This is the version of this By-law as it was from 9 December 2010 to 18 August 2016. Read the latest available version.
Events By-law, 2009
Cape Town
South Africa
South Africa
Events By-law, 2009
- Published in Western Cape Provincial Gazette 6630 on 22 May 2009
- Commenced on 22 May 2009
- [This is the version of this document as it was from 9 December 2010 to 18 August 2016.]
- [Amended by Events By-law: Amendment on 9 December 2010]
WHEREAS the City of Cape Town recognizes that the hosting of events is a significant part of its competitiveness strategy and acknowledges that events have an important role in modern cities to enhance cultural and social cohesion in communities, support urban rejuvenation and economic growth;WHEREAS the City of Cape Town aims to regulate holding of events in a manner that ensures proper management thereof;WHEREAS the City of Cape Town wishes to support the co-ordination and collaboration between all role-players, to promote partnerships and to enhance the effect of events in the City;AND WHEREAS the City wants to ensure that events happen safely and securely in a coordinated manner in the City of Cape Town;AND NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the City of Cape Town, as follows:—Chapter 1
Definitions and application
1. Definitions
In this By-law, unless the context otherwise indicates —"authorized official" means an official of the City authorized to implement or enforce the provisions of any other law;"City" means the City of Cape Town established in terms of section 12 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act No. 117 of 1998), by Provincial Notice No. 479 dated 22 December 2000;"City Manager" means the person appointed as City Manager in terms of section 82 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act No. 117 of 1998);"Council" means the council of the City of Cape Town or any political structure, political office bearer, councillor or any staff member acting under council’s delegated or sub-delegated authority;"event" means —(a)any sporting, recreational or entertainment event, including live acts;(b)any educational, cultural or religious event;(c)any business event including marketing, public relations and promotional, or exhibition events; or(d)any charitable event, including any conference, organizational or community event,or any similar activity hosted at a stadium, venue or along a route or its precinct, that is planned, has a clear programme, control and accountability, but excludes an event hosted by a private person held in his or her private capacity at any venue, or filming staged in terms of the By-law relating to Filming;"event organiser" means a person who submits an application to hold an event in terms of this By Law whether he or she submits the application for himself or herself or on behalf of another person, body or organization;"Event Permit Officer" means the head of the City of Cape Town events permit office or any other official delegated by him or her;"Events Policy" means the event policy of the City;"Law Enforcement Officer" includes members of the Metro Police of the City and traffic services;"permit" means a permit issued for the holding of an event in terms of section 5(3);"public place" means —(a)any public land, square, public swimming bath, public resort, public recreation site, zoological, botanical or other public garden, park or hiking trail, including any portion thereof and any facility or apparatus therein or thereon, as well as any public open space, public road, road reserve, reserve street, lake, dam, or river;(b)any public building, structure, hall, room or office including any part thereof and any facility or apparatus therein, which is the property of, or possessed, controlled or leased by the City and to which the general public has access, whether on payment of admission fees or not;(c)any nature conservation area including —(i)nature reserves;(ii)protected natural areas;(iii)nature conservation worthy areas;(iv)natural open spaces;"purpose-built venue" means a venue correctly zoned, built and suitable for the holding of specific events;"stakeholder" includes any person, organization or body who is affected or has a role to play in the management or holding of an event; "this By-law" includes the Schedules hereto;"venue" means any open space, enclosed or semi-enclosed temporary structure or permanent structure zoned in terms of the applicable legislation –(a)within which a temporary or permanent structure may be erected, where an event is to be hosted; and(b)which, for the purposes of any categorization, designation and certification of an event may consist of —(i)seating for spectators, attendees or an audience; or(ii)a field of play or a permanent or temporary podium or other area within a venue, reserved for the purposes of hosting an event;"venue owner" means any person or legal entity that, now or in the future, will directly or indirectly own, lease, rent, acquire or exercise the powers of an owner or occupier of a venue used for events.2. Application of this by-law
Chapter 2
Application process, requirements, decisions and enforcement
3. Submission of applications for approval to hold or stage events
4. Requirements and conditions
5. Decisions on events
6. Criteria
The Events Permit Officer must ensure that applications for staging an event are considered in accordance with the following criteria, where applicable:7. Holding of an event
Event organisers whose applications have been approved in terms of this By-law are responsible for the event and must ensure that —8. Compliance notice
9. Inspections and right of access
10. Suspension and revocation of permit
Chapter 3
General provisions
11. Agreements and partnerships
12. Delegations
13. Right of appeal
14. Indemnity
15. Offences and penalties
16. Short title
This By-Law is called City of Cape Town: Events By-Law.History of this document
19 August 2016
Amended by
Events: Amendment
Read this version
09 December 2010 this version
Amended by
Events: Amendment
22 May 2009
Cited documents 4
Act 4
1. | Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 | 4497 citations |
2. | Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 | 1775 citations |
3. | Regulation of Gatherings Act, 1993 | 134 citations |
4. | Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act, 2010 | 103 citations |