A R v Minister of Home Affairs (CCT 02/18) [2018] ZACC 52 (20 December 2018)


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Documents citing this one 21

Judgment 20
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3. AB and Another v Pridwin Preparatory School and Others [2020] ZACC 12 (17 June 2020) 16 citations
4. Residents of Industry House, 5 Davies Street, New Doornfontein, Johannesburg and Others v Minister of Police and Others [2021] ZACC 37 (22 October 2021) 9 citations
5. D A v Minister of Home Affairs and Another [2021] ZACC 50 (30 December 2021) 8 citations
6. B A v Minister of Home Affairs and Others [2023] ZACC 16 (12 June 2023) 6 citations
7. Member of Executive Council for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, KwaZulu-Natal v Nkandla Local Municipality and Others [2021] ZACC 46 (8 December 2021) 4 citations
8. Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (CCT 51/23) [2023] ZACC 45 (12 December 2023) 4 citations
9. Ayres and Another v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Another [2022] ZACC 12 (25 March 2022) 3 citations
10. Somali Association of South Africa and Others v Refugee Appeal Board and Others (585/2020) [2021] ZASCA 124 (23 September 2021) 2 citations
Case summary 1
1. Case Summary: S A v Minister of Home Affairs and Another; S J v Minister of Home Affairs and Another; B I v Minister of Home Affairs and Another