National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Regulations, 2016

General Notice 275 of 2017

This is the version of this General Notice as it was from 3 April 2017 to 10 September 2020. Read the latest available version.
South Africa
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004

National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Regulations, 2016

General Notice 275 of 2017

I, Boma Edna Edith Molewa, Minister of Environmental Affairs, hereby make the National Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulations, under section 53(aA), (o) and (p) read with section 12 of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act No. 39 of 2004), set out in the Schedule hereto.

1. Definitions

(1)In these Regulations any word or expression to which the meaning has been assigned in the Act has that meaning, unless the context indicates otherwise—"activity data" means data on the magnitude of a human activity resulting in emissions or removals taking place during a given period of time. Data on energy use, metal production, land areas, management systems, lime and fertilizer use and waste arising are examples of activity data;"boiler" means a combustion appliance designed to heat water. In terms of these regulations, a boiler is referred to as a stationary combustion device;"combustion emissions" means greenhouse gas emissions occurring during the exothermic reaction of a fuel with oxygen;"competent authority" means the National Inventory Unit based at the National Department of Environmental Affairs;"data provider" means any person as classified in regulation 4 and shall include—(a)its holding company or corporation or legal entity, registered in South Africa in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of South Africa;(b)all its subsidiaries and legally held operations, including joint ventures and partnerships where it has a controlling interest, or is nominated as the responsible entity for the purpose of reporting under these Regulations;(c)all facilities generally over which it has operational control, which are not part of another data provider as provided for in these Regulations;"default IPCC emission factors" are emission factors provided in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and its associated supplementary information; these emission factors assume a linear relation between the intensity of the process and the resulting emissions and an average or typical process description;"design capacity" means capacity as installed;"direct emission measurement" means a set of operations having the objective of determining the value of a quantity by means of periodic or continuous measurement, applying either measurements in the stack or extractive procedures with a measuring instrument located close to the stack;"emissions" are the release of greenhouse gases/and/or their precursors into the atmosphere over a specified area and period of time;"emission factor" means a coefficient that quantifies the emissions or removals of a gas per unit of activity. Emission factors are often based on a sample of measurement data, averaged to develop a representative rate of emission for a given activity level under a given set of operating conditions;"IPCC emission source" means any process or activity which releases a greenhouse gas, an aerosol or a precursor of a greenhouse gas into the atmosphere which is identified by IPCC code in Annexure 1;"facility" means premises, where activities identified in Annexure 1 are being undertaken;"fugitive emissions" means emissions that are not emitted through an intentional release through stack or vent. This can include leaks from industrial plant and pipelines;"greenhouse gas" means any one of the following gases:Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O) Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), Perfluorocarbons (PFCs), Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs);"Global Warming Potential (GWP)" means a metric that compares the radiative forcing of a tonne of a greenhouse gas over a given period (e.g., 100 years for the purpose of annual greenhouse gas inventory) to a tonne of Carbon Dioxide. By using GWPs, greenhouse gas emissions can be standardised to a carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-eq);"installation" means a device, operation or process that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry. An installation generally performs one or more of the activities listed in annexure 1 and is housed within a facility;"IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2006)" means the guidelines developed by the IPCC for the establishment and maintenance of national greenhouse gas inventories and are available on the IPCC website (;"IPCC" means the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which is the international body for the assessment of climate change established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988;"National Atmospheric Emission Inventory System" or "NAEIS" means the internetbased emissions reporting system that is a component of the South African Air Quality Information System;"Operational control" means a data provider has operational control or another company if it, or one of its subsidiaries, has the full authority to introduce and implement its operating policies at the company;"process emissions" means greenhouse gas emissions other than combustion emissions occurring:(a)during use of specific substances;(b)as a result of intentional and unintentional reactions between substances or their; transformation, including the chemical or electrolytic reduction of metal ores, the thermal decomposition of substances, and;(c)the formation of substances for use as product or feedstock;"reporting period" means one calendar year;"South African Air Quality Information System" or "SAAQIS" means the national air quality information system established in terms of the National Framework for Air Quality Management in the Republic of South Africa;"Technical Guidelines for Monitoring, Reporting, Verification and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Industry" means the reporting methodology approved by the competent authority available on the National Department of Environmental Affairs website http: //;"the Act" means the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act No. 39 of 2004);"these Regulations" include the Annexures to these Regulations;"tier" means a method used for determining greenhouse gas emissions as defined by the "IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2006)" and include—(a)Tier 1 method: A method using readily available statistical data on the intensity of processes (activity data) and IPCC emission factors (specified in the Technical Guidelines for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Industry or available in from 2006 IPCC);(b)Tier 2 method: similar to Tier 1 but uses country-specific emission factors;(c)Tier 3 method: Tier 3 is any methodology more detailed than Tier 2 and might include amongst others, process models and direct measurements as specified in the 2006 IPCC guidelines;"transparency" means that the assumptions and methodologies used as a basis for reporting activity data and greenhouse gas emissions should be clearly explained to facilitate replication and assessment of the submitted information by users of the reported information;"upset conditions" means any temporary failure or air pollution control equipment or process equipment or failure of a process to operate in a normal or usual manner that leads to abrupt increases or decreases in greenhouse gas emission rates;"validation" means the establishment of sound approach and foundation. In the context of emissions inventories, validation involves checking to ensure that reported greenhouse gas emissions data have been compiled correctly in line with reporting instructions and guidelines. It checks the internal consistency of the inventory;"verification" refers to the collection of activities and procedures that can be followed during the planning and development, or after completion of reported greenhouse gas emissions data that can help to establish its reliability for the intended applications of that inventory.

2. Purpose of regulations

The purpose of these Regulations is to introduce a single national reporting system for the transparent reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, which will be used—
(a)to update and maintain a National Greenhouse Gas Inventory;
(b)for the Republic of South Africa to meet its reporting obligations under the United Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and instrument treaties to which it is bound; and
(c)to inform the formulation and implementation of legislation and policy.

3. Application of regulations

These Regulations apply to the categories of emission sources listed in Annexure 1 to these Regulations and a corresponding data provider as classified in regulation 4 of these Regulations.

4. Classification of emission sources and data providers

(1)For purposes of these Regulations, a data provider is classified as follows:
(a)Category A:any person in control of or conducting an activity marked in the Category A column above the capacity given in the threshold column of the table in Annexure 1 to these Regulations; and
(b)Category B:any organ of state, research institution or academic institution, which holds greenhouse gas emission data or activity data relevant for calculating greenhouse gas emissions relating to a category identified in table in Annexure 1 to these Regulations.
(2)Notwithstanding sub-regulation (1)(a), the Minister may identify additional greenhouse gases, sources and associated data providers by following the consultative process set out in sections 56 and 57 of the Act and, in writing, require such data providers to register and to submit data for their emissions within a specified period to the competent authority.

5. Registration

(1)A person classified as a Category A data provider in terms of regulation 4(1)(a) of these Regulations must register all facilities where activities exceed the thresholds listed in Annexure 1 by providing the relevant information as listed in Annexure 2 to these Regulations, within 30 days after the commencement of these Regulations or within 30 days after commencing such an activity after the commencement of these Regulations.
(2)A data provider must ensure that the registration details are complete and are an accurate reflection of the IPCC emission sources at each facility.
(3)The registration contemplated in sub-regulation (1) must be done as follows:
(a)on the NAEIS;
(b)in cases where the NAEIS is unable to meet the registration requirements, the registration must be done by submitting the information specified in Annexure 2 in an electronic format to the competent authority.

6. Changes to registration details

(1)A data provider must notify, in writing, the competent authority of any change in respect of the data provider’s registration details as listed in Annexure 2 to these Regulations within 30 days from the date the data provider became aware of such change occurring.
(2)If a data provider transfers ownership and operational control of a facility, or discontinues an activity, the data provider must notify the competent authority in writing within 30 days of such transfer of ownership or operational control or the activity being changed or discontinued.
(3)A person to whom ownership or operational control of a facility is transferred as contemplated in sub-regulation (2) must, within 30 days after taking ownership or operational control of the facility, register as a data provider in terms of regulation 5 of these Regulations.
(4)Registration of a data provider in terms of regulation 5 is deemed withdrawn once the competent authority has, within 30 days, acknowledged receipt of notification, in writing, provided by a data provider in terms of sub-regulation (2).

7. Reporting requirements

(1)A Category A data provider must submit the greenhouse gas emissions and activity data as set out in the Technical Guidelines for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Industry for each of the relevant greenhouse gases and IPCC emission sources specified in Annexure 1 to these Regulations for all of its facilities and in accordance with the data and format requirements specified in Annexure 3 to these Regulations for the preceding calendar year, to the competent authority by 31 March of each year.
(2)Where the 31 March falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, the submission deadline is the next working day.
(3)A Category B data provider must submit emissions and activity data collected that is related to the relevant activity or activities set out in Annexure 1 to these Regulations and in accordance with the format and data requirements as specified in Annexure 3 to these Regulations when requested by the competent authority.
(4)The reporting contemplated in sub-regulations (1), (2) and (3) must be done as follows:
(a)on the NAEIS;
(b)in cases where the NAEIS is unable to meet the reporting requirements, the reporting must be done by submitting the information specified in Annexure 3 in an electronic format to the competent authority.

8. Reporting boundaries

(1)A Category A data provider must define its reporting boundaries based on operational control.
(2)A Category A data provider must include greenhouse gas emissions from normal operating conditions and upset conditions including start-up and shut-down and emergency situations over the reporting period.

9. Completeness

A Category A data provider monitoring and reporting must be complete and cover all process, fugitive and combustion emissions from all greenhouse gas emission sources and source streams belonging to activities listed in Annexure 1 of these Regulations, taking into account the capacity thresholds specific to the different activities as listed in Annexure 1 to these Regulations.

10. Methods

(1)A Category A data provider must determine the emissions to be reported as contemplated in regulation 7 of these Regulations according to the tiers specified for the relevant categories in Annexure 1 to these Regulations using the methods set out in the Technical Guidelines for Monitoring, Reporting, Verification and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Industry.
(2)Where a data provider reasonably believes that any emission factor referred to in the Technical Guidelines for Monitoring, Reporting, Verification and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Industry for a particular activity is not appropriate under the specific conditions of greenhouse gas emission, such a data provider may make a submission to the competent authority, by providing the information set out in Annexure 4 to these Regulations, requesting a review of the applicable emission factor.
(3)The competent authority must review a submission contemplated in sub-regulation (2) within 60 days after the submission date, and if the submission is—
(a)approved by the competent authority, the accepted method will be included in the Technical guidelines for Monitoring, Reporting, Verification and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Industry;
(b)not approved, the data provider must submit the emission and related data, using a method from the Technical Guidelines for Monitoring, Reporting, Verification and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Industry, compliant with sub-regulation (1).

11. Verification and validation of information

(1)The competent authority must assess, in accordance with the assessment procedures in the Technical Guidelines for Monitoring, Reporting, Verification and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Industry, the data submitted by a Category A data provider within 60 days after the submission date.
(2)The assessment contemplated in sub-regulation (1) may include a comparison with methods defined in the Technical Guidelines for Monitoring, Reporting, Verification and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Industry, with earlier submissions, with submissions from similar facilities and with other independent data.
(2)A data provider’s submission contemplated in regulation 7 of these Regulations is deemed accepted if the competent authority does not respond to the data provider with questions for clarification or corrections within 60 days from the date of the data provider’s submission.
(3)If, after the assessment in terms of sub-regulation (1), the competent authority reasonably believes that the information submitted in terms of these regulations may not be transparent, complete, or correct, the competent authority may instruct, in writing, a data provider to verify and validate the information submitted, and to provide the supporting information required to substantiate the submission within 60 days after receiving the written instruction from the competent authority.
(4)Where a Category A data provider provides insufficient information for the purposes of validation and verification, in terms of sub-regulation (3), the competent authority may undertake one or any combination of the following:
a)Conduct on-site facility or installation specific verification and validation of emissions estimated using the methods as set out in Technical Guidelines for Monitoring, Reporting, Verification and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Industry by Category A data providers at its discretion;
b)Require verification by an independent assessor.
(5)A data provider is liable for all costs incurred in connection with compliance with sub-regulations (3) and (4)(b).

12. Confidentiality of information

(1)The competent authority may disclose confidential information obtained in terms of these Regulations if:
(a)the information is disclosed in compliance with the provisions of any law;
(b)the person is ordered to disclose the information by a court of law; or
(c)the information is disclosed for the purposes of the administration of justice.
(2)The competent authority must destroy all confidential information by any data provider, not later than five years after the information was provided to the competent authority.

13. Record keeping

(1)A data provider must ensure transparency of the submission by archiving all data, measuring reports, algorithms, procedures and technical references used to estimate greenhouse gas emissions.
(2)A data provider must keep a record of the information submitted to the competent authority in terms of these Regulations and all information mentioned in sub-regulation (1) for at least five years and such record must, on request, be made available for inspection by the competent authority.

14. Publishing data and information

(1)The competent authority may only place data and information reported in terms of these Regulations in the public domain if it does not—
(a)promote unfair competition in terms of the Competition legislation;
(b)contravene section 36 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act No. 2 of 2000); or
(c)contravene section 17 of the Statistics Act, 1999 (Act No. 6 of 1999).

15. Transitional arrangements

A data provider may for a transitional period of up to five years from the date of commencement of these Regulations apply lower tiers than those referred to in Annexure 1 to these Regulations, with tier 1 method being the minimum.

16. Offences

A person commits an offence if that person—
(a)provides false or misleading information to the competent authority; or
(b)fails to comply with regulations 5(1), 5(2), 6(1), 6(3), 7(1), 7(3), 9, or 13.

17. Penalties

A person convicted of an offence in terms of regulation 16 of these Regulations is liable in the case of a first conviction to a fine not exceeding R5 million or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years and in the case of a second or subsequent conviction to a fine not exceeding R10 million or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 10 years and in respect of both instances to both such fine and such imprisonment.

18. Short title and commencement

These Regulations are called the National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Regulations, 2016, and come into operation on the date of publication in the Gazette.

Annexure 1

List of activities for which GHG emissions must be reported to the competent authority

The table below lists all activities, as defined in the IPCC 2006 Guidelines’ source categories, where data providers must report greenhouse gas emissions and related data if such activity takes place on the data provider’s premises. Copies of the IPCC guidelines are available on the IPCC website A data providers shall report the relevant greenhouse gases and associated activity data for all IPCC source categories where their capacity is equal or above the threshold indicated, using the methods indicated in column 3 of the table below. Technical Guidelines for Monitoring, Reporting, Verification and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Industry stipulates the greenhouse gases relevant for each IPCC code. Category B data providers shall provide data upon request where indicated, using any method provided in the Technical Guidelines.Where no method is provided and reporting threshold is reflected as Not Applicable (NA) reporting is not required.
CodeNameshall report when their total installed capacity for this activity is over the thresholdCategory ATransitional Arrangement Applicability (Regulation 15)
1AFuel Combustion Activities   
1A1Energy Industries   
1A1aMain Activity Electricity and Heat ProductionTier 2 or 3110 MW(th)2YES
1A1bPetroleum RefiningTier 2 or 310 MW(th)YES
1A1cManufacture of Solid Fuels and Other Energy IndustriesTier 2 or 310 MW(th)YES
1A2Manufacturing Industries and Construction   
1A2aIron and SteelTier 2 or 310 MW(th)YES
1A2bNon-Ferrous MetalsTier 2 or 310 MW(th)YES
1A2cChemicalsTier 2 or 310 MW(th)YES
1A2dPulp, Paper and PrintTier 2 or 310 MW(th)YES
1A2eFood Processing, Beverages and TobaccoTier 2 or 310MW(th)NO
1A2fNon-Metallic MineralsTier 2 or 310MW(th)YES
1A2gTransport EquipmentTier 2 or 310 MW(th)NO
1A2hMachineryTier 2 or 310MW(th)NO
1A2iMining and QuarryingTier 2 or 310 MW(th)YES
1A2jWood and Wood ProductsTier 2 or 310MW(th)NO
1A2kConstructionTier 2 or 310MW(th)NO
1A2ITextile and LeatherTier 2 or 310 MW(th)NO
1A2mBrick manufacturing:Tier 2 or 34 million bricks a monthNO
1A3aCivil AviationTier 2 or 3100 000 litres/yearYes
1A3bRoad TransportationNANANO
1A3cRailwaysTier 2 or 3100 000 litres/yearYes
1A3dWater-borne NavigationTier 2 or 3100 000 litres/yearYes
1A3eOther TransportationNANANA
1A4Other Sectors   
1A4aCommercial/lnstitutionalTier 2 or 310 MW(th)Yes
1A4bResidentialTier 2 or 310 MW(th)Yes
1A4cAgriculture/Forestry/Fishing/FishFarmsTier 2 or 310 MW(th)Yes
1A5aStationaryTier 2 or 310 MW(th)YES
1A5cMultilateral OperationsNANANA
1BFugitive Emissions from Fuels   
1B1Solid Fuels   
1B1aCoal Mining and HandlingTier 2 or 33noneYES
1B1bUncontrolled Combustion, and Burning Coal DumpsNANANA
1B1cSolid Fuel TransformationTier 2 or 3noneYES
1B2Oil and Natural Gas   
1B2aOilTier 2 or 3noneYES
1B2bNatural GasTier 2 or 3noneYES
1B3Other Emissions from Energy ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
1CCarbon Dioxide Transport and Storage   
1C1Transport of CO2Tier 1, 2 or 3noneNO
1C1aPipelinesNA10 000 tons CO2/yearNO
1C1bShipsTier 1, 2 or 310 000 tons CO2/yearNO
1C1cOther (please specify)Tier 1, 2 or 310 000 tons CO2/yearNO
1C2Injection and Storage   
1C2aInjectionTier 1, 2 or 310 000 tons CO2/yearNO
1C2bStorageTier 1, 2 or 310 000 tons CO2/yearNO
2AMineral Industry   
2A1Cement ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
2A2Lime ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
2A3Glass ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
2A4Other Process Uses of CarbonatesTier 1, 2 or 3 NO
2A4bOther Uses of Soda AshNANANA
2A4cNon Metallurgical MagnesiaTier 1, 2 or 3noneYES
2A4dOther (please specify)   
2A5Other (please specify)NANANA
2BChemical Industry   
2B1Ammonia ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
2B2Nitric Acid ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
2B3Adipic Acid ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
2B4Caprolactam, Glyoxal and Glyoxylic Acid ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
2B5Carbide ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
2B6Titanium Dioxide ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
2B7Soda Ash ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
2B8Petrochemical and Carbon BlackTier 2 or 3 YES
2B8aMethanolTier 2 or 3noneYES
2B8bEthyleneTier 2 or 3noneYES
2B8cEthylene Dichloride and Vinyl Chloride MonomerTier 2 or 3noneYES
2B8dEthylene OxideTier 2 or 3noneYES
2B8eAcrylonitrileTier 2 or 3noneYES
2B8fCarbon BlackTier 2 or 3noneYES
2B9Fluorochemical Production   
2B9aBy-product EmissionsTier 1, 2 or 3noneNO
2B9bFugitive EmissionsTier 1,2 or 3noneNO
2B10Other (Please specify)NANANO
2CMetal Industry   
2C1Iron and Steel ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
2C2Ferroalloys ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
2C3Aluminium ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
2C4Magnesium ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
2C5Lead ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
2C6Zinc ProductionTier 2 or 3noneYES
2C7Other (please specify)NANANO
2DNon-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent Use   
2D1Lubricant UseNANANO
2D2Paraffin Wax UseNANANO
2D3Solvent UseNANANO
2D4Other (please specify)NANANO
2EElectronics Industry   
2E1Integrated Circuit or SemiconductorNANANA
2E2TFT Flat Panel DisplayNANANA
2E4Heat Transfer FluidNANANA
2E5Other (please specify)NANANA
2FProduct Uses as Substitutes for Ozone Depleting Substances  NA
2F1Refrigeration and Air ConditioningNANANA
2F1aRefrigeration and Stationary Air Conditioning   
2F1bMobile Air ConditioningNANANA
2F2Foam Blowing AgentsNANANA
2F3Fire ProtectionNANANA
2F6Other Applications (please specify)NANANA
2G1Electrical EquipmentNANANA
2G1aManufacture of Electrical Equipment   
2G1bUse of Electrical EquipmentNANANA
2G1cDisposal of Electrical Equipment   
2G2SF6 and RFCs from Other Product UsesNANANA
2G2aMilitary ApplicationsNANANA
2G2cOther (please specify)NANANA
2G3N2O from Product UsesNANANA
2G3aMedical ApplicationsNANANA
2G3bPropellant for Pressure and Aerosol ProductsNA NA
2G3cOther (Please specify)NANANA
2G4Other (Please specify)NANANA
2H1Pulp and Paper IndustryNANANA
2H2Food and Beverages IndustryNANANA
2H3Other (please specify)NANANA
3A1Enteric Fermentation   
3A1gMules and AssesNANANA
3A1jOther (please specify)NANANA
3A2Manure Management  NA
3A2gMules and AssesNANANA
3A2jOther (please specify)NANANA
3B1Forest Land   
3B1aForest land Remaining Forest landTier 2 or 3100 Hectares of Plantations or Natural forestsYES
3B1bLand Converted to Forest LandTier 2 or 3100 Hectares of Plantations or Natural forestsYES
3B2aCropland Remaining CroplandNANANA
3B2bLand Converted to CroplandNANANA
3B3Grassland  NA
3B3aGrassland Remaining GrasslandNANANA
3B3bLand Converted to GrasslandNANANA
3B4Wetlands  NA
3B4aWetlands Remaining WetlandsNANANA
3B4bLand Converted to WetlandsNANANA
3B5Settlements  NA
3B5aSettlements Remaining SettlementsNANANA
3B5bLand Converted to SettlementsNANANA
3B6Other Land  NA
3B6aOther Land Remaining Other LandNANANA
3B6bLand Converted to Other LandNANANA
3CAggregate Sources and Non-CO2 Emissions Sources on Land   
3C1Emissions from Biomass Burning   
3C1aBiomass Burning in Forest LandsNANANA
3C1bBiomass Burning in CroplandsNANANA
3C1cBiomass Burning in GrasslandsNANANA
3C1dBiomass Burning in All Other LandNANANA
3C3Urea ApplicationNANANA
3C4Direct N2O Emissions from Managed soilsNANANA
3C5Indirect N2O Emissions from Managed SoilsNA NA
3C6Indirect N2O Emissions from Manure ManagementNANANA
3C7Rice CultivationsNANANA
3C8Other (please specify)NANANA
3DOther  NA
3D1Harvested Wood ProductsNANANA
3D2Other (please specify)NANANA
4ASolid Waste Disposal   
4A1Managed Waste Disposal SitesTier 1 or 2Receiving 5 tonnes per day or a total capacity of 25000 tonnesNO
4A2Unmanaged Waste Disposal SitesTier 1 or 2Receiving 5 tonnes per day or a total capacity of 25000 tonnesNO
4A3Uncategorised Waste Disposal SitesTier 1 or 2Receiving 5 tonnes per day or a total capacity of 25000 tonnesNO
4BBiological Treatment of Solid WasteNANANA
4CIncineration and Open Burning of Waste   
4C1Waste IncinerationTier 1 or21 tonnes per hourNO
4C0Waste - PyrolysisTier 2 or 3100 kg/hourYes
4C2Open Burning of WasteNANANO
4DWastewater Treatment and Discharge   
4D1Domestic Wastewater Treatment and DischargeTier 12 Million litres/dayNO
4D2Industrial Wastewater Treatment and DischargeTier 11000 cubic metres per dayNO
4EOther (please specify)NANANA
5AIndirect N2O Emissions from the   
 Atmospheric Deposition of Nitrogen in NOx and NH3NANANA
5BOther (please specify)NANANA
1This threshold refers to a combined boiler design capacity equal to or above 10 MW(th) net heat input. For example, the combined boiler design capacity for six (6) 2MW(th) boilers is equal to 12 MW (th) which is above the reporting threshold of 10MW (th). Therefore, the data provider has to report greenhouse gas emissions associated with stationary combustion in this case.2A YES implies that a data provider has to apply a tier 2 or tier 3 methodology for the relevant IPCC source code after 5 years from the date of promulgation of these regulations3If the threshold for a specific IPCC source category in this table is reflected as none, it means that the data provider has to report activity data and greenhouse gas emissions irrespective of the size of greenhouse gas emissions and the scale of the operation of the activity.

Annexure 2


Information to be provided during registration
Registration ItemDetailsComments
Data Provider Name  
Data Provider ID To be generated by the system
Physical Address of the data provider  
Contact Person Name, Designation, Contact number, e-mail address
Facility 1Name of Facility 1 Name used to identify the facility
Physical Address Physical address of the facility
Relevant IPCC Code for the facility See Annexure 1 for IPCC codes
Installed capacity of the facility Quantity and units
Description of Non - combustion sources Description of process, technology and products
Description of combustion source Description of process, technology and fuel types
Facility 2Name of Facility 2 Name used to identify the facility
Physical Address Physical address of the facility
Relevant IPCC Code for the facility See Annexure 1 for IPCC codes
Installed capacity of the facility Quantity and units
Description of Non - combustion sources Description of process, technology and products
Description of combustion source Description of process, technology and fuel types
Facility 3Name of Facility 3 Name used to identify the facility
Physical Address Physical address of the facility
Relevant IPCC Code for the facility See Annexure 1 for IPCC codes
Installed capacity of the facility Quantity and units
Description of Non - combustion sources Description of process, technology and products
 Description of combustion source Description of process, technology and fuel types
Additional rows should be added to the table above to accommodate registration all facilities as contemplated in Regulation 5.

Annexure 3

Annual reporting

Category A reporting
Name of Data Provider 
Data Provider ID 
Date of Submission: 
Year of data: 
IPCC Code (see Annexure 1)Sub category4(disaggregated by fuel / product type / production process)Activity data5Emissions (tonnes/year)
Name of activity dataValue of activity dataUnits of activity dataGHG-16GHG-2GHG-3
4Sub-category is applicable in cases whereby more than one fuel type, technology, product or production process is relevant for a specific IPCC code. In steel production for example, Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) and Electric Arch Furnace (EAF) are commonly used to produce steel. Each of these processes has a unique greenhouse gas emission factor5Activity data as specified for each activity type in the “Technical Guidelines for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Industry”.6Please consult the “Technical Guidelines for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Industry” to identify the relevant greenhouse gases that must be considered for each activity listed in Annexure 1 of these regulations.

Annexure 4

Information to accompany submission in terms of regulation 10(2)

Administrative information
Data Provider 
Data Provider Country: 
Data Provider Contact 
Date Calculated 
Date submitted to competent authority by Data provider 
Technical information
Greenhouse gas 
Relevant IPCC Source-Category in terms of 2006 IPCC or later Guidelines 
ParameterType / name 
95% confidence interval 
Date(s) of measurement 
External QA/QC 
Comments by data provider 
Comments by others (e.g. independent verifier) 
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History of this document

Cited documents 3

Legislation 3
1. Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 1655 citations
2. National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 353 citations
3. Statistics Act, 1999 103 citations

Documents citing this one 0