S v Basson (CCT 30/03) [2004] ZACC 13 (10 March 2004)


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Documents citing this one 27

Judgment 27
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3. Bernert v Absa Bank Ltd [2010] ZACC 28 (9 December 2010) 60 citations
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5. Fraser v Absa Bank Limited [2006] ZACC 24 (15 December 2006) 56 citations
6. Bogaards v S (120/11) [2012] ZACC 23 (28 September 2012) 39 citations
7. S v Basson [2005] ZACC 10 (9 September 2005) 31 citations
8. S Liesching and Others [2018] ZACC 25 (29 August 2018) 20 citations
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11. Minister of Health and Another v New Clicks South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others [2005] ZACC 25 (30 September 2005) 15 citations
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20. Mdodana v Premier of the Eastern Cape and Others [2014] ZACC 7 (25 March 2014) 3 citations
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27. S v Zuma and Another (CCD 30/2018) [2022] ZAKZPHC 16 (16 February 2022)