Directions on Risk Adjusted Strategy for Tourism Facilities, Services and Products

General Notice 356 of 2020

This is the latest version of this General Notice.
South Africa
Disaster Management Act, 2002

Directions on Risk Adjusted Strategy for Tourism Facilities, Services and Products

General Notice 356 of 2020

  1. [Amended by Directions on Risk-adjusted Strategy for Tourism Facilities, Services and Products: Amendment (General Notice 414 of 2020) on 6 August 2020]
  2. [Amended by Directions on Risk-adjusted Strategy for Tourism Facilities, Services and Products: Amendment (General Notice 452 of 2020) on 25 August 2020]
  3. [Amended by Directions on Risk-adjusted Strategy for Tourism Facilities, Services and Products: Amendment (General Notice 514 of 2020) on 23 September 2020]
I, Ms Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, the Minister of Tourism, hereby, in terms of regulation 4(10) of the Regulations made in terms of section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002), and published in the Government Gazette No.43258, Government Notice No. R480 of 29 April 2020 as amended, issue the Directions set out in the Schedule hereto in order to combat, mitigate and manage the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, under specified conditions.Ms. Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, MPMinister of Tourism

1. Definitions

In this Schedule unless the context indicates otherwise-"Minister" means the Cabinet member responsible for tourism;[definition of "nuclear family" deleted by section 2(a) of General Notice 452 of 2020]"Places of attraction" include, but are not limited to theme parks, amusement parks, water parks, family entertainment centres, nature and game reserves, national parks, botanical gardens, zoos, aquaria, sanctuaries and other entertainment and cultural attractions;[definition of "Places of attraction" inserted by section 2(b) of General Notice 452 of 2020]"Regulations" means the regulations made in terms of section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002) and published in Government Gazette No. 43258, Government Notice No. R.480 of 29 April 2020 as amended from time to time.

2. Objectives of the Directions

The objectives of these Directions is to establish an environment that combats and mitigates the spread of COVID-19, for the benefit of employers, employees, guests, visitors, passengers and customers in the following tourism sectors:
(a)Restaurants, fast food outlets and coffee shops;
(b)Lodges, bed and breakfast, time-share facilities and resorts and guest houses;
(c)Self-drive Excursions;
(d)Conference and meeting venues;
(e)Casinos; and
(f)Guided tours.[subparagraph (f) added by section 2 of General Notice 414 of 2020]

3. Withdrawal

(a)The Directions published in Government Notice No. 235 of 3 April 2020are hereby withdrawn.
(b)Despite the withdrawal of the Directions referred to in subparagraph (a), anything done in terms of such Directions remains valid.
(c)Requests submitted by establishments rendering services related to the lockdown to the Department of Tourism for approval in terms of paragraph 2.1.4 of the Directions referred to in subparagraph (a), as at the date of publication of this Notice, are approved on condition that the establishments comply with the Regulations and the applicable Directions issued in terms of the Regulations.

4. Directions on health and safety measures in workplaces

These Directions must be read with the Regulations and Directions issued from time to time in respect of hygienic workplace conditions and the potential exposure of employees to COVID-19, including the COVID-19 Occupational Health and Safety Measures in Workplaces Directions issued by the Minister of Employment and Labour and published in Government Notice No. 479 of 29 April 2020 as amended.

5. Directions for restaurants, fast food outlets and coffee shops

Restaurants, fast food outlets and coffee shops must comply with the following Directions:
5.1Records to be keptRestaurants, fast food outlets and coffee shops must—
(a)keep a daily record of-
(i)the full names, Identity Number or Passport Number, nationality, nature of position (i.e. temporary, casual or permanent), residential address, and cell phone numbers ofemployees, delivery persons (including third party delivery agents);
(ii)every delivery, including the name and address of the person to whom the delivery is made.
(b)make such record available, should it be required in terms of the Regulations;
(c)keep the record for the duration of the national state of disaster and retain the record for a period of six weeks after the end of the national state of disaster.
5.2Screening, sanitising and Personal Protective EquipmentIn addition to applying all COVID-19 health protocols, before and during every shift, restaurants, fast food outlets and coffee shops must-
(a)ensure that every employee and delivery person is screened on arrival for shifts and on departing after shifts;
(b)ensure that the workplace, delivery transport, containers, are regularly sanitised and follow cleaning procedures;
(c)provide employees with masks to wear and hand sanitiser;
(d)ensure that every employee wears the relevant Personal Protective Equipment; and
(e)ensure that delivery persons sanitise before and after handling card or cash payment.
(f)ensure that employees and delivery persons practice hand washing-
(i)when an employee or a delivery person arrives at a restaurant, fast food outlet or café/coffee shop;
(ii)before and after every delivery;
(iii)after touching shared surfaces;
(iv)after a meal or a break;
(v)after a bathroom break;
(vi)after cleaning the restaurant, fast food outlet or cafe; and
(vii)when the employees and delivery persons leave at the end of a shift;
(g)ensure that where hand washing is impractical, the employees and delivery persons sanitise regularly and sanitise regularly the surface on which they work and the delivery vehicle.
5.3Social distancing, sanitisationRestaurants, fast food outlets and coffee shops must in respect of employees and delivery persons ensure that -
(a)employees and delivery persons (where applicable), maintain a distance of at least one and a half meters apart at all times;
(b)employees occupy scullery areas, and use hand wash basins, one at a time;
(c)employees that work in clearly defined spaces stay in their space as far as possible;
(d)employees move about using clear pathways with care and attention not to come in close contact with one another; and
(e)where contact between employees takes place, employees wash hands and go back to safe-spacing as quickly as possible.
5.4CollectionsRestaurants, fast food outlets and coffee shops must—
(a)ensure that an area is demarcated for the collection of orders for delivery that is separate from the place where food is prepared; and
(b)ensure that a contactless pick up zone for customers whose orders are ready to be collected is designated.
5.5DeliveriesRestaurants, fast food outlets and coffee shops must ensure that when taking an order from a customer, the customer is informed to—
(a)wear a mask when accepting orders from the delivery person; and
(b)sanitise hands after handling the package.
5.6Entry and sit downRestaurants, fast food outlets and coffee shops must, in respect of guests or customers-
(a)conduct a screening questionnaire and take precautionary measures to protect the person and other persons on the premises. Such measures may include denying such a person access to the premises;
(b)not allow any person onto their premises, if that person is not wearing a cloth mask, or a homemade item that covers the nose and mouth or another appropriate item to cover the nose and mouth;
(c)ensure that customers or guests wear masks at all times while they are on their premises except when eating or drinking;
(d)ensure that all customers or guests are sanitised before entering the premises;
(e)demarcate in a visible manner a distance of a line of at least 1.5 (one and a half) meters -
(i)from the point of sale or serving counter towards the guest or customer;
(ii)between customers or guests queuing next to each where two payment tills are opened;
(f)ensure that customers or guests queue at least one and a halfmeters apart behind each other or sideways;
(g)remove excess chairs/stools and tables or tables combined to enlarge the floor space while reducing and spreading seat capacity to enforce distancing of one and a halfmeters between guests or customers; and
(h)consider a reservation system to manage demand, and help ensure that capacity limits are adhered to.
5.7Food serviceThe following measures must be implemented:
(a)No buffets may be offered to guests for self-service;
(b)Food may only be plated and/or provided in covered single portions;
(c)Guests may pick-up pre-portioned items and any other buffet service should be handled by food service employees only from behind Perspex or similar protective shields;
(c)Menus to reduce complexity e.g., reduced buffet options, Table d’Hóte meals, offering deli-type take-away/grab-and-go style meals and option, with disposable containers, crockery, cups and cutlery should be instituted where possible;
(d)Menus must be replaced with non-touch options or sanitised after each guest use;
(e)Tables must be sanitised before and after each guest use;
(f)Where possible and for instance while taking orders, waiting staff must stand at least a meter from tables;
(g)Where possible, tablecloths should be removed from tables. Only essential items such as salt and pepper, should remain on tables and be sanitised after each guest;
(h)Items on waiting stations must be minimised;
(i)Clearing and cleaning systems with designated containers for different items and sealable refuse containers for food waste must be implemented and used;
(j)Room service must be encouraged in order to limit contact in restaurants.

6. Directions for hotels, lodges, bed and breakfast, time shares facilities and resorts and guest houses

Hotels, lodges, bed and breakfast, time-share facilities and resorts and guest houses must comply with the following Directions:
6.1Records to be keptThese establishments or facilities must—
(a)keep a daily record of the full names, Identity Number or Passport Number, nationality, nature of position (i.e. temporary, casual or permanent), residential address and cell phone numbers, of all employees and guests. In the case of a guest with multiple stays or of an employee, the record obtained on the first day and as updated when necessary, remains valid for the duration of the stay or of employment;
(b)make such record available, should it be required in terms of the Regulations and by the Minister; and
(c)keep the record for the duration of the national state of disaster and retain the record for a period of six weeks after the end of the national state of disaster.
6.1AThe number of persons in areas reserved for the gathering of guests such as the foyer and reception areas at accommodation establishments, may not be more than 50 percent of the available floor space, with patrons observing a physical distance of at least one and a half metres from each other, and accommodation establishments must ensure compliance with the requirements relating to social distancing.[paragraph 6.1A inserted by section 3(a) of General Notice 452 of 2020]
6.2Screening, sanitisation and masksMedium and large businesses and small businesses handling customers/ guests exceeding 50 per day, must—
(a)set up special screening stations just before or after entrances, at the front of queues, to facilitate screening and sanitisation at each and every entry;
(b)conduct a screening questionnaire and take precautionary measures to protect the person and other persons on the premises. Such measures may include denying such a person access to the premises;
(c)where necessary, after screening, isolate a person in a facility within their premises designated for isolation;
(d)ensure that guests wear masks at all times except when—
(i)in the bedroom; or
(ii)eating or drinking.
6.3BedroomsThe following measures must be implemented:
(a)Where dormitory style bedrooms are used and shared between non-group/non-family members, a maximum number of occupants per room, at approximately 50% of capacity, must be determined with 4 to 5m² minimum spacing per bed. For example, use of only one bunk bed per bunk bed unit;
(b)Room cleaning and linen change frequencies must be implemented to lower contamination risks to guests and employees;
(c)Turndown service must be eliminated;
(d)All excess softs such as cushions, throws, extra blankets and decor items and other superfluous items must be removed and items such as sewing kits, vanity kits, shoe cleaning kits, irons, and magazines must be made available for guest collection upon request;
(e)In-room hotel guides must be through electronic or disposable options;
(f)Sanitiser must be provided in all guest rooms and units for guest use;
(g)Employees must wear Personal Protective Gear when cleaning bathrooms and may use disposable aprons;
(h)Room cleaning employees must sanitise their hands and shoes and aprons on finishing each room and before entering the next room;
(i)On check-out of a guest, all door handles, surfaces, including phones, TV and radio controls, kettles, curtain pulls/curtain edges, mini-bars, trays, amenity containers and bottles, furniture, and other movable items, wall surfaces close to traffic/seating/bedside areas, and all floors, walls, surfaces and bathroom must be thoroughly cleaned or sanitised with an effective disinfectant and consideration must be given to replacing glasses, cups, teaspoons etc., with disposables, or clean cups, glasses etc., which mus be brought in clean containers from stores.
(j)Room keys or room access cards must be wiped or sanitised after every check-out and before every check-in;
(k)Housekeeping must have sufficient time for thorough deep cleaning of rooms between check-out and check-in;
(l)There must be efficient bedroom ventilation through effective air conditioning and /or opening of windows especially during bedroom cleaning;
(m)Removal of soiled linen from beds must be done with care. To minimise contamination, linen and towels from room changes may be put into quality plastic bags which can be securely closed, or into washable cloth bags which can be closed for transporting to the laundry or for laundry collection;
(n)Fewer guest supplies must be kept in housekeeping trolleys and the trolley and remaining contents must be wiped regularly and then be deep cleaned at the end of each day’s shift;
(o)All cleaning equipment such as mops and wet cloths must be dipped in sanitising solution after each room clean and must be sanitised in solution for 30 minutes at the end of each shift;
(p)Hotels, lodges, bed and breakfast, time-share facilities and resorts and guest houses that provide accommodation for quarantine and isolation purposes must in addition to these Directions, continue to observe the terms and conditions of their operation as authorised by the departments of Public Works and Health.
6.3A[paragraph 6.3A inserted by section 3 of General Notice 414 of 2020 and deleted by section 3(b) of General Notice 452 of 2020]
6.4LuggageAll luggage must be disinfected before or after off-loading from vehicles and employees / owners handling luggage must sanitise or wash hands with soap immediately before and after touching luggage.

7. Directions for conference and meeting venues

Conference and meeting venues must comply with the following directions:
7.1The number of persons entering a conference and meeting venue must not be more than 50 and the person managing the venue or organizing the conference or meeting must ensure compliance with the requirement relating to physical distancing, which is at least one and a half meters.
7.2Records to be keptThe organiser of a conference or meeting or the person managing the venue must—
(a)keep a daily record of the full names, Identity Number or Passport Number, nationality, nature of position (i.e. temporary, casual or permanent), residential address, and cell phone numbers of employees and persons who enter their premises. In the case of an employee, the record obtained on the first day and as updated when necessary, remains valid for the duration of the employment;
(b)make such record available, should it be required in terms of the Regulations; and
(c)keep the record for the duration of the national state of disaster and retain the record for a period of six weeks after the end of the national state of disaster.
7.3Screening, sanitisation and masksThe person managing the venue or the organiser of the conference or meeting must—
(a)at reservation, conduct a screening questionnaire for every delegate and take precautionary measures to protect the delegates and others on the premises. Such measures may include denying a delegate access to the premises before the arrival of that delegate at the premises;
(b)set up screening stations before or after entrances, at the front of queues to facilitate screening of delegates at each and every entry;
(c)after screening, where necessary, isolate a person in a facility within the premises designated for isolation.
(d)not allow onto the premises, a person who is not wearing a cloth mask, or homemade item that covers the nose and mouth or another appropriate item to cover the nose and mouth;
(e)ensure that delegates wear masks at all times except when eating or drinking;
(f)sanitise delegates before they enter onto the premises;
(g)frequently sanitise delegates during their stay on the premises or provide delegates with sanitisers for frequent use;
(h)provide to delegates pens and papers upon request, and delegates must keep any such pens and papers in their possession. Any pens left must be wiped or disposed of, and paper left must be disposed of;
(i)only provide individual water and individual mints condiments. The use of containers or bowls is prohibited;
(j)sanitise microphone and podium after use by every person; and
(k)designate a seat for each delegate and not allow a delegate to change the seat.

8. Directions for casinos

Casinos must comply with the following directions:
8.1The number of persons entering a casino may not be more than 50 percent based on the available floor space of the gambling floor and casinos must ensure compliance with the requirement relating to physical distancing, which is at least one and a half meters.
8.2RecordsThe person managing a Casino must—
(a)keep a daily record of the full names, Identity Number or Passport Number, nationality, nature of position (i.e. temporary, casual or permanent), residential address and cell phone numbers, of all employees and guests. In the case of an employee, the record obtained on the first day remains valid for the duration of the employment;
(b)make such record available, should it be required in terms of the Regulations or by the Minister; and
(c)keep the record for the duration of the national state of disaster and retain the record for a period of six weeks after the end of the national state of disaster.
8.3Screening, sanitisation and masksThe person managing the Casino must—
(a)conduct a screening questionnaire for every guest and take precautionary measures to protect that guest and others on the premises. Such measures may include denying a guest access to the premises;
(b)after screening, where necessary, isolate a person in a facility designated for isolation within the premises;
(c)not allow a person onto the premises if that person is not wearing a cloth mask, or homemade item that covers the nose and mouth or another appropriate item to cover the nose and mouth;
(d)ensure that guests wear masks at all times except when eating or drinking;
(e)sanitise guests before they enter the premises;
(f)frequently sanitise guests during their stay on the premises or provide guests with sanitisers for frequent use;
(g)ensure that guests maintain at least a distance of one and a half meters between open machines;
(h)remove excess softs and movables to reduce surfaces; and
(i)sanitise all machines and other surfaces touched after every use, or provide guests with sanitisers to sanitise the surface that they will occupy and touch.

9. Directions for private self drive excursions

9.1Self-drive excursions must comply with any directions as may be issued in respect of private vehicles.[paragraph 9.1 substituted by section 4(a) of General Notice 452 of 2020]
9.2In addition to the Directions set out above, restaurants, fast food outlets and coffee shops, Hotels, Lodges, bed and breakfast, time-share facilities and resorts and guest houses, Conference and meeting venues and Casinos must adhere to the following Directions:
9.3Every owner or person in charge of these establishments, places of attraction and facilities must ensure that all social distancing measures and health protocols are adhered to.[paragraph 9.3 substituted by section 4(b) of General Notice 452 of 2020]
9.4QueuingEvery owner or person in charge of these establishments and facilities must-
(a)at any queuing point or potential queuing point, i.e., for reception, ticket kiosks, check-in and pick up counters, primary entrances, lifts, staff entrances, restaurant entrances etc. use signs or marks to manage queues and spacing at one and a halfmetres;
(b)monitor queuing situations and make adjustments ifmeasures prove to be inadequate.
9.5Lounges & waiting areasThe following measures must be implemented:
(a)Furniture must be spaced out and excess furniture must be removed as far as possible;
(b)Furniture may also be taped off;
(c)Where possible multiple-seaters must be removed or be clearly designated with tape or notices to indicate the number ofpeople that can be seated;
(d)Discretion can be used for people from the same small family who are travelling together.
9.6KitchensThe following measures must be implemented:
(a)Workstations must be demarcated to indicate the physical spacing required and Perspex or similar protective shields may be used to separate facing and side-by-side stations;
(b)Equipment must be sanitised frequently using surface sanitisers. Handles, knobs, dials, switches and static equipment and utensils, pots and pans, and receptacles must undergo more frequent hot washing;
(c)Kitchen equipment and guest crockery and cutlery must be washed separately both on deep, high temperature wash cycles; and
(d)The exterior of any packaged food item, not completely used up, and of all containers of food, must be sanitised with wipes after each use.
9.7Goods receiving/loading baysThe following measures must be implemented:
(a)Every supplier who enters a business premises must have their temperature taken, be screened for COVID-19 symptoms, be entered into a register of visitors and undergo sanitising in a procedure similar to that of employees;
(b)Employees manning the loading and off-loading must wear shoes protection/gum boots, protective boiler suits, aprons or gowns, and wash hands frequently between and before and after each delivery or offload;
(c)All goods must be fully sanitised before entering the stores and refrigerators; and
(d)The entire area, and all its surfaces must be sanitised at regular intervals.
9.8Training of employeesThe employer must—
(a)regularly provide information and train employees and delivery persons on the COVID-19 health protocols issued by the Minister of Health from time to time, including protocols on the following:
(i)The procedures related to the use, reuse and wearing of masks;
(ii)the utilisation of Personal Protective Equipment;
(iii)keeping physical distance;
(iv)basic hygiene practises including the washing of hands;
(v)cleaning and disinfecting of equipment and surfaces;
(vi)contactless operations;
(vii)package handling; and
(viii)handling of orders and delivery to customers.
(b)inform employees, delivery persons on the responsibility to advice the employer if they are tested positive for COVID-19 or have been in contact with someone who is COVID-19 positive.

10. Directions for guided tour operations

10.1Records to be keptA person managing a guided tour must—
(a)keep a record of the full names, Identity Number or Passport Number and cellphone numbers of the people taking part in the guided tour; and
(b)make such record available, should it be required in terms of the Regulations or by the Minister.
10.2Sanitisation, masks and social distancingA person managing a guided tour must —
(a)not allow a person to the tour if that person is not wearing a cloth mask, or homemade item that covers the nose and mouth or another appropriate item to cover the nose and mouth;
(b)ensure that every person involved in the tour wears a mask at all times except when eating or drinking;
(c)sanitise persons involved in the tour before they enter a tour vehicle, rail or boat;
(d)frequently sanitise guests during their tour or provide guests or persons involved in the tour with sanitisers for frequent use;
(e)ensure that during guided activities that require walking, a social distance of one and a half metres is maintained at all times amongst persons involved in the tour;
(f)ensure that the loading capacity of guided tour vehicles and other modes of public transport complies with the Directions issued by the Minister of Transport in respect of the loading capacity of public transport vehicles;
(g)ensure that the door handles, window handles, arm rests and hand rails of all vehicles, rail or boat are sanitised after every load;
(h)ensure that windows on both sides of the tour vehicles, where applicable, are kept 5 cm open on both sides;
(i)ensure that all snacks and drinks provided during the tour are pre-packed and distributed following strict hygiene and sanitising measures. Disposable bottles, containers, cups and utensils should be utilised during tours.
(j)ensure the safe handling and disposal of waste.
[second paragraph 10 added by section 4 of General Notice 414 of 2020]

11. Directions for weddings, exhibitions and function venues

11.1Attendance at a venue for a wedding, exhibition or any other function is limited to 50 percent of the capacity of the venue with a maximum of 250 persons at an indoor venue and a maximum of 500 persons at an outdoor venue: Provided that persons participating through electronic platforms are not included in these limitations and all hygienic conditions and physical distancing measures are adhered to, in order to limit the exposure of persons to COVID-19.[paragraph 11.1 substituted by section 2 of General Notice 514 of 2020]
11.2Screening, sanitisation and masksA person managing a venue for a wedding, exhibition or other function must -
(a)set up screening stations at entrances to facilitate the screening of persons before entry;
(b)not allow access to a person who is not wearing a cloth mask, or homemade item that covers the nose and mouth or another appropriate item to cover the nose and mouth;
(c)ensure that every person wears a cloth face mask, a homemade item or another appropriate item that covers the nose and mouth at all times except when eating or drinking;
(d)ensure that every person sanitises before entry; and
(e)sanitise microphones and podiums after use by every person.
[direction 11 added by section 5 of General Notice 452 of 2020]

12. Directions for places of attraction

A person managing a place of attraction must -
(a)limit access to allow for appropriate social distancing;
(b)manage capacity by accepting advance bookings, where possible;
(c)ensure that water activities, where the wearing of a face mask may create a safety risk, are only permitted to operate, provided social distancing of one and a half metres between individuals while on or in the water can be maintained;
(d)ensure that equipment used during activities is cleaned or sanitised after every use;
(e)where touch elements of interactive attractions are enabled, make sanitising wipes available for employees, operators and persons, to wipe the touch screens or buttons; and
(f)ensure that in enclosed and confined attractions such as funiculars, cable cars, wheels and escape rooms, there are markings on the floor to facilitate compliance with physical distancing measures.
[direction 12 added by section 5 of General Notice 452 of 2020]

13. Certificate of occupancy

The owner or operator of a restaurant, a conferences, meetings, weddings, exhibitions or functions venue, a hotel, lodge, bed and breakfast, time share facility, resort, guest house or a casino must display a certificate of occupancy which sets out the maximum number of persons the facility may hold.[paragraph 13 added by section 3 of General Notice 514 of 2020]

10. Commencement

These Directions come into operation on the date of publication in the Government Gazette.
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Legislation 1
1. Disaster Management Act, 2002 1222 citations

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