2 |
2010 FIFA World Cup By-law, 2009
Business, Trade and Industry
Communications and Media
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Finance and Money
Infrastructure and Transportation
Public administration
16 January 2009 |
Business, Trade and Industry
Communications and Media
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Finance and Money
Infrastructure and Transportation
Public administration
A |
Air Quality Management By-law, 2016
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
22 October 2021 |
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Animal By-law, 2011
Agriculture and Land
Health and Food Safety
5 August 2011 |
Agriculture and Land
Health and Food Safety
Animal Keeping By-law, 2021
Agriculture and Land
Health and Food Safety
9 December 2021 |
Agriculture and Land
Health and Food Safety
C |
Cemeteries, Crematoria and Funeral Undertakers By-law, 2011
12 August 2011 |
Health and Food Safety
City Improvement District By-law, 2023
Business, Trade and Industry
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Finance and Money
Public administration
13 April 2023 |
Business, Trade and Industry
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Finance and Money
Public administration
City Ombudsman By-law, 2015
Dispute Resolution and Mediation
Public administration
10 February 2017 |
Dispute Resolution and Mediation
Public administration
Coastal By-law, 2020
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
11 August 2020 |
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Community Fire Safety By-law, 2002
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
21 August 2015 |
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Control of Undertakings that Sell Liquor to the Public By-law, 2014
Business, Trade and Industry
Health and Food Safety
12 December 2014 |
Business, Trade and Industry
Health and Food Safety
Credit Control and Debt Collection By-law, 2006
14 December 2012 |
Finance and Money
E |
Electricity Supply By-law, 2010
Energy and Natural Resources
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
11 August 2018 |
Energy and Natural Resources
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Environmental Health By-law, 2003
5 August 2011 |
Health and Food Safety
Events By-law, 2009
Infrastructure and Transportation
19 August 2016 |
Infrastructure and Transportation
F |
Filming By-law, 2005
Arts and Culture
Business, Trade and Industry
Communications and Media
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Labour and Employment
Public administration
24 June 2005 |
Arts and Culture
Business, Trade and Industry
Communications and Media
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Labour and Employment
Public administration
G |
Graffiti By-law, 2010
Arts and Culture
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Public administration
9 July 2010 |
Arts and Culture
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Public administration
I |
Immovable Property
12 February 2016 |
Public administration
Informal Trading By-law, 2009
Business, Trade and Industry
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Public administration
6 December 2013 |
Business, Trade and Industry
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Public administration
Integrated Waste Management By-law, 2009
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Health and Food Safety
30 June 2016 |
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Health and Food Safety
M |
Municipal Planning By-law, 2015
Agriculture and Land
Infrastructure and Transportation
3 February 2020 |
Agriculture and Land
Infrastructure and Transportation
N |
Nature Reserve By-law, 2020
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
18 February 2021 |
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
O |
Outdoor Advertising By-law, 2024
Business, Trade and Industry
Communications and Media
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Finance and Money
Infrastructure and Transportation
Public administration
15 August 2024 |
Business, Trade and Industry
Communications and Media
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Finance and Money
Infrastructure and Transportation
Public administration
P |
Parking By-law, 2010
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Infrastructure and Transportation
18 February 2011 |
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Infrastructure and Transportation
Problem Property By-law, 2020
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Infrastructure and Transportation
Public administration
27 November 2020 |
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Infrastructure and Transportation
Public administration
Public Parks By-law, 2010
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
10 September 2010 |
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
R |
Rates By-law, 2007
29 June 2007 |
Finance and Money
Recreational Water Use By-law, 2018
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
29 January 2019 |
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Repeal of By-laws Adopted by Former Municipalities By-law, 2007
Labour and Employment
Public administration
23 November 2007 |
Labour and Employment
Public administration
Repeal of By-laws Adopted by Former Municipalities By-law, 2016
Labour and Employment
Public administration
10 February 2017 |
Labour and Employment
Public administration
S |
Stormwater Management By-law, 2005
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
23 September 2005 |
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Streets, Public Places and the Prevention of Noise Nuisances By-law, 2007
Infrastructure and Transportation
14 February 2022 |
Infrastructure and Transportation
Sub-Council By-law, 2003
Infrastructure and Transportation
Public administration
30 August 2024 |
Infrastructure and Transportation
Public administration
T |
Tariff By-law, 2007
29 June 2007 |
Finance and Money
Traffic By-law, 2021
Infrastructure and Transportation
29 July 2022 |
Infrastructure and Transportation
Treated Effluent By-law, 2010
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Health and Food Safety
28 August 2015 |
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Health and Food Safety
W |
Wastewater and Industrial Effluent By-law, 2013
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Health and Food Safety
7 February 2014 |
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Health and Food Safety
Water By-law, 2010
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
20 July 2018 |
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Water Services to Limit or Restrict the Use of Water By-law, 2003
Environment, Climate and Wildlife
28 March 2003 |
Environment, Climate and Wildlife