lamprotornis mevesiiMeves’s Starling
Mandingoa nitidulaGreen Twinspot
Spizocorys sclateriSclater's Lark
Order: Psittaciformes
Poicephalus robustusCape Parrot
Poicephalus fuscicollisGrey-headed Parrot
Family: Spheniscidae
Eudyptes chrysocomeRockhopper Penguin
Eudyptes chrysolophusMacaroni Penguin
Procellaria acquinoctialisWhite-chinned Petrel
Pygoscelis papuaGentoo Penguin
Spheniscus magellanicusMagellanic Penguin
Thalassarche carteriIndian Yellow-nosed Albatross
Thalassarche chrysostomaGrey-headed Albatross
Order: Strigiformes
Asio capensisMarsh Owl
Bubo africanusSpotted Eagle-Owl
Bubo capensisCape Eagle-Owl
Bubo lacteusVerreaux's Eagle-Owl
Caprimulgus europaeusEuropean Nightjar
Caprimulgus fossiiSquare-tailed Nightjar
Caprimulgus natalensisSwamp Nightjar
Caprimulgus pectoralisFiery-necked Nightjar
Caprimulgus rufigenaRufous-cheeked Nightjar
Caprimulgus tristigmaFreckled Nightjar
Glaucidium capenseAfrican Barred Owlet
Glaucidium perlatumPearl-sported Owlet
Macrodipteryx texillariusPennant-winged Nightjar
Otus senegalensisAfrican Scops-Owl
Ptilapris grantiSouthern White-faced Scops-Owl
Scotopelia peliPel's Fishing Owl
Strix woodfordiiAfrican Wood-Owl
Tyto albaBam Owl
Tyto capensisAfrican Grass-Owl
Tyto capensisAfrican Grass Owl
Class: Reptilia
Order: Chelonia (Testudinata)
Caretta carettaLoggerhead Sea Turtle
Chelonia mydasGreen Sea Turtle
Dermochelys coriaceaLeatherback Sea Turtle
Eretmocheys imbricateHawksbill Sea Turtle
Homopus signatusSouthern Speckled Padloper
Lepidochelys olivaceaOlive Ridley Turtle
Psammobates geometricusGeometric Tortoise
Order: Squamata
Family: ChamaeleonidaeChamaeleons, all species
Family: CordylidaeGirdled lizards, all species
Bradypodion teaniabronchumSmith's Dwarf Chamaeleon
Cordylus cataphractusArmadillo Girdled Lizard
Cordylus giganteusGaint Girdled Lizard
Family: Boideae
Python sebaeAfrican Rock Python
Class: Amphibia
Cacosternum capenseCape Caco / Cross-marked frog
Microbatrachella capensisMicro Frog
Pyxicephalus adspersusGiant Bullfrog / Giant Pyxie
Pyxicephalus edulusAfrican Bullfrog / Edible Bullfrog
Xenopus gilliGill's Clawed Toad / Cape platanna
Class: Pisces
Order: Cypriniformes
Barbus andrewiCape Whitefish
Barbus calidusClanwilliam Redfin
Barbus erubescensTwee River Redfin
Barbus hospesNamaqua Barb / Namaqua Minnow
Barbus pallidusGold Barb / Speckled Minnow
Barbus paiudinosusStraightfin Barb / Slender Serrate Minnow
Barbus serraSaw fin
Barbus trevelyaniBorder Barb
Barbus trimaculatusThreespot Barb / Threespot Minnow
Labeo seeberiClanwilliam Sandfish
Labeo umbratusMoggel / Mud Millet
Labeobarbus aneusVaal-Orange Smallmouth Yellowfish
Labeobarbus capensisClanwilliam Yellow Fish
Labeobarbus kimberlyensisVaal-Orange Largemouth Yellowfish
Pseudobarbus aferEastern Cape Redfin
Pseudobarbus asperSmall scale Redfin / Plumb red-fin minnow
Pseudobarbus burchelliiBurchell’s Redfin
Pseudobarbus burgiBerg River Redfin
Pseudobarbus phlegethonFieiy Redfin
Pseudobarbus tenuisSlender Redfin
Order: Siluriformes
Austroglanis barnardiiBarnard’s Rock Catfish
Austroglanis gilliClanwilliam Rock Catfish
Austroglanis sclateriRock-Catfish
Order: Perciformes
Galaxias zebratusCape Galaxia
Sandelia bainsiiEastern Province Rocky
Sandelia capensisCape Kurper
Class: Arachnida
Order: Mygalomorphae
Ceratogyrus spp.Horned Baboon Spiders, all species
Harpactira spp.Common Baboon Spiders, all species
Pterinochilus spp.Golden-brown Baboon Spiders, all species
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Circellium bacchusAddo Flightless / Cape Dung Beede
Colophon spp.Stag Beedes, all species
Class: OnychophoraAll species
Family: Amarylidaceae
Clivia mirabilis (Rourke)Oorlofskloof bush lily / Clivia
Haemanthus graniticus (Snijman)April fool
Hessea pusilla (Snijman) 
Strumaria bidentata (Schinz) 
Strumaria perryae (Snijman) 
Family: Anacardiaceae
Ozoroa spp.All species
Family: Apiaceae
Centella tridentata (L.f. Drude ex Domiver) 
Chamarea snijmaniae (B.L.Burtt) 
Family: Apocynaceae
Hoodia gordonii 
Pachypodium namaquanum (Wyley ex Harv.) (Welw.)Elephants' trunk
Family: Asohodelaceae
Aloe bubrii (Lavranos) 
Aloe dichotoma 
Aloe dichotoma var.rumosissimaMaiden quiver tree
Aloe dabenorisanaCliff aloe
Aloe erinacea 
Aloe meyeriCliff aloe
Aloe pearsonii (Schonland)Pearson's aloe
Aloe pillansii (L. Guthrie)Giant quiver tree
Trachyandra prolifera (P.L. Perry) 
Family: Asterceae
Athanasia adenantha (Kallersjo) 
Athanasia spathulata (D. Dietr.) 
Cotula filifolia (Thunb.) 
Euryops mirus (B. Nord.) 
Euryops rosulatus (B. Nord.) 
Euryops virgatus (B. Nord.) 
Felida diffusa subsp. khamiesbergensis (Grau) 
Othonna armiana (Van Jaarsv.) 
Family: Crassulaceae
Tylecodon torulosus (Toelken) 
Family/Familie: Dioscoreaceae
Dioscorea spp.Elephant’s foot, all species
Family: Eriospermaceae
Eriospermum erinum (P.L. Perry) 
Eriospermum glaciale (P.L. Perry) 
Family: Fabaceae
Amphithalea obtusiloba (Granby) (A.L. Schutte) 
Latononis acutiflora (Benth.) 
Latononis polycephala (Benth.) 
Laseertia spp 
Scaletium toruosum 
Sutherlandia spp.Cancer Bush, all spesies
Wiborgia fusca subsp. macrocarpa 
Family: Geraniaceae
Pelargonium spp.Pelargonium, all species
Family: Hyacinthaceae
Drimia nana (Snijman) (J.C. Manning C Goldblatt) 
Ornithigalum bicornutum (F.M. Leight) 
Ornithogalum inclusum (F.M. Leight) 
Family: Iridaceae
Babiana framesii (L. Bolus) 
Ferraria kamiesbergensis (M.P. de Vos) 
Freesia marginata (J.C. Manning & Goldblatt) 
Geissorhiza subrigida (L. Bolus) 
Hesperantha minima (Baker) R.C. Foster) 
Hesperantha oligantha (Diels) (Goldblatt) 
Hesperantha rivulicola (Goldblatt) 
Lupeirousia verecunda (Goldblatt) 
Moraea kamieensis (Goldblatt) 
Moraea namaquana (Goldblatt) 
Romulea albiflora (J.C. Manning & Goldblatt) 
Romulea discifera (J.C. Manning & Goldblatt) 
Romulea maculate (J.C. Manning & Goldblatt) 
Romulea rupestris (J.C. Manning & Goldblatt) 
Family: Molluginaceae
Hypertelis trachrysperma (Adamson) 
Psammotropha spicata (Adamson) 
Family: Orchidaceae
Corycium ingeanum (E.S.H Oliv) 
Disa macroslachya (Lindl.) (Bolus)Disa
Family: Oxalidaceae
Oxalis pseudo-hirla (T.M. Salter)Sorrel
Family: Pedaliaceae
Harpagophytum spp.Devil's claw
Family: Poaceae
Prionanthium dentalum (L.F. Henrard) 
Secale strictum subsp. africanumWild rye
Family: Proteaceae
Leucadendron meyerianum (H. Buek ex E. Phillips)Tolbos
Mimetes spp.All species
Orothamnus zeyheri (Pappe ex Hook. f.) 
Family: Rosaceae
Cliffartia arborea (Marloth)Sterboom
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Charadropbila capensis (Marloth)Cape Gloxinia
Family: Stangeriaceae
Stangeria spp. (T. Moore)Cycad’s, all species
Family: Zamiaceae
Encephalartos spp.Cycad’s, all species

Schedule 2

Protected species

Scientific nameCommon name (where known)
Class: Mammalia
Order: Afrosoricida
Ambtysomus corriae (Thomas, 1905)Fynbos golden mole
Ambtysomus hottentotus (A. Smith, 1829)Hottentot golden mole
Ambtysomus marleyi (Roberts, 1931)Marley's golden mole
Ambtysomus robustus (Bronner, 2000)Robust golden mole
Ambtysomus septentrionalis (Roberts, 1931)Highveld golden mole
Calcochloris obtusirostris (Peters, 1851)Yellow golden mole
Chlorotalpa duthieae (Broom, 1907)Duthie's golden mole
Chiorotalpa sclateri (Broom, 1907)Sdater's golden mole
Chrysochloris asiatica (Linnaeus, 1758)Cape golden mole
Chrysochloris visagiei (Broom, 1950)Visagie's golden mole
Chrysospalax trerelyani (Günther, 1875)Giant golden mole
Chrysospalax villosus (A. Smith, 1833)Rough-haired golden mole
Cryptochloris wintoni (Broom, 1907)De Winton's golden mole
Cryptochloris zyli (Shortridge &, Carter, 1938)Van Zyl’s golden mole
Eremitalpa granti (Broom, 1907)Grant’s golden mole
Neambtysomus gunningi (Broom, 1908)Gunning's golden mole
Neambtysomus julianae (Meester, 1972)Juliana’s golden mole
Order: Eulipotyphla (Insectivora)
Family: Soricidae
Crocidura cyanea (Duvemoy, 1838)Reddish-grey musk shrew
Crocidura flavescens (I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1827)Greater red musk shrew
Crociduru fuscomurina (Heuglin, 1865)Tiny musk shrew
Crocidura hirta (Peters, 1852)Lesser red musk shrew
Crocidura maquassiensis (Roberts, 1946)Maquassie musk shrew
Crocidura mariquensis (A. Smith, 1844)Swamp musk shrew
Crocidura silacea (Thomas, 1895)Lesser grey-brown musk shrew
Myosorex cafer (Sundevall, 1846)Dark-footed forest shrew
Myosorex longicaudatus (Meester & Dippenaar 1978)Long-tailed forest shrew
Myosorex sclateri (Thomas & Schwann, 1905)Sclater’s forest shrew
Myosorex varius (Smuts, 1832)Forest shrew
Suncus infinitesimus (Heller, 1812)Least dwarf shrew
Suncus lixus (Thomas, 1898)Greater dwarf shrew
Suncus varilla (Thomas, 1895)Lesser dwarf shrew
Order: Chiroptera
Chaerephon ansorgei (Thomas, 1913)Ansorge’s free-tailed bat
Chaerephon pumila (Cretzschmar, 1826)Little free-tailed bat
Cistugo lesueri (Robberts, 1919)Lesueur's hairy bat
Cistugo scabrai (Thomas, 1912)Angolan hairy bat
Claeotis percivali (Thomas, 1901)Short-eared trident bat
Eidolon helvum (Kerr, 1792)Straw-coloured fruit bat
Epomophorus gambianus (Ogilby, 1835)Gambian epauletted fruit bat
Epomophorus wahlbergi (Sundevall, 1846)Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat
Eptesicus hottentotus (A. Smith, 1833)Long-tailed serorine bat
Glauconycteris variegata (Tomes, 1861)Butterfly bat
Hipposideros caffer (Sundevall, 1846)Sundevall's roundleaf bat
Hipposideros commersoni (I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1813)Commerson’s roundleaf bat
Hypsugo anchietae (Seabra, 1900)Anchieta's pipistrelle
Kerivoula argentata (Tomes, 1861)Damara woolly bat
Kerivoula lanosa (A. Smith, 1847)Lesser woolly bat
Laephotis botswanae (Setzer, 1971)Botswana long-eared bat
Laephotis wintoni (Setzer, 1971)De Winton's long-eared bat
Miniopterus fraterculus (Thomas & Schwann, 1906)Lesser long-fingered bat
Miniopterus schreibersii (Kuhl, 1817)Schreibers’ long-fingered bat
Mops condylurus (A. Smith, 1838)Angolan free-tailed bat
Mops midas (Sundevall, 1843)Midas free-tailed bat
Mormopterus acetabulosus (Hermann, 1804)Natal free-tailed bat
Myotis bocagei (Peters, 1870)Rufous mouse-eared bat
Myotis tricolor (Temminck, 1832)Temminck's hairy bat
Myotis welwitschii (Grap, 1866)Welwitsch's hairy bat
Neoromicia capensis (A. Smith, 1829)Cape serotine bat
Neoromicia nanus (Peters, 1852)Banana bat
Neoromicia redalli (Thomas, 1889)Rendall's serotine bat
Neoromicia zuluensis (Roberts, 1924)Aloe serotine bat
Nycteris hispida (Von Schreber, 1774)Hairy slit-faced bat
Nycteris thebaica (E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1813)Egyptian slit-faced bat
Nycteris woodi (K. Andersen, 1914)Wood's slit-faced bat
Nycticeinops schlieffenni (Peters, 1859)Schlieffen's bat
Otomops martiensseni (Matschie, 1897)Large-eared free-tailed bat
Pipistrellus hesperidus (Kuhl, 1817)African pipistrelle
Pipistrelus rueppellii (J.B. Fischer, 1829)Ruppell's pipistrelle
Pipistretius rusticus (Tomes, 1861)Rusty pipistrelle
Rhinolophus blasii (Peters, 1867)Blasius’s horseshoe bat
Rhinolophus capensis (Lichtenstein, 1823)Cape horseshoe bat
Rhinolophus clivosus (Cretzschmar, 1828)Geoffroy's horseshoe bat
Rbinolophus darlingi (K. Andersen, 1905)Darling's horseshoe bat
Rhinolophus denti (Thomas, 1904)Dent's horseshoe bat
Rhinolophus fumigatus (Rupell, 1842)Ruppells horseshoe bat
Rhinolophus hildebrandtii (Peters, 1878)Hildebrandt's horseshoe bat
Rhinolopbus landeri (Martin, 1838)Lander’s horseshoe bat
Rhinolophus simulator (K. Andersen, 1904)Bushveld horseshoe bat
Rhinolophus swinnyi (Gough, 1908)Swinny's horseshoe bat
Rousettuss aegyptiacus (E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1810)Egyptian rousette
Sauromys petrophilus (Roberts, 1917)Flat-headed free-tailed bat
Scotoecus albofuscus (Thomas, 1890)Light-winged lesser house bat
Scotophilus dinganii (A. Smith, 1833)African yellow bat
Scotophilus viridis (Peters, 1852)Greenish yellow bat
Tadarida aegyptiaca (E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1818)Egyptian free-tailed bat
Todarida fulminans (Thomas, 1903)Madagascan large free-tailed bat
Tadarida ventralis (Heugirn, 1861)African free-tailed bat
Taphozous mauritianus (E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1818)Mauritian tomb bat
Taphozous perforates (E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1818)Egyptian tomb bat
Order: Macroscelidea (Insectivora)
Elephantulus brachyrhynchus (A. Smith, 1836)Short-snouted elephant-shrew
Elephantulus edwardii (A. Smith, 1839)Cape rock elephant-shrew
Elephantulus intufi (A. Smith, 1836)Bushveld elephant-shrew
Elephantulus myurus (Thomas & Schwann, 1906)Eastern rock elephant-shrew
Ekphantulus rupestris (A. Smith, 1831)Western rock elephant-shrew
Macroscelides proboscideus (Shaw, 1800)Round-eared elephant-shrew
Petrodromus tetradactylus (Peters, 1846)Four-toed elephant-shrew
Order: Hyracoidea
Dendrohyrax arboreus (A. Smith, 1872)Tree hyrax / Dassie
Heterohyrax brucei (Grey, 1868)Yellow-spotted rock hyrax / Dassie
Procaria capensis (Pallas, 1766)Rock hyrax
Order: Lagomorpha
Lepus capensis (Linnaeus, 1758)Cape hare
Lepus saxatilis (F. Cuvier, 1823)Scrub hare
Pronolagus crassicaudatus (I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1823)Natal red rock rabbit
Pronolagus randensis (Jameson, 1907)Jameson's red rock rabbit
Pronolagus rupestris (A. Smith, 1834)Smith’s red rock rabbit
Pronolagus saundersiae (Hewitt, 1927)Hewitt's red rock rabbit
Order: Rodentia
Acomys spinosissimus (Peters, 1852)Spiny mouse
Acomys subspinosus (Waterhouse, 1838)Cape spiny mouse
Aethomys chrysophilus (De Winton, 1897)Red veld rat
Aethomys granti (Wroughton, 1908)Grant's rock mouse
Aethomys ineptus (Thomas & Wroughton, 1908)Tete veld rat
Aethomys namaquensis (A Smith, 1834)Namaqua rock mouse
Bathyergus janetta (Thomas & Schwann, 1904)Nomaqua dune mole-rat
Bathyeryps suillus (Von Schrebcr, 1782)Cape dune mole-rat
Cricetomys gambianus (Waterhouse, 1840)Gambian giant rat
Cryptomys damarensis (Ogilby, 1838)Damaraland mole-rat
Cryptomys hottentotus (Lesson, 1826)African mole-rat
Dasymys capensis (Roberts, 1836)Cane marsh rat
Dasymys incomtus (Sundevall, 1847)African marsh rat
Dasymys sp.Roberts’ marsh rat
Dendromus melanotis (A. Smith, 1834)Grey climbing mouse
Dendromus mesomelas (Brants, 1827)Brants’ climbing mouse
Dendromus mystacalis (Heugiin, 1863)Chestnut climbing mouse
Dendromus nyikae (Wroughton, 1909)Nyika climbing mouse
Desmodillus auricularis (A. Smith, 1834)Short-tailed gerbil
Georychus capensis (Pallas, 1778)Cape mole-rat
Gerbillurus paeba (A. Smith, 1836)Hairy-footed gerbil
Gerbillurus vallinus (Thomas, 1918)Brush-tailed hairy-footed gerbil
Grammomys cometes (Thomas & Wroughton, 1908)Mocambique thicket rat
Grammomys dolichurus (Smuts, 1832)Woodland thicket rat
Graphiurus murinus (Desmarest, 1822)Woodland dormouse
Graphiurus ocularis (A. Smith, 1829)Spectacled dormouse
Graphiurus platyops (Thomas, 1897)Rock dormouse
Hystrix africaeustralis (Peters, 1852)Cape porcupine
Lemniscomys rosalia (Thomas, 1904)Single-striped grass mouse
Malacothrix typica (A. Smith, 1834)Gerbil mouse
Mastomys coucha (K. Smith, 1836)Southern multimammate mouse
Mastomys natalensis (A. Smith, 1834)Natal multimammate mouse
Mus indutus (Thomas, 1910)Desert pygmy mouse
Mus minutoides (A. Smith, 1834)Pygmy mouse
Mus neavei (Thomas, 1910)Neave’s pygmy mouse
Mus orangiae (Roberts, 1926)Free State pygmy mouse
Myomyscus verreauxi (A. Smith, 1834)Verreaux's mouse
Mystromys albicaudatus (A. Smith, 1834)White-tailed mouse
Otomys angoniensis (Wroughton. 1906)Angoni viei rat
Otomys irroratus (Brants, 1827)Vlei rat
Otomys laminatus (Thomas & Schwann, 1905)Laminate vlei rat
Otomys saundersiae (Roberts, 1929)Saunders’ vlei rat
Otomys sloggetti (Thomas, 1902)Sloggett's vlei rat
Otomys unisulcatus (F. Cuvier, 1829)Bush viei rat
Paraxerus cepapi (A. Smith, 1836)Tree squirrel
Paraxerus palliatus (Peters, 1852)Red bush squirrel
Parotomys brantsii (A, Smith, 1834)Brants' whistling rat
Parotomys littledalei (Thomas 1918)Littledale's whistling rat
Pedetes capensis (Forster, 1778)Springhare
Petromus typicus (A. Smith, 1831)Dossie rat
Petromyscus barbouri (Shortridge & Carter, 1938)Barbour's rock mouse
Petromyscus collinus (Thomas & Hinton, 1925)Pygmy rock mouse
Petromyscus monticularis (Thomas & Hinton, 1925)Brukkaros pygmy rock mouse
Rhabdomys pumilio (Spearman, 1784)Four-striped grass mouse
Saccostomus campestris (Peters, 1846)Pouched mouse
Steatomys krebsii (Peters, 1852)Krebs's fat mouse
Steatomys pratensis (Peters, 1846)Fat mouse
Tatera afra (Gray, 1830)Cape gerbil
Tatera brantsii (A. Smith, 1836)Highveld gerbil
Tatera leucogaster (Peters, 1852)Bushveld gerbil
Thallomys nigricauda (Thomas, 1882)Black-tailed tree rat
Thallomys paedulcus (Sundevall, 1846)Acacia rat
Thryonomus winderianus (Temminck, 1827)Greater canerat
Xerus inauris (Zimmermann, 1780)South African gr cvound squirrel
Xerus princeps (Thomas, 1929)Damara or Kaokoveld ground squirrel
Zelotomys woosnami (Schwann, 1906)Woosnam's desert mouse
Order: Carnovora
Aonyx capensis (Schinz, 1821)African / Cape clawless otter
Arctocephalus pusillus (Von Schreber, 1775)South African fur seal
Arctocephalus tropicalis (Gray, 1872)Subantarctic fur seal
Atilax paludinosus (G. Cuvier, 1829)Marsh mongoose / Water mongoose
Cynictis penicillata (G. Cuvier, 1829)Yellow mongoose
Galerella pulverulenta (Wagner, 1839)Cape grey mongoose
Galerella sanguinea (Ruppell, 1836)Slender mongoose
Genetta genetta (Linnaeus, 1758)Small-spotted genet
Genetta maculata (Gray, 1830)Common large-spotted genet
Genetta tigrina (Von Schreber, 1776)South African large-spotted genet
Helogale parvula (Sundevall, 1847)Dwarf mongoose
Herpestes ichneumon (Linnaeus, 1758)Large grey mongoose
Ichneumia albicauda (G. Cuvier, 1829)White-tailed mongoose
Mungos mungo (Gmelin, 1788)Banded mongoose
Suricala suricatta (Von Schreber, 1776)Meerkat / Suricate
Order: Perissodactyla
Equus quagga (Gmelin, 1788)Plains zebra
Order: Suiformes
Phacochoerus africanus (Gmelin, 1788)Common warthog
Order: Whippomorpha
Hippopotamus amphibius (Linnaeus, 1758)Hippopotamus
Order: Ruminantia
Aepyceros melampus (Lichtenstein, 1812)Impala
Alcelaphus buselaphus (Pallas, 1766)Red harrebeest
Alcelaphus lichtensteinii (Peters, 1849)Lichtenstein's hartebeest
Antidocas marsupialis (Zimmermann, 1780)Springbok
Cephalophus natalensis (A. Smith, 1834)Red duiker
Connochaetes gnou (Zimmermann, 1780)Black wildebeest
Connochaetes taurinus (Burchell, 1823)Blue wildebeest
Damaliscus lunatus (Burchell, 1823)Tsessebe
Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi (Pallas, 1766)Blesbok
Damaliscus pygargus pygargus (Pallas, 1767)Bontebok
Giraffa camelopardalis (Linnaeus, 1758)Giraffe
Hippotragus equinus (E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1803)Roan antelope
Hippotragus niger (Harris, 1838)Sable antelope
Kobus ellipsprymnus (Ogilby, 1833)Waterbuck
Neotrugus maschatus (Von Dueben, 1846)Suni
Oreotragus oreotragus (Zimmermann, 1783)Klipspringer
Oryx gazella (Linnaeus, 1758)Oryx / Gemsbok
Ourebia ourebi (Zimmermann) 1783)Oribi
Pelea capreolus (Forster, 1790)Grey rhebok
Philantomba monticola (Thunberg, 1789)Blue duiker
Raphicerus campestris (Thunberg, 1811)Steenbok
Raphicerus melanotis (Thunberg, 1811)Cape grysbok
Raphicerus sharpei (Thomas, 1897)Sharpe's grysbok
Redunca arundinum (Boddacrt, 1785)Southern reedbuck
Redunca fulvorufula (Afzelius, 1815)Mountain reedbuck
Sylvicapra grimmia (Linnaeus, 1758)Common duiker / Grey duiker
Synarus caffer (Sparrman, 1779)African buffalo
Tragelaphus angasii (Angas, 1849)Nyala
Tragelaphus oryx (Pallas, 1766)Eland
Tragelaphus scriptus (Pallas, 1766)Bushbuck
Tragelaphus strepsiceros (Pallas, 1766)Greater kudu
Class: AvesAll indigenous birds, except those listed in Schedule 1, 3, and 6.
Order: Anseriformes
Alpochen aegyptiacaEgyptian Goose
Anas acutaNorthern Pintail
Anas capensisCape Teal
Anas chypeataNorthern Shoveler
Anas erythrorhynchaRed-billed Teal
Anas hottentotaHottentot Teal
Anas querquedulaGarganey
Anas smithiiCape Shoveler
Anas sparsaAfrican Black Duck
Anas undulateYellow-billed Duck
Dendrocygna bicolorFulvous Duck
Dendrocygna vidduataWhite-faced Duck
Netta erythrophthalmaSouthern Pochard
Nettapus auritusAfrican Pygmy-goose
Oxyura maccoaMaccoa Duck
Plectrapterys gambensisSpur-winged Goose
Sardidiornis melanatosComb Duck
Tadorna canaSouth African Shelduck
Phalassomis leuconotusWhite-backed Duck
Order: Apodiformes
Apus affinisLittle Swift
Apus apusCommon Swift
Apus barbatusAfrican Black Swift
Apus bradfieldiBradfield's Swift
Apus cafferWhite-rumped Swift
Apus horusHorus Swift
Apus pallidusPallid Swift
Cypsiurus parvusAfrican Palm-Swift
Neafrapus boehmiBohm’s Spinetail
Tachymarptis melbaAlpine Swift
Telucanthura ussheriMottled Spinetail
Order: Bucerotiformes
Bycanistes bucinatorTrumpeter Hornbill
Tockus alboterminatusCrowned Hornbill
Tockus erytghrorbynchusRed-billed Hornbill
Tockus leucomelasSouthern Yellow-billed Hornbill
Tockus nasutusAfrican Grey Hornbill
Order: Cuculiformes
Centropus burchelliiBurchell's Coucal
Centropus grilliiBlack Coucal
Centropus senegalensisSenegal Coucal
Centropus superciliosusWhite-browed Coucal
Ceuthmochares aereusGreen
Chrysococcyx capriusDiderick Cuckoo
Chrysococcyx capriusAfrican Emerald Cuckoo
Chrysococcyx KlaasKlaas's Cuckoo
Clamator glandariusGreat Spotted Cuckoo
Clamator jacobinusJacobin Cuckoo
Clamaior levaillantiiLevaillant's Cuckoo
Cuculus canorusCommon Cuckoo
Cuculus clamosusBlack Cuckoo
Cuculus gularisAfrican Cuckoo
Cuculus poliocephalusLesser Cuckoo
Cuculus rochiiMadagascar Cuckoo
Cuculus solitariusRed-chested Cuckoo
Pachycoccyx audebertiThick-billed Cuckoo
Order: Columbiformes
Aplopelia larvataLemon Dove
Columba arqualtrixAfrican Olive-pigeon
Columba delegorgueiEastern Bronze-naped Pigeon
Columba guineaSpeckled Pigeon
Columba liviaRock Dove
Oena capensisNamaqua Dove
Streptopelia capicolaCape Turtle-Dove
Streptopelia decipiensAfrican Mourning Dove
Streptopelia semitorquataRed-eyed Turtle-Dove
Streptopelia senegalensisLaughing Dove
Streptopelia turturEuropean Turtle-Dove
Treron calvusAfrican Green-Pigeon
Turtur aferBlue-spotted Wood-Dove
Turtur chalcospilosEmerald-spotted Wood- Dove
Turtur tympanistriaTambourine Dove
Order: Coraciiformes
Alcedo cristataMalachite Kingfisher
Alcedo semitorquataHalf-collared Kingfisher
Ceryle rudisPied Kingfisher
Coracias caudatusLilac-breasted Roller
Coracias garrulousEuropean Roller
Coracias naeviusPurple Roller
Coracias spatulatusRacket-tailed Roller
Eurystomus glaucurusBroad-billed Roller
Halcyon albiventrisBrown-hooded Kingfisher
Halcyon chelicutiStriped Kingfisher
Halcyon leucocephalaGrey-headed Kingfisher
Halcyon senegalensisWoodland Kingfisher
Halcyon senegaloidesMangrove Kingfisher
Ispidina pictaAfrican Pygmy-Kingfisher
Megaceryle maximaGiant Kingfisher
Merops albicollisWhite-throated Bee-eater
Merops apiasterEuropean Bee-eater
Merops bullockoidesWhite-fronted Bee-eater
Merops birundineusSwallow-tailed Bee-eater
Merops nubicoidesSouthern Carmine Bee-eater
Merops persicusBlue-cheeked Bee-eater
Merops pusillusLittle Bee-eater
Merops superciliosusMadagascar Bee-eater
Order: Charadriiformes
Actitis hypoleucosCommon Sandpiper
Actophilornis africanusAfrican Jacana
Anous stolidusBrown Noddy
Anous tenuirostrisLesser Noddy
Annada interpresRuddy Turnstone
Burhinus capensisSpotted Thick-knee
Burhinus rermiculatusWater Thick-knee
Calidris albaSanderling
Calidris alpinaDunlin
Calidris bairdiiBaird's Sandpiper
Calidris canutusRed Knot
Calidris ferrugineaCurlew Sandpiper
Calidris fuscicollisWhite-rumped Sandpiper
Calidris melanatosPectoral Sandpiper
Calidris minutaLittle Stint
Calidris ruficollisRed-necked Stint
Calidris subminutaLong-toed Stint
Calidris temminckiiTemminck's Stint
Calidris tenuirostrisGreat Knot
Catharatta AntarcticaSubantarctic Skua
Catharatta maccormickiSouth Polar Skua
Charadrius alexandrinusKentish Plover
Charadrius asiaticusCaspian Plover
Charadrius biaticulaCommon Ringed Plover
Charadrius leschenaulliiGreater Sand Plover
Charadrius marginatusWhite-fronted Plover
Charadrius mongolusLesser Sand Plover
Charadrius pecuariusKittlitz's Plover
Charadrius tricollarisThree-banded Plover
Chionis albusGreater Sheathbill
Chlidonias hybridaWhiskered Tern
Chlidonias leucopterusWhite-winged Tern
Chlidonias nigerBlack Tern
Cursorius rufusBurchell's Courser
Cursorius temminickiiTemminck's Courser
Dromas ardeolaCrab Plover
Gallinago mediaGreat Snipe
Gallinago nigripennisAfrican Snipe
Glareola nuchallisRock Pratincole
Haematopus ostralegusEurasian Oystercatcher
Himantopus himantopusBlack-winged Stilt
Larus cirrocephalusGrey-headed Gull
Larus dominicanusKelp Gull
Larus fuscusLesser Black-backed Gull
Larus geneiSlender-billed Gull
Larus hartlaubiiHartlaub's Gull
Larus heugliniHeuglins Gull
Larus pipixcanFranklin’s Gull
Larus ridibundusCommon Black-headed Gull
Larus sabiniSabine's Gull
Limicola falcinellusBroad-billed Sandpiper
Limosa haemasticaHudsonian Godwit
Limosa lapponicaBar-tailed Godwit
Limosa limosaBlack-tailed Godwit
Microparra capensisLesser Jacana
Numenius arquataEurasian Curlew
Numenius phaeopusCommon Whimbrei
Phalaropus fulicariusRed Phalarope
Phaloropus lobatusRed-necked Phalarope
Philomachus pugnaxRuff
Plurialis dominicaAmerican Golden Plover
Pluvialis fulvaPacific Golden Plover
Pluvialis squatarolaGrey Plover
Pterocles bicinctusDouble-banded Sandgrouse
Pterocles burchelliBurchell's Sandgrouse
Pterocles gutturalisYellow-troated Sandgrouse
Pterocles namaquaNamaqua Sandgrouse
Recurvirostra avosettaPied Avocet
Rhinoptilus africanusDouble-banded Courser
Rhinoptilus chalcopterusBronze-winged Courser
Rhinoptilus cinctusThree-banded Courser
Rissa tridactylaBlack-legged Kittiwake
Rynchops flavirostrisAfrican Skimmer
Steganopus tricolorWilson's Phalarope
Stercorarius longicaudusLong-tailed Jaeger
Stercorarius parasiticusParasitic Jaeger
Stercorarius pomarinusPomarine Jaeger
Sterna albifronsLittle Tern
Sterna anaethetusBridled Tern
Sterna bengalensisLesser Crested Tern
Sterna bergiiSwift Tern
Sterna dougalliiRoseate Tern
Sterna fuscataSooty Tern
Sterna hirundoCommon Tern
Sterna niloticaGull-billed Tern
Sterna paradisaeaArctic Tern
Sterna repressaWhite-cheeked Tern
Sterna sandvicensisSandwich Tern
Sterna sumatranaBlack-raped Tern
Sterna vittataAntaretic Tern
Tringa erythropusSpotted Redshank
Tringa flavipesLesser Yellowlegs
Tringa glareolaWood Sandpiper
Tringa melanoleucaGreater Yellowlegs
Tringa nebulariaCommon Greenshank
Tringa achropusGreen Sandpiper
Tringa stagnatilisMarsh Sandpiper
Tringa totanusCommon Redshank
Pryngites subruficollisBuff-breasted Sandpiper
Vanellus albicepsWhitecrowned Lapwing
Vanellus armatusBlacksmith Lapwing
Vanellus caronalusCrowned Lapwing
Vanellus crassirostrisLong-toed Lapwing
Vanellus lugubrisSenegal Lapwing
Vanellus melanopterusBlack-winged Lapwing
Vanellus senegallusAfncan Wattled Lapwing
Vanellus spinosusSpur-winged Lapwing
Xenus cinereusTerek Sandpiper
Order: Ciconiiformes
Anastomus lamelligerusAfncan Openbill
Anhinga rufaAfrican Darter
Aptenodytes patagonicusKing Penguin
Ardea cinereaGrey Heron
Ardea goliathGoliath Heron
Ardea melanocephalaBlack-headed Heron
Ardea purpureaPurple Heron
Ardeola ralloidesSquacco Heron
Ardeola rufiventrisRufous-bellied Heron
Bostrychia hagedashHadeda Ibis
Botaurus stellarisEurasian Bittern
Bubulcus ibisCattle Egret
Bubweria bulweriiBulwer's Petrel
Bulweria fallaxJouanin's Petrel
Butorides striataGreen-backed Heron
Calonectris diomedeaCory's Shearwater
Caloneclris leucomelasStreaked Shearwater
Ciconia abdimiiAbdim's Stork
Ciconia ciconiaWhite Stork
Ciconia episcopusWoolly-necked Stork
Daption capsnsePintado Petrel
Diomedea dabbenenaTristan Albatross
Diomedea epomophoraSouthern Royal Albatross
Diomedea exulansWandering Albatross
Diomedea sanfordiNorthern Royal Albatross
Egretta albaGreat Egret
Egretta ardesiacaBlack Heron
Egretta caeruleaLittle Blue Heron
Egretta garzettaLittle Egret
Egretta gularisWestern Reef Heron
Egretta intermediaYellow-billed Egret
Egretta thulaSnowy Egret
Egretta vinaceigulaSlaty Egret
Fregata arielLesser Frigatebird
Fregata minorGreater Frigatebird
Fregata grallariaWhite-bellied Storm-Petrel
Fregata tropicaBlack-bellied Storm-Petrel
Fulmarus glaciaoloidesSouthern Fulmar
Halobaena caeruleaBlue Petrel
Hydrobates pelagicusEuropean Storm-Petrel
Ixobrychus minutusLittle Bittern
Ixobrychus sturmiiDwarf Bittern
Lugensa brevirostrisKerguelen Petrel
Macronectes giganteusSouthern Giant-Petrel
Macronectes halliNorthern Giant-Petrel
Morus capensisCape Gannet
Morus serratorAustralian Gannet
Nycticorax nycticoraxBlack-crowned Night-Heron
Octanites oceanicusWilson’s Storm-Petrel
Oceanodroma leucorhoaLeach's Storm-Petrel
Oceanodroma matsudairaeMatsudaira's Storm-Petrel
Pachyptila belcheriSlender-billed Prion
Pachyptila desolataAntarctic Prion
Pachyptila salviniSalvin's Prion
Pachyptila turturFairy Prion
Pachyptila vittataBroad-billed Prion
Pelagodroma marinaWhite-faced Storm-Petrel
Phaethon aethereusRed-billed Tropicbird
Phaethon lepturusWhite-tailed Tropicbird
Phaethon rubricandaRed-tailed Tropicbird
Phalacrocorax africanuxReed Cormorant
Pbalacrocorax lucidusWhite-breasted Cormorant
Phoebastria immutabilisLaysan Albatross
Phoebetris fuscaSooty Albatross
Phoebetria palpebrataLight-mantled Albatross
Platalea albaAfrican Spoonbill
Plegadis falcinellusGlossy Ibis
Podiceps cristatusGreat Crested Grebe
Podiceps nigricollisBlack-necked Grebe
Procellaria cinereaGrey Petrel
Procellaria conspicillutaSpectacled Petrel
Pterodroma barauiBarau’s Petrel
Pterodroma incertaAtlantic Petrel
Pterodroma lessoniiWhite-headed Petrel
Pterodroma macropteraGreat-winged Petrel
Pterodroma mollisSoft-plumaged Petrel
Puffinus assimilisLittle Shearwater
Puffinus bailloniTropical Shearwater
Puffinus carneipesFlesh-footed Shearwater
Puffinus gravisGreat Shearwater
Puffinus griseusSooty Shearwater
Puffinus maurelanicusBalearic Shearwater
Puffinus pacificusWedge-tailed Shearwater
Puffinus puffinusManx Shearwater
Scopus umbrettaHamerkop
Spheniscus demersusAfrican Penguin
Sula leucogasterBrown Booby
Sula sulaRed-footed Booby
Tachybaptus ruficollisLittle Grebe
Thalassarche bulleriBuller's Albatross
Thalassarche cautaShy Albatross
Thalassarche chlororhynchosAtlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross
Thalassarche eremiteChatham Albatross
Thalassarche melanophrysBlack-browed Albatross
Thalassarche salviniSalvin's Albatross
Thalassoica antarcticaAntarctic Petrel
Threskionis aethiopicusAfrican Sacred Ibis
Order: Falconiformes
 All species not listed on Schedule 1
Order: Galliformes
Coturnix adansoniiBlue Quail
Coturnix coturnixCommon Quail
Coturnix delegorgueiHarlequin Quail
Dendroperdix sephaenaCrested Francolin
Guttera edouardiCrested guineafowl
Numida meleagrisHelmeted guinea fowl
Pternistis adspersusRed-billed Spurfowl
Pternistis aferRed-necked Spurfowl
Pternistis tapensisCape Spurfowl
Pternistis natalensisNatal Spurfowl
Pternistis swainsoniSwainson's Spurfowl
Scleroptila africanusGrey-wing Francolin
Scleroptila levailantiiRed-wing Francolin
Scleroptila levaillantoidesOrange River Francolin
Scleroptila shellyiShelley’s Francolin
Order: Gruiformes
Aenigmatolimnas marginalisStriped Crake
Afrotis afraSouthern Black Korhaan
Afrotis afraoidesNorthern Black Korhaan
Amauronis flavirostraBlack Crake
Crecopsis egregiaAfrican Crake
Crex crexCorncrake
Eupodotis senegalensisWhite-bellied Korhaan
Eupodotis vigorsiiKaroo Korhaan
Fulica cristataRed-Knobbed Coot
Gallinula angulataLesser Moorhen
Gallinula chloropusCommon Moorhen
Lissotis melanogasterBlack-bellied Bustard
Lophotis ruficristaRed-crested Korhaan
Podica senegalensisAfncan Finfoot
Porphyrio alleniAlien's Gallinule
Porphyrio madagascariensisAfrican Purple Swamphen
Porphyrio martinicusAmerican Purple Gallinule
Porzana porzanaSpotted Crake
Porzana pusillaBailion's Crake
Rallus caerulescensAfrican Rail
Sarothrura affinsStriped Flufftail
Sarothrura ayresiWhite-winged Flufftail
Sarothrura boehmiStreaky-breasted Flufftail
Sarothrura elegansBuff-spotted Flufftail
Sarothrura rufaRed-chested Flufftail
Order: Musophagiformes
Corythaixoides concolorGrey Go-away-bird
Gallirex porphyreolophusPurple-crested Turaco
Tauraco livingstoniiLivingstone's Turaco
Order: Passeriformes
Acrocephalus arundinaceusGreat Reed-Warbler
Acrocephalus baeticatusAfrican Reed-Warbler
Acrocephalus gracilirostrisLesser Swamp-Warbler
Aerocephalus griseldisBasra Reed-Warbler
Acrocephalus palustrisMarsh Warbler
Acrocephalus schoenobaenusSedge Warbler
Acrocephalus scirpaceusEurasian Reed-Warbler
Amadina crythrocephalaRed-headed Finch
Amadina fasciataCut-throat Finch
Amblyospiza albifronsThick-billed Weaver
Anaplectes melanotisRed-headed Weaver
Andropadus importunesSombre Greenbul
Anamalospiza imberbisCuckoo Finch
Anthobaphes violaceaOrange-breasted Sunbird
Anthoscopus caroliGrey Penduline-Tit
Anthoscopus minutusCape Penduline-Tit
Anthreptes reichenowiPlain-backed Sunbird
Anthus brachyurusShort-tailed Pipit
Anthus cofferBushveld Pipit
Anthus cervinusRed-throated Pipit
Anthus chlorisYellow-breasted Pipit
Anthus cinnamomeusAfrican Pipit
Anthus crenatusAfrican Rock Pipit
Anthus hoeschiMountain Pipit
Anthus leucophrysPlain-backed Pipit
Anthus lineiventrisStriped Pipit
Anthus longicaudatusLong-tailed Pipit
Anthus pseudosimilisKimberley Pipit
Anthus similisLong-billed Pipit
Anthus trivialisTree Pipit
Anthus vaalensisBuffy Pipit
Apalis flavidaYellow-breasted Apalis
Apalis ruddiRudd's Apalis
Apalis thoracicaBar-throated Apalis
Batis capensisCape Batis
Batis fratrumWoodward's Batis
Batis molitorChinspot Batis
Batis priritPririt Batis
Batis musicusBlack-and-white Flycatcher
Bradornis infuscatusChat Flycatcher
Bradornis mariquensisMarico Flycatcher
Bradornis pallidusPale Flycatcher
Bradypterus baboecalaLittle Rush-Warbler
Bradypterus barrattiBarratt's Warbler
Bradypterus sylvsticusKnysna Warbler
Bubalornis nigerRed-billed Buffalo-Weaver
Calamonastes fasciolatusBarred Wren-Warbler
Calamonastes stierlingiStierling’s Wren-Warbler
Calandrella cinereaRed-capped Lark
Calendulauda africanoidesFawn-coloured Lark
Calendulauda albescensKaroo Lark
Calendulauda sabotaSabota Lark
Camaroptera brachyuraGreen-backed Camaroprera
Camaroptera brevicaudataGrey-backed Camaroptera
Campephaga flavaBlack Cuckooshrike
Cercomela familiarisFamiliar Chat
Cercomela schlegeliiKaroo Chat
Cercomela sinuateSickle-winged Chat
Cercomela tractracTractrac Chat
Cercotrichas coryphoeusKaroo Scrub-Robin
Cercotrichas leucophrysWhite-browed Scrub-Robin
Cercotrichas paenaKalahari Scrub-Robin
Cercotrichas quadrivirgataBearded Scrub-Robin
Cercotrichas signataBrown Scrub-Robin
Certhilauda brevirostrisAgulhas Long-billed Lark
Certhilauda chuanaShortclawed Lark
Certhilauda curvirostrisCane Long-billed Lark
Certhilauda semitorquataEastern Long-billed Lark
Certhilauda subcoronataKaroo Long-billed Lark
Chaetops aurantiusDrakensberg Rock-jumper
Chaetops frenatusCape Rock-jumper
Chalcomitra amethystinaAmethyst Sunbird
Chalcomtira senegalensisScarlet-chested Sunbird
Chersomanes albofasciataSpike-heeled Lark
Chlolocichla flaviventrisYellow-bellied Greenbul
Chloropeta natalensisDark-capped Yellow Warbler
Cichladusa arquataCollared Palm-Thrush
Cinnyrinclus leucogasterViolet-backed Starling
Cinnyris aferGreater Double-collared Sunbird
Cinnyris bifasciatusPurple-banded Sunbird
Cinnyris chalybeusSouthern Double-collared Sunbird
Cinnyris fuscusDusky Sunbird
Cinnyris mariquensisMarico Sunbird
Cinnyris neergaardiNeergaard's Sunbird
Cinnyris talatalaWhite-bellied Sunbird
Cinnyris venustusVanable Sunbird
Cisticola aberransLazy Cisticola
Cisticola aridulusDesert Cisticola
Cisticola ayresiiWing-snapping Cisticola
Cisticola chinianaRattling Cisticola
Cisticola cinnamomeusPole-crowned Cisticola
Cisticola erythropsRed-faced Cisticola
Cisticola fulvicapillaNeddicky
Cisticola galactotesRufous-winged Cisticola
Cisticola juncidisZitting Cisticola
Cisticola laisWailing Cisticola
Cisticola natalensisCroaking Cisticola
Cisticola rufilatusTinkling Cisticola
Cisticola subruficapillaGrey-backed Cisticola
Cisticola textrixCloud Cisticola
Cisticola tinniensLevaillant's Cisticola
Coccopygia melanotisSwee Waxbill
Coracina caesiaGrey Cuckooshrike
Coracina pectoralisWhite-breasted Cuckooshrike
Corvinella melanoleucaMagpie Shrike
Corvus albicollisWhite-necked Raven
Cossypha caffraCape Robin-Chat
Cossypha dichroaChorister Robin-Chat
Cossypha heugliniWhite-browed Robin-Chat
Cossypha humeralisWhite-throated Robin-Chat
Cossypha natalensisRed-capped Robin-Chat
Craetophora cinereaWattled Starling
Crithagra albogularisWhite-throated Canary
Crithagra atrogularisBlack-throated Canary
Crithagra citrinipectaLemon-breasted Canary
Crithagra flaviventrisYellow Canary
Crithagra gularisStreaky-headed Seedeater
Crithagra leucopteraProtea Seedeater
Crithagra mozambicaYellow- fronted Canary
Crithagra scotopsForest Canary
Crithagra sulphurataBrimstone Canary
Crithagra symonsiDrakensberg Siskin
Crithagra tottaCape Siskin
Cyptillas victoriniVictorin's Warbler
Cyanomitra olivaceaOlive Sunbird
Cyanomitra veroxiiGrey Sunbird
Delichon urbicumCommon House-Martin
Dicrurus adsimilisFork-tailed Drongo
Dicrurus ludwigiiSquare-tailed Drongo
Dryoscopus cublaBlack-backed Puffback
Elminia albonotataWhite-tailed Crested Flycatcher
Emberiza capensisCape Bunting
Emberiza flaviventrisGolden-breasted Bunting
Emberiza impetuaniLark-like Bunting
Emberiza tahapisiCinnamon-breasted Bunting
Eremomela gregalisKaroo Eremornela
Eremomela icteropygialisYellow-bellied Eremomela
Eremomela scotopsGreen-capped Eremomela
Eremomela usticollisBumt-necked Eremomela
Eremopterix australisBlack-eared Sparrowlark
Eremopterix leucotisChestnut-backed Sparrowlark
Eremopterix verticalisGrey-backed Sparrowlark
Estrilda astrildCommon Waxbill
Estrilda erythronotosBlack-faced Waxbill
Estrilda perreiniGrey Waxbill
Euplectes aferYellow-crowned Bishop
Euplectes albonotatusWhite-winged Widowbird
Euplectes ardensRed-collared Widowbird
Euplectes axillarisFan-tailed Widowbird
Euplectes capensisYellow Bishop
Euplectes progneLong-tailed Widowbird
Eurocephalus anguitimensSouthern White-crowned Shrike
Euryptila subcinnamomeaCinnamon-breasted Warbler
Ficedula albicollisCollared Flycatcher
Galerida magnirostrisLarge-billed Lark
Granatina granalinaViolet-eared Waxbill
Hedydipna collarisCollared Sunbird
Heteromirafra ruddiRudd's Lark
Hippolais icterinaIcterine Warbler
Hippolais olivetorumOlive-tree Warbler
Hirundo abyssinicaLesser Striped Swallow
Hirundo albigularisWhite-throated Swallow
Hirundo cucullataGreater Striped Swallow
Hirundo dimidiatePearl-breasted Swallow
Hirundo fuligulaRock Martin
Hirundo rusticaBam Swallow
Hirundo semirufaRed-breasted Swallow
Hirundo senegalensisMosque Swallow
Hirundo smithiiWire-tailed Swallow
Hirundo spiloderaSouth African Cliff-Swallow
Hypargos niveoguttatusRed-throated Twinspot
Lagonosticta rhodapareiaJameson’s Firefinch
Lagonosticta rubricateAfrican Firefinch
Lagonosticta senegalaRed-billed Firefinch
Lamprotornis australisBurchell’s Starling
Lamprotornis chalybaeusGreater Blue-eared Starling
Lamprotornis corruscusBlack-bellied Starling
Lamprotornis ElisabethMiombo Blue-eared Starling
Lamprotornis mevesiiMeves’s Starling
Lamprotornis nitensCape Glossy Starling
Laniarius aethiopicusTropical Boubou
Laniarius atrococcineusCrimson-breasted Shrike
Laniarius ferrugineusSouthern Boubou
Lanius collarisCommon Fiscal
Lanius collurioRed-backed Shrike
Lanius minorLesser Grey Shrike
Lioptilus nigricapillusBush Blackcap
Locustella fleviatilisRiver Warbler
Luscinia lusciniaThrush Nightingale
Macronyx ameliaeRosy-throated Longclaw
Macronyx capensisCape Longclaw
Macronyx croceusYellow-throated Longclaw
Malaconotus blanchotiGrey-headed Bush-Shrike
Malcorus pectoralisRufous-cared Warbler
Melaenornis pammelainaSouthern Black Flycatcher
Mirafra AfricanaRufous-naped Lark
Mirafra apiataCape Clapper Lark
Mirafra chenianaMelodious Lark
Mirafra fasciolataEastern Clapper Lark
Mirafra passerineMonotonous Lark
Mirafra rufocinnamomeaFlappet Lark
Monticola brevipesShort-toed Rock-Thrush
Monticola explorationSentinel Rock-Thrush
Monticola rupestrisCape Rock-Thrush
Motacilla aguimpAfrican Pied Wagtail
Motacilla capensisCape Wagtail
Motacilla cinereaGrey Wagtail
Motacilla citreolaCitrine Wagtail
Motacilla claraMountain Wagtail
Motocilla flavaYellow Wagtail
Muscicapa adustaAfrican Dusky Flycatcher
Muscicapa caerulescensAshy Flycatcher
Musciacapa striataSpotted Flycatcher
Myioparus plumbeusGrey Tit-Flycatcher
Myrmecocichla arnotiArnot's Chat
Myrmecocichla formicivoraAnteating Chat
Nectarinia famosaMalachite Sunbird
Nicalor gularisEastern Nicator
Nilaus aferBrubru
Oenanthe bifasciataBuff-streaked Chat
Oenanthe monticolaMountain Wheatear
Oenanthe oenantleNorthern Wheatear
Oenanthe pileataCapped Wheatear
Oenanthe pleschankaPied Wheatear
Onychognathus nabouroupPale-winged Starling
Oriolus auratusAfrican Golden Oriole
Oriolus chlorocephalusGreen-headed Oriole
Oriolus larvatusBlack-headed Oriole
Oriolus oriolusEurasian Golden Oriole
Ortygpspiza atricollisAfrican Quailfinch
Parisoma layardiLayard's Tit-Babbler
Parisoma subcaeruleumChestnut-vented Tit-Babbler
Parus aferGrey Tit
Parus carpiCarp’s Tit
Parus cinerascensAshy Tit
Parus nigerSouthern Black Tit
Passer diffusesSouthern Grey-headed Sparrow
Passer motitensisGreat Sparrow
Petronia superciliarisYellow-throated Petronia
Philetairus sociusSociable Weaver
Phoenicurus phoenicurusCommon Redstart
Phragmacia substriataNamaqua Warbler
Phyllastrephus flavostriatusYellow-streaked Greenbul
Phyllastrephus terrestrisTerrestrial Brownbul
Phylloscopus ruficapillaYellow-throated Woodland-Warbler
Phylloscopus trochilusWillow Warbler
Pinarocorys nigricansDusky Lark
Pinaronis plumosusBoulder Chat
Pitta angolensisAfrican Pitta
Platysteira peltataBlack-throated Wattle-eye
Plocepasser mahaliWhite-browed Sparrow-Weaver
Ploceus bicolorDark-backed Weaver
Ploceus cucullatusVillage Weaver
Ploceus intermediusLesser Masked-Weaver
Ploceus ocularisSpectacled Weaver
Ploceus rubiginosusChestnut Weaver
Ploceus subaureusYellow Weaver
Ploceus xanthopsGolden Weaver
Ploceus xanthopterusSouthern Brown-throated Weaver
Pogonocichla stellataWhite-starred Robin
Prinia flavicansBlack-chested Prinia
Prinia hypoxantbaDrakensberg Prinia
Prinia maculosaKaroo Prinia
Prinia subflavaTawny-flanked Prinia
Prionops plumatusWhite-crested Helmet-Shrike
Prionops retziiRetz's Helmet-Shrike
Prionops scopifronsChestnut-fronted Helmet-Shrike
Promerops caferCape Sugarbird
Promerops gurneyiGurney's Sugarbird
Psalidoprocne albicepsWhite-headed Saw-wing
Psalidoprocne holomelasBlack Saw-wing
Pseudhirundo griseopygaGrey-rumped Swallow
Psophocichla litsitsirupaGroundscraper Thrush
Pytilia afraOrange-winged Pytilia
Pytilia melbaGreen-winged Pytilia
Quelea erythropsRed-headed Quelea
Riparia cinctaBanded Martin
Riparia paludicolaBrown-throated Martin
Riparia ripariaSand Martin
Saxicola rubetraWhinchat
Saxicola torquatusAfrican Stonechat
Schoenicola brevirostrisBroad-tailed Warbler
Serinus alarioBlack-headed Canary
Serinus conicollisCape Canary
Sigelus silensFiscal Flycatcher
Smithornis capensisAfrican Broadbill
Spermestes bicolorRed-backed Mannikin
Spermestes cucullataBronze Mannikin
Spermestes fringilloidesMagpie Mannikin
Sphenoeacus aferCape Grassbird
Spizocorys conirostirisPink-billed Lark
Spizocorys fringillarisBotha's Lark
Spizocorys starkiStark's Lark
Sporaeginithus subflavusOrange-breasted Waxbill
Sporopipes squamifronsScaly-feathered Finch
Spreo bicolorPied Starling
Stenostira scitaFairy Flycatcher
Sylvia atricapillaBlackcap
Sylvia borinGarden Warbler
Sylvia communisCommon Whitethroat
Sylvietta rufescensLong-billed Crombec
Tchagra australisBrown-crowned Tchagra
Tchagra senegalusBlack-crowned Tchagra
Tchagra tchagra Southern Tchagra
Telophorus nigrifronsBlack- fronted Bush-Shrike
Telophorus olivaceusOlive Bush-Shrike
Telephorus sulfureopectusOrange-breasted Bush-Shrike
Telephorus viridisGorgeous Bush-Shrike
Telophorus zeylonusBokmakierie
Terpsiphone viridisAfrican Paradise-Flycatcher
Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventrisMocking Cliff-Chat
Tmetothylacus tenellusGolden Pipit
Trochocercus cyanomelasBlue-mantled Crested Flycatcher
Turdoides bicolorSouthern Pied Babbler
Turdoides jardineiiArrow-marked Babbler
Turdus libonyanaKurrichane Thrush
Turdus olivaceusOlive Thrush
Turdus smithiKaroo Thrush
Uraeginthus angolensisBlue Waxbill
Vidua chalybeataVillage Indigobird
Vidua funereaDusky Indigobird
Vidua macrouraPin-tailed Whydah
Vidua paradisaeaLong-tailed Paradise-Whydah
Vidua purpurascensPurple Indigobird
Vidua regiaShaft-railed Whydah
Zoothera gurneyiOrange Ground-Thrush
Zoothera guttataSported Ground-Thrush
Zosterops pallidusOrange River White-eye
Zosterops senegalensisAfrican Yellow White-eye
Zosterops virensCape White-eye
Order: Piciformes
Campethera abingoniGolden-tailed Woodpecker
Campethera bennettiiBennett's Woodpecker
Campethera notataKnysna Woodpecker
Dendropicos fuscescensCardinal Woodpecker
Dendropicos griseocephalusOlive Woodpecker
Dendropicos namaquusBearded Woodpecker
Geocolaptes olivaceusGround Woodpecker
Indicator indicatorGreater Honeyguide
Indicator minorLesser Honeyguide
Indicator variegatesScaly-throated Honeyguide
Jynx ruficollisRed-throated Wryneck
Lybius torquatusBlack-collared Barbet
Pogoniulus bilineatusYellow-ramped Tinkerbird
Pogoniulus chrysocousYellow-fronted Tinkerbtrd
Pogoniulus pusillusRed-fronted Tinkerbird
Prodotiscus regulusBrown-backed Honeybird
Prodotiscus zambesiaeGreen-backed Honeybird
Stactolaema leucotisWhite-eared Barbet
Stactolaema olivaceaGreen Barbet
Stactolaema whytiiWhyte's Barbet
Trachyphonus vaillantiiCrested Barbet
Tricholaema leucomelasAcacia Pied Barbet
Order: Psittaciformes
Agapornis roseicollisRosy-faced Lovebird
Poicephalus cryptoxanthusBrown-headed Parrot
Poicephalus meyeriMeyer's Parrot
Order: Trogoniformes
Apaloderma narinaNarina Trogon
Order: Turniciformes
Turnix hottentottusHottentot Buttonquail
Turnix nanusBlack-rumped Buttonquail
Turnix sylvaticusKurrichane Buttonquail
Order: Upupiformes
Phoeniculus purpureusGreen Wood-Hoopoe
Rhinopomastus cyanomelasCommon Scimitarbill
Upupa AfricanaAfrican Hoopoe
Order: Struthioniformes
Struthio camelusOstrich, within extensive wildlife systems.
Family: SpheniscidaeAll penguins not listed on Schedule 1
Class: Reptilia
Order: Chelonia (Testudinata)
Family: TestudinidaeAll land tortoises and turtles, except those listed in Schedules 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Order: Squamatia
Family: Cordylidae
All speciesGirdled lizards, all species not listed on Schedule 1
Varanus aibiguiarisVeid monitor / Rock monitor / Leguan
Family: LacertidaeAll lizards, except those listed in Schedules 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Sub order: Serpentes
Bitis gabonicaGaboon Adder
Bitis schneideriNamaqua Dwarf Adder / Schneider's adder
Dasypeltis spp.Egg-eaters, all species
Duberria spp.Slug-eaters, all species
Lamprophis spp.House Snakes, all species
Lycodonomorphus spp.Water Snakes, all species
Lycophidion spp.Wolf Snakes, all species
Mahelya capensisCape File Snake
Mahelya nyassaeBlack File Snake
Mehelya spp.File snakes, all species
Philothammus spp.Green and Bush Snakes, all species
Prosymna spp.Shovel-snout Snakes, all species
Pseudaspis spp.Mole Snakes, all species
Varanus niloticusWater monitor / leguan
Order Crocodilia
Crocodylus niloticusNile Crocodile
Class: Amphibia
Order: AnuraAll frogs and toads, except those listed in Schdeules 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Class: PiscesAll fishes, except those specified in Schedule 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Order: Cypriniformes
Barbus anoplusChubbyhead barb
Labeo capensisOrange River mudfish
Mesobola brevianalisRiver sardine
Varicorhinus nelspruitensisIncomati Chiselmouth, Stumpnose
Order: Caraciformes
Brycinus lateralisStriped Robber
Hydrocynus viltatus Tigerfish
Order: Lamniformes
Carcharodon carchariusGreat White Shark
Order: Perciformes
Anchichoerops natalensisNatal Wrasse
Argyrosomus hololepidotusKob
Argyrosomus japonicusDusky Kob
Chrysoblephus cristicepsDageraad
Clinus spp.Rock cod, all species
Cymatoceps nasutusBlack Musselcracker
Dichistius capensisGaljoen
Epinephelus albomarginatusWhite-edged Rockcod
Epinephelus andersoniCatface Rockcod
Epinephelus lanceolatusBrindle Bass
Epinephelus tukulaPotato Bass
Lithognathus lithognathusWhite Steenbras
Oreochromis placidusBlack Tilapia
Petrus rupestrisRed Steenbras
Polysteganus undulosusSeventy-four Seabream
Pseudocrenilabrus philanderSouthern mouthbrooder
Serranochromis meridianusLowveld Largemouth
Tilapia spurrmanii Banded tilapia, banded bream
Order: Siluriformes
Ciarias gariepinusSharptooth catfish
Order: Mugiliformes
Mugil cephalusFlathead mullet
Myxus capensis Freshwater Mullet
Order: Cyprinodontiformes
Nothobranchius orthonatusSpotted Killifish
Nothobranchius rachoviiRainbow Killifish
Order: Pristiformes
Pristis microdonLargetooth Sawfish
Pristis zijsronLongcomb Sawfish
Order: Coelacanthiformes
Latimeria chalumnaeCoelacanth
Order: Anquilliformes
Anguilla mossambicaLongfinned eel
Class: Arachnida
Order: Scorpiones
Hadogenes spp.Rock Scorpions, all species
Opistacanthus spp.Creeping Scorpions, all species
Opistophthalmus spp.Burrowing Scorpions, all species
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Dromica spp.Tiger Beetles, all species
Graphipterus assimilisVelvet Ground Beetle
Ichnestoma spp.Fruit Chafer Beetles, all species
Manticora spp.Monster Tiger Beetles, all species
Megacephala asperataTiger Beetle
Megacephala regalisTiger Beetle
Nigidius auriculatusStag Beede
Oonotus adspersusStag Beetle
Oonotus interiorisStag Beetle
Oonotus rexStag Beetle
Oonotus sericeusStag Beede
Platychile pallidaTiger Beetle
Prosopocoelus petitclerriStag Beetle
Prothyma guttipennisTiger Beetle
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: LycaenidaeAll species
Family/Familie: HepialidaeAll species
Family/Familie; HesperiidaeAll species
Family/Familie: NymphalidaeAll species
Family/Familie: SatyridaeAll species
Alaena margaritacea 
Aloeides clarkiCoega Copper Butterfly
Aloeides dentatis dentatisScarce Copper
Aloeides egeridesScarce Copper
Aloeides lutescensScarce Copper
Aloeides lutescensScarce Copper
Argyrnocupha malagridaAutumn Copper / Lion’s Head Copper
Charaxes spp.Emperor butterflies, all species
Charaxes xiphares xipharesWestern / Forest Emperor,
Charaxes f. occidentalisForest King
Lepidochtysops bacchusWineland Blue
Lepidochtysops lotanaLotana blue butterfly
Leto venusSilver-spotted Ghost Moth
Metisella syrinxBamboo Sylph
Oxychaeta dicksoniDickson’s Copper
Poecilmitis aureusGolden Copper
Poecilmitis endymionGolden Copper
Poecilmitis nigricans aurivilliusBlue Jewel Copper
Poecilmitis rileyiBlue Jewel Copper
Poecilmitis lyncuriumTsomo River Copper
Stygionympha dicksoniDickson’s Brown
Thestor dicksoni dicksoniDickson’s Thestor
Thestor kaplaniKaplan’s Thestor
Trimenia wallengreniiWallengren’s Copper
Tsitana dicksoniDickson's Sylph
Class: Onychophora
Peripatopsis albaWhite Cave Velvet Worm
 All indigenous plants, except those listed in Schedule 1, 3 and 6,
Family: Acanthceae
Barleria papillosa (T. Anderson) 
Monechma saxatile (Munday) 
Peristrophe spp.All species
Family: Adianthaceae
Adiantum spp.Maidenhair Fem, all species
Family: Agapanthaceae
Agapanthus spp.All species
Family: Aizoaceae (Mesembranthemaceae)All species
Family: AmaryllidaceaeAll species except those listed in Schedule 1
Family: AnthericaceaeAll species
Family: ApiaceaeAll species except those listed in Schedule 1
Family: ApocynaceaeAll species except those listed in Schedule 1
Family: Aquifoliaceae
Ilex mitis (Radlk.)Arum lilies, all species
Family: Araceae
Zantedeschia spp. 
Family: Araliaceae
Cussonia spp.Cabbage trees, all species
Family: AsphodelaceaeAll species except those listed as Schedule 1, and the species Aloe ferox
Family: Asteraceae
Heltchrysum jubilatum (Hilliard) 
Felicia deserti (Schltr. ex Grau) 
Gnaphalium simii (Bolus) (Hilliard & B.L. Burtt) 
Lapholoena longipes (Harv.) (Thell.) 
Senecio albo-punctatus (Bolus) 
Senecio trachylaenus (Harv.) 
Trichogyne lerouxiae (Beyers) 
Tripteris pinnatilobata (Norl.) (B. Nord.) 
Troglophyton acocksianum (Hilliard) 
Vellreophyton lasianthum (Schltr. & Moeser) (Hilliard) 
Family: Burmanniaceae
Burmania madagascariensis (Mart.)Wild Ginger
Family: Burseraceae
Commiphora spp.All species
Family: Capparaceae
Boscia spp.Sheperd’s trees, all species
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Dinanthus spp.All species
Family: Celastraceae
Gymnosporia spp.All species
Family: Colichicaceae
Androcymbium spp.All species
Gloriosa spp.All species
Family: Combretaceae
Combretum spp.All species
Family: CrassulaceaeAll species except those listed in Schedule 1
Family: Cupressaceae
Widdringtonia spp.Wild cypress, all species
Family: Cyatheaceae
Cyathea spp.Tree ferns, all species
Cyathea capensis (L.f) (Sm.)Tree Ferns
Family: Cyperaceae
Carex acocksii (C. Archer) 
Family: Droseraceae
Drosera spp.Sundew, all spesies
Family: Dryopteridaceae
Rumuhro spp.Seven Weeks Fern, all species
Family: EricaceaeErica, all species
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Alchornea laxiflora (Benth.) (Pax & K. Hoffm)Venda Bead-string
Euphorbia spp.All species
Family: Fabaceae
Aspalanthus spp.Tea bush, all spesies
Erythina zeyberi (Harv.)Plougbreaker
Argyrolobium petiolare (E.Mey.) (Steud.) 
Caesalpinia bracteata (Germish.) 
Calliandra redacta (J.H. Ross) (Thulin & Asfaw) 
Crotalaria pearsonii (Baker f.) 
Indigofera limosa (L. Bolus) 
Lebeckia bowieana (Benth.) 
Polhillia involucrate (Thunb.) (B.-E.van Wyk & A.L. Schutte) 
Rhynchosia emarginata (Germish.) 
Wiborgia humilis (Thunb.) (R. Dahlgren) 
Family: Hyacinthaceae
Daubenya spp.Daubenya, all species
Lachenalia spp.Viooltjie, all species
Veltheimia spp.Forest Lily, all species
Eucomis spp.Pineapple flower, all species
Neopatersonia namaquensis 
Ornitbogalum spp.All species
Family: IridaceaeAll species except those listed in Schedule 1
Family: Lauraceae
Ocotea spp.Stinkwood, all species
Family: MesembryanthemaceaeAll species
Family: Meliaceae
Nymania capensis (Thunb.) (Lindb.)Chinese Lantern
Family: Oleaceae
Olea europaea subsp. africana (Mill.) (P.S. Green)Wild olive
Family: OrichidaceaeOrchids, all species except those species listed in Schedule 1
Family: Orobanchacea
Harveya spp.Harveya, all species
Family: Oxalidaceae
Oxalis sppSorrel, all species except those species listed in Schedule 1
Family: Plumbaginacea
Afrolimon namaquanum (L. Bolus) (Lincz) 
Family: Poaceae
Prachiaria dura var. dura 
Dregeochloa calviniensis (Conert) 
Pentaschistis lima (Nees) (Stapf) 
Family: Podocarpaceae
Podocarpus spp.Yellowwoods, ail species
Family: Portulacaceae
Anacampseros spp.All species
Avonia spp.All species
Portulaca foliosa (Ker-Gawl) 
Family: ProteaceaeAll species except those Listed in Schedule 1
Family: RestionaceaeAll species
Family: Rhamnaceae
Phylica spp.All species
Family: Rutaceae
Agathosma spp.Buchu, all species
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Diascia spp.All species
Halleria spp.All species
Jamesbrittenia spp.All species
Manulea spp.All species
Nemesia spp.All species
Phyllopodium spp.All species
Polycarena filiformis (Diels) 
Chaenostoma longipedicellatum (Hilliard) (Kornhall) 
Family: Stelitziaceae
Strelitzia sppAll species
Family: Tecophilaeaceae
Cyanella spp.All species
Family: Thymelaeaceae
Gnidia leipoldtii (C.H. Wright) 
Family: Zingiberaceae
Siphonochilus aethiopicus (Schweinf.) (B.L. Burtt)Wild Ginger

Schedule 3

Common indigenous species

Scientific nameCommon name (where known)
Class: MammaliaAll indigenous animals, except those listed in Schdeule 1,2, 4, 5 and 6.
Class: Aves
Order: Coliiformes
Colius ColiusWhite-backed Mousebird
Colius striatusSpeckled Mousebird
Urocolius indicusRed-faced Mousebird
Order: Passeriformes
Corvus albusPied Crow
Corvus capensisCape Crow
Euplecles orixSouthern Red Bishop
Fringilla coelebs *Common Chaffinch
Orynchognathus morioRed-winged Starling
Passer domesticus *House Sparrow
Passer melanurusCape Sparrow
Ploceus capensisCape Weaver
Ploceus velatus Southern Masked Weaver
Pycnonotus capensisCape Bulbul
Pycnonotus nigricansAfrican Red-eyed Bulbul
Pycnonotus tricolorDark-capped Bulbul
Quelea queleaRed-billed Quelea
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Sub order: SerpentesAll snakes, except those listed in Schedules 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6.
Class: ArachinidaAll spiders, except those listed in Schedule 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6.
Class: InsectaAll insects, except those listed in Schedule 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6.
FloraAll indigenous plants, extent those listed in Schedule 1,2 and 6.
* Species introduced through human interference

Schedule 4

Damage causing species

Scientific nameCommon name (where known)
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates (Primata)
Cercopithecus pygerythrus (F. Cuvier, 1821)Vervet Monkey
Papio hamadryas (Linnaeus, 1758)Chacerna Baboon
Order: Carnivora
Canis mesomelas (Von Schreber, 1775)Black-backed jackal
Corucal caracal (Von Schreber, 1776)Caracal
Order: Suiformis
Potamochoerus larvatus (F. Cuvier, 1822)Bushpig

Schedule 5

Pet species

Scientific nameCommon name (where known)
Class: Mammalia
Canis familiarisDomestic dog
Felis domesticusDomestic cat
Cavia porcellusGuinea pig
Mesocricetus auratusGolden hamster
Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticusDomestic rabbit
Class: Aves
Agapornis roseicollisRosyfaced Lovebird
Pavo cristatusCommon Peacock
Psittacula krameriRose-ringed Parakeet
 All exotic cage birds, except those listed to Schedules 1, 2, 3 and 6.
 All exotic geese and duck, except those listed in Schedules 1, 2, 3 and 6.
Class: Pisces
 Koi, domestictaed ornamental
Cyprinus corpioAll exotic aquariam fish, except those listed in Schedule 1, 2, 3 and 6.

Schedule 6

Invasive species

Scientific nameCommon name (where known)
 All hybrids of an indigenous or exotic wild animal with any domesticated animal, a pet species or stock, which is not officially recognised by a national- or international studbook or register.
 All hybrids of an indigenous wild animal with an indigenous wild animal or exotic wild animal.