Electoral Commission of South Africa v Speaker of National Assembly and Others (55/16) [2018] ZACC 46 (22 November 2018)


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Cited documents 23

Judgment 21
1. Cool Ideas 1186 CC v Hubbard and Another [2014] ZACC 16 (5 June 2014) 166 citations
2. Rail Commuters Action Group v Transnet Ltd t/a Metrorail [2004] ZACC 20 (26 November 2004) 135 citations
3. Minister of Health and Another v New Clicks South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others [2005] ZACC 14 (30 September 2005) 130 citations
4. City of Cape Town v Aurecon South Africa (Pty) Ltd [2017] ZACC 5 (28 February 2017) 50 citations
5. Matatiele Municipality and Others v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others (1) [2006] ZACC 2 (27 February 2006) 45 citations
6. Electoral Commission v Mhlope and Others [2016] ZACC 15 (14 June 2016) 25 citations
7. Zondi v Member of the Executive Council for Traditional and Local Government Affairs and Others [2005] ZACC 18 (29 November 2005) 25 citations
8. Kham and Others v Electoral Commission and Another [2015] ZACC 37 (30 November 2015) 21 citations
9. Executive Council of Western Cape Legislature and Others v President of Republic of South Africa and Others [1995] ZACC 8 (22 September 1995) 17 citations
10. Government of the Republic of South Africa and Others v Von Abo (283/2010) [2011] ZASCA 65 (4 April 2011) 15 citations
11. Azanian Peoples Organization (AZAPO) and Others v President of Republic of South Africa and Others [1996] ZACC 16 (25 July 1996) 13 citations
12. Competition Commission of South Africa v Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc and Others [2013] ZACC 50 (18 December 2013) 12 citations
13. Minister of Justice v Ntuli [1997] ZACC 7 (5 June 1997) 11 citations
14. S S v V V S [2018] ZACC 5 (1 March 2018) 9 citations
15. South African Social Security Agency and Another v Minister of Social Development and Others (Corruption Watch as Amicus Curiae) [2018] ZACC 26 (30 August 2018) 9 citations
16. Acting Speaker of the National Assembly v Teddy Bear Clinic for Abused Children and Another [2015] ZACC 16 (15 June 2015) 8 citations
17. Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development v Nyathi and Others [2009] ZACC 29 (9 October 2009) 7 citations
18. Unlawful Occupiers of the School Site v City of Johannesburg (36/2004) [2005] ZASCA 7 (17 March 2005) 5 citations
19. S v Thunzi and Another (CCT 81/09) [2010] ZACC 27 (2 December 2010) 3 citations
20. Saayman v Road Accident Fund (329/2009) [2010] ZASCA 123 (30 September 2010) 3 citations
21. Klub Lekkerrus/Libertas v Troye Villa (Pty) Ltd and Others (260/2010) [2011] ZASCA 101 (1 June 2011) 1 citation
Act 2
1. Electoral Commission Act, 1996 708 citations
2. Electoral Act, 1998 511 citations