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History of this document
01 October 2012
Commenced by
Tax Administration Act, 2011: Commencement
Note: Date of commencement of whole Act, except sections 187(2), (3)(a)-(e) and (4), 188(2) and (3), and 189(2) and (5); paragraphs 60(g)-(j), 78 and 184 of Schedule 1; and any provision of Schedule 1 that amends or repeals a provision of a tax Act relating to interest under that tax Act, to the extent of that amendment or repeal.
04 July 2012 this version
Published in Government Gazette 35491
02 July 2012
Assented to
01 April 2012
Note: Date of commencement of paragraph 60(g)-(j) of Schedule 1
01 January 2011
Note: Date of commencement of paragraph 78 of Schedule 1
01 March 2010
Note: Date of commencement of paragraph 184 of Schedule 1
Cited documents 0
Documents citing this one 270
Judgment 136
Gazette 124
Act 9
1. | Income Tax Act, 1962 | 1669 citations |
2. | Pension Funds Act, 1956 | 1574 citations |
3. | Trust Property Control Act, 1988 | 312 citations |
4. | Transnet Pension Fund Act, 1990 | 24 citations |
5. | Cybercrimes Act, 2020 | 19 citations |
6. | Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act, 2008 | 16 citations |
7. | Customs Control Act, 2014 | 15 citations |
8. | Diamond Export Levy (Administration) Act, 2007 | 12 citations |
9. | Disaster Management Tax Relief Administration Act, 2020 | 2 citations |
Government Notice 1
1. | Direction by the Minister of Finance: Essential Financial Services |
Subsidiary legislation
Dispute Resolution Rules, 2023
Finance and Money
Government Notice R3146 of 2023 | 10 March 2023 |
Finance and Money