Cape Town
South Africa
South Africa
Informal Trading By-law, 2009
- Published in Western Cape Provincial Gazette 6677 on 20 November 2009
- Commenced on 20 November 2009
- [This is the version of this document from 6 December 2013 and includes any amendments published up to 3 February 2025.]
- [Amended by Informal Trading By-law: Amendment on 6 December 2013]
1. Preamble
2. Interpretation
In this By-Law, the English text prevails in the event of any conflict with the Afrikaans or the isiXhosa texts and, unless the context indicates otherwise -3. Types of informal trading
4. Freedom to engage in informal trading
Informal trading is permitted in any area within the jurisdiction of the City, subject to any trading plans adopted by the City, the provisions of this By-Law and any other applicable law.5. Adoption of trading plans
6. Public participation in respect of the adoption of a trading plan
Public Notice requesting comments and objectionsBefore adopting a trading plan, the City is obliged to-7. Amendment, revocation and review of trading plans
The City -8. Permits
9. Transfer of permits
10. Obligations on owners of non-city property
An owner of non-City property which has been demarcated in a trading plan as land where informal trading is permitted, must -11. General prohibitions on informal trading
Informal trading may not be conducted:-12. Restrictions on informal trading
No person shall:-13. Waste removal, cleansing and hygiene
14. Special events
The City may permit or prohibit informal trading for purposes of special events on such terms and conditions as it may deem fit, notwithstanding the terms of any trading plan or any permits issued in respect of the relevant trading area.15. Guidelines and policies
The City may at any time publish or amend guidelines or policies in respect of informal trading in the municipal area.16. Powers and functions
17. Appeals
A person whose rights are affected by a decision taken by the City in terms of this By-Law under a duty or power which has been delegated or sub-delegated, may appeal against that decision in terms of section 62 of the Systems Act.18. Enforcement
19. Offences
Any person who -20. Transitional provisions
Notwithstanding the enactment of this By-Law:21. Repeal of by-laws
The following By-Laws are hereby repealed:22. Short title and commencement
This By-Law is called the City of Cape Town: Informal Trading By-Law and takes effect on the date of publication in the Provincial Gazette.History of this document
06 December 2013 this version
Amended by
Informal Trading: Amendment
20 November 2009
Cited documents 10
Act 10
1. | Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 | 4621 citations |
2. | Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 | 4499 citations |
3. | Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 | 4014 citations |
4. | National Road Traffic Act, 1996 | 1748 citations |
5. | National Heritage Resources Act, 1999 | 731 citations |
6. | South African Police Service Act, 1995 | 592 citations |
7. | Employment Equity Act, 1998 | 547 citations |
8. | Businesses Act, 1991 | 507 citations |
9. | Adjustment of Fines Act, 1991 | 145 citations |
10. | Counterfeit Goods Act, 1997 | 75 citations |