Provincial Appropriation Act, 2023

South Africa

Provincial Appropriation Act, 2023

ACTTo provide for the appropriation of money from the Gauteng Provincial Revenue Fund for the requirements of the Province of Gauteng in respect of the 2023/24 financial year ending 31 March 2024 and to provide for matters incidental thereto.
WHEREAS section 226(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, provides that money may be withdrawn from the Gauteng Provincial Revenue Fund only in terms of an appropriation by a provincial Act, or as a direct charge against the Fund, when it is provided for in the Constitution or a provincial Act;AND WHEREAS section 26 of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999), provides that the Gauteng Provincial Legislature must appropriate money for the 2023/24 financial year for the requirements of the Gauteng Province,BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Gauteng Provincial Legislature, as follows:—

1. Definitions

In this Act, unless the context indicates otherwise, a word or an expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Public Finance Management Act, 1999, has the meaning assigned to it in that Act, and—conditional grants” means allocations to provinces, local government or municipalities from the national government’s share of revenue raised nationally, provided for under section 214(1)(c) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;current payments” means any payment made by a provincial department in respect of the operational requirements of that department, and includes, amongst others, payments for the compensation of employees, goods and services, interest, rental of immovable property and financial transactions relating to assets and liabilities, but excludes transfers and subsidies, payments for capital assets and payments made under section 73 of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999;payments for capital assets” means any payment made by a provincial department—(a)for assets that can be used continuously or repeatedly in production for more than one year, and from which future economic benefits or service potential is expected to flow directly to the provincial department making the payment; and(b)that must be classified as or deemed to be payments for capital assets in accordance with the “Reference Guide to the Economic Reporting Format”, (September 2009) and the “Asset Management Framework” (April 2004, Version 3.3), issued by the National Treasury under section 76 of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999;this Act” includes the Schedule; andtransfers and subsidies” means any payment made by a provincial department to another organ of state or any other person in respect of which the provincial department does not receive anything of similar value directly in return, and includes the payment of conditional grants.

2. Appropriation of money for the requirements of the Gauteng Province

(1)Appropriations by the Gauteng Provincial Legislature of money from the Gauteng Provincial Revenue Fund for the requirements of the Gauteng Province in the 2023/24 financial year, to votes and main divisions within a vote, and for the specific listed purposes, is set out in the Schedule to this Act.
(2)The spending of appropriations referred to in subsection (1) is subject to the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999), and, to the extent that the Gauteng Provincial Legislature is concerned, the Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act, 2009 (Act No. 10 of 2009).

3. Amounts listed as specifically and exclusively appropriated

An amount within a vote or main division within a vote that are listed as specifically and exclusively appropriated in the Schedule to this Act may only be utilised for the purpose indicated and may not be used for any other purpose, unless an Act of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature amends or changes the purpose for which it was allocated.

4. Short title

This Act is called the Gauteng Provincial Appropriation Act, 2023.


(As a charge to the Provincial Revenue Fund)

Details of appropriated amount
VoteTotal per vote and main divisionCurrent paymentsTransfer and subsidiesPayments for capital assetsPayments for financial assetsAmounts specifically and exclusively appropriated
1.Office of the PremierVision: A liveable, equitable, inclusive and united Gauteng City Region (GCR).886 081395 701303 701 174 92611 619  
1.AdministrationThe programme is responsible for the overall strategic management and support of the Premier and the Director General in fulfilling their statutory and political mandates. It is also responsible for providing financial management and other corporate support services including security management services to the Office of the Premier.153 18298 96245 216  9 002  
2.Institutional DevelopmentThe Office of the Secretary serves as the custodian of the development and implementation of the strategy and provides strategic, tactical and operational leadership to Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) administration for the achievement of the institutional mandate of oversight and scrutiny, law-making, public participation and cooperative governance. The office is established to enable the Secretary to the Legislature to fulfil administrative and financial obligations in line with applicable legislation and legal directives.404 243203 494198 132  2 617  
3.Policy and GovernanceThe purpose of the Corporate Support Services is to give support to all internal stakeholders including provision of Members facilities and benefits, rendering human resource, security and logistical services as well as enhancing and maintaining information technology infrastructure.of which328 65693 37960 351 174 926   
Transfers to Higher education institutions       30 244
Transfers to Non-Profit Institutions       144 682
2.Gauteng Provincial LegislatureVision: A progressive legislature that fosters confidence in democracy and improves the quality of life of the people of Gauteng.857 061421 712266 556 160 6688 125  
1.Leadership and GovernanceThe purpose of the programme is to provide overall strategic leadership and direction to Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL). The core function of the programme is to ensure alignment of the Legislature's processes as outlined in GPL's Five-year Strategy and to monitor and oversee the execution of institutional obligations. In addition, the programme provides leadership and direction to the Legislative Services Board (LSB) and safeguards the strategic political management of the Presiding Officers and Office Bearers, including strategic management of committees to ensure political outcomes.63 74224 56339 179     
2.Office of the SecretaryThe Office of the Secretary is the custodian of the development and implementation of strategy and provides strategic, tactical and operational leadership to GPL administration so that it can achieve its institutional mandate of oversight and scrutiny, law-making, public participation and cooperative governance. The office is established to enable the Secretary to the Legislature to fulfil administrative and financial obligations in line with applicable legislation and legal directives.27 80619 2068 600     
3.Corporate Support ServicesThe purpose of Corporate Support Services is to provide support to all internal stakeholders including provision of Members’ facilities and benefits; rendering human resource, security and logistical services; and enhancing and maintaining IT infrastructure.of which        
Transfers to Non-Profit institutions       160 668
4.Core BusinessThe purpose of the programme is to provide comprehensive support to the House and its committees to be able to advance the constitutional mandates of law-making, oversight and scrutiny over the work of the Executive, public participation and cooperative governance. Core Business ensures involvement by the people of Gauteng in the business of the legislature through the provision of adequate support to different public participation initiatives and creation of platforms that ensure effective participation.288 825198 01690 809     
5.Office of the CFOThe purpose of the programme is to provide professional financial, risk and SCM services to stakeholders for the realisation of the institutional strategic goals and objectives. The Office strives to allocate financial resources equitably to ensure adequate funding for implementation of the GPL Strategic Plan whilst promoting effective financial management of revenue, expenditure, assets and liabilities. The Office promotes effective and efficient management of all financial resources through implementation of best business practices by linking strategic planning, budgeting and reporting. The Office is also responsible for ensuring continuous implementation of all relevant financial legislation to enhance the fiscal stability, accountability and integrity of GPL.58 31347 45410 279  580  
3.Economic DevelopmentVision: A radically transformed, modernised and re-industrialised economy in Gauteng, manifesting decent work, economic inclusion and equity1 860 185264 426195 701 1 385 25814 800  
1.AdministrationTo provide strategic leadership, support and transversal, business solution to enable the MEC, HOD and Gauteng Department of Economic Development (GDED) group to effectively deliver on the mandate of the Department.259 822158 00697 016  14 800  
2.Integrated Economic Development ServicesTo ensure radical economic transformation that addresses the triple policy imperatives of decent work, an inclusive economy and equality.of which197 710   197 710   
Transfers to Departmental Agencies and Accounts        
Guateng Enterprise Propeller       197 710
3.Trade and Sector DevelopmentTo ensure re-industrialisation that addresses the triple policy imperatives of decent work, an inclusive economy and equality.of which820 154   820 154   
Transfers to Departmental Agencies and Accounts        
Guateng Growth and Development Agency       621 682
Cradle of Humankind       52 699
Dinokeng       35 819
Guateng Tourism Authority       109 954
4.Business Regulation and GovernanceTo create a seamless business regulation and good governance environment that promotes ethical conduct, transforms industry, realises sustainable revenue generation and contributes towards achievement of Transformation, Modernisation and Re-Industrialisation (TMR) goals.of which136 84254 7212 597 79 524   
Transfer to Departmental Agencies and Accounts        
Gauteng Liqour Board       79 115
Gauteng Gambling Board       409
5.Economic PlanningTo provide thought leadership to transform and re-industrialise the Gauteng City Region through policy and strategy development.435 65751 69996 088 287 870   
Transfer to Public corporations and private enterprise       287 870
4.HealthA responsive, value based, and people centered health care system in Gauteng.60 093 53535 665 55220 347 509 1 806 5712 273 903  
1.AdministrationThe purpose of this programme is to conduct strategic management and overall administration of the Gauteng Department of Health (GDoH) through the sub-programmes Office of the MEC and Management.1 489 406561 788914 142 3 6519 825  
2.District Health ServicesThe purpose of the programme is to render primary health care services, district hospital services, comprehensive HIV and AIDS care and nutrition. It includes the delivery of priority health programmes.of which20 137 49811 298 4507 561 680 1 002 772274 596  
National Conditional grants        
District Health Programmes Grant       5 793 999
Human Resources and Training Grant       116 740
Social Sector Expanded Public Works Programme Incentive Grant for Provinces       18 091
National Health Insurance Grant       92 947
Transfers to Municipalities       512 480
Transfers to Non-profit institutions       457 718
3.Emergency Medical ServicesThe rendering of pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services including Inter-hospital transfers and planned patient transport.of whichTransfers to Municipalities1 778 1141 006 480453 231 8 403310 000  
4.Provincial Hospital ServicesDelivery of hospital services, which are accessible, appropriate, effective and provide general specialist services, including specialized rehabilitation services, as well as a platform for training health professionals and research.of which11 357 4257 966 5043 175 566 21 690193 645  
National conditional grants        
National Tertiary Services Grant       32 426
Human Resources and Training Grant       483 904
5.Central Hospital ServicesProvide a highly specialised health care service, a platform for training health workers and a place of research, and to enable these hospitals to serve as specialist referral centres for regional hospitals and neighbouring provinces.of which21 762 13513 876 6456 767 126 363 749724 615  
Transfer to Non-Profit Institutions       312 000
National conditional grants        
National Tertiary Service grant       4 955 677
Human Resource and Training Grant       1 278 903
 6.Health Sciences and TrainingRendering of training and development opportunities for clinical and non-clinical employees of the Department of Health through sub-programmes Nurse training college, Emergency medical services training college, Bursaries, and Other Training.of which1 196 718680 81498 893 405 77511 146  
Transfer to Departmental Agencies and Accounts       26 955
Transfers Higher Education Institutions       10 844
7.Health Care Support ServicesThe purpose of this programme is to render support services required by the Department to realise its aims through sub-programmes Laundry Services and Food Supply Services and Medical Trading Account (Medical Supplies Depot)453 930219 313231 708 5312 378  
8.Health Facilities ManagementThe purpose of this programme is to plan, provide and equip new facilities/assets, upgrade and rehabilitate community health centres, clinics, district, provincial, specialized and academic hospitals, and other health-related facilities, and also to undertake life cycle management of immovable assets through maintenance of all health facilities.of which1 919 30955 5581 115 053  747 698  
National conditional grants        
Health Facility Revitalisation       1 116 750
Expanded Public works Programme (EPWEP) Integrated Grant       1 971
5.EducationVision: Every learner feels valued and inspired by our innovative education system.63 421 63846 020 2197 660 219 7 892 2791 848 222  
1.AdministrationTo provide overall management of the education system in accordance with the National Education and Information Policy.5111 6504151 988930 821 7 53821 303  
2.Public Ordinary School EducationTo provide public ordinary education from Grades 1 to 12, in accordance with the South African Schools Act.of which44 552 50035 902 0635 132 288 3 508 3139 836  
National conditional grants        
HIV/AIDS (Life Skills Education)       36 385
National School Nutrition       1 094 224
Maths, Science and Technology       60 778
Transfers to Non-Profit Institutions       3 360 178
3.Independent School SubsidiesTo provide independent ordinary education from Grades 1 to 12, inaccordance with the South African Schools Act.of which1 038 819 10 295 1 028 524   
Transfers to Non-Profit Institutions       1 028 524
4.Public Special School EducationTo provide compulsory public education in special schools in accordance wilh the South African Schools Act and White Paper 6 on inclusive education.of which5 249 1994 191 66534 775 1 022 759   
National conditional grants        
Learners with Profound Intellectual Disabilities       36 000
Transfers to Non-Profit Institutions       1 017 766
5.Early Childhood DevelopmentTo provide early childhood education at Grade R and earlier levels in accordance with White Paper 5.of which2 329 3051 268 137261 164 799 041963  
Transfers to Non-Profit Institutions       799 041
Early Childhood Development Grant       236871
6.Infrastructure DevelopmentTo provide and maintain infrastructure facilities for the administration and schoolsof which2 460 71251 750734 752  1 674 210  
National conditional grants        
Education Infrastructure    1 526 104  2 256 620
Early Childhood Development Grant       10 092
7.Examination and Education Related ServicesTo provide training and support to all education institutions.of which2 679 453454 616556 823  141 910  
National conditional grants        
Expanded Public Works Programme Integrated Grant       2 735
Social Sector Expanded Public Works Programme Incentive Grant for Provinces       9 533
Transfers to Non-Profit Institutions       1 057 372
Transfers to Departmental Agencies and Accounts       125 699
6.Social DevelopmentVision: A caring and self-reliant society5 550 8062 046 1561 105 865 2 312 21486 571  
1.AdministrationTo provide political and strategic direction and leadership, and to guide and support the development of policy frameworks and guidelines for the implementation of priority programmes.of which718 409355 176346 846 4 87211 515  
Transfers to Departmental Agencies and Accounts       83
2.Social Welfare ServicesTo provide integrated developmental social welfare services to the poor and vulnerable beneficiaries in partnership with stakeholders and civil society.of which692 60485 26970 144 519 69117 500  
Transfers to Non-Profit Institutions       518 974
National conditional grants        
Social Sector Expanded Public Works Programme Incentive Grant for Provinces       22 444
3.Children and FamiliesTo provide comprehensive child and family care and support services to communities in partnership with stakeholders and civil society organisations.of which1 965 5431 121 101362 187 438 49943 756  
Transfers to Non-Profit Institutions       43 943
4.Restorative ServicesTo provide integrated developmental social crime prevention and anti-substance abuse services and victim empowerment programme to the most vulnerable in partnership with stakeholders and civil society organisations.of which959 904169 659102 288 674 15713 800  
Transfers to Non-Profit Institutions       673 966
5.Development and ResearchTo provide sustainable development programmes, which facilitates empowerment of communities based on empirical research and demographic information.of which1 214 346314 951224 400 674 995   
Transfers to Non-Profit Institutions       674 666
7.Cooperative Governance and Traditional AffairsVision: Sustainable, Smart, Inclusive Cities and Communities in the Gauteng City Region.639 686394 868225 066 14 5605192  
1.AdministrationThe programme aim is staff capacitation for the department to conduct the pivotal role that it has to play. This will involve capacity building in technical, professional and leadership skills. The assumption is that once staff are adequately skilled, they will implement the interventions as conceptualized. An effective, efficient and responsive Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) can be easily determined by establishing the number of effective core business applications, systems and processes developed and automated during the five years. The major assumption made is that the correct business applications, systems and processes will be developed and automated so that these will jointly contribute to the effectiveness, efficiency and responsiveness of COGTA in meeting the needs of its stakeholders.162 544100 33656 016 10005 192  
2.Local GovernanceThe Local Governance Programme seeks to strengthen the developmental state by enhancing participatory governance and institutional stability, as well as by building the capacity and capability of local government to achieve its constitutional mandate. The goal of the programme is to promote and facilitate viable and sustainable local governance in line with Pillar 4: Transformation of State and Governance.of which306 542220 30886 234     
Transfers to Provinces and Municipalities        
3.Development and PlanningThe purpose of the programme is to coordinate, facilitate and promote integrated development and planning in municipalities to ensure that services are delivered in an integrated and sustainable manner in line with transformation of the state and governance.of which150 97260 36277 050 13 560   
National conditional grants        
Expanded Public Works Programme Integrated Grant       1 960
Transfers to Municipalities       13 560
4.Traditional Institutional DevelopmentThe programme promotes and facilitates viable and sustainable traditional institutions by enhancing the capacity of traditional leadership and local governance institutions in line with Pillar 4: Transformation of the State and Governance.19 62813 8625 766     
8.Human SettlementsVision: To create integrated and sustainable human settlements within a smart Gauteng City Region.6 421 222528 126565 822 5 070 481256 793  
1.AdministrationThe main goal of this Programme is to strengthen and align the department's ability to deliver on its mandate. It enables the department's business units to perform efficiently by providing corporate support (human resources, financial management, supply chain, information and communication technology (ICT), risk management and facilities’ management and support). The Programme ensures effective leadership, management and administrative support of the core business divisions through continuous refinement of organisational strategy and structure, in compliance with appropriate legislation and practice. The Programme’s outputs are in line with government's Outcome 12, which seeks to achieve “An efficient, effective and developmental-oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship".696 086279 793406 452 2 0797 762  
2.Housing Needs, Research and PlanningThe purpose of this Programme is to facilitate and undertake housing delivery planning; identify housing needs; provide a regulatory framework for housing delivery; develop policy guidelines; provide provincial inputs on housing legislation and any amendments to these; develop provincial multi-year housing delivery plans; ensure alignment of housing plans with IDPs, and conduct research into the demand for housing. The Programme promotes effective and efficient delivery of provincial and local government housing programmes; integrated redevelopment of urban communities at scale, and sustainable local economies. It performs a number of transversal functions, including quality assurance, research and development and inputs into policy development, and planning and housing support.24 69416 9287 766     
3.Housing DevelopmentThe core focus of the Housing Development Programme is to build integrated, cohesive, and sustainable communities by ensuring that innovative services and infrastructure are provided to create sustainable human settlements. The Programme's emphasis is on the provision of individual subsidies and housing opportunities for beneficiaries, in accordance with the National Housing Policy. This programme promotes effective and efficient delivery of provincial and local housing programmes. It concentrates on the integrated redevelopment of urban communities at scale, and cultivating sustainable local economies. The Programme’s outputs are reflected in government's Outcome 8, which seeks to achieve “Sustainable human settlement and improved quality of household life".of which5 465 762193 9314 398 5 018 402249 031  
National conditional grants        
Informal Settlements Upgrading Partnership Grant for Provinces Human Settlements Development Grant       1 226 949
Expanded Public Works Programme Integrated Grant       3 979 445
Transfers to Departmental Agencies and Accounts       11 038
Gauteng Partnership Fund       467 285
4.Housing Assets and Property ManagementThe purpose of the Programme is to promote home-ownership in historically-disadvantaged communities. It coordinates, manages and oversees the maintenance of departmental immovable assets in the form of flats, hostels and vacant stands, and encourages and supports the provision of tools and personnel to maintain these departmental immovable assets. The department motivates, guides and manages the provision of tenure for occupants, and promotes home ownership through sectionalisation of flats. It disposes of the department’s commercial properties.of which234 68037 474147 206 50 000   
National conditional grants        
Human Settlements Development Grant       146 390
9.Roads and TransportVision: Growing Gauteng together through smart mobility - 20308 478 597852 4861 056 024 5 564 5101 005 577  
1.AdministrationTo provide the Department with overall management and administrative, strategic, financial and corporate support services in order to ensure that it delivers on its mandate in an integrated, efficient, effective and sustainable manner.345 624215 630108 758 20021 036  
2.Transport InfrastructureTo promote accessibility and the safe, affordable movement of people, goods and services through the delivery and maintenance of transport infrastructure that is sustainable, integrated and environmentally sensitive, and which supports and facilitates social empowerment and economic growth.of which2 173 967347 95683 675 5 560983 693  
National conditional grants        
Provincial Roads Maintenance       1 092 661
Expanded Public Works Programme Integrated Grant       4 121
Transfers to Provinces and Municipalities       2 300
3.Transport OperationsTo plan, regulate and facilitate the provision of integrated land transport services through co-ordination and cooperation with national planning authorities, Community Based Organisations (CBOs), Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and the private sector in order to enhance the mobility of all communities particularly those currently without or with limited access.of which3 112 60066 95512 205 3 033 440   
National conditional grants        
Public Transport Operations       2 850 898
Transfers to Public corporations and private enterprise       3 033 320
4.Transport RegulationTo ensure the provision of a safe environment through the regulation of traffic on public infrastructure, law enforcement, implementation of road safety education and awareness programmes and registration and licensing of vehicles and drivers.339 448221 94598 303 18 352   
 5.Gautrain Rapid Rail LinkTo plan, design and construct the Rapid Rail Link and ensure efficient management and implementation of the Gautrain. Management of the concession agreement will remain one of the most important functions of the Gautrain Management Agency (GMA). The agreement was concluded between the province, through the Department of Roads and Transport, on the one hand and the concessionaire on the other for the design, construction and operation of the railway line for the Gautrain Rapid Rail Project.of which2 506 958   2 506 958   
Transfers to Departmental Agencies and Accounts        
Gautrain Management Agency       2 506 958
10.Community SafetyVision: To realise Gauteng as a province where people feel and are safe.2 706 1921 842 797594 084 4 488264 823  
1.AdministrationTo provide strategic direction and to support the organisation through corporate support (which includes human capital resources), financial management, supply chain management, risk management, legal services and strategic planning monitoring and evaluation.of which178 344148 55525 926  3 863  
Transfers to Provinces and Municipalities        
2.Provincial Secretariat for Police ServiceThe programme aims to give effect to the constitutional mandate of the department on the promotion of good relations between the police and the community.of which268 689118 062116 304 85633 467  
National conditional grants        
Social Sector Expanded Public Works Programme Incentive Grant for ProvincesTransfers to Departmental Agencies and Accounts        
3.Traffic ManagementThe main aim of the programme is to integrate and coordinate traffic law enforcement, reduce road fatalities and support the South African Police Service (SAPS) crime prevention initiatives in the province.of which2 259 1591 576 180451 854 3 632227 493  
Transfers to Provinces and Municipalities       196
Transfers to Public corporations and private enterprise        
11.Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentVision: An economically transformed agricultural sector, ensuring sustainable development for healthy food, food security and prosperous rural and urban communities in Gauteng.1 066 204572 573468 170 9 83115 630  
1.AdministrationThe purpose of the programme is to provide leadership; management; efficient and effective monitoring and evaluation; policy and research coordination and security and risk management; financial management; HR management and development; facilities management services; professional legal services and enforcement services; communication and awareness; as well as knowledge and project management services to the department in response to Pillar 5. The programme’s aim is an efficient, effective and development-oriented public service; empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship through the following strategic objectives; which are in line with the department’s five-year Strategic Plan.of which275 960160 952106 260 2 227652  
Transfers to Departmental Agencies and Accounts       1 405
2.Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentThe programme aims to optimise the contribution of sustainable agriculture to the equitable development of all communities in the province by enhancing food security, income, employment and the quality of life; and to control and manage health risks of animal origin, by ensuring healthy livestock production and the availability and affordability of healthy, high quality food and animal products. These activities stimulate economic growth and contribute towards poverty alleviation and international trade.of which494 360199 562283 080 6 5615 157  
National conditional grants        
Land Care       5 360
llima/Letsema Projects       37 885
Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme       103 014
Expanded Public Works Programme Integrated Grant       3 621
Transfers to Higher Education Institutions       6 227
3.Environmental AffairsThe programme promotes equitable and sustainable use of ecosystems, goods and services and contributes to economic development by managing biodiversity and its components, processes, habitats and functions. The programme also ensures that the province implements the principles of integrated waste management; promotes sustainable development and quality of life by ensuring acceptable ambient air quality and sustainable mining practices; and manages hazardous chemicals and industrial related activities.295 884212 05978 830 1 0433 952  
Transfers to Provinces and Municipalities       300
12.Sport, Arts, Culture and RecreationVision: An active, creative and modernised Gauteng City Region contributing to sustainable economic growth and social cohesion.1 089 937327 202363 593 349 58149 561  
1.AdministrationThe aim of the Administration Programme is to provide political and strategic direction and to support the department by providing corporate management services. It primarily contributes to Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation (SACR) Strategic Goal: A capable and activist administration which contributes to a modern developmental state to promote good governance.200 475136 10853 669 2 5378 161  
2.Cultural AffairsThe aim of the Cultural Affairs Programme is to identify, develop, support, promote, preserve and protect arts and heritage resources in the province.of which194 79057 81277 357 56 2163 405  
National conditional grants        
Expanded Public Works Programme Integrated Grant        
Transfers to Departmental Agencies and Accounts       40 087
Transfers to Non Profit Institutions       14 100
Transfers to Provinces and Municipalities       2 029
3.Library and Archives ServicesThe purpose of the programme is to establish and maintain community libraries that provide access to knowledge, resources and services to meet the needs of individuals and groups for education, information and personal development Libraries, as knowledge hubs, achieve the broad imperatives of socio-economic development and nation building.of which328 84134 44064 496 204 29325 612  
National conditional grants        
Community Library Services       176 522
Transfers to Provinces and Municipalities       200 293
Transfers to Non Profit Institutions       3 500
4.Sport and RecreationThe aim of this programme is to promote sport and recreation and school sport; facilitate talent identification; promote sport development and high performance to make Gauteng the Home of Champions.of which365 83198 842168 071 86 53512 383  
National conditional grants        
Mass Sport and Recreation Participation ProgrammeSocial Sector Expanded Public Works ProgrammeIncentive Grant for Provinces       124 727
Transfers to Non Profit Institutions       86 535
13.E-GovemmentA smart Gauteng City Region that provides efficient quality services to citizens.1 744 202513 2071 205 403 23 5502 042  
1.AdministrationTo provide executive leadership, oversight, accountability and corporate support services.254 425174 48477 749 1502 042  
 2.Information Communication Technology(Ict) Shared ServicesEstablishment of an ICT e-Government governance structure for the Department and the broader GCR as well as building ICT infrastructure, developing applications, promoting ICT skills development and facilitating innovation and research. Promotion of the usage of e-Government services by citizens, businesses and government entities through transformation and incentive programmes. Conclusion of private and public partnerships and the implementation of incubation and innovation programmes.of which1 356 748206 8171 126 981 22 950   
Transfers to Higher Education Institutions       22 800
3.Human Resources ServicesTo modernise HR business processes within the GPG through provisioning of ICT systems, promoting their optimal utilisation and producing analytical HR information useful for purposes of decision-making.133 029131 906673 450   
14.Gauteng Provincial TreasuryPioneers in fiscal prudence and good governance818 465657 42588 194 65 9466 900  
1.AdministrationTo provide effective and ethical leadership, management and administrative support to enable the department to deliver on its mandate.174 486139 20527 903 4786 900  
2.Sustainable Fiscal Resource ManagementTo ensure the effective and efficient administration of fiscal resources.of which170 03089 02115 541 65 468   
Departmental agencies and accounts Gauteng Infrastructure Financing Agency       65 468
3.Financial GovernanceTo promote accountability through substantive reflection of financial activities as well as compliance with financial norms and standards as contained in the PFMA135 902125 78510 117     
4.Supply Chain ManagementTo promote and enforce transparency and effective Supply Chain Management105 124101 9473 177     
5.Municipal Financial GovernanceTo oversee, assist and support all delegated municipalities with the implementation of the Municipal Finance Management Act.90 88269 80421 078     
6.Gauteng Audit ServicesTo render audit services in the GPG departments.142 041131 66310 378     
15.Infrastructure DevelopmentVision: To be the trusted provider of integrated and SMART public infrastructure and property management solutions that transform the spatial landscape and improve the quality of life of the people of Gauteng.3 311 2701 232 558679 911 1 242 977155 824  
1.AdministrationThe purpose of this programme is to provide strategic leadership to the department and to support the core programmes in their efforts to implement the mandate of the department. This includes the provision of strategic and operational support services for the MEC and the HOD, provision of Financial Management and Supply Chain Management services, provision of Corporate Support Services including Human Resource Management, Information Systems Management, Internal and External Communications, Strategic Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Legal Services and Security Management, and the provision of Internal Audit and Organisational Risk Management services.446 533267 476146 757 4 00028 300  
2.Public Works InfrastructureThis Public Works infrastructure Programme is responsible for providing the core services that are mandated to the Department. This includes being Ihe implementer of infrastructure and maintenance projects on behalf of all GPG Departments. Maintenance projects include renovations, refurbishments and upgradings. In the case of the Provincial Department of Health, it also includes the implementation of day-to-day, routine/preventative and emergency maintenance at all Health Facilities in the Province with the exception of Jubilee Hospital and Odi Hospital which are maintained by the Provincial Department of Health.of which2 491 396843 257281 638 1 238 977127 524  
Transfers to Municipalities        
Transfers to Departmental Agencies and Accounts       12 38 977
3.Expanded Public Works ProgrammeThe purpose of Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) is to manage the implementation of programmes and strategies that lead to the development and empowerment of communities and contractors. This includes the provincial management and co-ordination of the Expanded Public Works Programme. The EPWP is a nationwide programme aimed at the reorientation of the public-sector spending in favour of projects that create more work opportunities.of which373 341121 825251 516     
Expanded Public Works Programme Integrated Grant       10 006
Total for the Province158 945 08191 735 14235 126 517 26 077 8406 005 582   
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