C and Others v Department of Health and Social Development, Gauteng and Others [2012] ZACC 1 (11 January 2012)


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Cited documents 29

Judgment 24
1. National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Others [1999] ZACC 17 (2 December 1999) 81 citations
2. Khumalo and Others v Holomisa [2002] ZACC 12 (14 June 2002) 59 citations
3. Dawood and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others; Shalabi and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others; Thomas and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others [2000] ZACC 8 (7 June 2000) 52 citations
4. Government of the Republic of South Africa and Others v Grootboom and Others [2000] ZACC 19 (4 October 2000) 45 citations
5. Bernstein and Others v Bester NO and Others [1996] ZACC 2 (27 March 1996) 44 citations
6. Glenister v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others [2011] ZACC 6 (17 March 2011) 44 citations
7. Lesapo v North West Agricultural Bank and Another [1999] ZACC 16 (16 November 1999) 40 citations
8. M v S (CCT 53/06) [2007] ZACC 18 (26 September 2007) 39 citations
9. City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Gauteng Development Tribunal and Others (Member of Executive Council of KwaZulu-Natal for Local Government and Traditional Affairs and Others intervening [2010] ZACC 11 (18 June 2010) 35 citations
10. De Lange v Smuts NO and Others [1998] ZACC 6 (28 May 1998) 35 citations
Act 5
1. Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 3962 citations
2. Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000 2144 citations
3. South African Police Service Act, 1995 571 citations
4. Children's Act, 2005 568 citations
5. Social Service Professions Act, 1978 182 citations