Related documents
- Is commenced by Tourism Act, 2014: Commencement
- Repeals Tourism Act, 1993
South Africa
Tourism Act, 2014
Act 3 of 2014
- Published in Government Gazette 37538 on 7 April 2014
- Assented to on 3 April 2014
- Commenced on 16 June 2014 by Tourism Act, 2014: Commencement
- [This is the version of this document from 7 April 2014.]
Chapter 1
Interpretation and objects
1. Definitions
In this Act, unless the context indicates otherwise—"Board" means the South African Tourism Board contemplated in section 9;"Consumer Protection Act" means the Consumer Protection Act, 2008 (Act No. 68 of 2008);"Council" means the Tourism Grading Council established by section 29;"Department" means the national Department responsible for tourism;"Director-General" means the Director-General of the Department;"MEC" means the member of the executive council of a province who is responsible for tourism in that province;"Minister" means the Cabinet member responsible for tourism;"National Registrar" means the National Registrar of Tourist Guides contemplated in section 48(1);"national tourism sector strategy" means the national tourism sector strategy contemplated in section 4;"organ of state" has the meaning assigned to it in section 239 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;"prescribed" means prescribed by regulation;"Provincial Registrar" means a Provincial Registrar of Tourist Guides contemplated in section 49(1);"Public Finance Management Act" means the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999);"regulation" means a regulation made by the Minister under this Act;"this Act" includes the norms and standards contemplated in section 7 and the regulations;"Tourism Complaints Officer" means the Tourism Complaints Officer designated as such by the Minister under section 45; and"tourist guide" means any person registered as such under section 50 and who for reward accompanies any person who travels within or visits any place within the Republic and who furnishes such person with information or comments.2. Objects of Act
3. Conflict with other laws and binding force of Act
Chapter 2
National tourism sector strategy, norms and standards, codes of good practice
4. National tourism sector strategy
5. National tourism information and monitoring system
The Minister must establish a national tourism information and monitoring system for—6. Information on tourism businesses
7. Norms and standards for tourism
8. Codes of good practice for tourism
The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, issue codes of good practice to—Chapter 3
South African Tourism Board
9. Continued existence of South African Tourism Board
The South African Tourism Board, established by section 2 of the Tourism Act, 1993 (Act No. 72 of 1993), continues to exist as a juristic person despite the repeal of that Act by section 62.10. Functions of Board
11. Powers of Board
Without derogating from its power generally to perform legal acts as a juristic person, the Board may—12. Delegations and assignments by Board
13. Composition of Board
14. Term of office of members of Board
15. Disqualification from membership of Board
16. Vacation of office and filling of vacancies
17. Remuneration of members of Board
A member of the Board who is not in the full-time employment of the State may be paid such remuneration and allowances as may be determined by the Minister with the approval of the Cabinet member responsible for finance.18. Board meetings
19. Conduct of meetings
20. Resolution without meeting
21. Funds of Board
22. Application of Public Finance Management Act to Board
The Public Finance Management Act applies to the Board.23. Committees of Board
The Board may establish any committee to assist the Board in the performance of its functions and must determine its composition and terms of reference.24. Appointment and responsibilities of chief executive officer of Board
25. Employment contract and performance agreement of chief executive officer
26. Resignation and dismissal of chief executive officer and appointment of acting chief executive officer
27. Employment and remuneration policy of Board and appointment of staff
Chapter 4
Grading system
28. National grading system for tourism
29. Establishment of Tourism Grading Council
The Tourism Grading Council is hereby established.30. Main function of Council and oversight and accountability
31. Composition of Council
32. Term of office of members of Council
33. Disqualification from membership of Council
Section 15 applies to a member of the Council with the changes required by the context.34. Vacation of office and filling of vacancies
35. Remuneration of members of Council
Section 17 applies to a member of the Council with the changes required by the context.36. Council meetings
37. Funds of Council
Section 21 applies to the Council with the changes required by the context38. Application of Public Finance Management Act to Council
The Public Finance Management Act applies to the Council.39. Committees of Council
The Council may establish any committee to assist the Council in the performance of its functions and must determine its composition and terms of reference.40. Appointment and functions of chief quality assurance officer of Council
41. Employment contract and performance agreement of chief quality assurance officer
42. Resignation and dismissal of chief quality assurance officer and appointment of acting chief quality assurance officer
Section 26 applies to the chief quality assurance officer and an acting chief quality assurance officer of the Council with the changes required by the context, except that the reference in section 26(4)(b) to section 27(1) must be read as a reference to section 43(1).43. Employment and remuneration policy of Council and appointment of staff
44. Assignment of oversight and functions of Council
Chapter 5
Tourism protection
45. Designation of Tourism Complaints Officer
46. Accreditation of scheme
47. Duties of Tourism Complaints Officer in respect of tourists’ complaints
Upon receiving a complaint in respect of any tourism services, facilities or products the Tourism Complaints Officer must—Chapter 6
Tourist guides
48. National Registrar of Tourist Guides
49. Provincial Registrars of Tourist Guides
50. Procedure relating to registration of tourist guides
51. Competence
The competence referred to in section 50 must be determined by the South African Qualifications Authority in accordance with the national qualifications framework contemplated in the National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act No. 67 of 2008).52. Code of conduct and ethics
53. Reporting of contraventions and lodging of complaints
54. Action by Provincial Registrar regarding disqualification of tourist guides
55. Disciplinary measures
56. Appeals and reviews
57. Prohibitions
58. Disputes
Any dispute or disagreement between the National Registrar and a Provincial Registrar concerning the performance of any of the functions contemplated in sections 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55 or 56 must—Chapter 7
59. Offences and penalties
60. Delegations and assignments
61. Regulations
62. Repeal of laws
The following Acts are hereby repealed:63. Transitional provisions and savings
The transitional provisions and savings contained in Schedule 1 must be read and applied as substantive provisions of this Act.64. Short title and commencement
History of this document
16 June 2014
Commenced by
Tourism Act, 2014: Commencement
07 April 2014 this version
Published in Government Gazette 37538
03 April 2014
Assented to
Cited documents 8
Act 8
1. | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 | 12333 citations |
2. | Public Finance Management Act, 1999 | 2720 citations |
3. | Consumer Protection Act, 2008 | 1162 citations |
4. | Mental Health Care Act, 2002 | 368 citations |
5. | Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000 | 213 citations |
6. | Tourism Act, 1993 | 84 citations |
7. | Tourism Amendment Act, 2000 | 20 citations |
8. | Tourism Second Amendment Act, 2000 | 8 citations |
Documents citing this one 299
Gazette 269
By-law 19
Judgment 7
Act 3
1. | Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency Act, 2024 | |
2. | KwaZulu-Natal Tourism and Film Authority Act, 2024 | |
3. | Limpopo Tourism Act, 2018 |
General Notice 1
1. | National Tourism Information and Monitoring System Regulations, 2019 |
Subsidiary legislation
Norms and standards for the safe operations of the tourism sector in the context of COVID-19 and other related pandemics
Business, Trade and Industry
General Notice 696 of 2021 | 3 December 2021 |
Business, Trade and Industry
National Tourism Information and Monitoring System Regulations, 2019
Business, Trade and Industry
General Notice 102 of 2020 | 21 February 2020 |
Business, Trade and Industry