Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1993

Act 200 of 1993

There are outstanding amendments that have not yet been applied. See the History tab for more information.
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History of this document

27 April 1994

Note: See section 251

28 January 1994 this version
25 January 1994
Assented to

Cited documents 0

Documents citing this one 910

Gazette 648
1. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 1994-08-05 number 2
2. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 1994-09-14 number 3
3. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 1994-09-14 number 4
4. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 1994-09-14 number 5
5. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 1994-09-14 number 6
6. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 1994-09-30 number 11
7. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 1994-10-12 number 15
8. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 1994-10-17 number 13
9. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 1994-10-31 number 17
10. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 1994-11-18 number 23
Judgment 228
1. National Director of Public Prosecutions v Zuma (Mbeki and Another intervening) (573/2008) [2009] ZASCA 1 (12 January 2009) 95 citations
2. S v Makwanyane and Another (CCT 3/94) [1995] ZACC 3 (6 June 1995) 88 citations
3. Fedsure Life Assurance Ltd and Others v Greater Johannesburg Transitional Metropolitan Council and Others (CCT7/98) [1998] ZACC 17 (14 October 1998) 73 citations
4. Ferreira v Levin NO and Others ; Vryenhoek and Others v Powell NO and Others [1995] ZACC 13 (6 December 1995) 66 citations
5. Albutt v Centre for Study of Violence and Reconciliation and Others (CCT 54/09) [2010] ZACC 4 (23 February 2010) 64 citations
6. President of Republic of South Africa and Others v South African Rugby Football Union and Others [1999] ZACC 11 (10 September 1999) 63 citations
7. Certification of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 [1996] ZACC 26 (6 September 1996) 59 citations
8. Carmichele v Minister of Safety and Security and Another [2001] ZACC 22 (16 August 2001) 58 citations
9. International Trade Administration Commission v SCAW South Africa (Pty) Ltd (Bridon International Limited intervening) ; In re: SCAW South Africa (Pty) Ltd v International Trade Administration Commission and Others [2010] ZACC 6 (9 March 2010) 52 citations
10. Steenkamp NO v Provincial Tender Board of Eastern Cape [2006] ZACC 16 (28 September 2006) 52 citations
Act 30
1. Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 4484 citations
2. Pension Funds Act, 1956 1579 citations
3. Electoral Commission Act, 1996 736 citations
4. Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act, 2000 448 citations
5. Northern Cape Gambling Act, 2008 4 citations
6. Kwa-Zulu Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund (Retirement) Act, 2017 3 citations
7. KwaZulu-Natal Gaming and Betting Act, 2010 3 citations
8. KwaZulu-Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund (Superannuation) Act, 2017 3 citations
9. Promotion of Youth Affairs Act, 1995 1 citation
10. Provincial Commissions Act, 1994 1 citation
Provincial Notice 2
1. Regulations Relating to the Kwazulu-Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund (Retirement), 2019
2. Regulations Relating to the Kwazulu-Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund (Superannuation), 2019
Government Notice 1
1. Registration of Deeds Regulations, 1963
Proclamation 1
1. Public Service Act, 1994 83 citations

Subsidiary legislation

Assignment to Provinces: Northern Cape: Proclamation R156 of 1994 Proclamation R156 of 1994 31 October 1994
Assignment to Provinces: Kwazulu/Natal: Proclamation, 1994 Proclamation R155 of 1994 31 October 1994