Business, Trade and Industry

407 documents
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2010 FIFA World Cup Cape Town Legislation 16 January 2009
Accommodation Establishment Ethekwini Legislation 17 December 1993
Accounting separation regulations for reserved postal services, 2011 Legislation 16 March 2011
Advertising Lesedi Legislation 15 September 2015
Advertising and Signage Bergrivier Legislation 6 December 2013
Advertising, Marketing and Information Disclosure Requirements for Collective Investment Schemes, 2014 Legislation 8 August 2014
Advertising, Marketing and Information Disclosure Requirements for Collective Investment Schemes, 2014: Commencement Legislation 6 March 2015
Advertising Signs and the Disfigurement of the Front or Frontages of Streets Buffalo City Legislation 10 February 2010
Advertising Signs and the Disfigurement of the Fronts or Frontages of Streets
Swartland Legislation 19 April 2002
Alexkor Limited Act, 1992 Legislation 8 July 1992
Alternative Dispute Resolution Regulations: Amendment Legislation 10 November 2017
Alternative Dispute Resolution Regulations: Amendment Legislation 11 December 2015
Annual finance charge rates, 2007 Legislation 26 February 2007
Bills of Exchange Act, 1964 Legislation 15 May 1964
Block Exemption Regulations for Small, Micro and Medium-Sized Businesses, 2024 Legislation 3 June 2024
Building Mbizana Legislation 27 February 2009
Businesses Act, 1991 Legislation 16 January 1998
Capital requirements with which a manager of a collective investment scheme in property must comply, 2003 Legislation 1 August 2003
Carbon Tax Act, 2019 Legislation 23 May 2019
City Improvement District Cape Town Legislation 13 April 2023
Code of Good Practice: Managing Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in the Workplace Legislation 24 June 2022
Code of Practice for the South African Postal Industry, 2007 Legislation 30 March 2007
Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, 2002 Legislation 1 April 2023
Companies Act, 2008 Legislation 9 April 2009
Competition Act, 1998 Legislation 13 February 2020
Competition Act: Regulations related to COVID-19 Legislation 19 March 2020
Competition Appeal Court Rules, 2000 Legislation 18 November 2005
Competition Appeal Court Rules: Amendment Legislation 18 November 2005
Competition Appeal Court Rules: Amendment Correction Legislation 15 December 2005
Competition Tribunal Rules for Covid-19 excessive pricing complaint referrals Legislation 3 April 2020
Compulsory Specification for Plastic Carrier Bags and Flat Bags - VC 8087 Legislation 6 September 2013
Conduct of Financial Institutions Bill Generic Document 30 September 2020
Construction Industry Development Board Act, 2000 Legislation 27 April 2004
Consumer Affairs (Unfair Business Practices) Validation Act Gauteng Legislation 9 April 2009
Consumer Protection Act, 2008 Legislation 13 March 2015
Control of Undertakings that Sell Liquor Knysna Legislation 22 October 2018
Control of Undertakings that Sell Liquor to the Public Cape Town Legislation 12 December 2014
Control of Undertakings that Sell Liquor to the Public Swartland Legislation 11 November 2022
Control of Undertakings that Sell Liquor to the Public
Bergrivier Legislation 7 December 2018
Control of Undertakings that Sell Liquor to the Public
Swartland Legislation 7 August 2015
Control of Undertakings that Sell Liquor to the Public Bergrivier Legislation 22 March 2024
Copyright Act, 1978 Legislation 1 April 1989
Copyright Regulations, 1978 Legislation 7 June 1985
Copyright Regulations: Amendment Legislation 7 June 1985
Copyright Regulations: Amendment Correction Legislation 28 June 1985
COVID-19 Block Exemption for the Banking Sector, 2020: Amendment Legislation 5 May 2020
COVID-19 Block Exemption for the Healthcare Sector, 2020: Amendment Legislation 8 April 2020
COVID-19 Block Exemption for the Retail Property Sector, 2020 Legislation 11 June 2020
Credit Control Lesedi Legislation 15 September 2015
Credit Control and Debt Collection Johannesburg Legislation 23 May 2005