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South Africa
South Africa
Planning and Land Use Management By-law, 2016
- Published in KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette 1871 on 31 August 2017
- Commenced on 31 August 2017
- [This is the version of this document from 7 October 2021.]
- [Amended by Planning and Land Use Management Amendment By-law, 2019 on 20 December 2019]
- [Amended by Planning and Land Use Management Second Amendment By-law, 2021 on 7 October 2021]
WHEREAS the Municipality has competence in terms of Part B of Schedule 4 of the Constitution to administer matters pertaining to municipal planning;WHEREAS the Municipality must contribute to the progressive realisation of fundamental rights contained in the Constitution;WHEREAS the Municipality is committed to sustainable, developmentally orientated and integrated developmental municipal planning;WHEREAS the Municipality must promote the development principles of spatial justice; spatial sustainability; spatial resilience; efficiency and good administration in municipal planning;WHEREAS the Municipality must observe and enforce compliance of its land use scheme;WHEREAS the Municipality must maintain open, transparent and sound accountable practices in its planning administration;WHEREAS the Municipality recognises the principles of co-operative government in planning matters in order to provide for open, transparent and accountable government;AND WHEREAS the Municipality recognises the need to facilitate the involvement of the community and public participation in planning processes and developments;NOW THEREFORE The Municipal Council of the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality, acting in terms of section 156 read with Part B of Schedule 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, and read with section 11 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000), hereby makes the following By-law:Chapter 1
1. Definitions
In this By-law, unless the context indicates otherwise–"adjoining owner" means any owner whose land shares a common boundary or corner beacon with the land which is the subject of the land development application, and includes the owner whose land may be separated by a road;"affected owner" means any owner of land whom the Municipality may consider to be affected by a land development application; and may include a Traditional Authority;"Appeal Authority" means an appeal authority contemplated in terms of Chapter 12 of this By-law;"applicant" means any person who makes a land development application as contemplated in section 21(4) of this By-law;"authorisation" means any authorisation or authorisations required in terms of applicable legislation issued by an organ of state which must be lodged with a land development application, including but not limited to–2. Interpretation of By-law
If there is a conflict of interpretation between the English version of this By-law and a translated version, the English version prevails.Chapter 2
Objects of by-law
3. Objects of By-law
The objects of this By-law are to—Chapter 3
4. Application of By-law
This By-law applies to all land which falls within the municipal area under eThekwini Municipality and is binding on all persons to the extent applicable.Chapter 4
Planning functions of the three spheres of government
5. Municipal planning
Municipal planning, as provided for in SPLUMA, consists of the following elements:6. Provincial planning
Provincial planning, as provided for in SPLUMA, consists of the following elements:7. National planning
National planning, as provided for in SPLUMA, consists of the following elements:Chapter 5
Municipal spatial development framework
8. Status of Municipal Spatial Development Framework
9. Preparation and application of Municipal Spatial Development Framework
10. Content of Municipal Spatial Development Framework
11. Package of plans
12. Adoption of a Municipal Spatial Development Framework
Chapter 6
Land use scheme
13. Resolution to prepare a land use scheme
The Municipal Council must adopt a resolution to commence the preparation of a land use scheme where no land use scheme exists.14. Preparation of a land use scheme
15. Purpose and content of land use scheme
16. Legal effect of a land use scheme
17. Amendment of municipal boundaries
Where the boundaries of a municipal area are changed or altered, the affected municipalities must in consultation with each other, amend their respective land use schemes accordingly and, until the necessary amendments are effected, the provisions of the land use schemes remain in force in the areas in which they applied before the boundary changed, and the Municipalities may agree as to whom must assume responsibility for their enforcement.18. Amendment of land use scheme and rezoning
19. Review and monitoring of land use scheme
20. Record of amendments for land use scheme
Chapter 7
Land development applications
21. Land development applications
22. Planning enquiry
23. Submission of a land development application
24. Complete application
24A. Refusal of an application
24B. Heritage sites
Chapter 8
Categorisation of land development applications
25. Categorisation of land development applications
26. Category 1 land development determinations
27. Category 2 land development applications
28. Category 3 land development applications
29. Category 4 land development applications
30. Joint Advisory Committee
31. Commenting on circulated applications
The Head may make a recommendation for approval or refusal of any circulated application received by an internal line department for comment.Chapter 9
Public participation
32. Types of land development applications which require public participation
33. Public participation
34. Form of public participation
35. Proof of public participation
36. Objections to land development applications
37. Amended land development applications
Chapter 10
Municipal planning tribunal
38. Establishment of the Tribunal
39. Procedure to appoint a member of the Tribunal
40. Composition of the Tribunal
41. Appointment of Chairperson
42. Term of office of external members of Tribunal
[heading substituted by section 19 of the Amendment By-law, 2021]The Municipal Council may appoint an external member to serve on the Tribunal for five years or such shorter period as the Council may determine.43. Disqualification from membership of Tribunal
Chapter 11
Decisions on land development applications
44. Deciding a land development application
45. Functions and powers of the decision maker
46. Decision making
46A. Effective date of Municipal Planning Approval Authority’s decision on application
47. Conditional approval of land development application
48. Notification to Surveyor-General and Registrar of Deeds
A decision maker must, within the prescribed period after a land use decision affecting the use of land not in accordance with a condition in a title deed, notify the—49. Removal, amendment and suspension of restrictive conditions
50. Township establishment
51. Closure of roads and public open spaces
52. Land for parks, public open spaces and social facilities
53. Consultation with other land development authorities
54. Authorisations
Chapter 12
55. Appeal Authority
56. Powers of the Appeal Authority
The Appeal Authority may—57. Declaration of conflict of interest
58. Powers and duties of presiding officer
59. Conduct of Appeal Authority
The conduct of the Appeal Authority at a hearing must be impartial and must not prejudice or promote the interests of any party to the hearing.60. Lodging of appeal
61. Access to records
62. Notice of appeal
63. Pre-screening of appeal
64. Hearings of Appeal Authority
65. Postponement of an appeal hearing
66. Appeal considered on written submissions
67. Oral hearing
68. Oral hearing of appeal in absence of parties
The Appeal Authority may, after a Notice of Appeal Hearing has been served on all the parties, hear an oral appeal in the absence of an appellant or any other party if—69. Determination of appeal
70. Records of appeal hearing
71. Fees
Chapter 13
Compliance and enforcement
72. ***
[section 72 deleted by section 27 of the Amendment By-law, 2021]73. Functions and powers of enforcement officers
74. Warrant
75. Lodging and investigation of complaints
76. Contravention notice
77. Urgency
78. Compliance certificate
A contravention notice remains in force until it has been complied with to the satisfaction of the Municipality, and the Municipality has issued a compliance certificate to that effect.Chapter 14
Traditional areas
79. Agreements with Traditional Authority
Chapter 15
Allocation of street numbers and road naming
80. Submission of street numbers and road names in land development applications
81. Naming of private roads
82. Naming of public roads
83. Street numbers and road names of existing buildings
Chapter 16
Offences and penalties
84. Offences
85. Penalties
Chapter 17
Miscellaneous provisions
86. Application for intervener status
87. Change of ownership
88. Cession of rights in respect of objections or comments
89. Service and receipt of notices
89A. Calculation of number of days
If this By-law prescribes a period for performing an action, the number of days must be calculated by excluding the first day, and by including the last day, unless the last day happens to fall on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, in which case the first work day immediately following the Saturday, Sunday or public must be regarded as the last day of the period.[section 89A inserted by section 31 of the Amendment By-law, 2021]90. Delegations
91. Transitional provisions
In the absence of a cadastrally based Spatial Development Framework, all local area plans and functional area plans adopted by Council shall also be used to direct and manage development.91A. Exemption
92. Short title and commencement
This By-law is called the Planning and Land Use Management By-law, 2016 and takes effect on the date of publication thereof in the Provincial Gazette.History of this document
07 October 2021 this version
20 December 2019
31 August 2017
Cited documents 21
Act 21
1. | Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 | 4600 citations |
2. | Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 | 4482 citations |
3. | Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 | 3957 citations |
4. | Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 | 3431 citations |
5. | Spatial Planning and Land use Management Act, 2013 | 3392 citations |
6. | National Environmental Management Act, 1998 | 2227 citations |
7. | Companies Act, 2008 | 1972 citations |
8. | National Water Act, 1998 | 878 citations |
9. | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 | 596 citations |
10. | Close Corporations Act, 1984 | 592 citations |