Pension Funds Act, 1956

Act 24 of 1956

This is the version of this Act as it was from 9 July 1957 to 5 July 1959. Read the latest available version.
South Africa

Pension Funds Act, 1956

Act 24 of 1956

  1. [Amended by Finance Act, 1957 (Act 81 of 1957) on 9 July 1957]
ACTTo provide for the registration, incorporation, regulation and dissolution of pension funds and for matters incidental thereto.
BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate and the House of Assembly of the Union of South Africa, as follows:—

Chapter I
Administration and application of Act and interpretation of terms

1. Definitions

(1)In this Act, unless the context indicates otherwise—"actuary" means any Fellow of an institute, faculty, society or chapter of actuaries approved by the Minister;"court" means a provincial or local division of the Supreme Court of South Africa, and includes the High Court of South-West Africa;"financial year", in relation to a fund, means each period of twelve months ending on the thirty-first day of December, at the end of which the balance of its accounts is required to be struck in terms of its rules, or such other period as may on any particular occasion be determined by the registrar at the request of the fund;"fund" means a pension fund organization;"Gazette", in relation to a fund carrying on business in the Territory, means the Official Gazette of the Territory;"member" means, in relation to—(a)a fund referred to in paragraph (a) of the definition of "pension fund organization", any member or former member of the association by which such fund has been established;(b)a fund referred to in paragraph (b) of that definition, an employee or former employee of the employer who participates or participated in the scheme or arrangement in question, if such employee or former employee belongs or belonged to a class of employees for whose benefit that fund has been established,but does not include any member or former member or employee or former employee who has received all the benefits which may be due to him from the fund and whose membership has thereafter been terminated in accordance with the rules of the fund;"Minister" means the Minister of Finance;"officer", in relation to a fund, means any member of a committee appointed to manage the affairs of the fund, or any individual so appointed, or any manager, principal officer, treasurer, clerk or other agent or employee of the fund, but does not include an auditor appointed under section nine;"pension fund" means a pension fund organization;"pension fund organization" means—(a)any association of persons engaged in any occupation established with the object of providing benefits for members or former members of such association upon their retirement from such occupation, or for the dependants of such members or former members upon the death of such members or former members; or(b)any business carried on under a scheme or arrangement established with the object of providing benefits for employees or former employees of any employer upon their retirement on account of age or ill-health, or for dependants of employees or former employees of any such employer upon the death of such employees or former employees;and includes any such association or business which in addition to carrying on business in connection with any of the objects specified in paragraph (a) or (b) also carries on business in connection with any of the objects for which a friendly society may be established, as specified in section two of the Friendly Societies Act, 1956, or which is or may become liable for the payment of any benefits provided for in its rules, whether or not it continues to admit or to collect contributions from members;"person" includes any committee appointed to manage the affairs of a fund;"prescribed" means prescribed by or under this Act;"principal officer" means the officer referred to in section eight;"registered", in relation to a fund, means registered or provisionally registered under section four, and "registration" has a corresponding meaning;"registered office" means the registered office referred to in section seven;"registrar" means the Registrar or the Assistant Registrar of Pension Funds appointed under section three;"regulation" means a regulation made and in force under this Act;"rules" means the rules of a fund, and includes—(a)the act, charter, deed of settlement, memorandum of association, or other document by which the fund is constituted;(b)the articles of association or other rules for the conduct of the business of the fund; and(c)the provisions relating to the benefits which may be granted by and the contributions which may become payable to the fund;"Territory" means the Territory of South-West Africa;"Union" includes the Territory;"valuator" means an actuary or any other person who, in the opinion of the registrar, has sufficient actuarial knowledge to perform the duties required of a valuator in terms of this Act.
(2)For the purpose of the application of the provisions of this Act in relation to an organization which is a pension fund organization in terms of paragraph (b) of the definition of "pension fund organization" in sub-section (1), any reference in this Act to a fund shall be construed as a reference to that fund or to the person or body in control of the affairs of that fund, as the circumstances may require.

2. Application of Act

(1)The provisions of this Act shall not apply in relation to any pension fund which has been established in terms of an agreement published or deemed to have been published under section forty-eight of the Industrial Conciliation Act, 1937 (Act No. 36 of 1937), except that such fund shall from time to time furnish the registrar with such statistical information as may be prescribed by the Minister.
(a)The provisions of this Act, other than section three and sub-sections (1) and (2) of section four, shall not apply in relation to a pension fund if the head office of the association which carries on the business of that fund, or, as the case may be, of every employer who is a party to such fund, is outside the Union, provided—
(i)the registrar is satisfied that the rules of the fund applicable to members resident in the Union are not less favourable than those applicable to members resident outside the Union, taking into consideration differences in the conditions of service;
(ii)the registrar is satisfied that adequate arrangements exist for ensuring the financial soundness of the fund; and
(iii)the fund furnishes such security as the registrar may from time to time require for the payment of any benefits which may become payable to members resident in the Union who are South African citizens, or otherwise satisfies the registrar that it will be able to pay such benefits.
(b)The registrar may from time to time require any person carrying on the business in the Union of a pension fund referred to in paragraph (a), to submit to the registrar such returns and information in connection with that business as the registrar may specify, and if at any time the registrar is no longer satisfied as regards any of the matters specified in paragraph (a) he may advise the person accordingly by notice transmitted to him by registered post, and thereupon the provisions of this Act shall apply in relation to such fund.
(a)If the registrar is satisfied—
(i)that the affairs of any pension fund which has applied for registration under this Act, are subject to such a measure of control issuing from any department of State, including the South African Railways and Harbours Administration, any provincial administration and the Administration of the Territory, as to ensure that the fund will as regards its financial strength and the conduct of its business conform to standards at least as high as those imposed under this Act in respect of registered funds (other than provisionally registered funds); or
(ii)that a pension fund which has applied for registration under this Act, operates exclusively by means of policies of insurance issued by a person lawfully carrying on insurance business within the meaning of the Insurance Act, 1943 (Act No. 27 of 1943),
he shall in writing exempt that fund on such conditions as he may specify from the operation of the provisions of this Act.
(b)The registrar may at any time by notice in writing addressed to the fund withdraw any exemption granted under paragraph (a) if he ceases to be satisfied as provided in that paragraph.

3. Appointment of registrar and assistant registrar of pension funds

(1)The Minister shall, subject to the laws governing the public service, appoint an officer to be styled the Registrar of Pension Funds who shall, under the control of and subject to appeal to the Minister, exercise all such powers and perform all such duties as are assigned to him by this Act.
(2)The Minister shall similarly appoint an officer to be styled the Assistant Registrar of Pension Funds to assist the registrar in carrying out his duties as aforesaid.
(3)Every appeal to the Minister in terms of sub-section (1) shall be prosecuted in the manner and within the time prescribed by regulation.

Chapter II
Registration and incorporation

4. Registration of pension funds

(1)Every pension fund shall apply to the registrar for registration under this Act.
(2)An application under sub-section (1) shall be accompanied by particulars of the name and address of the person charged with the management of the affairs of the fund to which the application relates, and a copy of the rules of such fund, together with a certificate by a valuator as to the soundness of such rules from a financial point of view or, if no valuator has been employed, such information regarding their financial soundness as the applicant may possess, and a registration fee of one pound, and, in the case of a fund in existence at the commencement of this Act—
(a)a statement in detail of the revenue and expenditure of the fund in question for the last financial year for which accounts have been prepared, and a copy of its balance sheet as at the end of that year; and
(b)a statement showing in detail the latest valuation of assets and liabilities made by a valuator, including particulars as to the principles applied in making such valuation, or, if no such valuation has been made, such particulars regarding the financial condition of the fund as the applicant may possess.
(3)Upon receipt of the documents referred to in sub-sections (1) and (2) the registrar shall register the fund provisionally and shall forward to the applicant a certificate of provisional registration.
(4)If after considering any such application, the registrar is satisfied—
(a)in the case of a fund which is in existence at the commencement of this Act—
(i)that the rules of the fund are not inconsistent with this Act and are based on sound financial principles; and
(ii)that the fund is in a financially sound condition or that adequate arrangements have been made to bring it into a financiallly sound condition within a period which the registrar considers satisfactory; or
(b)in the case of a fund established after such commencement, in respect of the matters specified in sub-paragraph (i) of paragraph (a),
he shall register the fund as a pension fund and send to the applicant a certificate of registration as well as a copy of the rules of the fund bearing an endorsement of the date of registration, and thereupon the fund shall cease to be provisionally registered.
(5)If after considering any such application, the registrar is not satisfied as regards all the matters in respect of which he is in terms of sub-section (4) required to be satisfied, he shall in writing indicate to the applicant the requirements to be complied with in order that he may be so satisfied.
(6)Subject to the provisions of sub-section (7) the provisional registration of a fund under sub-section (3) shall be valid for a period of five years.
(7)Whenever a fund which is provisionally registered under this section has complied with all the requirements specified in sub-section (4), the registrar shall register the fund and transmit to it a certificate of registration as well as a copy of its rules with the date of registration duly endorsed thereon, and thereupon the fund shall cease to be provisionally registered.
(8)No fund shall be registered or provisionally registered under this Act except as provided in this section.

5. Effect of registration of pension fund

(1)Upon the registration under this Act—
(a)of a fund which is a pension fund organization in terms of paragraph (a) of the definition of “pension fund organization” in sub-section (1) of section one, the fund shall, under the name by which is so registered, and in so far as its activities are concerned with any of the objects set out in that definition, become a body corporate capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name and of doing all such things as may be necessary for or incidental to the exercise of its powers or the performance of its functions in terms of its rules;
(b)of a fund which is a pension fund organization in terms of paragraph (b) of the said definition, all the assets, rights, liabilities and obligations pertaining to the business of the fund shall, notwithstanding anything contained in any law or in the memorandum, articles of association, constitution or rules of any body corporate or unincorporate having control of the business of the fund, be deemed to be assets, rights, liabilities and obligations of the fund to the exclusion of any other person, and no person shall have any claim on the assets or rights or be responsible for any liabilities or obligations of the fund, except in so far as the claim has arisen or the responsibility has been incurred in connection with transactions relating to the business of the fund;
(c)of any fund, the assets, rights, liabilities and obligations of the fund (including any assets held by any person in trust for the fund), as existing immediately prior to its registration, shall vest in and devolve upon the registered fund without any formal transfer or cession.
(1bis)The officer in charge of a deeds registry in which is registered any deed or other document relating to any asset or right which in terms of paragraph (c) of sub-section (1) vests in or devolves upon a registered fund shall, upon production to him by the fund of its certificate of registration or of provisional registration, as the case may be, and of the deed or other document aforesaid, without payment of transfer duty, stamp duty, registration fees or charges, make the endorsements upon such deed or document and the alterations in his registers that are necessary by reason of such vesting or devolution.[subsection (1)bis inserted by section 14 of Act 81 of 1957]
(2)All moneys and assets belonging to a pension fund shall be kept by that fund and every fund shall maintain such books of account and other records as may be necessary for the purpose of such fund.

6. Allocation of assets and liabilities between pension fund organization and other associated business

(1)Within twelve months after the registration under this Act of a pension fund the business whereof is or has been carried on by any undertaking as part of or in conjunction with any other business in which that undertaking is or has been engaged, the person having control of the business of that undertaking shall submit to the registrar proposals as to the apportionment of the assets, rights, liabilities and obligations of that undertaking between the fund and such other business.
(2)If the proposals mentioned in sub-section (1) are not received within the period specified in that sub-section the registrar shall prepare proposals for the apportionment of the assets, rights, liabilities and obligations of that undertaking between the fund and such other business in such a manner as he may with due regard to all the circumstances consider equitable.
(3)The registrar may for the purpose of preparing any proposals under sub-section (2), require any person having control of the undertaking in question, to lodge with him, within such period as he may specify, any information relating to the business or any part of the business which is or has been carried on by that undertaking, including the business of such pension fund, together with such reports by a valuator or (at the discretion of the registrar) by the auditor of that undertaking, as the registrar may direct.
(4)As soon as practicable after having received any proposals under sub-section (1) or after having prepared any proposals as provided in sub-section (2), the registrar shall transmit a copy thereof to the principal officer of the fund and publish at the expense of the fund in the Gazette and in at least one English and one Afrikaans newspaper circulating in the district in which the head office of the undertaking is situate, a notice—
(a)indicating that such apportionment is contemplated;
(b)stating the place or places where copies of the proposals in question will be available for inspection by interested persons for a period of thirty days from a date specified in the notice; and
(c)calling upon interested persons to submit to the registrar whatever representations they may deem necessary within the said period of thirty days.
(5)Upon the expiration of the period mentioned in paragraph (c) of sub-section (4), the registrar shall proceed to consider any written representations lodged with him in pursuance of the relevant notice and any oral representations which any person who lodged such written representations or the person having control of the business of the undertaking may desire to submit to him, and shall thereafter approve of the proposals in question as drafted or with such modifications as he may deem necessary.
(6)A decision made by the registrar under sub-section (5) shall be binding upon all persons affected thereby.

Chapter III
Manner of administration and powers of registered funds

7. Registered office

(1)Every registered fund shall have a registered office in the Union.
(2)Process in any legal proceedings against any such fund may be served by leaving it at the registered office, and in the event of such registered office having ceased to exist, service upon the registrar shall be deemed to be service upon the fund.

8. Principal officer

(1)Every registered fund shall have a principal executive officer.
(2)The principal officer of a registered fund shall be an individual who is resident in the Union, and if he is absent from the Union or unable for any reason to discharge any duy imposed upon him by any provision of this Act, the fund shall, in the manner directed by its rules, appoint another person within thirty days to be its principal officer.
(3)Within thirty days of the registration of a fund under this Act, the person managing the business of the fund shall notify the registrar of the name of the principal officer of the fund.
(4)Whenever a registered fund has appointed a new principal officer, the person managing the business of the fund shall within thirty days as from such appointment give notice thereof in writing to the registrar.

9. Appointment of auditor

Every registered fund shall in the manner prescribed by its rules appoint an auditor registered under the Public Accountants’ and Auditors’ Act, 1951, who shall not be an officer of the fund except where the accounts of such a fund are to be audited by the Controller and Auditor-General under the provisions of one or other law.

10. Business which may be carried on

No registered fund shall carry on any business other than the business of a pension fund: Provided that the registrar may approve of a fund carrying on such other business on such conditions and for such period as he may determine if the registrar is satisfied that this is necessary in order to safeguard an investment made by the fund.

11. Matters to be included in rules

The rules of a fund shall be in either of the official languages of the Union and shall contain provision in regard to the following matters, that is to say—
(a)the name of the fund and the situation of its registered office;
(b)the objects of the fund;
(c)the requirements for admission to membership and the circumstances under which membership is to cease;
(d)the conditions under which any member or other person may become entitled to any benefit and the nature and extent of any such benefit;
(e)the appointment, removal from office, powers and remuneration (if any) of officers of the fund;
(f)the powers of investment of funds;
(g)the manner of determining profits and losses and of disposing of such profits or providing for such losses;
(h)the manner in which contracts and other documents binding the fund shall be executed;
(i)in the case of a fund with share capital, the amount of such share capital and the division thereof into shares of a fixed amount, whether the liability of a shareholder for the debts of the fund is limited or unlimited, the conditions relating to participating in the profits of the fund by the shareholders, subject to the condition that such participation shall not in any one year exceed an amount equal to five per cent, of the paid-up share capital, the conditions of redemption or repayment of shares, the conditions relating to calls on shares, the manner of transfer and transmission of shares, the manner of forfeiture of shares, and the manner of alteration of share capital;
(j)the manner of altering and rescinding any rules, and of making additional rules;
(k)the appointment of the auditor of the fund and the duration of such appointment;
(l)the manner in which any disputes between the fund and its member or between the fund and any person whose claim is derived from a member shall be settled;
(m)the custody of any title deeds, and other securities belonging to or held by the fund;
(n)subject to the provisions of this Act, the manner in which and the circumstance under which the fund shall be terminated or dissolved;
(o)the appointment of a liquidator in the case of a voluntary dissolution; and
(p)such other matters as the registrar may approve.

12. Amendment of rules

(1)A registered fund may, in the manner directed by its rules, alter or rescind any rule or make any additional rule, but no such alteration, rescission or addition shall be valid—
(a)if it purports to effect any right of a creditor of the fund, other than as a member of shareholder thereof; or
(b)unless it has been approved by the registrar and registered as provided in sub-section (4).
(2)Within one month from the date of the passing of a resolution for the alteration or rescission of any rule or for the adoption of any additional rule, a copy of such resolution shall be transmitted by the principal officer to the registrar, together with a certificate signed by the person managing the business of the fund to the effect that such resolution has been adopted in accordance with the provisions of the rules of the fund.
(3)If any such alteration, rescission or addition affects the financial position of the fund, the principal officer shall also transmit to the registrar a certificate by a valuator as to its financial soundness or, if no valuator has been employed, such information regarding its financial soundness as the fund may possess.
(4)If the registrar finds that any such alteration, rescission or addition is not inconsistent with this Act, and is satisfied that it is financially sound, he shall register the alteration, rescission or addition and return a copy of the resolution to the principal officer with the date of registration endorsed thereon, and such alteration, rescission or addition, as the case may be, shall take effect as from the date determined by the fund concerned or, if no date has been so determined, as from the said date of registration.
(5)A registered fund may at any time consolidate its rules, and in such event the principal officer shall forward to the registrar a copy of such consolidated rules and if the registrar is satisfied that the consolidated rules are not substantially different from the existing rules of the fund, he shall register such consolidated rules and return a copy thereof to the principal officer with the date of registration endorsed thereon, and such consolidated rules shall thereupon take effect from the date of registration thereof.

13. Binding force of rules

Subject to the provisions of this Act, the rules of a registered fund shall be binding on the fund and the members, shareholders and officers thereof, and on any person who claims under the rules or whose claim is derived from a person so claiming.

14. Amalgamations and transfers

(1)No transaction involving the amalgamation of any business carried on by a registered fund with any business carried on by any other person (irrespective of whether that other person is or is not a registered fund), or the transfer of any business from a registered fund to any other person, or the transfer of any business from any other person to a registered fund shall be of any force or effect unless—
(a)the scheme for the proposed transaction, including a copy of every actuarial or other statement taken into account for the purposes of the scheme, has been submitted to the registrar;
(b)the registrar has been furnished with such additional particulars or such a special report by a valuator, as he may deem necessary for the purposes of this sub-section;
(c)the registrar is satisfied that the proposed transaction would not render any registered fund which is a party thereto and which will continue to exist if the proposed transaction is completed, unable to meet the requirements of this Act or to remain in a sound financial condition, or, in the case of a fund which is not in a sound financial condition, to attain such a condition within a period of time deemed by the registrar to be satisfactory;
(d)the registrar has been furnished with such evidence as he may require that the provisions of the said scheme and the provisions, in so far as they are applicable, of the rules of every registered fund which is a party to the transaction, have been carried out or that adequate arrangements have been made to carry out such provisions at such times as may be required by the said scheme;
(e)the registrar has forwarded a certificate to the principal officer of every such fund to the effect that all the requirements of this sub-section have been satisfied.
(2)Whenever a scheme for any transaction referred to in sub-section (1) has come into force in accordance with the provisions of this section, the relevant assets and liabilities of the bodies so amalgamated shall respectively vest in and become binding upon the resultant body, or as the case may be, the relevant assets and liabilities of the body transferring its assets and liabilities or any portion thereof shall respectively vest in and become binding upon the body to which they are to be transferred.
(3)The officer in charge of a deeds registry in which is registered any deed or other document relating to any asset which is transferred in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (2), shall, upon production to him by the person concerned of such deed or other document and of the certificate referred to in paragraph (e) of subsection (1), without payment of transfer duty, stamp duty, registration fees or charges, make the endorsements upon such deed or document and the alterations in his registers that are necessary by reason of the amalgamation or transfer.[subsection (3) substituted by section 15 of Act 81 of 1957]
(4)A transaction effected in terms of this section shall not deprive any creditor of a party thereto (other than in his capacity as a member or a shareholder of such party) of any right or remedy which he had immediately prior to that date against any party to the transaction or against any member or shareholder or officer of such party.

Chapter IV
Documents to be deposited with registrar

15. Accounts

(1)Every registered fund shall, within six months as from the expiration of every financial year, furnish to the registrar a revenue account showing the revenue and expenditure of the fund for that year, and a balance sheet showing the financial position of the fund at the close of that year, duly certified in each case by the auditor of the fund.
(2)Every registered fund shall, when furnishing to the registrar the documents referred to in sub-section (1), also furnish to the registrar
(a)a copy of any special report by the auditor relating to any of the activities of the fund during the financial year to which such documents relate;
(b)a copy of any annual report that the fund may have issued to its members or shareholders in respect of the said financial year; and
(c)a copy of any other statement that the fund may have presented to its members or shareholders in respect of any of its activities during such financial year.
(3)If the registrar is of the opinion that any document furnished by a registered fund in terms of sub-section (1) does not correctly reflect the revenue and expenditure or the financial position (as the case may be) of the fund, he may reject the said document, and in that event—
(a)he shall notify the fund concerned of the reasons for such rejection; and
(b)the fund shall be deemed not to have furnished the said document to the registrar: Provided that in such event the registrar may apply the provisions of section thirty-three, even though the period concerned may have expired before application is made for extension.

16. Investigations by a valuator

(1)Save as provided in section seventeen, a registered fund shall, once at least in every five years, cause its financial condition to be investigated and reported upon by a valuator, and shall deposit a copy of such a report with the registrar.
(2)Such investigation shall be made in respect of the position as at the expiration of a financial year, and such report shall be deposited with the registrar within twelve months from the close of that year.
(3)In the case of a fund which was carrying on pension fund business at the commencement of this Act and has complied with the provisions of sub-section (1) of section four, the first. investigation shall be made in respect of the position as at the expiration of the financial year which commenced after the date of commencement of this Act: Provided that—
(a)in special circumstances the fund may, with the permission of the registrar, defer such first investigation for such period, not exceeding three years, as the registrar may determine; and
(b)if the fund has furnished a statement in terms of paragraph (b) of sub-section (2) of section four, showing the results of a valuation of the liabilities and assets of the fund, the registrar may direct that the first valuation under this section shall be made in respect of the position as at a date subsequent to the expiration of the said financial year, but not more than five years after the date to which the said statement relates.
(4)In the case of a fund other than a fund mentioned in sub-section (3), the first investigation shall be made in respect of the position as at the expiration of the fifth financial year which is completed after the date of registration or as at the expiration of such previous financial year as the fund may select.
(5)Notwithstanding anything contained in the preceding sub-sections, the registrar may, with the consent of the Minister, and after not less than one month's notice in writing to any registered fund, require that fund to cause such an investigation to be made in respect of the position as at the expiration of any financial year, if the registrar is of the opinion that an investigation would show that the fund is not in a sound financial condition: Provided that in the case of a fund which is carrying out the terms of a scheme approved by the registrar in terms of section eighteen, the registrar shall not act in accordance with the preceding provisions, unless he is of the opinion that an investigation would show that such scheme is unlikely to accomplish the objects of that section.
(6)If the rules of a fund provide that the benefits which may become payable to members are subject to the discretion of the management of the fund, the registrar shall, on the request of the fund and subject to the payment by the fund of such expenses as the registrar may incur in the matter, determine what amount or scale of benefits is to be taken into consideration for the purpose of the valuation, and such determination by the registrar shall be binding upon the fund.
(7)A report made by a valuator in terms of any of the preceding sub-sections shall include the following particulars, namely—
(a)the discounted value of the liabilities and contingent liabilities of the fund, in so far as they are susceptible of actuarial valuation, together with a description of the actuarial basis employed in making such valuation;
(b)the nature and amount of any other liabilities and contingent liabilities of the fund;
(c)a description of the assets held by the fund, including particulars indicative of their value;
(d)the basis of valuation of each of the various kinds of assets adopted for purposes of the report;
(e)the aggregate value placed on the assets for purposes of the report;
(f)particulars of any pledge, hypothecation or other encumbrance of the assets of the fund;
(g)a statement as to whether or not, in the opinion of the valuator, the fund is in a sound financial condition;
(h)if the valuator is of the opinion that the fund is not in a sound financial condition—
(i)in what respects the condition of the fund is in his opinion unsound; and
(ii)the causes or probable causes of such unsoundness;
(i)such other particulars as the valuator deems relevant to the purposes of this Act.
(8)Whenever a registered fund deposits with the registrar a copy of a report made by a valuator in terms of this section, it shall also deposit with the registrar a certificate by the person managing the business of the fund and by the principal officer that to the best of their knowledge and belief the information furnished to the valuator for purposes of the report was correct and complete in every material respect.

17. Modifications where investigations by a valuator are unneccessary

(1)If the registrar is satisfied that the financial methods adopted by a registered fund are such as to render periodical investigations by a valuator unnecessary, he shall, at the request of such fund, authorize the fund to prepare and furnish to the registrar a statement of its liabilities and assets in lieu of causing its financial condition to be investigated and reported upon by a valuator in terms of section sixteen.
(2)The provisions of sub-sections (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) of section sixteen shall mutatis mutandis apply to every fund referred to in sub-section (1) of this section.
(3)Any statement prepared in terms of sub-section (1) shall include the following particulars, namely—
(a)the nature and amount of the liabilities and contingent liabilities of the fund;
(b)a full description of each asset held by the fund together with such particulars in respect of each such asset as would enable an independent person to estimate the value of such asset on a sale between a willing seller and a willing buyer: Provided that if a compliance with the requirements of this paragraph would result in unduly voluminous returns, the fund concerned may group various classes of assets together, or otherwise abridge the statement in such manner as the registrar may approve;
(c)the basis of valuation of each of the various kinds of assets adopted for purposes of the statement;
(d)the aggregate value placed on the assets for purposes of the statement; and
(e)particulars of any pledge, hypothecation or other encumbrance of the assets of the fund
(4)The said statement shall be accompanied by a report thereon by the auditor of the fund, and the said auditor shall in his report state—
(a)in what manner and to what extent he has satisfied himself as to the amount of the liabilities and contingent liabilities shown on the statement;
(b)in what manner and to what extent he has satisfied himself as to the existence of the assets shown on the statement;
(c)to what extent he has satisfied himself that the particulars of such assets which are shown on the statement are correct;
(d)whether or not in his opinion the basis of valuation of each of the various kinds of assets adopted by the fund is financially sound;
(e)whether or not, in his opinion, the fund is in a sound financial condition;
(f)if he is of the opinion that the fund is not in a sound financial condition—
(i)in what respects the condition of the fund is in his opinion unsound; and
(ii)the causes or probable causes of such unsoundness;
(g)such other particulars as he deems relevant to the purposes of this Act.

18. Fund not in a sound financial condition

(1)When any return under this Act indicates, in the opinion of the registrar, that a registered fund is not in a sound financial condition, the registrar shall, save as provided in section twenty-nine, direct the fund to submit a scheme setting out the arrangements which have been made or which it is intended to make to bring the fund into a financially sound condition within a reasonable period, and the fund shall deposit such scheme with the registrar within three months from the date of receipt of the said direction, together with a report thereon by a valuator or, in the case of a fund to which the provisions of section seventeen apply, by the auditor of the fund.
(2)If the registrar finds that such scheme is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act and is satisfied that the arrangements set out therein should suffice to accomplish the objects of this section, he shall approve the scheme.
(3)If the registrar is not satisfied regarding the matters referred to in sub-section (2), he shall request the fund to make such amendments to the scheme, or to submit such new scheme, as will enable him to be so satisfied, and the fund shall comply with the request within a period prescribed by the registrar, not being less than thirty days from the date of the request, and shall at the same time furnish to the registrar a report on such amendments or such new scheme by the valuator or auditor mentioned in sub-section (1), and the provisions of sub-section (2) shall apply to any such amended scheme or new scheme which the fund may submit.
(4)The fund shall carry out the terms of any scheme approved by the registrar under this section: Provided that—
(a)the registrar may, if be is satisfied that none of the objects of this section would be thereby prejudiced, permit the said fund to amend such scheme from time to time;
(b)if any return deposited with the registrar during the currency of such scheme in terms of this Act shows, in the opinion of the registrar, that the scheme is unlikely to accomplish the objects of this section, he may withdraw his approval of the scheme, and the fund concerned shall, within three months thereafter, prepare a further scheme, to which the provisions of this section shall apply; and
(c)if any such return shows, in the opinion of the registrar, that the financial condition of the fund is no longer unsound, he shall communicate with the principal officer of the fund to that effect and on receipt of such communication the obligations of the fund in respect of that scheme shall terminate immediately.

19. Investments

(1)A registered fund shall, subject to the provisions of sub-section (6), bold in the Union assets equal in value to at least forty per cent. of the aggregate value of all the assets of the fund in one or more of the following classes of assets, namely—
(a)money in hand in the Union;
(b)any amount standing to the credit of the fund concerned in an account with an office in the Union of a banking institution as defined in the Banking Act, 1942 (Act No. 38 of 1942), or with a building society registered under the Building Societies Act, 1934 (Act No. 62 of 1934), or with the National Finance Corporation of South Africa established under the National Finance Corporation Act, 1949 (Act No. 33 of 1949);
(c)bills, bonds or securities issued or guaranteed by the Government of the Union;
(d)bills, bonds or securities issued or guaranteed by any local authority in the Union authorized by law to levy rates upon immovable property;
(e)bills, bonds or securities issued or guaranteed by the Rand Water Board or the Electricity Supply Commission or by any institution which is, in the opinion of the registrar, financially sound and which has been approved by him.
(2)For the purposes of sub-section (1) the aggregate value of the assets of a fund shall not include the value of any policies of insurance issued by a person lawfully carrying on insurance business within the meaning of the Insurance Act, 1943 (Act No. 27 of 1943).
(3)A registered pension fund shall not be deemed to hold an asset for the purposes of sub-section (1) if such asset is in any way encumbered.
(4)No registered fund shall invest any of its assets in the business of an employer who participates in the scheme or arrangement whereby the fund has been established or in any subsidiary company (as defined in the Companies Act, 1926 (Act No. 46 of 1926)) of such employer's business or lend any of its assets to such employer or subsidiary company: Provided that the Minister may exempt wholly or in part any fund established or conducted by a statutory body or a utility undertaking from this provision.
(5)A registered fund may, if its rules so provide—
(a)grant loans, secured by a first mortgage of immovable property, by way of investment of its funds, to any of its members, if the mortgaged property is property on which a dwelling house has been or is to be erected: Provided that such a loan shall in no case exceed seventy-five per cent of the market value of the property to be acquired plus the amount the member concerned would have received on the date of the loan had he terminated his membership voluntarily on that date;
(b)grant loans without further security to any of its members: Provided that the amount of the loan to the member concerned shall not exceed one-third of the amount which such member would have received on the date of the loan, had he terminated his membership voluntarily on that date; and
(c)contribute to any other pension fund registered under this Act or any fund of any kind whatsoever which is conducted for the benefit of the employees of the said registered fund.
(6)The Minister may exempt either wholly or in part any fund established or conducted by a religious institution from compliance with the provisions of sub-section (1), and may under exceptional circumstances, and on such conditions and for such periods as he may determine, temporarily exempt any fund from compliance with those provisions or with any provision of sub-section (4) or (5).

20. Requirements in regard to documents to be deposited with registrar

(1)A registered fund shall be deemed not to have complied with any provision of this Act, which imposes upon such fund the obligation to furnish to the registrar a document prepared by the fund, unless such document is signed by the principal officer and one other person authorized in accordance with the rules of the fund to sign documents.
(2)If any person (other than an auditor or a valuator) who is not a natural person, is required by any provision of this Act to sign any document which is to be furnished to the registrar, such document shall be signed on behalf of such person as follows, that is to say—
(a)if such person is a committee of individuals, by the person for the time being at the head of the committee and by one other member thereof;
(b)if such person is an association of persons, by the individual who is for the time being at the head of the board of directors or other committee controlling such association, and by one other member of such board or committee;
(c)in any other case, by individuals designated by the registrar, who exercise any control over the business of the said person.
(3)Any person who is required in terms of any provision of this Act to furnish to the registrar
(a)any original document, shall also furnish such additional copies thereof, not exceeding three in number, as may be prescribed by regulation or as the registrar may require;
(b)a copy of any document, shall furnish one copy thereof certified as correct—
(i)in the case of a registered fund, by its principal officer; and
(ii)in any other case, by the person by whom such copy is required to be furnished,
together with so many additional copies, not exceeding three, as may be prescribed by regulation or as the registrar may require.

21. Registrar may require additional particulars in case of certain applications and returns

(1)If the registrar is of opinion that—
(a)any application for registration of a fund or of an alteration or rescission of rules or of an additional rule; or
(b)any return or scheme relating to the financial condition of a fund,
does not disclose sufficient information to enable him to make the necessary decision, the person concerned shall furnish such additional particulars as the registrar may deem necessary.
(2)If the registrar is of opinion that a certificate or special report by a valuator or by the auditor of a fund is necessary in regard to any matter set out in sub-section (1), the person concerned shall furnish such certificate or report as the registrar may require.

22. Inspection of documents

(1)Upon payment of the fees prescribed by regulation any person may inspect at the office of the registrar any document referred to in section thirty-five and make a copy thereof or take extracts therefrom, or obtain from the registrar a copy thereof or extract therefrom.
(2)The registrar may exempt any person from the obligation to pay fees under this section if he is satisfied that the inspection, copy or extract in question is desired for the purpose of furthering some public interest.
(3)The registrar shall without charge furnish any applicant therefor with particulars of the address of the registered office and the name of the principal officer of any registered fund.

23. Effect of registrar’s certificate on documents

Every document which purports to have been certified by the registrar to be a document deposited at his office under the provisions of this Act, or to be a copy of such a document, shall prima facie be deemed to be such a document, or a copy thereof, and every such copy shall be admissible in evidence as if it were the original document.

Chapter V
Enquiries by registrar, applications to court, cancellation or suspension of registration and dissolution of funds

24. Enquiries

The registrar may address enquiries to any registered fund in relation to any matter connected with its business or transactions, and it shall be the duty of the fund to reply in writing thereto within a period of thirty days as from the date upon which the registrar addressed the enquiry to it or within such further period as the registrar may allow.

25. Investigation of the affairs of a fund

(1)The registrar may, with the consent of the Minister, investigate the affairs or any part of the affairs of a registered fund, or appoint an inspector to hold such an investigation and to report the result of his investigation to the registrar
(a)if the fund, having failed to make a return required by this Act, has not made that return within a period of thirty days from the first date upon which the registrar drew the attention of the fund in writing to such failure; or
(b)if the fund has not, within a period of thirty days as from a date upon which the registrar demanded from it in writing any information which the registrar was entitled under this Act to demand from it, furnished that information fully and satisfactorily; or
(c)if any return furnished by the fund to the registrar shows that the fund has failed to comply with any material provision of this Act; or
(d)if the auditor has informed the fund of an irregularity that needs correction and the fund has not corrected that irregularity within a period of thirty days as from the date upon which the registrar called upon the fund in writing to correct the irregularity; or
(e)if the registrar is possessed of information which in his opinion calls for an investigation into the affairs of the fund: Provided that no investigation shall be held by virtue of this paragraph unless the registrar has afforded the fund a reasonable opportunity of furnishing an explanation of any matter which forms a ground for the registrar's opinion, and the fund has failed to furnish such explanation or has furnished an explanation which the registrar regards as unsatisfactory.
(2)The registrar shall recover from the fund concerned all expenses necessarily incurred in connection with the investigation, unless the registrar acted under paragraph (e) of sub-section (1) and the information on which he so acted is proved to have been incorrect.
(3)In making an investigation under this section the registrar or an inspector appointed under sub-section (1) may require from the fund the production of any of its securities, books or documents and may examine on oath in relation to its business any person who is or formerly was an auditor, officer, shareholder or member of the fund, and may administer an oath to any such person for the purpose of that examination.
(4)It shall be the duty of every such person to produce to the registrar or to the inspector at his request all the securities, books or documents of the fund which are available to him and to give to the registrar or to the inspector, at his request, any information at his disposal relating to the affairs of the fund.
(5)When an inspector appointed under this section has completed his investigation, he shall report thereon to the registrar, who shall transmit a copy of the report to the fund, and if the investigation was held by the registrar, he shall transmit a summary of the conclusions arrived at by him as a result of the investigation to the fund.

26. The court may alter the basis of management of a fund

(1)If in the opinion of the registrar a registered fund is not in a sound financial condition, and if such fund has failed to act in accordance with the provisions of section eighteen, or if such action is necessary as a result of an investigation under section twenty-five, the registrar may apply to the court for an order directing that the rules of the fund relating to the appointment, powers, remuneration (if any) and removal from office of the person managing the business of the fund, or relating to such other matter as the registrar may regard as appropriate, be altered in a manner to be specified by the registrar in such application.
(2)The court shall consider the equitable interests of the members of the fund (or of the several classes of members if there is more than one such class) and of any other person who has rendered or who intends to render financial assistance to the fund, and, subject to such considerations as aforesaid, shall make such order as it deems most advantageous to the members of the fund.
(3)Unless the court otherwise orders, the costs of the registrar in or in connection with an application in terms of this section shall be paid by the fund, and shall be a first charge upon the assets of such fund.

27. Cancellation or suspension of registration

(1)The registrar shall cancel the registration of a fund
(a)on proof to his satisfaction that the fund has ceased to exist; or
(b)if the registrar and the fund are agreed that the fund was registered by mistake in circumstances not amounting to fraud:
Provided that in the circumstances stated in paragraph (b), the registrar may suspend the registration in lieu of cancelling it, if he is satisfied that by so doing the fund will be furnished with an opportunity of rectifying the said mistake in a manner consistent with the provisions of this Act, and if the fund does rectify such mistake to the satisfaction of the registrar, the latter shall thereupon reinstate the said registration, as from the date of suspension but if the mistake is not rectified within a period specified by the registrar he shall cancel the registration of the fund.
(2)The registrar may apply to the court for the cancellation or suspension of the registration of a fund if—
(a)the fund has wilfully and after notice from the registrar violated any provision of this Act; or
(b)the registrar is of opinion, as a result of an investigation under section twenty-five, that the registration should be cancelled or suspended.
(3)The court may cancel the registration of the fund or suspend such registration for such period as it think fit, and may attach to such cancellation or suspension such conditions as it thinks desirable, or may make any other order which in the circumstances it thinks desirable.
(4)Unless the court otherwise orders, the costs of the registrar in or in connection with the application shall be paid by the fund and shall be a first charge upon the assets of such fund.

28. Voluntary dissolution of fund

(1)Subject to the provisions of this section, a registered fund may be terminated or dissolved in such circumstances (if any) as may be specified for that purpose in its rules and in the manner provided by such rules, and the assets of the fund shall in that event be distributed in the manner provided by the said rules.
(2)A liquidator shall be appointed in the manner directed by the rules, or, if the rules do not contain directions as to such appointment. by the person managing the business of the fund, but such appointment shall be subject to the approval of the registrar, and the period of liquidation shall be deemed to commence as from the date of such approval.
(3)During such liquidation the provisions of this Act shall continue to apply to such fund as if the liquidator were the person managing the business of the fund.
(4)The liquidator shall as soon as may be deposit with the registrar a preliminary account and a preliminary balance sheet signed and certified by him as correct, showing the assets and liabilities of the fund at the commencement of the liquidation and the manner in which it is proposed to realize the assets and to discharge the liabilities, including any liabilities and contingent liabilities to or in respect of members.
(5)The registrar may, in his discretion, direct the liquidator to furnish a report, drawn up by an independent valuator or other competent person nominated by the registrar, upon the preliminary account and preliminary balance sheet.
(6)The preliminary account, preliminary balance sheet and report (if any) referred to in sub-section (5) shall lie open at the office of the registrar, and at the registered office of such fund, and where the registered office of the fund is in any district other than the district wherein the office of the registrar is situate, at the office of the magistrate of the district in which the registered office of the fund is situate, for inspection by interested persons for a period of thirty days.
(7)The registrar shall, at the cost of such fund, cause to be published in the Gazette and in one English and one Afrikaans newspaper circulating in the district in which the registered office of such fund is situate, a notice stating the period during which and the places at which the preliminary account, preliminary balance sheet and report (if any) shall lie open for inspection as aforesaid, and such notice shall call upon all interested persons who have any objection to the said preliminary account, preliminary balance sheet and report (if any) to lodge their objections in writing with the registrar within a period stated in the notice, not being less than fourteen days as from the last day on which the aforesaid documents lie open for inspection.
(8)If no objections are lodged with the registrar in terms of sub-section (7), he shall direct the liquidator to complete the liquidation.
(9)If objections are lodged with the registrar in terms of sub-section (7), the registrar may, after considering the said objections, direct the liquidator to amend the preliminary account and preliminary balance sheet, or give such other directions relating to the liquidation as he thinks fit, provided such directions are not inconsistent with the rules of the fund, and any such direction shall be binding upon the liquidator.
(10)The liquidator shall, within fourteen days of the receipt by him of any direction of the registrar in terms of sub-section (9), post a copy thereof to every member, shareholder and creditor of the fund, and the liquidator or any person aggrieved by any such direction of the registrar may apply by motion to the court within twenty-eight days after such direction has been communicated to the liquidator, for an order to set aside the registrar's decision, and the court may confirm the said decision or make such order as it thinks fit.
(11)If the registrar is satisfied that his directions, in so far as they have not been varied or set aside by the court, have been given effect to, he shall direct the liquidator to complete the liquidation.
(12)The liquidator shall, within thirty days after the completion of the liquidation, lodge with the registrar a final account and a final balance sheet, signed and certified by him as correct showing the assets and liabilities of the fund at the commencement of the liquidation and the manner in which the assets have been realized and the liabilities (including any liabilities and contingent liabilities to or in respect of members) have been discharged.
(13)The provisions of sections one hundred and seventy-five to one hundred and seventy-eight, inclusive, one hundred and eighty to one hundred and eighty-two, inclusive, one hundred and eighty-four to one hundred and eighty-six, inclusive, one hundred and eighty-eight, one hundred and ninety and one hundred and ninety-one of the Companies Act, 1926, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the dissolution of a fund in terms of this section, in so far as the said sections relate to a voluntary winding-up in terms of the said Act, and in so far as the said provisions are applicable and not inconsistent with any provision of this Act.
(14)All claims against the fund shall be proved to the satisfaction of the liquidator, subject to a right of appeal to the court, and the liquidator may require any claim to be made on affidavit.
(15)If the registrar is satisfied that the said account and balance sheet are correct and that the liquidation has been completed, he shall cancel the registration of the fund and thereupon the fund shall be deemed to be dissolved.

29. Winding-up by the court

(1)If the registrar is of the opinion that a fund is in such an unsound financial condition that any s heme a contemplated by section eighteen would be ineffective, impracticable or unsatisfac ory, he may apply to the court for an order that the whole or any part of the business of the fund be wound up.
(2)Any creditor of a registered fund who is unable to obtain payment of his claim after recourse to the ordinary process of law may apply to the court for an order that the whole or any part of the business of the fund be wound up: Provided that a creditor shall not make application except by leave of the court, and the court hall not grant such leave unless the creditor has given security to an amount specified by the court for the payment of the costs of the application and of any opposition thereto, and has established prima facie the desirability of the order for which he wishes to apply.
(3)The court may make an order as prayed in terms of subsection (1) or sub-section (2), subject to the provisions contained in the following sub-sections.
(4)The provisions of sections one hundred and seven to one hundred and fifty-nine his, inclusive, and one hundred and seventy-seven to one hundred and ninety-four, inclusive, of the Companies Act, 1926, shall apply mutatis mutandis to a winding-up under this section, in so far as the said provisions refer to a winding-up by the court in terms of the said Act, and in so far as the said provisions are applicable and not inconsistent with any provision of this Act or with any directions issued by the court under this section.
(5)The court may direct that the aforementioned provisions of the Companies Act, 1926, may, for the purposes of the winding-up be suitably modified in any particular case if the court is satisfied that having regard to the circumstances of the fund concerned it would be impracticable or unnecessarily onerous to comply with the said provisions in every particular and that in spite of such modification the interests of the creditors of the fund will be sufficiently safeguarded.
(6)In the winding-up of the whole or any part of the business of a fund, the value of the interests of the members or of the various groups of members of the fund, and the value of any benefits due by the fund to persons other than members, shall be ascertained in such manner as the court may direct.
(7)Without prejudice to the powers of the Master who has jurisdiction in respect of any winding-up, the liquidator appointed n terms of sub-section (4) shall give the registrar such information as the latter may require from time to time and shall, whenever he intends to apply to the court for instructions, report accordingly to the registrar who shall be entitled to be heard personally or by a representative at any such application, and may himself make an application to the court with reference to the winding-up.
(8)If, where the court has ordered that the whole business of the fund be wound up, the registrar is satisfied that the winding-up of such a fund has been completed, he shall cancel the registration of the fund and thereupon the fund shall be deemed to be dissolved.

30. Special provisions relating to liquidation of funds

(1)In applying the provisions of the Companies Act, 1926, in terms of section twenty-eight or twenty-nine—
(a)the members of a fund shall be treated as deferred creditors, and their claims against the fund in their capacity as members shall not be settled until the debts of ordinary creditors have been pain;
(b)any reference to the Consolidated Revenue Fund shall, in relation to a fund carrying on business in the Territory, be deemed to be a reference to the Territory Revenue Fund.
(2)If a fund has a share capital, the liability of a share-holder in the case of liquidation under the aforementioned sections shall either be limited to the amount (if any) unpaid or any share held by him, or shall be unlimited, according as is provided by the rules of the fund.

Chapter VI
General and miscellaneous

31. Carrying on business of unregistered pension fund organization and use of designation “pension fund

No person shall—
(a)Carry on the business of a pension fund which is in existence at the commencement of this Act, for a period of more than six months after such commencement unless application has been duly mad under section four for the registration of that fund; or
(b)carry on the business of a pension fund established after such commencement, unless that fund has been duly registered under section four; or
(c)carry on the business of a pension fund for a period of more than twelve months after the date on which the person who applied for registration of the fund is advised by the registrar that the application for registration has been refused; or
(d)after the expiration of a period of twelve months from the commencement of this Act, apply to his business a name which includes the words "pension fund" or any other name which is calculated to indicate that he carries on the business of a pension fund, unless such business is registered as a pension fund under this Act, except with the consent of the registrar.

32. Registrar may require unregistered funds to furnish information

(1)The registrar may by notice in writing require any person whom he has reason to suspect is carrying on the business of a pension fund which is not registered under this Act, to transmit to him, within a period stated in such notice, a copy of the rules, if any, under which such person is operating, together with a copy of the last annual accounts recorded by such person, and such further information as the registrar may require.
(2)If such person fails to comply with the requirements of the registrar to his satisfaction, the registrar may, with the consent of the Minister, investigate the affairs or any part of the affairs of the said person, or appoint an inspector to hold such an investigation and to report the result of his investigation to the registrar, and the provisions of sub-sections (3) to (5), inclusive, of section twenty-five shall mutatis mutandis apply to every such investigation, and the registrar shall be entitled to recover from the person concerned all expenses necessarily incurred in connection with the investigation, unless such investigation shows that such person is not carrying on the business of a pension fund.
(3)If it appears from enquiries made by the registrar in terms of sub-section (1) or of any investigation made in terms of sub-section (2), that the person concerned is carrying on the business of a pension fund, the registrar shall register the fund provisionally whereafter the provisions of this Act shall apply to the said fund.

33. Registrar may extend certain periods

(1)When any person is obliged in terms of any provision of this Act to perform any act within a specified period, the registrar may, at the request of such person, in any particular case extend that period from time to time.
(2)The registrar may in special circumstances extend any such specified period after it has expired.

34. Annual report by registrar

The registrar shall annually submit to the Minister a report on his activities under the Act and such report shall be laid by the Minister on the Tables of both Houses of Parliament within fourteen days after receipt thereof if Parliament is then in ordinary session, or, if Parliament is not then in ordinary session, within fourteen days after the commencement of its next ensuing ordinary session.

35. Right to obtain copies of or to inspect certain documents

(1)Every registered fund shall deliver to any member on demand by such member, and on payment of such sum as may be determined by the rules of the fund, a copy of any of the following documents, that is to say—
(a)the rules of the fund;
(b)the last revenue account and the last balance sheet prepared in terms of sub-section (1) of section fifteen.
(2)Any member shall be entitled to inspect without charge at the registered office of a registered fund, a copy of any of the following documents and make extracts therefrom, that is to say—
(a)the documents referred to in sub-section (1);
(b)the last report (if any) by a valuator prepared in terms of section sixteen;
(c)the last statement (if any) and report thereon prepared in terms of section seventeen;
(d)any scheme which is being carried out by the fund in accordance with the provisions of section eighteen.

36. Regulations

The Governor-General may make regulations, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act—
(a)in regard to all matters which by this Act are required or permitted to be prescribed by regulation;
(b)prescribing the form of any document referred to in this Act for which provision is not otherwise made in this Act, or prescribing alterations or additions to any such form;
(c)generally, as to all matters which he considers it necessary or expedient to prescribe in order that the purposes of this Act may be achieved.

37. Penalties

(1)Any person who—
(a)contravenes or fails to comply with the provisions or section nine or thirty-five; or
(b)fails to make a return or transmit or deposit a scheme, report, account, statement or other document when required to do so in terms of this Act; or
(c)contravenes the provisions of section nineteen or any condition on which he has been exempted from those provisions; or
(d)fails or refuses to furnish information, or produce documents or accounts, or render other assistance to the registrar when called upon to do so in terms of this Act; or
(e)after the expiration of a period of six months from the commencement of this Act, induces or attempts to induce any person to become a member of, or to contribute to a fund not registered under this Act; or
(f)contravenes the provisions of section ten or thirty-one, shall be guilty of an offence, and liable on conviction—
(i)in the case of an offence referred to in paragraph (a) to a fine not exceeding ten pounds;
(ii)in the case of an offence referred to in paragraph (b) or (c) to a fine not exceeding twenty-five pounds;
(iii)in the case of an offence referred to in paragraph (d) or (e) to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds; and
(iv)in the case of an offence referred to in paragraph (f) to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, or, if the offender is an individual, to imprisonment for a period not exceeding twelve months, or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
(2)Without derogation from the provisions of sub-section (1), a person who has failed to make a return or to transmit or deposit a scheme, report, account, statement or other document within the time prescribed in the appropriate provision of the Act, may thereafter furnish such return, or transmit or deposit such scheme, report, account, statement or other document subject to the payment of a penalty prescribed by regulation.
(3)Any penalty prescribed under sub-section (2) may vary according to the period which has elapsed since the last day on which the return, scheme, report, account, statement or other document in question was required to be made, transmitted or deposited.
(4)For the purpose of sub-section (2) the decision of the registrar as to the time within which a return, scheme, report, account, statement or other document referred to in that subsection was required to be furnished, transmitted or deposited, shall be final.
(5)Any penalty payable under sub-section (2) shall be a debt due to the Union Government and may be recovered by the registrar by action in any competent court.

38. Exemption from Act 34 of 1934

The Trust Moneys Protection Act, 1934 (Act No. 34 of 1934), shall not apply to a fund registered under this Act.

39. Amendment of Act 27 of 1943

Section one of the Insurance Act, 1943 (Act No. 27 of 1943), is hereby amended by the substitution for paragraphs (f) and (f)bis of the proviso to the definition of "insurance business" of the following paragraph:"(f) the activities of a pension fund as defined in the Pension Funds Act, 1956;".

40. Application to South-West Africa

This Act shall apply also in the Territory.

41. Short title and date of commencement

This Act shall be called the Pension Funds Act, 1956, and shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by the Governor-General by proclamation in the Gazette.
▲ To the top

History of this document

26 November 1999
11 November 1996
28 October 1966
06 July 1959
01 January 1958
09 July 1957 this version
Amended by Finance Act, 1957
28 April 1956
Assented to

Cited documents 22

Legislation 22
1. Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944 2716 citations
2. Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000 2247 citations
3. Labour Relations Act, 1995 2090 citations
4. Income Tax Act, 1962 1610 citations
5. Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 1041 citations
6. Banks Act, 1990 856 citations
7. Prescription Act, 1969 516 citations
8. Medical Schemes Act, 1998 391 citations
9. Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, 2004 364 citations
10. Commissions Act, 1947 302 citations
11. Trust Property Control Act, 1988 299 citations
12. Long-term Insurance Act, 1998 295 citations
13. Divorce Act, 1979 210 citations
14. Financial Services Board Act, 1990 207 citations
15. Maintenance Act, 1998 112 citations
16. Financial Institutions (Protection of Funds) Act, 2001 87 citations
17. Securities Services Act, 2004 85 citations
18. Civil Union Act, 2006 50 citations
19. Maintenance Act, 1963 42 citations
20. Financial Institutions Amendment Act, 1976 24 citations
21. Pension Funds Amendment Act, 1996 12 citations
22. Pension Funds Amendment Act, 2007 12 citations

Documents citing this one 1517

Gazette 1350
1. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2009-03-26 number 248
2. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2015-08-20 number 1471
3. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2016-02-25 number 1618
4. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2017-07-07 number 1848
5. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2018-02-07 number 1923
6. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2018-05-17 number 1953
7. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2018-11-29 number 2024
8. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazette dated 2019-02-21 number 2048
9. North-West Provincial Gazette dated 2024-06-20 number 8685 part 1
10. Northern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 1999-12-03 number 426
11. Northern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 1999-12-09 number 429
12. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1993-01-15 number 14524
13. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1993-03-05 number 14602
14. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1994-06-03 number 15769
15. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1994-08-19 number 15916
16. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1994-08-26 number 15926
17. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1994-09-02 number 15939
18. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1994-11-25 number 16088
19. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1995-01-27 number 16228
20. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1995-04-28 number 16381
21. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1995-05-05 number 16390
22. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1995-05-12 number 16405
23. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1995-06-23 number 16487
24. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1995-07-14 number 16528
25. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1995-07-21 number 16559
26. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1995-07-28 number 16572
27. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1995-08-11 number 16599
28. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1995-08-18 number 16610
29. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1995-08-25 number 16620
30. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1995-10-13 number 16756
31. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1995-11-17 number 16821
32. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1995-12-29 number 16895
33. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-01-12 number 16920
34. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-02-02 number 16950
35. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-02-16 number 16978
36. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-02-23 number 16990
37. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-03-01 number 17006
38. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-03-15 number 17029
39. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-03-22 number 17043
40. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-03-29 number 17058
41. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-04-12 number 17091
42. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-04-26 number 17143
43. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-05-03 number 17120
44. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-05-17 number 17176
45. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-06-07 number 17231
46. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-06-14 number 17245
47. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-06-21 number 17256
48. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-06-28 number 17268
49. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-07-12 number 17315
50. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-08-02 number 17344
51. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-08-08 number 17352
52. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-09-06 number 17401
53. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-09-13 number 17415
54. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-09-20 number 17433
55. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-10-04 number 17458
56. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-10-11 number 17483
57. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-10-18 number 17498
58. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-11-08 number 17546
59. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-11-15 number 17568
60. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-11-22 number 17618
61. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-11-29 number 17628
62. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-12-13 number 17658
63. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1996-12-27 number 17688
64. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-01-03 number 17695
65. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-01-10 number 17704
66. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-01-31 number 17744
67. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-02-21 number 17798
68. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-03-07 number 17824
69. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-03-14 number 17844
70. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-03-20 number 17859
71. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-03-27 number 17873
72. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-04-18 number 17919
73. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-04-25 number 17937
74. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-05-02 number 17953
75. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-05-09 number 17971
76. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-05-16 number 17991
77. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-05-23 number 18006
78. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-05-30 number 18023
79. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-06-06 number 18041
80. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-06-27 number 18080
81. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-07-18 number 18137
82. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-07-25 number 18153
83. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-08-15 number 18196
84. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-09-05 number 18235
85. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-09-12 number 18264
86. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-09-19 number 18279
87. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-10-03 number 18314
88. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-10-10 number 18342
89. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-10-24 number 18372
90. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-11-07 number 18395
91. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-11-14 number 18410
92. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-11-21 number 18437
93. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1997-11-28 number 18455
94. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-02-06 number 18647
95. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-02-13 number 18661
96. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-02-20 number 18681
97. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-02-27 number 18695
98. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-03-06 number 18714
99. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-03-20 number 18744
100. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-04-03 number 18777
101. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-04-17 number 18826
102. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-05-22 number 18902
103. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-05-29 number 18917
104. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-08-28 number 19172
105. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-09-04 number 19191
106. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-09-18 number 19246
107. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-10-02 number 19298
108. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-10-16 number 19338
109. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-10-30 number 19390
110. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-11-20 number 19465
111. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-12-11 number 19566
112. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1998-12-31 number 19642
113. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-01-22 number 19686
114. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-01-29 number 19701
115. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-02-05 number 19720
116. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-02-12 number 19741
117. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-02-19 number 19755
118. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-03-05 number 19793
119. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-03-12 number 19818
120. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-04-23 number 19944
121. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-05-07 number 20030
122. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-05-14 number 20055
123. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-05-21 number 20074
124. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-05-28 number 20099
125. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-07-09 number 20265
126. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-07-16 number 20283
127. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-07-30 number 20312
128. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-08-06 number 20328
129. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-08-20 number 20374
130. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-08-27 number 20392
131. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-09-03 number 20411
132. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-09-10 number 20437
133. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-09-17 number 20462
134. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-09-23 number 20477
135. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-10-01 number 20492
136. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-10-15 number 20534
137. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-11-12 number 20604
138. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-11-19 number 20620
139. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-12-10 number 20693
140. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 1999-12-24 number 20734
141. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-01-07 number 20785
142. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-01-14 number 20794
143. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-02-04 number 20838
144. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-02-18 number 20878
145. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-02-25 number 20898
146. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-03-03 number 20926
147. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-03-10 number 20947
148. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-03-17 number 20966
149. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-03-31 number 21019
150. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-04-07 number 21043
151. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-04-14 number 21068 part C
152. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-04-20 number 21094
153. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-04-28 number 21116
154. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-05-05 number 21134
155. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-05-19 number 21176
156. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-05-26 number 21198
157. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-06-02 number 21222
158. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-06-15 number 21264
159. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-06-23 number 21281
160. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-06-30 number 21311
161. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-07-07 number 21331
162. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-07-21 number 21373
163. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-07-28 number 21397 part C
164. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-08-11 number 21439 part C
165. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-08-18 number 21463 part C
166. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-09-01 number 21502
167. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-09-15 number 21550
168. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-09-22 number 21567
169. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-09-29 number 21588
170. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-10-06 number 21606
171. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-10-13 number 21629
172. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-10-20 number 21648
173. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-12-01 number 21788
174. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-12-08 number 21828
175. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2000-12-22 number 21908
176. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-01-26 number 21992
177. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-02-02 number 22012
178. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-02-23 number 22069
179. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-03-02 number 22094
180. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-03-09 number 22107
181. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-03-23 number 22146
182. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-04-06 number 22177
183. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-04-12 number 22203
184. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-05-04 number 22256
185. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-05-18 number 22282
186. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-05-25 number 22306
187. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-06-15 number 22358
188. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-06-22 number 22380
189. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-06-29 number 22403
190. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-07-06 number 22424
191. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-07-13 number 22446
192. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-07-20 number 22467
193. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-07-27 number 22493
194. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-08-03 number 22519
195. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-08-10 number 22547
196. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-08-24 number 22578
197. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-08-31 number 22608
198. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-09-14 number 22656
199. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-09-28 number 22692
200. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-11-09 number 22802
201. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-11-30 number 22861
202. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-12-07 number 22879
203. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-12-14 number 22905
204. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-12-21 number 22942 part C
205. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2001-12-28 number 22963
206. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-02-15 number 23103
207. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-03-01 number 23154
208. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-03-08 number 23181
209. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-03-28 number 23255
210. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-04-05 number 23275 part C
211. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-04-12 number 23298
212. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-04-26 number 23338
213. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-05-03 number 23359 part C
214. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-05-10 number 23387
215. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-05-17 number 23408
216. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-06-07 number 23471
217. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-06-14 number 23496
218. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-06-21 number 23515
219. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-07-05 number 23569
220. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-08-02 number 23662
221. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-08-23 number 23752
222. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-09-13 number 23818
223. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-09-20 number 23835
224. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2002-10-04 number 23878
225. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-01-03 number 24216
226. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-01-10 number 24234
227. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-01-24 number 24265
228. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-01-31 number 24299
229. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-02-07 number 24327
230. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-02-21 number 24479
231. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-02-28 number 24939
232. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-03-07 number 24965
233. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-03-28 number 24601
234. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-04-11 number 24695 part C
235. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-04-17 number 24732
236. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-05-02 number 24795
237. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-05-16 number 24846
238. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-05-30 number 24894
239. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-06-13 number 25058
240. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-06-20 number 25080
241. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-06-20 number 25080 part C
242. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-06-27 number 25107
243. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-08-08 number 25276 part C
244. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-08-15 number 25304
245. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-08-22 number 25352 part C
246. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-10-17 number 25563
247. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-10-31 number 25623
248. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-11-14 number 25691 part C
249. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-11-21 number 25730 part C
250. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-11-28 number 25746 part C
251. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-12-05 number 25779 part C
252. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2003-12-12 number 25810 part C
253. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-01-23 number 25925 part C
254. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-01-30 number 25944
255. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-02-06 number 25964
256. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-02-13 number 25982
257. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-03-26 number 26162
258. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-04-08 number 26215
259. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-04-16 number 26247
260. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-04-23 number 26265
261. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-04-30 number 26280
262. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-05-14 number 26334
263. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-05-21 number 26346
264. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-05-28 number 26376
265. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-06-11 number 26424
266. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-06-18 number 26452
267. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-07-02 number 26498
268. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-07-09 number 26525
269. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-07-16 number 26554
270. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-07-23 number 26578
271. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-07-30 number 26604
272. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-08-06 number 26623
273. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-08-13 number 26651
274. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-08-20 number 26665
275. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-09-03 number 26726
276. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-10-01 number 26827
277. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-11-05 number 26939
278. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-11-12 number 26964
279. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-11-19 number 26983
280. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-11-26 number 27008
281. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-12-03 number 27020
282. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-12-17 number 27109
283. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2004-12-31 number 27135
284. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-01-14 number 27158
285. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-01-21 number 27169 part C
286. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-01-28 number 27181
287. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-02-04 number 27203
288. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-02-11 number 27237
289. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-02-18 number 27270
290. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-03-04 number 27326
291. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-03-11 number 27354
292. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-03-18 number 27372
293. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-03-24 number 27398
294. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-04-15 number 27465
295. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-04-15 number 27465 part C
296. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-04-29 number 27522
297. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-05-13 number 27562
298. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-05-20 number 27581
299. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-05-27 number 27601 part C
300. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-06-03 number 27616
301. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-06-10 number 27643
302. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-06-24 number 27687
303. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-07-01 number 27714 part C
304. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-07-08 number 27737
305. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-07-15 number 27775
306. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-07-29 number 27825
307. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-08-05 number 27848
308. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-08-12 number 27869
309. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-08-26 number 27915 part C
310. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-09-02 number 27970 part C
311. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-09-09 number 27993 part C
312. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-09-16 number 28013 part C
313. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-09-23 number 28040
314. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-09-30 number 28055 part C
315. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-10-07 number 28085
316. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-10-14 number 28108
317. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-10-21 number 28124 part C
318. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-10-28 number 28152
319. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-11-04 number 28171
320. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-11-18 number 28218
321. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-11-25 number 28239
322. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-12-02 number 28260
323. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-12-09 number 28294 part C
324. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-12-15 number 28315 part C
325. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2005-12-30 number 28357
326. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2006-12-15 number 29459
327. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2007-01-12 number 29523
328. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2009-01-09 number 31766
329. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2009-04-30 number 32159
330. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2009-12-24 number 32818
331. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2010-03-26 number 33043
332. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2010-04-16 number 33104
333. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-01-13 number 34921
334. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-06-01 number 35386 part 1
335. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-06-08 number 35416
336. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-06-15 number 35437
337. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-06-22 number 35451 part 1
338. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-06-29 number 35465 part 1
339. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-07-06 number 35482
340. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-07-13 number 35502
341. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-07-20 number 35519
342. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-07-27 number 35537 part 1
343. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-08-03 number 35554 part 1
344. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-08-17 number 35589
345. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-08-24 number 35604
346. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-08-24 number 35604 part 1
347. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-08-31 number 35627
348. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-09-07 number 35650 part 1
349. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-09-14 number 35669
350. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-10-05 number 35729
351. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-10-19 number 35792 part 1
352. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-11-23 number 35885
353. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-11-23 number 35885 part 1
354. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-11-30 number 35911
355. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-12-14 number 35959
356. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2012-12-21 number 35990
357. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-01-04 number 36051
358. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-01-18 number 36068
359. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-01-25 number 36084 part 1
360. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-02-01 number 36104 part 1
361. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-02-15 number 36148 part 1
362. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-02-22 number 36167
363. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-03-01 number 36185 part 1
364. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-03-08 number 36209
365. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-03-15 number 36227 part 1
366. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-03-28 number 36280
367. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-04-05 number 36309
368. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-04-19 number 36374 part 1
369. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-04-26 number 36394
370. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-05-03 number 36420
371. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-05-10 number 36434
372. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-05-17 number 36456 part 1
373. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-05-24 number 36474 part 1
374. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-05-31 number 36487
375. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-06-07 number 36516
376. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-06-14 number 36545
377. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-06-28 number 36594
378. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-07-05 number 36616
379. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-07-12 number 36639
380. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-07-19 number 36668 part 1
381. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-07-26 number 36685 part 1
382. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-08-02 number 36709 part 1
383. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-08-08 number 36726
384. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-08-16 number 36738 part 1
385. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-08-23 number 36762
386. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-09-06 number 36809 part 1
387. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-09-13 number 36828
388. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-09-20 number 36851 part 1
389. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-09-27 number 36867
390. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-10-04 number 36886
391. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-10-18 number 36925 part 1
392. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-10-25 number 36953 part 1
393. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-11-01 number 36975 part 1
394. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-11-08 number 36998 part 1
395. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-11-15 number 37016 part 1
396. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-11-29 number 37064 part 1
397. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-12-06 number 37094
398. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-12-13 number 37125
399. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2013-12-20 number 37155
400. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-01-17 number 37224
401. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-02-07 number 37289 part 1
402. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-02-14 number 37309
403. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-02-21 number 37339 part 1
404. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-02-28 number 37366 part 1
405. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-03-07 number 37394
406. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-03-20 number 37445
407. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-03-28 number 37463 part 1
408. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-04-04 number 37492 part 1
409. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-04-11 number 37524 part 1
410. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-04-25 number 37565
411. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-05-02 number 37591
412. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-05-16 number 37632
413. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-05-23 number 37655 part 1
414. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-05-30 number 37684 part 1
415. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-06-06 number 37703 part 1
416. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-06-13 number 37723 part 1
417. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-06-20 number 37742 part 1
418. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-06-27 number 37762
419. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-07-04 number 37785 part 1
420. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-07-11 number 37807
421. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-07-18 number 37832
422. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-07-25 number 37856 part 1
423. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-08-01 number 37874 part 1
424. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-08-08 number 37891 part 1
425. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-08-15 number 37905 part 1
426. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-08-22 number 37917 part 1
427. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-08-29 number 37943 part 1
428. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-09-05 number 37960 part 1
429. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-09-12 number 37981 part 1
430. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-09-19 number 38001 part 1
431. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-09-26 number 38017
432. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-10-03 number 38034
433. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-10-10 number 38061 part 1
434. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-10-17 number 38090 part 1
435. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-10-24 number 38111 part 1
436. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-10-31 number 38130 part 1
437. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-11-07 number 38160 part 1
438. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-11-14 number 38190 part 1
439. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-11-21 number 38217
440. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-11-28 number 38234 part 1
441. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-12-05 number 38265
442. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-12-12 number 38292
443. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2014-12-19 number 38321
444. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-01-09 number 38381
445. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-01-16 number 38390
446. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-01-23 number 38400 part 1
447. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-01-30 number 38421 part 1
448. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-02-06 number 38443
449. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-02-13 number 38460 part 1
450. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-02-20 number 38480 part 1
451. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-02-27 number 38494 part 1
452. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-03-06 number 38522 part 1
453. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-03-13 number 38547 part 1
454. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-03-20 number 38576 part 1
455. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-03-27 number 38604 part 1
456. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-04-02 number 38634
457. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-04-10 number 38676 part 1
458. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-04-17 number 38695 part 1
459. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-04-24 number 38709 part 1
460. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-04-30 number 38737
461. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-05-08 number 38759 part 1
462. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-05-15 number 38784 part 1
463. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-05-22 number 38805 part 1
464. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-05-29 number 38824 part 1
465. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-06-05 number 38846 part 1
466. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-06-12 number 38865
467. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-06-19 number 38879 part 1
468. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-06-26 number 38896 part 1
469. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-07-03 number 38926 part 1
470. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-07-10 number 38962 part 1
471. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-07-17 number 38993 part 1
472. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-07-24 number 39021
473. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-07-31 number 39041 part 1
474. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-08-07 number 39071 part 1
475. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-08-14 number 39098 part 1
476. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-08-21 number 39115 part 1
477. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-08-28 number 39145 part 1
478. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-09-04 number 39167
479. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-09-11 number 39198 part 1
480. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-09-18 number 39212 part 1
481. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-09-25 number 39230 part 1
482. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-10-02 number 39249 part 1
483. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-10-09 number 39272 part 1
484. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-10-16 number 39292 part 1
485. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-10-23 number 39323 part 1
486. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-10-30 number 39345 part 1
487. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-11-06 number 39373 part 1
488. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-11-13 number 39400 part 1
489. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-11-20 number 39431 part 1
490. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-11-27 number 39452 part 1
491. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-12-04 number 39474 part 1
492. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-12-11 number 39503
493. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2015-12-18 number 39532 part 1
494. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-01-08 number 39576
495. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-01-15 number 39596
496. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-01-22 number 39611 part 1
497. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-01-29 number 39635 part 1
498. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-02-05 number 39655 part 1
499. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-02-26 number 39745 part 1
500. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-03-11 number 39803 part 1
501. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-03-18 number 39821 part 1
502. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-03-24 number 39845
503. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-04-01 number 39881 part 1
504. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-04-08 number 39908 part 1
505. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-04-15 number 39923 part 1
506. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-04-22 number 39941 part 1
507. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-04-29 number 39958 part 1
508. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-05-06 number 39972
509. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-05-13 number 39983 part 1
510. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-05-20 number 39994 part 1
511. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-05-27 number 40018
512. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-06-03 number 40038 part 1
513. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-06-10 number 40056 part 1
514. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-06-17 number 40072 part 1
515. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-06-24 number 40087 part 1
516. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-07-01 number 40105 part 1
517. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-07-08 number 40126 part 1
518. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-07-15 number 40137 part 1
519. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-07-22 number 40150 part 1
520. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-07-29 number 40164 part 1
521. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-08-05 number 40193 part 1
522. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-08-05 number 40195 part 1
523. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-08-12 number 40201 part 1
524. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-08-19 number 40212 part 1
525. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-08-26 number 40227 part 1
526. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-09-02 number 40240
527. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-09-09 number 40260 part 1
528. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-09-16 number 40275 part 1
529. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-09-23 number 40291 part 1
530. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-09-30 number 40310 part 1
531. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-10-07 number 40331 part 1
532. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-10-14 number 40344 part 1
533. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-10-21 number 40357 part 1
534. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-10-28 number 40373 part 1
535. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-11-04 number 40397 part 1
536. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-11-11 number 40411 part 1
537. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-11-18 number 40425 part 1
538. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-11-25 number 40440 part 1
539. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-12-02 number 40461 part 1
540. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-12-09 number 40477 part 1
541. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-12-15 number 40492
542. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-12-23 number 40513
543. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2016-12-30 number 40524
544. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-01-06 number 40535
545. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-01-13 number 40542
546. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-01-20 number 40550 part 1
547. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-01-27 number 40573 part 1
548. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-02-03 number 40590 part 1
549. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-02-10 number 40604
550. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-02-17 number 40619 part 1
551. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-02-24 number 40635 part 1
552. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-03-03 number 40657 part 1
553. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-03-10 number 40671 part 1
554. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-03-17 number 40689
555. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-03-24 number 40709 part 1
556. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-03-31 number 40731 part 1
557. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-04-07 number 40768 part 1
558. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-04-13 number 40783
559. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-04-21 number 40791 part 1
560. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-04-28 number 40811
561. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-05-05 number 40824 part 1
562. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-05-12 number 40838 part 1
563. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-05-19 number 40848 part 1
564. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-05-26 number 40858
565. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-06-02 number 40880 part 1
566. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-06-09 number 40896 part 1
567. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-06-15 number 40917
568. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-06-23 number 40927 part 1
569. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-06-30 number 40942 part 1
570. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-07-07 number 40961 part 1
571. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-07-14 number 40974 part 1
572. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-07-21 number 40991 part 1
573. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-07-28 number 41006 part 1
574. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-08-04 number 41020 part 1
575. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-08-11 number 41035 part 1
576. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-08-18 number 41050 part 1
577. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-08-25 number 41062
578. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-09-01 number 41078 part 1
579. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-09-08 number 41098 part 1
580. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-09-15 number 41112 part 1
581. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-09-22 number 41129 part 1
582. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-09-29 number 41139 part 1
583. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-10-06 number 41161 part 1
584. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-10-13 number 41180 part 1
585. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-10-27 number 41204 part 1
586. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-11-03 number 41222 part 1
587. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-11-10 number 41234 part 1
588. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-11-17 number 41254 part 1
589. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-11-24 number 41268
590. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-12-01 number 41282 part 1
591. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-12-08 number 41304 part 1
592. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-12-15 number 41319 part 1
593. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2017-12-29 number 41360
594. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-01-05 number 41367
595. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-01-12 number 41375
596. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-01-19 number 41384 part 1
597. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-01-26 number 41397 part 1
598. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-02-02 number 41415 part 1
599. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-02-09 number 41430 part 1
600. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-02-16 number 41443
601. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-02-23 number 41454 part 1
602. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-03-09 number 41486 part 1
603. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-03-16 number 41496 part 1
604. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-04-06 number 41559
605. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-04-13 number 41569 part 1
606. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-04-20 number 41580 part 1
607. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-04-26 number 41591
608. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-05-04 number 41607
609. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-05-18 number 41630 part 1
610. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-05-25 number 41648 part 1
611. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-06-01 number 41664 part 1
612. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-06-08 number 41683 part 1
613. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-06-22 number 41720 part 1
614. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-06-29 number 41741 part 1
615. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-07-06 number 41755 part 1
616. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-07-13 number 41769 part 1
617. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-07-20 number 41779 part 1
618. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-07-27 number 41794 part 1
619. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-08-03 number 41814 part 1
620. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-08-10 number 41831 part 1
621. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-08-17 number 41842 part 1
622. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-08-24 number 41858 part 1
623. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-08-31 number 41874 part 1
624. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-09-14 number 41906 part 1
625. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-09-21 number 41914 part 1
626. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-09-28 number 41933 part 1
627. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-10-05 number 41956 part 1
628. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-10-12 number 41972 part 1
629. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-10-19 number 41983 part 1
630. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-10-26 number 41998 part 1
631. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-11-02 number 42014 part 1
632. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-11-09 number 42025 part 1
633. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-11-16 number 42039 part 1
634. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-11-23 number 42050 part 1
635. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-11-30 number 42069 part 1
636. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-12-07 number 42089 part 1
637. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-12-14 number 42105 part 1
638. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2018-12-21 number 42129
639. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-01-18 number 42165 part 1
640. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-01-25 number 42189
641. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-02-01 number 42205 part 1
642. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-02-08 number 42221 part 1
643. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-02-15 number 42229
644. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-02-22 number 42242 part 1
645. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-03-01 number 42259 part 1
646. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-03-08 number 42288 part 1
647. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-03-15 number 42306 part 1
648. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-03-22 number 42325 part 1
649. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-04-05 number 42382 part 1
650. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-04-12 number 42393
651. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-04-18 number 42409
652. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-04-26 number 42419 part 1
653. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-05-10 number 42452 part 1
654. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-05-17 number 42466 part 1
655. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-05-24 number 42476 part 1
656. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-05-31 number 42498 part 1
657. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-06-07 number 42515 part 1
658. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-06-14 number 42528 part 1
659. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-06-21 number 42538 part 1
660. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-06-28 number 42547 part 1
661. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-07-05 number 42563 part 1
662. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-07-12 number 42573 part 1
663. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-07-19 number 42582 part 1
664. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-07-26 number 42595 part 1
665. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-08-02 number 42610
666. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-08-08 number 42623
667. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-08-16 number 42638 part 1
668. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-08-23 number 42659 part 1
669. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-08-30 number 42672 part 1
670. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-09-06 number 42686
671. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-09-13 number 42699 part 1
672. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-09-20 number 42714 part 1
673. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-09-27 number 42728 part 1
674. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-10-04 number 42741 part 1
675. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-10-11 number 42757 part 1
676. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-10-18 number 42772 part 1
677. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-10-25 number 42790 part 1
678. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-11-01 number 42814 part 1
679. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-11-08 number 42826 part 1
680. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-11-15 number 42841 part 1
681. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-11-22 number 42851 part 1
682. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-11-29 number 42864 part 1
683. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-12-06 number 42889 part 1
684. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-12-13 number 42904
685. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2019-12-20 number 42917
686. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-01-10 number 42944
687. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-01-17 number 42958 part 1
688. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-01-24 number 42969 part 1
689. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-01-31 number 42982 part 1
690. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-02-07 number 43001 part 1
691. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-02-14 number 43017 part 1
692. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-02-21 number 43034 part 1
693. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-02-28 number 43053 part 1
694. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-03-06 number 43075 part 1
695. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-03-13 number 43092 part 1
696. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-03-20 number 43109
697. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-03-27 number 43149 part 1
698. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-04-03 number 43193
699. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-04-17 number 43233
700. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-04-24 number 43243
701. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-05-08 number 43285
702. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-05-15 number 43314
703. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-05-22 number 43344
704. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-05-29 number 43357
705. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-06-05 number 43404 part 1
706. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-06-12 number 43416 part 1
707. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-06-19 number 43445
708. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-06-26 number 43472
709. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-07-03 number 43500
710. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-07-10 number 43516 part 1
711. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-07-17 number 43531 part 1
712. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-07-24 number 43545
713. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-07-31 number 43574 part 1
714. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-08-07 number 43594
715. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-08-14 number 43615
716. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-08-21 number 43635 part 1
717. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-08-28 number 43664
718. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-09-04 number 43692
719. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-09-11 number 43705 part 1
720. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-09-18 number 43724 part 1
721. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-09-25 number 43737 part 1
722. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-10-02 number 43761 part 1
723. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-10-09 number 43785 part 1
724. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-10-16 number 43813 part 1
725. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-10-23 number 43842 part 1
726. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-10-30 number 43859 part 1
727. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-11-06 number 43875 part 1
728. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-11-13 number 43902 part 1
729. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-11-20 number 43916 part 1
730. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-11-27 number 43940 part 1
731. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-12-04 number 43963 part 1
732. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-12-11 number 43977 part 1
733. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-12-18 number 44006 part 1
734. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2020-12-24 number 44030
735. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-01-08 number 44063
736. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-01-22 number 44091 part 1
737. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-01-29 number 44109 part 1
738. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-02-12 number 44217 part 1
739. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-02-26 number 44255
740. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-03-19 number 44290 part 1
741. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-03-26 number 44396 part 1
742. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-04-01 number 44386 part 1
743. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-04-09 number 44429 part 1
744. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-04-16 number 44457 part 1
745. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-04-23 number 44475 part 1
746. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-04-30 number 44520 part 1
747. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-05-07 number 44548 part 1
748. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-05-14 number 44582 part 1
749. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-05-21 number 44612 part 1
750. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-05-28 number 44637 part 1
751. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-06-04 number 44658 part 1
752. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-06-11 number 44682 part 1
753. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-06-18 number 44717 part 1
754. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-06-25 number 44751 part 1
755. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-07-02 number 44789 part 1
756. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-07-09 number 44816 part 1
757. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-07-16 number 44843 part 1
758. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-07-23 number 44879 part 1
759. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-07-30 number 44903
760. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-08-06 number 44932 part 1
761. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-08-13 number 44982 part 1
762. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-08-20 number 45008 part 1
763. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-08-27 number 45041 part 1
764. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-09-03 number 45074 part 1
765. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-09-10 number 45116 part 1
766. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-09-17 number 45163 part 1
767. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-09-17 number 45199
768. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-09-23 number 45186 part 1
769. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-10-01 number 45240 part 1
770. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-10-01 number 45635
771. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-10-08 number 45270 part 1
772. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-10-15 number 45310 part 1
773. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-10-22 number 45346 part 1
774. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-10-29 number 45387 part 1
775. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-11-05 number 45428 part 1
776. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-11-12 number 45456 part 1
777. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-11-19 number 45494 part 1
778. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-11-26 number 45534 part 1
779. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-11-26 number 45564
780. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-12-03 number 45565 part 1
781. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-12-10 number 45606 part 1
782. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-12-17 number 45646 part 1
783. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-12-17 number 45693
784. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2021-12-24 number 45694
785. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-01-14 number 45733
786. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-01-21 number 45782 part 1
787. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-01-28 number 45812 part 1
788. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-02-04 number 45856 part 1
789. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-02-11 number 45887 part 1
790. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-02-18 number 45924 part 1
791. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-02-25 number 45948 part 1
792. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-03-04 number 45995 part 1
793. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-03-11 number 46022 part 1
794. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-03-18 number 46052 part 1
795. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-03-25 number 46082 part 1
796. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-04-01 number 46161 part 1
797. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-04-08 number 46212 part 1
798. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-04-14 number 46239
799. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-04-14 number 46404
800. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-04-22 number 46256 part 1
801. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-04-22 number 46376
802. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-04-29 number 46291 part 1
803. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-05-06 number 46338 part 1
804. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-05-13 number 46448
805. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-05-20 number 46383 part 1
806. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-06-03 number 46480 part 1
807. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-07-01 number 46627 part 1
808. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-07-08 number 46678 part 1
809. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-07-15 number 47011 part 1
810. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2022-07-22 number 47058 part 1
811. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-07-07 number 48890 part 1
812. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-07-21 number 49007 part 1
813. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-07-28 number 49021 part 1
814. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-08-11 number 49096 part 1
815. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-08-18 number 49127 part 1
816. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-08-25 number 49187 part 1
817. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-09-01 number 49215 part 1
818. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-09-08 number 49277 part 1
819. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-09-15 number 49301 part 1
820. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-09-22 number 49326 part 1
821. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-09-29 number 49375 part 1
822. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-09-29 number 49388
823. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-10-06 number 49395 part 1
824. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-10-13 number 49462 part 1
825. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-10-20 number 49515 part 1
826. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-10-27 number 49551 part 1
827. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-11-03 number 49593 part 1
828. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-11-10 number 49616 part 1
829. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-11-17 number 49718 part 1
830. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-11-24 number 49760 part 1
831. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-12-01 number 49780 part 1
832. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-12-08 number 49834 part 1
833. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-12-14 number 49885 part 1
834. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-12-22 number 49930 part 1
835. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2023-12-29 number 49953
836. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-01-12 number 49981
837. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-01-19 number 50004 part 1
838. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-01-19 number 50031
839. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-01-26 number 50025 part 1
840. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-02-02 number 50061 part 1
841. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-02-09 number 50100 part 1
842. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-02-16 number 50139 part 1
843. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-02-23 number 50182 part 1
844. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-03-01 number 50244 part 1
845. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-03-08 number 50259 part 1
846. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-03-15 number 50294 part 1
847. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-03-15 number 50362
848. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-03-22 number 50319 part 1
849. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-03-28 number 50379 part 1
850. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-04-05 number 50443 part 1
851. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-04-12 number 50456 part 1
852. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-04-19 number 50531 part 1
853. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-04-26 number 50568 part 1
854. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-05-03 number 50610 part 1
855. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-05-10 number 50626 part 1
856. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-05-17 number 50666 part 1
857. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-05-24 number 50701 part 1
858. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-05-31 number 50726 part 1
859. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-06-07 number 50763 part 1
860. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-06-14 number 50823 part 1
861. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-06-21 number 50836 part 1
862. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-06-28 number 50877 part 1
863. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-07-05 number 50906 part 1
864. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices A dated 2024-07-12 number 50920 part 1
865. South Africa Government Gazette Legal Notices B dated 2003-01-31 number 24300
866. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1962-01-26 number 162
867. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1968-02-09 number 1977
868. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1968-11-22 number 2219
869. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1974-10-18 number 4450
870. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1978-06-23 number 6083
871. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1980-07-25 number 7136
872. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1982-01-08 number 7983
873. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1982-10-08 number 8411
874. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1986-05-23 number 10239
875. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1986-05-28 number 10249
876. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1988-07-22 number 11428
877. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1989-07-07 number 11992
878. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1989-09-01 number 12072
879. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1989-09-08 number 12084
880. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1992-11-20 number 14410
881. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1993-07-02 number 14961
882. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1993-12-10 number 15312
883. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1994-04-22 number 15665
884. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1994-04-29 number 15696
885. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1996-10-18 number 17500
886. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1997-03-20 number 17861
887. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1998-06-12 number 18953
888. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1998-06-19 number 18978
889. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1998-09-11 number 19225
890. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1998-09-25 number 19269
891. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1998-12-18 number 19596
892. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1999-05-28 number 20083
893. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1999-07-09 number 20267
894. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 1999-07-31 number 20308
895. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2000-07-27 number 21407
896. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2000-09-08 number 21545
897. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2001-03-30 number 22175
898. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2002-02-01 number 23080
899. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2002-05-10 number 23404
900. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24382
901. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2003-03-28 number 24603
902. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2003-11-28 number 25776
903. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2004-05-14 number 26333
904. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2004-11-19 number 27012
905. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2004-11-26 number 27007
906. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2005-04-01 number 27431
907. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2005-06-27 number 27719
908. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2005-07-01 number 27713
909. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2005-09-09 number 27992
910. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2005-10-14 number 28107
911. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2005-11-14 number 28226
912. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2006-12-01 number 29446
913. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2008-09-03 number 31397
914. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2009-02-04 number 31837
915. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2009-09-04 number 32537
916. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2011-03-04 number 34070
917. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2011-12-23 number 34877
918. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2012-04-05 number 35213
919. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2013-02-15 number 36156
920. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2014-11-14 number 38205
921. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2016-06-10 number 40059
922. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2017-03-03 number 40661 part 1
923. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2019-04-26 number 42418
924. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2020-02-20 number 43036
925. South Africa Government Gazette Regulation Gazette dated 2022-06-02 number 46470
926. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1941-09-26 number 2946
927. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1946-01-01 number 3587
928. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1946-06-07 number 3661
929. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1947-06-20 number 3835
930. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1948-07-02 number 3992
931. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1957-01-04 number 5797
932. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1957-01-11 number 5799
933. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1957-05-10 number 5863
934. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1957-05-17 number 5870
935. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1957-06-28 number 5895
936. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1957-07-09 number 5907
937. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1959-04-10 number 6203
938. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1959-07-06 number 6255
939. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1959-10-09 number 6290
940. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1960-01-15 number 6349
941. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1960-07-01 number 6478
942. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1960-07-15 number 6487
943. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1960-11-25 number 6574
944. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1960-12-15 number 6599
945. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1961-01-13 number 6608
946. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1961-02-24 number 6638
947. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1961-03-24 number 6653
948. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1961-10-13 number 95
949. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1961-12-22 number 138
950. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1963-08-16 number 576
951. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1963-10-04 number 619
952. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1964-01-03 number 686
953. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1964-01-24 number 699
954. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1964-06-12 number 814
955. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1964-06-12 number 815
956. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1964-11-27 number 955
957. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1965-02-26 number 1048
958. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1965-03-17 number 1060
959. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1965-06-04 number 1132
960. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1966-09-23 number 1540
961. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1966-10-21 number 1569
962. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1967-05-10 number 1732
963. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1967-06-07 number 1759
964. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1967-06-09 number 1760
965. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1968-04-10 number 2037
966. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1968-04-10 number 2038
967. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1968-05-03 number 2062
968. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1968-05-24 number 2081
969. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1968-07-05 number 2119
970. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1970-01-30 number 2614
971. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1971-11-19 number 3309
972. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1972-06-28 number 3592
973. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1972-06-28 number 3594
974. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1972-09-15 number 3650
975. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1973-05-11 number 3882
976. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1973-05-18 number 3886
977. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1974-03-15 number 4226
978. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1974-10-04 number 4416
979. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1975-06-11 number 4739
980. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1975-07-04 number 4775
981. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1976-01-23 number 4964
982. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1976-02-27 number 4991
983. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1976-04-02 number 5057
984. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1976-06-04 number 5144
985. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1976-11-19 number 5338
986. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1976-12-10 number 5351
987. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1977-01-21 number 5380
988. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1977-02-18 number 5405
989. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1977-04-29 number 5529
990. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1978-03-17 number 5935
991. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1978-12-08 number 6235
992. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1978-12-29 number 6258
993. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1979-11-02 number 6715
994. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1979-12-07 number 6764
995. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1980-03-21 number 6891
996. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1980-04-11 number 6940
997. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1980-08-01 number 7151
998. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1981-01-30 number 7386
999. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1981-12-18 number 7958
1000. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1981-12-31 number 7973
1001. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1982-09-17 number 8382
1002. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1983-12-30 number 9017
1003. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1984-01-06 number 9023
1004. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1984-02-10 number 9056
1005. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1984-03-30 number 9149
1006. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1984-04-04 number 9155
1007. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1984-04-11 number 9156
1008. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1984-04-13 number 9174
1009. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1984-08-10 number 9370
1010. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1984-10-05 number 9448
1011. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1986-05-02 number 10211
1012. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1986-05-28 number 10248
1013. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1986-07-04 number 10330
1014. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1986-08-27 number 10400
1015. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1986-08-27 number 10401
1016. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1986-08-29 number 10402
1017. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1988-07-22 number 11427
1018. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1989-02-10 number 11689
1019. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1989-09-01 number 12079
1020. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1990-04-27 number 12435
1021. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1991-03-28 number 13094
1022. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1991-05-22 number 13258
1023. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1991-07-10 number 13364
1024. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1991-09-27 number 13536
1025. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1991-09-27 number 13544
1026. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1991-11-08 number 13611
1027. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1992-03-06 number 13792
1028. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1992-04-15 number 13918
1029. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1992-06-12 number 14022
1030. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1993-03-05 number 14624
1031. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1993-06-29 number 14899
1032. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1993-07-20 number 14979
1033. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1993-08-20 number 90
1034. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1993-08-20 number 91
1035. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1993-10-13 number 15167
1036. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1994-03-25 number 15575
1037. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1994-10-07 number 16006
1038. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1995-02-10 number 16259
1039. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1995-07-21 number 16552
1040. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1995-07-21 number 16553
1041. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1995-07-21 number 16559
1042. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1995-10-13 number 16755
1043. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1996-03-27 number 17066
1044. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1996-05-03 number 17119
1045. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1996-06-26 number 17278
1046. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1996-07-03 number 17312
1047. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1996-08-08 number 17351
1048. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1996-09-10 number 17427
1049. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1996-11-01 number 17530
1050. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1996-11-08 number 17545
1051. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1996-11-22 number 17599
1052. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1996-11-27 number 17613
1053. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1997-01-24 number 17731
1054. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1997-02-21 number 17798
1055. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1997-04-07 number 17908
1056. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1997-04-11 number 17901
1057. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1997-07-11 number 18128
1058. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1997-07-25 number 18174
1059. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1997-08-13 number 18202
1060. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1997-11-28 number 18448
1061. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1998-04-22 number 18844
1062. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1998-04-30 number 18849
1063. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1998-06-12 number 18958
1064. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1998-06-26 number 18990
1065. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1998-06-29 number 19014
1066. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1998-08-28 number 19171
1067. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1998-09-23 number 19275
1068. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1998-09-23 number 19276
1069. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1998-09-23 number 19277
1070. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1998-10-16 number 19371
1071. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1998-11-27 number 19513
1072. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1998-11-30 number 19502
1073. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1998-12-02 number 19542
1074. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1999-03-19 number 19836
1075. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1999-10-15 number 20533
1076. South Africa Government Gazette dated 1999-10-22 number 20545
1077. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2000-02-18 number 20877
1078. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2000-03-03 number 20914
1079. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2000-06-19 number 21287
1080. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2000-07-19 number 21388
1081. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2000-07-19 number 21390
1082. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2000-12-01 number 21817
1083. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-01-24 number 22021
1084. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-04-06 number 22210
1085. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-05-10 number 22215
1086. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-06-01 number 22321
1087. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-06-08 number 22206
1088. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-06-20 number 22389
1089. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-06-22 number 22412
1090. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-06-29 number 22414
1091. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-06-29 number 22422
1092. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-08-17 number 22575
1093. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-09-07 number 22649
1094. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-09-28 number 22666
1095. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-11-23 number 22857
1096. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-12-05 number 22891
1097. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2001-12-12 number 22923
1098. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-01-04 number 22994
1099. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-02-28 number 23191
1100. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-03-01 number 23153
1101. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-03-19 number 23122
1102. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-06-11 number 23510
1103. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-06-28 number 23533
1104. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-16 number 23756
1105. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-26 number 23763 part 1
1106. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-30 number 23770
1107. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-08-30 number 23787
1108. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-09-27 number 23868
1109. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-10-04 number 23888
1110. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-11-15 number 24079
1111. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-11-22 number 24080
1112. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-12-06 number 24130
1113. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2002-12-13 number 24167
1114. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-10 number 24237
1115. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-24 number 24262 part 1
1116. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-24 number 24262 part 2
1117. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-24 number 24264
1118. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-01-31 number 24316
1119. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-07 number 24332
1120. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-07 number 24332 part 1
1121. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-07 number 24332 part 3
1122. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-10 number 24344 part 1
1123. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-12 number 24347 part 1
1124. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-12 number 24347 part 2
1125. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-14 number 24373
1126. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-17 number 24386
1127. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24397
1128. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24402
1129. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24403
1130. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24407
1131. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24412
1132. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24413
1133. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24414
1134. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24419
1135. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24421
1136. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24450
1137. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24467
1138. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24468
1139. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24471
1140. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-18 number 24472
1141. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24494
1142. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24499
1143. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24507
1144. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24509
1145. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-19 number 24512
1146. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24514
1147. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24516
1148. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24519
1149. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-20 number 24529
1150. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24648
1151. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-24 number 24649
1152. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-25 number 24650
1153. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-26 number 24651
1154. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-26 number 24654
1155. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-27 number 24655
1156. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-27 number 24656
1157. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-27 number 24657
1158. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24658
1159. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24660
1160. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24661
1161. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24662
1162. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24663
1163. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-02-28 number 24982
1164. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-03 number 24665
1165. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-03 number 24666
1166. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-03 number 24667
1167. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-03 number 24668
1168. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-04 number 24669
1169. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-04 number 24670
1170. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-04 number 24671
1171. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-04 number 24672
1172. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-05 number 24673
1173. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-05 number 24674
1174. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-05 number 24675
1175. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-05 number 24676
1176. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-05 number 24677
1177. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-03-11 number 25032
1178. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-22 number 24754
1179. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-22 number 24780
1180. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-25 number 24756
1181. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-25 number 24789
1182. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-04-25 number 24809
1183. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-05-27 number 24916
1184. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-06-06 number 24932
1185. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-06-13 number 25092
1186. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-06-18 number 25103
1187. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-06-20 number 25070
1188. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-08-01 number 25251
1189. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-08-08 number 25292
1190. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-08-08 number 25299
1191. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-08-22 number 25348
1192. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-08-22 number 25361
1193. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-10-03 number 25493
1194. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-11-28 number 25754
1195. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-11-28 number 25775
1196. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2003-12-24 number 25846
1197. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-04-02 number 26182
1198. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-05-07 number 26339
1199. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-05-21 number 26370
1200. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-08-18 number 26684
1201. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-08-24 number 26709
1202. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-09-29 number 26844
1203. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-10-01 number 26835
1204. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-10-29 number 26945
1205. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-12-03 number 27018
1206. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2004-12-30 number 27151
1207. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-01-24 number 27190
1208. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-01-31 number 27231
1209. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-02-09 number 27265
1210. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-04-22 number 27515
1211. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-05-20 number 27544
1212. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-08 number 27758
1213. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-13 number 27784
1214. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-07-15 number 27773
1215. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-12 number 27887
1216. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-08-26 number 27919
1217. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-23 number 28031
1218. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-23 number 28035
1219. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2005-09-23 number 28036
1220. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-02-24 number 28506
1221. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-05-30 number 28892
1222. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-09-01 number 29181
1223. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2006-10-05 number 29274
1224. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-03-05 number 29684
1225. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-04-02 number 29767
1226. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-04-17 number 29804
1227. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-05-09 number 29877
1228. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-05-25 number 29911
1229. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-07-06 number 30058
1230. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-07-13 number 30067
1231. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-08-08 number 30157
1232. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-08-17 number 30164
1233. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-08-29 number 30240
1234. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-08-31 number 30220
1235. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-09-07 number 30255
1236. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-09-07 number 30270
1237. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2007-09-14 number 30277
1238. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-06-27 number 31185
1239. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-07-02 number 31206
1240. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-07-08 number 31228
1241. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-08-04 number 31306
1242. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-10-03 number 31481
1243. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-11-24 number 31634
1244. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-12-02 number 31664
1245. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2008-12-15 number 31729
1246. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-02-04 number 31838
1247. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-02-16 number 31904
1248. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-03-11 number 32005
1249. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-03-25 number 32037
1250. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-06-18 number 32328
1251. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-06-18 number 32329
1252. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-07-24 number 32442
1253. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-08-17 number 32496
1254. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-09-30 number 32611
1255. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2009-11-20 number 32729
1256. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-02-02 number 32923
1257. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-03-23 number 33037
1258. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-05-12 number 33182
1259. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-05-28 number 33236
1260. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-06-25 number 33318
1261. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-10-27 number 33693
1262. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-11-02 number 33726
1263. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2010-12-13 number 33868
1264. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-01-28 number 33954
1265. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-02-14 number 34024
1266. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-03-25 number 34152
1267. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-04-20 number 34240
1268. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-06-27 number 34400
1269. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-08-05 number 2690
1270. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-10-19 number 34690
1271. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-11-25 number 34782
1272. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-12-28 number 34900
1273. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2011-12-30 number 34893
1274. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-06-05 number 35420
1275. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-06-21 number 35459
1276. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-08-23 number 35609
1277. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-10-25 number 35820
1278. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-10-31 number 35843
1279. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-11-09 number 35863
1280. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2012-12-13 number 35997
1281. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-02-01 number 36122
1282. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-03-07 number 36223
1283. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-03-12 number 36238
1284. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-05-10 number 36432
1285. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-06-05 number 36531
1286. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-08-16 number 36756
1287. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-08-30 number 36800
1288. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2013-12-12 number 37158
1289. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-01-16 number 37237
1290. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-01-17 number 37245
1291. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-06-06 number 37720
1292. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-06-13 number 37734
1293. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-07-18 number 37844
1294. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2014-12-15 number 38328
1295. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-03-31 number 38655
1296. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-05-08 number 38768
1297. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-09-01 number 39156
1298. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-10-09 number 39277
1299. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2015-12-24 number 39549
1300. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-01-08 number 39586
1301. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-01-08 number 39588
1302. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-06-01 number 40032
1303. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-08-26 number 40229
1304. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-09-23 number 40293 part 1
1305. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2016-12-21 number 40519
1306. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-01-19 number 40562
1307. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-06-12 number 40912
1308. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-08-22 number 41060 part 1
1309. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2017-08-25 number 41064 part 1
1310. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-01-18 number 41388 part 1
1311. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-05-18 number 41632 part 1
1312. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-06-29 number 41746
1313. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-09-28 number 41947
1314. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2018-12-21 number 42134
1315. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-03-18 number 42314
1316. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-03-29 number 42359
1317. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2019-07-12 number 42579
1318. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-03-20 number 43110 part 1
1319. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-04-24 number 43246
1320. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-07-10 number 43514
1321. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2020-09-18 number 43726 part 1
1322. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-02-05 number 44260
1323. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-02-12 number 44188 part 1
1324. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-02-19 number 44190
1325. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-02-26 number 44285
1326. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-03-12 number 44257
1327. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-03-12 number 44287
1328. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-03-26 number 44353
1329. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-04-01 number 44594
1330. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-05-07 number 44587
1331. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-06-11 number 44740
1332. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-08-11 number 44979
1333. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2021-10-29 number 45396 part 1
1334. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2022-01-19 number 45787
1335. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2022-05-13 number 46360
1336. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2022-08-29 number 46834
1337. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2022-09-30 number 46982 part 1
1338. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2022-11-22 number 47557
1339. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2023-08-18 number 49142
1340. South Africa Government Gazette dated 2023-10-26 number 49558
1341. Transvaal Provincial Gazette dated 1958-04-23 number 2699
1342. Transvaal Provincial Gazette dated 1958-08-27 number 2722
1343. Transvaal Provincial Gazette dated 1973-10-11 number 3656
1344. Transvaal Provincial Gazette dated 1978-02-08 number 3937
1345. Transvaal Provincial Gazette dated 1980-02-27 number 4070
1346. Transvaal Provincial Gazette dated 1983-11-02 number 4291
1347. Transvaal Provincial Gazette dated 1985-01-02 number 4361
1348. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2016-11-28 number 7707
1349. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2019-04-08 number 8078
1350. Western Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2021-08-31 number 8482
Judgment 144
1. Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Endumeni Municipality (920/2010) [2012] ZASCA 13 (16 March 2012) 327 citations
2. Daniels v Campbell and Others [2004] ZACC 14 (11 March 2004) 34 citations
3. Minister of Finance and Other v Van Heerden [2004] ZACC 3 (29 July 2004) 23 citations
4. Volks NO v Robinson and Others [2005] ZACC 2 (21 February 2005) 21 citations
5. Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality v Germiston Municipality Retirement Fund (457/2008) [2009] ZASCA 154 (27 November 2009) 17 citations
6. Pretorius and Another v Transport Pension Fund and Another [2018] ZACC 10 (25 April 2018) 13 citations
7. S T v C T (1224 of 2016) [2018] ZASCA 73 (30 May 2018) 9 citations
8. Wiese v Government Employees Pension Fund and Others [2012] ZACC 5 (30 March 2012) 9 citations
9. King NO and Others v De Jager and Others [2021] ZACC 4 (19 February 2021) 8 citations
10. Municipal Employees Pension Fund and Another v Mongwaketse [2022] ZACC 9 (14 March 2022) 8 citations
11. Hunter v Financial Sector Conduct Authority and Others [2018] ZACC 31 (20 September 2018) 7 citations
12. Meyer v Iscor Pension Fund (391/2001) [2002] ZASCA 148 (28 November 2002) 6 citations
13. Mostert and Others v Nash and Another (604 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 62 (21 May 2018) 6 citations
14. Nichol and Another v Registrar of Pension Funds and Others (467/2004) [2005] ZASCA 97 (29 September 2005) 6 citations
15. Mostert NO v Registrar of Pension Funds and Others (986 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 108 (15 September 2017) 5 citations
16. Pepcor Retirement Fund and Another v Financial Services Board and Another (198/2002) [2003] ZASCA 56 (30 May 2003) 5 citations
17. City of Johannesburg and Others v South African Local Authorities Pension Fund and Others (20045/2014) [2015] ZASCA 4 (9 March 2015) 4 citations
18. Eskom Pension and Provident Fund v Krugel and Another (689/2010) [2011] ZASCA 96 (31 May 2011) 4 citations
19. Highveld Steel and Vanadium Corporation Ltd v Oosthuizen (103/2008) [2008] ZASCA 164 (1 December 2008) 4 citations
20. National Tertiary Retirement Fund v Registrar of Pension Funds (221/2008) [2009] ZASCA 41 (31 March 2009) 4 citations
21. Tek Corporation Provident Fund and Others v Lorentz (490/1997) [1999] ZASCA 54 (3 September 1999) 4 citations
22. Fundsatwork Umbrella Pension Fund v Guarnieri and Others (830/2018) [2019] ZASCA 78 (31 May 2019) 3 citations
23. G N v J N (600 of 2015) [2016] ZASCA 162 (4 November 2016) 3 citations
24. Horn and Others v LA Health Medical Scheme and Another [2015] ZACC 13 (14 May 2015) 3 citations
25. Moor and Another v Tongaat-Hulett Pension Fund and Others (518 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 83 (31 May 2018) 3 citations
26. Sentinel Retirement Fund and Another v Masoanganye (1003 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 126 (27 September 2018) 3 citations
27. South African Local Authorities Pension Fund v Msunduzi Municipality (994/2013) [2015] ZASCA 172 (26 November 2015) 3 citations
28. Absa Bank Ltd v South African Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union National Provident Fund (679/2010) [2011] ZASCA 150 (27 September 2011) 2 citations
29. Joint Municipal Pension Fund and Another v Grobler and Others (183/2006) [2007] ZASCA 49 (30 March 2007) 2 citations
30. Moreau and Another v Murray N.O. and Others (251/2019) [2020] ZASCA 86 (9 July 2020) 2 citations
31. Nash and Others v Cadac Pension Fund (In Curatorship) (Registration Number: 12/8/0020425) and Others (545/2020) [2021] ZASCA 144 (11 October 2021) 2 citations
32. Registrar of Pension Funds v ICS Pension Funds (288/2009) [2010] ZASCA 63 (4 May 2010) 2 citations
33. Tellumat (Pty) Ltd v Appeal Board of the Financial Services Board (221/2015) [2015] ZASCA 202 (2 December 2015) 2 citations
34. BS v PS (291 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 37 (28 March 2018) 1 citation
35. City of Cape Town Municipality v South African Local Authorities Pension Fund and Another (175/2013) [2013] ZASCA 175 (28 November 2013) 1 citation
36. De Graaf NO v Camilleri (565/2022) [2023] ZASCA 117 (3 August 2023) 1 citation
37. Edcon Pension Fund v Financial Services Board of Appeal and Another (349/2007) [2008] ZASCA 65 (29 May 2008) 1 citation
38. Investec Employee Benefits Ltd v Marais and Others (580/2011) [2012] ZASCA 99 (1 June 2012) 1 citation
39. Jansen Van Vuuren and Another v Momentum Provident Preservation Fund and Others (28160/20) [2022] ZAGPJHC 593 (30 August 2022) 1 citation
40. LA Health Medical Scheme v Horn and Others (385/2013) [2014] ZASCA 72 (29 May 2014) 1 citation
41. Montanari v Montanari (1086/2018) [2020] ZASCA 48 (5 May 2020) 1 citation
42. Mostert NO v Old Mutual Life Assurance Co (SA) Ltd (2) (83/2001) [2001] ZASCA 104 (1 June 2001) 1 citation
43. Motsoeneng v South African Broadcasting Corporation Soc Ltd and Others (64/2023) [2024] ZASCA 80 (27 May 2024) 1 citation
44. Municipal Employees Pension Fund and Another v SAMWU National Provident Fund and Another (1412/2018) [2019] ZASCA 42 (29 March 2019) 1 citation
45. Municipal Employees Pension Fund v Mongwaketse (969/2019) [2020] ZASCA 181 (23 December 2020) 1 citation
46. Municipal Employees’ Pension Fund and Another v Mudau and Another (1159 of 2020) [2022] ZASCA 46 (8 April 2022) 1 citation
47. Public Servants Association of South Africa and Others v Government Employees Pension Fund and Others (886/2019) [2020] ZASCA 126 (9 October 2020) 1 citation
48. Registrar of Pension Funds v Howie NO and Others (222/2015) [2015] ZASCA 203 (2 December 2015) 1 citation
49. Roestorf and Another v Johannesburg Municipal Pension Fund and Others (235/2011) [2012] ZASCA 24 (23 March 2012) 1 citation
50. Roux v University of Stellenbosch N.N.O. and Others; University of Stellenbosch v Roux and Another (11368/15; 6577/22) [2023] ZAWCHC 36 (25 April 2023) 1 citation
51. Samancor Group Pension Fund v Samancor Chrome (452/2009) [2010] ZASCA 77 (27 May 2010) 1 citation
52. Sentrachem Limited v Terreblanche (237 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 16 (22 March 2017) 1 citation
53. Telkom SA Ltd and Others v Blom and Others (227/2002) [2003] ZASCA 67 (31 May 2003) 1 citation
54. Vrystaatse Munisipale Pensioenfonds v The Minister of Finance and Another (1161/2018) [2020] ZASCA 143 (2 November 2020) 1 citation
55. Absa Bank Ltd v Burmeister and Others (647/2002) [2004] ZASCA 16 (26 March 2004)
56. Agricultural Research Council v Bredell and Others (539/2003) [2004] ZASCA 147 (2 December 2004)
57. Astral Operations Ltd t/a Country Fair Foods and Others v Minister for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (Western Cape) and Others (1104 of 2020) [2022] ZASCA 62 (29 April 2022)
58. Blue Crane Route Municipality v Municipal Workers Retirement Fund (CA 221/2021) [2023] ZAECGHC 126 (24 January 2023)
59. Blue Crane Route Municipality v Municipal Workers Retirement Fund (CA 221/2021) [2023] ZAECGHC 129 (24 January 2023)
60. Brinant Security Services (Pty) Ltd v Private Security Sector Provident Fund and Others (9102/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1257 (13 November 2023)
61. Brinant Security Services (Pty) Ltd v Private Security Sector Provident Fund and Others (25318/2017) [2023] ZAGPPHC 785 (20 July 2023)
62. Brinant Security Services (Pty) Ltd v Private Security Sector Provident Fund and Others (25318/2017) [2024] ZAGPPHC 223 (11 March 2024)
63. Brinant Security Services (Pty) Ltd v Private Security Sector Provident Fund and Others (A113/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1018 (6 September 2023)
64. City of Cape Town Municipality v South African Local Authorities Pension Fund and Another (25945/11) [2012] ZAWCHC 398 (13 December 2012)
65. Commissiner for Inland Revenue v Southern Life Association Ltd (89/86) [1986] ZASCA 80 (26 August 1986)
66. Cronje (Forno-Nash and Others intervening) v Nash and Others ; In Re: Nash and Another v Cadac Pension Fund and Others (43585/2019) [2023] ZAGPJHC 522 (19 May 2023)
67. Crossman v Capital Alliance Group Risk and Others (34636/20) [2022] ZAGPJHC 233 (21 April 2022)
68. Daily Maverick (Pty) Ltd and Another v Modiba (33428/2020) [2022] ZAGPJHC 555 (15 August 2022)
69. Dawson v Sidney on Vaal CPA and Another (603/2019) [2022] ZANCHC 22 (27 May 2022)
70. De Magalhaes v Christensen N.O. and Another (13195/2020) [2022] ZAGPJHC 35 (27 July 2022)
71. De Magalhaes v Christensen NO and Another (13195/20) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1035 (27 July 2022)
72. E L v Verster-Roos Incorporated (Pty) Ltd (2588/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 846 (31 July 2023)
73. Edumbe Municipality v Makhoba and Others (1940/2016) [2016] ZAKZPHC 100 (27 October 2016)
74. Engineering Industries Pension Fund and Another v Pioner Mechanical CC (in liquidation) and Another (13568/2020) [2022] ZAWCHC 160 (3 June 2022)
75. Ex parte: E D and Another (M108/2023) [2024] ZANWHC 27 (9 February 2024)
76. Executive Officer of Financial Services Board v Cadac Pension Fund and Others (50596/2010) [2023] ZAGPJHC 524 (19 May 2023)
77. Financial Sector Conduct Authority v Municipal Worker's Retirement Fund (A50/21) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1110 (15 December 2022)
78. Forie v Vrystaat Munisipale Pension Fonds and Others (2973/2021) [2022] ZAFSHC 42 (20 May 2022)
79. Free State Municipal Pension Fund v Minister of Finance and Others (67954/2015) [2018] ZAGPPHC 369 (6 June 2018)
80. GreeenHill v Discovery Preservation Pension Fund and Another (28609/20) [2021] ZAGPJHC 174 (25 November 2021)
81. Groenewald and Others v Momentum Retirement Annuity Fund and Others (7777/2021) [2022] ZAWCHC 164 (10 November 2022)
82. Hansen Genwest (Pty) Ltd v Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement No 2 and Others (2023-002990) [2023] ZAGPJHC 96 (6 February 2023)
83. Hortors Pension Fund v Financial Sector Conduct Authority and Another (54/2020) [2020] ZASCA 141 (2 November 2020)
84. I L v S L and Others (11212/2013) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1252 (26 October 2023)
85. Impact Financial Consultants CC and Another v Bam NO and Others (856/2019) [2021] ZASCA 54 (30 April 2021)
86. Intello Capital CC v Sigge Managed Solutions (Pty) Ltd (5974/2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 164 (6 March 2023)
87. Jakins v Baxter and Another (178/2013) [2013] ZASCA 190 (29 November 2013)
88. Jurgens and Other v Botha (24007/2019) [2022] ZAGPJHC 558 (22 August 2022)
89. Kaplan and Katz NNO and Another v Proffesional and Executive Retirement Fund and Another (292/1997) [1999] ZASCA 27 (14 May 1999)
90. Kim v Agri Staff Pension Fund and Others (47543/17) [2019] ZAGPJHC 156 (6 February 2019)
91. Kitshoff v Fedsure Staff Pension Fund and Others (597 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 31 (28 March 2017)
92. Kufa v National Research Foundation and Others (6055/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 4 (5 January 2023)
93. Kunyuza and Another v Ace Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd and Others (JS27/12) [2015] ZALCJHB 85 (24 February 2015)
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125. RFS Administrators (Pty) Ltd and Another v National Fund for Municipal Workers and Others (27742/2016) [2023] ZAGPPHC 625 (5 June 2023)
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128. Sasol Limited v Chemical Industries National Provident Fund (20612/2014) [2015] ZASCA 113 (7 September 2015)
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130. South African Broadcasting Corporation Soc Ltd and Another v South African Broadcasting Corporation Pension Fund and Another (29163/17) [2021] ZAGPJHC 427 (15 December 2021)
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132. South African Municipal Workers Union National Provident Fund (Pty) Ltd v Dihlabeng Local Municipality and Others (65/2022) [2023] ZASCA 55 (20 April 2023)
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Legislation 23
1. Companies Act, 2008 1853 citations
2. Income Tax Act, 1962 1610 citations
3. Banks Act, 1990 856 citations
4. Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002 309 citations
5. Long-term Insurance Act, 1998 295 citations
6. Divorce Act, 1979 210 citations
7. Financial Markets Act, 2012 210 citations
8. Financial Sector Regulation Act, 2017 118 citations
9. Maintenance Act, 1998 112 citations
10. Financial Institutions (Protection of Funds) Act, 2001 87 citations
11. Transnet Pension Fund Act, 1990 21 citations
12. Securities Transfer Tax Act, 2007 16 citations
13. Kwa-Zulu Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund (Retirement) Act, 2017 3 citations
14. KwaZulu-Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund (Superannuation) Act, 2017 3 citations
15. KwaZulu-Natal Joint Municipal Provident Fund Act, 2017 3 citations
16. Financial Sector and Deposit Insurance Levies Act, 2022 2 citations
17. Exemption of Certain Persons conducting Financial Services related business with a Private Equity Fund
18. Financial Sector Regulations, 2018
19. Levies for Financial Institutions, 2022
20. Regulations Relating to the Kwazulu-Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund (Retirement), 2019
21. Regulations Relating to the Kwazulu-Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund (Superannuation), 2019
22. Regulations Relating to the Kwazulu-Natal Joint Municipal Provident Fund, 2019
23. Rules of the Post Office Retirement Fund, 2005