Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000

Act 32 of 2000

There are outstanding amendments that have not yet been applied. See the History tab for more information.
Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000

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History of this document

01 November 2022 amendment not yet applied
20 November 2000 this version
Published in Government Gazette 21776
14 November 2000
Assented to

Cited documents 0

Documents citing this one 4621

Gazette 3878
1. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2002-04-29 number 869
2. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2002-12-11 number 952
3. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2004-02-02 number 1118
4. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2004-03-30 number 1134
5. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2004-08-09 number 1195
6. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2004-09-23 number 1215
7. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2004-09-27 number 1214
8. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2004-11-09 number 1240
9. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2004-11-10 number 1241
10. Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette dated 2004-11-15 number 1246
By-law 362
1. Customer Care and Revenue Management 2 citations
2. Credit Control and Debt Collection By-law, 2006 1 citation
3. Credit Control, Debt Collection and Indigent Support By-law, 2008 1 citation
4. Customer Care Management, Credit Control and Debt Collection 1 citation
5. Customer Care Management, Credit Control and Debt Collection 1 citation
6. Customer Care Management, Credit Control and Debt Collection 1 citation
7. Prevention of Public Nuisances and Nuisances Arising from the Keeping of Animals 1 citation
8. Streets, Public Places and the Prevention and Suppression of Nuisances By-law, 2014 1 citation
9. Tariff 1 citation
10. Tariffs and Free Basic Services 1 citation
Judgment 334
1. Joseph and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others [2009] ZACC 30 (9 October 2009) 50 citations
2. Mazibuko and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others [2009] ZACC 28 (8 October 2009) 32 citations
3. President of the Republic of South Africa and Another v Modderklip Boerdery (Pty) Ltd [2005] ZACC 5 (13 May 2005) 22 citations
4. Aurecon South Africa (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape (20384/2014) [2015] ZASCA 209 (9 December 2015) 21 citations
5. Notyawa v Makana Municipality and Others [2019] ZACC 43 (21 November 2019) 20 citations
6. City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality v Blair Atholl Homeowners Association (106/2018) [2018] ZASCA 176 (3 December 2018) 18 citations
7. Qoboshiyane NO and Others v Avusa Publishing Eastern Cape (Pty) Ltd and Others (864/2011) [2012] ZASCA 166 (21 November 2012) 18 citations
8. City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality v Link Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others [2015] ZACC 29 (23 September 2015) 14 citations
9. Kham and Others v Electoral Commission and Another [2015] ZACC 37 (30 November 2015) 13 citations
10. Camps Bay Ratepayers' and Residents' Association and Another v Harrison and Another (560/2008) [2010] ZASCA 3 (17 February 2010) 12 citations
Act 36
1. Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 4498 citations
2. Companies Act, 2008 2008 citations
3. Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 1775 citations
4. Income Tax Act, 1962 1712 citations
5. Disaster Management Act, 2002 1246 citations
6. Financial Intelligence Centre Act, 2001 1202 citations
7. Children's Act, 2005 577 citations
8. National Health Act, 2003 457 citations
9. National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 448 citations
10. National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 362 citations
Provincial Notice 6
1. Guidelines on the Participation of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders in Municipal Councils
2. Regulations Relating to the Consultation Process for Listing Heritage Resources in the Heritage Register and the Designation of Heritage Areas by Heritage Western Cape, 2022
3. Regulations Relating to the Consultation Process for Listing Places in the Heritage Register by Heritage Western Cape and the Designation of Heritage Areas by a Local Authority, 2022
4. Regulations Relating to the Kwazulu-Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund (Retirement), 2019
5. Regulations Relating to the Kwazulu-Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund (Superannuation), 2019
6. Regulations Relating to the Kwazulu-Natal Joint Municipal Provident Fund, 2019
General Notice 2
1. Auditing of Local Government in terms of the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003
2. Standard Draft By-Law for township economies, 2024
Government Notice 1
1. COGTA COVID-19 Disaster Response Directions, 2020
Guidance Note 1
1. Guidance Note 7: On the implementation of various aspects of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, 2001 (Act 38 of 2001)
Law Reform Report 1
1. Investigation into Legal Fees - Including Access to Justice and Other Interventions - Project 142

Subsidiary legislation

Standard Draft By-Law for township economies, 2024
Environment, Climate and Wildlife · Infrastructure and Transportation · Public administration
General Notice 2826 of 2024 7 November 2024
Environment, Climate and Wildlife · Infrastructure and Transportation · Public administration