South Africa
South Africa
Durban Fresh Produce Market By-law, 2022
- Published in Provincial Gazette 2501 on 26 January 2023
- Commenced on 26 January 2023
- [This is the version of this document from 26 January 2023.]
WHEREAS there is a need for the Municipality to regulate and manage the operations of the bulk market which is owned, controlled and managed by the Municipality;WHEREAS the Municipality has competence in terms of the section 156 (2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa to make and administer by-laws for the effective administration of the matters which it has the right to administer;AND WHEREAS it is necessary for the Municipality to provide the requisite facilities, services and provide a trading system for the sale of fresh produce and articles sold at the market;NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality, acting in terms of section 156 read with Schedule 5 (Part B) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, and read with section 11 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000), hereby makes the following By-law:Chapter 1
Interpretation and application
1. Definitions
In this By-law, unless the context indicates otherwise─"authorised official" means a person authorised to implement the provisions of this By-law, including but not limited to—(a)peace officers as contemplated in section 334 of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977);(b)municipal or metropolitan Police Officers as contemplated in the South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No. 68 of 1995); and(c)such employees, delegated nominees, representatives and service providers of the Municipality as are specifically authorised by the Municipality in this regard: Provided that for the purposes of search and seizure, where such person is not a peace officer, such person must be accompanied by a peace officer;"article" means any goods not defined as fresh produce which has been approved by the Municipality and sold on the market;"buyer" means any person entering the precincts of the market for the purpose of purchasing fresh produce or any article offered for sale on the market or any person with whom a direct sale has been concluded;"buyer's card" means a card, tag or an electronic identity issued by the Municipality, following the opening of a buyer's account, into which funds are deposited enabling a buyer to transact on the market;"Chief Financial Officer" means a person employed by the Municipality in terms of section 57 of the Systems Act as its Chief Financial Officer, and includes any person to whom the Chief Financial Officer has delegated or sub-delegated a power, function or duty in accordance with the system of delegations developed by the Municipal Manager in terms of section 59 of the Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000;"commission market agent" means any person who is a holder of a valid fidelity fund certificate issued in terms of the Act and a valid licence issued by the Municipality authorising such person to—(a)conduct business transactions in respect of fresh produce and article sold on behalf of suppliers as a market agent in return for a commission payable to the market agent and the Municipality; or(b)conclude any direct sale of fresh produce or article on the market in return for a commission payable to the market agent and the Municipality;"commission" means a percentage based on the proceeds of sales payable to market agents and the Municipality;"consignment" means any quantity of fresh produce consisting of distinct units of produce entrusted to a market agent/market wholesaler for sale;"Constitution" means the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;"container" means any box, carton, tray, pocket, package or other receptacle of a size and shape approved by the Municipality and the Act;"direct sale" means any sale of fresh produce in return for commission concluded by a market agent/market wholesaler between a supplier and a buyer which has been authorised by the Municipality, in advance, in accordance with this By-law, but in respect of which the delivery of such produce is made directly between the supplier and the buyer without the produce concerned arriving at or being placed on the market;"employee of market agent/market wholesaler" means a person who is the holder of a permit issued by the Municipality upon application, authorising such person to be employed by a market agent/market wholesaler, to function in the market sales halls on behalf of the market agent/market wholesaler;"fidelity fund certificate" means a fidelity fund certificate issued in terms of section 16 of the Act;"fresh produce" means any kind of agricultural product authorised by the Municipality for sale in the market, herein referred to as produce;"licence" means an official document issued by the Municipality in terms of this By-law certifying a person's appointment to function as a market agent/market wholesaler at the market;"market" means the Durban Fresh Produce Market and any subsequent market of this nature which may be established by the Municipality after the commencement of this By-law, including any other land, buildings or premises under the ownership and control of the Municipality upon or in which the business of the market is conducted in accordance with this By-law;"market wholesaler" means any person who procures fresh produce or article and who is issued with a valid licence by the Municipality to—(a)conduct business transactions in respect of fresh produce and article as a market wholesaler in respect of which a municipal commission is charged; or(b)conclude any direct sale of fresh produce or article on the market in respect of which a municipal commission is charged;"Municipal Finance Management Act" means the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003);"Municipal Council" or "Council" means the eThekwini Municipal Council, a municipal council referred to in section 157(1) of the Constitution;"Municipality" means eThekwini Municipality, a category A municipality as envisaged in terms of section 155(1) of the Constitution of South Africa and established in terms of PN343 of 2000 (KwaZulu-Natal);"municipal manager" means a person appointed in terms of section 54A of the Municipal Systems Act as the head of administration of the municipal council;"permit" means an official document issued by the Municipality authorising the employment of any person to function as an employee of the market agent/market wholesaler in the market sales halls or authorising any person to engage in the services of being porter within the market;"person" means a natural person or juristic person;"Policy" means the Policy adopted by the Municipality in terms of this By-law for the management and control of the market;"porter "means a person who is authorised by the Municipality to function on the market with the sole purpose of assisting buyers with the collection and delivery of fresh produce to their delivery vehicles or storage areas on the market;"online trading platform" means any sales transaction concluded by a market agent/market wholesaler and which is captured on an electronic trading system constituting a sales transaction;"sale" means a negotiated price and quantity reached between a salesperson of the market agent/market wholesaler and a willing buyer recorded in the accounting records of the market;"sales receipt" means documentary proof of a sale processed through the official trading system;"sales hall" means a hall within the precinct of the market in which the sale of fresh produce takes place by the market agents/market wholesaler;"salesperson" means an individual employed by a market agent/market wholesaler who is a holder of a salesperson's permit issued by the Municipality, and/or who is a holder of a fidelity fund certificate issued in terms of the Act, and who trades on the market floor;"selling price" means the amount for which any fresh produce or article has been sold to a buyer or being offered to a buyer;"standard container" means a container manufactured, woven, or constructed in accordance with the specifications as prescribed in the manual of the South African Bureau of Standards, or any container approved by the Municipality or as prescribed by the Act;"standard operating procedures" means procedures developed and approved by the Municipality for the management and control of the market;"supplier" means the owner of fresh produce consigned to or delivered onto the market for sale, or any person delivering any article onto the market for sale, either for himself or any other person;"Systems Act" means the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000);"the Act" means the Agricultural Produce Agents Act, 1992 (Act 12 of 1992);"trading system" means an electronic trading system (information and communications technology system), that enables the recording of real-time sales transactions and other related sales operations functions; and"unit" means the quantity of any fresh produce or article which forms the basis upon which the price of such fresh produce or article is calculated.2. Interpretation of By-law
If there is a conflict of interpretation between the English version of this By-law and a translated version, the English version prevails.3. Objects of By-law
The objects of this By-law are to—4. Application of By-law
This By-law applies to the market and is binding on all persons to the extent applicable.Chapter 2
Management and control
5. Management authority
6. Market agents/market wholesalers
7. Permits for employees of market agents/market wholesalers
8. Salesperson
9. Porters
10. Vehicular traffic
Chapter 3
Trading and related activities
11. Lease of premises
12. Responsibilities of market tenants in respect of leased premises
A person who is leasing premises from which to conduct business on the market must—13. Conduct of market agents/market wholesalers
14. Off-loading of fresh produce or article on arrival
15. Delivery of fresh produce or article
16. Municipality's discretion to reject certain fresh produce or article
17. Inspection, grading, packing, and marking of fresh produce or article
18. Commencement and closing of sales
19. Storage
No person may without the prior written approval of the Municipality store or leave any produce, article, item, or thing of whatever nature on the market premises.20. Sale of fresh produce or article
21. Purchase and sale by municipal employees
No employee of the Municipality who is stationed at the market or is in some way involved in the market is permitted to purchase fresh produce on the market for the purpose of re-selling such fresh produce or trading therein. Such employee may, however, purchase such fresh produce as he or she bona fide requires for his or her own private consumption, provided that there is no price preferencing.22. Purchase by market agents/market wholesalers
No market agent/market wholesaler or his or her employee is permitted to purchase fresh produce on the market for the purpose of re-selling such fresh produce or trading therein. Such market agent/market wholesaler or employee may, however, purchase such fresh produce as he or she bona fide requires for his or her own private consumption, provided that there is no price preferencing.23. Removal of fresh produce or article
24. Cold storage and ripening
Chapter 4
Maintaining of sales records and related transactions
25. Sales receipts
26. Payment for purchases
27. Commission on sales
28. Proceeds of sales
29. Record of transactions
Chapter 5
Policing conduct and limitation of liability
30. Unclaimed and un-cleared fresh produce or article
31. Powers of authorised official
An authorised official is entitled to—32. Risk in respect of fresh produce or article
33. Indemnification from liability
34. Recovery of monies
35. Prohibited conduct
Chapter 6
36. Delegations
37. Appeals
38. Offences and penalties
39. Repeal of laws and savings
40. Transitional provisions
41. Short title and commencement
This By-law is called the Durban Fresh Produce Market By-Law, 2022, and takes effect on the date of publication thereof in the Provincial Gazette or on such earlier date as may be determined by the publication of a commencement notice in the Provincial Gazette.History of this document
26 January 2023 this version
Cited documents 8
Act 8
1. | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 | 12332 citations |
2. | Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 | 4621 citations |
3. | Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 | 4013 citations |
4. | Insolvency Act, 1936 | 3911 citations |
5. | Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 | 1775 citations |
6. | Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 | 996 citations |
7. | South African Police Service Act, 1995 | 592 citations |
8. | Agricultural Produce Agents Act, 1992 | 140 citations |