11. |
S v S and Another (CCT 147/18) [2019] ZACC 22 (27 June 2019)
25 citations
12. |
Mulaudzi v Old Mutual Life Insurance Company (South Africa) Limited and Others, National Director of Public Prosecutions and Another v Mulaudzi (210 of 2015; 98 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 88 (6 June 2017)
24 citations
13. |
Ferris and Another v Firstrand Bank Limited and Another [2013] ZACC 46 (12 December 2013)
23 citations
14. |
Valor IT v Premier, North West Province and Others (322/2019) [2020] ZASCA 62 (9 June 2020)
23 citations
15. |
Absa Bank Limited v Naude NO and Others (20264/2014) [2015] ZASCA 97 (1 June 2015)
22 citations
16. |
Centre for Child Law v The Governing Body of Hoerskool Fochville (156/2015) [2015] ZASCA 155 (8 October 2015)
22 citations
17. |
Director of Public Prosecutions: Gauteng Division, Pretoria v Moabi (959 of 2015) [2017] ZASCA 85 (2 June 2017)
21 citations
18. |
Notyawa v Makana Municipality and Others [2019] ZACC 43 (21 November 2019)
21 citations
19. |
S Liesching and Others [2018] ZACC 25 (29 August 2018)
20 citations
20. |
United Democratic Movement and Another v Lebashe Investment Group (Pty) Limited and Others [2022] ZACC 34 (22 September 2022)
19 citations
21. |
Fusion Properties 233 CC v Stellenbosch Municipality (932/2019) [2021] ZASCA 10 (29 January 2021)
18 citations
22. |
City of Cape Town v South African National Roads Authority Limited and Others (20786/2014) [2015] ZASCA 58 (30 March 2015)
17 citations
23. |
Mothuloe Incorporated Attorneys v Law Society of the Northern Province and Another (213 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 17 (22 March 2017)
17 citations
24. |
Myathaza v Johannesburg Metropolitan Bus Services (SOC) Limited t/a Metrobus and Others [2016] ZACC 49 (15 December 2016)
17 citations
25. |
Liesching and Others v S and Another [2016] ZACC 41 (15 November 2016)
16 citations
26. |
Mhlongo v S; Nkosi v S [2015] ZACC 19 (25 June 2015)
16 citations
27. |
Road Accident Fund and Others v Taylor and Another; In Re: Taylor v Road Accident Fund; In Re: Mathonsi v Road Accident Fund (1136/2021; 1137/2021; 1138/2021; 1139/2021; 1140/2021) [2023] ZASCA 64 (8 May 2023)
16 citations
28. |
Sonke Gender Justice NPC v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others [2020] ZACC 26 (4 December 2020)
16 citations
29. |
South African Human Rights Commission v Standard Bank of South Africa Limited and Others [2022] ZACC 43 (9 December 2022)
16 citations
30. |
University of Stellenbosch Legal Aid Clinic and Others v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others; Association of Debt Recovery Agents NPC v University of Stellenbosch Legal Aid Clinic and Others; Mavava Trading 279 (Pty) Ltd and Others v University of Stellenbosch Legal Aid Clinic and Others [2016] ZACC 32 (13 September 2016)
16 citations
31. |
Cook v Morrison and Another (1319/2017) [2019] ZASCA 8 (8 March 2019)
15 citations
32. |
Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and Others v Southern African Litigation Centre and Others (867/2015) [2016] ZASCA 17 (15 March 2016)
15 citations
33. |
Ntlemeza v Helen Suzman Foundation and Another (402 of 2017) [2017] ZASCA 93 (9 June 2017)
15 citations
34. |
Zuma v Democratic Alliance and Economic Freedom Fighters (1028/2019) [2021] ZASCA 39 (13 April 2021)
15 citations
35. |
Avnit v First Rand Bank Ltd (20233/2014) [2014] ZASCA 132 (23 September 2014)
14 citations
36. |
Legal-Aid South Africa v Magidiwana and Others (1055/2013) [2014] ZASCA 141 (26 September 2014)
14 citations
37. |
My Vote Counts v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Another [2018] ZACC 17 (21 June 2018)
14 citations
38. |
Nova Property Group Holdings v Cobbett (20815/2014) [2016] ZASCA 63 (12 May 2016)
14 citations
39. |
Snyders and Others v De Jager (Joinder) [2016] ZACC 54 (21 December 2016)
14 citations
40. |
Chithi and Others ; In re: Luhlwini Mchunu Community v Hancock and Others (423/2020) [2021] ZASCA 123 (23 September 2021)
13 citations
41. |
University of Free State v Afriforum and Another (929 of 2016) [2016] ZASCA 165 (17 November 2016)
13 citations
42. |
Director-General Department of Home Affairs and Another v Mukhamadiva [2013] ZACC 47 (12 December 2013)
12 citations
43. |
Neotel (Pty) Ltd v Telkom SA Soc Ltd and Others (Huge Telecom (Pty) Ltd and Another intervening) (605 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 47 (31 March 2017)
12 citations
44. |
P F v S F (788 of 2020) [2022] ZASCA 101 (22 June 2022)
12 citations
45. |
AB and Another v Minister of Social Development [2016] ZACC 43 (29 November 2016)
11 citations
46. |
Four Wheel Drive Accessory Distributors CC v Rattan NO (1048 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 124 (26 September 2018)
11 citations
47. |
Newlands Surgical Clinic (Pty) Ltd v Peninsula Eye Clinic (Pty) Ltd (86/2014) [2015] ZASCA 25 (20 March 2015)
11 citations
48. |
S v Dipholo (94/2015) [2015] ZASCA 120 (16 September 2015)
11 citations
49. |
S.O.S Support Public Broadcasting Coalition and Others v South African Broadcasting Corporation (SOC) Limited and Others [2018] ZACC 37 (28 September 2018)
11 citations
50. |
Bester NO and Others v Quintado 120 (Pty) Limited [2021] ZACC 49 (13 December 2021)
10 citations
51. |
EFF and Others v Manuel (711/2019) [2020] ZASCA 172 (17 December 2020)
10 citations
52. |
Ronald Bobroff and Partners Inc v De La Guerre; South African Association of Personal Injury Lawyers v Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development [2014] ZACC 2 (20 February 2014)
10 citations
53. |
TWK Agriculture Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Hoogveld Boerderybeleggings (Pty) Ltd N.N.O. and Others (273/2022) [2023] ZASCA 63 (5 May 2023)
10 citations
54. |
Absa Bank Limited v Keet (817/2013) [2015] ZASCA 81 (28 May 2015)
9 citations
55. |
Absa Bank Ltd v Mkhize and Another, Absa Bank Ltd v Chetty, Absa Bank Ltd v Mlipha (716/2012) [2013] ZASCA 139 (30 September 2013)
9 citations
56. |
Cipla Agrimed (Pty) Ltd v Merck Sharp Dohme Corporation and Others (972 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 134 (29 September 2017)
9 citations
57. |
City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and Others v Nambiti Technologies (Pty) Ltd (20580/2014) [2015] ZASCA 167 (26 November 2015)
9 citations
58. |
Competition Commission of South Africa v Group Five Construction Limited [2022] ZACC 36 (27 October 2022)
9 citations
59. |
Gobela Consulting v Makhado Municipality (910/2019) [2020] ZASCA 180 (22 December 2020)
9 citations
60. |
HLB International (South Africa) v MWRK Accountants and Consultants (113 of 2021) [2022] ZASCA 52 (12 April 2022)
9 citations
61. |
Jacob G Zuma v The Office of the Public Protector and Others (1447/2018) [2020] ZASCA 138 (30 October 2020)
9 citations
62. |
Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others v Estate Stransham-Ford and Others (531 of 2015) [2016] ZASCA 197 (6 December 2016)
9 citations
63. |
Moodley v Kenmont School and Others (Centre for Child Law as Amicus Curiae) [2019] ZACC 37 (9 October 2019)
9 citations
64. |
Moosa NO and Others v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others (Trustees of the Women's Legal Centre Trust as Amicus Curiae) [2018] ZACC 19 (29 June 2018)
9 citations
65. |
Patmar Explorations (Pty) Ltd and Others v Limpopo Development Tribunal and Others (1250 of 2016) [2018] ZASCA 19 (16 March 2018)
9 citations
66. |
Tebeila Institute of Leadership, Education, Governance and Training v Limpopo College of Nursing and Another [2015] ZACC 4 (26 February 2015)
9 citations
67. |
Tshiki v S (359/2019) [2020] ZASCA 92 (18 August 2020)
9 citations
68. |
Asla Construction (Pty) Ltd v Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality and Another (894 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 23 (24 March 2017)
8 citations
69. |
Body Corporate of Marine Sands v Extra Dimensions 121 (Pty) Ltd and Another (1082/2018) [2019] ZASCA 161 (28 November 2019)
8 citations
70. |
City Capital SA Property Holdings Limited v Chavonnes Badenhorst St Clair Cooper NO and Others (85 of 2017) [2017] ZASCA 177 (1 December 2017)
8 citations
71. |
Itzikowitz v Absa Bank Ltd (20729/2014) [2016] ZASCA 43 (31 March 2016)
8 citations
72. |
Kruger v National Director of Public Prosecutions [2019] ZACC 13 (9 April 2019)
8 citations
73. |
Murray N.O. and Others v African Global Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others (306/2019) [2019] ZASCA 152 (22 November 2019)
8 citations
74. |
Van Staden N.O. and Others v Pro-Wiz (Pty) Ltd (412/2018) [2019] ZASCA 7 (8 March 2019)
8 citations
75. |
Caratco (Pty) Ltd v Independent Advisory (Pty) Ltd (982/2018) [2020] ZASCA 17 (25 March 2020)
7 citations
76. |
Cloete and Another v S (Legal Aid South Africa as Amicus Curiae); Sekgala v Nedbank Limited [2019] ZACC 6 (19 February 2019)
7 citations
77. |
DRDGold Limited and Another v Nkala and Others (688/2016) [2023] ZASCA 9 (6 February 2023)
7 citations
78. |
Department of Transport and Others v Tasima (Pty) Ltd; Tasima (Pty) Ltd and Others v Road Traffic Management Corporation and Others [2018] ZACC 21 (17 July 2018)
7 citations
79. |
Firstrand Bank Limited t/a First National Bank v Makaleng (34 of 2016) [2016] ZASCA 169 (24 November 2016)
7 citations
80. |
Johannesburg Society of Advocates and Another v Seth Azwihangwisi Nthai and Others (879/2020; 880/2019) [2020] ZASCA 171 (15 December 2020)
7 citations
81. |
Khumalo and Another v Twin City Developers (Pty) Ltd and Others (328 of 2017) [2017] ZASCA 143 (2 October 2017)
7 citations
82. |
Knoop and Another NNO v Gupta (No 1) (115/2020) [2020] ZASCA 149 (19 November 2020)
7 citations
83. |
Motor Industry Staff Association v Macun NO and Others (20819/2014) [2015] ZASCA 190 (30 November 2015)
7 citations
84. |
Nkabinde and Another v Judicial Service Commission and Others (20857/2014) [2016] ZASCA 12 (10 March 2016)
7 citations
85. |
Solidariteit Helpende Hand NPC and Others v Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (104/2022) [2023] ZASCA 35 (31 March 2023)
7 citations
86. |
United Democratic Movement and Another v Lebashe Investment Group (Pty) Ltd and Others (1032/2019) [2021] ZASCA 4 (13 January 2021)
7 citations
87. |
Absa Bank Limited v Van Rensburg and Another; In Re: ABSA Bank Limited v Maree and Another (228/2013) [2014] ZASCA 34 (28 March 2014)
6 citations
88. |
Conradie v S [2018] ZACC 12 (25 April 2018)
6 citations
89. |
Director of Public Prosecutions, Western Cape v Kock (20841/2014) [2015] ZASCA 197 (1 December 2015)
6 citations
90. |
National Credit Regulator v Lewis Stores (Pty) Ltd and Another (937/18) [2019] ZASCA 190 (13 December 2019)
6 citations
91. |
Nwafor v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (1363/2019) [2021] ZASCA 58 (12 May 2021)
6 citations
92. |
Premier, Gauteng and Others v Democratic Alliance and Others; All Tshwane Councillors who are Members of Economic Freedom Fighters and Another v Democratic Alliance and Others; African National Congress v Democratic Alliance and Others [2021] ZACC 34 (4 October 2021)
6 citations
93. |
Tahilram v Trustees of Lukamber Trust and Another (845/2020) [2021] ZASCA 173 (9 December 2021)
6 citations
94. |
WDR Earthmoving Enterprises and Another v Joe Gqabi District Municipality and Others (392 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 72 (30 May 2018)
6 citations
95. |
Y v S (537/2018) [2020] ZASCA 42 (21 April 2020)
6 citations
96. |
Zhongji Development Construction Engineering Company Limited v Kamoto Copper Company Sarl (421/2013) [2014] ZASCA 160 (1 October 2014)
6 citations
97. |
Zuma v Democratic Alliance and Others; Acting National Director of Public Prosecutions and Another v Democratic Alliance and Another (1170 of 2016; 771 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 146 (13 October 2017)
6 citations
98. |
Afgri Grain Marketing (Pty) Ltd v Trustees for the time being of Copenship Bulkers A/S (in liquidation) and Others (797/2018) [2019] ZASCA 67 (29 May 2019)
5 citations
99. |
Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service v Langholm Farms (Pty) Ltd (1354/2018) [2019] ZASCA 163 (29 November 2019)
5 citations
100. |
DPP, Western Cape v Schoeman and Another (904/2017) [2019] ZASCA 158 (28 November 2019)
5 citations
101. |
Deutsches Altersheim Zu Pretoria v Dohmen and Others (34/2014) [2015] ZASCA 3 (5 March 2015)
5 citations
102. |
Director of Public Prosecutions, Gauteng v M G (6 of 2017) [2017] ZASCA 82 (2 June 2017)
5 citations
103. |
Director of Public Prosecutions, KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg v Ndlovu (888/2021) [2024] ZASCA 23 (14 March 2024)
5 citations
104. |
Dlamini v S (634/2013) [2015] ZASCA 50 (27 March 2015)
5 citations
105. |
Lutchman N.O. and Others v African Global Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others; African Global Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Lutchman N.O. and Others (1088 of 2020; 1135 of 2020) [2022] ZASCA 66 (10 May 2022)
5 citations
106. |
Media 24 (Pty) Ltd v Nhleko and Another (109/22) [2023] ZASCA 77 (29 May 2023)
5 citations
107. |
Pepkor Holdings Ltd and Others v AJVH Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others; and Steinhoff International Holdings NV and Another v AJVH Holdings (205/2020; 217/2020) [2020] ZASCA 134 (21 October 2020)
5 citations
108. |
SA Metal Group (Proprietary) Limited v International Trade Administration Commission and Another (267 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 14 (17 March 2017)
5 citations
109. |
Snyders v De Jager (20469/2014) [2015] ZASCA 137 (30 September 2015)
5 citations
110. |
Tayob and Another v Shiva Uranium (Pty) Ltd and Others (336/2019) [2020] ZASCA 162 (8 December 2020)
5 citations
111. |
Wright v Wright and Another (494/2013) [2014] ZASCA 126 (22 September 2014)
5 citations
112. |
Association for Voluntary Sterilization of South Africa v Standard Trust Ltd and Others (325/2022) [2023] ZASCA 87 (7 June 2023)
4 citations
113. |
Director of Public Prosecutions, Gauteng Division, Pretoria v K M (1101 of 2015) [2017] ZASCA 78 (2 June 2017)
4 citations
114. |
Dobsa Services CC v Dlamini Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd and Another; Dlamini Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd and Another v Dobsa Services CC (50 of 2016) [2016] ZASCA 131 (28 September 2016)
4 citations
115. |
Eksteen v Road Accident Fund (873/2019) [2021] ZASCA 48 (21 April 2021)
4 citations
116. |
Forge Packaging (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service (21634/2021) [2022] ZAWCHC 119 (13 June 2022)
4 citations
117. |
Freedom Stationery (Pty) Limited and Others v Hassam and Others (921 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 170 (30 November 2018)
4 citations
118. |
Freedom Under Law NPC v Minister of Social Development and Others [2021] ZACC 5 (1 April 2021)
4 citations
119. |
Gonya v S (891/2015) [2016] ZASCA 34 (24 March 2016)
4 citations
120. |
John Walker Pools v Consolidated Aone Trade & Invest 6 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation) and Another (245 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 12 (8 March 2018)
4 citations
121. |
Khathide v S (839 of 2020) [2022] ZASCA 17 (14 February 2022)
4 citations
122. |
Knoop and Another NNO v Gupta (No 2) (116/2020) [2020] ZASCA 163 (9 December 2020)
4 citations
123. |
Kruger v Joint Trustees of Insolvent Estate Zulu and Another (1121 of 2015) [2016] ZASCA 163 (10 November 2016)
4 citations
124. |
Lueven Metals (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service (728/2022) [2023] ZASCA 144 (8 November 2023)
4 citations
125. |
M M v T M (022/2022) [2023] ZASCA 75 (26 May 2023)
4 citations
126. |
Maswanganyi obo Machimane v Road Accident Fund (1175/2017) [2019] ZASCA 97 (18 June 2019)
4 citations
127. |
Member of Executive Council for Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs v Maphanga (652/2018) [2019] ZASCA 147 (18 November 2019)
4 citations
128. |
Mgwenya NO and Others v Kruger and Another (1060 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 102 (6 September 2017)
4 citations
129. |
Mhlongo v Mokoena N.O. and Others (865 of 2020) [2022] ZASCA 78 (31 May 2022)
4 citations
130. |
Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs v De Beer and Another (538/2020) [2021] ZASCA 95 (1 July 2021)
4 citations
131. |
Minister of Defence and Another v Xulu (337 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 65 (24 May 2018)
4 citations
132. |
Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform and Another v Phillips (52 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 1 (22 February 2017)
4 citations
133. |
Mpoyana Lazarus Ledwaba N.O. v Mthembu and Others (25312/16) [2021] ZAGPJHC 48 (4 November 2021)
4 citations
134. |
Mthimkhulu v S (1135 of 2015) [2016] ZASCA 180 (28 November 2016)
4 citations
135. |
N S obo A S v MEC for Health, Eastern Cape Province (017/2022) [2023] ZASCA 41 (31 March 2023)
4 citations
136. |
Ngomane and Others v City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and Another (734/2017) [2019] ZASCA 57 (3 April 2019)
4 citations
137. |
Oppressed ACSA Minority 1 (Pty) Ltd and Another v Government of Republic of South Africa and Others (898 of 2020) [2022] ZASCA 50 (11 April 2022)
4 citations
138. |
Potgieter v S (20109/2014) [2015] ZASCA 15 (17 March 2015)
4 citations
139. |
Radebe v S (1163 of 2015) [2016] ZASCA 172 (24 November 2016)
4 citations
140. |
S v Khumalo (723 of 2020) [2022] ZASCA 39 (4 April 2022)
4 citations
141. |
S v Leshilo (345/2019) [2020] ZASCA 98 (8 September 2020)
4 citations
142. |
S v Lubisi (230/2015) [2015] ZASCA 179 (27 November 2015)
4 citations
143. |
Van Breda v Media 24 Limited and Others; National Director of Public Prosecutions v Media 24 Limited and Others (425 of 2017; 426 of 2017) [2017] ZASCA 97 (21 June 2017)
4 citations
144. |
Afribusiness NPC v The Minister of Finance (1050/2019) [2020] ZASCA 140 (2 November 2020)
3 citations
145. |
Baloyi v S (739 of 2021) [2022] ZASCA 35 (1 April 2022)
3 citations
146. |
Bezuidenhout v S (41/2020) [2021] ZASCA 52 (23 April 2021)
3 citations
147. |
Black Sash Trust (Freedom Under Law intervening) v Minister of Social Development and Others [2018] ZACC 36 (27 September 2018)
3 citations
148. |
Bo-Kaap Civic and Ratepayers Association and Others v City of Cape Town and Others (112/2019) [2020] ZASCA 15 (24 March 2020)
3 citations
149. |
Bobroff and Another v National Director of Public Prosecutions (194/20) [2021] ZASCA 56 (3 May 2021)
3 citations
150. |
Canton Trading 17 (Pty) Ltd t/a Cube Architects v Fanti Bekker Hattingh NO (479/2020) [2021] ZASCA 163 (1 December 2021)
3 citations
151. |
City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality v Tshepo Gugu Trading CC and Another (1054 of 2022) [2024] ZASCA 81 (28 May 2024)
3 citations
152. |
Commissioner for South African Revenue Service and Others v Dragon Freight (Pty) Ltd and Others (751 of 2021) [2022] ZASCA 84 (7 June 2022)
3 citations
153. |
Dhlamini v Schumann, Van den Heever & Slabbert Inc and Others (505/2021) [2023] ZASCA 79 (29 May 2023)
3 citations
154. |
Gent and Another v Du Plessis (1029/2019) [2020] ZASCA 184 (24 December 2020)
3 citations
155. |
Gongqose and Others v Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Others, Gongqose and S (1340 of 2016; 287 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 87 (1 June 2018)
3 citations
156. |
Griessel N.O. and Others v De Kock and Another (334/18) [2019] ZASCA 95 (16 June 2019)
3 citations
157. |
HMI Healthcare Corporation (Pty) Limited v Medshield Medical Scheme and Others (1213 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 160 (24 November 2017)
3 citations
158. |
Helen Suzman Foundation v Speaker of National Assembly and Others (484/2021) [2023] ZASCA 6 (3 February 2023)
3 citations
159. |
Hendricks v Hendricks and Others (20519/2014) [2015] ZASCA 165 (25 November 2015)
3 citations
160. |
Hirt & Carter (Pty) Ltd v IT Arntsen NO and Others (277/2020) [2021] ZASCA 85 (18 June 2021)
3 citations
161. |
Ingenuity Property Investments (Pty) Ltd v Ignite Fitness (Pty) Ltd (9845/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 125 (15 August 2023)
3 citations
162. |
Kransfontein Beleggings (Pty) Ltd v Corlink Twenty Five (Pty) Ltd and Others (624 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 131 (29 September 2017)
3 citations
163. |
MEC for Department of Public Works, Eastern Cape and Another v Ikamva Architects CC (544/2021) [2022] ZASCA 184 (20 December 2022)
3 citations
164. |
Madibeng Local Municipality v DDP Valuers and Another (1284/2017) [2020] ZASCA 70 (18 June 2020)
3 citations
165. |
Manyike v S (527 of 2017) [2017] ZASCA 96 (15 June 2017)
3 citations
166. |
Mdluli v S (20513/2014) [2015] ZASCA 178 (27 November 2015)
3 citations
167. |
Nedbank Limited and Another v Survé and Others (160/23) [2023] ZASCA 178 (18 December 2023)
3 citations
168. |
Ntlanyeni v S (15/2012) [2016] ZASCA 3 (25 February 2016)
3 citations
169. |
Pangarker v Botha (446/2013) [2014] ZASCA 78 (29 May 2014)
3 citations
170. |
Premier for Province of Gauteng and Others v Democratic Alliance and Others (394/2020) [2020] ZASCA 136 (27 October 2020)
3 citations
171. |
Premier of Eastern Cape and Others v Ntamo and Others (169/2014) [2015] ZAECBHC 14 (18 August 2015)
3 citations
172. |
President of Republic of South Africa v Democratic Alliance and Others (664 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 79 (31 May 2018)
3 citations
173. |
Road Accident Fund and Others v Mabunda Incorporated and Others ; Minister of Transport v Road Accident Fund and Others (1082/2020; 1147/2020) [2022] ZASCA 169 (1 December 2022)
3 citations
174. |
Road Accident Fund v Faria (567/2013) [2014] ZASCA 65 (19 May 2014)
3 citations
175. |
S v Windvogel (20091/2014) [2015] ZASCA 63 (8 May 2015)
3 citations
176. |
Sekoko Mametja Incorporated Attorneys v Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality (60 of 2021) [2022] ZASCA 28 (18 March 2022)
3 citations
177. |
University of Free State v Afriforum and Another (1027 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 32 (28 March 2017)
3 citations
178. |
Wingate-Pearse v Commissioner of the South African Revenue Service (830 of 2015) [2016] ZASCA 109 (1 September 2016)
3 citations
179. |
Zuma v Downer and Another (788/2023) [2023] ZASCA 132 (13 October 2023)
3 citations
180. |
BP Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service (801/2022) [2024] ZASCA 2 (12 January 2024)
2 citations
181. |
Bilankulu and Another v S (188/2020) [2020] ZASCA 114 (29 September 2020)
2 citations
182. |
Carneiro v S (1040 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 154 (24 November 2017)
2 citations
183. |
City of Cape Town v Carelse and Others (296/2019) [2020] ZASCA 117 (1 October 2020)
2 citations
184. |
City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality v Vresthena (Pty) Ltd and Others (1124/2022) [2023] ZASCA 104 (22 June 2023)
2 citations
185. |
Compcare Wellness Medical Scheme v Registrar of Medical Schemes and Others (267/2020) [2020] ZASCA 91 (17 August 2020)
2 citations
186. |
Cyril and Another v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service (186/2023) [2024] ZASCA 32 (28 March 2024)
2 citations
187. |
Director of Public Prosecutions, Gauteng v Mphaphama (20450/2014) [2016] ZASCA 8 (3 March 2016)
2 citations
188. |
Director of Public Prosecutions, Gauteng v Pistorius (950 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 158 (24 November 2017)
2 citations
189. |
Director of Public Prosecutions: Gauteng Division, Pretoria v Pooe (348/2019) [2021] ZASCA 55 (30 April 2021)
2 citations
190. |
Director-General of the Department of Home Affairs and Others v De Saude Attorneys and Another (1211/2017) [2019] ZASCA 46 (29 March 2019)
2 citations
191. |
E B v E R and Others; K G v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (CCT 158/22; CCT 364/21) [2023] ZACC 32 (10 October 2023)
2 citations
192. |
Engen Petroleum Limited v Flotank Transport (Pty) Ltd (876 of 2020) [2022] ZASCA 98 (21 June 2022)
2 citations
193. |
Essop v S (31 of 2016) [2016] ZASCA 114 (12 September 2016)
2 citations
194. |
Essop v S (432/2020) [2021] ZASCA 66 (1 June 2021)
2 citations
195. |
Ex Parte: Goosen and Others (2137/19) [2019] ZAGPJHC 154 (17 May 2019)
2 citations
196. |
Ex parte: Montshiwa (672/2021) [2023] ZASCA 19 (3 March 2023)
2 citations
197. |
Exxaro Coal Mpumalanga (Pty) Ltd v TDS PRojects Construction and Newrak Mining JV (Pty) Ltd and Another (169 of 2021) [2022] ZASCA 76 (27 May 2022)
2 citations
198. |
Former Way Trade & Invest (Pty) Ltd v Bright Idea Projects 66 (Pty) Ltd (1341/2018) [2020] ZASCA 118 (1 October 2020)
2 citations
199. |
Fraai Uitzicht 1798 Farm (Pty) Ltd v McCullough and Others (118/2019) [2020] ZASCA 60 (5 June 2020)
2 citations
200. |
Gwababa v S (1290 of 2016) [2016] ZASCA 200 (7 December 2016)
2 citations
201. |
H K N.O. and Another v AD Hoc Central Authority for Republic of South Africa and Another (188 of 2021) [2022] ZASCA 60 (26 April 2022)
2 citations
202. |
IGS Consulting Engineers & Another v Transnet Soc Limited (198 of 2020) [2022] ZASCA 63 (29 April 2022)
2 citations
203. |
Illovo Opportunities Partnership #61 v Illovo Junction Properties (Pty) Ltd and Another (490/2013) [2014] ZASCA 119 (19 September 2014)
2 citations
204. |
Jai Hind EMCC cc t/a v Engen Pretroleum Ltd; In Re: Engen Pretroleum Ltd v Jai Hind EMCC cc t/a Emmerentia Convenience Centre (11752/2020; A 5030/2022) [2022] ZAGPJHC 469 (27 July 2022)
2 citations
205. |
KMSA v Moss and Another (24939/15) [2018] ZAGPPHC 676 (23 March 2018)
2 citations
206. |
M M v L M ; In re: L M v M M (A5008/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 860 (25 August 2023)
2 citations
207. |
Mabotwane Security Services CC v Pikitup Soc (Pty) Ltd & Others (1027/2018) [2019] ZASCA 164 (29 November 2019)
2 citations
208. |
Macingwane v Masekwameng and Others (626/2021) [2022] ZASCA 174 (7 December 2022)
2 citations
209. |
Mahlangu and Another v Mahlangu and Others (341 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 81 (2 June 2017)
2 citations
210. |
Mananga and Others v Minister of Police (324/2020) [2021] ZASCA 71 (4 June 2021)
2 citations
211. |
Mashamaite and Others v Mogalakwena Local Municipality and Others, Member of the executive Council for Coghsta, Limpopo and Another v Kekana and Others (523 of 2016; 548 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 43 (30 March 2017)
2 citations
212. |
Member of Executive Council for Health and Social Development of Gauteng Provincial Government v Motubatse and Another (182/2021) [2023] ZASCA 162 (30 November 2023)
2 citations
213. |
Mercedes Benz Financial Services SA (Pty) Ltd v Mojela and Another; First Rand Bank Ltd t/a WesBank v Phiri and Others; Toyota Financial Services SA (Pty) Ltd v Matsheni and Another; CVI Shackleton (Pty) Ltd v Mynhardt; BMW Financial Services v Jozana and Others; Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd v Botha and Others; Nedbank Ltd t/a MFC v Xaba and Another; Velocity Finance (RF) Ltd v Qulu (009154/23; 037146/23; 13725/23; 1689/22; 17344/23; 18082/2022; 2278/2022; 30772/21; 355224/23; 35837/23; 37455/23; 37469/23; 38400/23; 47042/21; 49733/23; 5059/2023; 55621/21; 63147/23) [2024] ZAGPPHC 446 (2 May 2024)
2 citations
214. |
Minister: Western Cape Department of Social Development v B E and Another (379/2019) [2020] ZASCA 103 (16 September 2020)
2 citations
215. |
Mntambo v S (478/2020) [2021] ZASCA 17 (11 March 2021)
2 citations
216. |
Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service (855/2021) [2022] ZASCA 142 (24 October 2022)
2 citations
217. |
Moeketsi and Another v S (A 8/2015) [2018] ZAGPPHC 656 (3 March 2018)
2 citations
218. |
Molosi and Others v Phahlo Royal Family and Others (CA 7 of 2021) [2022] ZAECMHC 4 (6 May 2022)
2 citations
219. |
Moto Health Care Medical Scheme v HMI Healthcare Corporation (Pty) Ltd and Others (341/18) [2019] ZASCA 87 (31 May 2019)
2 citations
220. |
Mulala v S (74/2014) [2014] ZASCA 103 (29 August 2014)
2 citations
221. |
Muldersdrift Sustainable Development Forum v Council of Mogale City (20424/2014) [2015] ZASCA 118 (11 September 2015)
2 citations
222. |
MultiChoice Support Services (Pty) Ltd v Calvin Electronics t/a Batavia Trading and Another (226/2021; 296/2020) [2021] ZASCA 143 (8 October 2021)
2 citations
223. |
Municipality of Thabazimbi v Badenhorst (66933/2011) [2024] ZAGPPHC 212 (26 February 2024)
2 citations
224. |
N S v J N (506/2021) [2022] ZASCA 122 (19 September 2022)
2 citations
225. |
NW Civil Contractors CC v Anton Ramaano Inc and Another (1024/2018; 1076/2018) [2019] ZASCA 143 (14 October 2019)
2 citations
226. |
Nkomo v S (979/2013) [2014] ZASCA 186 (26 November 2014)
2 citations
227. |
Nong and Another v S (787/2021) [2024] ZASCA 25 (20 March 2024)
2 citations
228. |
Ntuli v S (1025/2022) [2023] ZASCA 150 (10 November 2023)
2 citations
229. |
Off-Beat Holiday Club and Another v Sanbonani Holiday Spa Share Block Limited and Others (20231/2014) [2016] ZASCA 62 (25 April 2016)
2 citations
230. |
Parry v Dunn-Blatch and Others (394/2022) [2024] ZASCA 19 (28 February 2024)
2 citations
231. |
RTS Industries and Others v Technical Systems (Pty) Ltd and Another (145 of 2021) [2022] ZASCA 64 (5 May 2022)
2 citations
232. |
Radzilane v S (127/2015) [2016] ZASCA 64 (16 May 2016)
2 citations
233. |
Rajah and Another v Balduzzi (76 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 57 (16 May 2018)
2 citations
234. |
Refugee Appeal Board of South Africa and Others v Mukungubila (185 of 2018) [2018] ZASCA 191 (19 December 2018)
2 citations
235. |
Rugnanan v S (259/2018) [2020] ZASCA 166 (10 December 2020)
2 citations
236. |
S v Malele ; S v Ngobeni and Others (724 of 2016) [2016] ZASCA 115 (13 September 2016)
2 citations
237. |
S v Moyo (848 of 2018) [2018] ZASCA 157 (23 November 2018)
2 citations
238. |
S v Mpuqe (37 of 2021) [2022] ZASCA 37 (4 April 2022)
2 citations
239. |
S v Naidoo (333/2018) [2019] ZASCA 52 (1 April 2019)
2 citations
240. |
S v Ntuli (457 of 2018) [2018] ZASCA 164 (29 November 2018)
2 citations
241. |
S v Rohde (1007/2019) [2019] ZASCA 193 (18 December 2019)
2 citations
242. |
S v Steward (CA&R 83/15) [2016] ZANCHC 1 (9 September 2016)
2 citations
243. |
Saamwerk Southwerke (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Mineral Resources and Another (1098 of 2015; 206 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 56 (19 May 2017)
2 citations
244. |
Stow v Regional Magistrate, Port Elizabeth NO and Others; Meyer v Cooney NO and Others (47 of 2018; 911 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 186 (12 December 2018)
2 citations
245. |
Strohmenger v Victor and Another (1133 of 2020) [2022] ZASCA 45 (8 April 2022)
2 citations
246. |
Syce and Another v Minister of Police (1119/2022) [2024] ZASCA 30 (27 March 2024)
2 citations
247. |
TMT Services & Supplies (Pty) Ltd t/a Traffic Management Technologies v MEC: Department of Transport, Province of KwaZulu-Natal and Others (1059 of 2020) [2022] ZASCA 27 (15 March 2022)
2 citations
248. |
Tadvest Industrial (Pty) Ltd formerly known as Old Abland (Pty) Ltd v Hanekom and Others ; Tadvest Industrial (Pty) Ltd formerly known as Old Abland (Pty) Ltd v Jacobs and Others (83/2018) [2019] ZASCA 19 (25 March 2019)
2 citations
249. |
Toyota SA Motors (Pty) Ltd v CCMA and Others [2015] ZACC 40 (15 December 2015)
2 citations
250. |
Van Huyssteen and Others v Pepkor Speciality (Pty) Ltd and Another (334/2019) [2020] ZASCA 78 (30 June 2020)
2 citations
251. |
Wild v Legal Practice Council and Others (31130/2019) [2023] ZAGPPHC 521 (19 May 2023)
2 citations
252. |
Zulu v S (226 of 2016) [2016] ZASCA 207 (21 December 2016)
2 citations
253. |
68 Melville Road Properties (Pty) Ltd v Agile Capital Holdings (Pty) Ltd and 9 Other Cases (27205/20; 27208/20; 27208/20; 27209/20; 27210/20; 27211/20; 27213/20; 27214/20; 27215/20; 3024/21) [2022] ZAGPJHC 470 (21 July 2022)
1 citation
254. |
ADCORP Fulfilment Services (Pty) Ltd v Prodigy Human Capital Architects (Pty) Ltd; In Re: Prodigy Human Capital Architects (Pty) Ltd v CCI SA (Umhlanga) (Pty) Ltd and Others (2018/17932) [2023] ZAGPJHC 579 (26 May 2023)
1 citation
255. |
Absa Bank Limited v Lekhethoa (33086/2019) [2023] ZAGPJHC 869 (28 August 2023)
1 citation
256. |
Afgri Grain Marketing (Pty) Ltd v Trustees for the time being of Copenship Bulkers A/S (in liquidation) and Others (797/2018) [2019] ZASCA 104 (23 August 2019)
1 citation
257. |
Afriforum NPC v Minister of Tourism and Others ; Solidarity Trade Union v Minister of Small Business Development and Others (498/2020) [2021] ZASCA 121 (22 September 2021)
1 citation
258. |
Air Chefs Soc Limited v Public Protector of the Republic of South Africa and Others (Leave to Appeal) (31083/2020) [2024] ZAGPJHC 61 (29 February 2024)
1 citation
259. |
Appolus and Others v Naledi Local Municipality and Others (UM199/23) [2024] ZANWHC 131 (27 May 2024)
1 citation
260. |
Association of Meat Importers and Exporters v International Trade Administration Commission and Others (9233/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 94 (31 January 2024)
1 citation
261. |
Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union and Another v Competition Tribunal of South Africa and Others (169/CAC/Dec18) [2019] ZACAC 5 (17 May 2019)
1 citation
262. |
August v S (962/2022) [2023] ZASCA 170 (4 December 2023)
1 citation
263. |
Barnard NO and Another v National Consumer Tribunal and Another (940/2021) [2023] ZASCA 121 (18 September 2023)
1 citation
264. |
Bayport Securitisation RF Ltd v Sakata (1320/17) [2019] ZASCA 73 (30 May 2019)
1 citation
265. |
Bester NNO and Others v Mirror Trading International (Pty) Ltd and Others (15426/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 38 (26 April 2023)
1 citation
266. |
Bisschoff and Others v Welbeplan Boerdery (Pty) Ltd (815/2016) [2021] ZASCA 81 (15 June 2021)
1 citation
267. |
C W v G T (867/2021) [2023] ZASCA 23 (13 March 2023)
1 citation
268. |
CSARS v Capstone 556 (Pty) Ltd (20844/2014) [2016] ZASCA 2 (9 February 2016)
1 citation
269. |
Caledon River Properties (Pty) Ltd t/a Magwa Construction Profteam CC v Special Investigating Unit and Another (GP17/2020) [2022] ZAST 40 (7 September 2022)
1 citation
270. |
Centre for Child Law and Others v Media 24 Limited and Others (871 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 140 (28 September 2018)
1 citation
271. |
Chairperson of Municipal Appeals Tribunal City of Tshwane and Others v Brooklyn and Eastern Areas Citizens Association (1239/2017) [2019] ZASCA 34 (28 February 2019)
1 citation
272. |
City of Cape Town v Khaya Projects (Pty) Ltd and Others (158/2015) [2016] ZASCA 107 (26 July 2016)
1 citation
273. |
City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality v Mitchell (38/2015) [2016] ZASCA 1 (29 January 2016)
1 citation
274. |
Communicare NPC v Burgins and Others (14664/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 62 (24 May 2023)
1 citation
275. |
Coogal Finance (Pty) Ltd and Another v Sumeil (Pty) Ltd and Another (3642/2020) [2022] ZAFSHC 31 (17 May 2022)
1 citation
276. |
Crystal Ball Properties 65 (Pty) Ltd and Others v Landsmeer Home Owners Association NPC and Another (46115/2021) [2024] ZAGPPHC 277 (26 March 2024)
1 citation
277. |
DPP, Pretoria v Zulu (1192/2018) [2021] ZASCA 174 (10 December 2021)
1 citation
278. |
De Villiers v S and Another (20732/2014) [2016] ZASCA 38 (24 March 2016)
1 citation
279. |
Director of Public Prosecutions, Limpopo v Mokgotho (68 of 2017) [2017] ZASCA 159 (24 November 2017)
1 citation
280. |
Director of Public Prosecutions: Gauteng Division, Pretoria v Buthelezi (142/18) [2019] ZASCA 170 (29 November 2019)
1 citation
281. |
Director-General for the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform and Another v Mwelase and Others; Mwelase and Others v Director-General for the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform and Another (306 of 2017; 314 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 105 (17 August 2018)
1 citation
282. |
Douglasdale Diary (Pty) Ltd and Others v Bragge and Another (731 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 68 (25 May 2018)
1 citation
283. |
Erasmus v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (9706/21) [2023] ZAWCHC 127 (18 August 2023)
1 citation
284. |
Eskom Pension and Provident Fund v Molefe and Others (93895/2019) [2022] ZAGPPHC 612 (12 October 2022)
1 citation
285. |
Freidrich and Others v Smit NO and Others (1028 of 2015) [2017] ZASCA 19 (23 March 2017)
1 citation
286. |
Gold Circle (Pty) Ltd v Maharaj (1313/17) [2019] ZASCA 93 (3 June 2019)
1 citation
287. |
Grifhs v S (433/2020) [2021] ZASCA 112 (1 September 2021)
1 citation
288. |
Haigh v Road Accident Fund (25947/2016) [2022] ZAGPPHC 927 (29 June 2022)
1 citation
289. |
Hattingh v S (20099/2014) [2015] ZASCA 84 (28 May 2015)
1 citation
290. |
Hohl NO and Others v Dalcos and Others (38224/2020) [2022] ZAGPJHC 49 (11 February 2022)
1 citation
291. |
Hough v Sisilana and Others (1121 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 4 (2 February 2018)
1 citation
292. |
Hughes v Gargassoulas v Others (1030/2022) [2024] ZASCA 46 (12 April 2024)
1 citation
293. |
Integrity Forensic Solutions CC v Amajuba District Municipality (662/2022) [2023] ZASCA 124 (28 September 2023)
1 citation
294. |
J J V W v N V W (Reasons) (2019/26732) [2023] ZAGPJHC 188 (16 March 2023)
1 citation
295. |
Jeanru Konstruksie (Pty) Ltd v Botes (A304/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 641 (30 May 2023)
1 citation
296. |
K L v A L (356/2023) [2024] ZASCA 96 (13 June 2024)
1 citation
297. |
Khobane v S (887 of 2015) [2016] ZASCA 124 (26 September 2016)
1 citation
298. |
L G v J G (32377/2012) [2023] ZAGPJHC 450 (28 April 2023)
1 citation
299. |
L v Ad Hoc Central Authority for Republic of South Africa and Others (1143/2021) [2021] ZASCA 107 (3 August 2021)
1 citation
300. |
Lepelle Industrial and Mining Supplies CC v Streaks Ahead Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others (429/2019) [2020] ZASCA 133 (20 October 2020)
1 citation
301. |
Levi and Another v Bankitny and Another (2611/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 84 (13 June 2023)
1 citation
302. |
Leysath v Legal Practitioners' Fidelity Fund Board of Control (770 of 2021) [2022] ZASCA 115 (28 July 2022)
1 citation
303. |
Liberty Group Ltd v Moosa (126/2021) [2023] ZASCA 52 (14 April 2023)
1 citation
304. |
Lourens v Premier of Free State Province and Another (566 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 60 (25 May 2017)
1 citation
305. |
Lungisa v S (696/2019) [2020] ZASCA 99 (9 September 2020)
1 citation
306. |
Luphondo v S (SS026/2014) [2022] ZAGPJHC 631 (9 September 2022)
1 citation
307. |
MEC for Department of Public Works and Others v Ikamva Architects CC and Others (867/2022) [2024] ZASCA 95 (13 June 2024)
1 citation
308. |
MEC: Police, Roads and Transport Free State Provincial Government v Bovicon Consulting Engineers CC and Another (278/2022) [2023] ZASCA 99 (14 June 2023)
1 citation
309. |
Magubane and Another v Twin City Developers (Pty) Ltd and Others (981 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 65 (30 May 2017)
1 citation
310. |
Malawu v MEC for Cooperative Governance & Traditional Affairs and Another (CA&R 118/2021) [2022] ZAECGHC 13 (31 May 2022)
1 citation
311. |
Malele and Others v S (723 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 173 (1 December 2017)
1 citation
312. |
Mapholisa N.O. v Phetoe N.O. and Others (163/2021) [2022] ZASCA 168 (30 November 2022)
1 citation
313. |
Maringa and Another v S (20116/2014) [2015] ZASCA 28 (23 March 2015)
1 citation
314. |
Masako v Masako and Another (724/2020) [2021] ZASCA 168 (3 December 2021)
1 citation
315. |
Masinga and Others v Chief of South African National Defence Force and Others (51 of 2021) [2022] ZASCA 1 (5 January 2022)
1 citation
316. |
Matamela v Mulaudzi (475 of 2021) [2022] ZASCA 71 (23 May 2022)
1 citation
317. |
Mathekola v S (487 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 100 (21 August 2017)
1 citation
318. |
Matsi and Another v South African Legal Practice Council (GP) ; In Re: South African Legal Practice Council (GP) v Matsi and Another (078312/2023) [2024] ZAGPPHC 119 (12 February 2024)
1 citation
319. |
Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy and Others v Sustaining the Wild Coast NPC and Others (351/2023; 58/2023; 71/2023) [2024] ZASCA 84 (3 June 2024)
1 citation
320. |
Minister of Police and Another v Miya (29972/2019) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1026 (11 November 2022)
1 citation
321. |
Mncwengi and others v S (395/2018) [2019] ZASCA 135 (1 October 2019)
1 citation
322. |
Mndebele v S (173/2015) [2016] ZASCA 7 (3 March 2016)
1 citation
323. |
Moloto v Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (1176/2019) [2023] ZASCA 140 (27 October 2023)
1 citation
324. |
Monama NO v Monama and Sons Electrical Contractors CC and Another (58613/2021) [2024] ZAGPPHC 289 (19 March 2024)
1 citation
325. |
Montanari v Montanari (1086/2018) [2020] ZASCA 48 (5 May 2020)
1 citation
326. |
Moodliyar and Bedhesi Attorneys v Y M and Another (11188/15) [2023] ZAGPJHC 82 (6 February 2023)
1 citation
327. |
Mostert v Nedbank Limited (5709/2011) [2014] ZAKZPHC 20 (31 March 2014)
1 citation
328. |
Mothabeng v Mothabeng (1275/2021) [2022] ZAFSHC 97 (26 July 2022)
1 citation
329. |
Motsoeneng v South African Broadcasting Corporation Soc Ltd and Others (64/2023) [2024] ZASCA 80 (27 May 2024)
1 citation
330. |
Msagala and Others v Special Investigating Unit (GP03/2020) [2021] ZAST 7 (25 May 2021)
1 citation
331. |
Mulaudzi v Minister of Human Settlements and Others (Reasons) (12774/22) [2022] ZAGPJHC 617 (22 April 2022)
1 citation
332. |
Mulaudzi v Minister of Human Settlements and Others (Reasons) (22/12774) [2022] ZAGPJHC 17 (22 April 2022)
1 citation
333. |
Murwira v Chidzewere (A3001/2023) [2024] ZAGPJHC 102 (23 January 2024)
1 citation
334. |
NBC Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Akani Retirement Fund Administrators (Pty) Ltd (299/2020) [2021] ZASCA 136 (6 October 2021)
1 citation
335. |
NDPP v Sharma and Others (2427/2021) [2022] ZAFSHC 35 (16 May 2022)
1 citation
336. |
National Director of Public Prosecutions v Mdhlovu (194/2023) [2024] ZASCA 85 (3 June 2024)
1 citation
337. |
Nederburg Wines (Pty) Ltd v Nero and Others (1084 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 119 (20 September 2018)
1 citation
338. |
Nndwambi v S (168 of 2018) [2018] ZASCA 99 (14 June 2018)
1 citation
339. |
Nu-World Industries (Pty) Ltd v Strix Ltd (1349/2018) [2020] ZASCA 28 (26 March 2020)
1 citation
340. |
Olivier v Mbanga NO and Others (031295/2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 299 (26 January 2023)
1 citation
341. |
Oosthuizen and Another v S (180/2018) [2020] ZASCA 1 (21 January 2020)
1 citation
342. |
Orthotouch (Pty) Ltd v Delta Property Fund Limited (42987/19) [2021] ZAGPJHC 480 (19 July 2021)
1 citation
343. |
P L v R L (2022/016375) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1331 (10 November 2023)
1 citation
344. |
PIC Soc Ltd and Another v Trencon Construction (Pty) Ltd and Another (365/2022) [2023] ZASCA 88 (8 June 2023)
1 citation
345. |
Park 2000 Development 11 (Pty) Ltd v Mouton and Others (684/2020) [2021] ZASCA 140 (6 October 2021)
1 citation
346. |
Pasiya and Others v Lithemba Mining (Pty) Ltd and Others (206/2022; 264/2022) [2023] ZASCA 169 (1 December 2023)
1 citation
347. |
Patel v National Director of Public Prosecutions: Johannesburg (838 of 2015) [2016] ZASCA 191 (1 December 2016)
1 citation
348. |
Phaladi v Lamara and Another; Moshesha v Lamara and Others [2018] ZAWCHC 1 (12 January 2018)
1 citation
349. |
Polokwane Local and Long Distance Taxi Association v Limpopo Permissions Board and Others (490 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 44 (30 March 2017)
1 citation
350. |
Polokwane Municipality v Double Four Properties and Another; Broadlands Home Owners Association NPC v Double Four Properties and Another (879/2022; 913/2022) [2023] ZASCA 158 (23 November 2023)
1 citation
351. |
Price and Another v Kaplan N.N.O. and Others (44937/2019) [2023] ZAGPPHC 686 (15 June 2023)
1 citation
352. |
Queen Sibongile Winnifred Zulu v Queen Buhle Mathe and Others (1062/2022) [2024] ZASCA 22 (8 March 2024)
1 citation
353. |
Rightplay Business Rehabilitation (Pty) Ltd v Transnet SOC Ltd (000183/2024) [2024] ZAGPPHC 207 (28 February 2024)
1 citation
354. |
Road Accident Fund v Mbele (555/2019) [2020] ZASCA 72 (22 June 2020)
1 citation
355. |
Road Accident Fund v Zilwa Attorneys Incorporated and Others (4112/2023) [2024] ZAECMHC 13 (27 March 2024)
1 citation
356. |
Roux v University of Stellenbosh N.N.O. and Others; University of Stellenbosch v Roux and Another (11368/15; 6577/22) [2023] ZAWCHC 152 (13 October 2023)
1 citation
357. |
Rustenburg Local Municipality v Layer3 Telecom (Pty) Ltd ; In re: Layer3 Telecom (Pty) Ltd v Rustenburg Local Municipality (CIV APP FB 19/2022) [2024] ZANWHC 106 (15 April 2024)
1 citation
358. |
S v Jantjies (532/2022) [2024] ZASCA 3 (15 January 2024)
1 citation
359. |
S v Khomo and Others (R33/2023(B)) [2023] ZAFSHC 195 (3 October 2023)
1 citation
360. |
S v Maleka (5) (1209 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 114 (18 September 2018)
1 citation
361. |
S v N S (20642/2014) [2015] ZASCA 139 (30 September 2015)
1 citation
362. |
S v Viljoen (663/2018) [2019] ZASCA 22 (27 March 2019)
1 citation
363. |
S v Zuma and Another (Ruling and Reasons [for Recusal]) (CCD 30/2018P) [2023] ZAKZPHC 8 (30 January 2023)
1 citation
364. |
SAP SE v Systems Applications Consultants (Pty) Ltd t/a Securinfo and Another (376/2022) [2024] ZASCA 26 (20 March 2024)
1 citation
365. |
Samancor Chrome Limited v Bila Civil Contractors (Pty) Ltd (810/21) [2022] ZASCA 163 (28 November 2022)
1 citation
366. |
Samancor Chrome Limited v Bila Civil Contractors (Pty) Ltd and Others (159/21) [2022] ZASCA 154 (7 November 2022)
1 citation
367. |
Sandvliet Boerdery (Pty) Ltd v Maria Mampies and Another (107/2018) [2019] ZASCA 100 (8 July 2019)
1 citation
368. |
Savoi and Others v National Prosecuting Authority and Another (CCT 146/22) [2023] ZACC 38 (28 November 2023)
1 citation
369. |
School Governing Body Grey College, Bloemfontein v Scheepers and Another (506/2019) [2020] ZASCA 82 (3 July 2020)
1 citation
370. |
Smith v Legal Practitioners Fidelity Fund Board (26539/2016) [2023] ZAGPPHC 595 (24 May 2023)
1 citation
371. |
Snowy Owl Properties 284 (Pty) Ltd v Mziki Share Block Limited (886/2021) [2023] ZASCA 2 (19 January 2023)
1 citation
372. |
Spagni v Acting Director of Public Prosecutions, Western Cape and Others (455/22) [2023] ZASCA 24 (13 March 2023)
1 citation
373. |
Special Investigating Unit and Another v LNG (Pty) Ltd (GP03/2022) [2024] ZAST 1 (7 February 2024)
1 citation
374. |
Special Investigating Unit and Another v LNG Scientific (Pty) Ltd (GP03/2022) [2023] ZAST 4 (3 February 2023)
1 citation
375. |
Special Investigating Unit and Another v Ndlovu and Others (Reasons for Order) (GP19/2021) [2023] ZAST 2 (31 January 2023)
1 citation
376. |
Standard Bank of South Africa Limited v Friedman (21244/2023) [2024] ZAWCHC 25 (20 February 2024)
1 citation
377. |
Stow v Regional Magistrate, PE NO and Others, Meyer v Cooney NO and Others (2320/2013; 3986/2009) [2017] ZAECGHC 12 (9 February 2017)
1 citation
378. |
Swart v Heine and Others (192/2015) [2016] ZASCA 16 (14 March 2016)
1 citation
379. |
Systems Applications Consultants (Pty) Ltd t/a Securinfo v Systems Applications Products AG and Others (1371/2018) [2020] ZASCA 81 (2 July 2020)
1 citation
380. |
Tasima v RTMC and Others (890/2017) [2019] ZALCJHB 27 (19 February 2019)
1 citation
381. |
Theodosiou and Others v Schindlers Attorneys and Others (14038/21) [2022] ZAGPJHC 231 (21 April 2022)
1 citation
382. |
Tiry and Others v S (149/2018; 52/2018) [2020] ZASCA 137 (29 October 2020)
1 citation
383. |
Tyte Security Services CC v Western Cape Provincial Government and Others (479/2024) [2024] ZASCA 88 (7 June 2024)
1 citation
384. |
Unica Iron and Steel (Pty) Ltd and Another v Minister of Trade and Industry and Another (1332/2021) [2023] ZASCA 42 (31 March 2023)
1 citation
385. |
Vantage Goldfields SA (Pty) Ltd and Others v Arqomanzi (Pty) Ltd (1272/2021; 1302/2021) [2022] ZASCA 185 (22 December 2022)
1 citation
386. |
Visser v 1 Life Direct Insurance Limited (1005/2013) [2014] ZASCA 193 (28 November 2014)
1 citation
387. |
Ward and Others v Key Lettings (Pty) Ltd ; In re: Key Lettings (Pty) Ltd v Ward and Others (Leave to Appeal) (2022/3751) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1336 (14 November 2023)
1 citation
388. |
Witzenberg Municipality v Bridgman NO and Others (685/2018) [2019] ZASCA 186 (3 December 2019)
1 citation
389. |
Z I O v J S O (14941/2022) [2022] ZAGPJHC 779 (18 October 2022)
1 citation
390. |
Zulu v S (1285/2017) [2019] ZASCA 189 (11 December 2019)
1 citation
391. |
266 Bree Street Johannesburg (Pty) Ltd and Others v TUHF Limited (11987/2020) [2023] ZAGPJHC 613 (1 June 2023)
392. |
3030 Motorbike School CC v Gauteng Department of Community Safety and Another (17608/2015) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1497 (1 December 2023)
393. |
31 Koch Street Joubert Park CC v City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and Another (Reasons) (045154/2023) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1470 (7 December 2023)
394. |
68 Wolmarans Street Johannesburg and Others v Tufh Limited; In re: Tufh Limited v 68 Wolmarans Street Johannesburg (1263/2022) [2024] ZASCA 48 (15 April 2024)
395. |
A M v Transnet SOC Ltd (99978/2015) [2024] ZAGPPHC 739 (31 July 2024)
396. |
A S obo C S v MEC for Health Gauteng (13531/2018) [2023] ZAGPPHC 178 (7 March 2023)
397. |
A V NO v Y V (39813/2019) [2021] ZAGPJHC 492 (1 July 2021)
398. |
ABB South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Another v Leago Epc (Pty) Ltd (22278/19) [2022] ZAGPJHC 333 (13 April 2022)
399. |
AFHCO Holdings (Pty) Ltd v City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and Others (2021/58758) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1534 (28 February 2024)
400. |
Absa Bank Limited v Parker and Another (05002/2020) [2023] ZAGPJHC 326 (17 April 2023)
401. |
Absa Bank Ltd v Mahlaba and Others (3321/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1210 (24 November 2022)
402. |
Absa Bank Ltd v Phiri NNO and Others (3881/2022) [2022] ZAFSHC 173 (28 October 2022)
403. |
Acdc Dynamics (Pty) Ltd v Shrinik Retailing (Pty) Ltd t/a Acdc and Another (21595/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1198 (19 October 2023)
404. |
Ackerman v Amaning and Another (EQ3-2023) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1751 (6 June 2024)
405. |
Acting Municipal Manager of Metsimaholo Local Municipality and Others v Democratic Alliance (6192/2023) [2024] ZAFSHC 25 (15 February 2024)
406. |
Adv Haupt ; In Re: C W and Another v Potgieter and Others (88660/2019) [2024] ZAGPPHC 304 (14 March 2024)
407. |
Advocate Sayed NO v Road Accident Fund (19835 /2021) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1724 (14 May 2024)
408. |
Africa's Best Foods (Pty) Ltd v CISA Specialita Alimentari S R L ; In Re: CISA Specialita Alimentari S R L v Africa's Best Foods (Pty) Ltd ; In Re: Africa's Best Foods (Pty) Ltd v CISA Specialita Alimentari S R L (Leave to Appeal) (2021/26828; 2021/39683; 2022/7504) [2023] ZAGPJHC 152 (21 February 2023)
409. |
African Climante Alliance and Others v Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy and Others (56907/21) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1081 (9 December 2022)
410. |
African National Congress v Ezulweni Investments (Pty) Ltd (979/2022) [2023] ZASCA 159 (24 November 2023)
411. |
African National Congress v uMkhonto weSizwe Party and Another (D153/2024) [2024] ZAKZDHC 14 (22 April 2024)
412. |
African Paper Products (Pty) Ltd and Another v Director of Public Procecutions :Eastern Cape and Another (250/2020) [2022] ZAECGHC 75 (21 October 2022)
413. |
African Paper Products (Pty) Ltd and Another v Director of Public Prosecutions Eastern Cape and Another (250/2020) [2022] ZAECPEHC 44 (31 October 2022)
414. |
African Paper Products (Pty) Ltd and Another v Director of Public Prosecutions Eastern Cape and Another (250/2020) [2023] ZAECGHC 20 (9 March 2023)
415. |
Africa’s Best Foods (Pty) Ltd v Transpaco Packaging (Pty) Ltd (A3040/2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 474 (15 May 2023)
416. |
Africor Auctioneers (Pty) Ltd v Blue Dot Properties 1875 CC v Allschwang NO (6436/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 823 (22 August 2024)
417. |
Afriforum v Economic Freedom Fighters and Others (EQ 04/2020) [2022] ZAGPJHC 746 (4 October 2022)
418. |
Age in Action: North West v MEC for Social Development, North West and Another (Leave to Appeal) (UM181/2022) [2023] ZANWHC 634 (9 November 2023)
419. |
Alfred Nzo District Municipality v Sokhani Development and Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd (Leave to Appeal) (1254/2024) [2024] ZAECGHC 64 (20 June 2024)
420. |
Alf’S Tippers CC v Baloyi and Others (19556/2020) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1445 (30 November 2023)
421. |
All Plant (Pty) Ltd v Gebane Investments CC (994/21) [2022] ZAGPJHC 528 (12 August 2022)
422. |
Altech Radio Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Aeonova 360 Management Services (Pty) Ltd and Another (2023-001585) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1091 (28 September 2023)
423. |
Altech Radio Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Aeonova 360 Management Services (Pty) Ltd and Another (2023-032374) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1101 (29 September 2023)
424. |
Altron TMT (Pty) Ltd v City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and Others (Reasons) (2023-042792) [2024] ZAGPPHC 3 (5 January 2024)
425. |
Amalgamated Lawyers Association and Another v Judicial Service Commision and Others (2022-036684) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1354 (15 November 2023)
426. |
Amalgamated Lawyers Association v Judicial Service Commission and Others (2022-036684) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1444 (30 August 2023)
427. |
Amanzi Ahlo Bile Trading 25 (Pty) Ltd t/a Trisch Industries v Cleanubusi (Pty) Ltd (1715/2022) [2023] ZAFSHC 92 (2 June 2023)
428. |
Ambitious Group (Pty) Ltd v Mdletshe and Another (2022 - 035571) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1096 (27 September 2023)
429. |
Anderson v Barbaglia and Another (32608/21) [2021] ZAGPJHC 455 (12 November 2021)
430. |
Apostolic Faith Mission South Africa, Randburg Assembly v Arrowhead Properties Limited and Others (Leave to Appeal) (2020/13298) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1325 (10 November 2023)
431. |
Applebite Roadhouse (Pty) Ltd and Others v Apple Bite (Pty) Ltd and Another (Leave to Appeal) (47010/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1077 (2 November 2022)
432. |
Applebite Roadhouse (Pty) Ltd and Others v Apple Bite and Another (47010/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 667 (20 September 2022)
433. |
Aptitude Trading Enterprise (Pty) Ltd v City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and Another ; In Re: City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and Another v Aptitude Trading Enterprise (Pty) Ltd (33009/22) [2024] ZAGPPHC 186 (26 February 2024)
434. |
Arbeidskroon Boerdery (Pty) Ltd v Mkwanazi and Others (LCC 15/2021) [2021] ZALCC 9 (4 August 2021)
435. |
Arokiam v Naicker (2024-063373) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1780 (27 June 2024)
436. |
Asangbeng v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (40516/21) [2022] ZAGPJHC 280 (21 April 2022)
437. |
Assetline South Africa (Pty) Ltd v MLM and Associates Inc and Another (7960/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 938 (18 August 2023)
438. |
Assetline South Africa (Pty) Ltd v Manhattan Delux Properties (Pty) Ltd and Others (22939/20) [2020] ZAGPJHC 3 (19 August 2020)
439. |
Assmang (Pty) Ltd v Ochre Shimmer Trade and Invest 78 (Pty) Ltd and Others (Leave to Appeal) (1252/2023) [2023] ZANCHC 92 (1 December 2023)
440. |
Atlas Copco Compressor Technique v ILVA General Engineering (Pty) Ltd ; Lesedi Nuclear Services (Pty) Ltd v Atlas Copco Industrial SA (Pty) Ltd (20904/2020; 27082/2020) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1496 (8 December 2023)
441. |
Attorneys Fidelity Fund Board of Control v Love and Others (Leave to Appeal) (7793/2015) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1848 (26 August 2024)
442. |
Avbob Funeral Services v Buzani (2810/2020) [2024] ZAECPEHC 32 (17 April 2024)
443. |
Avnet South Africa (Pty) Ltd v Lesira Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd and Another (38649/18) [2019] ZAGPJHC 72 (4 March 2019)
444. |
B M v S (Leave to Appeal) (CC67/2002) [2024] ZANWHC 34 (16 February 2024)
445. |
B V J v S (A357/2019) [2024] ZAGPPHC 845 (29 August 2024)
446. |
B v B (21480/2014) [2024] ZAGPPHC 338 (2 April 2024)
447. |
BG Bojosinyane & Associates v Sheriff: Smith and Another (1072/2022) [2023] ZASCA 174 (8 December 2023)
448. |
BMW South Africa (Pty) Ltd v William and Another (31587/21) [2022] ZAGPPHC 941 (27 June 2022)
449. |
BP Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd and Another v Boy NO 50 Trading (Pty) Ltd (2024-089753) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1847 (26 August 2024)
450. |
Balintulo and Others v Mbana (Leave to Appeal) (79752/2019; 79753/2019; 79754/2019; 79755/2019) [2022] ZAGPPHC 539 (29 September 2022)
451. |
Bamba v S (20089/2014) [2014] ZASCA 219 (11 December 2014)
452. |
Banger v S (195/2015) [2015] ZASCA 79 (28 May 2015)
453. |
Bank of Taiwan Incorporated in Republic of China t/a Bank of Taiwan South African Branch v Li Feng Textiles (Pty) Limited and Others (Application for Leave to Appeal) (20011/2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1481 (6 December 2023)
454. |
Baphalaborwa Projects CC v T & L Civil Electrical Contractors CC and Others (45610/2018) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1788 (8 July 2024)
455. |
Baphalane ba Mantserre Beneficiaries Association and Another v Master of High Court (Pretoria) and Others (730/2022) [2022] ZALMPPHC 4 (19 May 2022)
456. |
Bara and Another v Nedbank Limited (Leave to Appeal) (5345/2022) [2024] ZAECMHC 48 (13 June 2024)
457. |
Barbaglia v Aphane N.N.O. and Others (9911/21) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1312 (4 April 2022)
458. |
Barclay and Another v Standard Bank of South Africa (Leave to Appeal) (65703/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1253 (13 November 2023)
459. |
Barkley Wes Motors v Iceburg and Others (1147/2016) [2022] ZANCHC 23 (27 May 2022)
460. |
Bashman v NMBMM (1057/2020) [2022] ZAECPEHC 26 (27 September 2022)
461. |
Basson v Basson (260/2019) [2022] ZAECGHC 18 (7 June 2022)
462. |
Bayer Intellectual Property GMBH and Others v Austell Pharmaceuticals (Pty) Ltd and Others (2007/06238; 58180/2021) [2024] ZAGPPHC 668 (5 July 2024)
463. |
Bayport Securitisation Limited and Another v University of Stellenbosch Law Clinic and Others (507/2020) [2021] ZASCA 156 (4 November 2021)
464. |
Beadica 231 CC v Sale’s Hire CC (1191/2018) [2020] ZASCA 76 (30 June 2020)
465. |
Bechan and Another v SARS Customs Investigations Unit and Others (19626/2022) [2022] ZAGPPHC 823 (25 July 2022)
466. |
Benmarc Environmental (Pty) Ltd v Otto and Another (B16/2023) [2023] ZAGPPHC 600 (1 June 2023)
467. |
Berzack v Huntrex 277 (Pty) Ltd and Others (210/2021) [2023] ZASCA 17 (21 February 2023)
468. |
Betapoint Management Consultants (Pty) Ltd v KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd SA (Leave to Appeal) (51959/2021) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1730 (17 May 2024)
469. |
Beyond Forensics (Pty) Ltd v National Commissioner of South African Police Services and Others (leave to appeal) (2023-046691) [2024] ZAGPPHC 471 (17 May 2024)
470. |
Beyond Forensics (Pty) Ltd v National Commissioner, South African Police Service and Others (046691/2023) [2024] ZAGPPHC 68 (1 February 2024)
471. |
Bhekuzulu and Others v President of Republic of South Africa and Others ; Zulu v President of Republic of South Africa and Others (Appeal and Cross Appeal) (19891/2022; 38670/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 53 (25 January 2024)
472. |
Bidvest Bank Limited v Waste Partner Investments (Pty) Ltd (55825/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1130 (5 October 2023)
473. |
Bidvest Bank Limited v Waste Partner Investments (Pty) Ltd (55825/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1246 (5 October 2023)
474. |
Birrell and Another v Mthethwa ; In re: Mthethwa v Coetzee and Others (A336/21) [2023] ZAGPPHC 840 (31 July 2023)
475. |
Bishop v South African Legal Practice Council; In Re: South African Legal Practice Council v Bishop and Another (417/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 599 (25 May 2023)
476. |
Blair Atholl Homeowners Association (NPC) v Meyer and Another (46150/2018) [2024] ZAGPPHC 274 (14 March 2024)
477. |
Block v Upington Correctional Supervision and Parole Board and Others (893/2023) [2023] ZANCHC 65 (15 September 2023)
478. |
Blue Water Creek Homeowners Association v Kanniah and Others; In Re: Kanniah and Another v Blue Water Creek Homeowners Association and Others (A96/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 8 (9 January 2023)
479. |
Board of Healthcare Funders NPC v Council for Medical Schemes and Others (2022-012058) [2023] ZAGPPHC 898 (10 August 2023)
480. |
Body Corporate of Green Meadow Country Estate v eThekwini Municipality (D 7917/2020) [2023] ZAKZDHC 2 (27 January 2023)
481. |
Body Corporate of La Mon Villa and Another v Niyakha Group (Pty) Ltd (17594/2018) [2023] ZAGPPHC 211 (5 April 2023)
482. |
Body Corporate of Mionette v Lekganyane (34744/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 865 (27 July 2023)
483. |
Bojosinyane v Maroga and Others (UM 197/2022) [2024] ZANWHC 208 (23 August 2024)
484. |
Border Deep Sea Angling Association and Others v Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy and Others (3865/2021) [2022] ZAECGHC 23 (7 June 2022)
485. |
Borotho v Road Accident Fund (2019/76894) [2024] ZAGPPHC 631 (24 June 2024)
486. |
Botha NO and Others v Taljaard and Others ; In re: Taljaard and Another v Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa and Others ; In re: Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa v Du Toit NO and Others ; In re: Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa v Du Toit NO and Others ; In re: Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa v Van der Merwe NO and Others (Application for Declarator or ito S.18 of Superior Courts Act 10 of 2013) (1094/2022; 2436/2021; 963/2021; 964/2021) [2022] ZANCHC 77 (13 December 2022)
487. |
Botha NO v The Governing Body of the Eljada Institute and Another (20530/2014) [2016] ZASCA 36 (24 March 2016)
488. |
Botha v 4D Health (Pty) Ltd (Leave to Appeal) (18976/2019) [2024] ZAGPPHC 826 (19 August 2024)
489. |
Botha v Botha; In Re: Strydom v Botha; In Re: Botha v Botha (2321/2016) [2023] ZANCHC 42 (14 July 2023)
490. |
Bricker and Another v Hobkirk (6972/2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 63 (5 April 2023)
491. |
Brinant Security Services (Pty) Ltd v Private Security Sector Provident Fund and Others (25318/2017) [2024] ZAGPPHC 223 (11 March 2024)
492. |
Broadband Infraco SOC Limited v Eskom Holdings SOC Limited and Another (2023/062380) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1345 (13 November 2023)
493. |
Broadband Infraco SOC Limited v Eskom Holdings SOC Limited and Another(leave to appeal) (2023/062380) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1488 (8 December 2023)
494. |
Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality v Own Haven Housing Association NPC and Another (Leave to Appeal) (1217/2019) [2024] ZAECELLC 18 (2 April 2024)
495. |
Buffalo Metropolitan Municipality and Another v Magqazana (Leave to Appeal) (EL 1386/2023) [2024] ZAECELLC 26 (2 May 2024)
496. |
Buhle Waste (Pty) Ltd v MEC of Health Gauteng Province and Others (2023-102560) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1513 (1 March 2024)
497. |
Burger NO v Nel and Others (1744/2024) [2024] ZANWHC 203 (28 August 2024)
498. |
Business Connexion (Pty) Ltd v Vexall (Pty) Ltd and Another (182/CAC/Mar20) [2020] ZACAC 8 (15 July 2020)
499. |
Business Partners Ltd v Gabela and Another (8626/2022P) [2023] ZAKZPHC 20 (2 March 2023)
500. |
C B v M R B (5645/2021) [2024] ZAGPPHC 770 (5 August 2024)
501. |
CNA Operations (Pty) Ltd N.N.O and Others v Anglowealth Sharia (Pty) Ltd N.N.O and Others (48357/21) [2021] ZAGPJHC 374 (2 December 2021)
502. |
Cape Town Community Housing Company (Pty) Ltd v Teziamin (Pty) Ltd t/a Kalahari Properties (1952/2019) [2023] ZANCHC 93 (1 December 2023)
503. |
Carospan (Pty) LTd t/a Nashua Bloemfontein & Nashua Aliwal v Kabile, Magistrate for District of Tweespruit and Another (5893/2023) [2024] ZAFSHC 64 (22 March 2024)
504. |
Cash Crusaders Franchising (Pty) Ltd v Swart and Another (85149/2017) [2018] ZAGPPHC 122 (27 February 2018)
505. |
Caterpillar Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd v Azania Money Growth (Pty) Ltd (57254/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1128 (2 October 2023)
506. |
Caterpillar Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd v Zero Azania (Pty) Ltd (57252/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1127 (2 October 2023)
507. |
Cawood and Another v Danco Boerdery (Pty) Ltd; In Re: Danco Boerdery (Pty) Ltd v Cawood and Others (38383/2018) [2023] ZAGPPHC 696 (12 June 2023)
508. |
Caxton and CPT Publishers and Printers and Another v Novus Holdings Limited and Others (13210/19) [2022] ZAWCHC 191 (31 March 2022)
509. |
Cebekhulu Probuild JV v City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality and Another (37168/21) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1193 (4 September 2023)
510. |
Chabeli Molatoli Attorneys Incorporated v Pitso N.O. and Others (25412/22) [2023] ZAGPPHC 210 (11 April 2023)
511. |
Chairperson of Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board and Others v Goldrush Group Management (Pty) Ltd and Another (660/2022) [2023] ZASCA 148 (10 November 2023)
512. |
Changing Tides 17 (Pty) Ltd NO v Ramabe (37524/2020) [2023] ZAGPJHC 504 (18 May 2023)
513. |
Charisma Properties (Pty) Ltd v Woodstar and Co (Pty) Ltd (41129/19) [2021] ZAGPJHC 459 (29 July 2021)
514. |
Chief Land Claims Commissioner and Others v South African Agri Initiative ; In Re: South African Agri Initiative and Others (35659/2021) [2024] ZAGPPHC 613 (19 June 2024)
515. |
Chung Fung (Pty) Ltd and Another v Mayfair Residents Association and Others (2148/2019; A5068/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 210 (22 March 2023)
516. |
City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality v Thurwood Investments (Pty) Ltd and Another (2022/531) [2022] ZAGPJHC 899 (15 June 2022)
517. |
City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and Others v Ryckloff-Bellegings (Pty) Ltd (Leave to Appeal) (18156/19) [2023] ZAGPJHC 710 (7 June 2023)
518. |
City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municpality v Swart and Others (Application for Leave to Appeal) (9200/2018) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1515 (12 December 2023)
519. |
City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and Another v Moipone Fleet (Pty) Ltd (57/2019) [2020] ZASCA 55 (27 May 2020)
520. |
City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and Another v RDP's Business Enterprise CC ; In Re: RDP's Business Enterprise CC v City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and Another (Leave to Appeal) (59109/20) [2024] ZAGPPHC 189 (29 February 2024)
521. |
Commissioner for South African Revenue Service v Louis Pasteur Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others (Leave to Appeal) (12194/2017) [2022] ZAGPPHC 706 (23 May 2022)
522. |
Conrad v Key West Body Corporate (55262/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 829 (28 June 2022)
523. |
Consolidated Steel Industries (Pty) Ltd t/a Stalcor v Christo Odendaal Investments CC t/a C O Trading and Another (34609/20) [2022] ZAGPJHC 326 (24 May 2022)
524. |
Cornelius Johannes De Bruyn N.O and Another v Koot Oosthuizen Attorneys and Another (3668/2021) [2022] ZAFSHC 63 (19 May 2022)
525. |
Corvine Investments CC v Advtech (Pty) Ltd ta Property Division (2145/2020) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1448 (30 November 2023)
526. |
Courtney v Boshoff NNO and Others (483/2023) [2024] ZASCA 104 (21 June 2024)
527. |
D M v S (CA 43/2023) [2024] ZANWHC 122 (31 May 2024)
528. |
DLZ obo DTK v Road Accident Fund (50120/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 691 (21 June 2023)
529. |
DPP, Gauteng v Ramolefi (705/2018) [2019] ZASCA 90 (3 June 2019)
530. |
Daly and Others v Hartog and Another (32975/18) [2021] ZAGPJHC 91 (5 November 2021)
531. |
Dancesport South Africa v South African Dance Foundation and Others (53311/2013) [2022] ZAGPPHC 935 (24 June 2022)
532. |
Dancing Beauty and Hair (Pty) Ltd v Northern Centre ShareBlock (Pty) Ltd and Another; InRe: Northern Centre ShareBlock (Pty) Ltd and Another v Dancing Beauty and Hair (Pty) Ltd (19633/21) [2022] ZAGPJHC 417 (21 February 2022)
533. |
Dankie Oupa Delwery CC v Commissioner of the South African Revenue Services (39598/20) [2023] ZAGPPHC 586 (10 March 2023)
534. |
Dario Investments t/a Tembisa Superspar v Makwela and Another (Leave to Appeal) (2023-091028) [2024] ZAGPJHC 62 (26 January 2024)
535. |
Davidson v Cough NO and Others (41962/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 731 (25 July 2023)
536. |
Davidtz v Klimax Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd (25112/2019) [2023] ZAGPPHC 220 (14 April 2023)
537. |
De Jager v Heyman (12/31738) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1240 (6 December 2022)
538. |
De Jongh N.N.O v Philippides and Others (2023-008709) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1556 (11 March 2024)
539. |
De Jongh v Philippides and Others (Leave to Appeal) (2023-008709) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1631 (11 March 2024)
540. |
De Lange and Another v De Klerk (49408/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 842 (2 August 2023)
541. |
Deeps Betting Grounds (Pty) Ltd v Desert Palace Hotel Resort (Pty) Ltd and Another (142/2020) [2021] ZASCA 86 (21 June 2021)
542. |
Deighton v Financial Sector Conduct Authority and Others (15703/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 785 (1 August 2022)
543. |
Deli One Catering (Pty) Ltd v Attacq Management Services and Another (43105/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 325 (17 April 2023)
544. |
Deltamune (Pty) Ltd and Others v Tiger Brands Limited and Others (847 of 2020) [2022] ZASCA 15 (4 February 2022)
545. |
Democratic Alliance and Others v Municipal Manager of Gamagara Local Municipality and Others ; Roman and Others v Democratic Alliance and Others ; Democratic Alliance and Others v Municipal Manager of Gamagara Local Municipality and Others (1492/2023) [2024] ZANCHC 4 (26 January 2024)
546. |
Democratic Alliance v City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and Others (Leave to Appeal) (2023-041913) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1426 (27 November 2023)
547. |
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Northern Cape Province, Kimberley v Master of High Court, Kimberley (Leave to Appeal) (61/2021) [2024] ZANCHC 16 (23 February 2024)
548. |
Desmond Ettienne Doman v Kgabo Gabriel Selomo (20455/2014) [2015] ZASCA 124 (21 September 2015)
549. |
Devrog Family Trust v Future Indefinite Investments 180 (Pty) Ltd; Devrog Family Trust N.N.O. and Others v Future Indefinite Investments 180 (Pty) Ltd and Another (6789/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 748 (13 October 2022)
550. |
Diamond Panelbeaters and Towing CC v Springs Car Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd t/a No Finance Cars ; In re: Springs Car Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd t/a No Finance Cars v Diamond Panelbeaters and Towing CC (Leave to Appeal) (2022-008554) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1314 (4 December 2023)
551. |
Diamond Panelbeaters and Towing CC v Springs Car Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd t/a No Finance Cars ; In re: Springs Car Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd t/a No Finance Cars v Diamond Panelbeaters and Towing CC (Leave to Appeal) (2022-008554) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1387 (4 December 2023)
552. |
Diego v Facebook South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others (253/20) [2023] ZAGPJHC 232 (3 April 2023)
553. |
Diphare v Pawn My Car (37676/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 785 (2 June 2023)
554. |
Diplobox (Pty) Ltd t/a Pretoria Institute of Learning and Others v Ozmik Property Investments (Pty) Ltd (Leave to Appeal) (58806/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1388 (11 December 2023)
555. |
Director of Public Prosecutions, Northern Cape v Brooks and Others (505/2019) [2020] ZASCA 80 (2 July 2020)
556. |
Director of Public Prosecutions, Western Cape v Bongo (990/2022) [2024] ZASCA 70 (6 May 2024)
557. |
Director of Public Prosecutions: Limpopo v Ramalekana (528 of 2018) [2018] ZASCA 187 (14 December 2018)
558. |
Dirk Lotter Vervoer (Pty) Ltd v Sutherland Transport (Pty) Ltd; In Re: Sutherland Transport (Pty) Ltd v Dirk Lotter Vervoer (Pty) Ltd (922/2022) [2023] ZAFSHC 210 (17 October 2023)
559. |
Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd v Road Accident Fund and Another; In Re: Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd v Road Accident Fund and Another (016179/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 714 (26 June 2023)
560. |
Dlamini v Ncube and Others (01355/2023) [2023] ZAGPJHC 379 (18 April 2023)
561. |
Dlamini v S (A271/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 727 (31 July 2024)
562. |
Dlamini v Van Den Bos NO ; In Re: Van Den Bos NO v Dlamini and Others (32507/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 630 (12 September 2022)
563. |
Dlwathi v Daytona (Pty) Ltd; In Re: Daytona (Pty) Ltd v Dlwathi; In Re: Dlwathi v Hyde Park Auto (Pty) Ltd t/a Sandton Auto and Others (51100/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 800 (10 July 2023)
564. |
Donatie v Minister of Police (1766/2019) [2023] ZAECGHC 9 (6 February 2023)
565. |
Don’t Waste Shared Services (Pty) Ltd and Others v Compensation Fund and others (38343/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1134 (9 October 2023)
566. |
Doola v First Rand Bank Ltd trading inter alia as RMB Private Bank and as FNB (2020/13723) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1471 (7 December 2023)
567. |
Doornhoek Equestrian Estate Homeowners Association v Community Schemes Ombud Service and Others (32190/21) [2022] ZAGPPHC 932 (1 July 2022)
568. |
Dr L H Linde & Associates NO 131 Inc v Nedbank Limited and Others (2023/051824) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1435 (28 November 2023)
569. |
Dr Maureen Allem Inc v Baard ; In re: Baard v Dr Maureen Allem Inc (Legal Summary) (2016/44725; A 5005/2021) [2021] ZAGPJHC 131 (18 August 2021)
570. |
Du Plessis N.N.O. and Others v Majiedt N.N.O and Others; De Klerk N.N.O. and Another v Du Plessis N.N.O and Others (3059/2021) [2023] ZAFSHC 131 (8 August 2023)
571. |
Du Preez and Another v Hantle Infa Planning (Py) Ltd and Others (1214/2021) [2022] ZAECPEHC 9 (24 May 2022)
572. |
Du Raan v Fedbond Nominees (Pty) Ltd and Another (Leave to Appeal) (47785/2009) [2018] ZAGPPHC 658 (2 March 2018)
573. |
Dube v Minister of Police and Others (A031723-2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 940 (21 August 2023)
574. |
Dwane and Another v Minister of State Security Agency and Others (11889/2021) [2024] ZAGPPHC 117 (12 February 2024)
575. |
Dzuni Properties CC and Another v Italite Investments (Pty) Ltd ; In re: Italite Investments (Pty) Ltd v Dzuni Properties CC and Another (2021/6114) [2023] ZAGPJHC 734 (25 July 2023)
576. |
E M v A M (09183/2017) [2023] ZAGPJHC 761 (26 June 2023)
577. |
E S obo B S v Road Accident Fund (24698/2014) [2023] ZAGPJHC 417 (3 May 2023)
578. |
ECO Africa Investments (Pty) Ltd t/a Snappy Chef (WC) E Botswana v Snappy Chef Trading (Pty) Ltd (10135/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 133 (16 February 2023)
579. |
EL Jewish Helping Hand v Galperin and Others (1770/2020) [2022] ZAECGHC 38 (2 August 2022)
580. |
East London Boating Association v Transnet Soc Limited (EL1571/2022) [2024] ZAECELLC 20 (14 May 2024)
581. |
East London Jewish Helping Hand and Burial Society v Galperin N.N.O. and Others (1770/2020) [2022] ZAECGHC 107 (2 August 2022)
582. |
East Rand Member District of Chartered Accountants and Another v Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors and Others (113/2022) [2023] ZASCA 81 (31 May 2023)
583. |
Eco Trades (Pty) Ltd v Trustees for time being of D A Pauw Trust and Others (453/2023) [2024] ZAFSHC 42 (29 February 2024)
584. |
Eden Crescent Share Block Ltd v Olive Marketing CC and Others (1075/2020) [2022] ZASCA 177 (9 December 2022)
585. |
Educated Risk Investments 54 (Pty) Ltd v Master of the High Court JHB and Others (18358/20) [2021] ZAGPJHC 176 (26 November 2021)
586. |
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality v Business Connexion (Pty) Ltd (21/48972) [2023] ZAGPJHC 751 (26 June 2023)
587. |
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality v Business Connexion (Pty) Ltd and Others (2024-005180) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1664 (16 April 2024)
588. |
Electoral Commission of South Africa v Cape Party and Others (1233 of 2017; 1268 of 2017) [2017] ZASCA 161 (27 November 2017)
589. |
Ellison v Breytenbach NO and Others (Leave to Appeal) (84994/2019) [2022] ZAGPPHC 540 (3 October 2022)
590. |
Elsys (Pty) Ltd v BTS Electrical and Mechanical Services (Pty) Ltd and Another (Leave to Appeal) (59086/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1507 (12 December 2023)
591. |
Emantanjeni Community v Commission on Restitution of Land Rights and Others (LCC 17/2018) [2020] ZALCC 29 (17 August 2020)
592. |
Emerald Capital (Pty) Ltd v Ace Auto Salvage CC (Reconsideration ito Rule 6(12)(C)) (2023-077999) [2023] ZAGPJHC 868 (25 August 2023)
593. |
Emfuleni Local Municipality and Another v Eskom Holdings Soc Ltd (76183/2019; A318/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 615 (14 October 2022)
594. |
Emfuleni Local Municipality and Others v SAMS Tissue Products (Pty) Ltd (18024/2022) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1163 (1 December 2022)
595. |
Emisha Software (Pty) Ltd v Servsol Software Solutions CC and Others (2023/069011) [2024] ZAGPPHC 567 (6 June 2024)
596. |
Empire Crossing Development (Pty) Ltd and Another v Minister of Energy and Others (71333/2018) [2022] ZAGPPHC 598 (13 October 2022)
597. |
Empire Crossing Development (Pty) Ltd and Another v Minister of Energy and Others (Leave to Appeal) (71333/2018) [2022] ZAGPPHC 631 (13 September 2022)
598. |
Endtime Christian Association v Boesak and Others (1530/2022) [2023] ZAECPEHC 64 (3 October 2023)
599. |
Engelbrecht v Khumalo, In Re: Tarloy Properties (Pty) Ltd v Engelbrecht (2013/73273) [2016] ZAGPPHC 4 (18 March 2016)
600. |
Enyuka Property Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Delport van Dev Berg Inc and Another (Leave to Appeal) (56232/2020) [2022] ZAGPPHC 704 (20 May 2022)
601. |
Equity Diamond Cutting Works (Pty) Ltd v Quantum Leap Investments 706 (Pty) Ltd N.N.O and Others (53810/21) [2021] ZAGPJHC 404 (3 December 2021)
602. |
Eskom Holdings Soc Limited v Sabie Chamber of Commerce and Tourism and Others (49225/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1166 (28 December 2022)
603. |
Eskom Holdings Soc Ltd v Mathabeng Local Municipality and Others (3367/2020) [2023] ZAFSHC 226 (10 November 2023)
604. |
Esportif International SA (Pty) Ltd v Porter and Another (A5037/2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 642 (6 June 2023)
605. |
Essack and Another v Sun International South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others (23294/2020) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1405 (15 November 2023)
606. |
Essat v Fletcher and Others (40642/20) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1075 (17 June 2022)
607. |
Essence Lading CC v Infiniti Insurance Ltd and Another (2022/4024) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1551 (7 March 2024)
608. |
Estate Late Hafiz v Hafiz and Others (804/2022) [2023] ZASCA 114 (27 July 2023)
609. |
Estate Makubire N.O. and Others v Vision Point Properties CC (1670/20) [2021] ZAGPJHC 357 (26 November 2021)
610. |
Europlaw Group Incorporated v Turner and Others; In Re: Turner and Others v Europlaw Group Incorporated (14052/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 645 (5 June 2023)
611. |
Excellent Meat International Trading (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and Others (27708/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1315 (11 December 2023)
612. |
FHP Zimbali Residence No.5b Shareblock Company (Pty) Ltd v Studio 521 Investments CC (A2023-02482) [2023] ZAGPJHC 942 (21 August 2023)
613. |
Fani and Others (collectively referred to as "Residents of Farm Greydell (Airport Park)") v National Department of Public Works and Another (EL 738/2020) [2020] ZAECELLC 1 (29 October 2020)
614. |
Fatmols Lodges Proprietary Ltd v Botha and Others (017800/2023) [2024] ZAGPJHC 33 (11 March 2024)
615. |
Fatmols Lodges Proprietary Ltd v Botha and Others (2023-008709) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1562 (11 March 2024)
616. |
Federation Internationale de Football Association v Kgopotso Leslie Sedibe and Another (303/2020) [2021] ZASCA 113 (8 September 2021)
617. |
Felix and Another v Nedbank Ltd and Another (49134/2013) [2024] ZAGPPHC 477 (15 May 2024)
618. |
Feni v Pan African Language Board and Another (25170/2016) [2018] ZAGPPHC 148 (17 January 2018)
619. |
Feni v Pan South African Language Board and Another (49965/16) [2019] ZAGPPHC 396 (25 April 2019)
620. |
Fenyane v Ndengane N.O. and Others (19397/2022) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1560 (11 March 2024)
621. |
Fezi Consultants & Auditors (PTY) LTD v Centlec (SOC) LTD (1318/2022) [2023] ZAFSHC 250 (27 December 2023)
622. |
Figures & Co (Pty) Ltd and Others v Urban Real Estate (Pty) Ltd ; In re: Urban Real Estate (Pty) Ltd v Figures & Co (Pty) Ltd and Others (2021/45109) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1324 (6 June 2022)
623. |
Filzo Enterprises (Pty) Limited and Others v Meyers Hire (Pty) Limited (Application for Leave to Appeal) (621/2023) [2023] ZAECGHC 123 (5 December 2023)
624. |
First Rand Bank v Du Toit N.O and Another (1162/2023) [2023] ZAFSHC 236 (18 December 2023)
625. |
First Reality(Krugersdorp) Pty Ltd v Mitchell and Others (LCC 123/2018) [2021] ZALCC 7 (23 August 2021)
626. |
FirstRand Bank Limited v Naidoo and Another (Leave to Appeal) (2020/25892) [2022] ZAGPJHC 737 (19 September 2022)
627. |
FirstRand Bank Ltd v Magistate for District of Ekurhuleni North and Others (13341/21) [2022] ZAGPJHC 315 (16 May 2022)
628. |
Firstrand Bank Ltd v Reinecke and Another (Leave to Appeal) (20111/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 229 (11 March 2024)
629. |
Firstrand Limited and Another v National Bank of Abu Dhabi PJSC (Pty) Ltd (Leave to Appeal) (42160/21) [2024] ZAGPPHC 110 (26 January 2024)
630. |
Fleet Africa (Pty) Ltd v Polokwane Local Municipality (720/2022) [2023] ZASCA 142 (30 October 2023)
631. |
Former Way Trade and Invest (Pty) Ltd t/a Premier Service Station and Another v Bright Idea Projects 66 (Pty) Ltd t/a All Fuels (1140/2020) [2021] ZASCA 175 (14 December 2021)
632. |
Fortuin v S (838 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 5 (13 February 2018)
633. |
Fouche v Minister of Police (Applicant's Application for Leave to Appeal) (94966/16) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1182 (19 October 2023)
634. |
Fourie NO and Others v H J Bosch and Seuns Beleggings (Pty) Ltd (53241/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 243 (14 April 2023)
635. |
Fulcrum Group Proprietary Limited v Markit Systems Limited (A5071/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1287 (12 July 2022)
636. |
G M N v K D N (41019/2020) [2023] ZAGPJHC 828 (18 July 2023)
637. |
GFE-MIR Alloys and Minerals SA (Pty) Ltd v Momoco International Limited (Full Court Appeal) (55273-2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1283 (2 November 2023)
638. |
GFOH (Pty) Ltd v KYOSTAX (Pty) Ltd and Others (6795/2022) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1201 (6 December 2022)
639. |
Gcabashe v MTN Group Ltd (53/2019) [2024] ZAGPPHC 230 (6 March 2024)
640. |
Gensinger and Neave CC and Others v Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy and Others (223/2023) [2024] ZASCA 49 (15 April 2024)
641. |
Gfe-Mir Alloys And Minerals SA (Pty) Ltd v Momoco International Limited (55273/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 960 (24 August 2023)
642. |
Ghubhelabm (Pty) Ltd and Another v R.A.W Truck Trading CC and Another (B3217/2023) [2024] ZAGPPHC 460 (26 April 2024)
643. |
Glencore Operations SA (Pty) Ltd and Others v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service and Another (15988/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1317 (8 December 2023)
644. |
Goedhals v Mobi Lodge (37390/2020) [2022] ZAGPPHC 943 (6 June 2022)
645. |
Gold Kid Trading CC v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Services (31842/2016; 40732/2017) [2018] ZAGPJHC 983 (21 November 2018)
646. |
Goldstar Finance (Pty) Ltd and Others v Capitec Bank (Pty) Ltd and Another (16589/23) [2023] ZAWCHC 199 (31 December 2023)
647. |
Goliath and Another v Chicory SA (Pty) Ltd (3382/2018) [2023] ZAECGHC 25 (7 February 2023)
648. |
Gopie v Pillay and Others (1622/23P) [2023] ZAKZDHC 64 (31 August 2023)
649. |
Gouws v Hamman and Others (3871/2017) [2022] ZAFSHC 78 (27 June 2022)
650. |
Green Outdoor Gym (Pty) Ltd and Another v Ogana and Another (2022/4340) [2023] ZAGPJHC 715 (13 June 2023)
651. |
Gross v D M ; In Re: M D v M D and Others (2021/43212) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1835 (6 August 2024)
652. |
Grupo Bimbo S A B v Takis Biltong (Pty) Ltd (293/2022) [2023] ZASCA 175 (14 December 2023)
653. |
Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited v GD Irons Construction (Pty) Ltd and Others (24054/2022) [2022] ZAGPPHC 872 (17 May 2022)
654. |
Guardrisk Insurance Company Ltd v Buck and Others (2035/2020) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1602 (7 March 2024)
655. |
Gwababa v S (1290 of 2016) [2018] ZASCA 152 (8 November 2018)
656. |
Gwiba v S (117/2019) [2019] ZASCA 155 (27 November 2019)
657. |
H J v P J (285/2023) [2024] ZASCA 55 (19 April 2024)
658. |
H K v A K (042335/2023) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1332 (10 November 2023)
659. |
H v H (126003/2023) [2024] ZAGPPHC 346 (8 April 2024)
660. |
H v Sheriff Johannesburg North and Another (2020/44450) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1022 (11 September 2023)
661. |
HAT v DBT (33546/20) [2021] ZAGPJHC 425 (13 September 2021)
662. |
Hadebe and Another v Minister of Police and Another (12697/2019; 12698/2019) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1342 (7 July 2022)
663. |
Halstead v MEC for Public Transport and Road Infrastructure of Gauteng Department ; In re: MEC for Public Transport and Road Infrastructure of Gauteng Department v Halstead (40162/2019) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1337 (3 November 2023)
664. |
Happy Valley Holiday Hotel and Pleasure Resort 1972 (Pty) Ltd and Another v Nakoseni Property Developers (Pty) Ltd and Others (Leave to Appeal) (9066/2020) [2024] ZAGPJHC 107 (2 February 2024)
665. |
Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited and Another v Mbatha and Another; In Re: Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited and Another v Thuthukani Community Development NPC and Others (2023-0001343) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1121 (4 October 2023)
666. |
Harnwell v Harnwell (CA231/2021) [2022] ZAECGHC 57 (4 October 2022)
667. |
Harry's Tyres (Pty) Ltd v Symes NO and Others (A QUO T801/2019) [2024] ZANWHC 25 (14 February 2024)
668. |
Hashtag Movement v Ethiopian Church of South Africa and Others (1046/2023) [2023] ZASCA 173 (8 December 2023)
669. |
Hassody v Pillay N.O. and Others (Leave to Appeal) (35735/2018) [2024] ZAGPJHC 167 (21 February 2024)
670. |
Hattingh v Furman and Others NNO (388/2019) [2020] ZASCA 123 (5 October 2020)
671. |
Helen Suzman Foundation and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (32323/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1230 (6 November 2023)
672. |
Hendor Mining Supplies v Fohlisa and Others (JA 55/2014) [2015] ZALAC 28 (26 November 2015)
673. |
Heron Mauritius Limited and Another v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service (3929/2023) [2024] ZAECPEHC 17 (27 February 2024)
674. |
Hlaniki Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd v City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (23998/2017) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1498 (13 June 2023)
675. |
Hlophe v Judicial Service Commission and Others (43482/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 908 (5 May 2022)
676. |
Holtzman NO and Another v Sign and Seal Trading 32 (Pty) Ltd and Others (Leave to Appeal) (9179/2017) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1062 (25 November 2022)
677. |
Hough & Bremner Inc and Another v Road Accident Fund (1024/2022) [2023] ZASCA 179 (18 December 2023)
678. |
House of Tandoor Entertainment and Others v Tuhf Urban Finance (RF) Ltd and Others (2023 - 102660) [2024] ZAGPJHC 202 (28 February 2024)
679. |
Huma v Kruger and Others (39164/2020) [2022] ZAGPJHC 369 (7 June 2022)
680. |
Hyde Park Gardens (Pty) Ltd t/a Shell Hyde Park Gardens v City Of Johannesburg and Others (5802/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 552 (23 May 2023)
681. |
I M v A M (1305/2021) [2023] ZASCA 33 (31 March 2023)
682. |
IPA Foundation (NPC) v South African Pharmacy Council (7452/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1032 (18 September 2023)
683. |
IPH Finance (Pty) v Masilela (19877/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 135 (13 June 2023)
684. |
IPH Finance Proprietary Limited v Agrizest Proprietary Limited (21771/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 22 (28 February 2023)
685. |
Impact Financial Consultants CC and Another v Bam NO and Others (856/2019) [2021] ZASCA 54 (30 April 2021)
686. |
Industrial Development Corporation of SA v Calab Developers (Pty) Ltd and Others (16/2021) [2022] ZAECELLC 4 (31 May 2022)
687. |
Inhlakanipho Consultants (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service (66076/2020) [2024] ZAGPPHC 479 (23 May 2024)
688. |
Innscor Africa Limited and Another v Matinyarare and Another (131956/2023) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1862 (28 August 2024)
689. |
Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority v Graduate Institute of Financial Sciences (Pty) Ltd and Another (134433/2023) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1670 (8 April 2024)
690. |
Intercape Ferreira Mainliner (Pty) Ltd v MEC For Transport Eastern Cape and Others (2099/2022) [2023] ZAECGHC 88 (22 August 2023)
691. |
Intergrated Commodities Company v Kalinda Trading CC (19798/20) [2024] ZAGPPHC 156 (21 February 2024)
692. |
International Pentacostal Holiness Church v Minister of Police and Others (2021/14237) [2023] ZAGPJHC 76 (3 February 2023)
693. |
Inzalo Enterprise Management Systems (Pty) Ltd v Mogale City Local Municipality and Others (2958/2022) [2022] ZAGPJHC 789 (12 October 2022)
694. |
Ioannides N.O. and Others and Western National Insurance Company Limited and Another (5056/2021) [2022] ZAFSHC 141 (22 November 2022)
695. |
Isago at N12 Development (Pty) Ltd v PKX Capital (Pty) Ltd; In Re: PKX Capital (Pty) Ltd v Isago at N12 Development (Pty) Ltd (87615/2019) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1088 (9 December 2022)
696. |
Isibonelo Property Services (Pty) Ltd v Uchemek World Cargo Link Freight CC t/a Fish and Chips Company and Another (55408/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 294 (17 February 2023)
697. |
Islandsite 180 (Pty) Ltd and Another v Knoop NNO and Others (1410/2023) [2024] ZAFSHC 118 (14 June 2024)
698. |
Izandla Property Fund v Afro Architectural CC and Another (21601/20) [2021] ZAGPJHC 89 (24 August 2021)
699. |
J J B v S J B (A3015/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1122 (10 November 2022)
700. |
J M v K M (2023-002520) [2023] ZAGPPHC 50 (29 January 2023)
701. |
J M v L M and Another (9179/2013) [2013] ZAWCHC 177 (20 November 2013)
702. |
J M v M B (Leave to Appeal) (49323/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1550 (9 November 2023)
703. |
J O A v J K (Reasons) (A 357/2018) [2018] ZAGPPHC 27 (10 December 2018)
704. |
J R v T R and Another (2021/21609) [2022] ZAGPJHC 918 (13 June 2022)
705. |
J V NO and Another v Director of Public Prosecutions and Another (Leave to Appeal) (26135/2017) [2024] ZAGPPHC 815 (13 August 2024)
706. |
J V v J V (DIV117/2022) [2024] ZANWHC 23 (12 February 2024)
707. |
JC Administrative Services (Pty) Ltd and Others v Sekheleli and Others (2023/006391) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1069 (22 September 2023)
708. |
JR 209 Investments (Pty) Ltd v National Minister of Agriculture Land Reform and Rural Development and Others (26992/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 174 (22 March 2023)
709. |
Jacquire v Pretorius; In Re: Pretorius v Jacquire (34337/2018) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1118 (4 October 2023)
710. |
Janeke v City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and Another (Leave to Appeal) (63060/2019) [2024] ZAGPPHC 233 (8 March 2024)
711. |
Janse van Rensburg NO obo Diba v Road Accident Fund (2621/2022) [2023] ZAFSHC 227 (8 December 2023)
712. |
Janse van Rensburg v Obiang and Another; Obiang v Janse van Rensburg and Others (21748/2017) [2022] ZAWCHC 141 (26 September 2022)
713. |
Johannesburg Metropolitan Bus Services (Soc) Ltd v Democratic Municipal and Allied Workers Union and Others (J 1799/2019) [2019] ZALCJHB 131 (20 September 2019)
714. |
Johannesburg Water Soc Ltd v Bosch Projects Pty Ltd and Others (Leave to Appeal) (2022/3434) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1358 (16 November 2023)
715. |
Jomane Eiendomme (Pty) Ltd v Magistrate Van Zyl NO and Another (M348/2020) [2023] ZANWHC 628 (27 November 2023)
716. |
Jones v Pretorius NO (281/2019) [2020] ZASCA 113 (29 September 2020)
717. |
Jongwana v Vajeth and Others (2023-068488) [2023] ZAGPJHC 850 (19 July 2023)
718. |
Jonker v Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa ; Jonker NNO and Others v Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa (2686/2020) [2024] ZAFSHC 117 (19 June 2024)
719. |
Joubert v South African Legal Pratice Council; In Re: South African Legal Pratice Council v Joubert and Others (5220/2022) [2023] ZAFSHC 176 (22 September 2023)
720. |
K J v O A J and Another (67591/2013) [2019] ZAGPPHC 395 (18 April 2019)
721. |
K L NO v N L (KZN/DBN/RC 1606/2013) [2019] ZAKZNRD 2 (23 August 2019)
722. |
K L v A L and Another (24583/2009) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1133 (22 September 2022)
723. |
K M v J M (A161/2023) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1342 (27 November 2023)
724. |
K201649887 v Njovu and Others (45483/18) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1315 (18 July 2022)
725. |
K2021765242 (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd v Thibault Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others (3518/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 77 (6 June 2023)
726. |
KC Cottrell Co Ltd and Another v Santam Limited and Others (2023/009986) [2023] ZAGPJHC 337 (17 April 2023)
727. |
KET Civils CC v MEC: Police, Roads & Transport, Free State and Others (497/2022; 820/2022) [2024] ZASCA 56 (19 April 2024)
728. |
KGA Life Limited v Multisure Corporation and Others (CA 157/2022) [2022] ZAECGHC 92 (14 December 2022)
729. |
KMSA v Moss and Another (Leave to Appeal) (24939/2015) [2018] ZAGPPHC 146 (23 March 2018)
730. |
KTS General Trading CC v Madibeng Local Municipality and Others (UM 212/2023) [2023] ZANWHC 607 (1 December 2023)
731. |
Kajee v Special Investigations Unit and Others ; In re: Special Investigating Unit (SIU) and Others v Kajee (GP22/2021) [2024] ZAST 8 (30 July 2024)
732. |
Kamupungu v Road Accidend Fund; Madubela v Road Accident Fund (1792/2021; 1795/2020) [2023] ZAECGHC 24 (24 March 2023)
733. |
Kanniah and Another v Blue Water Creek Home Owners Association (Leave to Appeal) (A96/2020) [2024] ZAGPPHC 733 (17 July 2024)
734. |
Kanu v Absa Bank Ltd ; In re: Absa Bank Ltd v Definite Value Fashion Accessories CC and Another (31885/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1234 (6 November 2023)
735. |
Kariki Pipeline and Water Project (Pty) Ltd v Rand Water Board and Another (Leave to Appeal) (2017/0027774) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1217 (9 December 2022)
736. |
Keegans Auto Spares and Accessories CC t/a Jaymees Midas v National Treasury of South Africa and Others (38145/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 574 (18 June 2024)
737. |
Kena Media (Pty) Ltd v Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality (4027/2021) [2024] ZAFSHC 21 (7 February 2024)
738. |
Keyser v Nomzaza N.O. and Another (2164/2022) [2023] ZAFSHC 21 (31 January 2023)
739. |
Kgatla v Mashala (379/2020) [2021] ZASCA 154 (29 October 2021)
740. |
Kgetlengrivier Concerned Citizens v Kgetlengrivier Local Municipality and Another (Leave to Appeal) (M373/2021) [2024] ZANWHC 149 (4 June 2024)
741. |
Kgwete v Makonko and Others (2022/010418) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1330 (13 November 2023)
742. |
Khairanwali Cash and Carry CC and Others v Heimans Building (Pty) Ltd (2021/2113) [2023] ZAGPJHC 615 (2 June 2023)
743. |
Khomo v Minister of Police and Others (12076/2017) [2023] ZAKZDHC 4 (27 January 2023)
744. |
Khoza v S (A314/2016; SS 129/2003) [2021] ZAGPJHC 376 (3 December 2021)
745. |
Khumalo v Electoral Commission of South Africa and Others (0025/24EC) [2024] ZAEC 20 (12 June 2024)
746. |
Khumalo v S (1262 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 161 (28 November 2018)
747. |
Khumalo v S (62 of 2017) [2017] ZASCA 53 (18 May 2017)
748. |
Khwela and Others v Imalenai and Others (48512/ 2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 419 (4 May 2023)
749. |
Kilbourn v Zwemstra NO and Others (24858/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1263 (14 November 2023)
750. |
King Civil Constructor (Pty) Ltd v Enviroserv Waste Management (Pty) Ltd (Leave to Appeal) (45747/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 439 (13 July 2022)
751. |
Klipdam Diamond Mining Company (Pty) Ltd and Another v Datnow t/a Shawshank Mining; In re: Datnow t/a Shawshank Mining v Klipdam Diamond Mining Company (Pty) Ltd and Another (2673/2017) [2023] ZANCHC 3 (20 January 2023)
752. |
Koloko v Nedbank Ltd (48319/2018) [2023] ZAGPPHC 244 (19 April 2023)
753. |
Komane v Minister of Police (18144/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1295 (13 November 2023)
754. |
Koopman v Minister of Police (72988/17) [2022] ZAGPPHC 632 (6 September 2022)
755. |
Kreetiv Communication CC v Harrington N.O. and Others (Leave of Appeal) (21549/2021) [2024] ZAGPJHC 112 (6 February 2024)
756. |
Krohne (Pty) Ltd v Strategic Fuel Fund Association (2019/43316) [2023] ZAGPJHC 398 (28 April 2023)
757. |
Krugel Heinsen Incorporated v Thompson and Another (41/2022) [2023] ZASCA 38 (31 March 2023)
758. |
Kruger N.N.O. and Others v Gouws N.N.O. and Others (14080/2018) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1008 (1 September 2023)
759. |
Kruger NO v Ithala Soc Ltd (19051/2023) [2024] ZAKZPHC 19 (14 March 2024)
760. |
Kruinkloof Bushveld Estate NPC v Chairperson of Panel of Appeal Arbitrators and Others (18332/2020) [2022] ZAGPJHC 16 (29 March 2022)
761. |
Kumbe v Rustenburg Municipal Council N.N.O. and Others (047351/20) [2023] ZAGPPHC 706 (22 May 2023)
762. |
Kunene v Bangaza and Others (1808/2023) [2024] ZAECPEHC 30 (9 April 2024)
763. |
Kunie v Nedbank Ltd; In Re: Kunie v Nedbank Ltd and Others (31087/2019) [2023] ZAGPPHC 238 (26 April 2023)
764. |
Kuttel v Master of High Court (Western Cape Division) and Others (819/2021) [2022] ZASCA 156 (16 November 2022)
765. |
KwaDukuza Mall (Pty) Ltd and Another v KwaDukuza Municipality and Another (D 2348/2020) [2022] ZAKZDHC 29 (21 September 2022)
766. |
KwaZulu-Natal Law Society v Mathe (9327/2013) [2018] ZAKZPHC 55 (31 October 2018)
767. |
L B v M B (2023-046143) [2023] ZAGPPHC 841 (31 July 2023)
768. |
LTE Consulting (Pty) Ltd and Another v Minister of Police and Others (42827/2020) [2022] ZAGPJHC 392 (24 March 2022)
769. |
La Grange v Road Accident Fund ; Mothobi v Road Accident Fund ; Lombard obo R L L v Road Accident Fund ; Sangweni v Road Accident Fund ; Van Niekerk v Road Accident Fund ; Kraftt v Road Accident Fund ; Smal obo C C S v Road Accident Fund ; Meier v Road Accident Fund (2018/10189; 2019/2767; 2019/47556; 2019/83708; 2020/37879; 2020/52669; 2021/6875; 2021/7667) [2023] ZAGPPHC 749 (20 June 2023)
770. |
Labuschagne v Farm to Table Meats (Pty) Ltd and Others (041961/22) [2024] ZAGPPHC 454 (29 April 2024)
771. |
Land and Agricultural Development Bank v Phosfert Trading (Pty) Ltd (2020/28966) [2023] ZAGPJHC 672 (8 June 2023)
772. |
Langa v South African Legal Practice Council; In Re: South African Legal Practice Council v Langa and Others (79330/2018) [2023] ZAGPPHC 979 (1 September 2023)
773. |
Langeni and Another v South African Women in Mining Association and Others (27669/2022) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1576 (13 March 2024)
774. |
Lascad Technology (Pty) Ltd v Absa Bank Limited (40614/18) [2022] ZAGPJHC 79 (21 February 2022)
775. |
Laser Transport Group (Pty) Ltd and Another v Elliot Mobility (Pty) Ltd and Another (835/2018) [2019] ZASCA 140 (1 October 2019)
776. |
Lategan and Another v Director of Public Prosecutions, Western Cape and Another (314/2022) [2024] ZASCA 74 (10 May 2024)
777. |
Lazarus and Another v Absa Bank Ltd (676/2017) [2023] ZAECPEHC 39 (30 May 2023)
778. |
Le Roux and Another v Dielemaar Holdings (Cape) Pty Ltd and Another (414/2023) [2024] ZASCA 118 (25 July 2024)
779. |
Lebashe Investment Group (Pty) Limited and Others v United Democratic Movement and Another (Leave to Appeal) (58969/2018) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1266 (14 November 2023)
780. |
Lebitse v Allied Value Investors (Pty) Ltd and Others (28859/2020) [2023] ZAGPJHC 87 (1 February 2023)
781. |
Ledla Structural Development (Pty) Ltd and Others v Special Investigating Unit (GP07/2020) [2021] ZAST 6 (25 May 2021)
782. |
Ledla Structure Development (Pty) Ltd and Others v Special Investigating Unit and Another (Reasons) (GP07/2020) [2022] ZAST 66 (23 February 2022)
783. |
Lee Dunn v Minister of Police and Others (20946/2016) [2023] ZAGPPHC 124 (28 February 2023)
784. |
Legal Practice Council v Craddock (1967/2020) [2022] ZAECGHC 40 (10 August 2022)
785. |
Legal Practice Council v Kgaphola and Another (12379/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 884 (8 August 2023)
786. |
Legal Practice Council v Kleynhans (Reasons) (6160/24) [2024] ZAWCHC 110 (5 August 2024)
787. |
Legal Practitioners Indemnity Insurance Fund NPC and Others v Road Accident Fund and Others (046038/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 285 (20 March 2024)
788. |
Legal Practitioners Indemnity Insurance Fund NPC v Mkansi ; In Re: Mkansi v Legal Practitioners Indemnity Insurance Fund NPC (61050/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 125 (22 February 2023)
789. |
Lekhoana v S (CA 76 of 2019) [2024] ZANWHC 109 (16 April 2024)
790. |
Lendtech Investment Holdings Private Ltd v IMS Tech Corp Ltd and Others (2023-025384) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1063 (18 September 2023)
791. |
Lephoi v Ramakarane (4474/2020) [2023] ZAFSHC 101 (7 June 2023)
792. |
Leslie v Viana and Others (Application for Leave to Appeal) (6673/2023) [2024] ZAWCHC 43 (13 March 2024)
793. |
Leso v S (CA 63/2019) [2024] ZANWHC 110 (16 April 2024)
794. |
Lindsey and Others v Conteh (774/2022) [2024] ZASCA 13 (6 February 2024)
795. |
Lipschitz v Crook and Another (12395/2014) [2024] ZAGPJHC 105 (5 February 2024)
796. |
Llale v S (663 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 49 (26 April 2017)
797. |
Lomastep(Pty)Ltd v Galego and Others (18374/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 923 (17 August 2023)
798. |
Lomdard v McDonald's Wingtip; In Re: Lomdard v McDonald's Wingtip (38117/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 246 (17 April 2023)
799. |
Lonwabo Hlakanyane v Ziyanda Hlakanyane (775/2020) [2021] ZASCA 130 (30 September 2021)
800. |
Lotriet and Another v Oosthuizen and Others (14413/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 520 (4 May 2023)
801. |
Louis N.N.O. and Others v Fenwick N.O. and Others (598/2021) [2023] ZASCA 59 (28 April 2023)
802. |
Lourens v Speaker of the National Assembly of Parliament and Others (20827/2014) [2016] ZASCA 11 (10 March 2016)
803. |
Louw v Engirex (Pty) Ltd and Others (1629/2020) [2022] ZANCHC 32 (29 July 2022)
804. |
Luvhomba Legal Edge CC and Others v Nedbank Limited (Judgment on Leave to Appeal) (28220/2015; 28221/2015) [2022] ZAGPPHC 779 (29 July 2022)
805. |
Lyconet Austria GmbH v Weiglhofer and Others ; In re: Weiglhofer and Others v Lyconet South Africa (Pty) Ltd (2023-082122) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1212 (20 October 2023)
806. |
M B v R B (259/2023) [2024] ZASCA 116 (24 July 2024)
807. |
M H v A V D W (35598/21) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1344 (29 September 2022)
808. |
M I R v N L R (16610/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 577 (24 August 2022)
809. |
M J v M P (04303/2019) [2022] ZAGPJHC 34 (17 January 2022)
810. |
M K obo M L v Road Accident Fund (66127/2018) [2024] ZAGPPHC 252 (8 March 2024)
811. |
M L v M B; In Re: M L v M B (2017/30005) [2023] ZAGPJHC 893 (8 August 2023)
812. |
M L v S (347/2015) [2016] ZASCA 4 (1 March 2016)
813. |
M M obo G M v MEC for Department of Health, North West Province (782/2022) [2024] ZASCA 52 (18 April 2024)
814. |
M M v Mhlekwa NO and Others (Leave to Appeal) (2092/2022) [2024] ZAFSHC 68 (19 March 2024)
815. |
M P v B M and Another (Leave to Appeal) (2328/1993) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1087 (14 October 2022)
816. |
M S v P S (Leave to Appeal) (1334/2018) [2024] ZAFSHC 55 (5 March 2024)
817. |
M T Makhubele Enterprises CC and Others v Business Partners Ltd and Others (48567/14) [2023] ZAGPPHC 132 (6 March 2023)
818. |
M T v S (Leave to Appeal) (2021/19942) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1252 (14 December 2022)
819. |
M v M (29257/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 448 (8 May 2024)
820. |
M v P (1917/2018) [2019] ZAGPJHC 19 (1 February 2019)
821. |
MEC Department of Education EC and Others v Cohcrane and Others (CA 179/2021) [2022] ZAECGHC 64 (18 October 2022)
822. |
MEC For Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Kwazulu-Natal and Another v Mtubatuba Local Municipality and Others (2562/2023) [2023] ZAKZDHC 46 (4 September 2023)
823. |
MEC For Health Eastern Cape Province v Mousomi (367/2017) [2023] ZAECBHC 12 (15 June 2023)
824. |
MEC Responsible For Economic Development Gauteng v Vilakazi and Others (2023-032601) [2023] ZAGPPHC 912 (14 August 2023)
825. |
MEC for Health, Gauteng v Mtwazi (10242/2017) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1437 (28 November 2023)
826. |
MEC v Melanie; Special Investigating Unit v MEC and Another (2017 of 2015) [2022] ZAECMHC 9 (14 June 2022)
827. |
MFC Police Road and Transport v Ket Civils CC and Others (1640/2021) [2022] ZAFSHC 20 (5 May 2022)
828. |
MSG Marketing (Pty) Ltd and Another v Firstrand Bank Ltd (Written Reasons : Leave to Appeal) (2022/1321) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1243 (26 October 2023)
829. |
MT Pretty Scene: Galsworthy Ltd v Pretty Scene Shipping SA and Another (684/2019) [2021] ZASCA 38 (12 April 2021)
830. |
MTEC Rustenburg and Others v Capricorn District Municipality (743/2018) [2020] ZASCA 36 (6 April 2020)
831. |
MU Mecanicos Unidos S A S v Registrar of Patents (068030/23) [2023] ZAGPPHC 968 (30 August 2023)
832. |
Mabaso v National Commissioner of Police and Another (1222/2017) [2019] ZASCA 43 (29 March 2019)
833. |
Mabaso v S (677/2020) [2021] ZASCA 98 (9 July 2021)
834. |
Mabena v Road Accident Fund (40189/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 804 (18 July 2023)
835. |
Mabentsela v Hamadulay NO and Others (EL713/2024) [2024] ZAECELLC 15 (10 May 2024)
836. |
Mabita v S (CC66/2023) [2024] ZAGPPHC 851 (28 August 2024)
837. |
Mabuza and Another v S (A27/2022) [2022] ZAGPPHC 623 (13 September 2022)
838. |
Macberth Attorneys Inc v South African Forestry Company Soc Ltd and Others (29177/2020) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1190 (22 March 2022)
839. |
Machete v S (167 of 2017) [2017] ZASCA 70 (31 May 2017)
840. |
Machingwane v National African Federated Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Another (Leave to Appeal) (25906/2020) [2022] ZAGPJHC 452 (11 July 2022)
841. |
Madelung and Another v Master of High Court, Cape Town and Others (3430/2022) [2022] ZAWCHC 195 (8 November 2022)
842. |
Mafate Business Enterprise v Malepe and Others (1990/2022) [2022] ZALMPPHC 1 (8 April 2022)
843. |
Mafilika and Others v Elundii Municipality and Aonther (Leave to Appeal) (398/2023) [2024] ZAECGHC 6 (23 January 2024)
844. |
Mafungo v Keele ; In Re: Keele v Legal Practice Council and Others (1930/2021) [2024] ZAGPPHC 782 (7 August 2024)
845. |
Magalies Water v Thabazimbi Local Municipality (M184/2022) [2023] ZANWHC 613 (16 November 2023)
846. |
Magudumana v Director of Public Prosecutions Free State NNO and Others (2484/2023) [2023] ZAFSHC 123 (18 July 2023)
847. |
Magwala v Sinthumule and Others (744/2021) [2023] ZASCA 62 (5 May 2023)
848. |
Maharaj N.N.O. and Another v Reuben N.O. and Another (51585/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1115 (12 October 2023)
849. |
Mahlangu v Du Plessis ; Du Plessis v Mahlangu and Another (LCC 97/2021) [2022] ZALCC 7 (30 March 2022)
850. |
Mahlobogoane and Another v Willow Acres Estate Homeowners Association NPC (11789/19) [2023] ZAGPPHC 134 (24 February 2023)
851. |
Mahori and Another v Firstrand Bank Ltd and Others (Leave to Appeal) (019229/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 241 (8 March 2024)
852. |
Mailula and Another v Matsi Law Chambers Inc; In Re: Matsi Law Chambers Inc v Mailula and Another (46358/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 887 (10 August 2023)
853. |
Main Street 1613 (Rf) and Others v Solar Capital Orange (Rf) Proprietary Ltd and Others (56709/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 105 (25 January 2023)
854. |
Makhubela and Others v Silinda and Others (43599/2019) [2022] ZAGPPHC 913 (1 July 2022)
855. |
Makwakwa and Others v Minister of State Security (1316/2022) [2024] ZASCA 41 (5 April 2024)
856. |
Malefane v Nedbank (41530/19) [2022] ZAGPJHC 360 (25 March 2022)
857. |
Malki's Investment Trust v Hashi and Others (27673/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 226 (6 April 2023)
858. |
Maloka v Liberty Holdings (19942/21) [2022] ZAGPJHC 480 (2 August 2022)
859. |
Malomini Strategists (Pty) Ltd and Another v Nxumalo; In re: Nxumalo v Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) and Others (49110/2021; A292/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 624 (15 September 2022)
860. |
Maluleke v Passanger Rail Agency of South Africa (Leave to Appeal) (64786/17) [2024] ZAGPPHC 200 (1 March 2024)
861. |
Malvern Trading CC v Absa Bank Ltd (2021/50947) [2023] ZAGPPHC 541 (23 May 2023)
862. |
Mambafula v Alfred Nzo District Municipality (3264/2024) [2024] ZAECMHC 69 (20 August 2024)
863. |
Mampoza v King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality and Others (Leave to Appeal) (5244/2021) [2024] ZAECMHC 7 (30 January 2024)
864. |
Manaka v University of Witwatersrand (2023/021837) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1511 (29 February 2024)
865. |
Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality v Buys; In Re: Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality v Buys (1137/2019) [2023] ZAFSHC 198 (16 October 2023)
866. |
Mango Airlines Soc Limited NO and Others v Minister of Public Enterprises and Others (010700/2023) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1005 (6 September 2023)
867. |
Mango Airlines Soc Limited and Another (National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa intervening) v Minister of Pubic Enterprises and Others (Section 18(3) Judgment) (010700/2023) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1336 (18 December 2023)
868. |
Mango Airlines Soc Limited and Another (National Union of Metalworks of South Africa intervening) v Minister of Public Enterprises and Others (Leave to Appeal) (010700/2023) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1330 (13 December 2023)
869. |
Manzi v Manzi and Others (Leave to Appeal) (896/2024) [2024] ZAECMHC 25 (14 May 2024)
870. |
Maphalle v South African Police Service and Others (B38945/2022) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1013 (17 November 2022)
871. |
Maponya Motor City Properties (Pty) Ltd N.O. and Others v Hamilton N.N.O and Others (39151/20) [2022] ZAGPJHC 372 (29 March 2022)
872. |
Maquassi Hills Local Municipality v Hero Telecoms (Pty) Limited (1339/2024) [2024] ZANWHC 108 (4 April 2024)
873. |
Maqubela and Another v Master of Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg and Others (2018/40955) [2022] ZAGPJHC 858 (19 May 2022)
874. |
Marcus v Road Accident Fund (12325/15) [2022] ZAGPPHC 652 (24 October 2022)
875. |
Maree and Another v Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (3372/2023) [2024] ZAFSHC 37 (22 February 2024)
876. |
Maremane Communal Property Association v Minister of Police and Others (2086/2021) [2022] ZANCHC 30 (15 July 2022)
877. |
Marindafontein (Pty) Ltd v Stopforth and Another (2022/033875) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1463 (5 December 2023)
878. |
Marite v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others (Leave to Appeal) (21369/2023; B1092/2023) [2024] ZAGPPHC 116 (13 February 2024)
879. |
Markit Systems (Pty) Ltd v Fulcrum Group (Pty) Ltd (39734/18) [2021] ZAGPJHC 163 (7 July 2021)
880. |
Marschall v Schleyer and Others (32366/2020) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1079 (4 November 2022)
881. |
Marsing and Copany (Pty) Ltd v Redinger (1144/2019P) [2024] ZAKZPHC 58 (2 August 2024)
882. |
Masange v Minister of Home Affairs and Another; In re: Masange Minister of Home Affairs and Another (41235/2020) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1118 (15 August 2022)
883. |
Masango and Another v S (203/2022) [2024] ZASCA 98 (14 June 2024)
884. |
Masehla v Ganca and Another ; In Re: Ganca and Another v Masehla and Others (2019/40372) [2024] ZAGPJHC 182 (22 February 2024)
885. |
Maseko and Another v Khepeng and Another ; In re: Khepeng and Another v Maseko and Another (4751/2022) [2024] ZAFSHC 11 (30 January 2024)
886. |
Maseko v Road Accident Fund (Leave to Appeal) (84770/2014) [2024] ZAGPPHC 201 (28 February 2024)
887. |
Maseko v S (SS107/2019) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1097 (25 October 2022)
888. |
Mashaba v Minister of Police (54940/2012) [2024] ZAGPPHC 450 (6 May 2024)
889. |
Masilela and Others v Masilela and Another (70305/2018) [2024] ZAGPPHC 580 (19 June 2024)
890. |
Master of High Court v Pretoria Society of Advocates and Others; In Re: Matters involving report and addendum of Master of High Court ito section 96(2) of Administration of Estates Act 66 of 1965; In re: Van Rooyen NO obo Ntzokhe v Road Accident Fund; Raphulu v ROad Accident Fund; Rauenheimer obo Brian v Road Accident Fund; Segoba obo Sekwane and Sekwane v Road Accident Fund; Wentzel v Road Accident Fund (17258; 28304; 35182; 40258/16; 44200) [2022] ZAGPPHC 810 (20 May 2022)
891. |
Matarapro (Pty) Ltd v Mashala Resources (Pty) Ltd (2021/20243) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1085 (27 September 2023)
892. |
Matatiele Local Municipality v Lubbe Construction (Pty) Ltd (24667/20) [2022] ZAGPJHC 312 (17 May 2022)
893. |
Mathekga And Another v S (717/2019) [2020] ZASCA 77 (30 June 2020)
894. |
Mathibela v S (CC146/2016) [2024] ZAGPPHC 854 (28 August 2024)
895. |
Mathuthu and Others v S (393/2021) [2024] ZASCA 50 (17 April 2024)
896. |
Matjhabeng Local Municipality v Lequbu Specialised Services (Pty) Ltd ; In re: Lequbu Specialised Services (Pty) Ltd v Matjhabeng Local Municipality (3328/2021) [2024] ZAFSHC 134 (4 July 2024)
897. |
Matsepe and Another v Minister of Finance and Others (10139/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 608 (1 June 2023)
898. |
Matshaya v Mapatha and Others (50451/21) [2023] ZAGPPHC 507 (9 May 2023)
899. |
Matsi Law Chambers Inc v Mailula and Another (46358/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1042 (7 September 2023)
900. |
Matsi Law Chambers Inc v Mailula and Another (46358/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 998 (31 August 2023)
901. |
Maughan v Zuma and Another; Downer v Zuma and Another (12770/22P) [2023] ZAKZPHC 77 (3 August 2023)
902. |
Mavudzi and Another v Acting Judge Makamu and Others (Reasons) (2024/00057; 2024-028945) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1813 (19 July 2024)
903. |
Mazibuko v Government Employees Medical Scheme (40674/2018) [2024] ZAGPPHC 336 (10 April 2024)
904. |
Maziya General Services v Minister of Public Works (295/2021) [2022] ZAECGHC 86 (2 December 2022)
905. |
Mazwai v Nkosi ; In Re: Nkosi v Mazwai (2021/14182) [2024] ZAGPJHC 78 (30 January 2024)
906. |
Mbatha v S (928/2018) [2020] ZASCA 102 (15 September 2020)
907. |
Mbiza and Another v Phola Coaches Limited and Others ; In re: Phola Coaches Limited v Mbiza and Another (031536/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1455 (21 November 2023)
908. |
Mditshwa v Sabona and Others (4744/2022) [2022] ZAECMHC 48 (8 December 2022)
909. |
Mdletshe and Another v Youtube Channel and Another (2022-035571) [2023] ZAGPJHC 946 (22 August 2023)
910. |
Medox Limited v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (20059/2014) [2015] ZASCA 74 (27 May 2015)
911. |
Member of Executive Council Department of Health, Northern Cape Province v Norman NO obo Lott obo Lott; In re: Norman NO obo Lott obo Lott v Member of Executive Council Department of Health, Northern Cape Province (2720/2017) [2022] ZANCHC 42 (2 September 2022)
912. |
Member of Executive Council Responsible for Local Government, Western Cape Mazikama Local Municipality and Others (747/2021) [2022] ZASCA 167 (30 November 2022)
913. |
Member of Executive Council for Department of Health, Eastern Cape v N S obo A S (2728/19) [2024] ZAECMHC 17 (25 April 2024)
914. |
Member of Executive Council for Health, North West Province v Motshegwa obo Motshegwa (1362/2019) [2024] ZANWHC 14 (31 January 2024)
915. |
Member of the Executive Committee: Heal Limpopo Provincial Government v Health Professions Council of South Africa N.O. and Another (B2150/2023) [2023] ZAGPPHC 817 (20 July 2023)
916. |
Member of the Executive Council For Health Gauteng Province v Solomons; In Re: Vulangengqele obo M V v Member of the Executive Council For Health Gauteng Province (2022/A5070) [2023] ZAGPJHC 755 (27 June 2023)
917. |
Member of the Executive Council Local Government Environmental Affairs and Development Planning Western Cape v Prince Albert Municipality and Another (A231/2020) [2021] ZAWCHC 4 (21 September 2021)
918. |
Member of the Executive Council, Local Government Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Western Cape v Prince Albert Municipality and Another (A 231 of 2020) [2021] ZAWCHC 5 (21 September 2021)
919. |
Mercantile Bank Limited and Another v Ross and Another (19791/2020) [2024] ZAGPJHC 104 (5 February 2024)
920. |
Mercedes-Benz Finance and Insurance v Thobejane (16432/2019) [2023] ZAGPPHC 634 (26 May 2023)
921. |
Merchant West (Pty) Ltd v Hellmann and Others; In re: Hellman v South African Civil Aviation Authority and Others (21/27401) [2023] ZAGPJHC 275 (10 March 2023)
922. |
Mercury Fittings (Pty) Ltd and Another v Doormax (Pty) Ltd and Another (4370/2023) [2024] ZAWCHC 98 (21 June 2024)
923. |
Mercury Fittings CC v Doorware CC (00014/2023) [2023] ZAGPJHC 366 (24 April 2023)
924. |
Metsimaholo Local Municipality v IMATU obo Roux and Others (JS101/2010) [2014] ZALCJHB 108 (4 July 2014)
925. |
Meyer v Meyer and Others (42362/2021) [2024] ZAGPPHC 363 (9 April 2024)
926. |
Mgatyelwa v Minister of Police and Others (Leave to Appeal) (1174/2016) [2024] ZAECMHC 60 (23 July 2024)
927. |
Mhlambi v S (593/2020) [2021] ZASCA 49 (21 April 2021)
928. |
Mhlauli v Mashisane (11024/20) [2021] ZAGPJHC 103 (8 November 2021)
929. |
Mhlontlo v Government Employees Pension Fund (3572/2021) [2024] ZAECPEHC 8 (6 February 2024)
930. |
Mhlwana and Another v Denel Soc Limited (40858/2019) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1172 (20 December 2022)
931. |
Micaren Exel Petroleum Wholesaler (Pty) Ltd v Stella Quick Shop (Pty) Ltd and Another (471/2019) [2020] ZASCA 61 (9 June 2020)
932. |
Micros South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others v Kleynhans and Others (Leave to Appeal) (074606/2023) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1179 (16 October 2023)
933. |
Mihloti and Another v Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department and Another (Leave to Appeal) (22/5396) [2022] ZAGPJHC 922 (10 June 2022)
934. |
Milling Techniks (Pty) Ltd v MEC for KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport and Another (6319/2022P) [2024] ZAKZPHC 16 (6 March 2024)
935. |
Mining Oil Solutions (Pty) Ltd v Vimasco Mining and Construction (Pty) Ltd and Another; In re: Vimasco Mining and Construction (Pty) Ltd and Another v Botshelo Commodities (Pty) Ltd and Others (Leave to Appeal) (2023-106309) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1305 (30 November 2023)
936. |
Minister for Department: Communications and Digital Technologies v Mosidi and Others (074707/2023) [2024] ZAGPPHC 584 (12 June 2024)
937. |
Minister for Local Government Environmental Affairs and Development Planning Western Cape Province Government v Bitou Municipality and Others (C 616/2019) [2019] ZALCCT 11 (26 November 2019)
938. |
Minister of Environmental Affairs v Trustees of the Groundwork Trust and Another (39724/2019) [2023] ZAGPPHC 155 (20 March 2023)
939. |
Minister of Higher Education and Training and Another v South African Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union and Others (JA 13/2017) [2017] ZALAC 103 (16 May 2017)
940. |
Minister of Home Affairs and Another v Fireblade Aviation Proprietary Limited and Others (13 of 2016) [2018] ZASCA 46 (28 March 2018)
941. |
Minister of Home Affairs and Another v Helen Suzman Foundation and Others (32323/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1178 (16 October 2023)
942. |
Minister of Home Affairs and Another v V M and Others (Leave to Appeal) (006386/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1212 (2 November 2023)
943. |
Minister of Justice Constitutional Development and Correctional Services and Others v Kramer and Another (2023-126318) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1646 (27 March 2024)
944. |
Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others v Pretorius and Others (440/2022) [2023] ZASCA 155 (17 November 2023)
945. |
Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others v Van Wyk and Others (Leave to Apeal) (29038/19) [2024] ZAGPPHC 13 (3 January 2024)
946. |
Minister of National Department of Rural Development and Land Reform v Tsuputse and Others (4127/2015) [2015] ZAKZDHC 35 (28 April 2015)
947. |
Minister of Police and Another v Gqada (CA 68/2022) [2023] ZAECGHC 57 (23 May 2023)
948. |
Minister of Police and Another v Khele (41848/18) [2022] ZAGPJHC 882 (25 July 2022)
949. |
Minister of Police and Another v Miya [2022] ZAGPPHC 1025 (11 November 2022)
950. |
Minister of Police v Andries (74452/2017) [2023] ZAGPPHC 667 (9 June 2023)
951. |
Minister of Police v Dike (404/2022) [2023] ZAECBHC 34 (9 October 2023)
952. |
Minister of Police v Els ; In Re: Els v Minister of Police (A3015/2020) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1479 (8 December 2023)
953. |
Minister of Police v Khoeli (241/2020) [2021] ZASCA 146 (18 October 2021)
954. |
Minister of Police v Legodi; In re: Legodi v Minister of Police (Leave to Appeal) (16107/2016) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1217 (1 November 2023)
955. |
Minister of Police v Magqaza Obo Cwati and Others (1869/2021) [2022] ZAECGHC 94 (6 December 2022)
956. |
Minister of Police v Motupa (2017/11257) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1778 (1 July 2024)
957. |
Minister of Police v Nobumba N.O. and Another (1585/2022) [2023] ZAECPEHC 7 (2 March 2023)
958. |
Minister of Police v Sabisa and Another (2889/2016) [2023] ZAECMHC 39 (11 July 2023)
959. |
Minister of Police v Simon (02554/2014) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1110 (7 November 2022)
960. |
Minister of Safety and Security and Another v Tembop Recovery CC and Others (6/2015) [2016] ZASCA 52 (1 April 2016)
961. |
Minister of South African Police Services and Others v Mudolo (A274/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 788 (17 July 2024)
962. |
Minister of Water and Sanitation v Tonise and Others (1274/2022) [2023] ZAECGHC 84 (12 September 2023)
963. |
Mitchell v Road Accident Fund (35419/2019) [2024] ZAGPPHC 681 (5 June 2024)
964. |
Mitchell v Road Accident Fund (90314/2019) [2024] ZAGPPHC 742 (5 June 2024)
965. |
Mkhize v DPP and Another (632/2020) [2022] ZAECGHC 44 (23 August 2022)
966. |
Mlobela v Mlobela; In re: Mlobela v Mlobela (482/22) [2022] ZAGPJHC 367 (30 May 2022)
967. |
Mnisi and Others v Master of High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria and Others (2023/013876) [2024] ZAGPPHC 688 (18 July 2024)
968. |
Moamogoe v S (191/2019) [2020] ZASCA 106 (18 September 2020)
969. |
Modise v Master of the High Court of South Africa and Others (Leave to Appeal) (42772/2019) [2022] ZAGPJHC 576 (26 August 2022)
970. |
Modise v S (CA 64/2019) [2024] ZANWHC 113 (16 April 2024)
971. |
Mofokeng v Road Accident Fund (Leave to Appeal) (78908/2018) [2024] ZAGPPHC 743 (30 July 2024)
972. |
Mogale City Local Municipality and Another v Inzalo Enterprise Management Systems (Pty) Ltd (2022/002958) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1216 (8 December 2022)
973. |
Mogodiri and Another v Exclusive Log Cabins CC and Another (49281/2019) [2023] ZAGPPHC 559 (22 May 2023)
974. |
Mogwele Waste (Pty) Ltd v Brynard (CA15/2015) [2016] ZALAC 135 (20 April 2016)
975. |
Mohale v Office of the Chiefmaster and Another (21462/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1043 (15 September 2023)
976. |
Mokhatla and Others v Ntsuseng and Others (2022-554) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1733 (21 May 2024)
977. |
Mokweni and Others v Plaatjies and Others (A178/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 159 (26 October 2023)
978. |
Molema and Another v Lethamakga Business Enterprise CC (40024/2018) [2023] ZAGPPHC 973 (29 August 2023)
979. |
Molosi and Others v King Phahlo Royal Family and Others (1005/2022) [2024] ZASCA 73 (10 May 2024)
980. |
Molusi and Another v Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd (32613/2020) [2024] ZAGPPHC 288 (25 March 2024)
981. |
Molwantwa v Van Vuuren and Others (M133/2021) [2023] ZANWHC 586 (31 October 2023)
982. |
Momoco International Limited v Gfe-Mir Alloys And Minerals Sa (Pty) Ltd (55273/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 781 (2 June 2023)
983. |
Montle and Neo Transport Services and Another v Engen Petroleum Ltd and Another (20420/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 126 (18 August 2023)
984. |
Monument Park 110 (Pty) Ltd v Venter (68355/2018) [2023] ZAGPPHC 562 (26 April 2023)
985. |
Monyela NNO and Another (Plantcor (Pty) Ltd intervening) v Tayob NO and Others (Leave to Appeal) (2023/117272) [2024] ZAGPPHC 76 (2 February 2024)
986. |
Moodey v Van den Heever NO and Another (55974/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1214 (20 October 2023)
987. |
Moodley and Another v S (475/2023) [2024] ZASCA 102 (20 June 2024)
988. |
Moqolo and Others v African National Congress (1852/2023; A118/2023) [2024] ZAFSHC 10 (1 February 2024)
989. |
Morapeng A Afrika Leisure (Pty) Ltd v Nengondeni and Others (JR3054/2012) [2015] ZALCJHB 41 (7 August 2015)
990. |
Mosselbaai Boeredienste (Pty) Ltd v OKB Motors CC (1216/21) [2023] ZASCA 91 (9 June 2023)
991. |
Mosuetsa v Mosuetsa and Others (746/2022) [2023] ZASCA 164 (1 December 2023)
992. |
Motau v Minister of Health and Others (43355/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 160 (22 March 2023)
993. |
Motikeng v Moni and Another (8853/21) [2022] ZAWCHC 183 (15 December 2022)
994. |
Motor City Auto Spares (Pty) Ltd and Another v Sheriff Vanderbijlpark and Others (2021/53966) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1453 (17 July 2023)
995. |
Motor City Auto Spares (Pty) Ltd and Another v Sheriff Vanderbijlpark and Others (Leave to Appeal) (2021/53966) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1762 (17 January 2024)
996. |
Motsima and Another v Free State and Another (3253/2021) [2022] ZAFSHC 80 (30 June 2022)
997. |
Moyo v Old Mutual Limited and Others (22791/19) [2022] ZAGPJHC 310 (16 May 2022)
998. |
Mphahlele v Scheepers NO and Another (23465/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 849 (27 July 2023)
999. |
Msibi v Occupiers of Unit [...] and Another (55038/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1072 (22 September 2023)
1000. |
Mthembu v Road Accident Fund (35790/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 850 (26 July 2023)
1001. |
Mthembu v Special Investigating Unit and Another (21441/20) [2024] ZAGPPHC 745 (30 July 2024)
1002. |
Mthethwa and Others v Obed ; In Re: Obed v National Housing Finance Corporation SOC Ltd and Others (Leave to Appeal) (29560/21) [2024] ZAGPPHC 690 (15 July 2024)
1003. |
Muchenje and Another v Investec Bank Ltd (17072/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1107 (28 September 2023)
1004. |
Multisure Corporation (Pty) Ltd v KGA Life Limited and Others (2780/2021) [2022] ZAECPEHC 22 (30 August 2022)
1005. |
Municipal Employees Pension Fund v City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and Others (27756/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 557 (24 May 2023)
1006. |
Munsami v Standard Bank SA Ltd and Others (2018/47106) [2023] ZAGPJHC 27 (20 January 2023)
1007. |
Murray N.N.O. and Others v Ntombela and Others; In re: Ntombela and Another v Muray N.N.O. and Others (3807/2020) [2022] ZAFSHC 73 (24 June 2022)
1008. |
Murray and Dickson Construction (Pty) Ltd Eigenbau Joint Venture v Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality (M55/2023) [2023] ZANWHC 615 (14 December 2023)
1009. |
Murray and Roberts Ltd v Energy Fabrication (Pty) Ltd and Others (Leave to Appeal) (12729/2021) [2024] ZAGPJHC 116 (2 February 2024)
1010. |
Mutale v Child Welfare Kempton Park; In Re: Mutale v Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and Others (56490/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 233 (6 April 2023)
1011. |
Mutombo v Minister of Home Affairs and Another (2023/121964) [2024] ZAGPPHC 368 (9 April 2024)
1012. |
Muvhali v Lukhele and Others (21/34140) [2022] ZAGPJHC 887 (18 July 2022)
1013. |
Muvhali v Lukhele and Others (21/34140) [2022] ZAGPJHC 915 (13 June 2022)
1014. |
Mvoko v South African Broadcasting Corporation Soc Ltd (1066 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 139 (29 September 2017)
1015. |
Mwaba v Jacques Andries Fischer NO and Others (2018/16100) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1151 (25 November 2022)
1016. |
Mynhardt and Another v Deventer and Others (033896/2023) [2024] ZAGPPHC 384 (3 April 2024)
1017. |
Mystical Ice Trading 50 CC v Rietfontein View Estate (Pty) Ltd (Leave to Appeal) (19260/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 691 (12 May 2022)
1018. |
Mzendana v Magistrate & Another (307/2020) [2022] ZAECGHC 79 (8 November 2022)
1019. |
N B v T B and Another (2669/2021; CA 81/2022) [2024] ZAECMHC 8 (30 January 2024)
1020. |
NDPP v Sharma and Others (2427/2021) [2022] ZAFSHC 6 (28 April 2022)
1021. |
NMBM and Another v Van Niekerk and Others (2452/2022) [2022] ZAECPEHC 33 (15 September 2022)
1022. |
NT Makhubele Enterprise CC and Another v Business Partners Ltd (2220/2017) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1177 (25 November 2022)
1023. |
NT55 Investments (Proprietary) Limited and Another v Member of Executive Council of Gauteng Provincial Government Responsible for its Department of Roads and Transport and Others (Applications for Leave to Appeal and for Section 18 Relief) (4478/20) [2023] ZAGPJHC 992 (1 September 2023)
1024. |
Namlela and Another v S (Bail Appeal) (CA&R 16/2024) [2024] ZAECGHC 25 (7 March 2024)
1025. |
National African Federated Chambers of Commerce and Industry, KwaZulu-Natal and Others v NAFCOC : KwaZulu-Natal and Others (1591/20P) [2022] ZAKZPHC 202 (15 December 2022)
1026. |
National African Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Another v Macingwane (25906/20) [2022] ZAGPJHC 332 (19 April 2022)
1027. |
National Brands Limited v Continental Biscuit Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd (43416/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1025 (1 September 2023)
1028. |
National Credit Regulator v National Consumer Tribunal and Another ; In re: National Credit Regulator v National Consumer Tribunal and Another; In re: Volkswagen Financial Services SA (Pty) Ltd v National Consumer Tribunal and Another (A104/2019; A288/2021; A289/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1181 (20 January 2022)
1029. |
National Department of Public Works v Roux Property Fund (Pty) Ltd and Another (52530/2011) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1310 (29 November 2023)
1030. |
National Director of Public Prosecutions v Mlamuleli (A22/2022) [2024] ZAFSHC 31 (14 February 2024)
1031. |
National Director of Public Prosecutions v Regiments Fund Managers (Pty) Ltd and Others (40451/2019) [2023] ZAGPJHC 88 (2 February 2023)
1032. |
National Emancipated and Allien Workers Union of South Africa v Bothaville Milling (Pty) Ltd t/a Thusa Mills; In Re: Bothaville Milling (Pty) Ltd t/a Thusa Mills v National Emancipated and Allien Workers Union of South Africa N.N.O. and Others (2657/2021) [2023] ZAFSHC 110 (15 June 2023)
1033. |
National Employers' Association of South Africa (NEASA) (Intervening) ; In Re: J & L Lining (Pty) Ltd v National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa and Others (J 3424/2018) [2019] ZALCJHB 143 (4 April 2019)
1034. |
National Employers' Association of South Africa (NEASA) (Intervening) ; In re: J & L Lining (Pty) Ltd v National Union of Metalworkers of South African (NUMSA) and Others (3424/2018) [2019] ZALCJHB 302 (4 April 2019)
1035. |
National Empowerment Fund v Cloverleaf Films (Pty) Ltd and Others ; National Empowerment Fund v Ironwood Films (Pty) Ltd and Others (2014/40054; 2014/40058) [2024] ZAGPJHC 200 (28 February 2024)
1036. |
National Union of Mineworkers and Others v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration N.O. and Others (JR 2396/10) [2015] ZALCJHB 73 (9 April 2015)
1037. |
National Union of Public Service and Allied Workers v Member of the Executive Council for Health: Gauteng Department and Others (78454/2016) [2018] ZAGPPHC 625 (12 February 2018)
1038. |
Naude and Another v Louis Pasteur Medical Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others; In Re: Lenmed Investments Limited v Naude NO and Others (31 of 2021) [2022] ZASCA 139 (24 October 2022)
1039. |
Naude and Another v Steyn City Properties (Pty) Ltd and Another; In re: Steyn City Properties (Pty) Ltd v Naude and Others; In re: Naude v GD Irons (Pty) Ltd and Others (23867/2022) [2022] ZAGPPHC 891 (22 June 2022)
1040. |
Nawa v International Pentacostal Holiness Church (IPHC); In Re: International Pentacostal Holiness Church (IPHC) v Minister of Police and Others (2021/14237) [2023] ZAGPJHC 400 (3 May 2023)
1041. |
Ncongwane and Another v South African Legal Practice Council and Others (Leave to Appeal) (3448/2017) [2024] ZAGPPHC 748 (31 July 2024)
1042. |
Ndebele and Others v S (CC71/2020) [2024] ZAGPPHC 255 (21 February 2024)
1043. |
Ndlovu and Another v Minister of Police and Others (30278/2018) [2023] ZAGPJHC 670 (8 June 2023)
1044. |
Ndlovu v Matsipa and Others (Leave to Appeal) (24564/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 749 (1 August 2024)
1045. |
Ndubu and Others v First Rand Bank Limited t/a Wesbank (1113 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 61 (26 May 2017)
1046. |
Nedbank Limited v Ncube and Another (41606/2016) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1158 (12 October 2023)
1047. |
Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chambers and Another v National Energy Regulator and Others (63393/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 609 (20 October 2022)
1048. |
Nelson v Potgieter and Others (2504/2020) [2023] ZAECGHC 70 (8 August 2023)
1049. |
Nelson v Road Accident Fund (3742/2016) [2023] ZAFSHC 242 (4 December 2023)
1050. |
Nene v District Municipality of Zululand and Others (332/2024P) [2024] ZAKZPHC 42 (21 June 2024)
1051. |
Nethavhani v Nuwe SA Eiendomme en Verhuring CC and Others (20709/2022) [2023] ZAGPPHC 610 (23 May 2023)
1052. |
New GX Enviro Solution and Logistics Holdings (Pty) Ltd v City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and Another (53694/2020) [2024] ZAGPPHC 316 (2 April 2024)
1053. |
Newnet Properties (Pty) Ltd t/a Sunshine Hospital v Road Accident Fund and Another (006088/2022) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1147 (13 September 2022)
1054. |
Ngakantsi v S (1020/2020) [2020] ZASCA 94 (19 August 2020)
1055. |
Ngandela v Absa Bank Limited and Another (EL 1637/2021) [2023] ZAECELLC 48 (31 January 2023)
1056. |
Ngququ NO v Steyn ; In re: Steyn v Ngququ NO and Others (4133/2022) [2023] ZAFSHC 255 (7 December 2023)
1057. |
Nicolosi and Others v Rose and Others (Leave to Appeal) (3631/2018) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1512 (12 December 2023)
1058. |
Nienaber NO and Others v Nelson Attorneys (302/2017) [2022] ZAECPEHC 40 (22 November 2022)
1059. |
Nkamela obo Kuhle Nkamela v MEC for Health EC (308/2018) [2022] ZAECBHC 7 (31 May 2022)
1060. |
Nketoane Local Municipality v Rudnat Projects CC and Others (2870/2013) [2022] ZAFSHC 21 (9 May 2022)
1061. |
Nkogatse v National Director of Public Prosecutions (73663/2016) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1273 (21 November 2023)
1062. |
Nkosi v Regional Magistrate Boksburg and Another (17383/2019) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1345 (19 August 2022)
1063. |
Nndanduleni and Another v S (84/2014) [2016] ZASCA 51 (1 April 2016)
1064. |
Nomatye v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Another (118/2020) [2024] ZAECGHC 43 (30 April 2024)
1065. |
Nongauza v First Rand Bank Ltd and Others (15086/2016) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1023 (17 November 2022)
1066. |
Nontshinga and Others v S (770/2015) [2016] ZASCA 76 (27 May 2016)
1067. |
Noormohamed and Others v Acacia Finance (Pty) Ltd (2012/16759) [2023] ZAGPJHC 749 (26 June 2023)
1068. |
Norman v Cash Flow Capital (Pty) Ltd (19832/2020) [2022] ZAGPPHC 692 (16 May 2022)
1069. |
Nqaba Guarantee SPV (Pty) Ltd and Another v Khayelihle Trust and Another (Application for Leave to Appeal) (47603/2017) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1417 (27 November 2023)
1070. |
Nqorile CC and Another v Eskom Holdings Soc Ltd ; In re: Eskom Holdings Soc Ltd v Nqorile CC and Another (Leave to Appeal) (47122/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 694 (15 June 2023)
1071. |
Nthinte and Another v Minister of Police Gauteng Provincial and Another (81435/2019) [2024] ZAGPPHC 599 (10 June 2024)
1072. |
Ntsako NO and Another v Mthembu and Others (021190/2024) [2024] ZAGPPHC 796 (14 August 2024)
1073. |
Numsa obo Jongikhaya v Powertech Transformers (DPM) and Others (CA16/2012) [2013] ZALAC 2 (2 December 2013)
1074. |
Nyalenda v S (CA 71/2019) [2024] ZANWHC 111 (16 April 2024)
1075. |
Nzuza and Others v National Director of Public Prosecutions and Others (70192/17) [2024] ZAGPPHC 372 (15 April 2024)
1076. |
O R v H R (A6270-2023) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1372 (15 November 2023)
1077. |
Oakbay Investments (Pty) Ltd v Tegeta Exploration and Resources (Pty) Ltd and Others (1274/2019) [2021] ZASCA 59 (21 May 2021)
1078. |
Ochre Shimmer Trade and Invest 78 (Pty) Ltd v Chief Registrar Northern Cape High Court and Others; In Re: Assmang (Pty) Ltd v Ochre Shimmer Trade and Invest 78 (Pty) Ltd and Others (1252/2023) [2023] ZANCHC 62 (29 September 2023)
1079. |
Office of Public Protector v Msibi; In re: Msibi v Office of Public Protector and Others (75594/2019) [2022] ZAGPPHC 763 (25 July 2022)
1080. |
Ogana v Green Outdoor Gyms (Pty) Ltd and Another (Leave to Appeal) (2022/4340) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1262 (30 October 2023)
1081. |
Oosthuizen v Heever Boerdery CC & Another (2083/2021) [2022] ZAFSHC 55 (6 June 2022)
1082. |
Oranje Watersport CC v Dawid Kruiper Local Municipality and Others (397/2019) [2020] ZASCA 75 (30 June 2020)
1083. |
Oranje Watersport CC v Dawid Kruper Municipality (2231/2018) [2023] ZANCHC 11 (10 February 2023)
1084. |
Organi Mark (Pty) Ld v Akoodie and Another (11435/2020) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1173 (19 December 2022)
1085. |
Organi Mark (Pty) Ltd v Akoodie and Another (11435/20) [2023] ZAGPPHC 87 (23 February 2023)
1086. |
Organi Mark (Pty) Ltd v Akoodie and Another (240/2023) [2024] ZASCA 44 (8 April 2024)
1087. |
Organisasie vir Godsdienste-Onderrig en Demokrasie v Laerskool Randhart and Others (29847/2014) [2017] ZAGPJHC 160 (28 June 2017)
1088. |
Owen and Others (Pty) Ltd v Nedbank Limited (36425/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 565 (25 May 2023)
1089. |
Owen and Others (Pty) Ltd v Nedbank Limited (37473/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 575 (25 May 2023)
1090. |
Owen and Others (Pty) Ltd v Nedbank Limited (37474/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 569 (25 May 2023)
1091. |
Owen and Others (Pty) Ltd v Nedbank Limited (42242/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 566 (25 May 2023)
1092. |
Padayachee v KSD Municipality and Another (2511 of 2020) [2022] ZAECMHC 15 (26 July 2022)
1093. |
Padayachee v S (679/2020) [2021] ZASCA 115 (16 September 2021)
1094. |
Pamodzi Group Proprietary Limited and Another v National Empowerment Fund and Another (115576/2023) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1523 (15 December 2023)
1095. |
Panayiotou v Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd and Others (248 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 12 (17 March 2017)
1096. |
Park Village Auctioneers (Pty) Ltd v Forum Exporters International (Pty) Ltd (A 5039/21) [2022] ZAGPJHC 529 (26 July 2022)
1097. |
Patsa v S (CA 29/2021) [2024] ZANWHC 94 (3 April 2024)
1098. |
Peach v Kudjoe and Another (2016/30120) [2018] ZAGPPHC 480 (10 January 2018)
1099. |
Pema and Another v Healthworx Medical Centres (Pty) Ltd and Other; In Re: Pema and Another v Healthworx Medical Centres (Pty) Ltd (B39834/2022) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1117 (14 December 2022)
1100. |
Petersen v Oosthuizen (2015/44101) [2022] ZAGPJHC 901 (15 June 2022)
1101. |
Petroleum Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa (Soc) Ltd v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service and Another (8808/2020) [2024] ZAWCHC 3 (18 January 2024)
1102. |
Phasha and Others v Minister of Police (70 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 6 (10 March 2017)
1103. |
Pheko and Others v Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality and Others (Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa as Amicus Curiae) [2016] ZACC 20 (26 July 2016)
1104. |
Phillipa Susan van Zyl NO v Getz (548/2019) [2020] ZASCA 84 (6 July 2020)
1105. |
Phiri v Road Accident Fund (34481/18) [2022] ZAGPJHC 384 (18 March 2022)
1106. |
Pillay v S (453/2015) [2016] ZASCA 26 (18 March 2016)
1107. |
Pinnacle Micro Proprietary Limited v Govender ; Pinnacle Micro Proprietary Limited v K2K Information Systems Proprietary Limited (D12090/2022; D12091/2022) [2024] ZAKZDHC 25 (14 May 2024)
1108. |
Pioneer Foods (Pty) Ltd v Eskom Holdings Soc Limited and Others (325/2021) [2022] ZASCA 171 (1 December 2022)
1109. |
Pitso NO and Others v Chabeli Molatoli Attorneys Incorporated (420/2023) [2024] ZASCA 94 (12 June 2024)
1110. |
Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union and Others v Minister of Police and Others (Leave to Appeal) (B4176/23) [2024] ZAGPPHC 52 (22 January 2024)
1111. |
Poo v Tinza Lifestyle Estate and Another (25574/2014) [2023] ZAGPJHC 121 (15 February 2023)
1112. |
Pooe v Macheke (72144/2018) [2024] ZAGPPHC 417 (19 April 2024)
1113. |
Poole and Another v Rashida Industries (Pty) Ltd and Others (067770/2023) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1206 (26 October 2023)
1114. |
Pope and Another v Hattingh and Another (2548/2016) [2022] ZAFSHC 18 (5 May 2022)
1115. |
Poswa Incorporated v Mincap (Pty) Ltd (21/46473) [2023] ZAGPJHC 912 (14 August 2023)
1116. |
Poulos NO and Others v Van Den Heever NNO and Another (43528/2015) [2023] ZAGPJHC 979 (11 August 2023)
1117. |
Poulter v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service (A88/2023) [2024] ZAWCHC 54 (2 April 2024)
1118. |
Poulter v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service (Leave to Appeal) (A88/2023) [2024] ZAWCHC 100 (28 June 2024)
1119. |
Pretorius and Another v Pretorius N.O. and Others (15895/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 187 (15 March 2023)
1120. |
Pretorius v Visagie Drilling Contractors (14/30734) [2018] ZAGPJHC 987 (19 November 2018)
1121. |
Principal, Mbilwi High School and Others v RM OBO OM (633 of 2016) [2017] ZASCA 72 (1 June 2017)
1122. |
Prinsloo v Majiedt NO and Others ; In re: Majiedt NO and Another v Prinsloo (641/2021) [2024] ZAFSHC 36 (20 February 2024)
1123. |
Propell Sectional TItle Solutions (Pty) Ltd v Summerville Homeowners Association and Another ; Residents and/or Owners of Residential Erven in Summerville v Summerville Homeowners Association and Others (17198/2021; 20088/2022) [2024] ZAWCHC 104 (23 July 2024)
1124. |
Public Protector of South Africa v Speaker of National Assembly and Others (8500/2022) [2022] ZAWCHC 162 (3 November 2022)
1125. |
Public Protector v South African Reserve Bank (52883/2017) [2018] ZAGPPHC 595 (28 March 2018)
1126. |
Putco (Pty) Ltd v City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and Others (225/2022) [2023] ZASCA 31 (30 March 2023)
1127. |
Qhawe Hlomelo Ngonyama NO and Others v Eyabantu Capital Consortium (Pty) Ltd (18790/2020) [2022] ZAGPJHC 833 (30 September 2022)
1128. |
Quantum Foods (Pty) Ltd v Kemell Investments (Pty) Ltd (45960/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 821 (24 July 2023)
1129. |
R B K v Netbank Ltd (1413/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 697 (5 July 2024)
1130. |
R L v R I (16610/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 772 (30 June 2023)
1131. |
R P C v L G Y (Leave to Appeal) (19762/2007) [2022] ZAGPJHC 777 (13 October 2022)
1132. |
R R R v A C (22143/2018) [2022] ZAGPJHC 594 (22 August 2022)
1133. |
Rabboni Centre Ministries v Multisand (Pty) Ltd and Others (2010/67006) [2024] ZAGPPHC 431 (3 May 2024)
1134. |
Rabosiwana v Changing Tides 17 (Pty) Ltd (28108/2018) [2024] ZAGPPHC 419 (26 April 2024)
1135. |
Rachuene and Another v Business Partners Ltd (61512/2018) [2023] ZAGPPHC 651 (26 April 2023)
1136. |
Radebe v Minister of Police and Another (4843/2021) [2024] ZAGPPHC 258 (11 March 2024)
1137. |
Radebe v Road Accident Fund ; Mahlangu obo G S Road Accident Fund (053998/2023; 074803/2023) [2024] ZAGPPHC 20 (1 January 2024)
1138. |
Raft Crete CC v Pro Team Construction (Pty) Ltd and Another (27017/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 118 (3 March 2023)
1139. |
Ram Transport South Africa (Pty) Ltd t/a RAM Hand to Hand Couriers and Another v National Commissioner of South African Police Service and Others (Leave to Appeal) (2022/045283) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1166 (18 October 2023)
1140. |
Ram Transport South Africa (Pty) Ltd t/a Ram Hand To Hand Couriers and Another v National Commissioner of the South African Police Service and Others (2022/045283) [2023] ZAGPPHC 732 (5 July 2023)
1141. |
Rama Annadale Mononde Attorneys v Bekker NO and Another (34145/2020) [2024] ZAGPPHC 657 (2 July 2024)
1142. |
Ramatlapa and Another v SB Guarantee Company (RF) (Pty) Ltd ; In Re: SB Guarantee Company (RF) (Pty) Ltd v Ramatlapa and Another (61088/2020) [2024] ZAGPPHC 861 (28 August 2024)
1143. |
Rand Water Board and Another v Kariki Pipeline and Water Projects (Pty) Ltd (2017/2774; A2023-080029) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1690 (22 April 2024)
1144. |
Raschid and Another v Lenasia Tamil Association Body Corporate and Others (A3048/21) [2022] ZAGPJHC 619 (6 September 2022)
1145. |
Rayi and Another v Gxabeka; Rayi and Another v Gxabeka (3912/2021; 444/2022) [2023] ZAECPEHC 24 (9 February 2023)
1146. |
Raymond Mhlaba Municipality v Coega Packaging (Pty) Ltd (1838/2021) [2022] ZAECGHC 98 (29 November 2022)
1147. |
Redefine Retail (Pty) Ltd v Cuppaza Pazaz (Pty) Ltd and Another (2771/2018) [2019] ZAGPPHC 454 (15 February 2019)
1148. |
Renwick v Botha t/a Tax Consulting (35217/2019) [2023] ZAGPJHC 241 (8 March 2023)
1149. |
Republic of Mozambique v Forum De Monitoria Do Orcamento and Others (40441/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 477 (27 July 2022)
1150. |
Resultant Finance (Pty) Ltd v Head of Department for the Department of Health, KwaZulu-Natal and Another (62/2019) [2020] ZASCA 87 (16 July 2020)
1151. |
Rezaei N.N.O. and Others v Adinolfi and Others (43130/10; A390/2019) [2022] ZAGPPHC 972 (8 November 2022)
1152. |
Rheinland Filling Station (Pty) Ltd and Others v Mphosi and Others (24/000484) [2024] ZAGPJHC 59 (25 January 2024)
1153. |
Rhweba Butterworth (Pty) Ltd and Another v Mntonga; In re: Rhweba Butterworth (Pty) Ltd and Another v Mntonga and Others (5368 of 2021) [2022] ZAECMHC 2 (3 May 2022)
1154. |
Ribbon Dancer Investments CC v Moosa; In Re: Moosa v Meyer N.O. and Another (21019/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 35 (17 April 2023)
1155. |
Richard Keay Pollock N.O and Others v Victor and Others (735/2021) [2022] ZAFSHC 66 (17 June 2022)
1156. |
Riches and Beyond (Pty) Ltd and Others v Ramela and Others (40544/21) [2022] ZAGPJHC 20 (21 January 2022)
1157. |
Road Accident Fund and Another v Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd (2022/016179) [2023] ZAGPPHC 32 (23 January 2023)
1158. |
Road Accident Fund and Others v Mautla and Others (29459/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1367 (1 December 2023)
1159. |
Road Accident Fund v Adv Sayed obo L C (51356/2020) [2024] ZAGPPHC 491 (22 May 2024)
1160. |
Road Accident Fund v Auditor-General of South Africa (Leave to Appeal) (1452/2022) [2022] ZAGPPHC 720 (4 May 2022)
1161. |
Road Accident Fund v Madiba and Others (2023/088679) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1242 (18 October 2023)
1162. |
Road Accident Fund v Mienie (457/2019) [2023] ZANCHC 54 (5 September 2023)
1163. |
Road Accident Fund v Newnet Properties (Pty) Ltd and Others (6088/2022) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1099 (6 December 2022)
1164. |
Road Accident Fund v Ruele and Others (19982/2016) [2024] ZAGPPHC 754 (26 July 2024)
1165. |
Road Traffic Management Corporation v Tasima (Pty) Ltd (JA 10/2019) [2019] ZALAC 80 (15 March 2019)
1166. |
Road Traffic Management Corporation v Tasima (Pty) Ltd and Others; Road Traffic Management Corporation and Another v Tasima (Pty) Ltd (JA 134/2017; JA 28/2018; JA 77/2017; JA 78/2017) [2018] ZALAC 63 (21 December 2018)
1167. |
Robbertze v Boss Scaffolding and Access Solutions (Pty) Ltd (88056/2018) [2024] ZAGPPHC 56 (15 January 2024)
1168. |
Roberts and Others v Roberts and Another (3451/2021) [2022] ZAFSHC 27 (12 May 2022)
1169. |
Rock Foundation Properties CC and Another v Dosvelt Properties (Pty) Limited and Another (20/28515) [2023] ZAGPJHC 408 (2 May 2023)
1170. |
Ropax Investments 10 (Pty) Ltd and Others v Express Petroleum (Pty) Ltd (CA206/2021) [2022] ZAECGHC 87 (22 November 2022)
1171. |
Rustenburg Local Municipality v Glencore Operations South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others (074616/2023) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1731 (17 May 2024)
1172. |
S H-K v R K (Divorce Case 3345/2022; Edictal Citation 7662/2022; Rule 43 Case 6170/2023) [2024] ZAWCHC 87 (6 May 2024)
1173. |
S M v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others (Review) (3424/2024) [2024] ZAECMHC 58 (9 July 2024)
1174. |
S S v A S (11676/2018) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1266 (27 October 2023)
1175. |
S V v H V (19579/2013) [2018] ZAGPPHC 398 (12 February 2018)
1176. |
S v Bjanyane (A51/2020) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1094 (28 September 2023)
1177. |
S v Bogopane (Review Judgment) (HC02/2024) [2024] ZANWHC 24 (12 February 2024)
1178. |
S v Chivabo (Special Review) (HC 14/2024; Magistrates case number: RE1222/2023) [2024] ZANWHC 141 (27 June 2024)
1179. |
S v Damani (DR 224/2014) [2014] ZAKZPHC 60 (9 December 2014)
1180. |
S v De Beer and Others (CC39/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 839 (28 July 2023)
1181. |
S v De Klerk (718/2022) [2023] ZASCA 172 (5 December 2023)
1182. |
S v De Oliveira (A 37/21) [2021] ZAGPJHC 133 (16 November 2021)
1183. |
S v Dintwe (A160/2022) [2023] ZAFSHC 102 (6 June 2023)
1184. |
S v Ernst (755/18) [2019] ZASCA 145 (13 November 2019)
1185. |
S v Gulekane (HC 04/23; Magistrate's Case A18/2021; Magistrate's Review 5/2023) [2023] ZANWHC 591 (14 November 2023)
1186. |
S v Hlatshwayo and Another (AR 354/2020) [2022] ZAKZPHC 23 (28 March 2022)
1187. |
S v Khasela (A 371/2014) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1569 (23 August 2023)
1188. |
S v Khobane (1255/2017) [2019] ZASCA 179 (2 December 2019)
1189. |
S v Komane (51 of 2019) [2022] ZASCA 55 (20 April 2022)
1190. |
S v Kotole (CA 35/2022) [2022] ZANCHC 33 (12 August 2022)
1191. |
S v Lelaka (CAF 10/2014) [2014] ZANWHC 1 (10 October 2014)
1192. |
S v Mabaso (R 25/2022) [2021] ZAKZPHC 2 (21 October 2021)
1193. |
S v Makhenke (SS 92/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 554 (22 March 2022)
1194. |
S v Malherbe (829/18) [2019] ZASCA 120 (25 September 2019)
1195. |
S v Manyaka (432 of 2020) [2022] ZASCA 21 (23 February 2022)
1196. |
S v Maphanga (607 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 120 (20 September 2018)
1197. |
S v Mashilo (1129 of 2019) [2022] ZASCA 81 (2 June 2022)
1198. |
S v Masoka and Another (39/2014) [2014] ZAECPEHC 54 (17 July 2014)
1199. |
S v Mekuto (1120 of 2020) [2022] ZASCA 86 (8 June 2022)
1200. |
S v Mhlongo (AR 510/2019) [2022] ZAKZDHC 6 (3 February 2022)
1201. |
S v Mkhungo (AR 322/2020) [2022] ZAKZDHC 5 (11 February 2022)
1202. |
S v Mndela (7700 of 2021) [2022] ZAECMHC 28 (8 September 2022)
1203. |
S v Mokwena (30/2023) [2024] ZANWHC 26 (6 February 2024)
1204. |
S v Motseko (Regional Magistrates' Case number : H169/2018; Review Number : HC 16/2023) [2023] ZANWHC 592 (16 November 2023)
1205. |
S v Mthunjwa (132/16) [2022] ZAGPJHC 226 (12 April 2022)
1206. |
S v Murphy and Others ( Subpoena) (CC27/2018) [2022] ZAWCHC 194 (15 August 2022)
1207. |
S v Nare (380/2018) [2019] ZASCA 72 (30 May 2019)
1208. |
S v Ncitha and Others; In re: S v Mkolo and Others (CC 40/2021) [2022] ZAECBHC 5 (10 May 2022)
1209. |
S v Ndlovu (Judgment) (SS72/2019) [2023] ZAGPJHC 844 (22 August 2023)
1210. |
S v Nene (466 of 2021) [2022] ZASCA 120 (5 September 2022)
1211. |
S v Njini (A50/2022) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1175 (2 December 2022)
1212. |
S v Nyali and Another (Petition for Special Review) (CA&R 10/2023) [2023] ZAECGHC 19 (24 January 2023)
1213. |
S v Olyn (K/S 20/2017) [2022] ZANCHC 56 (28 October 2022)
1214. |
S v Pretorius (705/2019) [2020] ZASCA 47 (4 May 2020)
1215. |
S v Rala (A209/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 144 (12 September 2023)
1216. |
S v Segwati (620/2018) [2019] ZASCA 35 (29 March 2019)
1217. |
S v Shoba (SS36/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1154 (28 November 2022)
1218. |
S v Sibanyoni (951/2019) [2020] ZASCA 93 (18 August 2020)
1219. |
S v Siduna and Others (HC 14/23; Magistrate's Serial no.1/4/13(J); Review Case Number Re: 1011/22; Review Case Number Re: 153/20; Review Case Number Re: 181/20; Review Case Number Re: 223/20; Review Case Number Re: 867/22; Review Case Number Re: 935/22) [2023] ZANWHC 584 (31 October 2023)
1220. |
S v Sithole (20393/2014) [2015] ZASCA 106 (19 August 2015)
1221. |
S v Solomons (1292/2021) [2022] ZASCA 124 (26 September 2022)
1222. |
S v Tamang and Another (A91/2023) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1090 (28 September 2023)
1223. |
S v Tsoaeli and Others (A 222/2015) [2016] ZAFSHC 217 (17 November 2016)
1224. |
S v Tutton (294/18) [2019] ZASCA 3 (20 February 2019)
1225. |
S v Velemani (CC18/2020) [2022] ZAECMHC 34 (6 October 2022)
1226. |
S v Zaanazo (HC 05/23) [2023] ZANWHC 603 (24 November 2023)
1227. |
S v Zuma and Another (CCD 30/2018) [2022] ZAKZPHC 16 (16 February 2022)
1228. |
SA Heritage Resources Agency and Others v Mandela and Others (15867/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 295 (20 March 2024)
1229. |
SA Taxi Development Finance (Pty) Ltd v Johnson (2021/0031) [2023] ZAGPJHC 842 (28 July 2023)
1230. |
SAR Investments (Pty) Ltd v Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd and Others (16344/2021) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1521 (4 March 2024)
1231. |
SB Guarantee Company (Pty) Ltd v De Sousa; SB Guarantee Company (Pty) Ltd v Scott and Another (2023-022259; 2023/035447) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1697 (16 February 2024)
1232. |
SB Guarantee Company (RF) Proprietary Limited v Botes (87458/2019) [2024] ZAGPPHC 143 (15 February 2024)
1233. |
SB Guarantee Company (Rf) Propriety Ltd v Chetty (43955/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 229 (20 March 2023)
1234. |
SG Coal (Pty) Ltd v Beryl Coal (Pty) Ltd; Inceku Mining (Pty) Ltd v Beryl Coal (Pty) Ltd; SG Coal (Pty) Ltd v Beryl Coal (Pty) Ltd N.N.O. and Other; Inceku Mining (Pty) Ltd v Beryl Coal (Pty) Ltd and Others (007819/2022; 022339/2022; 040604/2022; 05174/2022; 38877/2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1017 (11 September 2023)
1235. |
SJ v SE and Another (2016/30298) [2018] ZAGPJHC 952 (24 April 2018)
1236. |
SJ v SE and Another (30298/2016) [2018] ZAGPJHC 709 (24 April 2018)
1237. |
SMI Pty Ltd and Another v Commissioner for South African Revenue Services (CA25/2023) [2023] ZAECGHC 115 (21 November 2023)
1238. |
Sabdia and Another v Soma and Another; In Re: Soma v Yusuf and Others (75876/13) [2023] ZAGPPHC 581 (15 May 2023)
1239. |
Salentias Travel and Hospital CC t/a Van Hobbs Dry Cleaners Dey Street Properties (Pty) Ltd; In Re: Dey Street Properties (Pty) Ltd v Salentias Travel and Hospitality CC t/a Van Hobbs Dry Cleaners (25461/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 963 (6 June 2022)
1240. |
Samancor Chrome Ltd v North West Chrome Mining (Pty) Ltd and Others (30/2020) [2021] ZASCA 183 (23 December 2021)
1241. |
Samex Consulting (Pty) Ltd v Department of Roads and Public Works Northern Cape and Others (801/2023) [2023] ZANCHC 34 (15 June 2023)
1242. |
Samex Consulting (Pty) Ltd v Department of Roads and Public Works, Northern Cape and Others (801/2023) [2023] ZANCHC 25 (15 June 2023)
1243. |
Samuels v South African Legal Practice Council (1112/2021) [2022] ZASCA 175 (7 December 2022)
1244. |
Sasfin Bank Ltd v Wald Exploration Drilling (Pty) Ltd and Another (1422/21) [2021] ZAGPJHC 397 (30 November 2021)
1245. |
Sasol Oil (Pty) Ltd v Bitline SA CC t/a Sasol Roodepoort West and Others ; Sasol Oil (Pty) Ltd and Another v Bitline SA CC t/a Sasol Roodepoort West (2023-052191; 2023-052612) [2024] ZAGPJHC 139 (9 February 2024)
1246. |
Sasol Oil (Pty) Ltd v Bitline SA CC t/a Sasol Roodepoort West and Others ; Sasol Oil (Pty) Ltd and Another v Bitline SA CC t/a Sasol Roodepoort West (2023-052191; 2023-052612) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1503 (23 February 2024)
1247. |
Satin Rock (Pty) Ltd and Another v Teichman ; Teichman v Satin Rock (Pty) Ltd and Others (2022 - 049732) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1746 (5 June 2024)
1248. |
Savannah Country Estate Homeowners Association v Zero Plus Trading 194 (Pty) Ltd and Others (773/2022) [2024] ZASCA 40 (4 April 2024)
1249. |
Scholts and Another v Rossouw and Another (689/2020) [2022] ZANCHC 38 (26 August 2022)
1250. |
Scholtz and Others v NDPP (69/2018) [2019] ZASCA 136 (1 October 2019)
1251. |
Schreuder NO v Minister of Police and Others (Leave to Appeal) (60311/2015) [2023] ZANCHC 90 (14 November 2023)
1252. |
Scibit Scientif Bitware (Pty) Ltd v CJR Potgieter (1784/2021) [2022] ZAFSHC 32 (18 May 2022)
1253. |
Seal a Deal CC t/a Makhafola Khaflins Transport and Another v Attorney Fidelity Fund Board and Another (30326/2018) [2024] ZAGPPHC 863 (27 August 2024)
1254. |
Seale and Others v City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and Another (2023-078684) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1039 (8 September 2023)
1255. |
Secona Freight Logistics CC v Samie and Others (1074/2022) [2023] ZASCA 183 (22 December 2023)
1256. |
Segone v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (2019/37963) [2022] ZAGPJHC 339 (30 May 2022)
1257. |
Sejake v Ratlou Local Municipality and Others (Reasons for Judgment) (UM185/2022) [2023] ZANWHC 589 (14 November 2023)
1258. |
Sejake v Ratlou Local Municipality and Others (Reasons) (UM161/2023) [2024] ZANWHC 9 (18 January 2024)
1259. |
Selby Panel & Paint Proprietary Limited v Santam Limited ; In Re: Santam Limited v Selby Panel & Paint Proprietary Limited (Application for Leave to Appeal) (005540/2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1275 (31 October 2023)
1260. |
Selli v S (220/2015) [2015] ZASCA 173 (26 November 2015)
1261. |
Selota and Others v YG Property Investments (Pty) Ltd (014395/2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 172 (17 February 2023)
1262. |
Selota v SALPC (658/2020) [2021] ZASCA 169 (3 December 2021)
1263. |
Seneca Civils (Pty) Limited v Centriq Insurance Company (12450/2016) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1422 (27 November 2023)
1264. |
Senzela v Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (2019/22964) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1791 (11 July 2024)
1265. |
Service Sector Education and Training Authority v Amanz' Abantu Services (Pty) Ltd and Another (3409/2022) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1208 (5 December 2022)
1266. |
Shawn v Shabalala and Another (Leave to Appeal) (56880/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1428 (28 November 2023)
1267. |
Shezi v Lebethe and Another (047850/2023; 4209/2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 700 (12 June 2023)
1268. |
Shilane v Ten Napel and Others; In Re: Ten Napel and Another v Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality and Another (A5017/2022) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1132 (17 November 2022)
1269. |
Shivanand and Another v Krugkor Franchise (Pty) Ltd and Others (Leave to Appeal) (13634/2019) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1105 (27 October 2022)
1270. |
Sibusiso v Road Accident Fund (64671/2019) [2024] ZAGPPHC 484 (17 May 2024)
1271. |
Sidimela and Others v Marage (A461/2017) [2023] ZAGPPHC 135 (8 March 2023)
1272. |
Signature Real Estate (Pty) Ltd v Charles Edwards Properties and Others (415/2019) [2020] ZASCA 63 (10 June 2020)
1273. |
Sikhosana v Sikhosana and Others (44363/2020) [2022] ZAGPJHC 753 (30 September 2022)
1274. |
Sikhosonke Trading and Investments (Pty) Ltd v Absa Bank Ltd and Another; In Re: Absa Bank Ltd v Sikhosonke Trading and Investments (Pty) Ltd (2338/2020) [2023] ZAECGHC 23 (17 March 2023)
1275. |
Silinda N.N.O. and Others v Makhombo Farm Management (Pty) Ltd N.N.O. and Others (B4251/22) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1049 (22 November 2022)
1276. |
Silver Birch Estate Homeowners Association NPR (Rf) and Others v Heyneke and Others (2022/17525) [2022] ZAGPJHC 742 (21 September 2022)
1277. |
Simba v Absa Bank Limited (Leave of Appeal) (68888/2016) [2022] ZAGPPHC 804 (14 July 2022)
1278. |
Simelane v Roseveare and Others (27833/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1139 (15 November 2022)
1279. |
Singular Systems (Proprietary) Limited and Others v Ayob NO and Others ; In re: Ayob NO and Others v Singular Systems (Pty) Ltd and Others ; (23841/2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 859 (25 August 2023)
1280. |
Sithangu v Capricorn District Municipality (593/2022) [2023] ZASCA 151 (14 November 2023)
1281. |
Sithole NO and Others v Mulaudzi and Another (A 286/2020) [2022] ZAGPPHC 846 (24 June 2022)
1282. |
Sivenene obo M M v MEC for Department of Health Eastern Cape Province (605/2020) [2023] ZAECMHC 33 (13 June 2023)
1283. |
Siyakhula Sonke Empowerment Corporation (Pty) Ltd and Another v Redpath Mining (SA) (Pty) and Another (650/22) [2022] ZAGPJHC 891 (15 July 2022)
1284. |
Siyandisa Trading (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for South African Revenue Services (A201/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 863 (26 July 2023)
1285. |
Slaughter and Others v Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent and Another (Leave to Appeal) (36596/2016) [2024] ZAGPPHC 84 (26 January 2024)
1286. |
Smit v S (1256/2022) [2023] ZASCA 154 (17 November 2023)
1287. |
Sokomani and Others v African National Congress and Others (EL531/2020) [2023] ZAECELLC 1 (3 February 2023)
1288. |
Solidarity Trade Union and Others v Minister of Health and Others (61844/2021) [2024] ZAGPPHC 703 (24 July 2024)
1289. |
Solidarity obo Roos v South African Police Service N.N.O. and Others (JS 1043/12) [2014] ZALCJHB 131 (22 April 2014)
1290. |
Songo v Lovedale TVET College and Others (2811/2020) [2022] ZAECGHC 81 (8 November 2022)
1291. |
Sono and Another v Sheriff of High Court, Tshwane North and Another (B1781/2024) [2024] ZAGPPHC 696 (15 July 2024)
1292. |
South African Broadcasting Corporation Soc Limited v Massstores (Pty) Ltd (914 of 2015) [2016] ZASCA 174 (25 November 2016)
1293. |
South African Forestry Company SOC Ltd v Collins Sebola Financial Services (Pty) Ltd and Others (1293/2021) [2023] ZASCA 18 (24 February 2023)
1294. |
South African Health Products Regulatory Authority and Another v African Christian Democratic Party (869/2021) [2022] ZASCA 158 (21 November 2022)
1295. |
South African Land Arrangements CC and Others v Nedbank LTD (20063/2014) [2015] ZASCA 88 (29 May 2015)
1296. |
South African Legal Practice Council v Malumane (121487-2023) [2024] ZAGPPHC 301 (15 March 2024)
1297. |
South African Legal Practice Council v Mokhele ; In re: South African Legal Practice Council v Mokhele and Another (5511/2022) [2023] ZAFSHC 56 (17 March 2023)
1298. |
South African Legal Practice Council v Teffo (10991/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1146 (13 October 2023)
1299. |
South African Medical Association NPC v South African Medical Association Trade Union N.O. and Others (2020/21526) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1028 (14 November 2022)
1300. |
South African Medical Association v South African Medical Association Trade Union and Another (9258/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 569 (7 October 2022)
1301. |
South African Municipal Workers Union and Others v Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and Others (2022 - 033927) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1507 (29 February 2024)
1302. |
South African Municipal Workers Union v Imbeu Development and Project Management (Pty) Ltd and Another (A2022-061733) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1518 (4 March 2024)
1303. |
South African National Blood Service Provident Fund and Another v Pension Fund Adjudicator and Others (Leave to Appeal) (53555/17) [2022] ZAGPPHC 857 (20 May 2022)
1304. |
South African National Roads Agency Soc Ltd v Archiways Skye (Pty) Ltd and Another (5302/2021P) [2023] ZAKZPHC 67 (15 June 2023)
1305. |
South African Police Service Medical Scheme and Another v Metropolitan Health Corporate (Pty) Ltd and Others; Metropolitan Health Corporate (Pty) Ltd and Others v South African Police Service Medical Scheme and Another (60445/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 777 (20 June 2023)
1306. |
South African Police Service Medical Scheme v Registrar of Council for Medical Schemes and Others (24261/2020) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1001 (2 November 2022)
1307. |
South African Police Service Medical Scheme v Registrar of the Council for Medical Schemes and Others (24261/2020) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1103 (2 December 2022)
1308. |
South African Women in Mining Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Molobye and Others (3445/19) [2021] ZAGPJHC 132 (17 November 2021)
1309. |
Southboys Marketing and Promotions CC and Others v Mathiba and Others (2020/32222) [2022] ZAGPJHC 513 (14 March 2022)
1310. |
Spalding v Moquini Homeowners Association (1328/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 52 (20 April 2023)
1311. |
Spartan SME Finance (Pty) Ltd (Intervening) ; In re: Insurance Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd v Zululand Bus Services CC and Others (38929/2022) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1152 (19 December 2022)
1312. |
Special Investigating Unit (SIU) v Mazibuko and Others (Leave to Appeal) (GP10/2021) [2022] ZAST 52 (17 January 2022)
1313. |
Special Investigating Unit and Another v Caledon River Properties (Pty) Ltd t/a Magwa Construction and Another (GP17/2020) [2021] ZAST 26 (26 February 2021)
1314. |
Special Investigating Unit v Chachulani Group Investment Holdings and Others (GP15/2021) [2021] ZAST 11 (30 July 2021)
1315. |
Special Investigating Unit v Municipality Employees Union Retirement Fund and Another (GP10/2020) [2022] ZAST 62 (14 July 2022)
1316. |
Standard Bank SA Ltd v Le John and Another (1540/2020) [2023] ZAECPEHC 6 (28 February 2023)
1317. |
Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd v Master of High Court Johannesburg and Others (012167/2022) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1606 (22 March 2024)
1318. |
Standard Bank of South Africa v Nkosi (57944/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 573 (28 February 2023)
1319. |
Standard Bank of South Africa v Retief N.N.O. and Others (1521/2020) [2023] ZANCHC 29 (17 February 2023)
1320. |
Steam Development Technologies 96 Degrees Proprietary Limited v Minister: Department of Public Works & Infrastrcture (Reasons for Interim Interdict) (4264/2023) [2024] ZAECGHC 20 (16 February 2024)
1321. |
Steenhuisen and Another v Van Rooyen and Others (611/2021) [2023] ZASCA 78 (29 May 2023)
1322. |
Steinman and Others v NSPCA and Others ; In re: Steinman and Others v NSPCA and Others (3232/2019) [2023] ZANWHC 635 (17 November 2023)
1323. |
Steyn and Another ; In re: Single Destination Engineering (Pty) Ltd and Another v Van den Heever and Others (42818/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 988 (31 August 2023)
1324. |
Stoffels and Others v RoadAccident Fund (20656/2023) [2024] ZAWCHC 101 (25 June 2024)
1325. |
Strategic Partners Group Concessions (Pty) Ltd v Bombela Operating Company (Pty) Ltd and Others (2021/30068) [2023] ZAGPJHC 646 (6 June 2023)
1326. |
Strauss and Another v Strauss and Another; In Re: Strauss v Strauss and Others (2020/2236) [2023] ZAGPJHC 825 (21 July 2023)
1327. |
Sukumane v Monareng and Another (12023/2016) [2018] ZAGPPHC 548 (17 January 2018)
1328. |
Sullivan and Others v Minister of Defence and Others (37166/2023) [2024] ZAGPPHC 210 (29 February 2024)
1329. |
Sustaining Wild Coast NPC and Others v Minister of Mineral Resources and Agency and Others (3491/2021) [2022] ZAECGHC 100 (13 December 2022)
1330. |
Sustaining the Wild Coast NPC and Others v Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy and Others (3491/2021) [2022] ZAECGHC 45 (1 September 2022)
1331. |
Swatch AG (Swatch SA) v Apple Inc (1320/2018) [2021] ZASCA 11 (29 January 2021)
1332. |
T M S and Another v Michaelhouse and Another (9763/23P) [2024] ZAKZPHC 47 (18 July 2024)
1333. |
T N v Magistrate Larsen NO and Another (1217/2020) [2024] ZAECPEHC 42 (14 May 2024)
1334. |
T S v M L S (Leave to Appeal) (5483/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 758 (1 August 2024)
1335. |
T and M Canteen cc v Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital and Another (36830/21) [2021] ZAGPJHC 4 (14 October 2021)
1336. |
TUHF Urban Finance (RF) Ltd v House of Tandoor and Others (55306/21) [2022] ZAGPJHC 395 (4 March 2022)
1337. |
Tadvest Industrial (Pty) Ltd and Another v A Hanekom and Others (400/2019; 782/2019) [2021] ZASCA 153 (27 October 2021)
1338. |
Tahilram v Kayser and Others ; In re: Kayser NNO and Others v Tahilram (2020/10390) [2021] ZAGPJHC 360 (26 November 2021)
1339. |
Talacar Holdings Pty Ltd v City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality N.O. and Others (44294/2020) [2023] ZAGPJHC 570 (25 May 2023)
1340. |
Talhado Fishing Enterprises (Pty) Ltd v Firstrand Bank Ltd t/a First National Bank (1104/2022) [2023] ZAECPEHC 17 (14 March 2023)
1341. |
Taljaard and Another v Botha N.N.O. and Others (1094/2022) [2023] ZANCHC 55 (25 August 2023)
1342. |
Tariomix (Pty) Ltd t/a Forever Diamonds and Gold v Botes and Others (Reasons) (UM29/2023) [2024] ZANWHC 123 (11 June 2024)
1343. |
Tasima (Pty) Ltd v Road Traffic Management Corporation and Others (J 890/2017) [2019] ZALCJHB 152 (19 February 2019)
1344. |
Tau Lekoa Gold Mining Company v Nicolar (Pty) Ltd (055281/2023) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1201 (18 October 2023)
1345. |
Tau Roller Meule (Pty) Ltd v Marcus M Farming CC (A191/2023) [2024] ZAGPPHC 180 (21 February 2024)
1346. |
Tax Faculty NPC v South African Instituted of Taxation on NPC (48140/21) [2023] ZAGPPHC 569 (15 May 2023)
1347. |
Technology Corporate Management (Pty) Ltd and Others v De Sousa and Others (613/2017) [2024] ZASCA 29 (26 March 2024)
1348. |
Teffo v South African Legal Practice Council (10991/2021) [2024] ZAGPPHC 495 (15 May 2024)
1349. |
Tekoa Engineers (Pty) Ltd v Alfred Nzo Municipality and Others (1284/2021) [2023] ZAECGHC 21 (23 March 2023)
1350. |
Tekoa engineering (Pty) Ltd v Alfred Nzo Municipality (1284/20) [2022] ZAECGHC 70 (25 October 2022)
1351. |
Thami Ndlala Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Another v Urban Mountain (058334/2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 413 (2 May 2023)
1352. |
The Banchan (Pty) Ltd v Des Naidoo & Associates and Another (2023-8494) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1558 (11 March 2024)
1353. |
Thembani Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd v September and Another (47/2014) [2014] ZAECGHC 54 (26 June 2014)
1354. |
Thom v Ba-Plalaborwa Municipality (20236/2014) [2015] ZASCA 95 (1 June 2015)
1355. |
Thoothe v Nedbank Ltd (25680/2019) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1108 (8 November 2022)
1356. |
Thusheni v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (2021/36333) [2022] ZAGPJHC 490 (4 August 2022)
1357. |
Tissue World CC and Another v Kyriacou (32547/2017) [2019] ZAGPPHC 376 (6 May 2019)
1358. |
Tjiroze v South African Legal Practice Council and Another (2022-036448) [2023] ZAGPJHC 880 (18 August 2023)
1359. |
Tlhole v Tlhole (603/2009) [2021] ZAFSHC 1 (6 December 2021)
1360. |
Tlou v Ralebipi and Others (65631/2017) [2018] ZAGPPHC 215 (12 April 2018)
1361. |
Tongaat Hulett Limited and Others v South African Sugar Association and Others (Leave to Appeal) (D4472/2023) [2024] ZAKZDHC 20 (6 May 2024)
1362. |
Total Brite Star Service Station CC v Enspa Trading Company (Pty) Ltd and Others (1661/2021) [2023] ZAECELLC 16 (6 June 2023)
1363. |
Total Energies Brite Star Station (Pty) td and Another v Department of Mineral Resources & Energy and Others (Ruling and Reasons) (1524/2013) [2024] ZAECELLC 21 (5 April 2024)
1364. |
Trackman N.N.O. and Another v Bronx Mining and Investments Proprietary Limited N.N.O. and Others; In Re: Bronx Mining and Investments Proprietary Limited v Khumbula Property Services Proprietary Limited and Others (2020/10122) [2023] ZALCCT 1 (5 April 2023)
1365. |
Trendy Greenies (Pty) Ltd t/a Sorbet George v De Bruyn and Others (C 390/2020) [2021] ZALCCT 3 (17 May 2021)
1366. |
Trendy Greenies (Pty) Ltd t/a Sorbet George v Hestelle De Bruyn (390/2020) [2021] ZALCC 30 (17 May 2021)
1367. |
Trustees For the Time Being of the Legal Practitioner’s Fidelity Fund: South Africa and Another v Rabalao (63838/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 794 (19 July 2023)
1368. |
Tsakane and Another v Firstrand Bank Ltd and Others (019229/22) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1320 (12 December 2023)
1369. |
Tshabalala and Others v Aztograph (Pty) Ltd (2018/43335) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1199 (6 December 2022)
1370. |
Tshepe and Another v Rustia Feed (Pty) Ltd (90/2020) [2021] ZASCA 104 (23 July 2021)
1371. |
Tshepo v S (CAF07/2022) [2024] ZANWHC 33 (15 February 2024)
1372. |
Tshidzumba and Others v Special Investigation Unit and Others; In Re: Special Investigation Unit v Maguvhe and Others (2020/10124) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1111 (8 November 2022)
1373. |
Tsihlas v S J Van Den Berg Attorneys (39721/2021) [2023] ZAGPPHC 528 (3 May 2023)
1374. |
Tuhf Ltd v Farber and Others (2024 - 027703) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1637 (29 March 2024)
1375. |
Turf Urban Finance (RF) v House of Tandoor and Others (42518/2020) [2023] ZAGPJHC 608 (1 June 2023)
1376. |
Turners Shipping (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service (2022/059481) [2024] ZAGPPHC 715 (23 July 2024)
1377. |
UPS SCS South Africa (Pty) Ltd v Hendrik Cornelis van Wyk t/a Skydive Mossel Bay (421/2020; 422/2020) [2021] ZASCA 131 (1 October 2021)
1378. |
Ubisi v Road Accident Fund (64167/2017) [2023] ZAGPPHC 197 (5 April 2023)
1379. |
Uchechukwu v Govuza and Another (Review Judgment) (3728/2023) [2024] ZAECGHC 21 (20 February 2024)
1380. |
Umude and Others v S (148 of 2017) [2017] ZASCA 150 (21 November 2017)
1381. |
Underberg Dairy (Pty) Ltd v Dairy Boys (Pty) Ltd and Others (A193/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 1033 (17 November 2022)
1382. |
Uni-Span Formwork & Scaffolding (Pty) Ltd v SVK Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Another (Leave to Appeal) (26270/2021) [2024] ZAGPPHC 63 (26 January 2024)
1383. |
United Democratic Movement and Others v Eskom Holdings Soc Ltd and Others ; Tebeila Institute v National Energy Regulator of South Africa and Others (003615/2023; 005779/2023; 838/2023) [2023] ZAGPPHC 248 (5 May 2023)
1384. |
Unknown Occupiers of the Immovable Properties at Chief Albert Luthuli Extension 6 Daveyton also known as Mooderfontein Farm 76 IR 28 and Another v City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality and Another (8433/2020) [2023] ZAGPJHC 324 (14 April 2023)
1385. |
Unlawful Occupiers of Unit No. 202 and Others v Mahlaela and Others (33802/16) [2022] ZAGPJHC 25 (1 February 2022)
1386. |
Unlawfull Occupiers Occupying 20 Op De Bergen Street Fairview Johannesburg v Emikon Auctioneering Services and Import and Export (Pty) Ltd and Another (12423/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1154 (4 October 2023)
1387. |
Utopia Trade Investments (Pty) Ltd v Stoneridge Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others (D 9264/2018) [2023] ZAKZDHC 3 (27 January 2023)
1388. |
V H v V C (17025/2014) [2023] ZAGPPHC 103 (28 February 2023)
1389. |
VBS Mutual Bank v Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa ( Leave to Appeal) (2021/25614) [2022] ZAGPJHC 1226 (14 December 2022)
1390. |
Value Logistics Ltd v Britz and Others (2020/13997) [2021] ZAGPJHC 851 (15 November 2021)
1391. |
Van Den Berg v Land and Agricultural Development Bank of SA N.N.O. and Others (1955/2016) [2023] ZAFSHC 142 (21 August 2023)
1392. |
Van Den Berg v Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa ; In re: Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa and Another v Van Den Berg and Others (1995/2016) [2023] ZAFSHC 251 (29 September 2023)
1393. |
Van Den Bos N.O. and Others v Letsoalo and Others (30565/20) [2022] ZAGPJHC 373 (30 March 2022)
1394. |
Van Der Westhuizen v Road Accident Fund (21947/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 766 (29 July 2024)
1395. |
Van Deventer and Van Deventer Incorporated v Van Niekerk and Another (5068/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 744 (10 October 2022)
1396. |
Van Niekerk N.O. and Another v Van Niekerk and Others (739/2020) [2023] ZANCHC 40 (17 March 2023)
1397. |
Van Niekerk and Others v NMBM and Others (2452 of 2022) [2022] ZAECPEHC 25 (15 September 2022)
1398. |
Van Staden and Another v Mookgopong Local Municipality and Others (60585/2016) [2018] ZAGPPHC 554 (7 February 2018)
1399. |
Van Vuuren v WJB Stieger Konstruksie (Pty) Ltd (2319/2020) [2023] ZANWHC 596 (17 November 2023)
1400. |
Van Wyk v S (575/2011) [2013] ZASCA 47 (28 March 2013)
1401. |
Van Zyl v Steyn (83856/15) [2022] ZAGPPHC 723 (28 April 2022)
1402. |
Van der Bank v S (245/2015) [2016] ZASCA 10 (9 March 2016)
1403. |
Van der Merwe and Others v Van Wyk Auditors and Others (48149/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 659 (24 October 2022)
1404. |
Van der Merwe v Engelbrecht (Application for Leave to Appeal) (2415/2018) [2022] ZANCHC 34 (3 August 2022)
1405. |
Van der Walt and Another v DPP and Another (1176/2023) [2023] ZAECGHC 104 (12 October 2023)
1406. |
Varnardo Investments (Pty) Ltd and Another v K2012150042 (South Africa) (Proprietary) Ltd (19618/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 13 (9 February 2023)
1407. |
Venter NO and Others v Master of High Court, Pretoria and Others (27131/2022) [2022] ZAGPPHC 594 (21 September 2022)
1408. |
Venter and Another v Steyn and Others ; In re: Venter and Another v Steyn and Others (3368/2019) [2023] ZANWHC 609 (14 December 2023)
1409. |
Venter v M K Africa Plant and Equipment Pty (Ltd) (Judgment on Leave to Appeal) (62712/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 837 (29 June 2022)
1410. |
Viziya Corporation v Collaborit Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others (1189 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 189 (19 December 2018)
1411. |
Vodacom (Pty) Ltd v Makate N.O. and Another (57882/2019) [2023] ZAGPPHC 1095 (15 September 2023)
1412. |
Voko and Another v RAF and Another (1123/2021) [2022] ZAECGHC 32 (29 March 2022)
1413. |
Volkar NO and Others v Big Sky Trading 219 CC and Another (12601/23) [2024] ZAKZPHC 36 (24 April 2024)
1414. |
Volvo Financial Services Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd v Adamas Tkolose Trading CC (2023/067290) [2023] ZAGPJHC 848 (1 August 2023)
1415. |
Vonopartis, ta Lucky Haven Entertainment Lounge v Minister of Police and Others (2023-100218) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1389 (20 November 2023)
1416. |
Vorster NO v Buthelezi and Others (10754/2022P) [2024] ZAKZPHC 11 (16 February 2024)
1417. |
Vosloo NO and Another v South African Medical Association NPC and Another (Leave to Appeal) (44983/2020) [2022] ZAGPPHC 702 (13 May 2022)
1418. |
Vukani Gaming Eastern Cape (Pty) Ltd v Nailing Wen 518 (Pty) Ltd and Others ; Vukani Gaming Eastern Cape (Pty) Ltd v Seeber NO and Others (34/2023; CA 32/2023) [2024] ZAECGHC 39 (18 April 2024)
1419. |
W H v S and Others; In re: W H v M U; In re: D P H and D W H (2022-026981) [2023] ZAGPJHC 286 (3 March 2023)
1420. |
W N v A N (17229/2006) [2023] ZAGPPHC 941 (22 August 2023)
1421. |
W v W and Another (2875/2015) [2015] ZAECPEHC 70 (13 August 2015)
1422. |
WACO Africa (Pty) Ltd v Eskom Soc Ltd and Others (Leave to Appeal) (3047/2022; 5798/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 804 (21 October 2022)
1423. |
WH v MU (2022/026981) [2023] ZAGPJHC 81 (6 February 2023)
1424. |
Waste (Re) (Pty) Ltd (formerly Waste Beneficiation (Pty) Ltd and Another v Recycling and Economic Development Initiative of South Africa NPC (1078/2019) [2024] ZANCHC 29 (5 March 2024)
1425. |
Waste RE (Pty) Ltd (formerly Waste Beneficiation (Pty) Ltd and Another v Recycling and Economic Development Initiative of South Africa NPC (1078/2019) [2022] ZANCHC 53 (30 September 2022)
1426. |
Waterford Estate Homeowners Association NPC v Riverside Lodge Body Corporate and Others (24576/2020) [2024] ZAGPJHC 205 (27 February 2024)
1427. |
Waymark Infotech v Road Traffic Management Corporation (36811/2014) [2017] ZAGPPHC 1 (28 March 2017)
1428. |
Weidlich v Geo-x (Pty) Ltd and Others (Leave to Appeal) (030448/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 399 (23 April 2024)
1429. |
Welbeplan Boerdery (Pty) Ltd and Another v Kaap Agri Bedryf Ltd and Another; In Re: Kaap Agri Bedryf Ltd v Welbeplan Boerdery (Pty) Ltd and Others (Leave to appeal) (14130/2020) [2023] ZAGPPHC 756 (27 June 2023)
1430. |
Welkom Retirement Village v Shahia and Another (Application for Leave to Appeal) (3431/2022) [2023] ZAFSHC 55 (24 March 2023)
1431. |
Wescoal Mining (Pty) Ltd and Another v Mkhombo NO and Others (Revised) (2023/079991) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1271 (31 October 2023)
1432. |
White Oak Trade & Specialty Finance Cayman LLC v Santam Structured Insurance Limited and Others (13311/2020) [2023] ZAGPJHC 265 (30 March 2023)
1433. |
Wilds Homeowners Association NPC and Another v PJJ Van Vuuren Beleggings (Pty) Ltd and Another; In Re: PJJ Van Vuuren Beleggings (Pty) Ltd and Another v Wilds Homeowners Association NPC and Another (89624/2018) [2023] ZAGPPHC 154 (17 March 2023)
1434. |
Windybrow Theatre v Maphela and Others (JA47/15) [2016] ZALAC 126 (14 June 2016)
1435. |
Women in Capital Growth (Pty) Ltd and Another v Scott and Others (1193/2019) [2020] ZASCA 95 (20 August 2020)
1436. |
Xinishe v Lonplats Marikana Community Development Trust and Another (M658/2020) [2024] ZANWHC 3 (5 January 2024)
1437. |
Yzerfontein Curesmiths (Pty) Ltd t/a Flying Pig and Others v Laubscher and Another (14263/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 192 (6 December 2023)
1438. |
Z E v N E and Another (10914/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 12 (24 January 2023)
1439. |
Zero Azania (Pty) Ltd v Caterpillar Financial Services SA (Pty) Ltd ; Azania Money Growth (Pty) Ltd v Caterpillar Financial Services SA (Pty) Ltd (A2023/100001) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1391 (21 November 2023)
1440. |
Zimele Investment Enterprise Company (Pty) Ltd v South African National Roads Agency and Others (Leave to Appeal and to Cross-Appeal) (36023/2021; 36024/2021) [2022] ZAGPPHC 795 (20 July 2022)
1441. |
Zitonix (Pty) Ltd v K201250042 (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd (290 of 2017) [2018] ZASCA 63 (21 May 2018)
1442. |
Zoviflo (Pty) Ltd v Haralambos Prokas and Others (010253/2023) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1066 (15 September 2023)
1443. |
Zulu v Mathe and Others; Zulu and Another v Mathe and Others; Zulu v Zulu and Others (P 10879/2021; P 2751/2021; P 2752/2021) [2022] ZAKZPHC 17 (2 March 2022)
1444. |
Zulu v S (529/19) [2019] ZASCA 166 (29 November 2019)
1445. |
Zungula v Passenger Agency of South Africa (3095/17) [2022] ZAGPJHC 340 (11 February 2022)
1446. |
Zwiegers v Bethlehem and Others (43334/18) [2020] ZAGPJHC 13 (4 September 2020)