Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000

Act 2 of 2000

This Act has not yet come into force in full. See the Document detail tab for more information.
There are outstanding amendments that have not yet been applied. See the History tab for more information.

South Africa

Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000

Act 2 of 2000

  • Published in Government Gazette 20852 on 3 February 2000
  • Assented to on 2 February 2000
  • There are multiple commencements
  • Provisions Status
    Part 1, Chapter 1 (section 1–2); Chapter 2 (section 3–8); Chapter 3, section 9; Part 2, Chapter 1 (section 11–13); Chapter 2, section 15; Chapter 3 (section 17–32); Chapter 4 (section 33–46); Chapter 5 (section 47–49); Part 3, Chapter 1 (section 50); Chapter 2, section 52; Chapter 3 (section 53–61); Chapter 4 (section 62–70); Chapter 5 (section 71–73); Part 4 (section 74–82); Part 5 (section 83–85); Part 6 (section 86–88); Part 7 (section 89–93) commenced on 9 March 2001 by Proclamation R20 of 2001.
    Part 2, Chapter 3, section 32(f); Chapter 5, section 49(1)(c); Part 3, Chapter 5, section 73(1)(c) commenced on 7 December 2001.
    Part 1, Chapter 3, section 10; Part 2, Chapter 2, section 14, section 16; Part 3, Chapter 2, section 51 commenced on 15 February 2002 by Proclamation R9 of 2002.
    Part 7, section 91A commenced on 15 January 2003.
    Part 2, Chapter 1, section 12(d); Part 7, section 90(1), 90(2), 90(3), section 92(4) not yet commenced.
  • [This is the version of this document as it was from 17 February 2009 to 21 January 2014.]
  1. [Amended by Judicial Matters Amendment Act, 2001 (Act 42 of 2001) on 7 December 2001]
  2. [Amended by Promotion of Access to Information Amendment Act, 2002 (Act 54 of 2002) on 15 January 2003]
  3. [Amended by Financial Intelligence Centre Act, 2001 (Act 38 of 2001) on 3 February 2003]
  4. [Amended by Judicial Matters Second Amendment Act, 2003 (Act 55 of 2003) on 31 March 2005]
  5. [Amended by Judicial Matters Amendment Act, 2008 (Act 66 of 2008) on 17 February 2009]
(English text signed by the President.)ACTTo give effect to the constitutional right of access to any information held by the State and any information that is held by another person and that is required for the exercise or protection of any rights; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
RECOGNIZING THAT—the system of government in South Africa before 27 April 1994, amongst others, resulted in a secretive and unresponsive culture in public and private bodies which often led to an abuse of power and human rights violations;section 8 of the Constitution provides for the horizontal application of the rights in the Bill of Rights to juristic persons to the extent required by the nature of the rights and the nature of those juristic persons;section 32(1)(a) of the Constitution provides that everyone has the right of access to any information held by the State;section 32(1)(h) of the Constitution provides for the horizontal application of the right of access to information held by another person to everyone when that information is required for the exercise or protection of any rights;and national legislation must be enacted to give effect to this right in section 32 of the Constitution:AND BEARING IN MIND THAT—the State must respect, protect, promote and fulfil, at least, all the rights in the Bill of Rights which is the cornerstone of democracy in South Africa;the right of access to any information held by a public or private body may be limited to the extent that the limitations are reasonable and justifiable in an open and democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom as contemplated in section 36 of the Constitution;reasonable legislative measures may, in terms of section 32(2) of the Constitution, be provided to alleviate the administrative and financial burden on the State in giving effect to its obligation to promote and fulfil the right of access to information;AND IN ORDER TO—foster a culture of transparency and accountability in public and private bodies by giving effect to the right of access to information;actively promote a society in which the people of South Africa have effective access to information to enable them to more fully exercise and protect all of their rights,BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, as follows:—

Part 1 – Introductory provisions

Chapter 1
Definitions and interpretation

1. Definitions

In this Act, unless the context otherwise indicates—access fee” means a fee prescribed for the purposes of section 22(6) or 54(6), as the case may be;application” means an application to a court in terms of section 78;Constitution” means the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act No. 108 of 1996);court” means—(a)the Constitutional Court acting in terms of section 167(6)(a) of the Constitution; or(b)(i)a High Court or another court of similar status; or(ii)a Magistrate’s Court, either generally or in respect of a specified class of decisions in terms of this Act, designated by the Minister by notice in the Gazette and presided over by a magistrate or an additional magistrate designated in terms of section 91A,within whose area of jurisdiction—(aa)the decision of the information officer or relevant authority of a public body or the head of a private body has been taken;(bb)the public body or private body concerned has its principal place of administration or business; or(cc)the requester or third party concerned is domiciled or ordinarily resident;[definition of "court" substituted by section 1 of Act 54 of 2002]evaluative material” means an evaluation or opinion prepared for the purpose of determining—(a)the suitability, eligibility or qualifications of the person to whom or which the evaluation or opinion relates—(i)for employment or for appointment to office;(ii)for promotion in employment or office or for continuance in employment or office;(iii)for removal from employment or office; or(iv)for the awarding of a scholarship, award, bursary, honour or similar benefit; or(b)whether any scholarship, award, bursary, honour or similar benefit should be continued, modified, cancelled or renewed;head” of, or in relation to, a private body means—(a)in the case of a natural person, that natural person or any person duly authorised by that natural person;(b)in the case of a partnership, any partner of the partnership or any person duly authorised by the partnership;(c)in the case of a juristic person(i)the chief executive officer or equivalent officer of the juristic person or any person duly authorised by that officer; or(ii)the person who is acting as such or any person duly authorised by such acting person;health practitioner” means an individual who carries on, and is registered in terms of legislation to carry on, an occupation which involves the provision of care or treatment for the physical or mental health or for the well-being of individuals;Human Rights Commission” means the South African Human Rights Commission referred to in section 181(1)(b) of the Constitution;individual’s next of kin” means—(a)an individual to whom the individual was married immediately before the individual’s death;(b)an individual with whom the individual lived as if they were married immediately before the individual’s death;(c)a parent, child, brother or sister of the individual; or(d)if—(i)there is no next of kin referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c); or(ii)the requester concerned took all reasonable steps to locate such next of kin, but was unsuccessful,an individual who is related to the individual in the second degree of affinity or consanguinity;information officer” of, or in relation to, a public body(a)in the case of a national department, provincial administration or organisational component—(i)mentioned in Column 1 of Schedule 1 or 3 to the Public Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation No. 103 of 1994), means the officer who is the incumbent of the post bearing the designation mentioned in Column 2 of the said Schedule 1 or 3 opposite the name of the relevant national department, provincial administration or organisational component or the person who is acting as such; or(ii)not so mentioned, means the Director-General, head, executive director or equivalent officer, respectively, of that national department, provincial administration or organisational component, respectively, or the person who is acting as such;[subparagraph (ii) substituted by section 21 of Act 42 of 2001](b)in the case of a municipality, means the municipal manager appointed in terms of section 82 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act No. 117 of 1998), or the person who is acting as such; or(c)in the case of any other public body, means the chief executive officer, or equivalent officer, of that public body or the person who is acting as such;internal appeal” means an internal appeal to the relevant authority in terms of section 74;international organisation” means an international organisation—(a)of states; or(b)established by the governments of states;Minister” means the Cabinet member responsible for the administration of justice;notice” means notice in writing, and “notify” and “notified” have corresponding meanings;objects of this Act” means the objects of this Act referred to in section 9;official”, in relation to a public or private body, means—(a)any person in the employ (permanently or temporarily and full-time or part-time) of the public or private body, as the case may be, including the head of the body, in his or her capacity as such; or(b)a member of the public or private body, in his or her capacity as such;person” means a natural person or a juristic person;personal information” means information about an identifiable individual, including, but not limited to—(a)information relating to the race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, national, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental health, well-being, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth of the individual;(b)information relating to the education or the medical, criminal or employment history of the individual or information relating to financial transactions in which the individual has been involved;(c)any identifying number, symbol or other particular assigned to the individual;(d)the address, fingerprints or blood type of the individual;(e)the personal opinions, views or preferences of the individual, except where they are about another individual or about a proposal for a grant, an award or a prize to be made to another individual;(f)correspondence sent by the individual that is implicitly or explicitly of a private or confidential nature or further correspondence that would reveal the contents of the original correspondence;(g)the views or opinions of another individual about the individual;(h)the views or opinions of another individual about a proposal for a grant, an award or a prize to be made to the individual, but excluding the name of the other individual where it appears with the views or opinions of the other individual; and(i)the name of the individual where it appears with other personal information relating to the individual or where the disclosure of the name itself would reveal information about the individual,but excludes information about an individual who has been dead for more than 20 years;personal requester” means a requester seeking access to a record containing personal information about the requester;prescribed” means prescribed by regulation in terms of section 92;private body” means—(a)a natural person who carries or has carried on any trade, business or profession, but only in such capacity;(b)a partnership which carries or has carried on any trade, business or profession; or(c)any former or existing juristic person,but excludes a public body;public safety or environmental risk” means harm or risk to the environment or the public (including individuals in their workplace) associated with—(a)a product or service which is available to the public;(b)a substance released into the environment, including, but not limited to, the workplace;(c)a substance intended for human or animal consumption;(d)a means of public transport; or(e)an installation or manufacturing process or substance which is used in that installation or process;public body” means—(a)any department of state or administration in the national or provincial sphere of government or any municipality in the local sphere of government; or(b)any other functionary or institution when—(i)exercising a power or performing a duty in terms of the Constitution or a provincial constitution; or(ii)exercising a public power or performing a public function in terms of any legislation;record” of, or in relation to, a public or private body, means any recorded information—(a)regardless of form or medium;(b)in the possession or under the control of that public or private body, respectively; and(c)whether or not it was created by that public or private body, respectively;relevant authority”, in relation to—(a)a public body referred to in paragraph (a) of the definition of “public body” in the national sphere of government, means—(i)in the case of the Office of the Presidency, the person designated in writing by the President; or(ii)in any other case, the Minister responsible for that public body or the person designated in writing by that Minister;(b)a public body referred to in paragraph (a) of the definition of “public body” in the provincial sphere of government, means—(i)in the case of the Office of a Premier, the person designated in writing by the Premier; or(ii)in any other case, the member of the Executive Council responsible for that public body or the person designated in writing by that member, or(c)a municipality, means—(i)the mayor;(ii)the speaker; or(iii)any other person,designated in writing by the Municipal Council of that municipality;request for access”, in relation to—(a)a public body, means a request for access to a record of a public body in terms of section 11; or(b)a private body, means a request for access to a record of a private body in terms of section 50;requester”, in relation to—(a)a public body, means—(i)any person (other than a public body contemplated in paragraph (a) or (b)(i) of the definition of “public body”, or an official thereof) making a request for access to a record of that public body; or(ii)a person acting on behalf of the person referred to in subparagraph (i);(b)a private body, means—(i)any person, including, but not limited to. a public body or an official thereof, making a request for access to a record of that private body; or(ii)a person acting on behalf of the person contemplated in subparagraph (i);subversive or hostile activities” means—(a)aggression against the Republic:(b)sabotage or terrorism aimed at the people of the Republic or a strategic asset of the Republic, whether inside or outside the Republic;(c)an activity aimed at changing the constitutional order of the Republic by the use of force or violence; or(d)a foreign or hostile intelligence operation;"third party", in relation to a request for access to—(a)a record of a public body, means any person (including, but not limited to, the government of a foreign state, an international organisation or an organ of that government or organisation) other than—(i)the requester concerned; and(ii)a public body; or(b)a record of a private body, means any person (including, but not limited to, a public body) other than the requester,but, for the purposes of sections 34 and 63, the reference to “person” in paragraphs (a) and (b) must be construed as a reference to “natural person”;this Act” includes any regulation made and in force in terms of section 92;transfer” in relation to a record, means transfer in terms of section 20(1) or (2), and “transferred” has a corresponding meaning;working days” means any days other than Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays, as defined in section 1 of the Public Holidays Act, 1994 (Act No. 36 of 1994).

2. Interpretation of Act

(1)When interpreting a provision of this Act, every court must prefer any reasonable interpretation of the provision that is consistent with the objects of this Act over any alternative interpretation that is inconsistent with those objects.
(2)Section 12 must not be construed as excluding—
(a)the Cabinet and its committees; or
(b)an individual member of Parliament or of a provincial legislature,
from the operation of the definition of "requester" in relation to a private body in section 1, section 50 and all other provisions of this Act related thereto.[subsection (2) substituted by section 22 of Act 42 of 2001]
(3)For the purposes of this Act, the South African Revenue Service, established by section 2 of the South African Revenue Service Act, 1997 (Act No. 34 of 1997), and referred to in section 35(1), is a public body.

Chapter 2
General application provisions

3. Act applies to record whenever it came into existence

This Act applies to—
(a)a record of a public body; and
(b)a record of a private body,
regardless of when the record came into existence.

4. Records held by official or independent contractor of public or private body

For the purposes of this Act, but subject to section 12, a record in the possession or under the control of—
(a)an official of a public body or private body in his or her capacity as such; or
(b)an independent contractor engaged by a public body or private body in the capacity as such contractor,
is regarded as being a record of that public body or private body, respectively.

5. Application of other legislation prohibiting or restricting disclosure

This Act applies to the exclusion of any provision of other legislation that—
(a)prohibits or restricts the disclosure of a record of a public body or private body; and
(b)is materially inconsistent with an object, or a specific provision, of this Act.

6. Application of other legislation providing for access

Nothing in this Act prevents the giving of access to—
(a)a record of a public body in terms of any legislation referred to in Part 1 of the Schedule; or
(b)a record of a private body in terms of any legislation referred to in Part 2 of the Schedule.

7. Act not applying to records requested for criminal or civil proceedings after commencement of proceedings

[heading substituted by section 23 of Act 42 of 2001]
(1)This Act does not apply to a record of a public body or a private body if—
(a)that record is requested for the purpose of criminal or civil proceedings;
(b)so requested after the commencement of such criminal or civil proceedings, as the case may be; and
(c)the production of or access to that record for the purpose referred to in paragraph (a) is provided for in any other law.
(2)Any record obtained in a manner that contravenes subsection(1) is not admissible as evidence in the criminal or civil proceedings referred to in that subsection unless the exclusion of such record by the court in question would, in its opinion, be detrimental to the interests of justice.

8. Part applicable when performing functions as public or private body

(1)For the purposes of this Act, a public body referred to in paragraph (b)(ii) of the definition of “public body” in section 1, or a private body—
(a)may be either a public body or a private body in relation to a record of that body; and
(b)may in one instance be a public body and in another instance be a private body, depending on whether that record relates to the exercise of a power or performance of a function as a public body or as a private body.
(2)A request for access to a record held for the purpose or with regard to the exercise of a power or the performance of a function—
(a)as a public body, must be made in terms of section 11; or
(b)as a private body, must be made in terms of section 50.
(3)The provisions of Parts 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 apply to a request for access to a record that relates to a power or function exercised or performed as a public body.
(4)The provisions of Parts 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 apply to a request for access to a record that relates to a power or function exercised or performed as a private body.

Chapter 3
General introductory provisions

9. Objects of Act

The objects of this Act are—
(a)to give effect to the constitutional right of access to—
(i)any information held by the State; and
(ii)any information that is held by another person and that is required or the exercise or protection of any rights;
(b)to give effect to that right—
(i)subject to justifiable limitations, including, but not limited to, limitations aimed at the reasonable protection of privacy, commercial confidentiality and effective, efficient and good governance; and
(ii)in a manner which balances that right with any other rights, including the rights in the Bill of Rights in Chapter 2 of the Constitution;
(c)to give effect to the constitutional obligations of the State of promoting a human rights culture and social justice, by including public bodies in the definition of “requester”, allowing them, amongst others, to access informa­tion from private bodies upon compliance with the four requirements in this Act, including an additional obligation for certain public bodies in certain instances to act in the public interest;
(d)to establish voluntary and mandatory mechanisms or procedures to give effect to that right in a manner which enables persons to obtain access to records of public and private bodies as swiftly, inexpensively and effortlessly as reasonably possible; and
(e)generally, to promote transparency, accountability and effective governance of all public and private bodies by, including, but not limited to, empowering and educating everyone—
(i)to understand their rights in terms of this Act in order to exercise their rights in relation to public and private bodies;
(ii)to understand the functions and operation of public bodies; and
(iii)to effectively scrutinise, and participate in, decision-making by public bodies that affects their rights.

10. Guide on how to use Act

(1)The Human Rights Commission must, within three years after the commencement of this section, compile in each official language a guide containing such information, in an easily comprehensible form and manner, as may reasonably be required by a person who wishes to exercise any right contemplated in this Act.[subsection (1) substituted by section 20 of Act 55 of 2003]
(2)The guide must, without limiting the generality of subsection (1), include a description of—
(a)the objects of this Act;
(b)the postal and street address, phone and fax number and, if available, electronic mail address of—
(i)the information officer of every public body; and
(ii)every deputy information officer of every public body designated in terms of section 17(1);[subparagraph (ii) substituted by section 24 of Act 42 of 2001]
(c)such particulars of every private body as are practicable;
(d)the manner and form of a request for—
(i)access to a record of a public body contemplated in section 11; and
(ii)access to a record of a private body contemplated in section 50;
(e)the assistance available from the information officer of a public body in terms of this Act;
(f)the assistance available from the Human Rights Commission in terms of this Act;
(g)all remedies in law available regarding an act or failure to act in respect of a right or duty conferred or imposed by this Act, including the manner of lodging—
(i)an internal appeal; and
(ii)an application with a court against a decision by the information officer of a public body, a decision on internal appeal or a decision of the head of a private body;
(h)the provisions of sections 14 and 51 requiring a public body and private body, respectively, to compile a manual, and how to obtain access to a manual;
(i)the provisions of sections 15 and 52 providing for the voluntary disclosure of categories of records by a public body and private body, respectively;
(j)the notices issued in terms of sections 22 and 54 regarding fees to be paid in relation to requests for access; and
(k)the regulations made in terms of section 92.
(3)The Human Rights Commission must, if necessary, update and publish the guide at intervals of not more than two years.
(4)The guide must be made available as prescribed.

Part 2 – Access to records of public bodies

Chapter 1
Right of access, and specific application provisions

11. Right of access to records of public bodies

(1)A requester must be given access to a record of a public body if—
(a)that requester complies with all the procedural requirements in this Act relating to a request for access to that record; and
(b)access to that record is not refused in terms of any ground for refusal contemplated in Chapter 4 of this Part.
(2)A request contemplated in subsection (1) includes a request for access to a record containing personal information about the requester.
(3)A requester’s right of access contemplated in subsection (1) is, subject to this Act, not affected by—
(a)any reasons the requester gives for requesting access; or
(b)the information officer’s belief as to what the requester’s reasons are for requesting access.

12. Act not applying to certain public bodies or officials thereof

This Act does not apply to a record
(a)of the Cabinet and its committees;
(b)relating to the judicial functions of—
(i)a court referred to in section 166 of the Constitution;
(ii)a Special Tribunal established in terms of section 2 of the Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act, 1996 (Act No. 74 of 1996); or
(iii)a judicial officer of such court or Special Tribunal;
(c)of an individual member of Parliament or of a provincial legislature in that capacity; or
(d)relating to a decision referred to in paragraph (gg) of the definition of “administrative action” in section 1 of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000 (Act No. 3 of 2000), regarding the nomination, selection or appointment of a judicial officer or any other person by the Judicial Service Commission in terms of any law.
[section 12 substituted by section 25 of Act 42 of 2001 and by section 21 of Act 55 of 2003]

13. Body determined to be part of another public body

For the purposes of this Act, the Minister may, on his or her own accord or on the request of the relevant public body or bodies or a body referred to in paragraph (c), by notice in the Gazette
(a)determine that a public body is to be regarded as part of another public body;
(b)determine that a category of public bodies is to be regarded as one public body with such information officer as the Minister designates; and
(c)if there is doubt as to whether a body is a separate public body or forms part of a public body, determine that the body—
(i)is a separate public body; or
(ii)forms part of a public body.
[section 13 amended by section 26 of Act 42 of 2001]

Chapter 2
Publication and availability of certain records

14. Manual on functions of, and index of records held by, public body

(1)Within six months after the commencement of this section or the coming into existence of a public body, the information officer of the public body concerned must compile in at least three official languages a manual containing—
(a)a description of its structure and functions;
(b)the postal and street address, phone and fax number and, if available, electronic mail address of the information officer of the body and of every 5 deputy information officer of the body designated in terms of section 17(1)[paragraph (b) substituted by section 27 of Act 42 of 2001]
(c)a description of the guide referred to in section 10, if available, and how to obtain access to it;
(d)sufficient detail to facilitate a request for access to a record of the body, a description of the subjects on which the body holds records and the categories of records held on each subject;
(e)the latest notice, in terms of section 15(2), if any, regarding the categories of records of the body which are available without a person having to request access in terms of this Act;
(f)a description of the services available to members of the public from the body and how to gain access to those services;
(g)a description of any arrangement or provision for a person (other than a public body referred to in paragraph (a) or (b)(i) of the definition of “public body” in section 1) by consultation, making representations or otherwise, to participate in or influence—
(i)the formulation of policy; or
(ii)the exercise of powers or performance of duties,
by the body;
(h)a description of all remedies available in respect of an act or a failure to act by the body; and
(i)such other information as may be prescribed.
(2)A public body must, if necessary, update and publish its manual referred to in subsection (1) at intervals of not more than one year.
(3)Each manual must be made available as prescribed.
(a)If the functions of two or more public bodies are closely connected, the Minister may on request or of his or her own accord determine that the two or more bodies compile one manual only.
(b)The public bodies in question must share the cost of the compilation and making available of such manual as the Minister determines.
(5)For security, administrative or financial reasons, the Minister may, on request or of his or her own accord by notice in the Gazette, exempt any public body or category of public bodies from any provision of this section for such period as the Minister thinks fit.

15. Voluntary disclosure and automatic availability of certain records

(1)The information officer of a public body, referred to in paragraph (a) or (b)(i) of the definition of “public body” in section 1, must, on a periodic basis not less frequently than once each year, submit to the Minister a description of—
(a)the categories of records of the public body that are automatically available without a person having to request access in terms of this Act, including such categories available—
(i)for inspection in terms of legislation other than this Act;
(ii)for purchase or copying from the body; and
(iii)from the body free of charge; and
(b)how to obtain access to such records.
(2)On a periodic basis not less frequently than once each year and at the cost of the relevant public body, the Minister must, by notice in the Gazette
(a)publish every description submitted in terms of subsection (1); or
(b)update every description so published,
as the case may be.
(3)The only fee payable (if any) for access to a record included in a notice in terms of subsection (2) is a prescribed fee for reproduction.
(4)The information officer of a public body may delete any part of a record contemplated in subsection (1)(a) which, on a request for access, mayor must be refused in terms of Chapter 4 of this Part.
(5)Section 11 and any other provisions in this Act related to that section do not apply to any category of records included in a notice in terms of subsection (2).

16. Information in telephone directory

The Director-General of the national department responsible for government communications and information services must at that department’s cost ensure the publication of the postal and street address, phone and fax number and, if available, electronic mail address of the information officer of every public body in every telephone directory issued for general use by the public as are prescribed.

Chapter 3
Manner of access

17. Designation of deputy information officers, and delegation

(1)For the purposes of this Act, each public body must, subject to legislation governing the employment of personnel of the public body concerned, designate such number of persons as deputy information officers as are necessary to render the public body as accessible as reasonably possible for requesters of its records.
(2)The information officer of a public body has direction and control over every deputy information officer of that body.
(3)The information officer of a public body may delegate a power or duty conferred or imposed on that information officer by this Act to a deputy information officer of that public body.
(4)In deciding whether to delegate a power or duty in terms of subsection (3), the information officer must give due consideration to the need to render the public body as accessible as reasonably possible for requesters of its records.
(5)Any power or duty delegated in terms of subsection (3) must be exercised or performed subject to such conditions as the person who made the delegation considers necessary.
(6)Any delegation in terms of subsection (3)
(a)must be in writing;
(b)does not prohibit the person who made the delegation from exercising the power concerned or performing the duty concerned himself or herself; and
(c)may at any time be withdrawn or amended in writing by that person.
(7)Any right or privilege acquired, or any obligation or liability incurred, as a result of a decision in terms of a delegation in terms of subsection (3) is not affected by any subsequent withdrawal or amendment of that decision.

18. Form of requests

(1)A request for access must be made in the prescribed form to the information officer of the public body concerned at his or her address or fax number or electronic mail address.
(2)The form for a request of access prescribed for the purposes of subsection (1) must at least require the requester concerned—
(a)to provide sufficient particulars to enable an official of the public body concerned to identify—
(i)the record or records requested; and
(ii)the requester;
(b)to indicate which applicable form of access referred to in section 29(2) is required;
(c)to state whether the record concerned is preferred in a particular language;
(d)to specify a postal address or fax number of the requester in the Republic;
(e)if, in addition to a written reply, the requester wishes to be informed of the decision on the request in any other manner, to state that manner and the necessary particulars to be so informed; and
(f)if the request is made on behalf of a person, to submit proof of the capacity in which the requester is making the request, to the reasonable satisfaction of the information officer.
(a)An individual who because of illiteracy or a disability is unable to make a request for access to a record of a public body in accordance with subsection (1), may make that request orally.
(b)The information officer of that body must reduce that oral request to writing in the prescribed form and provide a copy thereof to the requester.

19. Duty to assist requesters

(1)If a requester informs the information officer of—
(a)a public body that he or she wishes to make a request for access to a record of that public body; or
(b)a public body (other than a public body referred to in paragraph (a) or (b)(i) of the definition of “public body” in section 1) that he or she wishes to make a request for access to a record of another public body,
the information officer must render such reasonable assistance, free of charge, as is necessary to enable that requester to comply with section 18(1).
(2)If a requester has made a request for access that does not comply with section 18(1), the information officer concerned may not refuse the request because of that non-compliance unless the information officer has—
(a)notified that requester of an intention to refuse the request and stated in the notice
(i)the reasons for the contemplated refusal; and
(ii)that the information officer or another official identified by the information officer would assist that requester in order to make the request in a form that would remove the grounds for refusal;
(b)given the requester a reasonable opportunity to seek such assistance;
(c)as far as reasonably possible, furnished the requester with any information (including information about the records, other than information on the basis of which a request for access may or must be refused in terms of any provision of Chapter 4 of this Part, held by the body which are relevant to the request) that would assist the making of the request in that form; and
(d)given the requester a reasonable opportunity to confirm the request or alter it to comply with section 18(1).
(3)When computing any period referred to in section 25(1), the period commencing on the date on which notice is given in terms of subsection (2) and ending on the date on which the person confirms or alters the request for access concerned must be disregarded.
(4)If it is apparent on receipt of a request for access that it should have been made to another public body, the information officer of the public body concerned must—
(a)render such assistance as is necessary to enable the person to make the request, to the information officer of the appropriate public body; or
(b)transfer the request in accordance with section 20 to the last-mentioned information officer,
whichever will result in the request being dealt with earlier.

20. Transfer of requests

(1)If a request for access is made to the information officer of a public body in respect of which—
(a)the record is not in the possession or under the control of that body but is in the possession of another public body;
(b)the record’s subject matter is more closely connected with the functions of another public body than those of the public body of the information officer to whom the request is made; or
(c)the record contains commercial information contemplated in section 42 in which any other public body has a greater commercial interest,
the information officer to whom the request is made must as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event within 14 days after the request is received—
(i)transfer the request to the information officer of the other public body or, if there is in the case of paragraph (c) more than one other public body having a commercial interest, the other public body with the greatest commercial interest; and
(ii)if the public body of the information officer to whom the request is made is in possession of the record and considers it helpful to do so to enable the information officer of the other public body to deal with the request, send the record or a copy of the record to that information officer.
(2)If a request for access is made to the information officer of a public body in respect of which—
(a)the record is not in the possession or under the control of the public body of that information officer and the information officer does not know which public body has possession or control of the record;
(b)the record’s subject matter is not closely connected to the functions of the public body of that information officer and the information officer does not know whether the record is more closely connected with the functions of another public body than those of the public body of the information officer to whom the request is made; and
(c)the record
(i)was created by or for another public body; or
(ii)was not so created by or for any public body, but was received first by another public body,
the information officer to whom the request is made, must as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event within 14 days after the request is received, transfer the request to the information officer of the public body by or for which the record was created or which received it first, as the case may be.
(3)Subject to subsection (4) the information officer to whom a request for access is transferred, must give priority to that request in relation to other requests as if it were received by him or her on the date it was received by the information officer who transferred the request.
(4)If a request for access is transferred, any period referred to in section 25(1) must be computed from the date the request is received by the information officer to whom the request is transferred.
(5)Upon the transfer of a request for access, the information officer making the transfer must immediately notify the requester of—
(a)the transfer;
(b)the reasons for the transfer; and
(c)the period within which the request must be dealt with.

21. Preservation of records until final decision on request

If the information officer of a public body has received a request for access to a record of the body, that information officer must take the steps that are reasonably necessary to preserve the record, without deleting any information contained in it, until the information officer has notified the requester concerned of his or her decision in terms of section 25 and—
(a)the periods for lodging an internal appeal, an application with a court or an appeal against a decision of that court have expired; or
(b)that internal appeal, application or appeal against a decision of that court or other legal proceedings in connection with the request has been finally determined,
whichever is the later.

22. Fees

(1)The information officer of a public body to whom a request for access is made, must by notice require the requester, other than a personal requester, to pay the prescribed request fee (if any), before further processing the request.
(a)the search for a record of a public body in respect of which a request for access by a requester, other than a personal requester, has been made; and
(b)the preparation of the record for disclosure (including any arrangements contemplated in section 29(2)(a) and (b)(i) and (ii)(aa)),
would, in the opinion of the information officer of the body, require more than the hours prescribed for this purpose for requesters, the information officer must by notice require the requester, other than a personal requester, to pay as a deposit the prescribed portion (being not more than one third) of the access fee which would be payable if the request is granted.
(3)The notice referred to in subsection (1) or (2) must state—
(a)the amount of the deposit payable in terms of subsection (2), if applicable;
(b)that the requester may lodge an internal appeal or an application with a court, as the case may be, against the tender or payment of the request fee in terms of subsection (1), or the tender or payment of a deposit in terms of subsection (2), as the case may be; and
(c)the procedure (including the period) for lodging the internal appeal or application, as the case may be.
(4)If a deposit has been paid in respect of a request for access which is refused, the information officer concerned must repay the deposit to the requester.
(5)The information officer of a public body must withhold a record until the requester concerned has paid the applicable fees (if any).
(6)A requester whose request for access to a record of a public body has been granted must pay an access fee for reproduction and for search and preparation contemplated in subsection (7)(a) and (b), respectively, for any time reasonably required in excess of the prescribed hours to search for and prepare (including making any arrangements contemplated in section 29(2)(a) and (b)(i) and (ii)(aa)) the record for disclosure.
(7)Access fees prescribed for the purposes of subsection (6) must provide for a reasonable access fee for—
(a)the cost of making a copy of a record, or of a transcription of the content of a record, as contemplated in section 29(2)(a) and (b)(i), (ii)(bb), (iii) and (v) and, if applicable, the postal fee; and
(b)the time reasonably required to search for the record and prepare (including making any arrangements contemplated in section 29(2)(a) and (b)(i) and (ii)(aa)) the record for disclosure to the requester.
(8)The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette
(a)exempt any person or category of persons from paying any fee referred to in this section;
(b)determine that any fee referred to in this section is not to exceed a certain maximum amount;
(c)determine the manner in which any fee referred to in this section is to be calculated;
(d)determine that any fee referred to in this section does not apply to a category of records;
(e)exempt any person or record or category of persons or records for a stipulated period from any fee referred to in subsection (6); and
(f)determine that where the cost of collecting any fee referred to in this section exceeds the amount charged, such fee does not apply.

23. Records that cannot be found or do not exist

(a)all reasonable steps have been taken to find a record requested; and
(b)there are reasonable grounds for believing that the record
(i)is in the public body’s possession but cannot be found; or
(ii)does not exist,
the information officer of a public body must, by way of affidavit or affirmation, notify the requester that it is not possible to give access to that record.
(2)The affidavit or affirmation referred to in subsection (1) must give a full account of all steps taken to find the record in question or to determine whether the record exists, as the case may be, including all communications with every person who conducted the search on behalf of the information officer.
(3)For the purposes of this Act, the notice in terms of subsection (i) is to be regarded as a decision to refuse a request for access to the record.
(4)If, after notice is given in terms of subsection (1), the record in question is found, the requester concerned must be given access to the record unless access is refused on a ground for refusal contemplated in Chapter 4 of this Part.

24. Deferral of access

(1)If the information officer of a public body decides to grant a request for access to a record, but that record
(a)is to be published within 90 days after the receipt or transfer of the request or such further period as is reasonably necessary for printing and translating the record for the purpose of publishing it;
(b)is required by law to be published but is yet to be published; or
(c)has been prepared for submission to any legislature or a particular person but is yet to be submitted,
the information officer may defer giving access to the record for a reasonable period.
(2)If access to a record is deferred in terms of subsection (1), the information officer must notify the requester concerned—
(a)that the requester may, within 30 days after that notice is given, make representations to the information officer why the record is required before such publication or submission; and
(b)of the likely period for which access is to be deferred.
(3)If a requester makes representations in terms of subsection (2)(a), the information officer must, after due consideration of those representations, grant the request for access only if there are reasonable grounds for believing that the requester will suffer substantial prejudice if access to the record is deferred for the likely period referred to in subsection (2)(b).

25. Decision on request and notice thereof

(1)Except if the provisions regarding third party notification and intervention contemplated in Chapter 5 of this Part apply, the information officer to whom the request is made or transferred, must, as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event within 30 days, after the request is received—
(a)decide in accordance with this Act whether to grant the request; and
(b)notify the requester of the decision and, if the requester stated, as contemplated in section 18(2)(e), that he or she wishes to be informed of the decision in any other manner, inform him or her in that manner if it is reasonably possible.
[subsection (1) amended by section 28 of Act 42 of 2001]
(2)If the request for access is granted, the notice in terms of subsection (1)(b) must state—
(a)the access fee (if any) to be paid upon access;
(b)the form in which access will be given; and
(c)that the requester may lodge an internal appeal or an application with a court, as the case may be, against the access fee to be paid or the form of access granted, and the procedure (including the period) for lodging the internal appeal or application, as the case may be.
(3)If the request for access is refused, the notice in terms of subsection (1)(b) must—
(a)state adequate reasons for the refusal, including the provisions of this Act relied upon;
(b)exclude, from such reasons, any reference to the content of the record; and
(c)state that the requester may lodge an internal appeal or an application with a court, as the case may be, against the refusal of the request, and the procedure (including the period) for lodging the internal appeal or application, as the case may be.

26. Extension of period to deal with request

(1)The information officer to whom a request for access has been made or transferred, may extend the period of 30 days referred to in section 25(1) (in this section referred to as the “original period”) once for a further period of not more than 30 days, if—
(a)the request is for a large number of records or requires a search through a large number of records and compliance with the original period would unreason­ably interfere with the activities of the public body concerned;
(b)the request requires a search for records in, or collection thereof from, an office of the public body not situated in the same town or city as the office of the information officer that cannot reasonably be completed within the original period;
(c)consultation among divisions of the public body or with another public body is necessary or desirable to decide upon the request that cannot reasonably be completed within the original period;
(d)more than one of the circumstances contemplated in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) exist in respect of the request making compliance with the original period not reasonably possible; or
(e)the requester consents in writing to such extension.
(2)If a period is extended in terms of subsection (1), the information officer must, as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event within 30 days, after the request is received or transferred, notify the requester of that extension.
(3)The notice in terms of subsection (2) must state—
(a)the period of the extension;
(b)adequate reasons for the extension, including the provisions of this Act relied upon; and
(c)that the requester may lodge an internal appeal or an application with a court, as the case may be, against the extension, and the procedure (including the period) for lodging the internal appeal or application, as the case may be.

27. Deemed refusal of request

If an information officer fails to give the decision on a request for access to the requester concerned within the period contemplated in section 25(1), the information officer is, for the purposes of this Act, regarded as having refused the request.

28. Severability

(1)If a request for access is made to a record of a public body containing information which may or must be refused in terms of any provision of Chapter 4 of this Part every part of the record which—
(a)does not contain: and
(b)can reasonably be severed from any part that contains,
any such information must, despite any other provision of this Act, be disclosed.
(2)If a request for access to—
(a)a part of a record is granted; and
(b)the other part of the record is refused,
as contemplated in subsection (1), the provisions, of section 25(2) apply to paragraph (a) of this subsection and the provisions of section 25(3) apply to to paragraph (b) of this subsection.[subsection (2) substituted by section 29 of Act 42 of 2001]

29. Access and forms of access

(1)If a requester has been given notice in terms of section 25(1) that his or her request for access has been granted, that requester must, subject to subsections (3) and (9) and section 31
(a)if an access fee is payable, upon payment of that fee; or
(b)if no access fee is payable, immediately,
be given access in the applicable forms referred to in subsection (2) as the requester indicated in the request, and in the language contemplated in section 31.
(2)The forms of access to a record in respect of which a request of access has been granted, are the following:
(a)If the record is in written or printed form, by supplying a copy of the record or by making arrangements for the inspection of the record;
(b)if the record is not in written or printed form—
(i)in the case of a record from which visual images or printed transcriptions of those images are capable of being reproduced by means of equipment which is ordinarily available to the public body concerned, by making arrangements to view those images or be supplied with copies or transcriptions of them;
(ii)in the case of a record in which words or information are recorded in such manner that they are capable of being reproduced in the form of sound by equipment which is ordinarily available to the public body concerned—
(aa)by making arrangements to hear those sounds; or
(bb)if the public body is capable of producing a written or printed transcription of those sounds by the use of equipment which is ordinarily available to it, by supplying such a transcription;
(iii)in the case of a record which is held on computer, or in electronic or machine-readable form, and from which the public body concerned is capable of producing a printed copy of—
(aa)the record, or a part of it; or
(bb)information derived from the record,
by using computer equipment and expertise ordinarily available to the public body, by supplying such a copy;
(iv)in the case of a record available or capable of being made available in computer readable form, by supplying a copy in that form; or
(v)in any other case, by supplying a copy of the record.
(3)If a requester has requested access in a particular form, access must, subject to section 28, be given in that form, unless to do so would—
(a)interfere unreasonably with the effective administration of the public body concerned;
(b)be detrimental to the preservation of the record; or
(c)amount to an infringement of copyright not owned by the State or the public body concerned.
(4)If a requester has requested access in a particular form and for a reason referred to in subsection (3) access in that form is refused but access is given in another form, the fee charged may not exceed what would have been charged if that requester had been given access in the form requested.
(5)If a requester with a disability is prevented by that disability from reading, viewing or listening to the record concerned in the form in which it is held by the public body concerned, the information officer of the body must, if that requester so requests, take reasonable steps to make the record available in a form in which it is capable of being read, viewed or heard by the requester.
(6)If a record is made available in accordance with subsection (5), the requester may not be required to pay an access fee which is more than the fee which he or she would have been required to pay but for the disability.
(7)If a record is made available in terms of this section to a requester for inspection, viewing or hearing, the requester may make copies of or transcribe the record using the requester’s equipment, unless to do so would—
(a)interfere unreasonably with the effective administration of the public body concerned;
(b)be detrimental to the preservation of the record; or
(c)amount to an infringement of copyright not owned by the State or the public body concerned.
(8)If the supply to a requester of a copy of a record is required by this section, the copy must, if so requested, be supplied by posting it to him or her.
(9)If an internal appeal or an application to a court, as the case may be, is lodged against the granting of a request for access to a record, access to the record maybe given only when the decision to grant the request is finally confirmed.

30. Access to health or other records

(1)If the information officer who grants, in terms of section 11, a request for access to a record provided by a health practitioner in his or her capacity as such about the physical or mental health, or well-being—
(a)of the requester; or
(b)if the request has been made on behalf of the person to whom the record relates, of that person,
(in this section, the requester and person referred to paragraphs (b) and (b), respectively, are referred to as the “relevant person”), is of the opinion that the disclosure of the record to the relevant person might cause serious harm to his or her physical or mental health, or well-being, the information officer may, before giving access in terms of section 29, consult with a health practitioner who, subject to subsection (2), has been nominated by the relevant person.
(2)If the relevant person is—
(a)under the age of 16 years, a person having parental responsibilities for the relevant person must make the nomination contemplated in subsection (1); or
(b)incapable of managing his or her affairs, a person appointed by the court to manage those affairs must make that nomination.
(a)If, after being given access to the record concerned, the health practitioner consulted in terms of subsection (1) is of the opinion that the disclosure of the record to the relevant person would be likely to cause serious harm to his or her physical or mental health, or well-being, the information officer may only give access to the record if the requester proves to the satisfaction of the information officer that adequate provision is made for such counseling or arrangements as are reasonably practicable before, during or after the disclosure of the record to limit, alleviate or avoid such harm to the relevant person.
(b)Before access to the record is so given to the requester, the person responsible for such counseling or arrangements must be given access to the record.

31. Language of access

A requester whose request for access to a record of a public body has been granted must, if the record
(a)exists in the language that the requester prefers, be given access in that language; or
(b)does not exist in the language so preferred or the requester has no preference or has not indicated a preference, be given access in any language the record exists in.

32. Reports to Human Rights Commission

The information officer of each public body must annually submit to the Human Rights Commission a report stating in relation to the public body
(a)the number of requests for access received;
(b)the number of requests for access granted in full;
(c)the number of requests for access granted in terms of section 46;
(d)the number of requests for access refused in full and refused partially and the number of times each provision of this Act was relied on to refuse access in full or partial;
(e)the number of cases in which the periods stipulated in section 25(1) were extended in terms of section 26(1);
(f)the number of internal appeals lodged with the relevant authority and the number of cases in which, as a result of an internal appeal, access was given to a record;[paragraph (f) renumbered by section 30 of Act 42 of 2001]
(g)the number of internal appeals which were lodged on the ground that a request for access was regarded as having been refused in terms of section 27;[paragraph (g) renumbered by section 30 of Act 42 of 2001]
(h)the number of applications to a court which were lodged on the ground that an internal appeal was regarded as having been dismissed in terms of section 77(7); and[paragraph (h) renumbered by section 30 of Act 42 of 2001]
(i)such other matters as may be prescribed.[paragraph (i) renumbered by section 30 of Act 42 of 2001]

Chapter 4
Grounds for refusal of access to records

33. Interpretation

(1)The information officer of a public body
(a)must refuse a request for access to a record contemplated in section 34(1), 35(1), 36(1), 37(1)(a), 38(a), 39(1)(a), 40 or 43(1); or
(b)may refuse a request for access to a record contemplated in section 37(1)(b) 38(b), 39(1)(b), 41(1)(a) or (b), 42(1) or (3), 43(2), 44(1) or (2) or 45,
unless the provisions of section 46 apply.
(2)A provision of this Chapter in terms of which a request for access to a record must or may or may not be refused, may not be construed as—
(a)limited in its application in any way by any other provision of this Chapter in terms of which a request for access to a record must or may or may not be refused; and
(b)not applying to a particular record by reason that another provision of this Chapter in terms of which a request for access to a record must or may or may not be refused, also applies to that record.

34. Mandatory protection of privacy of third party who is natural person

(1)Subject to subsection (2), the information officer of a public body must refuse a request for access to a record of the body if its disclosure would involve the unreasonable disclosure of personal information about a third party, including a deceased individual.
(2)A record may not be refused in terms of subsection (1) insofar as it consists of information—
(a)about an individual who has consented in terms of section 48 or otherwise in writing to its disclosure to the requester concerned;
(b)that was given to the public body by the individual to whom it relates and the individual was informed by or on behalf of the public body, before it is given, that the information belongs to a class of information that would or might be made available to the public:
(c)already publicly available;
(d)about an individual’s physical or mental health, or well-being, who is under the care of the requester and who is—
(i)under the age of 18 years; or
(ii)incapable of understanding the nature of the request,
and if giving access would be in the individual’s best interests;
(e)about an individual who is deceased and the requester is—
(i)the individual’s next of kin; or
(ii)making the request with the written consent of the individual’s next of kin; or
(f)about an individual who is or was an official of a public body and which relates to the position or functions of the individual, including, but not limited to—
(i)the fact that the individual is or was an official of that public body;
(ii)the title, work address, work phone number and other similar particulars of the individual;
(iii)the classification, salary scale, remuneration and responsibilities of the position held or services performed by the individual; and[subparagraph (iii) substituted by section 31 of Act 42 of 2001]
(iv)the name of the individual on a record prepared by the individual in the course of employment.

35. Mandatory protection of certain records of South African Revenue Service

(1)Subject to subsection (2), the information officer of the South African Revenue Service, referred to in section 2(3), must refuse a request for access to a record of that Service if it contains information which was obtained or is held by that Service for the purposes of enforcing legislation concerning the collection of revenue as defined in section 1 of the South African Revenue Service Act, 1997 (Act No. 34 of 1997).
(2)A record may not be refused in terms of subsection (1) insofar as it consists of information about the requester or the person on whose behalf the request is made.
[Editorial note: The Constitutional Court of South Africa has confirmed the order of the High Court of South Africa Gauteng Division Pretoria, in which the court declared that sections 35 and 46 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000 (PAIA) are unconstitutional “to the extent that they preclude access to tax records by a person other than the taxpayer (a requester), even in circumstances where the requirements set out in section 46 of PAIA are met”. The declaration of invalidity is suspended for a period of 24 months, beginning on 30 May 2023. See the full judgement here: Arena Holdings (Pty) Ltd t/a Financial Mail and Others v South African Revenue Service and Others (CCT 365/21) [2023] ZACC 13 (30 May 2023)]

36. Mandatory protection of commercial information of third party

(1)Subject to subsection (2), the information officer of a public body must refuse a request for access to a record of the body if the record contains—
(a)trade secrets of a third party;
(b)financial, commercial, scientific or technical information, other than trade secrets, of a third party, the disclosure of which would be likely to cause harm to the commercial or financial interests of that third party; or
(c)information supplied in confidence by a third party the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected—
(i)to put that third party at a disadvantage in contractual or other negotiations; or
(ii)to prejudice that third party in commercial competition.
(2)A record may “not be refused in terms of subsection (1) insofar as it consists of information—
(a)already publicly available;
(b)about a third party who has consented in terms of section 48 or otherwise in writing to its disclosure to the requester concerned; or
(c)about the results of any product or environmental testing or other investigation supplied by a third party or the result of any such testing or investigation carried out by or on behalf of a third party and its disclosure would reveal a serious public safety or environmental risk.[paragraph (c) substituted by section 32 of Act 42 of 2001]
(3)For the purposes of subsection (2)(c), the results of any product or environmental testing or other investigation do not include the results of preliminary testing or other investigation conducted for the purpose of developing methods of testing or other investigation.

37. Mandatory protection of certain confidential information, and protection of certain other confidential information, of third party

(1)Subject to subsection (2), the information officer of a public body—
(a)must refuse a request for access to a record of the body if the disclosure of the record would constitute an action for breach of a duty of confidence owed to a third party in terms of an agreement; or
(b)may refuse a request for access to a record of the body if the record consists of information that was supplied in confidence by a third party
(i)the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to prejudice the future supply of similar information, or information from the same source; and
(ii)if it is in the public interest that similar information, or information from the same source, should continue to be supplied.
(2)A record may not be refused in terms of subsection (1) insofar as it consists of information—
(a)already publicly available; or
(b)about the third party concerned that has consented in terms of section 48 or otherwise in writing to its disclosure to the requester concerned.

38. Mandatory protection of safety of individuals, and protection of property

The information officer of a public body
(a)must refuse a request for access to a record of the body if its disclosure could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of an individual; or
(b)may refuse a request for access to a record of the body if its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or impair—
(i)the security of—
(aa)a building, structure or system, including, but not limited to. a computer or communication system;
(bb)a means of a transport; or
(cc)any other property; or
(ii)methods, systems, plans or procedures for the protection of—
(aa)an individual in accordance with a witness protection scheme;
(bb)the safety of the public, or any part of the public; or
(cc)the security of property contemplated in subparagraph (i)(aa), (bb) or (cc).

39. Mandatory protection of police dockets in bail proceedings, and protection of law enforcement and legal proceedings

(1)The information officer of a public body
(a)must refuse a request for access to a record of the body if access to that record is prohibited in terms of section 60(14) of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977); or
(b)may refuse a request for access to a record of the body if—
(i)the record contains methods, techniques, procedures or guidelines for—
(aa)the prevention, detection, curtailment or investigation of a contra­vention or possible contravention of the law; or
(bb)the prosecution of alleged offenders,
and the disclosure of those methods, techniques, procedures or guide­lines could reasonably be expected to prejudice the effectiveness of those methods, techniques, procedures or guidelines or lead to the circumven­tion of the law or facilitate the commission of an offence;
(ii)the prosecution of an alleged offender is being prepared or about to commence or pending and the disclosure of the record could reasonably be expected—
(aa)to impede that prosecution; or
(bb)to result in a miscarriage of justice in that prosecution; or
(iii)the disclosure of the record could reasonably be expected—
(aa)to prejudice the investigation of a contravention or possible contravention of the law which is about to commence or is in progress or, if it has been suspended or terminated, is likely to be resumed;
(bb)to reveal, or enable a person to ascertain, the identity of a confidential source of information in relation to the enforcement or administration of the law;
(cc)to result in the intimidation or coercion of a witness, or a person who might be or has been called as a witness, in criminal proceedings or other proceedings to enforce the law;
(dd)to facilitate the commission of a contravention of the law, including, but not limited to, subject to subsection (2), escape from lawful detention; or
(ee)to prejudice or impair the fairness of a trial or the impartiality of an adjudication.
(2)A record may not be refused in terms of subsection (1)(b)(iii)(dd) insofar as it consists of information about the general conditions of detention of persons in custody.
(a)If a request for access to a record of a public body must or may be refused in terms of subsection (1)(a) or (b), or could, if it existed, be so refused, and the disclosure of the existence or non-existence of the record would be likely to cause the harm contemplated in subsection (1)(a) or (b), the information officer concerned may refuse to confirm or deny the existence or non-existence of the record;
(b)If the information officer so refuses to confirm or deny the existence or non-existence of the record, the notice referred to in section 25(3) must—
(i)state that fact;
(ii)identify the provision of subsection (1)(a) or (b) in terms of which access would have been refused if the record had existed;
(iii)state adequate reasons for the refusal, as required by section 25(3), in so far as they can be given without causing the harm contemplated in subsection (1)(a) or (b); and[subparagraph (iii) substituted by section 33 of Act 42 of 2001]
(iv)state that the requester concerned may lodge an internal appeal or an application with a court, as the case may be, against the refusal as required by section 25(3).

40. Mandatory protection of records privileged from production in legal proceedings

The information officer of a public body must refuse a request for access to a record of the body if the record is privileged from production in legal proceedings unless the person entitled to the privilege has waived the privilege.

41. Defence, security and international relations of Republic

(1)The information officer of a public body may refuse a request for access to a record of the body if its disclosure—
(a)could reasonably be expected to cause prejudice to—
(i)the defence of the Republic;
(ii)the security of the Republic; or
(iii)subject to subsection (3), the international relations of the Republic; or
(b)would reveal information—
(i)supplied in confidence by or on behalf of another state or an international organisation;
(ii)supplied by or on behalf of the Republic to another state or an international organisation in terms of an arrangement or international agreement, contemplated in section 231 of the Constitution, with that state or organisation which requires the information to be held in confidence; or
(iii)required to be held in confidence by an international agreement or customary international law contemplated in section 231 or 232, respectively, of the Constitution.
(2)A record contemplated in subsection (1), without limiting the generality of that subsection, includes a record containing information—
(a)relating to military tactics or strategy or military exercises or operations undertaken in preparation of hostilities or in connection with the detection, prevention, suppression or curtailment of subversive or hostile activities;
(b)relating to the quantity, characteristics, capabilities, vulnerabilities or deployment of—
(i)weapons or any other equipment used for the detection, prevention, suppression or curtailment of subversive or hostile activities; or
(ii)anything being designed, developed, produced or considered for use as weapons or such other equipment;
(c)relating to the characteristics, capabilities, vulnerabilities, performance, potential, deployment or functions of—
(i)any military force, unit or personnel; or
(ii)any body or person responsible for the detection, prevention, suppression or curtailment of subversive or hostile activities;
(d)held for the purpose of intelligence relating to—
(i)the defence of the Republic;
(ii)the detection, prevention, suppression or curtailment of subversive or hostile activities; or
(iii)another state or an international organisation used by or on behalf of the Republic in the process of deliberation and consultation in the conduct of international affairs;
(e)on methods of, and scientific or technical equipment for, collecting, assessing or handling information referred to in paragraph (d);
(f)on the identity of a confidential source and any other source of information referred to in paragraph (d);
(g)on the positions adopted or to be adopted by the Republic, another state or an international organisation for the purpose of present or future international negotiations; or
(h)that constitutes diplomatic correspondence exchanged with another state or an international organisation or official correspondence exchanged with diplo­matic missions or consular posts of the Republic.
(3)A record may not be refused in terms of subsection (1)(a) (iii) if it came into existence more than 20 years before the request.
(a)If a request for access to a record of a public body may be refused in terms of subsection (1), or could, if it existed, be so refused, and the disclosure of the existence or non-existence of the record would be likely to cause the harm contemplated in subsection. (1), the information officer concerned may refuse to confirm or deny the existence or non-existence of the record.[paragraph (a) substituted by section 34 of Act 42 of 2001]
(b)If the information officer so refuses to confirm or deny the existence or non-existence of the record, the notice referred to in section 25(3) must—
(i)state that fact;
(ii)identify the provision of subsection (1) in terms of which access would have been refused if the record had existed;
(iii)state adequate reasons for the refusal, as required by section 25(3), in so far as they can be given without causing the harm contemplated in subsection (1); and
(iv)state that the requester may lodge an internal appeal or an application with a court, as the case may be, against the refusal as required by section 25(3).

42. Economic interests and financial welfare of Republic and commercial activities of public bodies

(1)The information officer of a public body may refuse a request for access to a record of the body if its disclosure would be likely to materially jeopardise the economic interests or financial welfare of [he Republic or the ability of the government to manage the economy of the Republic effectively in the best interests of the Republic.
(2)The information referred to in subsection (1) includes, without limiting the generality of that subsection, information about—
(a)a contemplated change in, or maintenance of, a policy substantially affecting the currency, coinage, legal tender, exchange rates or foreign investment;
(b)a contemplated change in or decision not to change—
(i)credit or interest rates;
(ii)customs or excise duties, taxes or any other source of revenue;
(iii)the regulation or supervision of financial institutions;
(iv)government borrowing; or
(v)the regulation of prices of goods or services, rents or wages, salaries or other incomes; or
(c)a contemplated—
(i)sale “or acquisition of immovable or movable property; or
(ii)international trade agreement.
(3)Subject to subsection (5), the information officer of a public body may refuse a request for access to a record of the body if the record—
(a)contains trade secrets of the State or a public body;
(b)contains financial, commercial, scientific or technical information, other than trade secrets, the disclosure of which would be likely to cause harm to the commercial or financial interests of the State or a public body;
(c)contains information, the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected—
(i)to put a public body at a disadvantage in contractual or other negotiations; or
(ii)to prejudice a public body in commercial competition; or
(d)is a computer program, as defined in section 1 (1) of the Copyright Act, 1978 (Act No. 98 of 1978), owned by the State or a public body, except insofar as it is required to give access to a record to which access is granted in terms of this Act.
(4)The information referred to in subsection (2)(c)(i) includes, without limiting the generality of that subsection, information about an agreement, or contemplated agreement, to transfer any interest in or right to shares in the capital of a public body to any person which is not a public body referred to in paragraph (a) or (b)(i) of the definition of "public body" in section 1.[subsection (4) substituted by section 35(a) of Act 42 of 2001]
(5)A record may not be refused in terms of subsection (3) insofar as it consists of information—
(a)already publicly available;
(b)about the results of any product or environmental testing or other investigation supplied by a public body or the results of any such testing or investigation carried out by or on behalf of a public body, and its disclosure would reveal a serious public safety or environmental risk.
(c)about the results of any product or environmental testing or other investigation supplied by a public body or the results of any such testing or investigation carried out by or on behalf of a public body, and its disclosure would reveal a serious public safety or environmental risk.[paragraph (c) substituted by section 35(b) of Act 42 of 2001]
(6)For the purposes of subsection (5)(c), the results of any product or environmental testing or other investigation do not include the results of preliminary testing or other investigation conducted for the purpose of developing methods of testing or other investigation.
(7)If a request for access to a record contemplated in subsection (5)(c) is granted and the testing or other investigation was carried out by or on behalf of the public body from which the record is requested, the information officer must at the same time as access to the record is given, provide the requester with a written explanation of the methods used in conducting the testing or other investigation.

43. Mandatory protection of research information of third party, and protection of research information of public body

(1)The information officer of a public body must refuse a request for access to a record of the body if the record contains information about research being or to be carried out by or on behalf of a third party, the disclosure of which would be likely to expose—
(a)the third party;
(b)a person that is or will be carrying out the research on behalf of the third party; or
(c)the subject matter of the research,
to serious disadvantage.
(2)The information officer of a public body may refuse a request for access to a record of the body if the record contains information about research being or to be carried out by or on behalf of a public body, the disclosure of which would be likely to expose—
(a)the public body;
(b)a person that is or will be carrying out the research on behalf of the public body; or
(c)the subject matter of the research,
to serious disadvantage.

44. Operations of public bodies

(1)Subject to subsections (3) and (4), the information officer of a public body may refuse a request for access to a record of the body—
(a)if the record contains—
(i)an opinion, advice, report or recommendation obtained or prepared; or
(ii)an account of a consultation, discussion or deliberation that has occurred, including, but not limited to, minutes of a meeting,
for the purpose of assisting to formulate a policy or take a decision in the exercise of a power or performance of a duty conferred or imposed by law; or
(i)the disclosure of the record could reasonably be expected to frustrate the deliberative process in a public body or between public bodies by inhibiting the candid—
(aa)communication of an opinion, advice, report or recommendation; or
(bb)conduct of a consultation, discussion or deliberation; or
(ii)the disclosure of the record could, by premature disclosure of a policy or contemplated policy, reasonably be expected to frustrate the success of that policy.
(2)Subject to subsection (4), the information officer of a public body may refuse a request for access to a record of the body if—
(a)the disclosure of the record could reasonably be expected to jeopardise the effectiveness of a testing, examining or auditing procedure or method used by a public body;
(b)the record contains evaluative material, whether or not the person who supplied it is identified in the record, and the disclosure of the material would breach an express or implied promise which was—
(i)made to the person who supplied the material; and
(ii)to the effect that the material or the identity of the person who supplied it, or both, would be held in confidence; or
(c)the record contains a preliminary, working or other draft of an official of a public body.
(3)A record may not be refused in terms of subsection (1) if the record came into existence more than 20 years before the request concerned.
(4)A record may not be refused in terms of subsection (1) or (2) insofar as it consists of an account or a statement of reasons required to be given in accordance with section 5 of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000 (Act No. 3 of 2000).[subsection (4) substituted by section 36 of Act 42 of 2001]

45. Manifestly frivolous or vexatious requests, or substantial and unreasonable diversion of resources

The information officer of a public body may refuse a request for access to a record of the body if—
(a)the request is manifestly frivolous or vexatious; or
(b)the work involved in processing the request would substantially and unreasonably divert the resources of the public body.

46. Mandatory disclosure in public interest

Despite any other provision of this Chapter, the information officer of a public body must grant a request for access to a record of the body contemplated in section 34(1), 36(1) 37(1)(a) or (b), 38(a) or (b), 39(1)(a) or (b), 40, 41(1)(a) or (b), 42(1) or (3), 43( 1) or (2), 44(1) or (2) or 45, if—
(a)the disclosure of the record would reveal evidence of—
(i)a substantial contravention of, or failure to comply with, the law; or
(ii)an imminent and serious public safety or environmental risk; and
(b)the public interest in the disclosure of the record clearly outweighs the harm contemplated in the provision in question.
[Editorial note: The Constitutional Court of South Africa has confirmed the order of the High Court of South Africa Gauteng Division Pretoria, in which the court declared that sections 35 and 46 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000 (PAIA) are unconstitutional “to the extent that they preclude access to tax records by a person other than the taxpayer (a requester), even in circumstances where the requirements set out in section 46 of PAIA are met”. The declaration of invalidity is suspended for a period of 24 months, beginning on 30 May 2023. See the full judgement here: Arena Holdings (Pty) Ltd t/a Financial Mail and Others v South African Revenue Service and Others (CCT 365/21) [2023] ZACC 13 (30 May 2023)]

Chapter 5
Third party notification and intervention

47. Notice to third parties

(1)The information officer of a public body considering a request for access to a record that might be a record contemplated in section 34(1), 35(1), 36(1), 37(1) or 43(1) must take all reasonable steps to inform a third party to whom or which the record relates of the request.
(2)The information officer must inform a third party in terms of subsection (1)
(a)as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event, within 21 days after that request is received or transferred; and
(b)by the fastest means reasonably possible.
(3)When informing a third party in terms of subsection (1), the information officer must—
(a)state that he or she is considering a request for access to a record that might be a record contemplated in section 34(1), 35(1), 36( 1), 37(1) or 43(1), as the case may be, and describe the content of the record;
(b)furnish the name of the requester;
(c)describe the provisions of section 34(1), 35(1), 36(1), 37(1) or 43(1), as the case may be;
(d)in any case where the information officer believes that the provisions of section 46 might apply, describe those provisions, specify which of the circumstances referred to in section 46(a) in the opinion of the information officer might apply and state the reasons why he or she is of the opinion that section 46 might apply; and
(e)state that the third party may, within 21 days after the third party is informed—
(i)make written or oral representations to the information officer why the request for access should be refused; or
(ii)give written consent for the disclosure of the record to the requester.
(4)If a third party is not informed orally of a request for access in terms of subsection (1), the information officer must give a written notice stating the matters referred to in subsection (3) to the third party.

48. Representations and consent by third parties

(1)A third party that is informed in terms of section 47(1) of a request for access, may, within 21 days after the third party has been informed—
(a)make written or oral representations to the information officer concerned why the request should be refused; or
(b)give written consent for the disclosure of the record to the requester concerned.
(2)A third party that obtains knowledge about a request for access other than in terms of section 47(1) may—
(a)make written or oral representations to the information officer concerned why the request should be refused; or
(b)give written consent for the disclosure of the record to the requester concerned.

49. Decision on representations for refusal and notice thereof

(1)The information officer of a public body must, as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event within 30 days after every third party is informed as required by section 47
(a)decide, after giving due regard to any representations made by a third party in terms of section 48, whether to grant the request for access;
(b)notify the third party so informed and a third party not informed in terms of section 47(1), but that made representations in terms of section 48 or is located before the decision is taken, of the decision; and
(c)notify the requester of the decision and, if the requester stated, as contemplated in section 18(2)(e), that he or she wishes to be informed of the decision in any other manner, inform him or her in that manner if it is reasonably possible, and if the request is—
(i)granted, notify the requester in accordance with section 25(2); or
(ii)refused, notify the requester in accordance with section 25(3).
[subsection (1) substituted by section 37 of Act 42 of 2001]
(2)If, after all reasonable steps have been taken as required by section 47(1), a third party is not informed of the request in question and the third party did not make any representations in terms of section 48, any decision whether to grant the request for access must be made with due regard to the fact that the third party did not have the opportunity to make representations in terms of section 48 why the request should be refused.
(3)If the request for access is granted, the notice in terms of subsection (1)(b) must state—
(a)adequate reasons for granting the request, including the provisions of this Act relied upon;
(b)that the third party may lodge an internal appeal or an application, as the case may be, against the decision within 30 days after notice is given, and the procedure for lodging the internal appeal or application, as the case may be; and
(c)that the requester will be given access to the record after the expiry of the applicable period contemplated in paragraph (b), unless such internal appeal or application with a court is lodged within that period.
(4)If the information officer of a public body decides in terms of subsection (1) to grant the request for access concerned, he or she must give the requester access to the record concerned after the expiry of 30 days after notice is given in terms of subsection (1)(b), unless an internal appeal or an application with a court, as the case may be, is lodged against the decision within that period.

Part 3 – Access to records of private bodies

Chapter 1
Right of access

50. Right of access to records of private bodies

(1)A requester must be given access to any record of a private body if—
(a)that record is required for the exercise or protection of any rights;
(b)that person complies with the procedural requirements in this Act relating to a request for access to that record; and
(c)access to that record is not refused in terms of any ground for refusal contemplated in Chapter 4 of this Part.
(2)In addition to the requirements referred to in subsection (1), when a public body, referred to in paragraph (a) or (b)(i) of the definition of “public body” in section 1, requests access to a record of a private body for the exercise or protection of any rights, other than its rights, it must be acting in the public interest.
(3)A request contemplated in subsection (1) includes a request for access to a record containing personal information about the requester or the person on whose behalf the request is made.

Chapter 2
Publication and availability of certain records

51. Manual

(1)Within six months after the commencement of this section or the coming into existence of the private body concerned, the head of a private body must compile a manual containing—
(a)the postal and street address, phone and fax number and, if available electronic mail address of the head of the body;
(b)a description of the guide referred to in section 10, if available, and how to obtain access to it;
(c)the latest notice in terms of section 52(2), if any, regarding the categories of record of the body which are available without a person having to request access in terms of this Act;
(d)a description of the records of the body which are available in accordance with any other legislation;
(e)sufficient detail to facilitate a request for access to a record of the body, a description of the subjects on which the body holds records and the categories of records held on each subject; and
(f)such other information as maybe prescribed.
(2)The head of a private body must on a regular basis update the manual referred to in subsection (1).
(3)Each manual must be made available as prescribed.
(4)For security, administrative or financial reasons, the Minister may, on request or of his or her own accord, by notice in the Gazette, exempt any private body or category of private bodies from any provision of this section for such period as the Minister thinks fit.

52. Voluntary disclosure and automatic availability of certain records

(1)The head of a private body may, on a voluntary and periodic basis, submit to the Minister a description of—
(a)the categories of records of the private body that are automatically available without a person having to request access in terms of this Act, including such categories available—
(i)for inspection in terms of legislation other than this Act;
(ii)for purchase or copying from the private body; and[subparagraph (ii) substituted by section 38(a) of Act 42 of 2001]
(iii)from the private body free of charge; and
(b)how to obtain access to such records.
(2)If appropriate the Minister must, on a periodic basis and by notice in the Gazette
(a)publish any description so submitted; and
(b)update any description so published.
(3)The only fee payable (if any) for access to a record included in a notice in terms of subsection (2) is a prescribed fee for reproduction.[subsection (3) substituted by section 38(b) of Act 42 of 2001]
(4)The head of a private body may delete any part of a record contemplated in subsection (1)(a) which, on a request for access, may or must be refused in terms of Chapter 4 of this Part.
(5)Section 50 and any other provisions in this Act related to that section do not apply to any category of records included in a notice in terms of subsection (2).

Chapter 3
Manner of access

53. Form of request

(1)A request for access to a record of a private body must be made in the prescribed form to the private body concerned at its address, fax number or electronic mail address.
(2)The form for a request for access prescribed for the purposes of subsection (1) must at least require the requester concerned—
(a)to provide sufficient particulars to enable the head of the private body concerned to identify—
(i)the record or records requested; and
(ii)the requester;
(b)to indicate which form of access is required;
(c)to specify a postal address or fax number of the requester in the Republic;
(d)to identify the right the requester is seeking to exercise or protect and provide an explanation of why the requested record is required for the exercise or protection of that right;
(e)if, in addition to a written reply, the requester wishes to be informed of the decision on the request in any other manner, to state that manner and the necessary particulars to be so informed; and
(f)if the request is made on behalf of a person, to submit proof of the capacity in which the requester is making the request, to the reasonable satisfaction of the head.

54. Fees

(1)The head of a private body to whom a request for access is made must by notice require the requester, other than a personal requester, to pay the prescribed request fee (if any), before further processing the request.
(a)the search for a record of a private body in respect of which a request for access by a requester, other than a personal requester, has been made; and
(b)the preparation of the record for disclosure (including any arrangements contemplated in section 29(2)(a) and (b)(i) and (ii)(aa)),
would, in the opinion of the head of the private body concerned, require more than the hours prescribed for this purpose for requesters, the head must by notice require the requester, other than a personal requester, to pay as a deposit the prescribed portion (being not more than one third) of the access fee which would be payable if the request is granted.
(3)The notice referred to in subsection (1) or (2) must state—
(a)the amount of the deposit payable in terms of subsection (2), if applicable;
(b)that the requester may lodge an application with a court against the tender or payment of the request fee in terms of subsection (1), or the tender or payment of a deposit in terms of subsection (2), as the case may be; and
(c)the procedure (including the period) for lodging the application.
(4)If a deposit has been paid in respect of a request for access which is refused, the head of the private body concerned must repay the deposit to the requester.
(5)The head of a private body may withhold a record until the requester concerned has paid the applicable fees (if any).
(6)A requester whose request for access to a record of a private body has been granted must pay an access fee for reproduction and for search and preparation contemplated in subsection (7)(a) and (b), respectively, for any time reasonably required in excess of the prescribed hours to search for and prepare (including making any arrangements contemplated in section 29(2) (a) and (b)(i) and (ii)(aa)) the record for disclosure.
(7)Access fees prescribed for the purposes of subsection (6) must provide for a reasonable access fee for—
(a)the cost of making a copy of a record, or of a transcription of the content of a record, as contemplated in section 29(2)(a) and (b)(i), (ii)(bb), (iii) and (v) and, if applicable, the postal fee; and
(b)the time reasonably required to search for the record and prepare (including making any arrangements contemplated in section 29(2)(a) and (b)(i) and (ii)(aa)) the record for disclosure to the requester.
(8)The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette
(a)exempt any person or category of persons from paying any fee referred to in this section;
(b)determine that any fee referred to in this section is not to exceed a certain maximum amount;
(c)determine the manner in which any fee referred to in this section is to be calculated;
(d)determine that any fee referred to in this section does not apply to a category of records;
(e)exempt any person or record or category of persons or records for a stipulated period from any fee referred to in subsection (6); and
(f)determine that where the cost of collecting any fee referred to in this section exceeds the amount charged, such fee does not apply.

55. Records that cannot be found or do not exist

(a)all reasonable steps have been taken to find a record requested; and
(b)there are reasonable grounds for believing that the record
(i)is in the private body’s possession but cannot be found; or
(ii)does not exist,
the head of a private body must, by way of affidavit or affirmation, notify the requester that it is not possible to give access to that record.
(2)The affidavit or affirmation referred to in subsection (1) must give a full account of all steps taken to find the record in question or to determine whether the record exists, as the case may be, including all communications with every person who conducted the search on behalf of the head.
(3)For the purposes of this Act, the notice in terms of subsection (1) is to be regarded as a decision to refuse a request for access to the record concerned.
(4)If, after notice is given in terms of subsection (1), the record in question is found, the requester concerned must be given access to the record unless access is refused on a ground for refusal contemplated in Chapter 4 of this Part.

56. Decision on request and notice thereof

(1)Except if the provisions regarding third party notification and intervention contemplated in Chapter 5 of this Part apply, the head of the private body to whom the request is made must, as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event within 30 days, after the request has been received or after the particulars required in terms of section 53(2) have been received —
(a)decide in accordance with this Act whether to grant the request; and
(b)notify the requester of the decision and, if the requester stated, as contemplated in section 53(2)(e), that he or she wishes to be informed of the decision in any other manner, inform him or her in that manner if it is reasonably possible.
[subsection (1) amended by section 39(a) of Act 42 of 2001]
(2)If the request for access is granted, the notice in terms of subsection (1)(b) must state—
(a)the access fee (if any) to be paid upon access;
(b)the form in which access will be given; and
(c)that the requester may lodge an application with a court against the access fee to be paid or the foml of access granted, and the procedure, including the period allowed, for lodging the application.[paragraph (c) substituted by section 39(b) of Act 42 of 2001]
(3)If the request for access is refused, the notice in terms of subsection (1)(b) must—
(a)state adequate reasons for the refusal, including the provisions of this Act relied on;
(b)exclude, from any such reasons, any reference to the content of the record; and
(c)state that the requester may lodge an application with a court against the refusal of the request, and the procedure (including the period) for lodging the application.

57. Extension of period to deal with request

(1)The head of a private body to whom a request for access has been made, may extend the period of 30 days referred to in section 56(1) (in this section referred to as the “original period”) once for a further period of not more than 30 days, if—
(a)the request is for a large number of records or requires a search through a large number of records and compliance with the original period would unreason­ably interfere with the activities of the private body concerned;
(b)the request requires a search for records in, or collection thereof from, an office of the private body not situated in the same town or city as the office of the head that cannot reasonably be completed within the original period;
(c)consultation among divisions of the private body or with another private body is necessary or desirable to decide upon the request that cannot reasonably be completed within the original period;
(d)more than one of the circumstances contemplated in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) exist in respect of the request making compliance with the original period not reasonably possible; or
(e)the requester consents in writing to such extension.
(2)If a period is extended in terms of subsection (1), the head of the private body must, as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event within 30 days, after the request is received, notify the requester of that extension, the period of the extension and the reasons for the extension.
(3)The notice in terms of subsection (2) must state—
(a)the period of the extension;
(b)adequate reasons for the extension, including the provisions of this Act relied upon; and
(c)that the requester may lodge an application with a court against the extension, and the procedure (including the period) for lodging the application.

58. Deemed refusal of request

If the head of a private body fails to give the decision on a request for access to the requester concerned within the period contemplated in section 56(1), the head of the private body is, for the purposes of this Act, regarded as having refused the request.

59. Severability

(1)If a request for access is made to a record of a private body containing information which may or must be refused in terms of any provision of Chapter 4 of this Part, every part of the record which—
(a)does not contain; and
(b)can reasonably be severed from any part that contains,
any such information must, despite arty other provision of this Act, be disclosed.
(2)If a request for access to—
(a)a part of a record is granted; and
(b)the other part of the record is refused,
as contemplated in subsection (1), the provisions of section 56(2) apply to paragraph (a) of this subsection and the provisions of section 56(3) apply to paragraph (b) of this subsection.[subsection (2) substituted by section 40 of Act 42 of 2001]

60. Form of access

If access is granted to a record of a private body, the head of that body must, as soon as reasonably possible after notification in terms of section 56, but subject to section 57, give access in—
(a)such form as the requester reasonably requires; or
(b)if no specific form of access is required by the requester, such form as the head reasonably determines.

61. Access to health or other records

(1)If the head of a private body who grants, in terms of section 50, a request for access to a record provided by a health practitioner in his or her capacity as such about the physical or mental health, or well-being—
(a)of the requester; or
(b)if the request has been made on behalf of the person to whom the record relates, of that person,
(in this section, the requester and person referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b), respectively, are referred to as the "the relevant person") is of the opinion that the disclosure of the record to the relevant person might cause serious harm to his or her physical or mental health, or well-being, the head may, before giving access in terms of section 60, consult with a health practitioner who, subject to subsection (2), has been nominated by the relevant person.[subsection (1) substituted by section 41 of Act 42 of 2001]
(2)If the relevant person is—
(a)under the age of 16 years, a person having parental responsibilities for the relevant person must make the nomination contemplated in subsection (1); or
(b)incapable of managing his or her affairs, a person appointed by the court to manage those affairs must make that nomination.
(a)If, after being given access to the record concerned, the health practitioner consulted in terms of subsection (1) is of the opinion that the disclosure of the record to the relevant person, would be likely to cause serious harm to his or her physical or mental health, or well-being, the head may only give access to the record if the requester proves to the satisfaction of the head that adequate provision is made for such counseling or arrangements as are reasonably practicable before, during or after the disclosure of the record to limit, alleviate or avoid such harm to the relevant person.
(b)Before access to the record is so given to the requester, the person responsible for such counseling or arrangements must be given access to the record.

Chapter 4
Grounds for refusal of access to records

62. Interpretation

A provision of this Chapter in terms of which a request for access to a record must or may or may not be refused, must not be construed as—
(a)limited in its application in any way by any other provision of this Chapter in terms of which a request for access to a record must or may or may not be refused; and
(b)not applying to a particular record by reason that another provision of this Chapter in terms of which a request for access to a record must or may or may not be refused, also applies to that record.

63. Mandatory protection of privacy of third party who is natural person

(1)Subject to subsection (2), the head of a private body must refuse a request for access to a record of the body if its disclosure would involve the unreasonable disclosure of personal information about a third party, including a deceased individual.
(2)A record may not be refused in terms of subsection (1) insofar as it consists of information—
(a)about an individual who has consented in terms of section 72 or otherwise in writing to its disclosure to the requester concerned;
(b)already publicly available;
(c)that was given to the private body by the individual to whom it relates and the individual was informed by or on behalf of the private body, before it is given, that the information belongs to a class of information that would or might be made available to the public;
(d)about an individual’s physical or mental health, or well-being, who is under the care of the requester and who is—
(i)under the age of 18 years; or
(ii)incapable of understanding the nature of the request,
and if giving access would be in the individual’s best interests;
(e)about an individual who is deceased and the requester is—
(i)the individuals next of kin; or
(ii)making the request with the written consent of the individual’s next of kin; or
(f)about an individual who is or was an official of a private body and which relates to the position or functions of the individual, including, but not limited to—
(i)the fact that the individual is or was an official of that private body;
(ii)the title, work address, work phone number and other similar particulars of the individual;
(iii)the classification, salary scale or remuneration and responsibilities of the position held or services performed by the individual; and
(iv)the name of the individual on a record prepared by the individual in the course of employment.

64. Mandatory protection of commercial information of third party

(1)Subject to subsection (2), the head of a private body must refuse a request for access to a record of the body if the record contains—
(a)trade secrets of a third party;
(b)financial, commercial, scientific or technical information, other than trade secrets, of a third party, the disclosure of which would be likely to cause harm to the commercial or financial interests of that third party; or
(c)information supplied in confidence by a third party, the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected—
(i)to put that third party at a disadvantage in contractual or other negotiations; or
(ii)to prejudice that third party in commercial competition.
(2)A record may not be refused in terms of subsection (1) insofar as it consists of information about—
(a)a third party who has consented in terms of section 72 or otherwise in writing to its disclosure to the requester concerned;
(b)the results of any product or environmental testing or other investigation supplied by a third party or the results of any such testing or investigation carried out by or on behalf of a third party and its disclosure would reveal a serious public safety or environmental risk.[paragraph (b) substituted by section 42 of Act 42 of 2001]
(3)For the purposes of subsection (2)(b), the results of any product or environmental testing or other investigation do not include the results of preliminary testing or other investigation conducted for the purpose of developing methods of testing or other investigation.

65. Mandatory protection of certain confidential information of third party

The head of a private body must refuse a request for access to a record of the body if its disclosure would constitute an action for breach of a duty of confidence owed to a third party in terms of an agreement.

66. Mandatory protection of safety of individuals, and protection of property

The head of a private body
(a)must refuse a request for access to a record of the body if its disclosure could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of an individual; or
(b)may refuse a request for access to a record of the body if its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or impair—
(i)the security of—
(aa)a building, structure or system, including, but not limited to, a computer or communication system;
(bb)a means of transport; or
(cc)any other property; or
(ii)methods, systems, plans or procedures for the protection of—
(aa)an individual in accordance with a witness protection scheme;
(bb)the safety of the public, or any part of the public; or
(cc)the security of property contemplated in subparagraph (i)(aa), (bb) or (cc).

67. Mandatory protection of records privileged from production in legal proceedings

The head of a private body must refuse a request for access to a record of the body if the record is privileged from production in legal proceedings unless the person entitled to the privilege has waived the privilege.

68. Commercial information of private body

(1)Subject to subsection (2), the head of a private body may refuse a request for access to a record of the body if the record—
(a)contains trade secrets of the private body;
(b)contains financial, commercial, scientific or technical information, other than trade secrets, of the private body, the disclosure of which would be likely to cause harm to the commercial or financial interests of the body;
(c)contains information, the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected—
(i)to put the private body at a disadvantage in contractual or other negotiations; or
(ii)to prejudice the body in commercial competition; or
(d)is a computer program, as defined in section 1(1) of the Copyright Act, 1978 (Act No. 98 of 1978), owned by the private body, except insofar as it is required to give access to a record to which access is granted in terms of this Act.
(2)A record may not be refused in terms of subsection (1) insofar as it consists of information about the results of any product or environmental testing or other investigation supplied by the private body or the results of any such testing or investigation carried out by or on behalf of the private body and its disclosure would reveal a serious public safety or environmental risk.[subsection (2) substituted by section 43 of Act 42 of 2001]
(3)For the purposes of subsection (2), the results of any product or environmental testing or other investigation do not include the results of preliminary testing or other investigation conducted for the purpose of developing methods of testing or other investigation.

69. Mandatory protection of research information of third party, and protection of research information of private body

(1)The head of a private body must refuse a request for access to a record of the body if the record contains information about research being or to be carried out by or on behalf of a third party, the disclosure of which would be likely to expose—
(a)the third party;
(b)a person that is or will be carrying out the research on behalf of the third party; or
(c)the subject matter of the research,
to serious disadvantage.
(2)The head of a private body may refuse a request for access to a record of the body if the record contains information about research being or to be carried out by or on behalf of the private body, the disclosure of which would be likely to expose—
(a)the private body;
(b)a person that is or will be carrying out the research on behalf of the private body; or
(c)the subject matter of the research,
to serious disadvantage.

70. Mandatory disclosure in public interest

Despite any other provision of this Chapter, the head of a private body must grant a request for access to a record of the body contemplated in section 63(1), 64(1), 65, 66(a) or (b), 67, 68(1) or 69(1) or (2) if—
(a)the disclosure of the record would reveal evidence of—
(i)a substantial contravention of, or failure to comply with, the law; or
(ii)imminent and serious public safety or environmental risk; and
(b)the public interest in the disclosure of the record clearly outweighs the harm contemplated in the provision in question.

Chapter 5
Third party notification and intervention

71. Notice to third parties

(1)The head of a private body considering a request for access to a record that might be a record contemplated in section 63(1), 64(1), 65 or 69(1), must take all reasonable steps to inform a third party to whom or which the record relates of the request.
(2)The head must inform a third party in terms of subsection (1)
(a)as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event within 21 days after that request is received; and
(b)by the fastest means reasonably possible.
(3)When informing a third party in terms of subsection (1), the head must—
(a)state that he or she is considering a request for access to a record that might be a record contemplated in section 63(1), 64(1), 65 or 69(1), as the case may be, and describe the content of the record;
(b)furnish the name of the requester;
(c)describe the provisions of section 63(1), 64(1), 65 or 69(1), as the case may be;
(d)in any case where the head believes that the provisions of section 70 might apply, describe those provisions, specify which of the circumstances referred to in section 70(a) in the opinion of the head might apply and state the reasons why he or she is of the opinion that section 70 might apply; and
(e)state that the third party may, within 21 days after the third party is informed—
(i)make written or oral representations to the head why the request for access should be refused; or
(ii)give written consent for the disclosure of the record to the requester.
(4)If a third party is informed orally of a request for access in terms of subsection (1), the head must give a written notice stating the matters referred to in subsection (3) to the third party.

72. Representations and consent by third parties

(1)A third party that is informed in terms of section 71(1) of a request for access, may, within 21 days after being so informed—
(a)make written or oral representations to the head concerned why the request should be refused; or
(b)give written consent for the disclosure of the record to the requester concerned.
(2)A third party that obtains knowledge about a request for access other than in terms of section 71(1) may—
(a)make written or oral representations to the head concerned why the request should be refused; or
(b)give written consent for the disclosure of the record to the requester concerned.

73. Decision on representations for refusal and notice thereof

(1)The head of a private body must, as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event within 30 days after every third party is informed as required by section 71
(a)decide, after giving due regard to any representations made by a third party in terms of section 72, whether to grant the request for access;
(b)notify the third party so informed and a third party not informed in terms of section 71, but that made representations in terms of section 72 or is located before the decision is taken, of the decision; and
(c)notify the requester of the decision and, if the requester stated, as contemplated in section 53(2)(e), that he or she wishes to be informed of the decision in any other manner, inform him or her in that manner if it is reasonably possible, and if the request is—
(i)granted, notify the requester in accordance with section 56(2); or
(ii)refused, notify the requester in accordance with section 56(3).
[subsection (1) substituted by section 44 of Act 42 of 2001]
(2)If, after all reasonable steps have been taken as required by section 71, a third party is not informed of a request, any decision whether to grant the request for access must be made with due regard to the fact that the third party did not have the opportunity to make representations in terms of section 72 why the request should be refused.
(3)If the request is granted, the notice in terms of subsection (1)(b) must state—
(a)adequate reasons for granting the request, including the provisions of this Act relied upon to justify the granting;
(b)that the third party may lodge an application with a court against the decision of the head within 30 days after notice is given, and the procedure for lodging the application; and
(c)that the requester will be given access to the record after the expiry of the applicable period contemplated in paragraph (b), unless an application with a court is lodged within that period.
(4)If the head of the private body decides in terms of subsection (1) to grant the request for access concerned, he or she must give the requester access to the record concerned after the expiry of 30 days after notice is given in terms of subsection (1)(b), unless an application with a court is lodged against the decision within that period.

Part 4 – Appeals against decisions

Chapter 1
Internal appeals against decisions of information officers of certain public bodies

74. Right of internal appeal to relevant authority

(1)A requester may lodge an internal appeal against a decision of the information officer of a public body referred to in paragraph (a) of the definition of “public body” in section 1
(a)to refuse a request for access; or
(b)taken in terms of section 22, 26(1) or 29(3),
in relation to that requester with the relevant authority.
(2)A third party may lodge an internal appeal against a decision of the information officer of a public body referred to in paragraph (a) of the definition of “public body” in section 1 to grant a request for access.

75. Manner of internal appeal, and appeal fees

(1)An internal appeal
(a)must be lodged in the prescribed form—
(i)within 60 days;
(ii)if notice to a third party is required by section 49(1)(b), within 30 days after notice is given to the appellant of the decision appealed against or, if notice to the appellant is not required, after the decision was taken;
(b)must be delivered or sent to the information officer of the public body concerned at his or her address, fax number or electronic mail address;
(c)must identify the subject of the internal appeal and state the reasons for the internal appeal and may include any other relevant information known to the appellant;
(d)if, in addition to a written reply, the appellant wishes to be informed of the decision on the internal appeal in any other manner, must state that manner and provide the necessary particulars to be so informed;
(e)if applicable, must be accompanied by the prescribed appeal fee referred to in subsection (3); and
(f)must specify a postal address or fax number.
(a)If an internal appeal is lodged after the expiry of the period referred to in subsection (1)(a), the relevant authority must, upon good cause shown, allow the late lodging of the internal appeal.
(b)If that relevant authority disallows the late lodging of the internal appeal, he or she must give notice of that decision to the person that lodged the internal appeal.
(a)A requester lodging an internal appeal against the refusal of his or her request for access must pay the prescribed appeal fee (if any).
(b)If the prescribed appeal fee is payable in respect of an internal appeal, the decision on the internal appeal may be deferred until the fee is paid.
(4)As soon as reasonably possible, but in any event within 10 working days after receipt of an internal appeal in accordance with subsection (1), the information officer of the public body concerned must submit to the relevant authority—
(a)the internal appeal together with his or her reasons for the decision concerned: and
(b)if the internal appeal is against the refusal or granting of a request for access, the name, postal address, phone and fax number and electronic mail address, whichever is available, of any third party that must be notified in terms of section 47(1) of the request.

76. Notice to and representations by other interested persons

(1)If a relevant authority is considering an internal appeal against the refusal of a request for access to a record contemplated in section 34(1), 35(1), 36(1), 37(1) or 43(1), the authority must inform the third party to whom or which the record relates of the internal appeal, unless all necessary steps to locate the third party have been unsuccessful.
(2)The relevant authority must inform a third party in terms of subsection (1)
(a)as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event within 30 days after the receipt of the internal appeal; and
(b)by the fastest means reasonably possible.
(3)When informing a third party in terms of subsection (1), the relevant authority must—
(a)state that he or she is considering an internal appeal against the refusal of a request for access to a record contemplated in section 34(1), 35(1), 36(1), 37(1) or 43(1), as the case may be, and describe the content of the record and the provisions of section 34(1), 35(1), 36(1), 37(1) or 43(1), as the case may be;
(b)furnish the name of the appellant;
(c)in any case where that authority believes that the provisions of section 46 might apply, describe those provisions, specify which of the circumstances referred to in section 46(a) in the opinion of the head might apply and state the reasons why he or she is of the opinion that section 46 might apply; and
(d)state that the third party may, within 21 days after the third party is informed, make written representations to that authority why the request for access should not be granted.
(4)If a third party is informed orally of an internal appeal in terms of subsection (1), the relevant authority must, on request, give a written notice stating the matters referred to in subsection (3) to the third party.
(5)A third party that is informed of an internal appeal in terms of subsection (1), may within 21 days after the third party has been informed, make written representations to the relevant authority why the request for access should not be granted.
(6)A third party that obtains knowledge about an internal appeal other than in terms of subsection (1) may—
(a)make written or oral representations to the relevant authority why the request for access should be refused; or
(b)give written consent for the disclosure of the record to the requester concerned.
(7)If the relevant authority is considering an internal appeal against the granting of a request for access, the authority must give notice of the internal appeal to the requester concerned.
(8)The relevant authority must—
(a)notify the requester concerned in terms of subsection (7) as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event within 30 days after the receipt of the internal appeal; and
(b)state in that notice that the third party may within 21 days after notice is given, make written representations to that authority why that request should be granted.
(9)A requester to whom or which notice is given in terms of subsection (7) may within 21 days after that notice is given, make written representations to the relevant authority why the request for access should be granted.

77. Decision on internal appeal and notice thereof

(1)The decision on an internal appeal must be made with due regard to—
(a)the particulars stated in the internal appeal in terms of section 75(1)(c);
(b)any reasons submitted by the information officer in terms of section 75(4)(a);
(c)any representations made in terms of section 76(5), (6) or (9); and
(d)if a third party cannot be located as contemplated in section 76(1), the fact that the third party did not have the opportunity to make representations in terms of section 76(5) why the internal appeal should be dismissed.
(2)When deciding on the internal appeal the relevant authority may confirm the decision appealed against or substitute a new decision for it.
(3)The relevant authority must decide on the internal appeal
(a)as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event within 30 days after the internal appeal is received by the information officer of the body;
(b)if a third party is informed in terms of section 76(1), as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event within 30 days; or
(c)if notice is given in terms of section 76(7)—
(i)within five working days after the requester concerned has made written representations in terms of section 76(9); or
(ii)in any other case within 30 days after notice is so given.
(4)The relevant authority must, immediately after the decision on an internal appeal
(a)give notice of the decision to—
(i)the appellant;
(ii)every third party informed as required by section 76(1); and
(iii)the requester notified as required by section 76(7); and
(b)if reasonably possible, inform the appellant about the decision in any other manner stated in terms of section 75(1)(d).
(5)The notice in terms of subsection (4)(a) must—
(a)state adequate reasons for the decision, including the provision of this Act relied upon;
(b)exclude, from such reasons, any reference to the content of the record;
(c)state that the appellant, third party or requester, as the case may be, may lodge an application with a court against the decision on internal appeal
(i)within 60 days; or
(ii)if notice to a third party is required by subsection (4)(a)(ii), within 30 days,
after notice is given, and the procedure for lodging the application; and
(d)if the relevant authority decides on internal appeal to grant a request for access and notice to a third party
(i)is not required by subsection (4)(a)(ii), that access to the record will forthwith be given; or
(ii)is so required, that access to the record will be given after the expiry of the applicable period for lodging an application with a court against the decision on internal appeal referred to in paragraph (c), unless that application is lodged before the end of that applicable period.
(6)If the relevant authority decides on internal appeal to grant a request for access and notice to a third party
(a)is not required by subsection (4)(a)(ii), the information officer of the body must forthwith give the requester concerned access to the record concerned; or
(b)is so required, the information officer must, after the expiry of 30 days after the notice is given to every third party concerned, give the requester access to the record concerned, unless an application with a court is lodged against the decision on internal appeal before the end of the period contemplated in subsection (5)(c)(ii) for lodging that application.
(7)If the relevant authority fails to give notice of the decision on an internal appeal to the appellant within the period contemplated in subsection (3), that authority is, for the purposes of this Act, regarded as having dismissed the internal appeal.

Chapter 2
Applications to court

78. Applications regarding decisions of information officers or relevant authorities of public bodies or heads of private bodies

(1)A requester or third party referred to in section 74 may only apply to a court for appropriate relief in terms of section 82 after that requester or third party has exhausted the internal appeal procedure against a decision of the information officer of a public body provided for in section 74.
(2)A requester
(a)that has been unsuccessful in an internal appeal to the relevant authority of a public body;
(b)aggrieved by a decision of the relevant authority of a public body to disallow the late lodging of an internal appeal in terms of section 75(2);
(c)aggrieved by a decision of the information officer of a public body referred to in paragraph (b) of the definition of “public body” in section 1
(i)to refuse a request for access; or
(ii)taken in terms of section 22, 26(1) or 29(3); or
(d)aggrieved by a decision of the head of a private body
(i)to refuse a request for access; or
(ii)taken in terms of section 54, 57(1) or 60,
may, by way of an application, within 30 days apply to a court for appropriate relief in terms of section 82.
(3)A third party
(a)that has been unsuccessful in an internal appeal to the relevant authority of a public body;
(b)aggrieved by a decision of the information officer of a public body referred to in paragraph (b) of the definition of “public body” in section 1 to grant a request for access; or
(c)aggrieved by a decision of the head of a private body in relation to a request for access to a record of that body,
may, by way of an application, within 30 days apply to a court for appropriate relief in terms of section 82.

79. Procedure

(1)The Rules Board for Courts of Law, established by section 2 of the Rules Board for Courts of Law Act, 1985 (Act No. 107 of 1985), must, before 28 February 2009, subject to the approval of the Minister, make rules of procedure for—
(a)a court in respect of applications in terms of section 78; and
(b)a court to receive representations ex parte referred to in section 80(3)(a).
[subsection (1) amended by section 23(a) of Act 55 of 2003 and by section 27 of Act 66 of 2008]
(2)Until the rules of procedure in terms of subsection (1)(a) come into operation, an application in terms of section 78 must be lodged with a High Court or another court having jurisdiction.[subsection (2) substituted by section 23(b) of Act 55 of 2003]
(3)Any rule made in terms of subsection (1) must, before publication in the Gazette, be approved by Parliament.

80. Disclosure of records to, and non-disclosure by, court

(1)Despite this Act and any other law, any court hearing an application, or an appeal against a decision on that application, may examine any record of a public or private body to which this Act applies, and no such record may be withheld from the court on any grounds.
(2)Any court contemplated in subsection (1) may not disclose to any person, including the parties to the proceedings concerned, other than the public or private body referred to in subsection (1)
(a)any record of a public or private body which, on a request for access, may or must be refused in terms of this Act; or
(b)if the information officer of a public body, or the relevant authority of that body on internal appeal, in refusing to grant access to a record in terms of section 39(3) or 41(4), refuses to confirm or deny the existence or non-existence of the record, any information as to whether the record exists.
(3)Any court contemplated in subsection (1) may—
(a)receive representations ex parte;
(b)conduct hearings in camera; and
(c)prohibit the publication of such information in relation to the proceedings as the court determines, including information in relation to the parties to the proceedings and the contents of orders made by the court in the proceedings.

81. Proceedings are civil

(1)For the purposes of this Chapter proceedings on application in terms of section 78 are civil proceedings.
(2)The roles of evidence applicable in civil proceedings apply to proceedings on application in terms of section 78.
(3)The burden of establishing that—
(a)the refusal of a request for access; or
(b)any decision taken in terms of section 22, 26(1), 29(3), 54, 57(1) or 60,
complies with the provisions of this Act rests on the party claiming that it so complies.

82. Decision on application

The court hearing an application may grant any order that is just and equitable, including orders—
(a)confirming, amending or setting aside the decision which is the subject of the application concerned;
(b)requiring from the information officer or relevant authority of a public body or the head of a private body to take such action or to refrain from taking such action as the court considers necessary within a period mentioned in the order;
(c)granting an interdict, interim or specific relief, a declaratory order or compensation; or
(d)as to costs.

Part 5 – Human Rights Commission

83. Additional functions of Human Rights Commission

(1)The Human Rights Commission must—
(a)compile and make available a guide on how to use this Act as contemplated in section 10; and
(b)submit reports to the National Assembly as contemplated in section 84.
(2)The Human Rights Commission must, to the extent that financial and other resources are available—
(a)develop and conduct educational programmed to advance the understanding of the public, in particular of disadvantaged communities, of this Act and of how to exercise the rights contemplated in this Act;
(b)encourage public and private bodies to participate in the development and conduct of programmed referred to in paragraph (a) and to undertake such programmed themselves; and
(c)promote timely and effective dissemination of accurate information by public bodies about their activities.
(3)The Human Rights Commission may—
(a)make recommendations for—
(i)the development, improvement, modernisation, reform or amendment of this Act or other legislation or common law having a bearing on access to information held by public and private bodies, respectively; and
(ii)procedures in terms of which public and private bodies make information electronically available;
(b)monitor the implementation of this Act;
(c)if reasonably possible, on request, assist any person wishing to exercise a right contemplated in this Act;
(d)recommend to a public or private body that the body make such changes in the manner in which it administers this Act as the Commission considers advisable;
(e)train information officers and deputy information officers of public bodies;[paragraph (e) substituted by section 45 of Act 42 of 2001]
(f)consult with and receive reports from public and private bodies on the problems encountered in complying with this Act;
(g)obtain advice from, consult with, or receive and consider proposals or recommendations from, any public or private body, official of such a body or member of the public in connection with the Commission’s functions in terms of this Act;
(h)for the purposes of section 84(b)(x), request the Public Protector to submit to the Commission information with respect to—
(i)the number of complaints lodged with the Public Protector in respect of a right conferred or duty imposed by this Act;
(ii)the nature and outcome of those complaints; and
(i)generally, inquire into any matter, including any legislation, the common law and any practice and procedure, connected with the objects of this Act.
(4)For the purpose of the annual report referred to in section 84 and if so requested by the Human Rights Commission, the head of a private body may furnish to that Commission information about requests for access to records of the body.
(5)If appropriate, and if financial and other resources are available, an official of a public body must afford the Human Rights Commission reasonable assistance for the effective performance of its functions in terms of this Act.

84. Report to National Assembly by Human Rights Commission

The Human Rights Commission must include in its annual report to the National Assembly referred to in section 181(5) of the Constitution
(a)any recommendation in terms of section 83(3)(a); and
(b)in relation to each public body, particulars of—
(i)the number of requests for access received;
(ii)the number of requests for access granted in full;
(iii)the number of requests for access granted in terms of section 46;
(iv)the number of requests for access refused in full and refused partially and the number of times each provision of this Act was relied on to refuse access in full or partially;
(v)the number of cases in which the periods stipulated in section 25(1) were extended in terms of section 26(1);
(vi)the number of internal appeals lodged with the relevant authority and the number of cases in which, as a result of an internal appeal, access was given to a record or a part thereof;
(vii)the number of internal appeals which were lodged on the ground that a request for access was regarded as having been refused in terms of section 27;
(viii)the number of applications made to every court and the outcome thereof and the number of decisions of every court appealed against and the outcome thereof;
(ix)the number of applications to every court which were lodged on the ground that an internal appeal was regarded as having been dismissed in terms of section 77(7);
(x)the number of complaints lodged with the Public Protector, in respect of a right conferred or duty imposed by this Act and the nature and outcome thereof; and
(xi)such other matters as may be prescribed.

85. Expenditure of Human Rights Commission in terms of Act

Any expenditure, in connection with the performance of the Human Rights Commission’s functions in terms of this Act must be defrayed from moneys appropriated by Parliament to that Commission for that purpose.

Part 6 – Transitional provisions

86. Application of other legislation providing for access

(1)The Minister must, within 12 months after the commencement of section 6, introduce a Bill in Parliament proposing the amendment of—
(a)Part 1 of the Schedule to include the provisions of legislation which provide for or promote access to a record of a public body; and
(b)Part 2 of the Schedule to include the provisions of legislation which provide for or promote access to a record of a private body.
(2)Until the amendment of this Act contemplated in subsection (1) takes effect, any other legislation not referred to in the Schedule which provides for access to a record of a public body or a private body in a manner which, including, but not limited to, the payment of fees, is not materially more onerous than the manner in which access maybe obtained in terms of Part 2 or 3 of this Act, respectively, access may be given in terms of that legislation.

87. Extended periods for dealing with requests during first two years

(a)12 months from the date that Part 2 takes effect in respect of a public body, the reference to—
(i)30 days in section 25(1) and any other reference to that period in other provisions of this Act;
(ii)30 days in section 49(1) and any other reference to that period in other provisions of this Act,
must be construed as a reference to 90 days in respect of that public body; and
(b)12 months following the 12 months referred to in paragraph (a), the reference to—
(i)30 days in section 25(1) and any other reference to that period in other provisions of this Act;
(ii)30 days in section 49(1) and any other reference to that period in other provisions of this Act,
must be construed as a reference to 60 days in respect of the public body concerned.
(2)The periods of 90 days and 60 days referred to in subsection (1)(a) and (b), respectively, may not be extended in terms of section 26.
(3)Parliament must, after a period of 12 months, but within a period of 18 months, after the commencement of this section, review the operation of this section.

88. Correction of personal information

If no provision for the correction of personal information in a record of a public or private body exists, that public or private body must take reasonable steps to establish adequate and appropriate internal measures providing for such correction until legislation providing for such correction takes effect.

Part 7 – General provisions

89. Liability

No person is criminally or civilly liable for anything done in good faith in the exercise or performance or purported exercise or performance of any power or duty in terms of this Act or the rules made under section 79.[section 89 substituted by section 28 of Act 66 of 2008]

90. Offences

(1)A person who with intent to deny a right of access in terms of this Act
(a)destroys, damages or alters a record;
(b)conceals a record; or
(c)falsifies a record or makes a false record,
commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years.
(2)An information officer who wilfully or in a grossly negligent manner fails to comply with the provisions of section 14 commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine, or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years.
(3)A head of a private body who wilfully or in a grossly negligent manner fails to comply with the provisions of section 51 commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine, or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years.
[section 90 substituted by section 24 of Act 55 of 2003]

91. Amendment of Public Protector Act 23 of 1994

Section 6 of the Public Protector Act, 1994 (Act No. 23 of 1994), is hereby amended—
(a)by the substitution in paragraph (c) of subsection (4) for the expression “authority.” of the expression “authority; and”; and
(b)by the addition to subsection (4) of the following paragraph:"
(d)on his or her own initiative, on receipt of a complaint or on request relating to the operation or administration of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000, endeavour, in his or her sole discretion, to resolve any dispute by—
(i)mediation, conciliation or negotiation;
(ii)advising, where necessary, any complainant regarding appropriate remedies; or
(iii)any other means that may be expedient in the circumstances.

91A. Designation and training of presiding officers

(a)The head of an administrative region defined in section 1 of the Magistrates’ Courts Act, 1944 (Act No. 32 of 1944), must, subject to subsection (2), designate in writing any magistrate or additional magistrate as a presiding officer of a Magistrate’s Court designated by the Minister in terms of section 1 of this Act.
(b)A presiding officer must perform the functions and duties and exercise the powers assigned to or conferred on him or her under this Act or any other law.
(2)Only a magistrate or additional magistrate who has completed a training course—
(a)before the date of commencement of this section; or
(b)as contemplated in subsection (5),
and whose name has been included on the list contemplated in subsection (4)(a), may be designated in terms of subsection (1).
(3)The heads of administrative regions must—
(a)take all reasonable steps within available resources to designate at least one presiding officer for each magistrate’s court within his or her area of jurisdiction which has been designated by the Minister in terms of section 1; and
(b)without delay, inform the Director-General: Justice and Constitutional Development of any magistrate or additional magistrate who has completed a training course as contemplated in subsections (5) and (6) or who has been designated in terms of subsection (1).
(4)The Director-General: Justice and Constitutional Development must compile and keep a list of every magistrate or additional magistrate who has—
(a)completed a training course as contemplated in subsections (5) and (6); or
(b)been designated as a presiding officer of a magistrate’s court contemplated in subsection (1).
(5)The Chief Justice must, in consultation with the Judicial Service Commission and the Magistrates Commission, develop the content of training courses with the view to building a dedicated and experienced pool of trained and specialised presiding officers for purposes of presiding in court proceedings as contemplated in this Act.
(6)The Chief Justice must, in consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, the Magistrates Commission and the Minister, implement the training courses referred to in subsection (5).
(7)The Minister must table a report in Parliament, as prescribed, relating to the content and implementation of the training courses referred to in subsections (5) and (6).
[section 91A inserted by section 2 of Act 54 of 2002]

92. Regulations

(1)The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, make regulations regarding—
(a)any matter which is required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed;
(b)any matter relating to the fees contemplated in sections 22 and 54;
(c)any notice required by this Act;
(d)uniform criteria to be applied by the information officer of a public body when deciding which categories of records are to be made available in terms of section 15; and
(e)any administrative or procedural matter necessary to give effect to the provisions of this Act.
(2)Any regulation in terms of subsection (1) must, before publication in the Gazette, be submitted to Parliament.
(3)Any regulation in terms of subsection (1) which—
(a)relates to fees; or
(b)may result in financial expenditure for the State,
must be made by the Minister acting in consultation with the Minister of Finance,
(4)Any regulation in terms of subsection (1) may provide that any person who contravenes a provision thereof or fails to comply therewith is guilty of an offence and on conviction liable to a fine or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years.[subsection (4) added by section 25 of Act 55 of 2003]

93. Short title and commencement

(1)This Act is the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000, and takes effect on a date determined by the President by proclamation in the Gazette.
(2)Different dates may be so determined in respect of—
(a)different provisions of this Act;
(b)different categories of public bodies, including, but not limited to, different public bodies contemplated in—
(i)paragraph (a);
(ii)paragraph (b)(i); and
(iii)paragraph (b)(ii),
of the definition of “public body” in section 1; and
(c)different categories of private bodies.


Part 1 (Section 6(a))

Number and year of lawShort titleSection
Act 107 of 1998National Environmental Management Act, 1998Section 31(1)
Act 38 of 2001Financial Intelligence Centre ActSection 36

Part 2 (Section 6(b))

Number and year of lawShort titleSection
Act 107 of 1998National Environmental Management Act, 1998Section 31(2)
[Schedule amended by section 79 of Act 38 of 2001]
▲ To the top

History of this document

30 June 2021 amendment not yet applied
01 April 2021 amendment not yet applied
02 August 2017 amendment not yet applied
08 January 2016 amendment not yet applied
22 January 2014 amendment not yet applied
17 February 2009 this version
07 December 2001
02 February 2000
Assented to

Subsidiary legislation

Title Numbered title
Regulations relating to the Promotion of Access to Information, 2021 Government Notice R757 of 2021

Documents citing this one 1655

Gazette 1385
1. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2001-01-08 number 700
2. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2001-01-08 number 702
3. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2001-01-08 number 703
4. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2002-05-13 number 876
5. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2004-10-12 number 1222
6. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2010-02-19 number 2284
7. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2014-03-24 number 3149
8. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2014-07-28 number 3230
9. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2015-09-14 number 3498
10. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2015-09-25 number 3505
11. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2015-10-02 number 3513
12. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2015-10-16 number 3522
13. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2016-03-21 number 3628
14. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2016-08-29 number 3726
15. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2016-10-03 number 3742
16. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2017-04-24 number 3830
17. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2018-04-02 number 4021
18. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2019-05-27 number 4246
19. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2020-11-23 number 4480
20. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2021-03-08 number 4519
21. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2022-05-30 number 4749
22. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2024-04-08 number 5082 part 1
23. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2024-04-22 number 5087 part 1
24. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2003-04-04 number 26
25. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2007-01-19 number 3
26. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2007-01-26 number 5
27. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2007-05-02 number 33
28. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2007-09-07 number 73
29. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2007-09-28 number 79
30. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2007-11-09 number 91
31. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2007-11-09 number 92
32. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2007-11-23 number 96
33. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2008-02-29 number 14
34. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2008-06-06 number 37
35. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2008-08-08 number 59
36. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2008-09-12 number 75
37. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2008-11-28 number 98
38. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2009-01-23 number 3
39. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2009-01-30 number 5
40. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2009-02-20 number 12
41. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2010-01-08 number 98
42. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2010-01-22 number 101
43. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2010-02-04 number 104
44. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2010-03-26 number 120
45. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2010-06-08 number 37
46. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2010-06-10 number 40
47. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2010-07-02 number 61
48. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2010-08-06 number 70
49. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2010-11-05 number 107
50. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2011-12-09 number 84
51. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2012-02-10 number 95
52. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2012-07-13 number 27
53. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2014-08-01 number 41
54. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2015-02-03 number 98
55. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2015-02-03 number 99
56. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2015-03-05 number 112
57. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2017-04-21 number 6
58. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2017-09-15 number 66
59. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2021-03-12 number 106
60. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2021-06-25 number 23
61. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2022-07-29 number 40
62. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2023-12-01 number 73
63. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2024-01-26 number 87
64. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2024-03-25 number 113
65. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2002-03-25 number 78
66. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2004-04-21 number 152
67. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2004-05-21 number 179
68. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2007-01-11 number 4
69. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2008-08-06 number 201
70. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2011-10-10 number 231
71. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2012-05-31 number 146
72. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2013-07-30 number 216
73. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2014-02-13 number 37
74. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2015-05-27 number 210
75. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2015-07-27 number 326
76. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2015-08-28 number 378
77. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2015-11-06 number 484
78. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2016-01-18 number 7
79. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2016-01-29 number 28
80. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2016-03-02 number 72
81. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2016-06-29 number 230
82. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2016-07-20 number 247
83. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2016-08-03 number 255
84. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2016-08-31 number 278
85. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2016-09-14 number 294
86. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2017-02-22 number 42
87. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2017-03-15 number 69
88. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2017-06-28 number 153
89. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2018-02-07 number 24
90. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2018-05-30 number 146
91. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2018-06-27 number 175
92. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2018-07-25 number 203
93. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2019-01-16 number 9
94. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2019-03-13 number 78
95. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2019-06-11 number 184
96. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2019-06-19 number 194
97. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2019-09-25 number 294
98. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2020-08-05 number 130
99. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2021-06-09 number 191
100. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2021-06-17 number 198
101. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2021-06-23 number 201
102. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2021-10-13 number 349
103. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2022-07-06 number 263
104. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2022-08-03 number 311
105. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2022-10-05 number 397
106. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2022-10-12 number 405
107. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2024-03-27 number 106 part 1
108. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2024-06-19 number 214 part 1
109. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2000-02-10 number 5407
110. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2004-10-07 number 6293
111. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2005-07-28 number 6419
112. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2005-11-10 number 6442
113. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2005-12-05 number 6447
114. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2006-05-04 number 6480
115. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2006-07-20 number 6495
116. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2006-11-30 number 6525
117. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2007-04-26 number 6553
118. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2007-11-14 number 50
119. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2008-06-12 number 111
120. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2008-12-11 number 209
121. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2009-05-27 number 279
122. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2009-05-28 number 280
123. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2009-06-12 number 290
124. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2011-09-21 number 638
125. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2012-06-29 number 770
126. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2012-07-19 number 787
127. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2012-11-14 number 854
128. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2013-05-29 number 954
129. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2013-06-27 number 975
130. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2013-11-04 number 1047
131. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2013-12-06 number 1064
132. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2014-02-13 number 1093
133. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2014-06-24 number 1165
134. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2014-07-11 number 1185
135. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2014-12-01 number 1278
136. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-05-15 number 1364
137. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-05-29 number 1369
138. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-06-17 number 1382
139. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-06-22 number 1385
140. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-07-21 number 1411
141. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-08-13 number 1467
142. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-08-17 number 1469
143. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-08-20 number 1471
144. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-08-21 number 1475
145. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-08-28 number 1483
146. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-10-09 number 1517
147. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-10-09 number 1519
148. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-12-01 number 1558
149. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-12-04 number 1561
150. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-12-04 number 1562
151. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-12-04 number 1563
152. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-01-15 number 1579
153. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-01-15 number 1580
154. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-01-22 number 1591
155. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-02-11 number 1603
156. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-02-19 number 1612
157. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-02-26 number 1619
158. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-03-04 number 1622
159. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-03-04 number 1624
160. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-03-04 number 1627
161. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-03-04 number 1628
162. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-03-04 number 1629
163. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-03-04 number 1630
164. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-03-04 number 1631
165. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-03-04 number 1632
166. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-03-04 number 1633
167. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-03-09 number 1635
168. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-04-15 number 1656
169. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-06-02 number 1681
170. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-06-09 number 1682
171. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-06-23 number 1690
172. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-09-15 number 1729
173. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2017-01-19 number 1783
174. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2017-02-09 number 1789
175. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2017-02-16 number 1792
176. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2017-03-09 number 1797
177. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2017-03-16 number 1800
178. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2017-06-08 number 1834
179. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2017-06-29 number 1842
180. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2017-07-14 number 1853
181. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2017-07-27 number 1860
182. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2017-10-05 number 1884
183. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2017-11-09 number 1895
184. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2017-11-27 number 1904
185. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2018-03-22 number 1937
186. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2018-05-17 number 1953
187. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2018-06-07 number 1960
188. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2018-06-21 number 1965
189. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2018-07-12 number 1972
190. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2018-09-27 number 2002
191. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2018-11-29 number 2024
192. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2018-12-14 number 2029
193. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2019-02-21 number 2046
194. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2019-02-21 number 2048
195. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2019-03-14 number 2056
196. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2019-06-27 number 2094
197. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2019-07-18 number 2102
198. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2019-09-05 number 2116
199. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2020-03-05 number 2172
200. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2020-06-18 number 2189
201. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2021-04-29 number 2276
202. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2021-06-10 number 2293
203. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2021-10-21 number 2329
204. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2021-10-28 number 2332
205. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2022-06-09 number 2412
206. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2022-06-23 number 2416
207. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2022-07-07 number 2425
208. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2022-08-11 number 2438
209. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2023-12-13 number 2632 part 1
210. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2024-05-24 number 2689
211. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2024-05-24 number 2690
212. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2024-05-24 number 2691 part 1
213. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2024-05-24 number 2692 part 1
214. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2024-06-06 number 2696 part 1
215. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2024-06-13 number 2702 part 1
216. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2024-06-20 number 2705
217. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2024-06-21 number 2706
218. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2000-12-22 number 656
219. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2005-11-23 number 1205
220. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2007-10-12 number 1401
221. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2007-11-02 number 1413
222. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2007-11-22 number 1417
223. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2009-06-26 number 1636
224. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2010-07-16 number 1815
225. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2011-05-06 number 1926
226. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2014-08-22 number 2405
227. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2016-03-04 number 2681
228. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2016-06-10 number 2715
229. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2016-06-24 number 2723
230. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2016-08-12 number 2738
231. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2017-06-16 number 2821
232. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2017-06-22 number 2827
233. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2017-06-23 number 2826
234. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2017-08-25 number 2847
235. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2017-09-22 number 2854
236. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2018-02-02 number 2878
237. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2018-05-18 number 2905
238. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2018-06-29 number 2919
239. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2019-05-31 number 3003
240. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2019-06-26 number 3010
241. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2019-06-28 number 3011
242. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2019-07-26 number 3020
243. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2019-08-09 number 3024
244. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2020-03-06 number 3070
245. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2020-07-10 number 3089
246. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2021-03-26 number 3149
247. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2021-06-18 number 3177
248. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2021-11-26 number 3218
249. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2022-07-08 number 3297
250. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2023-03-03 number 3376
251. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2023-07-21 number 3417
252. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2024-06-14 number 3546 part 1
253. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2014-05-30 number 2310
254. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2015-06-05 number 2478
255. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2015-11-27 number 2612
256. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2016-03-25 number 2673
257. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2017-01-27 number 2775
258. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2017-07-21 number 2833
259. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2017-10-16 number 2863
260. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2017-11-10 number 2871
261. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2018-07-12 number 2948
262. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2018-08-17 number 2957
263. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2020-01-17 number 3119
264. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2020-07-31 number 3178
265. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2020-11-06 number 3208
266. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2021-09-03 number 3292
267. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2021-09-24 number 3300
268. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2022-10-07 number 3446
269. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2023-08-04 number 3562
270. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2008-12-01 number 6559
271. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2010-02-16 number 6731
272. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2010-04-29 number 6770
273. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2010-11-23 number 6838
274. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2011-05-30 number 6897
275. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2013-08-30 number 7160
276. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2013-12-13 number 7202
277. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2014-04-10 number 7265
278. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2014-04-16 number 7269
279. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2014-07-11 number 7311
280. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2014-08-12 number 7327
281. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2014-10-08 number 7357
282. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2014-12-09 number 7380
283. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2014-12-23 number 7385
284. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2015-05-14 number 7446
285. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2015-05-14 number 7447
286. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2015-08-03 number 7510
287. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2015-08-03 number 7511
288. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2016-01-29 number 7600
289. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2016-02-05 number 7604
290. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2016-03-22 number 7629
291. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2016-07-05 number 7666
292. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2016-07-19 number 7671
293. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2016-08-22 number 7681
294. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2016-09-13 number 7690
295. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2017-01-24 number 7727
296. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2017-03-07 number 7739
297. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2017-06-21 number 7775
298. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2017-11-28 number 7827
299. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2018-05-22 number 7886
300. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2018-06-26 number 7900
301. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2018-07-24 number 7911
302. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2018-11-20 number 7955
303. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2019-06-25 number 8023
304. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2019-09-10 number 8057
305. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2020-01-23 number 8088
306. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2020-01-24 number 8092
307. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2020-07-16 number 8129
308. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2020-09-15 number 8145
309. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2023-09-12 number 8576
310. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2024-06-20 number 8685 part 1
311. Northern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2001-05-18 number 616
312. Northern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2003-07-25 number 789
313. Northern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2011-04-29 number 1514
314. Northern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2013-03-04 number 1676
315. Northern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2015-11-20 number 1972
316. Northern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2024-03-04 number 2665 part 1
317. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-12-18 number 39532 part 1
318. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-03-18 number 39821 part 1
319. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-07-03 number 43500
320. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2000-03-31 number 21021
321. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2000-12-06 number 21856
322. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2001-03-09 number 22125
323. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2001-08-24 number 22583
324. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2002-02-15 number 23119
325. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2002-08-21 number 23765
326. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 25000
327. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2003-04-11 number 24697
328. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2003-04-11 number 24706
329. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2003-05-23 number 24879
330. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2003-06-20 number 25099
331. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2003-06-20 number 25100
332. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2003-06-20 number 25101
333. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2003-06-20 number 25102
334. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2003-08-29 number 25410
335. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2003-09-22 number 25411
336. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2004-01-16 number 25912
337. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2004-04-30 number 26304
338. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2004-05-14 number 26333
339. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2004-07-30 number 26626
340. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2004-11-12 number 26963
341. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2005-02-25 number 27301
342. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2005-02-25 number 27302
343. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2005-02-25 number 27303
344. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2005-02-25 number 27322
345. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2005-04-15 number 27475
346. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2005-07-08 number 27762
347. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2005-10-14 number 28107
348. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2005-11-11 number 28214
349. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2006-10-13 number 29278
350. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2008-06-06 number 31100
351. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2008-08-22 number 31346
352. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2008-08-29 number 31337
353. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2008-09-05 number 31383
354. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2009-07-03 number 32350
355. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2009-07-10 number 32371
356. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2009-10-09 number 32622
357. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2009-11-20 number 32713
358. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2009-11-27 number 32732
359. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2009-12-18 number 32806
360. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2009-12-31 number 32838
361. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2009-12-31 number 32849
362. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2010-04-23 number 33127
363. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2010-05-21 number 33193
364. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2010-05-28 number 33211
365. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2010-07-09 number 33350
366. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2010-10-22 number 33655
367. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2010-11-05 number 33711
368. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2011-07-08 number 34422
369. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2011-08-26 number 34541
370. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2011-11-04 number 34720
371. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2011-12-09 number 34812
372. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2012-01-13 number 34920
373. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2012-01-20 number 34938
374. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2012-05-04 number 35297
375. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2012-06-08 number 35415
376. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2012-07-05 number 35493
377. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2012-07-06 number 35481
378. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2012-08-24 number 35603
379. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2012-08-31 number 35626
380. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2012-10-19 number 35791
381. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2014-10-31 number 38135
382. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2015-03-30 number 38637
383. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2015-04-02 number 38633
384. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2015-07-31 number 39035
385. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2016-06-06 number 40053
386. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2016-07-01 number 40116 part 1
387. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2016-07-29 number 40167 part 1
388. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2017-10-27 number 41203
389. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2018-12-14 number 42110 part 1
390. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2019-10-04 number 42740
391. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2021-04-01 number 44404
392. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2021-04-23 number 44479
393. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2023-01-06 number 47823
394. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2000-07-07 number 21362
395. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2000-08-23 number 21493
396. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-02-01 number 22025
397. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-08-10 number 22546
398. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-08-21 number 22603
399. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-12-03 number 22886
400. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-12-07 number 22912
401. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-12-18 number 22959
402. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-12-20 number 22976
403. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-01-28 number 23064
404. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-02-22 number 23125
405. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-04-11 number 23327
406. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-04-19 number 23325
407. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-06-10 number 23506
408. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-06-21 number 23514
409. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-06-28 number 23533
410. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-02 number 23708
411. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-05 number 23712
412. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-08 number 23711
413. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-14 number 23740
414. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-16 number 23756
415. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-26 number 23763 part 1
416. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-26 number 23763 part 2
417. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-30 number 23787
418. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-09-13 number 23829
419. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-09-27 number 23868
420. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-10-04 number 23888
421. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-11-22 number 24061 part 1
422. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-11-22 number 24080
423. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-11-28 number 24113
424. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-12-05 number 24149
425. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-12-06 number 24130
426. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-12-13 number 24167
427. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-12-20 number 24193
428. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-03 number 24224
429. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-10 number 24230
430. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-10 number 24237
431. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-15 number 24250
432. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-22 number 24287
433. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-24 number 24262 part 1
434. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-24 number 24262 part 2
435. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-31 number 24316
436. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-05 number 24331
437. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-07 number 24332
438. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-07 number 24332 part 1
439. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-07 number 24332 part 3
440. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-07 number 24332 part 4
441. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-10 number 24344 part 1
442. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-10 number 24344 part 2
443. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-12 number 24347 part 1
444. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-12 number 24347 part 2
445. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-14 number 24373
446. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-17 number 24386
447. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24397
448. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24398
449. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24399
450. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24400
451. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24401
452. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24402
453. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24403
454. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24404
455. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24405
456. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24406
457. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24407
458. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24408
459. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24410
460. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24411
461. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24412
462. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24413
463. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24414
464. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24415
465. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24416
466. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24417
467. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24418
468. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24420
469. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24421
470. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24422
471. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24423
472. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24424
473. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24425
474. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24426
475. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24427
476. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24428
477. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24429
478. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24430
479. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24431
480. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24432
481. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24433
482. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24434
483. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24435
484. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24436
485. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24437
486. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24438
487. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24439
488. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24440
489. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24441
490. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24443
491. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24444
492. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24446
493. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24447
494. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24448
495. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24449
496. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24450
497. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24451
498. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24453
499. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24454
500. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24455
501. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24456
502. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24457
503. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24458
504. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24459
505. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24460
506. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24461
507. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24462
508. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24463
509. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24464
510. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24466
511. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24467
512. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24468
513. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24469
514. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24470
515. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24471
516. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24472
517. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24473
518. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24476
519. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24484
520. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24485
521. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24486
522. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24487
523. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24488
524. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24490
525. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24491
526. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24492
527. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24493
528. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24494
529. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24495
530. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24496
531. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24497
532. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24498
533. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24499
534. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24500
535. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24501
536. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24502
537. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24503
538. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24504
539. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24505
540. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24506
541. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24507
542. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24508
543. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24509
544. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24510
545. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24511
546. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24512
547. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24513
548. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24514
549. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24515
550. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24516
551. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24517
552. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24518
553. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24519
554. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24520
555. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24521
556. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24522
557. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24523
558. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24524
559. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24525
560. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24526
561. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24527
562. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24528
563. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24529
564. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24530
565. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24531
566. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24532
567. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24533
568. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24534
569. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24535
570. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24536
571. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24537
572. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24538
573. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24539
574. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24540
575. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24541
576. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24542
577. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24544
578. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24546
579. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24547
580. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24548
581. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24549
582. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24550
583. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24551
584. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24552
585. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24553
586. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24554
587. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24555
588. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24556
589. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24557
590. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24558
591. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24559
592. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24560
593. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24561
594. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24562
595. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24563
596. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24564
597. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24565
598. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24566
599. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24568
600. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24569
601. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24570
602. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24571
603. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24572
604. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24573
605. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24575
606. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24576
607. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24580
608. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24640
609. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24641
610. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24642
611. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24643
612. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24644
613. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24645
614. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24646
615. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24647
616. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24648
617. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24649
618. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24652
619. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24653
620. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-25 number 24650
621. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-26 number 24474
622. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-26 number 24651
623. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-26 number 24654
624. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-27 number 24655
625. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-27 number 24656
626. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-27 number 24657
627. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-27 number 24992
628. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24658
629. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24659
630. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24660
631. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24661
632. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24662
633. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24663
634. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24664
635. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24957
636. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24982
637. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24987
638. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24990
639. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24993
640. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-03 number 24665
641. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-03 number 24666
642. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-03 number 24667
643. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-03 number 24668
644. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-04 number 24669
645. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-04 number 24670
646. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-04 number 24671
647. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-04 number 24672
648. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-05 number 24673
649. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-05 number 24674
650. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-05 number 24675
651. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-05 number 24676
652. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-05 number 24677
653. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-24 number 24595
654. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-28 number 24626
655. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-31 number 24634
656. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-04 number 24635
657. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-04 number 24636
658. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-11 number 24725
659. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-11 number 24736
660. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-17 number 24750
661. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-22 number 24754
662. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-25 number 24753
663. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-25 number 24756
664. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-25 number 24789
665. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-25 number 24805
666. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-05-02 number 24807
667. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-05-16 number 24844
668. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-05-23 number 24876
669. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-06-06 number 24930
670. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-06-06 number 24932
671. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-06-06 number 25046
672. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-06-20 number 25070
673. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-06-20 number 25089
674. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-06-20 number 25094
675. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-06-27 number 25142
676. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-07-04 number 25133
677. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-08-01 number 25251
678. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-08-08 number 25292
679. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-08-22 number 25348
680. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-08-22 number 25361
681. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-08-27 number 25383
682. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-08-29 number 25387
683. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-09-05 number 25419
684. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-09-12 number 25425
685. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-09-12 number 25439
686. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-09-12 number 25443
687. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-09-26 number 25503
688. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-10-07 number 25543
689. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-10-10 number 25547
690. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-10-10 number 25548
691. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-10-17 number 25577
692. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-11-07 number 25676
693. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-11-10 number 25706
694. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-11-14 number 25684
695. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-11-14 number 25705
696. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-11-21 number 25734
697. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-11-26 number 25762
698. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-11-28 number 25754
699. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-11-28 number 25759
700. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-12-05 number 25817
701. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-12-19 number 25748
702. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-12-19 number 25861
703. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-01-16 number 25917
704. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-01-30 number 25934
705. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-01-30 number 25950
706. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-02-04 number 25973
707. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-03-18 number 26153
708. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-03-31 number 26206
709. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-04-23 number 26291
710. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-05-14 number 26332
711. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-06-02 number 26418
712. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-06-09 number 26427
713. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-06-23 number 26493
714. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-07-16 number 26552
715. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-07-23 number 26586
716. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-07-23 number 26595
717. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-08-12 number 26670
718. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-08-20 number 26687
719. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-08-27 number 26710
720. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-08-27 number 26715
721. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-09-07 number 26766
722. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-09-08 number 26768
723. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-09-10 number 26770
724. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-09-17 number 26789
725. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-09-23 number 26797
726. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-10-01 number 26835
727. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-10-01 number 26837
728. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-11-19 number 26989
729. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-12-03 number 27018
730. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-12-06 number 27064
731. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-01-07 number 27155
732. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-02-11 number 27262
733. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-03-04 number 27324
734. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-04-06 number 27458
735. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-04-08 number 27434
736. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-05-27 number 27599
737. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-06-10 number 27641
738. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-06-15 number 27683 part 1
739. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-06-17 number 27664
740. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-06-24 number 27685
741. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-06-24 number 27706
742. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-08 number 27735
743. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-08 number 27764
744. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-22 number 27796 part 1
745. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-22 number 27798
746. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-22 number 27799
747. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-29 number 27823
748. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-29 number 27843
749. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-05 number 27846
750. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-12 number 27887
751. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-19 number 27907
752. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27412
753. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27727
754. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27908
755. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27909
756. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27913
757. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27919
758. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27920
759. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27921
760. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27922
761. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27923
762. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27928
763. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27931
764. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27939
765. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-31 number 27988
766. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-02 number 27953
767. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-02 number 27954
768. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-02 number 27964
769. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-02 number 27965
770. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-02 number 27966
771. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-02 number 27967
772. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-02 number 27968
773. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-16 number 28011
774. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-23 number 28025
775. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-23 number 28026
776. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-23 number 28028
777. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-23 number 28029
778. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-23 number 28031
779. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-23 number 28032
780. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-23 number 28035
781. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-23 number 28036
782. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-23 number 28038
783. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-26 number 28047
784. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-30 number 28053
785. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-30 number 28067
786. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-30 number 28078
787. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-30 number 28079
788. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-30 number 28080
789. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-10-07 number 28099
790. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-10-07 number 28100
791. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-10-21 number 28142
792. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-10-21 number 28156
793. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-10-28 number 28150
794. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-11-04 number 28168
795. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-11-04 number 28169
796. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-11-04 number 28180
797. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-11-25 number 28237
798. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-12-02 number 28278
799. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-01-30 number 28445
800. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-02-24 number 28501
801. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-02-24 number 28502
802. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-02-24 number 28503
803. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-02-24 number 28505
804. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-02-24 number 28506
805. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-02-24 number 28507
806. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-02-24 number 28508
807. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-02-24 number 28509
808. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-02-24 number 28510
809. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-05-11 number 28794
810. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-05-26 number 28847
811. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-07-07 number 28975
812. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-07-07 number 29002
813. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-07-14 number 29019
814. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-07-21 number 29033
815. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-09-29 number 29258
816. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-11-03 number 29339
817. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-11-10 number 29382
818. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-11-17 number 29377
819. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-12-14 number 29474
820. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-12-15 number 29468
821. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-12-22 number 29502
822. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-01-12 number 29521
823. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-01-19 number 29535
824. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-01-26 number 29547
825. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-02-23 number 29636
826. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-03-07 number 29688
827. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-03-23 number 29716
828. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-04-17 number 29805
829. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-06-13 number 29982
830. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-06-15 number 29971
831. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-06-29 number 30004
832. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-07-06 number 30048
833. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-07-06 number 30057
834. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-08-03 number 30143
835. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-08-10 number 30144
836. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-08-17 number 30164
837. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-09-12 number 30287
838. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-11-13 number 30464
839. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-12-19 number 30602
840. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-02-15 number 30778
841. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-03-18 number 30885
842. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-04-01 number 30928
843. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-04-18 number 30981
844. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-04-18 number 30985
845. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-05-26 number 31082
846. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-06-02 number 31114
847. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-06-03 number 31124
848. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-06-20 number 31145
849. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-06-27 number 31171
850. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-07-16 number 31188
851. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-07-25 number 31272
852. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-08-22 number 31341
853. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-11-05 number 31577
854. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-11-24 number 31638
855. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-12-22 number 31745
856. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-01-23 number 31798
857. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-01-23 number 31806
858. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-02-17 number 31908
859. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-02-17 number 31909
860. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-03-10 number 32000
861. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-04-08 number 32110
862. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-04-16 number 32126
863. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-06-19 number 32338
864. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-07-07 number 32375
865. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-07-07 number 32376
866. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-07-24 number 32415
867. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-08-07 number 32481
868. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-08-21 number 32499
869. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-08-21 number 32506
870. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-09-04 number 32536
871. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-09-11 number 32554
872. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-10-23 number 32645
873. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-12-01 number 32762
874. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-12-21 number 32822
875. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-03-05 number 32999
876. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-03-26 number 33051
877. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-04-23 number 33136
878. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-05-07 number 33151
879. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-05-21 number 33192
880. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-07-16 number 33369
881. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-07-23 number 33384
882. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-08-20 number 33462
883. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-10-22 number 33654
884. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-01-24 number 33960
885. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-02-04 number 2664
886. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-03-04 number 2668
887. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-04-21 number 34214
888. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-05-27 number 34307
889. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-06-03 number 34348
890. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-06-24 number 2684
891. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-06-24 number 34377
892. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-07-29 number 34478
893. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-08-05 number 2690
894. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-08-25 number 34551
895. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-08-26 number 2693
896. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-08-31 number 34572
897. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-09-23 number 34612
898. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-09-23 number 34627
899. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-10-27 number 34700
900. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-10-27 number 34701
901. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-11-18 number 34751
902. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-11-25 number 2706
903. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-12-08 number 34825
904. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-12-23 number 34884
905. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-12-23 number 34885
906. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-12-23 number 34886
907. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-12-23 number 34887
908. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-12-23 number 34888
909. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-12-28 number 34890
910. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-12-29 number 34907
911. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-01-05 number 34916
912. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-01-05 number 34917
913. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-01-13 number 34933
914. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-01-18 number 34945
915. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-01-20 number 2710
916. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-01-23 number 34955
917. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-02-06 number 35005
918. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-03-14 number 35145
919. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-03-23 number 35155
920. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-03-23 number 35163
921. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-04-05 number 35236
922. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-04-26 number 35292
923. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-06-01 number 2729
924. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-06-15 number 35435
925. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-06-22 number 2732
926. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-06-22 number 35454
927. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-06-29 number 35463
928. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-07-05 number 35497
929. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-07-06 number 2734
930. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-07-13 number 2735
931. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-08-02 number 35561
932. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-08-03 number 35551 part 1
933. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-08-10 number 35579
934. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-08-23 number 35609
935. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-08-23 number 35615
936. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-08-27 number 35616
937. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-08-28 number 35632
938. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-08-31 number 35625
939. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-09-06 number 35664
940. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-09-14 number 35667
941. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-09-21 number 35690
942. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-10-01 number 35724
943. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-10-10 number 35771
944. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-10-12 number 35772
945. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-10-19 number 2749
946. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-10-26 number 2750
947. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-10-26 number 35823
948. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-11-02 number 35831
949. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-11-16 number 2753
950. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-11-23 number 2754
951. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-11-30 number 35939 part 1
952. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-12-07 number 2756
953. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-12-07 number 35703
954. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-12-14 number 35957
955. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-12-24 number 36034
956. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-12-27 number 36037
957. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-01-14 number 36071
958. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-01-25 number 36082
959. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-02-15 number 36146
960. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-03-01 number 36183
961. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-03-15 number 36225
962. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-03-28 number 36302
963. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-04-05 number 36307
964. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-04-19 number 36371
965. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-04-26 number 36392
966. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-05-02 number 36425
967. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-05-17 number 36470
968. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-06-14 number 36557
969. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-06-21 number 36575
970. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-06-28 number 36592
971. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-07-05 number 36614
972. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-07-17 number 36664
973. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-07-17 number 36675 part 1
974. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-07-19 number 36666
975. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-07-26 number 2784
976. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-07-26 number 36682
977. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-07-26 number 36699
978. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-08-02 number 2785
979. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-08-26 number 36789
980. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-09-06 number 36807
981. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-09-06 number 36823
982. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-09-19 number 36855
983. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-09-20 number 36849
984. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-09-27 number 36865
985. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-10-04 number 36884
986. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-10-04 number 36895
987. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-10-18 number 36947
988. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-10-25 number 36951
989. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-10-29 number 36971
990. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-11-01 number 36973
991. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-11-08 number 36996
992. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-11-15 number 37014
993. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-11-22 number 37037
994. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-11-26 number 37067
995. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-11-29 number 37078
996. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-01-16 number 37227
997. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-01-22 number 37254
998. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-01-31 number 37262
999. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-02-17 number 37325
1000. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-02-21 number 37337
1001. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-02-21 number 37354 part 1
1002. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-03-20 number 37443
1003. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-03-20 number 37444
1004. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-04-07 number 37536
1005. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-04-17 number 37553
1006. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-05-19 number 37660
1007. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-05-29 number 37689
1008. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-06-06 number 37701
1009. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-06-12 number 37733
1010. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-06-20 number 37740
1011. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-06-27 number 37760
1012. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-07-01 number 37791
1013. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-07-04 number 37783
1014. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-07-18 number 37830
1015. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-08-01 number 37872
1016. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-08-22 number 37915
1017. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-08-22 number 37932
1018. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-09-05 number 37958
1019. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-09-17 number 38010
1020. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-09-19 number 37999
1021. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-09-26 number 38015
1022. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-10-03 number 38032
1023. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-10-03 number 38058
1024. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-10-10 number 38059
1025. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-10-17 number 38088
1026. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-10-17 number 38102
1027. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-10-17 number 38105
1028. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-10-27 number 38124
1029. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-10-31 number 38128
1030. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-10-31 number 38136
1031. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-11-14 number 38188
1032. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-11-21 number 38215
1033. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-11-21 number 38223
1034. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-11-28 number 38232
1035. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-12-05 number 38263
1036. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-12-10 number 38318
1037. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-12-12 number 38290
1038. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-12-12 number 38308
1039. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-12-12 number 38309
1040. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-12-19 number 38352
1041. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-01-20 number 38406
1042. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-02-16 number 38474
1043. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-02-20 number 38478
1044. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-03-20 number 38574
1045. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-03-30 number 38646
1046. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-03-31 number 38667
1047. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-03-31 number 38668
1048. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-04-13 number 38686
1049. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-04-17 number 38685
1050. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-04-17 number 38693
1051. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-04-24 number 2865
1052. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-05-08 number 38757
1053. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-05-11 number 38778
1054. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-05-11 number 38779
1055. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-05-20 number 38813
1056. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-05-27 number 38829
1057. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-06-05 number 38857
1058. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-06-19 number 38877
1059. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-06-19 number 38888
1060. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-06-26 number 38894
1061. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-07-08 number 38972
1062. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-07-10 number 38960
1063. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-08-07 number 39062
1064. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-08-07 number 39074 part 1
1065. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-08-11 number 39081
1066. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-08-13 number 39085
1067. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-08-14 number 39089
1068. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-08-14 number 39093
1069. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-08-28 number 39131
1070. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-09-03 number 39153
1071. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-09-04 number 39172 part 1
1072. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-09-11 number 39201
1073. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-09-18 number 39220 part 1
1074. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-09-25 number 39232 part 1
1075. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-10-02 number 39246
1076. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-10-07 number 39265
1077. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-10-09 number 39275 part 1
1078. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-10-16 number 39296
1079. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-10-16 number 39299
1080. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-10-21 number 39308
1081. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-10-23 number 39324 part 1
1082. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-11-06 number 39379
1083. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-11-13 number 39411 part 1
1084. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-12-04 number 39475
1085. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-12-11 number 39504
1086. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-12-15 number 39510
1087. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-12-15 number 39519
1088. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-12-17 number 39530
1089. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-12-18 number 39528
1090. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-12-18 number 39529
1091. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-12-24 number 39543
1092. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-12-24 number 39544
1093. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-12-24 number 39549
1094. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-12-24 number 39558
1095. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-01-08 number 39587
1096. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-01-22 number 39607
1097. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-01-22 number 39613 part 1
1098. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-01-22 number 39615
1099. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-01-29 number 39629
1100. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-01-29 number 39636
1101. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-02-08 number 39665
1102. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-02-12 number 39679
1103. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-02-17 number 39704
1104. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-02-19 number 39718
1105. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-02-26 number 39740
1106. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-03-01 number 39766
1107. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-03-08 number 39788
1108. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-03-09 number 39791
1109. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-03-10 number 39811
1110. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-03-11 number 39813
1111. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-03-18 number 39827
1112. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-03-23 number 39854
1113. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-04-15 number 39922 part 1
1114. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-04-22 number 39943 part 1
1115. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-04-29 number 39960
1116. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-05-19 number 40005
1117. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-05-20 number 40001
1118. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-06-07 number 40054
1119. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-06-10 number 40064
1120. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-06-24 number 40088 part 1
1121. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-07-15 number 40140 part 1
1122. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-07-22 number 40153
1123. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-07-22 number 40154 part 1
1124. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-08-19 number 40216 part 1
1125. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-08-19 number 40221
1126. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-08-26 number 40229
1127. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-09-16 number 40279 part 1
1128. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-09-23 number 40293 part 1
1129. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-09-23 number 40300
1130. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-09-30 number 40312 part 1
1131. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-10-07 number 40334 part 1
1132. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-10-14 number 40346 part 1
1133. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-10-21 number 40359 part 1
1134. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-10-28 number 40375 part 1
1135. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-11-04 number 40404
1136. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-11-25 number 40445 part 1
1137. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-12-09 number 40480 part 1
1138. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-12-15 number 40496 part 1
1139. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-01-06 number 40537
1140. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-01-19 number 40555
1141. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-01-27 number 40577 part 1
1142. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-02-03 number 40593 part 1
1143. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-02-17 number 40621 part 1
1144. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-03-03 number 40660 part 1
1145. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-03-17 number 40691 part 1
1146. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-03-17 number 40697
1147. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-03-23 number 40714
1148. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-03-24 number 40717
1149. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-03-31 number 40733 part 1
1150. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-04-03 number 40762
1151. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-04-07 number 40772 part 1
1152. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-04-13 number 40785 part 1
1153. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-04-21 number 40793 part 1
1154. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-04-28 number 40815 part 1
1155. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-05-19 number 40847 part 1
1156. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-05-26 number 40860 part 1
1157. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-06-02 number 40883 part 1
1158. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-06-15 number 40919 part 1
1159. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-06-23 number 40930 part 1
1160. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-06-30 number 40945 part 1
1161. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-07-07 number 40965 part 1
1162. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-07-13 number 40977
1163. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-07-14 number 40978 part 1
1164. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-07-21 number 40996 part 1
1165. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-07-21 number 40998
1166. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-07-28 number 41009 part 1
1167. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-08-02 number 41018
1168. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-08-04 number 41024 part 1
1169. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-08-18 number 41047 part 1
1170. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-08-25 number 41064 part 1
1171. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-08-31 number 41079
1172. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-09-01 number 41082 part 1
1173. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-09-08 number 41100 part 1
1174. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-09-14 number 41116
1175. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-09-15 number 41114
1176. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-09-26 number 41135
1177. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-09-28 number 41143 part 1
1178. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-09-29 number 41141 part 1
1179. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-10-06 number 41164 part 1
1180. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-10-12 number 41176
1181. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-10-13 number 41178
1182. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-10-20 number 41186 part 1
1183. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-10-26 number 41199
1184. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-10-27 number 41202 part 1
1185. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-11-02 number 41226
1186. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-11-17 number 41256 part 1
1187. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-11-24 number 41270 part 1
1188. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-11-30 number 41283
1189. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-12-01 number 41287 part 1
1190. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-12-15 number 41321 part 1
1191. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-01-26 number 41399 part 1
1192. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-02-16 number 41445 part 1
1193. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-03-02 number 41473 part 1
1194. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-03-08 number 41490
1195. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-03-09 number 41488 part 1
1196. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-04-20 number 41581
1197. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-04-26 number 41593
1198. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-04-26 number 41598
1199. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-05-09 number 41617
1200. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-05-18 number 41632 part 1
1201. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-05-25 number 41650 part 1
1202. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-06-01 number 41667
1203. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-06-08 number 41685
1204. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-06-21 number 41725
1205. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-07-06 number 41754 part 1
1206. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-07-20 number 41781 part 1
1207. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-07-27 number 41796 part 1
1208. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-08-08 number 41832
1209. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-08-10 number 41827
1210. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-08-17 number 41839 part 1
1211. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-08-24 number 41854 part 1
1212. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-08-31 number 41870 part 1
1213. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-09-07 number 41887 part 1
1214. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-09-14 number 41903
1215. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-09-21 number 41913 part 1
1216. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-09-28 number 41928 part 1
1217. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-09-28 number 41944
1218. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-10-26 number 41996 part 1
1219. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-11-02 number 42010 part 1
1220. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-11-12 number 42030
1221. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-11-23 number 42053 part 1
1222. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-11-29 number 42070
1223. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-11-30 number 42068
1224. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-12-07 number 42092 part 1
1225. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-12-28 number 42139
1226. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-01-23 number 42188
1227. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-01-25 number 42191
1228. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-01-31 number 42206
1229. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-02-01 number 42203 part 1
1230. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-02-15 number 42230 part 1
1231. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-02-22 number 42240 part 1
1232. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-03-14 number 42307
1233. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-03-22 number 42323 part 1
1234. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-03-29 number 42337 part 1
1235. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-03-29 number 42347
1236. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-03-29 number 42348
1237. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-04-26 number 42417 part 1
1238. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-04-26 number 42422
1239. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-05-06 number 42444
1240. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-05-17 number 42464 part 1
1241. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-05-24 number 42474 part 1
1242. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-05-31 number 42496 part 1
1243. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-06-27 number 42548
1244. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-07-19 number 42584 part 1
1245. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-07-26 number 42593
1246. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-07-31 number 42604
1247. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-08-02 number 42608
1248. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-08-23 number 42657 part 1
1249. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-09-13 number 42697 part 1
1250. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-09-19 number 42717
1251. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-09-27 number 42725 part 1
1252. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-10-25 number 42795
1253. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-11-28 number 42866
1254. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-11-29 number 42861 part 1
1255. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-12-06 number 42887 part 1
1256. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-12-24 number 42931
1257. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-01-31 number 42980 part 1
1258. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-02-14 number 43015 part 1
1259. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-02-21 number 43035
1260. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-02-24 number 43044
1261. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-03-12 number 43087
1262. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-03-13 number 43090
1263. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-04-03 number 43192 part 1
1264. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-05-08 number 43288
1265. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-06-03 number 43388
1266. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-06-19 number 43447
1267. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-07-03 number 43495 part 1
1268. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-07-31 number 43573
1269. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-08-07 number 43591
1270. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-09-18 number 43726 part 1
1271. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-10-09 number 43784
1272. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-10-23 number 43834 part 1
1273. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-10-30 number 43855
1274. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-11-06 number 43872 part 1
1275. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-11-13 number 43900 part 1
1276. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-11-13 number 43903
1277. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-11-20 number 43913
1278. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-12-04 number 43962 part 1
1279. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-12-11 number 43986
1280. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-12-18 number 44003
1281. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-12-24 number 44031 part 1
1282. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-12-31 number 44048 part 1
1283. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-02-05 number 44173 part 1
1284. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-03-19 number 44293 part 1
1285. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-03-19 number 44304
1286. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-04-01 number 44383 part 1
1287. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-04-01 number 44389
1288. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-04-01 number 44411
1289. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-04-09 number 44427 part 1
1290. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-04-23 number 44469 part 1
1291. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-05-28 number 44636 part 1
1292. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-06-18 number 44724 part 1
1293. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-06-25 number 44761 part 1
1294. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-07-02 number 44799 part 1
1295. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-07-09 number 44822 part 1
1296. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-07-16 number 44866
1297. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-07-30 number 44908 part 1
1298. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-09-13 number 45154
1299. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-09-17 number 45176 part 1
1300. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-09-30 number 45249
1301. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-10-01 number 45244
1302. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-10-22 number 45352 part 1
1303. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-11-19 number 45500 part 1
1304. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-11-19 number 45504
1305. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-12-17 number 45649
1306. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2022-04-29 number 46288 part 1
1307. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2022-05-10 number 46349
1308. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2022-06-15 number 46550
1309. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2022-08-12 number 46705 part 1
1310. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2022-09-09 number 46879
1311. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2022-10-12 number 47296
1312. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2022-11-09 number 47480
1313. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2022-12-08 number 47672
1314. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2022-12-15 number 47729 part 1
1315. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2023-07-07 number 48923
1316. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2023-08-11 number 49105
1317. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2023-08-18 number 49140
1318. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2023-09-22 number 49325 part 1
1319. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2023-11-10 number 49658
1320. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2023-11-17 number 49720 part 1
1321. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2023-11-17 number 49736 part 1
1322. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2023-12-01 number 49791
1323. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2023-12-08 number 49833 part 1
1324. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2023-12-14 number 49863
1325. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2024-02-02 number 50071 part 1
1326. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2024-02-16 number 50129
1327. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2024-04-12 number 50460
1328. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2024-04-19 number 50528 part 1
1329. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2024-05-16 number 50664
1330. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2024-05-17 number 50665 part 1
1331. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2024-05-31 number 50738
1332. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2024-05-31 number 50741 part 1
1333. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2024-06-03 number 50744
1334. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2024-06-07 number 50772
1335. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2024-06-11 number 50799
1336. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2024-06-21 number 50840 part 1
1337. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2002-03-20 number 5842
1338. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2004-12-09 number 6192
1339. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2005-11-09 number 6313
1340. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2006-02-03 number 6341
1341. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2006-12-07 number 6402
1342. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2007-05-23 number 6439
1343. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2007-12-18 number 6489
1344. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2008-03-14 number 6509
1345. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2008-08-08 number 6551
1346. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2009-06-12 number 6636
1347. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2009-10-16 number 6667
1348. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2009-11-09 number 6675
1349. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2010-04-14 number 6725
1350. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2010-08-20 number 6778
1351. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2010-09-17 number 6793
1352. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2010-12-14 number 6834
1353. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2012-04-13 number 6982
1354. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2012-08-03 number 7020
1355. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2012-12-24 number 7077
1356. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2013-07-10 number 7147
1357. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2013-11-18 number 7197
1358. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2013-11-21 number 7199
1359. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2014-01-31 number 7224
1360. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2014-04-02 number 7246
1361. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2014-04-07 number 7249
1362. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2014-05-30 number 7272
1363. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2014-06-27 number 7280
1364. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2014-07-11 number 7285
1365. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2015-06-26 number 7410
1366. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2015-10-02 number 7502
1367. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2015-12-11 number 7547
1368. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2016-06-24 number 7637
1369. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2016-09-02 number 7671
1370. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2016-09-19 number 7681
1371. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2016-11-28 number 7707
1372. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2018-04-09 number 7912
1373. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2018-07-19 number 7959
1374. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2019-04-08 number 8076
1375. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2019-04-08 number 8078
1376. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2019-08-02 number 8135
1377. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2021-03-30 number 8405
1378. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2021-07-02 number 8458
1379. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2021-08-31 number 8482
1380. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2022-06-10 number 8608
1381. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2022-08-05 number 8642
1382. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2022-11-11 number 8679
1383. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2023-06-30 number 8784
1384. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2023-07-14 number 8792
1385. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2024-06-21 number 8943
Judgment 206
1. Biowatch Trust v Registrar Genetic Resources and Others [2009] ZACC 14 (3 June 2009) 243 citations
2. Fakie NO v CCII Systems (Pty) Ltd (653/2004) [2006] ZASCA 52 (31 March 2006) 193 citations
3. Minister of Health and Another v New Clicks South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others [2005] ZACC 14 (30 September 2005) 84 citations
4. Van Wyk v Unitas Hospital and Another [2007] ZACC 24 (6 December 2007) 73 citations
5. City of Cape Town v Aurecon South Africa (Pty) Ltd [2017] ZACC 5 (28 February 2017) 47 citations
6. Economic Freedom Fighters v Speaker of National Assembly and Others; Democratic Alliance v Speaker of National Assembly and Others [2016] ZACC 11 (31 March 2016) 47 citations
7. My Vote Counts NPC v Speaker of the National Assembly and Others [2015] ZACC 31 (30 September 2015) 39 citations
8. President of the Republic of South Africa and Others v M and G Media Ltd [2011] ZACC 32 (29 November 2011) 27 citations
9. S v Basson (CCT 30/03) [2004] ZACC 13 (10 March 2004) 26 citations
10. Independent Newspapers (Pty) Ltd v Minister for Intelligence Services ; In re: Masetlha v President of Republic of South Africa and Another [2008] ZACC 6 (22 May 2008) 25 citations
11. New Nation Movement NPC and Others v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others [2020] ZACC 11 (11 June 2020) 23 citations
12. Branduuml;mmer v Minister for Social Development and Others [2009] ZACC 21 (13 August 2009) 20 citations
13. Ingledew v Financial Services Board [2003] ZACC 8 (13 May 2003) 19 citations
14. Mohunram and Another v National Director of Public Prosecutions and Another (Law Review Project as Amicus Curiae) [2007] ZACC 4 (26 March 2007) 16 citations
15. Qoboshiyane NO and Others v Avusa Publishing Eastern Cape (Pty) Ltd and Others (864/2011) [2012] ZASCA 166 (21 November 2012) 16 citations
16. City of Cape Town v South African National Roads Authority Limited and Others (20786/2014) [2015] ZASCA 58 (30 March 2015) 15 citations
17. Altech Radio Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (1104/2019) [2020] ZASCA 122 (5 October 2020) 14 citations
18. Nova Property Group Holdings v Cobbett (20815/2014) [2016] ZASCA 63 (12 May 2016) 14 citations
19. My Vote Counts v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Another [2018] ZACC 17 (21 June 2018) 13 citations
20. National Director of Public Prosecutions v King (86/2009) [2010] ZASCA 8 (8 March 2010) 11 citations
21. De Lange v Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa for the time being and Another [2015] ZACC 35 (24 November 2015) 10 citations
22. H L obo M L v MEC for Health, Free State (1021/2019) [2021] ZASCA 149 (22 October 2021) 10 citations
23. Electronic Media Network Ltd and Others v (Pty) Limited and Others [2017] ZACC 17 (8 June 2017) 9 citations
24. Calibre Clinical Consultants (Pty) Ltd and Another v National Bargaining Council for the Road Freight Industry and Another (410/2009) [2010] ZASCA 94 (19 July 2010) 8 citations
25. Minister of Health and Another v New Clicks South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others [2005] ZACC 25 (30 September 2005) 8 citations
26. Public Protector and Others v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others [2021] ZACC 19 (1 July 2021) 8 citations
27. Swifambo Rail Leasing (Pty) Limited v Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (1030 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 167 (30 November 2018) 8 citations
28. Aquila Steel (S Africa) (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Mineral Resources and Others [2019] ZACC 5 (15 February 2019) 7 citations
29. Esorfranki Pipelines (Pty) Limited v Mopani District Municipality [2022] ZACC 41 (30 November 2022) 7 citations
30. Chairperson: Standing Tender Committee and Others v JFE Sapela Electronics (Pty) Ltd and Others (511/2004) [2005] ZASCA 90 (26 September 2005) 6 citations
31. City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality v Lombardy Development (Pty) Ltd and Others (724 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 77 (31 May 2018) 5 citations
32. Clutchco (Pty) Ltd v Davis (35/2004) [2005] ZASCA 16 (24 March 2005) 5 citations
33. Company Secretary of Arcelormittal South Africa and Another v Vaal Environmental Justice Alliance (69/2014) [2014] ZASCA 184 (26 November 2014) 4 citations
34. Competition Commission of South Africa v Arcerlormittal South Africa Ltd and Others (680/2012) [2013] ZASCA 84 (31 May 2013) 4 citations
35. Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa and Others v Minister of Health and Another; New Clicks South Africa (Pty) Limited v Tshabalala-Msimang NO and Another (542/2004; 543/2004) [2004] ZASCA 122 (20 December 2004) 4 citations
36. Britannia Beach Estate (Pty) Ltd and Others v Saldanha Bay Municipality [2013] ZACC 30 (5 September 2013) 3 citations
37. Diener NO v Minister of Justice and Others (926 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 180 (1 December 2017) 3 citations
38. Helen Suzman Foundation v Judicial Service Commission and Others (145 of 2015) [2016] ZASCA 161 (2 November 2016) 3 citations
39. Joubert Galpin Searle Inc and Others v Road Accident Fund and Others (3191/2013) [2014] ZAECPEHC 19 (25 March 2014) 3 citations
40. Kariki Pipeline and Water Project (Pty) Ltd v Rand Water Board and Another (27774/17) [2022] ZAGPJHC 60 (4 February 2022) 3 citations
41. MEC for Roads and Public Works Eastern Cape and Another v Intertrade Two (Pty) Ltd (47/2005) [2006] ZASCA 33 (27 March 2006) 3 citations
42. President of the Republic of South Africa and Others v M and G Media Ltd (570/2010) [2010] ZASCA 177 (14 December 2010) 3 citations
43. SAAB Grintek Defence (Pty) Ltd v South African Police Service and Others (316/2015) [2016] ZASCA 104 (5 July 2016) 3 citations
44. South African History Archive Trust v South African Reserve Bank and Another (17/2019) [2020] ZASCA 56 (29 May 2020) 3 citations
45. Tetra Mobile Radio (Pty) Ltd v Member of the Executive Council of the Department of Works and Others (482/2006) [2007] ZASCA 128 (28 September 2007) 3 citations
46. Unitas Hospital v Van Wyk and Another (231/2005) [2006] ZASCA 34 (27 March 2006) 3 citations
47. Commissioner for South African Revenue Service v Sprigg Investment 117 CC t/a Global Investment (36/2010) [2010] ZASCA 172 (1 December 2010) 2 citations
48. Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Ltd v PFE International Inc. (BVI) and Others (910/2010) [2011] ZASCA 245 (1 December 2011) 2 citations
49. President of the RSA and Another v Women’s Legal Centre Trust and Others; Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development v Faro and Others; and Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development v Esau and Others (612/2019) [2020] ZASCA 177 (18 December 2020) 2 citations
50. Transvaal Agricultural Union v Minister of Agriculture and Land Affairs and Others (91/2003) [2005] ZASCA 12 (23 March 2005) 2 citations
51. African Transformation Movement v Speaker of National Assembly and Others (643/2021) [2021] ZASCA 164 (2 December 2021) 1 citation
52. BHP Billiton PLC Inc and Another v De Lange and Others (189/2012) [2013] ZASCA 11 (15 March 2013) 1 citation
53. Centre for Child Law and Others v Media 24 Limited and Others (871 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 140 (28 September 2018) 1 citation
54. Competition Commission of South Africa v Standard Bank of South Africa Limited [2020] ZACC 31 (20 February 2020) 1 citation
55. Contintnental Tyres South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Another v Competition Commission of South Africa and Others (157/CAC/Nov 2017) [2018] ZACAC 2 (17 October 2018) 1 citation
56. Goldrush Group (Pty) Ltd v North West Gambling Board and Others (648/2021) [2022] ZASCA 164 (28 November 2022) 1 citation
57. La Lucia Sands Share Block Ltd and Others v Barkhan and Others (37/2010) [2010] ZASCA 132 (1 October 2010) 1 citation
58. Lepelle Industrial and Mining Supplies CC v Streaks Ahead Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others (429/2019) [2020] ZASCA 133 (20 October 2020) 1 citation
59. Maharaj and Others v Mandag Centre of Investigative Journalism NPC and Others (844 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 138 (29 September 2017) 1 citation
60. Minister of State Security v Makwakwa and Others (64148/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 605 (5 October 2022) 1 citation
61. Mittalsteel South Africa Ltd v Hlatshwayo (326/2005) [2006] ZASCA 93 (31 August 2006) 1 citation
62. National African Federated Chambers of Commerce and Industry Free State Province v Master of High Court and Others; National African Federated Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Free State Province and Others v Master of High Court, Pretoria and Others (12167/16; 74936/19) [2022] ZAGPPHC 893 (17 June 2022) 1 citation
63. President of the Republic of South Africa and Others v M and G Media Limited (998/2013) [2014] ZASCA 124 (19 September 2014) 1 citation
64. RDP’S Business Enterprise CC v City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and Another (59109/20) [2023] ZAGPPHC 626 (2 June 2023) 1 citation
65. Ringhaven Community Residents Association v Nunkissor and Others (D1142/2022) [2023] ZAKZPHC 43 (19 April 2023) 1 citation
66. Rustenburg Local Municipality v Layer3 Telecom (Pty) Ltd ; In re: Layer3 Telecom (Pty) Ltd v Rustenburg Local Municipality (CIV APP FB 19/2022) [2024] ZANWHC 106 (15 April 2024) 1 citation
67. Sakeliga NPC v Auditor General South Africa (36297/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 754 (30 June 2023) 1 citation
68. Savoi and Others v National Prosecuting Authority and Another (CCT 146/22) [2023] ZACC 38 (28 November 2023) 1 citation
69. Thusi v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (7802/2009) [2010] ZAKZPHC 87 (23 December 2010) 1 citation
70. Transnet Ltd and Another v SA Metal Machinery Company (Pty) Ltd (147/2005) [2005] ZASCA 113 (29 November 2005) 1 citation
71. Weinert and Another v Municipality of City of Cape Town and Others (2582/2022) [2022] ZAWCHC 173 (1 August 2022) 1 citation
72. eThekwini Municipality v Crimson Clover Trading 17 (Pty) Ltd t/a Island Hotel (280/2020) [2021] ZASCA 96 (1 July 2021) 1 citation
73. African Centre For Biodiversity NPC v Minister of Agriculture Foresty and Fisheries and Others (27524/2017) [2023] ZAGPPHC 726 (27 June 2023)
74. Airports Company South Africa Ltd v Royal Haskoning DHV (Pty) Ltd and Another (30343/2020) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1125 (21 September 2022)
75. Alpha Omega Youth Outreach v National Lotteries Commission and Another (EL94/2023) [2024] ZAECELLC 1 (9 January 2024)
76. Arena Holdings (Pty) Ltd t/a Financial Mail and Others v SARS and Others (88359/19) [2021] ZAGPPHC 3 (16 November 2021)
77. Arena Holdings (Pty) Ltd t/a Financial Mail and Others v South African Revenue Service and Others [2023] ZACC 13 (30 May 2023)
78. Associated Institutions Pension Fund v Le Roux and Others (196/2000) [2001] ZASCA 70 (30 May 2001)
79. Block v Upington Correctional Supervision and Parole Board and Others (893/2023) [2023] ZANCHC 65 (15 September 2023)
80. Boudewyn Homburg de Vries Suts N.O and Others v MEC for Department of Economic Affairs and Others (1199/2021) [2022] ZAECGHC 35 (26 July 2022)
81. Brink v Legal Aid South Africa (D529/11) [2014] ZALCD 8 (18 September 2014)
82. Brouze v Wenneni Investments (20427/2014) [2015] ZASCA 142 (30 September 2015)
83. Caga and Others v Transnet Soc Ltd and Another (1257/2021) [2024] ZAECPEHC 25 (22 March 2024)
84. Centre for Social Accountability v Secretary of Parliament and Others (298/2010) [2011] ZAECGHC 33 (28 July 2011)
85. Chairperson of Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board and Others v Goldrush Group Management (Pty) Ltd and Another (660/2022) [2023] ZASCA 148 (10 November 2023)
86. Chief Land Claims Commissioner and Others v South African Agri Initiative; In Re: South African Agri Initiative v Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Land Reform and Others (35659/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1075 (19 September 2023)
87. City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and Another v RDP's Business Enterprise CC ; In Re: RDP's Business Enterprise CC v City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and Another (Leave to Appeal) (59109/20) [2024] ZAGPPHC 189 (29 February 2024)
88. Claase v Information Officer of South African Airways (Pty) Ltd (39/2006) [2006] ZASCA 134 (30 November 2006)
89. D K M and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Another (037352/2023) [2023] ZAGPPHC 592 (11 May 2023)
90. Democratic Alliance v African National Congress and Others (31418/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 154 (21 February 2024)
91. Dlusha v King Sabatha Dalindyebo Municipality and Others (1494 of 2009) [2011] ZAECMHC 23 (18 March 2011)
92. Eigenbau Proprietary Limited v Umgeni Water and Others (P 12642/2021) [2022] ZAKZPHC 15 (14 June 2022)
93. Electoral Commission of South Africa and Another v African Independent Congress and Others (0011/23 EC) [2024] ZAEC 11 (10 May 2024)
94. Elite Plumbing and industrial Solutions (Pty) Ltd v Casper Le Roux Inc Attorneys and Another (2022/14821) [2023] ZAGPJHC 181 (6 March 2023)
95. Elliot Mobility (Pty) Ltd and Another v The Laser Transport Group (Pty) Ltd and Another (A 87/2017) [2018] ZAGPPHC 45 (8 March 2018)
96. Ericsson South Africa Proprietary Ltd v City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality N.N.O. and Others (A5048/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1266 (27 October 2022)
97. Eskom Holdings Soc Ltd v Silicon Smelters (Pty) Ltd (34000/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 880 (25 July 2023)
98. Evaluations Enhanced Property Appraisals (Pty) Ltd v Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality and Another (ECD 3561/2012; EL 1544/2012) [2014] ZAECGHC 55 (19 June 2014)
99. Evaluations Enhanced Property Appraisals (Pty) Ltd v The Buffalo Metropolitan Municipality and Others (ECD 3561/2012; EL 1544/2012) [2013] ZAECELLC 6 (25 June 2013)
100. Famous Idea Trading 4 (Pty) Ltd t/a Dely Road Courier Pharmacy v Government Employees Medical Scheme and Others (B1205/2023) [2024] ZAGPPHC 74 (5 February 2024)
101. Foy v Department of Justice and Constitutional Development and Others (J1952/2017) [2023] ZALCJHB 1 (8 September 2023)
102. Gcabashe v MTN Group Ltd (53/2019) [2024] ZAGPPHC 230 (6 March 2024)
103. Girly obo Nandipha v Member of the Executive Council for Health of the Gauteng Provincial Government (2014/34461) [2023] ZAGPJHC 341 (17 April 2023)
104. Gold Leaf Tobacco Corporation (Pty) Ltd v Sasfin Bank Ltd (2022/21063) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1333 (13 November 2023)
105. Goqwana v Minister of Safety NO and Others (20668/2014) [2015] ZASCA 186 (30 November 2015)
106. Health Justice Initiative v Minister of Health and Another (10009/22) [2023] ZAGPPHC 917 (17 August 2023)
107. Information Officer C/O and Another v Elalini Lodge CC t/a Elalini Projects (47/2022) [2024] ZAECBHC 1 (30 January 2024)
108. Investigating Director of the Investigating Directorate: Serious Economic Offences and Another v Gutman NO (477/2000) [2002] ZASCA 160 (23 March 2002)
109. Izwelethu Cemforce CC and Another v Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment and Another (20697/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1405 (14 December 2023)
110. Jayiya obo IJ v MEC for Health Eastern Cape (CA30/2022) [2023] ZAECBHC 17 (20 July 2023)
111. Johannesburg Society of Advocates v Kajee (2018/40335) [2023] ZAGPJHC 645 (6 June 2023)
112. Khanyile v Director-General Province of Kwazulu-Natal and Others (16707/22P) [2023] ZAKZPHC 121 (19 October 2023)
113. Kilbourn v Zwemstra NO and Others (24858/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1263 (14 November 2023)
114. King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality Employess - Access Control Officers v King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality (Mthatha Full Bench Appeal (CA 14/2022) [2022] ZAECMHC 41 (13 December 2022)
115. Kobo v MEC for Department of Education, Eastern Cape Province and Another (206/2023) [2023] ZAECBHC 39 (28 November 2023)
116. LSM Security (Pty) Ltd and Others v MEC Department of Social Development EC and Another (2300/2022) [2023] ZAECPEHC 8 (24 January 2023)
117. Laser Transport Group (Pty) Ltd and Another v Elliot Mobility (Pty) Ltd and Another (835/2018) [2019] ZASCA 140 (1 October 2019)
118. Letsobana v Africabin Building Systems Proprietary Limited (52790/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 341 (10 May 2022)
119. Letsobana v Africabin Building Systems Proprietary Limited (52790/21) [2022] ZAGPJHC 936 (10 May 2022)
120. Leuvennink v South African Civil Aviation Authority and Others (2022/12875) [2023] ZAGPPHC 845 (24 July 2023)
121. Lungisa Pump (Pty) Ltd v Exxaro Coal Mpumalanga (Pty) Ltd (25001/15) [2018] ZAGPPHC 166 (25 April 2018)
122. Lungisa Pump (Pty) Ltd v Exxaro Coal Mpumalanga (Pty) Ltd (25001/15) [2018] ZAGPPHC 517 (25 April 2018)
123. Ma-Africa Hotels (Pty) Ltd v Cape Peninsula University of Technology (20599/21; 4517/22) [2023] ZAWCHC 1 (19 January 2023)
124. Maamach (Pty) Ltd v Air Traffic Navigation Service Soc Ltd (11114/21) [2022] ZAGPJHC 255 (3 May 2022)
125. Madelung and Another v Master of High Court, Cape Town and Others (3430/2022) [2022] ZAWCHC 195 (8 November 2022)
126. Mafuduka obo L M v Mec for Health Eastern Cape Provincial Government (315/2018) [2022] ZAECBHC 37 (26 July 2022)
127. Maguma v Station Commander, Fleet Street Police Station and Others (EL 683/2023) [2024] ZAECELLC 7 (19 March 2024)
128. Mahaeeane and Another v Anglogold Ashanti Limited (85 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 90 (7 June 2017)
129. Makwakwa and Others v Minister of State Security (1316/2022) [2024] ZASCA 41 (5 April 2024)
130. Maleke v Gauteng Housing Tribunal NNO and Others (43019/2020) [2023] ZAGPJHC 132 (17 February 2023)
131. Manaka v University of the Witwatersrand (021837/2023) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1195 (18 October 2023)
132. Mathe v Member of Executive Council for Health of Gauteng Provincial Government (21623/18) [2024] ZAGPPHC 581 (12 June 2024)
133. Matseke v Maine (M198/2020) [2024] ZANWHC 13 (26 January 2024)
134. Mbiko obo U Mbiko v MEC for Department of Health, EC (1150/2021) [2022] ZAECELLC 11 (20 July 2022)
135. Medical Information Technology SA (Pty) Ltd and Another v Public Protector and Others (29760/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 40 (30 January 2023)
136. Mediterranean Shipping Company (Pty) Ltd v Transnet Freight Rail, An Operating Division of Transnet Soc Ltd and Others (7179/2022) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1093 (5 December 2022)
137. Member of the Executive Council For Health Gauteng Province v Solomons; In Re: Vulangengqele obo M V v Member of the Executive Council For Health Gauteng Province (2022/A5070) [2023] ZAGPJHC 755 (27 June 2023)
138. Mhlaba v Registrar of Deeds Pietermaritzburg and Others (LCC 116/2021) [2021] ZALCC 14 (1 December 2021)
139. Minister for Provincial and Local Government of the Republic of South Africa v Unrecognised Traditional Leaders of the Limpopo Province (Sekhukhuneland) (375/2003) [2004] ZASCA 93 (29 September 2004)
140. Minister of Labour and Another v Public Services Association of South African and Another (JA 103/2015) [2017] ZALAC 114 (25 January 2017)
141. Minister of Water and Sanitation v Clackson Power (Pty) Ltd and Another (4438/2023) [2024] ZAWCHC 48 (20 March 2024)
142. Mokheseng v Minister of Defence and Military Veterans and Others (11458/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1046 (23 November 2022)
143. Montrose Mews Body Corporate v Moela N.O. and Others (2023-019308) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1541 (7 March 2024)
144. Montsho v Road Accident Fund (21747/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1160 (16 October 2023)
145. Moodley v Crazy Plastics Holdings (PTY) LTD and Another (2023/39002) [2024] ZAGPJHC 6 (5 January 2024)
146. Motata and Others v George Lea Park Sports Club t/a Sandton Sports Club (2019/12303) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1773 (10 June 2024)
147. Mouton and Others v 8 Mile Investments 503(Pty)Ltd and Another (21545/2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 995 (1 September 2023)
148. Mphahlele v Scheepers NO and Another (23465/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 849 (27 July 2023)
149. Murray N.N.O. and Others v Ntombela and Others; In re: Ntombela and Another v Muray N.N.O. and Others (3807/2020) [2022] ZAFSHC 73 (24 June 2022)
150. Mzansi Fire and Security (Pty) Ltd v Durban University of Technology and Others (D 1464/2020) [2022] ZAKZDHC 20 (3 March 2022)
151. N M obo L M v MEC for Health, Eastern Cape Provincial Department (315/2018) [2022] ZAECBHC 12 (26 July 2022)
152. NU Africa Duty Free Shops (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service (25788/2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1305 (27 October 2023)
153. National Energy Regulator of South Africa and Another v Borbet SA (Pty) Ltd and Others, Eskom Holdings Soc Limited and Another v Borbet SA (Pty) Ltd and Others (1288 of 2016; 1309 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 87 (6 June 2017)
154. Ndhlovu v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others (038179/2022) [2024] ZAGPJHC 38 (17 January 2024)
155. Ndlovu v Matsipa and Others (24564/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 436 (2 May 2024)
156. Niehaus v Regional Land Claims Commissioner and Others (116/2014) [2015] ZASCA 51 (27 March 2015)
157. Nkosi v City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality (2023-066724) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1565 (11 March 2024)
158. Nkuna v Minister of Police and Another (53261/17) [2018] ZAGPPHC 371 (21 May 2018)
159. Office of the Premier of the North West Province and Another v Livifusion (Pty) Ltd (2016/7384) [2018] ZAGPPHC 451 (29 March 2018)
160. Organisasie vir Godsdienste-Onderrig en Demokrasie v Laerskool Randhart and Others (29847/2014) [2017] ZAGPJHC 160 (28 June 2017)
161. Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse NPC v Bakwena Platinum Corridor Concessionaire (Pty) Ltd; In Re: Bakwena Platinum Corridor Concessionaire (Pty) Ltd v Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse NPC N.N.O. and Others; In Re: Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse NPC v South African National Road Agency Soc Ltd N.N.O. and Others (7955/21) [2023] ZAGPPHC 515 (9 May 2023)
162. Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse NPC v South African National Roads Agency Ltd and Others (32095/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1274 (14 November 2023)
163. Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse NPC v South African National Roads Agency Ltd and Others (32095/2020) [2024] ZAGPPHC 51 (25 January 2024)
164. Organisational Undoing Tax Abuse NPC v Services Sector Education Training Authority and Others (36248/19) [2021] ZAGPJHC 93 (4 November 2021)
165. Own Haven Housing Association NPC and Another v Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality and Another (1217/2019) [2023] ZAECELLC 39 (26 June 2023)
166. PFE International Inc (BVI) and Others v Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Ltd (4663/2010) [2010] ZAKZDHC 63 (1 November 2010)
167. Pather v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service (52782/21) [2024] ZAGPJHC 113 (6 February 2024)
168. Pharaohs Construction JV Kuzobalula v Ingquza Local Municipality and Another (4797/2023) [2024] ZAECMHC 14 (28 March 2024)
169. Pityana v Absa Group Ltd and Others (64258 / 2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 579 (10 May 2023)
170. RFS Homeloans (Pty) Ltd v National Fund for Municipal Workers (15023/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1392 (12 December 2023)
171. RMS Joint Venture CC t/a Radds Transport v Transnet Soc Ltd Eyamakoshi and Others (038072/2022) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1111 (15 December 2022)
172. S N v Member of Executive Council for Health of Gauteng Provincial Government (35801/19) [2022] ZAGPPHC 769 (22 July 2022)
173. S v Hudla and Another (SS 46/2018) [2022] ZAGPJHC 392 (23 June 2022)
174. SD Noorgat Trading Enterprise CC v Mahomed (P 1179/2021) [2022] ZAKZPHC 21 (28 January 2022)
175. SKG Africa (Pty) Ltd v South African Local Government Association and Others (1282/2023) [2023] ZAECELLC 33 (19 September 2023)
176. SKG v Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd and Others (EL789/2020) [2022] ZAECELLC 30 (15 December 2022)
177. Sampson v Department of Justice and Constitutional Development and Others (34976/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 895 (4 August 2023)
178. Sampson v Department of Justice and Constitutional Development and Others (34976/21) [2022] ZAGPPHC 695 (20 May 2022)
179. Schreiber and Another v African National Congress (2021/26339) [2023] ZAGPJHC 73 (2 February 2023)
180. Senekal v Legal Practice Council and Others (3858/2021) [2023] ZAFSHC 77 (31 March 2023)
181. Shine Africa Financial Services (Pty) Ltd v BCMM (EL 1056/2022) [2022] ZAECELLC 24 (8 November 2022)
182. Sibusiso v Road Accident Fund (64671/2019) [2024] ZAGPPHC 484 (17 May 2024)
183. Sithetho v Information Officer for Department of Higher Education and Training, Eastern Cape, KSD TVET College Cicira Campus (Ex Tempore Judgment) (2281/2023) [2024] ZAECMHC 33 (24 May 2024)
184. Sky Metro Equipment (Pty) Ltd v Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority and Another (31304/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 614 (26 May 2023)
185. Slaughter v Wadvalla and Others; Slaughter v Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent and Another (36596/2016) [2023] ZAGPPHC 693 (13 June 2023)
186. Solidarity v National Commissioner of South African Police Service NO and Others (79041/2018) [2024] ZAGPPHC 303 (26 March 2024)
187. Solidarity v National Commissioner of the South African Police Service and Others (16572/18) [2018] ZAGPPHC 133 (6 April 2018)
188. Solidarity v National Commissioner of the South African Police Service and Others (16572/18) [2018] ZAGPPHC 564 (6 April 2018)
189. South African Agri Initiative NPC v National Commissioner of South African Revenue Service and Others (2023-022575) [2024] ZAGPPHC 264 (11 March 2024)
190. South Bound Van Lines CC V Free State Provincial Department of Health and Another (359/2023) [2023] ZAFSHC 35 (24 February 2023)
191. Special Investigating Unit and Another v Duneco CC and Others (WC05/2022) [2023] ZAST 10 (23 June 2023)
192. Standard Bank of South Africa Limited v Competition Commission of South Africa (160/CAC/Nov17) [2018] ZACAC 8 (17 May 2018)
193. Swanvest 234 (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Others (43235/2016) [2018] ZAGPPHC 681 (14 March 2018)
194. Telkom SA (Soc) Ltd v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others (007566/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 789 (19 July 2023)
195. Thompson v Information Officer: Department of Defende and Military Veterans and Another (8090/2020) [2024] ZAWCHC 31 (22 February 2024)
196. Top Lay Egg Co-Op Ltd and Another v Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Others (400/2022) [2023] ZASCA 67 (16 May 2023)
197. Tusk Construction Support Services (Pty) Ltd v Tokologo Local Municipality (628/2017) [2024] ZAFSHC 43 (29 February 2024)
198. Twala v Member of the Executive Council, Department of Education, Eastern Cape and Others (217/2015) [2015] ZAECBHC 36 (13 November 2015)
199. Tyeks Security Services v Member of Executive Council for Department of Public Works and Infrastructure and Others (1815/2024) [2024] ZAECGHC 50 (24 May 2024)
200. Unitrade 1047 (Pty) Ltd Isidingo Security Service v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (24270/22) [2022] ZAGPPHC 798 (18 July 2022)
201. Uzani Environmental Advocacy CC v BP Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd (CC 82/17) [2019] ZAGPPHC 435 (1 April 2019)
202. Vodacom (Pty) Ltd v National Commissioner South African Police Service and Others (18770/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 151 (17 March 2023)
203. Vukani Gaming Free State (Pty) Ltd v Pillay and Others (577/2020) [2021] ZASCA 137 (6 October 2021)
204. Wayne's Electrical & Refrigeration (Pty) Ltd and Others v The Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality and Others (675/2021) [2022] ZAECGHC 4 (26 April 2022)
205. Zondo v Premier of Province of KwaZulu-Natal and Others (15970/2022P) [2024] ZAKZPHC 17 (13 March 2024)
206. Zulu v Mathe and Others; Zulu and Another v Mathe and Others; Zulu v Zulu and Others (P 10879/2021; P 2751/2021; P 2752/2021) [2022] ZAKZPHC 17 (2 March 2022)
Legislation 63
1. Companies Act, 2008 1842 citations
2. Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 1688 citations
3. Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1992 1159 citations
4. Financial Intelligence Centre Act, 2001 966 citations
5. Electronic Communications Act, 2005 916 citations
6. Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 615 citations
7. National Credit Act, 2005 582 citations
8. Children's Act, 2005 522 citations
9. National Health Act, 2003 439 citations
10. National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 434 citations
11. Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2002 338 citations
12. Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 247 citations
13. Unemployment Insurance Act, 2001 183 citations
14. National Energy Regulator Act, 2004 155 citations
15. Child Justice Act, 2008 114 citations
16. Social Housing Act, 2008 52 citations
17. National Energy Act, 2008 27 citations
18. Credit Rating Services Act, 2012 26 citations
19. South African Social Security Agency Act, 2004 26 citations
20. Mining Titles Registration Act, 1967 19 citations
21. Precious Metals Act, 2005 15 citations
22. Free State Gambling and Liquor Act, 2010 2 citations
23. Kwa-Zulu Natal Amafa and Research Institute Act, 2018 1 citation
24. KwaZulu-Natal Archives and Records Service Act, 2011 1 citation
25. KwaZulu-Natal Film Commission Act, 2010 1 citation
26. KwaZulu-Natal Land Administration and Immovable Asset Management Act, 2014 1 citation
27. National Health Insurance Act, 2023 1 citation
28. North West Petitions Act, 2010 1 citation
29. Administrative Review Rules, 2019
30. Fire Safety
31. Fire Safety
32. Fire Safety
33. Free State Liquor Regulations, 2010
34. Imposition of Surcharges on Electricity Supplied to Occupiers of Municipal Property
35. Indigent Support
36. KwaZulu-Natal Archives and Records Service Regulations, 2014
37. KwaZulu-Natal Consumer Protection Regulations, 2014
38. KwaZulu-Natal Dube Tradeport Corporation Act, 2010
39. KwaZulu-Natal Economic Regulatory Authority Act, 2024
40. KwaZulu-Natal Gaming and Betting Regulations, 2012
41. KwaZulu-Natal Growth Fund Agency Act, 2024
42. KwaZulu-Natal Ithala Development Finance Corporation Act, 2013
43. KwaZulu-Natal Moses Kotane Research Institute Act, 2024
44. KwaZulu-Natal Tourism and Film Authority Act, 2024
45. KwaZulu-Natal Trade and Investment Agency Act, 2010
46. KwaZulu-Natal Zulu Royal House Trust Act, 2018
47. Mpumalanga Economic Regulator Act, 2017
48. National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Regulations, 2016
49. North West Parks Board Act, 2015
50. North West Tourism Board Act, 2015
51. North West Youth Entrepreneurship Services Fund Act, 2015
52. Regulations Relating to the Kwazulu-Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund (Retirement), 2019
53. Regulations Relating to the Kwazulu-Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund (Superannuation), 2019
54. Regulations Relating to the Kwazulu-Natal Joint Municipal Provident Fund, 2019
55. Regulations relating to the Promotion of Access to Information, 2021
56. Regulations relating to the Protection of Personal Information, 2018
57. Rules and Procedures of the Council and its Committee
58. Waste Management
59. Waste Management
60. Western Cape Commissioner for Children Act, 2019
61. Western Cape Community Safety Regulations, 2016
62. Western Cape Health Care Waste Management Act
63. Western Cape Independent Health Complaints Committee Act, 2014
Guidance Note 1
1. Guidance note on Information Officers and Deputy Information Officers, 2021