Registration and licence fees for motor vehicles regulations, 2024

Provincial Notice 55 of 2024

Western Cape
South Africa
Western Cape Provincial Road Traffic Administration Act

Registration and licence fees for motor vehicles regulations, 2024

Provincial Notice 55 of 2024

The Provincial Minister of Mobility, in terms of section 7 of the Western Cape Provincial Road Traffic Administration Act, 2012 (Act 6 of 2012), has made the regulations set out in the Schedule.

1. Definitions

In these regulations, any word or expression defined or used in the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of 1996), or in the regulations made under that Act, has the same meaning, unless the context indicates otherwise.

2. Registration and licence fees

The fees payable in respect of the registration and licensing of motor vehicles in the Province are as set out in the Annexure.

3. Repeal

The regulations published under Provincial Notice 91/2022 in Provincial Gazette 8635 dated 25 July 2022 are repealed.

4. Commencement

These regulations come into operation on 1 July 2024.


ItemCategoryTare in kgFees applicable under these regulations
2.1A motorcycle or motor tricycle, other than a motor vehicle referred to in item 3 of this AnnexureAllR228,00
2.2A motor vehicle, other than a motor vehicle referred to in item 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 or 3 of this Annexure, with a tare of—0-250R324,00
751-1 000R390,00
1 001-1 250R462,00
1 251-1 500R642,00
1 501-1 750R708,00
1 751-2 000R810,00
2 001-2 250RI 104,00
2 251-2 500RI 290,00
2 501-2 750RI 446,00
2 751-3 000RI 458,00
3 001-3 250RI 818,00
3 251-3 500R2 058,00
3 501-3 750R2 484,00
3 751-1 000R2 682,00
4001-4 250R2 988,00
4 251-4 500R3 222,00
4 501-4 750R3 456,00
4 751-5 000R3 696,00
5 001-5 250R5 586,00
5 251-5 500R6 036,00
5 501-5 750R6 558,00
5 751-6 000R7 086,00
6 001-6 250R7 686,00
6 251-6 500R8 286,00
6 501-6 750R8 898,00
6 751-7 000R9 750,00
7 001-7 250R10 158,00
7 251-7 500R10 746,00
7 501-8 000R11 976,00
8 001-8 500R13 602,00
8 501-9 000R15 036,00
9 001-9 500R16 566,00
9 501-10 000R18 072,00
10 001-10 500R20 610,00
10 501-11 000R22 560,00
11 001-11 500R24 690,00
11 501-12 000R26 718,00
For each additional 500 kg or part thereof above 12 000 kgR2 664,00
2.3A trailer, other than a semi-trailer, which is used only for the owner’s own farming activities, other than a motor vehicle referred to in item 2.8, 2.10 or 3 of this Annexure R126,00
2.4A breakdown vehicle, other than a motor vehicle referred to in item 3 of this Annexure Fee as determined for item 2.2
2.5A truck-tractor, other than a truck­tractor referred to in item 2.6, used by the owner thereof solely for farming activities, other than for the conveyance of goods for reward on a public road, and other than a motor vehicle referred to in item 3 of this Annexure Fee as determined for item 2.2
2.6A truck-tractor, used by the owner thereof, solely for his or her own farming activities, other than for the conveyance of goods for reward on a public road, and other than a motor vehicle referred to in item 3 of this Annexure Fee as determined for item 2.2
2.7A trailer or semi-trailer, other than a motor vehicle referred to in item 2.3, 2.8, 2.10 or 3 of this Annexure, with a tare of—0-250R162,00
751-1 000R312,00
1 001-1 250R420,00
1 251-1 500R570,00
1 501-1 750R636,00
1 751-2 000R720,00
2 001-2 250R978,00
2 251-2 500RI 134,00
2 501-2 750RI 284,00
2 751-3 000RI 296,00
3 001-3 250RI 584,00
3 251-3 500RI 788,00
3 501-3 750R2 172,00
3 751-1 000R2 358,00
4 001-4 250R2 592,00
4 251-4 500R2 802,00
4 501-4 750R2 988,00
4 751-5 000R3 198,00
5 001-5 250R4 860,00
5 251-5 500R5 220,00
5 501-5 750R5 682,00
5 751-6 000R6 138,00
6 001-6 250R6 654,00
6 251-6 500R7 170,00
6 501-6 750R7 698,00
6 751-7 000R8 430,00
7 001-7 250R8 778,00
7 251-7 500R9 294,00
7 501-8 000R10 260,00
8 001-8 500R11 658,00
8 501-9 000R12 876,00
9 001-9 500R14 190,00
9 501-10 000R15 474,00
10 001-10 500R17 478,00
10 501-11 000R19 128,00
11 001-11 500R20 940,00
11 501-12 000R22 662,00
For each additional 500 kg or part thereof above 12 000 kgR2 664,00
2.8A caravan, other than a self-propelled caravan or a motor vehicle referred to in item 3 of this Annexure R330,00
2.9A tractor which is operated on a public road, other than a motor vehicle referred to in item 3 of this Annexure, with a tare of—0-250R162,00
751-1 000R168,00
1 001-1 250R168,00
1 251-1 500R210,00
1 501-1 750R210,00
1 751-2 000R210,00
2 001-2 250R306,00
2 251-2 500R306,00
2 501-2 750R306,00
2 751-3 000R306,00
3 001-3 250R306,00
3 251-3 500R306,00
3 501-3 750R498,00
3 751-4 000R498,00
4 001-4 250R498,00
4 251-4 500R498,00
4 501-4 750R498,00
4 751-5 000R498,00
5 001-5 250R510,00
5 251-5 500R510,00
5 501-5 750R510,00
5 751-6 000R510,00
6 001-6 250R516,00
6 251-6 500R516,00
6 501-6 750R516,00
6 751-7 000R516,00
7 001-7 250R522,00
7 251-7 500R522,00
7 501-8 000R522,00
8 001-8 500R522,00
8 501-9 000R522,00
9 001-9 500R528,00
9 501-10 000R528,00
10 001-10 500R546,00
10 501-11 000R546,00
11 001-11 500R546,00
11 501-12 000R546,00
For each additional 500 kg or part thereof above 12 000 kgR0,00
2.10A trailer or semi-trailer which is drawn by a tractor and is operated on a public road, other than a motor vehicle referred to in item 3 of this Annexure Fee as determined for item 2.7
4.1Application in respect of a motor trade number R107,00
4.2Licensing of a motor trade number in respect of a motor vehicle, excluding a motorcycle or motor tricycle, by a motor dealer, manufacturer, builder, importer or deposit-taking institution R796,00
4.3Licensing of a motor trade number in respect of a motorcycle or motor tricycle, by a motor dealer, manufacturer, builder, importer or deposit-taking institution R176,00
4.4Licensing of motor trade number by a motor transport contractor R176,00
5.1Temporary permits R94,00
5.2Special permits R68,00
6.1Application for certification of roadworthiness, including test, in respect of a motorcycle or motor tricycle R80,00
6.2Application for certification of roadworthiness, including test, in respect of a bus R205,00
6.3Application for certification of roadworthiness, including test, in respect of a goods vehicle, including a trailer exceeding 3 500 kg R205,00
6.4Application for certification of roadworthiness, including test, in respect of any other motor vehicle, including a trailer not exceeding 3 500 kg R175,00
6.5Certification of roadworthiness R65,00
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History of this document

01 July 2024

Note: See section 4

20 May 2024 this version

Cited documents 2

Legislation 2
1. National Road Traffic Act, 1996 1695 citations
2. Western Cape Provincial Road Traffic Administration Act 1 citation

Documents citing this one 0