South Africa
South Africa
Water Supply, Sanitation Services and Industrial Effluent By-law, 2004
- Published in Western Cape Provincial Gazette 6181 on 22 October 2004
- Commenced on 22 October 2004
- [This is the version of this document from 22 October 2004 and includes any amendments published up to 31 January 2025.]
Chapter I
General Provisions
Part 1 – Definitions
1. Definitions
Part 2 – Application for water services
2. Application for water services
3. Special agreements for water services
The municipality may enter into a special agreement for the provision of water services to—Part 3 – Tariffs and charges
4. Prescribed tariffs and charges for water services
All tariffs and or charges payable in respect of water services rendered by the municipality in terms of this by-law, including but not limited to the payment of connection charges, fixed charges or any additional charges or interest in respect of failure to pay such tariffs or charges on the specified date will be set by the municipality by a resolution passed by the Council in accordance with:5. Fixed charges for water services
Part 4 – Payment
6. Payment of deposit
7. Payment for water services provided
Part 5 – Accounts
8. Accounts
Part 6 – Termination, limitation and discontinuation of water services
9. Termination of agreement for the provision of water services
10. Limitation and/or discontinuation of water services provided
Part 7 – General provisions
11. Responsibility for compliance with this by-law
12. Exemption
13. Unauthorised use of water services
14. Change in purpose for which water services are used
Where the purpose or extent for which water services are used is changed, the consumer must enter into a new agreement with the municipality.15. Interference with water supply system or any sanitation services
16. Obstruction of access to water supply system or any sanitation services
17. Notices and documents
18. Power to serve and compliance with notices
19. Power of entry and inspection
20. False statements or information
No person shall make a false statement or furnish false information to the municipality or falsify a document issued in terms of this by-law.21. Offences
Chapter II
Water supply services
Part 1 – Connection to water supply system
22. Provision of connection pipe
23. Location of connection pipe
24. Provision of single water connection for supply to several consumers on same premises
25. Interconnection between premises or water installations
An owner of premises shall ensure that no interconnection exists between—26. Disconnection of water installation from connection pipe
The municipality may disconnect a water installation from the connection pipe and remove the connection pipe if—Part 2 – Communal water services works
27. Provision of a water services work for water supply to several consumers
A municipality may install a communal water services work for the provision of water services to several consumers at a location it deems appropriate, provided that the consumers to whom water services will be provided through that water services work has been consulted in respect of the level of service, tariff that will be payable and location of the work.Part 3 – Temporary supply
28. Water supplied from a hydrant
Part 4 – Standards and general conditions of supply
29. Quantity, quality and pressure
Water supply services provided by the municipality will comply with the minimum standards set for the provision of water supply services in terms of section 9 of the Act.30. General conditions of supply
Part 5 – Measurement of water supply services
31. Measuring of quantity of water supplied
32. Quantity of water supplied to consumer
33. Defective measurement
If a consumer has reason to believe that a measuring device, used for measuring water, which was supplied to him or her by the municipality is defective he or she may take the steps as provided for in the municipality’s by-law relating to credit control and debt collection.34. Special measurement
35. No reduction of amount payable for water wasted
A consumer shall not be entitled to a reduction of the amount payable for water wasted or water losses in a water installation.Part 6 – Installation work
36. Approval of installation work
37. Provision and maintenance of water installations
38. Use of pipes and water fittings to be authorised
39. Labelling of terminal water fittings and appliances
All terminal water fittings and appliances using or discharging water shall be marked, or have included within the packaging of the item, the following information:Part 7 – Water pollution, restriction and wasteful use of water
40. Owner to prevent pollution of water
An owner shall provide and maintain approved measures to prevent the entry of a substance, which may be a danger to health or adversely affect the potability of water or affect its fitness for use, into—41. Water restrictions
42. Waste of water unlawful
Part 8 – General provisions
43. Notification of boreholes
44. Sampling of water
45. Supply of non-potable water by municipality
46. Testing of pressure in water supply systems
The municipality may, on application by an owner and on payment of the prescribed charge, determine and furnish the owner with the value of the pressure in the water supply system relating to his or her premises over such period as the owner may request.47. Pipes in streets or public places
No person shall for the purpose of conveying water derived from whatever source, lay or construct a pipe or associated component on, in or under a street, public place or other land owned by, vested in, or under the control of any municipality, except with the prior written permission of that municipality and subject to such conditions as it may impose.48. Use of grey water
No person shall use grey water or permit such water to be used, except with the prior written permission of the municipality and subject to such conditions as it may impose.Chapter III
Sanitation services
Part 1 – Standards and general provisions
49. Standards for sanitation services
Sanitation services provided by the municipality will comply with the minimum standards set for the provision of sanitation services in terms of the section 9 of the Act.50. Objectionable discharge to sewage disposal system
Part 2 – On-site sanitation services and associated services
51. Application for infrastructure
52. Services associated with on-site sanitation services
53. Charges in respect of services associated with on-site sanitation services
Part 3 – Sewage disposal
54. Provision of a connecting sewer
55. Location of connecting sewer
56. Provision of one connecting sewer for several consumers on same premises
57. Interconnection between premises
An owner of premises shall ensure that no interconnection exists between the drainage installation on his or her premises and the drainage installation on other premises, unless he or she has obtained the prior written consent of the municipality and complies with any conditions that it may have imposed.58. Disconnection of draining installation from connecting sewer
The municipality may disconnect a drainage installation from the connecting sewer and remove the connecting sewer if—Part 4 – Sewage delivered by road haulage
59. Acceptance of sewage delivered by road haulage
A municipality may, at its discretion, and subject to such conditions as it may specify, accept sewage for disposal delivered to the municipality’s sewage treatment plants by road haulage.60. Written permission for delivery of sewage by road haulage
61. Conditions for delivery of sewage by road haulage
62. Withdrawal of permission for delivery of sewage by road haulage
Part 5 – Purified sewage
63. Use of purified sewage
Part 6 – Disposal of industrial effluent and trade premises
64. Application for disposal of industrial effluent
65. Unauthorised discharge of industrial effluent
66. Quality standards for disposal of industrial effluent
67. Conditions for disposal of industrial effluent
68. Withdrawal of written permission for disposal of industrial effluent
69. Sea outfalls
Part 7 – Measurement of quantity of effluent discharged to sewage disposal system
70. Measurement of quantity of standard domestic effluent discharged
71. Measurement of quantity of industrial effluent discharged
72. Reduction in the quantity determined in terms of sections 69 and 70
Part 8 – Drainage installations
73. Construction or installation of drainage installations
74. Drains in streets or public places
No person shall for the purpose of conveying sewage derived from whatever source, lay or construct a drain on, in or under a street, public place or other land owned by, vested in, or under the control of the municipality, except with the prior written permission of the municipality and subject to such conditions as it may impose.75. Construction by municipality
The municipality may agree with the owner of any premises that any drainage work which such owner desires, or is required to construct in terms of this by-law or the Building Regulations, will be constructed by the municipality against payment, in advance or on demand, of all costs associated with such construction.76. Maintenance of drainage installation
77. Installation of pre-treatment facility
A municipality may require that any new premises must be provided with a minimum pre-treatment facility of a type specified by it prior to that premises being connected to the sewage disposal system.78. Protection from ingress of floodwaters
Where a premises is situated in the 1 in 50 years flood plain the top level of service access holes, inspection chambers and gullies is to be above the 1 in 50 years flood level, except, in the case of service access holes and inspection chambers, where the cover is secured in place by approved means.Part 9 – Quality standards
History of this document
22 October 2004 this version
Cited documents 6
Act 6
1. | Deeds Registries Act, 1937 | 2903 citations |
2. | Sectional Titles Act, 1986 | 1339 citations |
3. | National Water Act, 1998 | 881 citations |
4. | National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act, 1977 | 627 citations |
5. | Water Services Act, 1997 | 492 citations |
6. | Nuclear Energy Act, 1999 | 70 citations |