Smythe v South African Railways [1912] ZATPD 71 (5 June 1912)


Master and Servant.-Worksmen' s Compensation.-Permanent Partial lncapacitation.-When Mechanical
Appliance complete remedy.-Estoppel by Resuming·
Work.-Act 36 of 1907, sec 17.

Case summary

In the course of his employment plaintiff, a plumber,
sustained a partial rupture. Thereafter in order to·
enable him to resume his occupation he had to wear
a truss and so long as he continued to wear it he
could evercise his occupation continuously and as·
efficiently as he could prior to the injury :-Held,
that the plaintiff had not been permanently partially·
incapacitated within the meaning of Act 36' of 1907,.
sec. 17.

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