Mahlangu and Another v Minister of Police [2021] ZACC 10 (14 May 2021)


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Cited documents 25

Judgment 25
1. Affordable Medicines Trust and Others v Minister of Health and Another [2005] ZACC 3 (11 March 2005) 218 citations
2. Barkhuizen v Napier [2007] ZACC 5 (4 April 2007) 168 citations
3. Carmichele v Minister of Safety and Security and Another [2001] ZACC 22 (16 August 2001) 130 citations
4. AB and Another v Pridwin Preparatory School and Others [2020] ZACC 12 (17 June 2020) 96 citations
5. Boesak v S (CCT 25/00) [2000] ZACC 25 (1 December 2000) 93 citations
6. Fedsure Life Assurance Ltd and Others v Greater Johannesburg Transitional Metropolitan Council and Others [1998] ZACC 17 (14 October 1998) 72 citations
7. Masetlha v President of Republic of South Africa and Another [2007] ZACC 20 (3 October 2007) 70 citations
8. Zealand v Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development and Another [2008] ZACC 3 (11 March 2008) 68 citations
9. Lee v Minister of Correctional Services [2012] ZACC 30 (11 December 2012) 62 citations
10. Beadica 231 CC and Others v Trustees for the time being of the Oregon Trust and Others [2020] ZACC 13 (17 June 2020) 61 citations
11. National Education Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) v University of Cape Town and Others [2002] ZACC 27 (6 December 2002) 55 citations
12. Minister of Safety and Security v Sekhoto and Antoher (131/2010) [2010] ZASCA 141 (19 November 2010) 47 citations
13. De Klerk v Minister of Police [2019] ZACC 32 (22 August 2019) 41 citations
14. De Lange v Smuts NO and Others [1998] ZACC 6 (28 May 1998) 34 citations
15. V W v Minister of Police (92/2012) [2014] ZASCA 108 (11 September 2014) 21 citations
16. Magajane v Chairperson, North West Gambling Board [2006] ZACC 8 (8 June 2006) 18 citations
17. S v Coetzee and Others (CCT 50/1995) [1997] ZACC 2 (6 March 1997) 18 citations
18. Minister of Safety and Security v Seymour (295/2005) [2006] ZASCA 71 (30 May 2006) 17 citations
19. Minister of Safety and Security v Tyokwana (827/2013) [2014] ZASCA 130 (23 September 2014) 17 citations
20. Minister of Safety and Security v Tyulu (327/2008) [2009] ZASCA 55 (27 May 2009) 13 citations
21. Relyant Trading (Pty) Ltd v Shongwe and Another (472/2005) [2006] ZASCA 162 (26 September 2006) 7 citations
22. Minister of Law and Order and Others v Hurley and Another (59/86) [1986] ZASCA 53 (26 May 1986) 5 citations
23. Rahim v The Minister of Home Affairs (965/2013) [2015] ZASCA 92 (29 May 2015) 5 citations
24. Mahlangu and Another v Minister of Police (1393/2018) [2020] ZASCA 44 (21 April 2020) 3 citations
25. Minister of Justice v Hofmeyr (240/1991) [1993] ZASCA 40 (26 March 1993) 2 citations

Documents citing this one 41

Judgment 41
1. Brits v Minister of Police and Another (756/2020) [2021] ZASCA 161 (23 November 2021) 9 citations
2. Minister of Police and Another v Erasmus (366 of 2021) [2022] ZASCA 57 (22 April 2022) 9 citations
3. Ngcobo and Other v Minister of Police (4755/2017) [2023] ZAKZPHC 126 (20 October 2023) 1 citation
4. Booi v Minister of Police and Another (30057/17) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1319 (25 July 2022)
5. Croucamp and Another v Minister of Police (A205/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 637 (23 September 2022)
6. Dikome v Minister of Police (CA28/2022) [2023] ZAECGHC 12 (7 February 2023)
7. Dlamini v Ntuli and Others (D4845/2015) [2024] ZAKZDHC 40 (19 July 2024)
8. Feni v Minister of Police (EL 462/2020) [2022] ZAECELLC 2 (26 May 2022)
9. Hlomuka v National Commissioner South African Police Service and Another (23988/20) [2022] ZAGPJHC 361 (25 March 2022)
10. Hoosain v Minister of Police (06680/2015) [2023] ZAGPJHC 652 (6 June 2023)
11. Jwili v Minister of Police and Another (19020/17) [2024] ZAGPJHC 89 (29 January 2024)
12. Kampi v Minister of Police and Another (37677/2020) [2022] ZAGPJHC 322 (20 May 2022)
13. Kave v National Minister of Police and Others (293/2020) [2023] ZAECELLC 49 (6 May 2023)
14. Khele v Minister of Police and Another (41848/2018) [2022] ZAGPJHC 932 (1 June 2022)
15. Khubalo v Minister of Police (1923/2018) [2024] ZAECGHC 36 (26 March 2024)
16. Kopang v Minister of Police (22372/2017) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1264 (17 November 2023)
17. Louw v Minister of Police (317/2019) [2023] ZANWHC 618 (12 October 2023)
18. Makhatholela v Minister of Police and Another (3710/2021) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1830 (16 August 2024)
19. Makunyane v Minister of Police (2016/18398) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1355 (13 November 2023)
20. Manala obo Estate Manala v Minister of Police and Others (13342/2013) [2023] ZAGPPHC 847 (26 July 2023)
21. Maphosa v Minister of Police (10505/18) [2022] ZAGPJHC 471 (26 July 2022)
22. Matlala v Minister of Police (49653/2021) [2024] ZAGPPHC 244 (11 March 2024)
23. Matsoso v Minister of Police (415/2019) [2024] ZAFSHC 51 (29 February 2024)
24. Minister of Police v Andries (74452/2017) [2023] ZAGPPHC 667 (9 June 2023)
25. Minister of Police v Dunjana and Others (CA 117/2021) [2022] ZAECGHC 73 (25 October 2022)
26. Minister of Police v Henning (A31/22) [2023] ZAGPPHC 948 (16 August 2023)
27. Minister of Police v Kekana (A3074/2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 847 (27 July 2023)
28. Minister of Police v Khedama [2024] ZAKZPHC 21 (18 March 2024)
29. Minister of Police v Mjali and Others (CA91/2022) [2023] ZAECMHC 58 (7 November 2023)
30. Minister of Police v Xopo and Another (CA155/2023) [2024] ZAECPEHC 28 (9 April 2024)
31. Motlhaolwa and Another v Minister of Police (2037/2019) [2024] ZANWHC 167 (12 July 2024)
32. Mtetwa v Minister of Police (19234/2015) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1324 (10 November 2023)
33. Mvala v Minister of Police (52/2021) [2023] ZANWHC 621 (12 October 2023)
34. Ntombela and Another v Minister of Police and Another (46654/2017) [2024] ZAGPJHC 144 (13 February 2024)
35. Phadu v Minister of Police (16924/2018) [2021] ZAGPJHC 491 (9 July 2021)
36. Shazi v Minister of Police (12720/2016) [2023] ZAKZDHC 41 (16 August 2023)
37. Thure v Minister of Police (74452/2017) [2022] ZAGPPHC 983 (21 October 2022)
38. Vitshima v Minister of Police and Another (2496/2020) [2024] ZAECPEHC 40 (30 April 2024)
39. Xulu v Minister of Police and Another (21/52147) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1035 (13 September 2023)
40. Zenzile v Minister of Police (1631/2018) [2023] ZAECMHC 53 (19 October 2023)
41. Zitha v Minister of Police and Another (735/2019) [2024] ZAECBHC 10 (26 April 2024)