Mayelane v Ngwenyama and Another (57/12) [2013] ZACC 14 (30 May 2013)


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Cited documents 28

Judgment 19
1. Barkhuizen v Napier [2007] ZACC 5 (4 April 2007) 98 citations
2. Boesak v S (CCT 25/00) [2000] ZACC 25 (1 December 2000) 96 citations
3. S v Makwanyane and Another (CCT 3/94) [1995] ZACC 3 (6 June 1995) 89 citations
4. Certification of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 [1996] ZACC 26 (6 September 1996) 59 citations
5. Carmichele v Minister of Safety and Security and Another [2001] ZACC 22 (16 August 2001) 58 citations
6. Dawood and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others; Shalabi and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others; Thomas and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others [2000] ZACC 8 (7 June 2000) 52 citations
7. Brummer v Gorfil Brothers Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others [2000] ZACC 3 (30 March 2000) 46 citations
8. Harksen v Lane NO and Others [1997] ZACC 12 (7 October 1997) 41 citations
9. Alexkor Ltd and Another v Richtersveld Community and Others [2003] ZACC 18 (14 October 2003) 38 citations
10. Bruce and Another v Fleecytex Johannesburg CC and Others [1998] ZACC 3 (24 March 1998) 33 citations
Act 9
1. Children's Act, 2005 568 citations
2. Black Administration Act, 1927 480 citations
3. Recognition of Customary Marriages Act, 1998 184 citations
4. Marriage Act, 1961 119 citations
5. South African Citizenship Act, 1995 115 citations
6. Civil Proceedings Evidence Act, 1965 113 citations
7. General Law Fourth Amendment Act, 1993 21 citations
8. Reform of Customary Law of Succession and Regulation of Related Matters Act, 2009 11 citations
9. Laws on Co-operation and Development Amendment Act, 1985 6 citations