Arbitration.-Interdict.- Grounds for refusal of.- Ordinance 24 of 1904, sec. Interpretation.
Case summary
'The Court will not interdict proceedings for arbitration under an agreement of reference on the ground merely that the agreement is void, or that the matter
to he referred is outside the submission, or that prejudice may becaused to the- credit of the party applying or to subsequent legal proceedings by an adverse award. North London Railway Co. v. Great Northern Railway Co. (11 Q.B.D. 30) applied; London and Lanca8hire Fire Co. v. Imperial Cold Stomge
(15 C. T.R. 673), disapproved. The power given to the Court by the- proviso to sec. 9 of Ord. 24 of 1904, to set aside the appointment of an arbitrator applie-s only to cases of personal objection to such arbitrator.
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