National Ambient Air Quality Standards

Government Notice 1210 of 2009

South Africa
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004

National Ambient Air Quality Standards

Government Notice 1210 of 2009

I, Buyelwa Patience Sonjica, Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, in terms of section 9(1) of the Act, hereby establishes the national ambient air qualify standards as set out in the Schedule to this notice.Buyelwa SonjicaMinister of Water and Environmental Affairs

1. Definitions

averaging period” means a period over which an average value is determined.compliance date” means the date in which compliance with the standard is required.frequency of exceedence” means a frequency (number/time) related to a limit value representing the tolerated exceedence of that limit value at a specific monitoring location, i.e. if exceedences of limit value are within the tolerances, then there is still compliance with the standard. This exceedence is applicable to a calendar year.limit value” means a level fixed on the basis of scientific knowledge, with the aim of reducing harmful effects on human health (or the environment (or both)), to be attained within a given compliance period and not to be exceeded once attained.

2. General

2.1Reference conditionsConcentrations shall be expressed at a standardised temperature of 25 °C and a pressure of 101,3 kPa.
2.2Reference methodsWhere test methods are specified, any other method which can be demonstrated to give equivalent results may be used. Documentary proof of equivalence in the form of test results from a SANAS accredited laboratory or a peer-reviewed report shall be provided. The obligation to provide sufficient proof shall lie with the proponent.
2.3Ambient air quality measurement requirements
Assessment of all ambient pollutant concentrations shall be conducted in terms of section of the National Framework for Air Quality Management in the Republic of South Africa.

3. National Ambient Air Quality Standards

3.1National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
Averaging periodConcentrationFrequency of exceedenceCompliance date
10 minutes500 µg/m3(191 ppb)526Immediate
1 hour350 µ/m3 (134 ppb)88Immediate
24 hours125 µg/m3 (48 ppb)4Immediate
1 year50 µg/m3 (19 ppb)0Immediate
The reference method for the analysis of sulphur dioxide shall be ISO 6767
3.2National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Averaging periodConcentrationFrequency of exceedenceCompliance date
1 hour200 µg/m3 (106 ppb)88Immediate
1 year40 µg/m3 (21 ppb)0Immediate
The reference method for the analysis of nitrogen dioxide shall be ISO 7996
3.3National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter (PM10)
Averaging periodConcentrationFrequency of exceedenceCompliance date
24 hours120µg/m34Immediate - 31 December 2014
24 hours75 µg/m341 January 2015
1 year50 µg/m30Immediate-31 December 2014
1 year40 µg/m301 January 2015
The reference method for the determination of the particulate matter fraction of suspended particulate matter shall be EN 12341
3.4National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone (O3)
Averaging periodConcentrationFrequency of exceedenceCompliance date
8 hours (running)120 µg/m3 (61 ppb)11Immediate
The reference method for the analysis of ozone shall be UV photometric method as described in SANS 13964
3.5National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Benzene (C6H6)
Averaging periodConcentrationFrequency of exceedenceCompliance date
1 year10 µg/m3 (3.2 ppb)0Immediate - 31 December 2014
1 year5 µg/m3 (1.6 ppb)01 January 2015
The reference methods for the sampling and analysis of benzene shall either be EPA compendium method TO-14 A or method TO-17
3.6National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Lead (Pb)
Averaging periodConcentrationFrequency of exceedenceCompliance date
1 year0.5 µg/m30Immediate
The reference method for the analysis of lead shall be ISO 9855
3.7National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Averaging periodConcentrationFrequency of exceedenceCompliance date
1 hour30 mg/m3 (26 ppm)88Immediate
8 hour (calculated on 1 hourly averages)10 mg/m3 (8.7 ppm)11Immediate
The reference method for analysis of Carbon Monoxide shall be ISO 4224
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History of this document

24 December 2009 this version