Cape Agulhas
South Africa
South Africa
Integrated Waste Management By-law, 2022
- Published in Provincial Gazette 8580 on 8 April 2022
- Commenced on 8 April 2022
- [This is the version of this document from 8 April 2022 and includes any amendments published up to 3 February 2025.]
Chapter 1
General provisions
1. Definitions
In this by-law a word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in section 1 of or Schedule 3 to the Waste Act has the same meaning and, unless the context indicates otherwise—"authorised municipal official" means a person designated in terms of section 31(1)(a) as an authorised municipal official;"bulky waste" means waste that by virtue of its mass, shape, size or quantity is inconvenient to remove by the routine door-to-door waste removal service provided by the Municipality or a service provider;"community scheme" has the meaning assigned to it in the Community Schemes Ombud Service Act, 2011 (Act 9 of 2011);"compost" means stabilised, homogenous, fully decomposed material of animal or plant origin to which no plant nutrients have been added and that is free of substances or elements that could be harmful to human beings, animals, plants or the environment;"composting" means a controlled biological process in which organic materials are broken down by micro-organisms into compost;"event organiser" means a person who organises an event requiring an event permit;"event permit" means a permit issued by the Municipality in terms of the By-law for holding an event;"event waste" means waste generated from activities related to an event authorised by an event permit;"garden waste" means organic waste that emanates from gardening or landscaping activities, including soil, grass cuttings, leaves and branches, but excludes waste products of animal origin or bulky waste;"general waste storage facility" means a storage facility that has a capacity to store in excess of 100 cubic metres of general waste continuously;"health care risk waste" has the meaning assigned to it in the Western Cape Health Care Waste Management Act, 2007 (Act 7 of 2007);"integrated pollutant and waste information system" means the online waste management information system of the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning;"integrated waste management plan" means an integrated waste management plan contemplated in section 7;"litter" means waste, excluding hazardous waste, that has been thrown, dropped, deposited, spilled or in any other way discarded somewhere other than in a receptacle, and "littering" has a corresponding meaning;"municipal council" means a municipal council contemplated in section 157 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;"municipal indigent policy" means a policy for indigent users approved by the Municipality;"municipal manager" means the person appointed as municipal manager by the Municipality in terms of section 82 of the Municipal Structures Act;"Municipal Structures Act" means the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act 117 of 1998);"Municipal Systems Act" means the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000);"nuisance" means any damage, inconvenience or annoyance to a person caused by the improper generation, handling, management, storage, placement, collection, transport or disposal of waste, including littering;"organic waste" means waste of a biological origin that can be broken down into its base compounds by micro-organisms, other living things or other forms of treatment within a reasonable period, and includes garden waste, animal carcasses, food waste and wood waste;"peace officer" has the meaning assigned to it in the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act 51 of 1977);"public place" includes—(a)a public road; and(b)any building or open or enclosed space, garden, park or other place used by the public or to which the public has a right of use or a right of access;"public road" has the meaning assigned to it in the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of 1996);"receptacle" means a container approved by the Municipality and having the capacity for the temporary storage of waste;"responsible person", in relation to waste, means a person who—(a)generates the waste;(b)is the owner of the land on which the waste has been disposed of; or(c)was in control of the waste when it was disposed of;"service delivery agreement" means an agreement between the Municipality and a person in terms of which a municipal service is provided by that person, either for that person's own account or on behalf of the Municipality;"service provider" means a person who provides a municipal service in terms of a service delivery agreement with the Municipality;"tariff" means the charge determined by the Municipality in terms of any applicable law for any service rendered by the Municipality or a service provider in terms of this by-law;"the Municipality" means the Cape Agulhas Municipality;"the Waste Act" means the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act 59 of 2008);"waste collection day schedule" means a schedule contemplated in section 11(1);"waste disposal facility operator" means a person designated in terms of section 31(1)(b) as a waste disposal operator;"waste management hierarchy" means a method of managing waste in the following order: avoidance, reduction, reuse, recycling, recovery, treatment and disposal;"waste stream" means waste that can be separated into different types of waste, including building and demolition waste, business waste, bulky waste, domestic waste, garden waste, hazardous waste, health care risk waste, industrial waste and recyclable waste.2. Application of by-law
3. Principles
4. Obligations of waste generators
5. Storage and receptacles for general waste
6. Ownership of waste
Chapter 2
Integrated waste management plan
7. Integrated waste management plan
The Municipality shall–8. Preparation of integrated waste management plan
The municipal manager or a delegated official may issue a directive to a person or any category of persons who generates waste in the area of the Municipality, to prepare an integrated waste management plan and to submit the plan to the Municipality for approval.9. Contents of integrated waste management plan
An integrated waste management plan must include the following information:Chapter 3
Provision of waste management services
10. Service providers
11. Collection and transportation of general waste
12. Transporting waste for gain
A person transporting general waste for gain in the area of the Municipality must—13. Collection of unsuitable waste
A person may not place waste identified in terms of section 11(2)(d) for collection, either on its own or mixed with any other waste for which the Municipality provides collection 'services, unless prior arrangement is made with the Municipality for special collection by the Municipality or a service provider.14. Waste transfer facilities
A waste generator must, where applicable—15. Disposal of waste
Chapter 4
Recyclable waste
16. Storage, separation and collection of recyclable waste
17. Waste separation in geographical area
Chapter 5
18. Prohibition of unauthorised disposal of waste
19. Prohibition of burning of waste
No person may burn, incinerate or apply any other thermal treatment technology to waste except in a thermal treatment facility authorised by the Municipality or the relevant competent authority.20. Prohibition of littering
21. Prohibition of nuisance
Chapter 6
Handling different types of waste
22. Organic waste
23. Bulky waste
24. Building and demolition waste
25. Hazardous waste
26. Waste tyres
27. Event waste
28. Abandoned articles
The Municipality may remove and dispose of any article it reasonably considers abandoned, taking into account the following factors:Chapter 7
Administrative matters, compliance and enforcement
29. Liability to pay tariffs
30. Exemptions
31. Designation of certain officials
32. Functions of authorised municipal officials and waste disposal facility operators
33. Premises inaccessible for waste collection
If employees of the Municipality or a service provider contemplated in section 10 are—34. Duty to produce documents
A person to whom a certificate, permit, authorisation or any other document contemplated in this by-law has been issued must produce it at the request of a peace officer or an authorised municipal official.35. Directives
36. Compliance notices
37. Appeals
38. Limitation of liability
Neither the Municipality nor any other person is liable for any damage or loss caused by—39. Offences
A person commits an offence if that person—40. Penalties
41. Repeal of by-laws
The Refuse Removal By-Law of 2005 is repealed.42. Interpretation
In the event of a conflict between English and the Afrikaans versions of this By-law, the English version shall be decisive.43. Short title
This by-law is called the Integrated Waste Management By-law of the Cape Agulhas Municipality, 2021.History of this document
08 April 2022 this version
Cited documents 8
Act 8
1. | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 | 12332 citations |
2. | Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 | 4621 citations |
3. | Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 | 4498 citations |
4. | Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 | 4013 citations |
5. | National Environmental Management Act, 1998 | 2385 citations |
6. | National Road Traffic Act, 1996 | 1748 citations |
7. | National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 | 448 citations |
8. | Community Schemes Ombud Service Act, 2011 | 88 citations |