South Africa
South Africa
KwaZulu-Natal Health Act, 2009
Act 1 of 2009
- Published in KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette 250 on 3 April 2009
- Assented to on 5 March 2009
- Commenced on 6 September 2012 by KwaZulu-Natal Health Act, 2009: Commencement
- [This is the version of this document from 3 April 2009 and includes any amendments published up to 31 January 2025.]
Chapter 1
1. Definitions
In this Act any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the National Health Act, 2003 (Act No. 61 of 2003), must, unless clearly inappropriate, bear that meaning, and, unless the context indicates otherwise-“ambulance services” means the provision of emergency medical services and the transportation of patients through the utilisation of the appropriate mode of transport;“available resources” means financial, human or other resources available to the Province for health services;“clinic” means a provincial health facility at and from which a range of primary health care services is provided and that is normally open at least five days a week for eight or more hours a day based on the needs of the community to be served;“community health centre" means a facility that normally provides a range of primary health care services, seven days a week, including but not limited to 24 hour maternity, accident and basic emergency services and beds where health care users can be observed for a maximum of 48 hours and which normally has a procedure room but not an operating theatre;“Constitution” means the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;“Department” means the Provincial Department of Health for the Province of KwaZulu-Natal;“district council” means the council of a district municipality;“district health care system” means a comprehensive district health care service based on primary health care established to improve access to basic health careby disadvantaged individuals, to reduce past disparities and inequities in health care service delivery and to provide improved and integrated service delivery to meet the healthcare needs of all persons within a particular district or metropolitan area;“district health council" means a council established in terms of section 23;“district hospital” means a health care facility at which a range of outpatient and inpatient services are offered, mostly within the scope of general medical practitioners which has a functional operating theatre in which operations are performed regularly under general anaesthesia;“district municipality” means a municipality contemplated in section 151 (1) of the Constitution and section 12(1) of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act No. 117 of 1998);“emergency medical services" means the on-site medical evaluation, triaging, treatment and transportation of an ill or injured health care user by an emergency medical incident and the continuation of evaluation, treatment and care of the health care user during the transportation of the health care user to or between health care establishments;“Gazette" means the official Provincial Gazette of the Province of KwaZulu-Natal;“Head of Department” means the person appointed as head of the Department of Health in terms of section 12 of the Public Service Act, (Proclamation 103 of 1994);“health care establishment” means the whole or part of public or private institution, facility, building or place, whether for profit or not, that is operated or designed to provide inpatient or outpatient treatment, diagnostic or therapeutic interventions, nursing, rehabilitative, palliative, convalescent, preventative or other health services;“health care personnel” means health care providers and health workers;“health care services” means health services including reproductive health care and emergency medical treatment contemplated in section 27 of the Constitution;“health care structure” means any committee, board, forum or council established in terms of national or provincial legislation to advise the responsible Member of the Executive Council on health care related matters and carry out specified functions in terms of national and provincial legislation;“health care user” means a person who uses or benefits from the use of health care services, including reproductive health care and emergency medical treatment contemplated in section 27 of the Constitution;“hospital board” means the board established in terms of section 36;“hospital services” means health care services provided by a district hospital, a regional hospital, a tertiary hospital and a specialised hospital;“KwaZulu-Natal provincial health sector” includes public and private health care establishments, providers and practitioners within the Province of KwaZulu-Natal;“levels of care” means the different levels of health care provided at a primary health care facility, a community health centre, a district hospital, a regional hospital, a tertiary hospital and a specialised hospital;“metropolitan municipality” means a municipality contemplated in section 151 (1) of the Constitution and section 12(1) of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act No. 117 of 1998);“Minister” means the Cabinet member responsible for health in the national sphere of government;“National Health Act” means the National Health Act, 2003 (Act No. 61 of 2003);“organised local government” means an organised local government as contemplated in section 2(1) of the Organised Local Government Act, 1997 (Act No. 52 of 1997), to represent local government nationally or provincially;"prescribed" means prescribed by regulation under section 74 and "prescribe" has a corresponding meaning;“Province” means the Province of KwaZulu-Natal, and “provincial” has a corresponding meaning;“provincial health care system” means a comprehensive provincial health care service established to improve access to health care, to reduce past disparities and inequities in health care service delivery and to provide improved and integrated service delivery to meet the healthcare needs of all persons within the Province;“Provincial Health Information Systems Committee" means the committee established in terms of section 29;“Provincial Health Research and Ethics Committee” means the committee established in terms of section 9;“regional hospital” means a health care facility that provides care requiring the intervention of specialists as well as general medical practitioner services;“responsible Member of the Executive Council” means the member of the Executive Council for the Province of KwaZulu-Natal responsible for health;“specialised hospital” means any health care institution which provides specialized care or treatment;“state aided institution” means a private institution which is totally or partially funded by the State;“tertiary hospital” means a health care facility that provides specialist and subspecialist care;“this Act” includes the regulations.Chapter 2
Application, guiding principles , objects and rights
2. Application of Act
This Act applies to a person who is-3. Guiding principles for interpretation and administrative compliance
4. Objects of Act
The objects of this Act are-5. Powers and functions of responsible Member of Executive Council
6. Responsibility of health statutory institutions
7. Rights and duties of health care users
8. Rights and duties of health care personnel
Chapter 3
Kwazulu-Natal Provincial Health Research and Ethics Committee
9. Establishment of KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Research and Ethics Committee
10. Composition of KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Research and Ethics Committee
11. Functions of KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Research and Ethics Committee and reimbursement for subsistence and travelling expenses
12. Meetings of KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Research and Ethics Committee
The KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Research and Ethics Committee may meet as often as necessary, but at least once a year, at such places and times as the Head of Department may determine.13. Procedure for referral of research proposals
14. Administrative support to KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Research and Ethics Committee
The Department must provide administrative and secretarial support to the KwaZulu- Natal Provincial Health Research and Ethics Committee.Chapter 4
Kwazulu-Natal Provincial Health Council
15. Establishment of KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Council
16. Composition of KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Council
Section 26 of the National Health Act applies with regard to the composition of the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Council.17. Functions of KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Council and reimbursement for travelling and subsistence expenses
18. Administrative support to KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Council
The Department must provide administrative and secretarial support to the KwaZulu- Natal Provincial Health Council.Chapter 5
Kwazulu-Natal Provincial Consultative Health Forum
19. Establishment of KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Consultative Health Forum
20. Composition of KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Consultative Health Forum
Section 28 of the National Health Act applies with regard to the composition of the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Consultative Health Forum.21. Functions of KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Consultative Health Forum and reimbursement for travelling and subsistence expenses
22. Governance Framework
The responsible Member of the Executive Council must prescribe the governance framework for the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Consultative Health Forum, which must include-Chapter 6
District Health Councils
23. Establishment of District Health Councils
24. Composition of District Health Council
Section 31(2) of the National Health Act applies with regard to the composition of district health councils.25. Functions of District Health Council and reimbursement for travelling and subsistence expenses
26. Financial support to District Health Council
27. Advisory committees of district health councils
For the purposes of establishing advisory committees to district health councils, the provisions of section 31 (4) of the National Health Act apply.28. Division of health districts into sub-districts
For the purposes of determining the division of health districts into sub-districts and related matters, the provisions of section 30 of the National Health Act, apply.Chapter 7
Kwazulu-Natal Provincial Health Information Systems Committee
29. Establishment of KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Information Systems Committee
30. Composition of KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Information Systems Committee
The KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Information Systems Committee comprises of-31. Functions of KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Information Systems Committee and reimbursement for subsistence and travelling expenses
32. Meetings of KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Information Systems Committee
The KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Information Systems Committee may meet as often as necessary, but at least three times a year, at such places and times as the chairperson may determine.33. Administrative support to KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Information Systems Committee
The Department must provide administrative and secretarial support to the KwaZulu- Natal Provincial Health Information Systems Committee.Chapter 8
Kwazulu-Natal Health Operations Centre
34. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Operations Centre
35. Functions of KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Operations Centre
Chapter 9
Hospital boards and clinic or community health committees
36. Establishment of hospital boards
37. Powers and functions of hospital boards and reimbursement for subsistence and travelling expenses
38. Composition of hospital boards
39. Term of office of member of hospital boards
40. Nominations for membership of hospital boards
41. Meetings of hospital boards
A hospital board may meet as often as necessary, but at least three times a year, at such places and times as the chairperson may determine.42. Establishment of clinic or community health centre committees
43. Powers and functions of clinic or community health centre committees and reimbursement for subsistence and travelling expenses
44. Composition of clinic or community health centre committees
The members of the clinic or community health centre committees established under section 42(1) must include-45. Term of office of member of clinic or community health centre committee
46. Meetings of clinic or community health centre committees
A clinic or community health centre committee may meet as often as necessary, but at least three times a year, at such places and times as the chairperson may determine.Chapter 10
Accreditation, licences, permits, authorisations and registrations of health care establishments
47. Categories of public health care establishments
The following categories of public health care establishments are recognised-48. Accreditation of public and private health care establishments
No public health care establishment or private health care establishment may provide, or continue to provide, any health care services prior to it having being accredited in terms of national or provincial legislation.49. Accreditation of public and private sector non-health care establishments rendering health care services
The responsible Member of the Executive Council may prescribe-50. Licences
51. Compliance by health care establishments and providers
The Head of the Department must ensure that all accredited and authorised private and public health care establishments contemplated in section 48, providing specified health care services to beneficiaries contemplated in section 2, are registered in terms of applicable national legislation.52. Framework for use of public facilities by private health care users and transfer of public healthcare users to private healthcare facilities
Chapter 11
Health officer and the inspectorate for health establishments
53. Designation of health officer
54. Duty of health officer
A health officer must monitor and enforce compliance with this Act in the manner set out in sections 56 to 61.55. Termination of designation of health officer
56. Routine inspections
57. Environmental health investigations
58. Entry and search of premises with warrant
59. Identification prior to entry and resistance against entry
60. Entry and search of premises without warrant
A health officer accompanied by a member of the South African Police Service may without a warrant exercise any power referred to in section 58(1) if-61. Disposal of articles seized by health officer
62. Miscellaneous provisions relating to health officers, inspectors and compliance procedures
For the purposes of this Act or the National Health Act, the Head of Department and the head of a health department of a municipality must be regarded as being-63. Establishment and functions of Inspectorate for Health Establishments
64. Inspections by Inspectorate
65. Lodging of complaints
The responsible Member of the Executive Council must establish a procedure for the lodging of complaints contemplated in section 18 of the National Health Act66. Appointment and functions of Ombudsperson
Chapter 12
67. Appeals to responsible Member of Executive Council
Chapter 13
Patient records and billing systems
68. Establishment, maintenance and confidentiality of patient records
In addition to, and complying with, any national legislation providing for the establishment, maintenance and confidentiality of patient records of public health care users and access to personal information, the responsible Member of the Executive Council must, within the available financial resources of the Province-69. Establishment of systems for proper patient admission and billing systems
The responsible Member of the Executive Council must, in respect of the admission to public health care establishments or the use of public health care services and within the available financial resources of the Province-Chapter 14
General provisions
70. Public participation and coordination
71. Assignment of administration of health care services to municipalities
The responsible Member of the Executive Council may, subject to sections 126 and 156(4) of the Constitution and section 32 of the National Health act, assign the administration of health services to a municipality within the Province.72. Delegation of powers and duties
73. Transitional arrangements and validation
74. Regulations and notices
75. General offences and penalties
76. Repeal of laws
The laws mentioned in the Schedule are hereby repealed to the extent set out in the third column of the said Schedule.77. Short title and commencement
History of this document
06 September 2012
Commenced by
KwaZulu-Natal Health Act, 2009: Commencement
03 April 2009 this version
05 March 2009
Assented to
Cited documents 6
Act 6
1. | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 | 5691 citations |
2. | Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 | 4494 citations |
3. | Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 | 3999 citations |
4. | Public Finance Management Act, 1999 | 2428 citations |
5. | National Health Act, 2003 | 456 citations |
6. | Organised Local Government Act, 1997 | 103 citations |
Documents citing this one 6
Provincial Notice 6
Subsidiary legislation
KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Research and Ethics Committee Regulations, 2012
Health and Food Safety
Provincial Notice 128 of 2012 | 9 November 2012 |
Health and Food Safety
KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Information Systems Committee Regulations, 2012
Health and Food Safety
Provincial Notice 127 of 2012 | 9 November 2012 |
Health and Food Safety
KwaZulu-Natal District Health Councils Regulations, 2012
Health and Food Safety
Provincial Notice 126 of 2012 | 9 November 2012 |
Health and Food Safety
KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Health Council Regulations, 2012
Health and Food Safety
Provincial Notice 125 of 2012 | 9 November 2012 |
Health and Food Safety
KwaZulu-Natal Hospital Boards Regulations, 2012
Health and Food Safety
Provincial Notice 124 of 2012 | 9 November 2012 |
Health and Food Safety
KwaZulu-Natal Clinic- and Community Health Centre Committees Regulations, 2012
Health and Food Safety
Provincial Notice 123 of 2012 | 9 November 2012 |
Health and Food Safety