South African Informal Traders Forum and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others; South African National Traders Retail Association v City of Johannesburg and Others [2014] ZACC 8 (4 April 2014)

South African Informal Traders Forum and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others; South African National Traders Retail Association v City of Johannesburg and Others [2014] ZACC 8 (4 April 2014)

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Cited documents 11

Judgment 10
1. National Treasury and Others v Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance and Others (Road Freight Association intervening) [2012] ZACC 18 (20 September 2012) 73 citations
2. Albutt v Centre for Study of Violence and Reconciliation and Others (CCT 54/09) [2010] ZACC 4 (23 February 2010) 65 citations
3. International Trade Administration Commission v SCAW South Africa (Pty) Ltd (Bridon International Limited intervening) ; In re: SCAW South Africa (Pty) Ltd v International Trade Administration Commission and Others [2010] ZACC 6 (9 March 2010) 52 citations
4. Ramakatsa and Others v Magashule and Others [2012] ZACC 31 (18 December 2012) 19 citations
5. Knox D'Arcy Ltd and Others v Jamieson and Others (283/1995) [1996] ZASCA 58 (29 May 1996) 15 citations
6. Minister of Health and Others v Treatment Action Campaign and Others (No 1) (CCT 9/02) [2002] ZACC 16 (4 April 2002) 10 citations
7. Minister of Home Affairs and Others v Watchenuka and Others (10/2003) [2003] ZASCA 142 (28 November 2003) 9 citations
8. Commissioner for South African Revenue Service v Hawker Air Services (Pty) Ltd; Commissioner for South African Revenue Service v Hawker Aviation Services Partnership and Others (379/2005) [2006] ZASCA 51 (31 March 2006) 7 citations
9. Magidiwana and Others v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others [2013] ZACC 27 (19 August 2013) 5 citations
10. United Democratic Movement v President of Republic of South Africa and Others (African Christian Democratic Party and Others intervening) [2002] ZACC 33 (4 October 2002) 2 citations
Act 1
1. Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 12333 citations