Employment Equity Act, 1998

Act 55 of 1998

This Act has not yet come into force in full. See the Document detail tab for more information.
This is the latest version of this Act.

South Africa

Employment Equity Act, 1998

Act 55 of 1998

  • Published in Government Gazette 19370 on 19 October 1998
  • Assented to on 12 October 1998
  • There are multiple commencements
  • Provisions Status
    Chapter IV (section 28–33) commenced on 14 May 1999 by Proclamation R55 of 1999.
    Chapter I (section 1–4); Chapter II (section 5–11); Chapter V, Part A, subpart  (section 34); Part B, section 47–50; Part C (section 51–52); Chapter VI, section 54–57, section 59–64 commenced on 9 August 1999 by Proclamation R83 of 1999.
    Chapter III (section 12–27); Chapter V, Part A, subpart  (section 35–45); Part B, section 46; Chapter VI, section 58, section 65 commenced on 1 December 1999 by Proclamation R115 of 1999.
    Chapter II, section 6(4), 6(5), section 8(d), section 10(6)(aA), 10(8), section 11(1), 11(b); Chapter III, section 20(7), section 21(4A), 21(4B); Chapter V, Part A, subpart, section 36(1), 36(2), section 42(1), 42(2), 42(3), 42(4), section 45(1), 45(2), 45(3), 45(4); Part B, section 48(1), 48(2), section 50(5); Chapter VI, section 64A commenced on 1 August 2014.
    Chapter VI, section 53 not yet commenced.
  • [This is the version of this document from 1 August 2014.]
  1. [Amended by Intelligence Services Act, 2002 (Act 65 of 2002) on 20 February 2003]
  2. [Amended by Electronic Communications Security (Pty) Ltd Act, 2002 (Act 68 of 2002) on 28 February 2003]
  3. [Amended by General Intelligence Laws Amendment Act, 2003 (Act 52 of 2003) on 28 February 2003]
  4. [Amended by Employment Equity Amendment Act, 2013 (Act 47 of 2013) on 1 August 2014]
(English text signed by the President.)ACTTo provide for employment equity; and to provide for matters incidental thereto.
Recognising—that as a result of apartheid and other discriminatory laws and practices, there are disparities in employment, occupation and income within the national labour market; andthat those disparities create such pronounced disadvantages for certain categories of people that they cannot be redressed simply by repealing discriminatory laws,Therefore, in order to—promote the constitutional right of equality and the exercise of true democracy;eliminate unfair discrimination in employment;ensure the implementation of employment equity to redress the effects of discrimination;achieve a diverse workforce broadly representative of our people;promote economic development and efficiency in the workforce; andgive effect to the obligations of the Republic as a member of the International Labour Organisation,BE IT ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa as follows:—

Chapter I
Definitions, purpose, interpretation and application

1. Definitions

In this Act, unless the context otherwise indicates—"Basic Conditions of Employment Act" means the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 (Act No. 75 of 1997);"black people" is a generic term which means Africans, Coloureds and Indians;"CCMA" means the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration, established by section 112 of the Labour Relations Act;"code of good practice" means a document issued by the Minister in terms of section 54;"collective agreement" means a written agreement concerning terms and conditions of employment or any other matter of mutual interest concluded by one or more registered trade unions, on the one hand and, on the other hand—(a)one or more employers;(b)one or more registered employers’ organisations; or(c)one or more employers and one or more registered employers' organisations;"Commission" means the Commission for Employment Equity, established by section 28;"Constitution" means the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act No. 108 of 1996);"designated employer" means—(a)an employer who employs 50 or more employees;(b)an employer who employs fewer that 50 employees, but has a total annual turnover that is equal to or above the applicable annual turnover of a small business in terms of Schedule 4 to this Act;(c)a municipality, as referred to in Chapter 7 of the Constitution;(d)an organ of state as defined in section 239 of the Constitution, but excluding the National Defence Force, the National Intelligence Agency and the South African Secret Service; and[paragraph (d) substituted by section 1(a) of Act 47 of 2013](e)an employer bound by a collective agreement in terms of section 23 or 31 of the Labour Relations Act, which appoints it as a designated employer in terms of this Act, to the extent provided for in the agreement;"designated groups" means black people, women and people with disabilities who—(a)are citizens of the Republic of South Africa by birth or descent; or(b)became citizens of the Republic of South Africa by naturalisation—(i)before 27 April 1994; or(ii)after 26 April 1994 and who would have been entitled to acquire citizenship by naturalisation prior to that date but who were precluded by apartheid policies;[definition of "designated groups" substituted by section 1(b) of Act 47 of 2013]"Director-General" means the Director-General of the Department of Labour;"dismissal" has the meaning assigned to it in section 186 of the Labour Relations Act;"dispute" includes an alleged dispute;"employee" means any person other than an independent contractor who—(a)works for another person or for the State and who receives, or is entitled to receive, any remuneration; and(b)in any manner assists in carrying on or conducting the business of an employer,and "employed" and "employment" have corresponding meanings;"employment law" means any provision of this Act or any of the following Acts:(a)The Unemployment Insurance Act, 1966 (Act No. 30 of 1966);(b)the Guidance and Placement Act, 1981 (Act No. 62 of 1981);(c)the Manpower Training Act, 1981 (Act No. 56 of 1981);(d)the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993);(e)the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act No. 130 of 1993);(f)the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995);(g)the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 (Act No. 75 of 1997);(h)any other Act, whose administration has been assigned to the Minister."employment policy or practice" includes, but is not limited to—(a)recruitment procedures, advertising and selection criteria;(b)appointments and the appointment process;(c)job classification and grading;(d)remuneration, employment benefits and terms and conditions of employment;(e)job assignments;(f)the working environment and facilities;(g)training and development;(h)performance evaluation systems;(i)promotion;(j)transfer;(k)demotion;(l)disciplinary measures other than dismissal; and(m)dismissal."family responsibility" means the responsibility of employees in relation to their spouse or partner, their dependent children or other members of their immediate family who need their care or support;"HIV" means the Human Immunodeficiency Virus;"labour inspector" means a person appointed in terms of section 63 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act;[definition of "labour inspector" substituted by section 1(c) of Act 47 of 2013]"Labour Relations Act" means the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995);"medical testing" includes any test, question, inquiry or other means designed to ascertain, or which has the effect of enabling the employer to ascertain, whether an employee has any medical condition;"Minister" means the Minister of Labour;"NEDLAC" means the National Economic, Development and Labour Council established by section 2 of the National Economic, Development and Labour Council Act, 1994 (Act No. 35 of 1994);"organ of state" means an organ of state as defined in section 239 of the Constitution;"people with disabilities" means people who have a long-term or recurring physical or mental impairment which substantially limits their prospects of entry into, or advancement in, employment;"pregnancy" includes intended pregnancy, termination of pregnancy and any medical circumstances related to pregnancy;"prescribed" means prescribed by a regulation made under section 55;"public service" means the public service referred to in section 1(1) of the Public Service Act, 1994 (promulgated by Proclamation No. 103 of 1994), and includes any organisational component contemplated in section 7(4) of that Act and specified in the first column of Schedule 2 to that Act, but excluding—(a)the National Defence Force;(b)the National Intelligence Agency;[paragraph (b) amended by section 26 of Act 68 of 2002](c)the South African Secret Service;(d)the South African National Academy of Intelligence;[paragraph (d) added by section 40(1) of Act 65 of 2002](d)Comsec[paragraph (d) added by section 26 of Act 68 of 2002][Please note: numbering as in original.](e)Comsec.[paragraph (e) added by section 25(2) of Act 52 of 2003]"reasonable accommodation" means any modification or adjustment to a job or to the working environment that will enable a person from a designated group to have access to or participate or advance in employment;"registered employers’ organisation" means an employers’ organisation as defined in section 213 of the Labour Relations Act and registered in terms of section 96 of that Act;"registered trade union" means a trade union as defined in section 213 of the Labour Relations Act and registered in terms of section 96 of that Act;"remuneration" means any payment in money or in kind, or both in money and in kind, made or owing to any person in return for that person working for any other person, including the State;"representative trade union" means a registered trade union, or two or more registered trade unions acting jointly, that are sufficiently representative of the employees employed by an employer in a workplace;"Republic" means the Republic of South Africa as defined in the Constitution;"serve" or "submit", in relation to any communication, means either—(a)to send it in writing delivered by hand or registered post;(b)to transmit it using any electronic mechanism as a result of which the recipient is capable of printing the communication; or(c)to send or transmit it in any other prescribed manner;[definition of "serve" or "submit" substituted by section 1(d) of Act 47 of 2013]"suitably qualified person" means a person contemplated in sections 20(3) and (4);"this Act" includes any regulations made under section 55, but excludes any footnote;"trade union representative" means a member of a registered trade union who is elected to represent employees in a workplace;"workplace forum" means a workplace forum established in terms of Chapter V of the Labour Relations Act.

2. Purpose of this Act

The purpose of this Act is to achieve equity in the workplace by—
(a)promoting equal opportunity and fair treatment in employment through the elimination of unfair discrimination; and
(b)implementing affirmative action measures to redress the disadvantages in employment experienced by designated groups, in order to ensure their equitable representation in all occupational levels in the workforce.[paragraph (b) substituted by section 2 of Act 47 of 2013]

3. Interpretation of this Act

This Act must be interpreted—
(a)in compliance with the Constitution;
(b)so as to give effect to its purpose;
(c)taking into account any relevant code of good practice issued in terms of this Act or any other employment law; and
(d)in compliance with the international law obligations of the Republic, in particular those contained in the International Labour Organisation Convention (No. 111) concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation.

4. Application of this Act

(1)Chapter II of this Act applies to all employees and employers.
(2)Except where Chapter III provides otherwise, Chapter III of this Act applies only to designated employers and people from designated groups.
(3)This Act does not apply to members of the National Defence Force, the National Intelligence Agency, the South African Secret Service or the South African National Academy of Intelligence or to the directors and staff of Comsec.[subsection (3) substituted by section 40(1) of Act 65 of 2002, by section 26 of Act 68 of 2002 and by section 25(2) of Act 52 of 2003]

Chapter II
Prohibition of unfair discrimination

5. Elimination of unfair discrimination

Every employer must take steps to promote equal opportunity in the workplace by eliminating unfair discrimination in any employment policy or practice.

6. Prohibition of unfair discrimination

(1)No person may unfairly discriminate, directly or indirectly, against an employee, in any employment policy or practice, on one or more grounds, including race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, family responsibility, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, HIV status, conscience, belief, political opinion, culture, language, birth or on any other arbitrary ground.[subsection (1) substituted by section 3(a) of Act 47 of 2013]
(2)It is not unfair discrimination to—
(a)take affirmative action measures consistent with the purpose of this Act; or
(b)distinguish, exclude or prefer any person on the basis of an inherent requirement of a job.
(3)Harassment of an employee is a form of unfair discrimination and is prohibited on any one, or a combination of grounds of unfair discrimination listed in subsection (1).
(4)A difference in terms and conditions of employment between employees of the same employer performing the same or substantially the same work or work of equal value that is directly or indirectly based on any one or more of the grounds listed in subsection (1), is unfair discrimination.[subsection (4) added by section 3(b) of Act 47 of 2013]
(5)The Minister, after consultation with the Commission, may prescribe the criteria and prescribe the methodology for assessing work of equal value contemplated in subsection (4).[subsection (5) added by section 3(b) of Act 47 of 2013]

7. Medical testing

(1)Medical testing of an employee is prohibited, unless—
(a)legislation permits or requires the testing; or
(b)it is justifiable in the light of medical facts, employment conditions, social policy, the fair distribution of employee benefits or the inherent requirements of a job.
(2)Testing of an employee to determine that employee’s HIV status is prohibited unless such testing is determined to be justifiable by the Labour Court in terms of section 50(4) of this Act.

8. Psychological testing and other similar assessments

Psychological testing and other similar assessments of an employee are prohibited unless the test or assessment being used—
(a)has been scientifically shown to be valid and reliable;
(b)can be applied fairly to all employees;
(c)is not biased against any employee or group; and
(d)has been certified by the Health Professions Council of South Africa established by section 2 of the Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974), or any other body which may be authorised by law to certify those tests or assessments.[paragraph (d) added by section 4 of Act 47 of 2013]

9. Applicants

For purposes of sections 6, 7 and 8, "employee" includes an applicant for employment.

10. Disputes concerning this Chapter

(1)In this section, the word "dispute" excludes a dispute about an unfair dismissal, which must be referred to the appropriate body for conciliation and arbitration or adjudication in terms of Chapter VIII of the Labour Relations Act.
(2)Any party to a dispute concerning this Chapter may refer the dispute in writing to the CCMA within six months after the act or omission that allegedly constitutes unfair discrimination.
(3)The CCMA may at any time permit a party that shows good cause to refer a dispute after the relevant time limit set out in subsection (2).
(4)The party that refers a dispute must satisfy the CCMA that—
(a)a copy of the referral has been served on every other party to the dispute; and
(b)the referring party has made a reasonable attempt to resolve the dispute.
(5)The CCMA must attempt to resolve the dispute through conciliation.
(6)If the dispute remains unresolved after conciliation—
(a)any party to the dispute may refer it to the Labour Court for adjudication;
(aA)an employee may refer the dispute to the CCMA for arbitration if—
(i)the employee alleges unfair discrimination on the grounds of sexual harassment; or
(ii)in any other case, that employee earns less than the amount stated in the determination made by the Minister in terms of section 6(3) of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act; or
[paragraph (aA) inserted by section 5(a) of Act 47 of 2013]
(b)any party to the dispute may refer it to the CCMA for arbitration if all the parties to the dispute consent to arbitration of the dispute.[paragraph (b) substituted by section 5(b) of Act 47 of 2013]
(7)The relevant provisions of Parts C and D of Chapter VII of the Labour Relations Act, with the changes required by context, apply in respect of a dispute in terms of this Chapter.
(8)A person affected by an award made by a commissioner of the CCMA persuant to a dispute contemplated in subsection (6)(aA) may appeal to the Labour Court agaist that award within 14 days of the date of the award, but the Labour Court, on good cause shown, may extend the period within which that person may appeal.[subsection (8) added by section 5(c) of Act 47 of 2013]

11. Burden of proof

(1)If unfair discrimination is alleged on a ground listed in section 6(1), the employer against whom the allegation is made must prove, on a balance of probabilities, that such discrimination—
(a)did not take place as alleged; or
(b)is rational and not unfair, or is otherwise justifiable.
(b)If unfair discrimination is alleged on an arbitrary ground, the complainant must prove, on a balance of probabilities, that—
(a)the conduct complained of is not rational;
(b)the conduct complained of amounts to discrimination; and
(c)the discrimination is unfair.
[section 11 substituted by section 6 of Act 47 of 2013]

Chapter III
Affirmative action

12. Application of this Chapter

Except where otherwise provided, this Chapter applies only to designated employers.

13. Duties of designated employers

(1)Every designated employer must, in order to achieve employment equity, implement affirmative action measures for people from designated groups in terms of this Act.
(2)A designated employer must—
(a)consult with its employees as required by section 16;
(b)conduct an analysis as required by section 19;
(c)prepare an employment equity plan as required by section 20; and
(d)report to the Director-General on progress made in implementing its employment equity plan, as required by section 21.

14. Voluntary compliance with this Chapter

An employer that is not a designated employer may notify the Director-General that it intends to comply with this Chapter as if it were a designated employer.

15. Affirmative action measures

(1)Affirmative action measures are measures designed to ensure that suitably qualified people from designated groups have equal employment opportunities and are equitably represented in all occupational levels in the workforce of a designated employer.[subsection (1) substituted by section 7(a) of Act 47 of 2013]
(2)Affirmative action measures implemented by a designated employer must include—
(a)measures to identify and eliminate employment barriers, including unfair discrimination, which adversely affect people from designated groups;
(b)measures designed to further diversity in the workplace based on equal dignity and respect of all people;
(c)making reasonable accommodation for people from designated groups in order to ensure that they enjoy equal opportunities and are equitably represented in the workforce of a designated employer;
(d)subject to subsection (3), measures to—
(i)ensure the equitable representation of suitably qualified people from designated groups in all occupational levels in the workforce; and[subparagraph (i) substituted by section 7(b) of Act 47 of 2013]
(ii)retain and develop people from designated groups and to implement appropriate training measures, including measures in terms of an Act of Parliament providing for skills development.
(3)The measures referred to in subsection (2)(d) include preferential treatment and numerical goals, but exclude quotas.
(4)Subject to section 42, nothing in this section requires a designated employer to take any decision concerning an employment policy or practice that would establish an absolute barrier to the prospective or continued employment or advancement of people who are not from designated groups.

16. Consultation with employees

(1)A designated employer must take reasonable steps to consult and attempt to reach agreement on the matters referred to in section 17
(a)with a representative trade union representing members at the workplace and its employees or representatives nominated by them; or
(b)if no representative trade union represents members at the workplace, with its employees or representatives nominated by them.
(2)The employees or their nominated representatives with whom an employer consults in terms of subsection (1)(a) and (b), taken as a whole, must reflect the interests of—
(a)employees from across all occupational levels of the employer's workforce;[paragraph (a) substituted by section 8 of Act 47 of 2013]
(b)employees from designated groups; and
(c)employees who are not from designated groups.
(3)This section does not affect the obligation of any designated employer in terms of section 86 of the Labour Relations Act to consult and reach consensus with a workplace forum on any of the matters referred to in section 17 of this Act.

17. Matters for consultation

A designated employer must consult the parties referred to in section 16 concerning—
(a)the conduct of the analysis referred to in section 19;
(b)the preparation and implementation of the employment equity plan referred to in section 20; and
(c)a report referred to in section 21.

18. Disclosure of information

(1)When a designated employer engages in consultation in terms of this Chapter, that employer must disclose to the consulting parties all relevant information that will allow those parties to consult effectively.
(2)Unless this Act provides otherwise, the provisions of section 163 of the Labour Relations Act, with the changes required by context, apply to disclosure of information.3Section 16 of the Labour Relations Act contains detailed provisions about disclosure of information, and disputes concerning disclosure. Regulations concerning the conduct of an analysis may, under section 55, read with section 19, be made. However, the employment policies and practices defined in section 1 are an indication of the potential areas of both direct and indirect discrimination that should be subject to analysis.

19. Analysis

(1)A designated employer must collect information and conduct an analysis, as prescribed, of its employment policies, practices, procedures and the working environment, in order to identify employment barriers which adversely affect people from designated groups.
(2)An analysis conducted in terms of subsection (1) must include a profile, as prescribed, of the designated employer's workforce within each occupational level in order to determine the degree of underrepresentation of people from designated groups in various occupational levels in that employer's workforce.[subsection (2) substituted by section 9 of Act 47 of 2013]

20. Employment equity plan

(1)A designated employer must prepare and implement an employment equity plan which will achieve reasonable progress towards employment equity in that employer’s workforce.
(2)An employment equity plan prepared in terms of subsection (1) must state—
(a)the objectives to be achieved for each year of the plan;
(b)the affirmative action measures to be implemented as required by section 15(2);
(c)where underrepresentation of people from designated groups has been identified by the analysis, the numerical goals to achieve the equitable representation of suitably qualified people from designated groups within each occupational level in the workforce, the timetable within which this is to be achieved, and the strategies intended to achieve those goals;[paragraph (c) substituted by section 10(a) of Act 47 of 2013]
(d)the timetable for each year of the plan for the achievement of goals and objectives other than numerical goals;
(e)the duration of the plan, which may not be shorter than one year or longer than five years;
(f)the procedures that will be used to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the plan and whether reasonable progress is being made towards implementing employment equity;
(g)the internal procedures to resolve any dispute about the interpretation or implementation of the plan;
(h)the persons in the workforce, including senior managers, responsible for monitoring and implementing the plan; and
(i)any other prescribed matter.
(3)For purposes of this Act, a person may be suitably qualified for a job as a result of any one of, or any combination of that person’s—
(a)formal qualifications;
(b)prior learning;
(c)relevant experience; or
(d)capacity to acquire, within a reasonable time, the ability to do the job.
(4)When determining whether a person is suitably qualified for a job, an employer must—
(a)review all the factors listed in subsection (3); and
(b)determine whether that person has the ability to do the job in terms of any one of, or any combination of those factors.
(5)In making a determination under subsection (4), an employer may not unfairly discriminate against a person solely on the grounds of that person's lack of relevant experience.
(6)An employment equity plan may contain any other measures that are consistent with the purposes of this Act.
(7)The Director-General may apply to the Labour Court to impose a fine in accordance with Schedule 1, if a designated employer fails to prepare or implement an employment equity plan in terms of this section.[subsection (7) added by section 10(b) of Act 47 of 2013]

21. Report5

5The first report will refer to the initial development of and consultation around an employment equity plan. The subsequent reports will detail the progress made in implementing the employment equity plan.
(1)A designated employer must submit a report to the Director-General once every year, on the first working day of October or on such other date as may be prescribed.[subsection (1) substituted by section 11(a) of Act 47 of 2013]
(2)[subsection (2) deleted by section 11(b) of Act 47 of 2013]
(3)Despite subsection (1), an employer that becomes a designated employer on or after the first working day of April but before the first working day of October, must only submit its first report on the first working day of October in the following year or on such other date contemplated in subsection (1).[subsection (3) substituted by section 11(c) of Act 47 of 2013]
(4)The report referred to in subsection (1) must contain the prescribed information and must be signed by the chief executive officer of the designated employer.[subsection (4) substituted by section 11(c) of Act 47 of 2013]
(4A)An employer that is not able to submit a report to the Director-General by the fisrt working day of October in terms of subsection (1) must notify the Director-General in writing before the last working day of August in the same year giving reasons for its inability to do so.[subsection (4A) inserted by section 11(d) of Act 47 of 2013]
(4B)The Director-General may apply to the Labour Court to impose a fine in accordance with schedule 1, if an employer—
(a)fails to submit a report in terms of this section;
(b)fails to notify and give reasons to the Director-General in terms of subsection (4A); or
(c)has notified the Director-General in terms of subsection (4A) but the reasons are false or invalid.
[subsection (4B) inserted by section 11(d) of Act 47 of 2013]
(5)[subsection (5) deleted by section 11(e) of Act 47 of 2013]
(6)Every report prepared in terms of this section is a public document.

22. Publication of report

(1)Every designated employer that is a public company must publish a summary of a report required by section 21 in that employer’s annual financial report.
(2)When a designated employer within any organ of state has produced a report in terms of section 21, the Minister responsible for that employer must table that report in Parliament.

23. Successive employment equity plans

Before the end of the term of its current employment equity plan, a designated employer must prepare a subsequent employment equity plan.

24. Designated employer must assign manager

(1)Every designated employer must—
(a)assign one or more senior managers to take responsibility for monitoring and implementing an employment equity plan;
(b)provide the managers with the authority and means to perform their functions; and
(c)take reasonable steps to ensure that the managers perform their functions.
(2)The assignment of responsibility to a manager in terms of subsection (1) does not relieve the designated employer of any duty imposed by this Act or any other law.

25. Duty to inform

(1)An employer must display at the workplace where it can be read by employees a notice in the prescribed form, informing them about the provisions of this Act66Regulations may, under section 55, be made containing a standard notice, in all official languages, summarising the provisions of this Act, which all employers should display in every workplace.
(2)A designated employer must, in each of its workplaces, place in prominent places that are accessible to all employees—
(a)the most recent report submitted by that employer to the Director-General;
(b)any compliance order, arbitration award or order of the Labour Court concerning the provisions of this Act in relation to that employer; and
(c)any other document concerning this Act as may be prescribed.
(3)An employer who has an employment equity plan, must make a copy of the plan available to its employees for copying and consultation.

26. Duty to keep records

An employer must establish and, for the prescribed period, maintain records in respect of its workforce, its employment equity plan and any other records relevant to its compliance with this Act.

27. Income differentials and discrimination

[heading substituted by section 12(a) of Act 47 of 2013]
(1)Every designated employer, when reporting in terms of section 21(1), must submit a statement, as prescribed, to the Employment Conditions Commission established by section 59 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, on the remuneration and benefits received in each occupational level of that employer's workforce.[subsection (1) substituted by section 12(b) of Act 47 of 2013]
(2)Where disproportionate income differentials, or unfair discrimination by virtue of a difference in terms and conditions of employment contemplated in section 6(4), are reflected in the statement contemplated in subsection (1), a designated employer must take measures to progressively reduce such differentials subject to such guidance as may be given by the Minister as contemplated in subsection (4).[subsection (2) substituted by section 12(b) of Act 47 of 2013]
(3)The measures referred to in subsection (2) may include—
(a)collective bargaining;
(b)compliance with sectoral determinations made by the Minister in terms of section 51 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act;
(c)applying the norms and benchmarks set by the Employment Conditions Commision;
(d)relevant measures contained in skills development legislation;
(e)other measures that are appropriate in the circumstances.
(4)The Employment Conditions Commission must research and investigate norms and benchmarks for proportionate income differentials and advise the Minister on appropriate measures for reducing disproportional differentials.
(5)The Employment Conditions Commission may not disclose any information pertaining to individual employees or employers.
(6)Parties to a collective bargaining process may request the information contained in the statement contemplated in subsection (1) for collective bargaining purposes subject to section 16(4) and (5) of the Labour Relations Act.

Chapter IV
Commission for Employment Equity

28. Establishment of Commission for Employment Equity

The Commission for Employment Equity is hereby established.

29. Composition of Commission for Employment Equity

(1)The Commission consists of a chairperson and eight other members appointed by the Minister to hold office on a part-time basis.
(2)The members of the Commission must include—
(a)two people nominated by those voting members of NEDLAC who represent organised labour;
(b)two people nominated by those voting members of NEDLAC who represent organised business;
(c)two people nominated by those voting members of NEDLAC who represent the State; and
(d)two people nominated by those voting members of NEDLAC who represent the organisations of community and development interests in the Development Chamber in NEDLAC.
(3)A party that nominates persons in terms of subsection (2) must have due regard to promoting the representivity of people from designated groups.
(4)The Chairperson and each other member of the Commission
(a)must have experience and expertise relevant to the functions contemplated in section 30;
(b)must act impartially when performing any function of the Commission;
(c)may not engage in any activity that may undermine the integrity of the Commission; and
(d)must not participate in forming or communicating any advice on any matter in respect of which they have a direct financial interest or any other conflict of interest.
(5)The Minister must appoint a member of the Commission to act as chairperson whenever the office of chairperson is vacant.
(6)The members of the Commission must choose from among themselves a person to act in the capacity of chairperson during the temporary absence of the chairperson.
(7)The Minister may determine—
(a)the term of office for the chairperson and for each member of the Commission, but no member's term of office may exceed five years;
(b)the remuneration and allowances to be paid to members of the Commission with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance; and
(c)any other conditions of appointment not provided for in this section.
(8)The chairperson and members of the Commission may resign by giving at least one month’s written notice to the Minister.
(9)The Minister may remove the chairperson or a member of the Commission from office for—
(a)serious misconduct;
(b)permanent incapacity;
(c)that person’s absence from three consecutive meetings of the Commission without the prior permission of the chairperson, except on good cause shown; or
(d)engaging in any activity that may undermine the integrity of the Commission.

30. Functions of Commission for Employment Equity

(1)The Commission advises the Minister on—
(a)codes of good practice issued by the Minister in terms of section 54;
(b)regulations made by the Minister in terms of section 55; and
(c)policy and any other matter concerning this Act.
(2)In addition to the functions in subsection (1) the Commission may—
(a)make awards recognising achievements of employers in furthering the purpose of this Act;
(b)research and report to the Minister on any matter relating to the application of this Act, including appropriate and well-researched norms and benchmarks for the setting of numerical goals in various sectors; and
(c)perform any other prescribed function.

31. Staff and expenses

Subject to the laws governing the public service, the Minister must provide the Commission with the staff necessary for the performance of its functions.

32. Public hearings

In performing its functions, the Commission may—
(a)call for written representations from members of the public; and
(b)hold public hearings at which it may permit members of the public to make oral representations.

33. Report by Commission for Employment Equity

The Commission must submit an annual report to the Minister

Chapter V
Monitoring, enforcement and legal proceedings

Part A


34. Monitoring by employees and trade union representatives

Any employee or trade union representative may bring an alleged contravention of this Act to the attention of—
(a)another employee;
(b)an employer;
(c)a trade union;
(d)a workplace forum;
(e)a labour inspector;
(f)the Director-General; or
(g)the Commission.


35. Powers of labour inspectors

A labour inspector acting in terms of this Act has the authority to enter, question and inspect as provided for in sections 65 and 66 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act.

36. Undertaking to comply

(1)A labour inspector may request and obtain a written undertaking from a designated employer to comply with paragraph (a), (b), (f), (h), (i) or (j) within a specified period, if the inspector has reasonable grounds to believe that the employer has failed to—
(a)consult with employees as required by section 16;
(b)conduct an analysis as required by section 19;
(c)[paragraph (c) omitted by section 13 of Act 47 of 2013]
(d)[paragraph (d) omitted by section 13 of Act 47 of 2013]
(e)[paragraph (e) omitted by section 13 of Act 47 of 2013]
(f)publish its report as required by section 22;
(g)[paragraph (g) omitted by section 13 of Act 47 of 2013]
(h)assign responsibility to one or more senior managers as required by section 24;
(i)inform its employees as required by section 25; or
(j)keep records as required by section 26.
(2)If a designated employer does not comply with a written undertaking within the period stated in the written undertaking, the Labour Court may, on application by the Director-General, make the undertaking, or any part of the undertaking, an order of the Labour Court.[section 36 substituted by section 13 of Act 47 of 2013]

37. Compliance order

(1)A labour inspector may issue a compliance order to a designated employer if that employer has failed to comply with section 16, 17, 19, 22, 24, 25 or 26 of this Act.[subsection (1) substituted by section 14(a) of Act 47 of 2013]
(2)A compliance order issued in terms of subsection (1) must set out—
(a)the name of the employer, and the workplaces to which the order applies;
(b)those provisions of Chapter III of this Act which the employer has not complied with and details of the conduct constituting non-compliance;
(c)any written undertaking given by the employer in terms of section 36 and any failure by the employer to comply with the written undertaking;
(d)any steps that the employer must take and the period within which those steps must be taken;
(e)the maximum fine, if any, that may be imposed on the employer in terms of Schedule 1 for failing to comply with the order; and
(f)any other prescribed information.
(3)A copy of the compliance order must be served on the employer named in it.[subsection (3) substituted by section 14(b) of Act 47 of 2013]
(4)A designated employer who receives a compliance order served in terms of subsection (3) must display a copy of that order prominently at a place accessible to the affected employees at each workplace named in it.
(5)A designated employer must comply with the compliance order within the time period stated in it.[subsection (5) substituted by section 14(c) of Act 47 of 2013]
(6)If a designated employer does not comply with an order within the period stated in it, the Director-General may apply to the Labour Court to make the compliance order an order of the Labour Court.[subsection (6) substituted by section 14(c) of Act 47 of 2013]

38. Limitations

A labour inspector may not issue a compliance order in respect of a failure to comply with a provision of Chapter III of this Act if—
(a)the employer is being reviewed by the Director-General in terms of section 43; or
(b)the Director-General has referred an employer’s failure to comply with a recommendation to the Labour Court in terms of section 45.

39. ***

[section 39 repealed by section 15 of Act 47 of 2013]

40. ***

[section 40 repealed by section 15 of Act 47 of 2013]

41. Register of designated employers

(1)The Minister must keep a register of designated employers that have submitted the reports required by section 21.
(2)The register referred to in subsection (1) is a public document.

42. Assessment of compliance

(1)In determining whether a designated employer is implementing employment equity in compliance with this Act, the Director-General or any person or body applying this Act may, in addition to the factors stated in section 15, take the following into account:
(a)The extent to which suitably qualified people from and amongst the different designated groups are equitably represented within each occupational level in that employer's workforce in relation to the demographic profile of the national and regional economically active population;
(b)reasonable steps taken by a designated employer to train suitably qualified people from the designated groups;
(c)reasonable steps taken by a designated employer to implement its employment equity plan;
(d)the extent to which the designated employer has made progress in eliminating employment barriers that adversely affect people from designated groups;
(dA)reasonable steps taken by an employer to appoint and promote suitably qualified people from the designated groups; and
(e)any other prescribed factor.
(2)The Minister, after consultation with NEDLAC, may issue a regulation in terms of section 55 which must be taken into account by any person who is required to determine whether a designated employer is implementing employment equity in compliance with this Act.
(3)Without limiting subsection (1)(a), the regulation made in terms of subsection (2) may specify the circumstances under which an employer's compliance should be determined with reference to the demographic profile of either the national economically active population or the regional economically active population.
(4)In any assessment of its compliance with this act or in any court proceedings, a designsted employer may raise any reasonable ground to justify its failure to comply.
[section 42 substituted by section 16 of Act 47 of 2013]

43. Review by Director-General

(1)The Director-General may conduct a review to determine whether an employer is complying with this Act.
(2)In order to conduct the review the Director-General may—
(a)request an employer to submit to the Director-General a copy of its current analysis or employment equity plan;
(b)request an employer to submit to the Director-General any book, record, correspondence, document or information that could reasonably be relevant to the review of the employer’s compliance with this Act;
(c)request a meeting with an employer to discuss its employment equity plan, the implementation of its plan and any matters related to its compliance with this Act; or
(d)request a meeting with any—
(i)employee or trade union consulted in terms of section 16;
(ii)workplace forum; or
(iii)other person who may have information relevant to the review.

44. Outcome of Director-General’s review

Subsequent to a review in terms of section 43, the Director-General may—
(a)approve a designated employer’s employment equity plan; or
(b)make a recommendation to an employer, in writing, stating—
(i)steps which the employer must take in connection with its employment equity plan or the implementation of that plan, or in relation to its compliance with any other provision of this Act; and
(ii)the period within which those steps must be taken; and
(iii)any other prescribed information.

45. Failure to comply with Director-General's request or recommendation

(1)If an employer fails to comply with a request made by the Director-General in terms of section 43(2) or a recommendation made by the Director-General in terms of section 44(b), the Director-General may apply to the Labour Court—
(a)for an order directing the employer to comply with the request or recommendation; or
(b)if the employer fails to justify the failure to comply with the request or recommendation, to impose a fine in accordance with Schedule 1 on the employer.
(2)If an employer notifies the Director-General in writing within the period specified in a request or recommendation, the Director-General must institute proceedings in terms of subsection (1) within—
(a)90 days of receiving the employer's notification, in the case of a request; or
(b)180 days of receiving the employer's notification, in the case of a recommendation.
(3)If the Director-General does not institute proceedings within the relevant period contemplated in subsection (2), the request or recommendation, as the case may be, lapses.
(4)Any challenge to the validity of the Director-General's request or recommendation may only be made in the proceedings contemplated in subsection (1).
[section 45 substituted by section 17 of Act 47 of 2013]

Part B – Legal proceedings

46. Conflict of proceedings

(1)If a dispute has been referred to the CCMA by a party in terms of Chapter II and the issue to which the dispute relates also forms the subject of a referral to the Labour Court by the Director-General in terms of section 45, the CCMA proceedings must be stayed until the Labour Court makes a decision on the referral by the Director-General.
(2)If a dispute has been referred to the CCMA by a party in terms of Chapter II against an employer being reviewed by the Director-General in terms of section 43, there may not be conciliation or adjudication in respect of the dispute until the review has been completed and the employer has been informed of the outcome.

47. Consolidation of proceedings

Disputes concerning contraventions of this Act by the same employer may be consolidated.

48. Powers of commissioner in arbitration proceedings

(1)A commissioner of the CCMA may, in any arbitration proceedings in terms of this Act, make any appropriate arbitration award that gives effect to a provision of this Act.[subsection (1), previously unnunbered, numbered by section 18 of Act 47 of 2013]
(2)An award made by a commissioner of the CCMA hearing a matter in terms of section 10(6)(aA) or (b) may include any order reffered to in section 50(2)(a) to (c), read with the changes required by the context, but an award of damages reffered to in section 50(2)(b) may not exceed the amount stated in the determiation made by the Minister in terms of section 6(3) of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act.[subsection (2) added by section 18 of Act 47 of 2013]

49. Jurisdiction of Labour Court

The Labour Court has exclusive jurisdiction to determine any dispute about the interpretation or application of this Act, except where this Act provides otherwise.

50. Powers of Labour Court

(1)Except where this Act provides otherwise, the Labour Court may make any appropriate order including—
(a)on application by the Director-General in terms of section 37(6) or 39(6) making a compliance order an order of the Labour Court;
(b)subject to the provisions of this Act, condoning the late filing of any document with, or the late referral of any dispute to, the Labour Court;
(c)directing the CCMA to conduct an investigation to assist the Court and to submit a report to the Court;
(d)awarding compensation in any circumstances contemplated in this Act;
(e)awarding damages in any circumstances contemplated in this Act;
(f)ordering compliance with any provision of this Act, including a request made by the Director-General in terms of section 43(2) or a recommendation made by the Director-General in terms of section 44(b);
(g)imposing a fine in accordance with Schedule 1 for a contravention of certain provisions of this Act;
(h)reviewing an administrative action in terms of this Act on any grounds that are permissible in law;[paragraph (h) substituted by section 19(a) of Act 47 of 2013]
(i)in an appeal under section 40, confirming, varying or setting aside all or part of an order made by the Director-General in terms of section 39; and
(j)dealing with any matter necessary or incidental to performing its functions in terms of this Act.
(2)If the Labour Court decides that an employee has been unfairly discriminated against, the Court may make any appropriate order that is just and equitable in the circumstances, including—
(a)payment of compensation by the employer to that employee;
(b)payment of damages by the employer to that employee;
(c)an order directing the employer to take steps to prevent the same unfair discrimination or a similar practice occurring in the future in respect of other employees;
(d)an order directing an employer, other than a designated employer, to comply with Chapter III as if it were a designated employer;
(e)an order directing the removal of the employer’s name from the register referred to in section 41; and
(f)the publication of the Court’s order.
(3)The Labour Court, in making any order, may take into account any delay on the part of the party who seeks relief in processing a dispute in terms of this Act.
(4)If the Labour Court declares that the medical testing of an employee as contemplated in section 7 is justifiable, the court may make any order that it considers appropriate in the circumstances, including imposing conditions relating to—
(a)the provision of counselling;
(b)the maintenance of confidentiality;
(c)the period during which the authorisation for any testing applies; and
(d)the category or categories of jobs or employees in respect of which the authorisation for testing applies.
(5)A fine payable in terms of this Act must be paid into the National Revenue Fund reffered to in section 213 of the Constitution.[subsection (5) added by section 19(b) of Act 47 of 2013]

Part C – Protection of employee rights

51. Protection of employee rights

(1)No person may discriminate against an employee who exercises any right conferred by this Act.
(2)Without limiting the general protection conferred by subsection (1), no person may threaten to do, or do any of the following:
(a)Prevent an employee from exercising any right conferred by this Act or from participating in any proceedings in terms of this Act; or
(b)prejudice an employee because of past, present or anticipated—
(i)disclosure of information that the employee is lawfully entitled or required to give to another person;
(ii)exercise of any right conferred by this Act; or
(iii)participation in any proceedings in terms of this Act.
(3)No person may favour, or promise to favour, an employee in exchange for that employee not exercising any right conferred by this Act or not participating in any proceedings in terms of this Act.
(4)Nothing in this section precludes the parties to a dispute arising out of an alleged breach of any right conferred by this Part, from concluding an agreement to settle the dispute.
(5)For the purposes of this section "employee" includes a former employee or an applicant for employment.

52. Procedure for disputes

(1)If there is a dispute about the interpretation or application of this Part, any party to the dispute may refer it in writing to the CCMA.
(2)The CCMA must attempt to resolve a dispute referred to it in terms of this Part through conciliation.
(3)If the dispute remains unresolved after conciliation—
(a)any party to the dispute may refer it to the Labour Court for adjudication; or
(b)all the parties to the dispute may consent to arbitration of the dispute by the CCMA.
(4)In respect of a dispute in terms of this Part, the relevant provisions of Part C and D of Chapter VII of the Labour Relations Act apply, read with the changes required by the context.

Chapter VI
General provisions

53. State contracts

(1)Every employer that makes an offer to conclude an agreement with any organ of state for the furnishing of supplies or services to that organ of state or for the hiring or letting of anything—
(i)if it is a designated employer, comply with Chapters II and III of this Act; or
(ii)if it is not a designated employer, comply with Chapter II of this Act; and
(b)attach to that offer either—
(i)a certificate in terms of subsection (2) which is conclusive evidence that the employer complies with the relevant Chapters of this Act; or
(ii)a declaration by the employer that it complies with the relevant Chapters of this Act, which, when verified by the Director-General, is conclusive evidence of compliance.
(2)An employer referred to in subsection (1) may request a certificate from the Minister confirming its compliance with Chapter II, or Chapters II and III, as the case may be.
(3)A certificate issued in terms of subsection (2) is valid for 12 months from the date of issue or until the next date on which the employer is obliged to submit a report in terms of section 21, whichever period is the longer.
(4)A failure to comply with the relevant provisions of this Act is sufficient ground for rejection of any offer to conclude an agreement referred to in subsection (1) or for cancellation of the agreement7.7Regulations under section 13 of the State Tender Board Act, No. 86 of 1986, may provide that supplies and services shall not be procured for and on behalf of the State, unless an employer has attached to its offer a certificate in terms of section 53(1)(b)(i) or a declaration in terms of section 53(1)(b)(ii) of the Employment Equity Act.
(5)The Minister may in the code of good practice set out factors that must be taken into account by any person assessing whether an employer complies with Chapter II or Chapter III.[subsection (5) added by section 20 of Act 47 of 2013]

54. Codes of good practice

(1)The Minister may, on the advice of the Commission
(a)issue any code of good practice8; and8This is an enabling Act. The codes of good practice are intended to provide employers with information that may assist them in implementing this Act, particularly Chapter III. Issues that are likely to be the subject of codes include the following—the preparation of employment equity plans;advertising, recruitment procedures and selection criteria;special measures to be taken in relation to persons with disabilities including benefit schemes;special measures to be taken in relation to persons with family responsibilities;sexual harassment and racial harassment;internal procedures to resolve disputes about the interpretation or application of this Act; and sector-specific issues;guidelines for employees on the prioritisation of certain designated groups.
(b)change or replace any code of good practice.
(2)Any code of good practice, or any change to, or replacement of, a code of good practice must be published in the Gazette.

55. Regulations

(1)The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette and on the advice of the Commission, make any regulation regarding—
(a)any matter that this Act requires or permits to be prescribed; and
(b)any administrative or procedural matters that may be necessary or expedient to achieve the proper and effective administration of this Act.
(2)The Minister may by notice in the Gazette make a regulation providing for separate and simplified forms and procedures in respect of the obligations created by sections 19, 20, 21, 25 and 26 for employers that employ fewer than 150 employees.[subsection (2) substituted by section 21 of Act 47 of 2013]

56. Delegations

(1)The Minister may delegate any power conferred, or assign any duty imposed, upon the Minister in terms of this Act, except the powers and duties contemplated in sections 29(1), (5) and (7), 54, 55, 59(4) and 61(4).[subsection (1) substituted by section 22 of Act 47 of 2013]
(2)A delegation or assignment must be in writing and may be subject to any conditions or restrictions determined by the Minister.
(3)The Minister may at any time—
(a)withdraw a delegation or assignment made in terms of subsection (1); and
(b)withdraw or amend any decision made by a person exercising a power or performing a duty delegated or assigned in terms of subsection (1).
(4)The Director-General may delegate any power conferred, or assign any duty imposed, upon the Director-General in terms of this Act, to any employee in the Department.
(5)Subsections (2) and (3) apply with the changes required by the context to any delegation or assignment by the Director-General under subsection (4).

57. Temporary employment services

(1)For purposes of Chapter III of this Act, a person whose services have been procured for, or provided to, a client by a temporary employment service is deemed to be the employee of that client, where that person’s employment with the client is of indefinite duration or for a period of three months or longer.
(2)Where a temporary employment service, on the express or implied instructions of a client, commits an act of unfair discrimination, both the temporary employment service and the client are jointly and severally liable.

58. Designation of organs of state

The President must, within six months after the commencement of this Act, and after consultation with the Minister responsible for the Public Service and Administration, publish a notice in the Gazette listing every designated employer within any organ of state.

59. Breach of confidentiality

(1)Any person who discloses any confidential information acquired in the performance of a function in terms of this Act, commits an offence.
(2)Subsection (1) does not apply if the information—
(a)is disclosed to enable a person to perform a function in terms of this Act; or
(b)must be disclosed in terms of this Act, any other law or an order of court.
(3)A person convicted of an offence in terms of this section may be sentenced to a fine not exceeding R30 000,00.[subsection (3) substituted by section 23 of Act 47 of 2013]
(4)The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, amend the maximum amount of the fine referred to in subsection (3) in order to counter the effect of inflation.[subsection (4) substituted by section 23 of Act 47 of 2013]

60. Liability of employers

(1)If it is alleged that an employee, while at work, contravened a provision of this Act, or engaged in any conduct that, if engaged in by that employee’s employer, would constitute a contravention of a provision of this Act, the alleged conduct must immediately be brought to the attention of the employer.
(2)The employer must consult all relevant parties and must take the necessary steps to eliminate the alleged conduct and comply with the provisions of this Act.
(3)If the employer fails to take the necessary steps referred to in subsection 2, and it is proved that the employee has contravened the relevant provision, the employer must be deemed also to have contravened that provision.
(4)Despite subsection (3), an employer is not liable for the conduct of an employee if that employer is able to prove that it did all that was reasonably practicable to ensure that the employee would not act in contravention of this Act.

61. Obstruction, undue influence and fraud

(1)No person may—
(a)obstruct or attempt to improperly influence any person who is exercising a power or performing a function in terms of this Act; or
(b)knowingly give false information in any document or information provided to the Director-General or a labour inspector in terms of this Act.
(2)No employer may knowingly take any measure to avoid becoming a designated employer.
(3)A person who contravenes a provision of this section commits an offence and may be sentenced to a fine not exceeding R30 000,000.[subsection (3) substituted by section 24 of Act 47 of 2013]
(4)The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, amend the maximum amount of the fine referred to in subsection (3) in order to counter the effect of inflation.[subsection (4) substituted by section 24 of Act 47 of 2013]

62. This Act binds State

This Act binds the State.

63. Application of Act when in conflict with other laws

If any conflict relating to a matter dealt with in this Act arises between this Act and the provisions of any other law other than the Constitution or an Act of Parliament expressly amending this Act, the provisions of this Act prevail.

64. Repeal of laws and transitional arrangements

Each of the laws referred to in the first two columns of Schedule 2 is repealed to the extent specified opposite that law in the third column of that Schedule.

64A. Amendment of annual turnover thresholds in Schedule 4

The Minister may, after consultation with the Commission, by notice in the Gazette, amend the total annual turnover thresholds in Schedule 4 in order to counter the effect of inflation.[section 64A inserted by section 26 of Act 47 of 2013]

65. Short title and commencement

(1)This Act is called the Employment Equity Act, 1998.
(2)This Act takes effect on a date to be determined by the President by proclamation in the Gazette. The President may determine different dates in respect of different provisions of this Act.
(3)If, in terms of subsection (2), different dates are determined for particular provisions of this Act
(a)Schedule 2 must take effect at the same time as section 6(1) takes effect; and
(b)a reference in a provision of this Act to a time when this Act took effect must be construed as a reference to the time when that provision takes effect.

Schedule 1

Maximum permissible fines that may be imposed for contravening this Act

[Schedule 1 commenced on 1 December 1999 by Proclamation R115 of 1999]This Schedule sets out the maximum fine that may be imposed in terms of this Act for the contravention of certain provisions of this Act.
Previous contraventionContravention of any provision of sections 16, (read with 17), 19, 22, 24, 25, 26 and 43(2)Contravention of any provisions of sections 20, 21, 23 and 44(b)
No previous contraventionR1 500 000The greater of R1 500 000 or 2% of the employer's turnover
A previous contravention in respect of the same provisionR1 800 000The greater of R1 800 000 or 4% of the employer's turnover
A previous contravention within the previous 12 months or two previous contraventions in respect of the same provision within three yearsR2 100 000The greater of R2 100 000 or 6% of the employer's turnover
Three previous contraventions in respect of the same provision within three yearsR2 400 000The greater of R2 400 000 or 8% of the employer's turnover
Four previous contraventions in respect of the same provision within three yearsR2 700 000The greater of R2 700 000 or 10% of the employer's turnover
[Schedule 1 substituted by section 27 of Act 47 of 2013]

Schedule 2

Laws repealed

[Schedule 2 commenced on 9 August 1999 by Proclamation R115 of 1999]
Number and year of lawShort titleExtent of repeal
Act No. 66 of 1995Labour Relations Act, 1995Item 2(1)(a), 2(2) and 3(4)(a) of Schedule 7

Schedule 3

Transitional arrangements

[Schedule 3 commenced on 9 August 1999 by Proclamation R115 of 1999]
1.DefinitionsIn this Schedule, unless the context indicates otherwise—"pending" means existing immediately before this Act came into operation; and"repealed provisions of the Labour Relations Act" means the provisions of the Labour Relations Act repealed by Schedule 2.
2.Disputes arising before commencement of this ActAny dispute contemplated in item (2)(1)(a) of Schedule 7 of the Labour Relations Act that arose before the commencement of this Act, must be dealt with as if the repealed provisions of the Labour Relations Act had not been repealed.
(1)In any pending dispute contemplated in item (2)(1)(a) of Schedule 7 of the Labour Relations Act in respect of which the Labour Court or the Labour Appeal Court had jurisdiction and in respect of which proceedings had not been instituted before the commencement of this Act, proceedings must be instituted in the Labour Court or Labour Appeal Court (as the case may be) and dealt with as if the repealed provisions of the Labour Relations Act had not been repealed.
(2)Any dispute contemplated in item (2)(1)(a) of Schedule 7 of the Labour Relations Act in respect of which proceedings were pending in the Labour Court or Labour Appeal Court must be proceeded with as if the repealed provisions of the Labour Relations Act had not been repealed.
(3)Any pending appeal before the Labour Appeal Court must be dealt with by the Labour Appeal Court as if the repealed provisions of the Labour Relations Act had not been repealed.
(4)When acting in terms of subitems (1) to (3), the Labour Court or Labour Appeal Court may perform or exercise any function or power that it had in terms of the repealed provisions of the Labour Relations Act.

Schedule 4

Turnover threshold applicable to designated employers

[Schedule 4 commenced on 1 December 1999 by Proclamation R115 of 1999]
Sector or subsectors in accordance with the Standard Industrial ClassificationTotal annual turnover
Mining and QuarryingR22,50m
Electricity, Gas and WaterR30,00m
Retail and Motor Trade and Repair ServicesR45,00m
Wholesale Trade, Commercial Agents and Allied ServicesR75,00m
Catering, Accommodation and other TradeR15,00m
Transport, Storage and CommunicationsR30,00m
Finance and Business ServicesR30,00m
Community, Social and Personal ServicesR15,00m
[Schedule 4 substituted by section 28 of Act 47 of 2013]
▲ To the top

History of this document

01 August 2014 this version
01 December 1999
09 August 1999
12 October 1998
Assented to

Subsidiary legislation

Title Numbered title
Employment Equity Regulations, 2014 Government Notice R595 of 2014
Employment Equity Regulations, 2014: Amendment Government Notice R1057 of 2019

Documents citing this one 534

Gazette 443
1. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2008-03-13 number 1841
2. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2009-07-31 number 2166
3. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2014-03-27 number 3146
4. Free State Provincial Gazette dated 2022-01-28 number 85
5. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2000-02-25 number 15
6. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2014-03-27 number 68
7. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2020-09-30 number 182
8. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2020-11-04 number 211
9. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2021-06-17 number 198
10. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2021-10-27 number 366
11. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2022-07-13 number 272
12. Gauteng Provincial Gazette dated 2023-08-16 number 289
13. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2014-03-27 number 1116
14. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-08-20 number 1471
15. Limpopo Provincial Gazette dated 2014-03-27 number 2329
16. Mpumalanga Provincial Gazette dated 2014-03-27 number 2275
17. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2010-09-21 number 6827
18. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2014-03-27 number 7250
19. Northern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2014-03-27 number 1790
20. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-05-19 number 40848 part 1
21. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1999-05-14 number 20057
22. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1999-08-06 number 20339
23. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1999-11-23 number 20626
24. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2000-01-26 number 20831
25. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2000-04-25 number 21089
26. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2000-07-27 number 21407
27. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2000-10-02 number 21583
28. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2000-10-13 number 21627
29. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2000-12-01 number 21815
30. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2001-02-23 number 22076
31. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2001-04-03 number 22197
32. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2001-04-19 number 22209
33. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2001-06-22 number 22398
34. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2001-08-23 number 22555
35. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2001-11-30 number 22863
36. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2002-03-22 number 23228
37. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2002-06-21 number 23517
38. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2004-05-14 number 26333
39. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2004-07-02 number 26497
40. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2004-07-13 number 26546
41. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2005-02-25 number 27303
42. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2005-09-08 number 28005 part 1
43. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2007-02-09 number 29578
44. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2007-04-20 number 29792
45. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2008-08-08 number 31279
46. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2008-09-19 number 31434
47. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2009-07-14 number 32393
48. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2012-05-15 number 35350
49. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2012-05-15 number 35351
50. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2013-04-15 number 36362 part 1
51. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2014-02-12 number 37323
52. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2014-02-28 number 37338
53. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2014-07-24 number 37869
54. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2014-08-01 number 37873
55. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2014-10-10 number 38083
56. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2015-05-08 number 38775
57. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2015-10-23 number 39318
58. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2016-02-12 number 39680
59. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2016-07-29 number 40167 part 1
60. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2017-01-20 number 40553
61. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2017-10-27 number 41203
62. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2018-12-28 number 42140
63. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2019-08-08 number 42627
64. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2019-08-16 number 42637
65. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2020-05-14 number 43321
66. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2020-06-04 number 43400
67. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2020-07-20 number 43535
68. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2020-10-01 number 43751
69. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2021-03-29 number 44348
70. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2022-02-15 number 46043
71. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2022-03-15 number 46058
72. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1999-10-01 number 20501
73. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1999-12-10 number 20710
74. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2000-01-14 number 20793
75. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2000-06-30 number 21329
76. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2000-09-08 number 21560
77. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2000-11-20 number 21776
78. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2000-11-22 number 21783
79. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-02-22 number 22087
80. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-06-29 number 22429
81. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-07-27 number 22517
82. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-09-28 number 22716
83. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-12-18 number 22959
84. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-12-20 number 22976
85. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-05-24 number 23460
86. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-05-31 number 23475
87. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-06-21 number 23514
88. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-16 number 23756
89. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-19 number 23718
90. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-26 number 23763 part 1
91. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-26 number 23763 part 2
92. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-30 number 23787
93. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-09-13 number 23829
94. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-09-27 number 23868
95. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-09-27 number 23872
96. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-09-30 number 23873
97. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-09-30 number 23889
98. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-11-22 number 24080
99. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-12-06 number 24130
100. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-12-13 number 24167
101. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-12-19 number 24204
102. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-12-20 number 24193
103. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-03 number 24224
104. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-10 number 24237
105. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-24 number 24262 part 1
106. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-24 number 24262 part 2
107. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-31 number 24316
108. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-05 number 24331
109. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-06 number 24356
110. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-07 number 24332
111. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-07 number 24332 part 1
112. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-07 number 24332 part 3
113. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-10 number 24344 part 1
114. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-12 number 24347 part 1
115. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-12 number 24347 part 2
116. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-13 number 24390
117. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-14 number 24373
118. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24399
119. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24400
120. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24406
121. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24407
122. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24413
123. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24415
124. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24438
125. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24446
126. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24448
127. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24449
128. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24450
129. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24469
130. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24470
131. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24471
132. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24472
133. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24484
134. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24486
135. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24494
136. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24495
137. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24496
138. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24497
139. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24499
140. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24500
141. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24501
142. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24502
143. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24506
144. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24514
145. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24516
146. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24518
147. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24519
148. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24521
149. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24523
150. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24524
151. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24526
152. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24527
153. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24529
154. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24640
155. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24641
156. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24648
157. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24649
158. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-25 number 24650
159. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-26 number 24651
160. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-26 number 24654
161. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-27 number 24655
162. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-27 number 24656
163. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-27 number 24657
164. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-27 number 24992
165. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24658
166. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24660
167. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24661
168. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24662
169. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24663
170. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24957
171. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24976
172. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24982
173. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-03 number 24665
174. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-03 number 24666
175. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-03 number 24667
176. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-03 number 24668
177. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-04 number 24669
178. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-04 number 24670
179. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-04 number 24671
180. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-04 number 24672
181. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-05 number 24673
182. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-05 number 24674
183. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-05 number 24675
184. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-05 number 24676
185. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-05 number 24677
186. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-03 number 24708
187. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-04 number 24636
188. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-17 number 24750
189. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-22 number 24754
190. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-24 number 24714
191. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-25 number 24756
192. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-25 number 24789
193. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-06-06 number 24932
194. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-06-06 number 25046
195. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-06-20 number 25070
196. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-06-20 number 25098
197. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-08-01 number 25251
198. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-08-08 number 25292
199. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-08-08 number 25343
200. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-08-22 number 25348
201. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-08-27 number 25383
202. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-09-12 number 25439
203. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-10-17 number 25562
204. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-10-17 number 25577
205. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-11-07 number 25676
206. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-11-14 number 25720
207. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-11-21 number 25734
208. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-01-30 number 25950
209. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-01-30 number 25961
210. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-03-24 number 26176
211. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-04-23 number 26289
212. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-04-23 number 26291
213. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-07-23 number 26595
214. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-08-13 number 26661
215. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-10-01 number 26835
216. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-11-17 number 26996
217. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-11-17 number 27002
218. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-12-09 number 27087
219. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-12-10 number 27096
220. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-01-07 number 27155
221. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-01-11 number 27166
222. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-03-04 number 27358
223. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-03-04 number 27359
224. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-03-04 number 27361 part 1
225. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-03-04 number 27361 part 2
226. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-03-04 number 27361 part 3
227. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-03-18 number 27404
228. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-05-25 number 27619
229. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-06-15 number 27683 part 1
230. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-06-15 number 27683 part 2
231. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-06-15 number 27683 part 3
232. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-06-15 number 27683 part 4
233. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-18 number 27811
234. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-22 number 27796 part 1
235. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-22 number 27796 part 2
236. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-22 number 27796 part 3
237. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-22 number 27796 part 4
238. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-22 number 27797 part 1
239. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-22 number 27798
240. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-22 number 27799
241. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-04 number 27865
242. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-04 number 27866
243. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-12 number 27887
244. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27908
245. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27909
246. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27919
247. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27928
248. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27931
249. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-02 number 27967
250. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-23 number 28025
251. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-23 number 28029
252. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-23 number 28035
253. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-10-07 number 28099
254. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-10-14 number 28106
255. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-02-24 number 28501
256. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-02-24 number 28503
257. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-02-24 number 28506
258. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-03-20 number 28636
259. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-12-01 number 29445
260. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-12-11 number 29469
261. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-02-02 number 2469
262. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-02-09 number 29616
263. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-04-18 number 29808
264. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-04-18 number 29809
265. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-04-18 number 29811
266. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-05-04 number 29849
267. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-06-25 number 30009
268. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-07-06 number 2492
269. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-07-27 number 30113
270. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-08-24 number 30179
271. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-12-07 number 30535
272. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-02-15 number 30776
273. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-06-17 number 31150
274. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-07-04 number 31209
275. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-07-04 number 31210
276. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-10-31 number 2558
277. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-12-01 number 31666
278. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-01-30 number 31826
279. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-04-29 number 32167
280. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-08-21 number 2596
281. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-02-26 number 2619
282. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-05-21 number 33216
283. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-08-20 number 33470
284. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-10-15 number 33660
285. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-10-22 number 2653
286. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-12-17 number 33873
287. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-02-04 number 2664
288. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-02-18 number 34032
289. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-03-04 number 2668
290. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-04-15 number 34222
291. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-04-21 number 34241
292. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-04-29 number 2676
293. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-06-24 number 2684
294. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-08-05 number 2690
295. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-08-25 number 34551
296. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-08-26 number 2693
297. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-08-31 number 34572
298. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-09-08 number 34593
299. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-10-19 number 34692
300. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-10-27 number 34701
301. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-11-25 number 2706
302. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-12-09 number 34834
303. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-01-05 number 34917
304. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-01-20 number 2710
305. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-05-11 number 35336
306. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-06-01 number 2729
307. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-06-15 number 2731
308. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-06-15 number 35435
309. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-06-22 number 2732
310. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-07-06 number 2734
311. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-08-23 number 35609
312. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-08-28 number 35632
313. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-08-29 number 35637
314. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-10-12 number 2748
315. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-10-12 number 35784
316. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-10-19 number 2749
317. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-10-19 number 35799
318. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-10-26 number 2750
319. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-11-02 number 2751
320. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-11-16 number 2753
321. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-11-23 number 2754
322. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-12-07 number 2756
323. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-12-07 number 35703
324. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-02-27 number 36194
325. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-03-07 number 36223
326. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-06-14 number 2778
327. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-07-17 number 36675 part 1
328. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-08-02 number 2785
329. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-10-04 number 36895
330. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-11-06 number 37005
331. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-11-14 number 37029
332. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-01-10 number 37149 part 1
333. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-01-16 number 37238
334. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-01-17 number 37245
335. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-03-07 number 37405 part 1
336. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-03-07 number 37426 part 1
337. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-08-08 number 2833
338. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-09-29 number 38031
339. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-10-13 number 38081
340. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-12-17 number 38344
341. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-12-22 number 38374
342. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-02-16 number 38471
343. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-03-20 number 38587 part 1
344. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-06-01 number 38837
345. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-06-12 number 38872
346. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-08-28 number 39131
347. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-10-09 number 39275 part 1
348. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-10-23 number 39320
349. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-10-30 number 39341
350. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-11-06 number 39368 part 1
351. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-11-16 number 39417 part 1
352. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-11-20 number 39430
353. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-11-25 number 39448
354. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-12-17 number 39530
355. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-12-18 number 39529
356. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-12-24 number 39543
357. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-12-24 number 39549
358. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-03-01 number 39766
359. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-03-09 number 39791
360. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-03-09 number 39792 part 1
361. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-03-17 number 39818
362. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-03-18 number 39827
363. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-04-15 number 39933
364. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-04-22 number 39943 part 1
365. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-07-15 number 40140 part 1
366. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-08-19 number 40216 part 1
367. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-09-23 number 40293 part 1
368. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-09-30 number 40316
369. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-10-28 number 40375 part 1
370. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-02-17 number 40626
371. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-03-17 number 40697
372. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-03-24 number 40711 part 1
373. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-03-29 number 40730
374. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-04-21 number 40803 part 1
375. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-04-28 number 40817
376. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-05-12 number 40840 part 1
377. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-05-31 number 40878
378. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-06-09 number 40910
379. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-06-15 number 40923
380. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-07-21 number 40996 part 1
381. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-08-02 number 41016
382. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-08-31 number 41079
383. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-09-14 number 41116
384. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-12-01 number 41287 part 1
385. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-12-08 number 41306 part 1
386. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-01-26 number 41399 part 1
387. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-02-02 number 41419 part 1
388. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-03-29 number 41534 part 1
389. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-03-29 number 41546
390. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-06-15 number 41714
391. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-09-21 number 41922
392. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-09-21 number 41923
393. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-10-19 number 41982 part 1
394. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-11-09 number 42021 part 1
395. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-11-16 number 42037 part 1
396. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-11-27 number 42059
397. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-11-27 number 42062
398. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-04-05 number 42380
399. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-04-12 number 42391 part 1
400. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-04-26 number 42417 part 1
401. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-05-31 number 42496 part 1
402. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-09-06 number 42684 part 1
403. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-09-27 number 42725 part 1
404. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-04-29 number 43257
405. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-05-08 number 43288
406. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-07-03 number 43495 part 1
407. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-07-17 number 43528 part 1
408. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-08-20 number 43630
409. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-12-24 number 44031 part 1
410. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-03-19 number 44293 part 1
411. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-03-26 number 44333 part 1
412. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-04-01 number 44383 part 1
413. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-04-09 number 44433
414. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-05-28 number 44636 part 1
415. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-06-18 number 44724 part 1
416. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-07-02 number 44799 part 1
417. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-07-30 number 44908 part 1
418. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-09-13 number 45154
419. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-10-15 number 45328 part 1
420. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-11-19 number 45504
421. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2022-09-09 number 46879
422. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2023-07-28 number 49059
423. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2023-08-11 number 49105
424. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2023-11-10 number 49658
425. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2023-11-17 number 49720 part 1
426. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2024-05-03 number 50608 part 1
427. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2024-05-17 number 50665 part 1
428. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2024-06-21 number 50840 part 1
429. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2001-02-16 number 5672
430. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2001-06-22 number 5728
431. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2009-11-20 number 6677
432. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2010-08-20 number 6778
433. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2011-11-04 number 6921
434. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2012-07-02 number 7010
435. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2014-04-02 number 7246
436. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2016-11-28 number 7707
437. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2016-12-14 number 7713
438. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2017-09-22 number 7828
439. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2017-12-08 number 7854
440. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2017-12-15 number 7858
441. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2020-02-21 number 8208
442. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2021-02-03 number 8378
443. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2022-01-18 number 8534
Judgment 73
1. Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Others [2004] ZACC 15 (12 March 2004) 208 citations
2. National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Others [1999] ZACC 17 (2 December 1999) 75 citations
3. Masetlha v President of Republic of South Africa and Another [2007] ZACC 20 (3 October 2007) 55 citations
4. Chirwa v Transnet Limited and Others [2007] ZACC 23 (28 November 2007) 48 citations
5. MEC for Education: Kwazulu-Natal and Others v Pillay [2007] ZACC 21 (5 October 2007) 48 citations
6. My Vote Counts NPC v Speaker of the National Assembly and Others [2015] ZACC 31 (30 September 2015) 39 citations
7. South African Police Service v Solidarity obo Barnard [2014] ZACC 23 (2 September 2014) 26 citations
8. Minister of Finance and Other v Van Heerden [2004] ZACC 3 (29 July 2004) 23 citations
9. Volks NO v Robinson and Others [2005] ZACC 2 (21 February 2005) 21 citations
10. Hoffmann v South African Airways [2000] ZACC 17 (28 September 2000) 19 citations
11. Minister of Home Affairs and Another v Fourie and Another; Lesbian and Gay Equality Project and Eighteen Others v Minister of Home Affairs [2005] ZACC 20 (1 December 2005) 16 citations
12. Minister of Constitutional Development and Another v South African Restructuring and Insolvency Practitioners Association and Others [2018] ZACC 20 (5 July 2018) 14 citations
13. Pretorius and Another v Transport Pension Fund and Another [2018] ZACC 10 (25 April 2018) 13 citations
14. Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Others v Phambili Fisheries (Pty) Ltd and Another (32/2003; 40/2003) [2003] ZASCA 46 (16 May 2003) 12 citations
15. Dudley v City of Cape Town and Another [2004] ZACC 4 (20 May 2004) 8 citations
16. Dudley v City of Cape Town and Another [2004] ZACC 26 (15 June 2004) 5 citations
17. Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and Another v South African Restructuring and Insolvency Practitioners Association and Others (693 of 2015) [2016] ZASCA 196 (2 December 2016) 4 citations
18. Satchwell v President of Republic of South Africa and Another [2002] ZACC 18 (25 July 2002) 4 citations
19. Damons v City of Cape Town [2022] ZACC 13 (30 March 2022) 3 citations
20. Mbana v Shepstone and Wylie [2015] ZACC 11 (7 May 2015) 2 citations
21. Solidarity obo Barnard v South African Police Service (165/2013) [2013] ZASCA 177 (28 November 2013) 2 citations
22. City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality v Engineering Council of South Africa and Another (532/2008) [2009] ZASCA 151 (27 November 2009) 1 citation
23. McGregor v Public Health and Social Development Sectoral Bargaining Council and Others [2021] ZACC 14 (17 June 2021) 1 citation
24. Moeketsi v Van Vwk N.N.O. and Others (JS146/13) [2014] ZALCJHB 61 (7 November 2014) 1 citation
25. Resultant Finance (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR 3100/12) [2014] ZALCJHB 78 (30 September 2014) 1 citation
26. Solidarity and Others v Department of Correctional Services and Others [2016] ZACC 18 (15 July 2016) 1 citation
27. ARB Electrical Wholesalers v Hibbert N.D (DA3/13) [2015] ZALAC 24 (21 August 2015)
28. Bandat v De Kock and Another (JS 832/2013) [2014] ZALCJHB 84 (2 September 2014)
29. Campbell Scientific Africa (Pty) Ltd v Adrian Simmers and Others (CA 14/2014) [2015] ZALAC 23 (23 October 2015)
30. Cannon v Road Accident Fund (2189/2020) [2023] ZAECMHC 32 (27 June 2023)
31. Chetty v Oppenheimer Partners Africa Advisors (Pty) Ltd and Others (056024/2023) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1206 (20 October 2023)
32. Dudley v City of Cape Town and Another (CA 1/05) [2008] ZALAC 10 (21 August 2008)
33. EWN v Pharmaco Distribution (Pty) Ltd (JS654/10) [2015] ZALCJHB 11 (22 September 2015)
34. Ekhamanzi Springs (Pty) Ltd v Mnomiya (DA2/13) [2014] ZALAC 46 (13 May 2014)
35. Ernstzen v Reliance Group Trading (Pty) Ltd (C 717/13) [2015] ZALCCT 15 (18 May 2015)
36. FOSAWU obo Ab and Others v Fedics (Pty) Ltd and Another (JS 261/2010) [2014] ZALCJHB 33 (4 November 2014)
37. Foy v Department of Justice and Constitutional Development and Others (J1952/2017) [2023] ZALCJHB 1 (8 September 2023)
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40. HC Heat Exchangers (Pty) Ltd v De Araujo N.O. and Others (JR 155/2016) [2019] ZALCJHB 382 (8 October 2019)
41. I M v Legend Golf and Safari Resort Operations (Pty) Ltd (JS 266 / 2012) [2014] ZALCJHB 43 (16 September 2014)
42. Kock v CCMA N.O. and Others (JR 1163/2016) [2019] ZALCJHB 150 (5 March 2019)
43. Kock v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR 1163/2016) [2019] ZALCJHB 41 (5 March 2019)
44. L M v South African Broadcasting Corporation (Soc) Ltd (2021/46570) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1136 (9 October 2023)
45. Labuschagne v Minister of State Security and Others (44033/19) [2023] ZAGPPHC 844 (17 July 2023)
46. Liberty Group Limited v Masango (JA 105/2015) [2017] ZALAC 107 (7 March 2017)
47. MIA v State Information Technology Agency (Pty) Ltd (D 312/2012) [2015] ZALCD 3 (26 March 2015)
48. Media 24 Ltd and Another v Grobler (301/2004) [2005] ZASCA 64 (1 June 2005)
49. Minister Of Justice and Correctional Services and Others v Ramaila and Others (CA 5/2019) [2020] ZALAC 76 (9 November 2020)
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51. Morare v Shoprite (2022/5089) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1212 (5 December 2022)
52. Motsomotso v Mogale City Local Municipality (JA 44/2015) [2016] ZALAC 117 (21 July 2016)
53. National Entitled Workers' Union (NEWU) v Ministry of Labour and Others (JA47/06) [2009] ZALAC 20 (2 December 2009)
54. Pather and Another v Financial Services Board and Others (866 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 125 (28 September 2017)
55. Pinto v Dimension Data and Others (EQ 3/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1127 (15 June 2022)
56. Ramaila v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others (479/2017) [2019] ZALCCT 4 (28 February 2019)
57. Ramaila v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others (C 479/2017) [2019] ZALCCT 19 (28 February 2019)
58. Roma v Road Accident Fund (2111/2020) [2023] ZAECGHC 64 (27 June 2023)
59. Satawu obo Members v SAA (Pty) Ltd and Others (JA 54/13) [2014] ZALAC 27 (14 August 2014)
60. Solidarity v Department of Correctional Services (CA23/13) [2015] ZALAC 6 (10 April 2015)
61. Solidarity v Department of Correctional Services and Others; In Re: Solidarity and Others v Department of Correctional Services and Others; Solidarity and Others v Department of Correctional Services and Others (C 368/12) [2014] ZALCCT 31 (6 February 2014)
62. Solidarity v Minister of Labour and Others (J 3092/2018) [2019] ZALCJHB 130 (8 October 2019)
63. Solidarity v South African Police Service and Others (J 3750/2018) [2018] ZALCJHB 458 (15 November 2018)
64. South African Airways (Pty) Ltd v Van Vuuren and Another (CA9/13) [2014] ZALAC 37 (12 June 2014)
65. South African Broadcasting Corporation Ltd v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JA36/07) [2009] ZALAC 19 (18 November 2009)
66. South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU), AA Ewerts & Others v Kannaland Municipality (CA5/2007) [2010] ZALAC 3 (29 January 2010)
67. South African Municipal Workers Union and Another v Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (P483/11) [2015] ZALCPE 1 (24 November 2015)
68. South African Police Services v Solidarity OBO Mrs Barnard (JA24/2010) [2012] ZALAC 33 (2 November 2012)
69. TDF Network Africa (Pty) Ltd v Faris (CA 4/2017) [2018] ZALAC 67 (5 November 2018)
70. Tshivhase-Phendla v University of Venda (JS 1145/12) [2014] ZALCJHB 166 (28 January 2014)
71. Van Wyk and Others v Minister of Employment and Labour and Others (2022/017842) [2023] ZALCJHB 2 (25 October 2023)
72. Woolworths (Pty) Ltd v SACCAWU obo Moeng and Others (JA 56/2016) [2017] ZALAC 93 (19 September 2017)
73. Zwane v Sasol Technology and Another (91849/2015) [2023] ZAGPPHC 109 (22 February 2023)
Legislation 17
1. Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 647 citations
2. Skills Development Act, 1998 596 citations
3. National Health Act, 2003 440 citations
4. Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000 209 citations
5. Protected Disclosures Act, 2000 93 citations
6. COVID-19 Occupational Health and Safety measures in workplaces COVID-19 (C19 OHS), 2020
7. Code of Good Practice: Managing Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in the Workplace
8. Consolidated COVID-19 Direction on Health and Safety in the Workplace
9. Consolidated Direction on Occupational Health and Safety Measures in Certain Workplaces
10. Consolidated Directions on Occupational Health and Safety Measures in Certain Workplaces
11. Directions Regarding e-Commerce Sales During Alert Level 4 of the COVID-19 National State of Disaster
12. Employment Equity Regulations, 2014
13. Gauteng Township Economic Development Act, 2022
14. Informal Trading
15. Informal Trading
16. Regulations under Section 43(3) of the Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Act 7 of 2013
17. Western Cape Ambulance Services Regulations, 2012
Case summary 1
1. Case Summary: Hoffmann v South African Airways (CCT 17/00) [2000] ZACC 17 (28 September 2000)